Corpse Bride Fan Fiction ❯ Lugnut and viktor: ❯ desc ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Lugnut was hard at work on one of his muscle cars, his eyes hidden behind stained bronze goggles.

"come on... i've got to dislodge this one wire from the chassis mainframe..." 

Lugnut huffed as he tugged at the wire, trying desperately to untangle the broken wire from the frame, and then the old door creaked open. And the sound of footsteps gently laced with the noise of Lugnut struggling with his work. 

"Lugnut? are you up there?" 

a voice gently called out from the bottom of the garage, it was Victor. Looking more melancholy than usual. Lugnut jumped at the sudden intrusion, nearly falling off the lift, but sucsessfully managing to pull the stuck wire out. He regained his balance and leaped down from crate, to car shell before landing with a thud a few metres infront of him.  "You scared me. You know you're not meant to scare me when i'm working Victor." Lugnut said, waving his dirty wrench in Victor's pale face before pulling his goggles off his sweaty face. 

"So... your car stopped working again? i'm not doing your oil again. I taught you how to do that yourself!" Lugnut scolded, before laughing it off and waving his hand dismissively before sitting on a nearby crate. "bring 'er in , and i'll take a look. You'll have her back in no time."

victor sighed, before sitting down on a stack of tyres. He put his hands in his hair then spoke softly., "well, my car is working fine, it's just that me wife divorced me,"