Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction ❯ A Moment In Time ❯ Torn ( Chapter 5 )
About time I got this out right? Yea well lets just say I went on a little 'vacation' this weekend. If you could call it that. It was horrible, so im sorry I took so long. I felt like I haven't slept in days , not to mention we got lost on the way back =[
Disclaimers: All I own is the lotion I stole from my bootleg hotel and a nice tan.
Chapter 5:
The fast paced clicking of my heels against the pavement below me played out as I glanced around to try and identify where I was. I could hear blazing sirens in the distance as wild chaos ensued. People where flocking from the streets and crowding around the front of an old chapel. Wrapping my jacket tighter around myself and keeping my face hidden I attempted to blend in with the crowd.
I could hear bits and pieces of the gossip raging as I continued on my merry way.
"Blew 'em out like a fart I say"
"Heard some crazy waltzed in and started shooting it up"
"Well I heard it was a renegade syndicate member, real shady deal"
I wonder how much of what I heard could possibly be true. I was 'the big shit' bounty now and the last thing I needed was to prance around in front of the ISSP acting all high and mighty. I mean im good, but was I really that good? Wanted, dead or alive. A bullet could cruise through my brain right now and I would never know what hit me.
Blowing my bangs out of my face I managed to push my way through the crowds and horrid images flashing in my mind of me lying sprawled out dead. Sort of like the limp corpse I was staring at now.
The ISSP was all over the place closing off the scene and questioning people. Scanning the area, my eyes once again fell onto the corpse lying in the middle of steps. His face was in the pavement as his body laid out across the steps. I watched as people walked over him totally disregarded the fact there was something actually there. Like ants, we see them but their so tiny and insignificant we jus step all over them.
Nothings fine im torn
I'm all out of faith, This is how I feel
I'm cold and I am shamed lying on the floor
The soiled green hair that belonged to the body was vaguely familiar. How could you forget hair like that? I watched as two bulky ISSP members yanked him up by his hands and legs and hauled him into a truck. They disappeared back into the partially blown up building. Probably finding more bodies.
Once more slipping into the crowd I made my way to the truck. Suddenly stopping my tracks I had to cover my nose with my sleeve. The stench was unbearable. A strange feeling came upon me as I loomed over the body lying there. I felt like the grim reaper, or some sort of angel, here to take him away. Casting a shadow over him in an eerie fashion.
Leaning in I got a clearer look of his face as a chill ran through my spine. Shivering, I gave him the once over. His face was bruised and swollen. Blood was trickling down his temple and dripping off of his chin. His right shoulder was slightly wounded, but a nice stomach gash accentuated it real well. Only it was much deeper. Yup, it was him. Always did seem to get into trouble.
Snapping out of the faze I didn't know I was in my eyes snapped to his face as I could hear him wheezing, trying to let oxygen into his lungs. Bet he regretted smoking this very second like a desperate son of a bitch.
He was alive, barely. Which could only mean one thing, if both of them didn't get the hell out of there soon, they would both be screwed. The least I could do was help him after the times he had helped me, wanted or not.
Cupping his cheek I whipped away the blood and softly tried to pat him awake. His auburn eyes slowly made themselves known as his eyelids begrudgingly opened partially.
"Can you try to walk for me? I'm going to get you out of here okay?" Speaking softly to him so that nobody outside grew suspicious of us, I yanked him up by his hand and through my arm around his shoulder. As I herd a grunt of aggravation slide through his throat.
We hobbled out of the vehicle. He was taking his sweet fucking time and we didn't have time for that. Piking up the pace I ignored the groaning protests of the busted up idiot next to me.
I didn't even know where the hell I was going. Great, just like always I get all worked up and act before I think. So here I was standing in broad daylight with somebody who looks more dead then alive. I figured my safest bet would be a motel. Even if all the sign really spelt out was Moe's Mote. Wonder where the 'L' could have gone. Good, sounded cheap.
Illusion never changed into something real
I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky in torn
You're a little late, I'm already torn
Hobbling our way through the doors we approached the front desk. I gripped Spike tighter as I tried to lean over the desk a little. My eyes scanned the man at the counter as I took in his disheveled appearance.
"Umm I was wondering if you had a room?" I asked. The attendant at the counter had his eyes glued onto Spike.
Deciding to not even bother about what happened he took his stubby fingers and typed something into his computer.
"Room 13 is open." Turning around and whistling an off key tune he picked off a key and placed it in my hand. I glared at him as I felt his hand linger on mine while I tugged it away. With a nod of my head we continued on our way looking like two wounded deer.
Jamming the key into the slot I turned the knob and burst into the room. The stench of cigarette smoke and burst of cold air burned at my sense as we staggered into the room still linked. I lightly dropped him on a bed and sat on the one parallel to it.
Slipping my boots and jacket off I wandered to the air conditioning and turned it off. The last thing we needed was him slipping into shock. As if he didn't act like he was in shock already. Stupid fuckhead.
Finally comfortable with my surroundings I glanced out the window to which I had jus opened the curtains too. The light hues of pink and orange raced across the Martian sky as the Sun began to set. Did it really take them that long to make it here? The soft purring of the engines of cars could be heard slightly from the streets. after everything, the world still went on even when is seemed like it never would.
Peeling my eyes away from the sunset and outside world I caught sight of Spike and remembered why I was here. Making a deep sighing nose I strolled to the bathroom, surprisingly quite sanitary. Finding a washcloth I turned the sink on and wet it. I gathered other supplies I would need to fix his sorry ass up.
Walking back to where Spike laid I washed away the crusty blood on his face. His eyes where closed, hiding those haunting auburn crystals. You could look into them and get lost I was told.
His ratty trench coat had already been discarded a while ago. I started unbuttoning his shirt when his hand swatted mine away. I glanced up thinking he was awake, but he was still sleeping. Continuing on I took off his shirt and started cleaning up the rest of his body.
My inspiration has run dry
Thats whats going on, nothings fine im torn
I'm all out of faith, this is how I feel
The gash on his abdomen was more horrendous then I had first assumed. There were several coats of blood caked on him and if it didn't get cleaned up soon it would be infected. Stitching him up, for I had learned to do for it was needed a lot by me, I stood up off of the bed and stretched.
Whipping his hair off his forehead I got a good look at him for the first time in a while. Just as I remembered, always beat up and on the verge of death. He began to stir and our eyes locked. His mouth gapped open for a moment as he made scratching noise in the back of his throat.
Pissed off and on the verge of tears Faye Valentine did the only thing she knew how to do. Run away.
Sticking her Glock back into her holster and stormed off past Jet who was staring out of the window, into infinite space with his chin rested on his hand.
"Don't you care Jet? He was supposed to be your best friend you let him go off on some crazy dream that had suicide written all over it?!" Her voice gained higher volume as she continued her rant.
While she was at it why not let some anger out too? Picking up a coffee cup laying around from the morning she took it and threw it at Jets feet. Feeling smug as the mug was shattered into pieces. Just like what she wanted to do to Spike right now, if he wasn't in pieces already.
His eyes darted dangerously towards her, almost daring her to try it again. Feeling reckless she picked up the plate still on the table from Spike. Raising her arm defiantly showing Jet she wasn't scared and didn't give a rats ass.
Swiftly getting up from his spot in front of the window he bounded towards Faye and grabbed her wrist.
"Don't even try it Faye. I get your upset but that doesn't mean you have to trash my ship okay? So instead of being selfish and feeling sorry for yourself clean up the mess and keep your hands off my property!" Breathing heavy and in her face he let go of her wrist and pulled out a cigarette to calm his nerves.
So I guess the fortune tellers right
Should have seen what was there, not some holy light
But you crawled beneath my veins and now
I don't care, I have no luck, I don't miss it all that much
Holding in the tears already swimming in her eyes she dropped her arm and put the plate down. Pulling out a cigarette of her own she slid it between her lips as she lit up. Taking a puff and then letting it hang dangerously low on her lips she turned on her heel and walked down the hall.
Deciding to actually listen to what Jet had to say for once She plopped onto her bed and stared at the ceiling. Turning on her side she opened her draw and reached into it to reveal a picture of the Bebop. Memorizing it for the last time she slipped out her lighter and flicked opened the lid. Smoke filled her lungs as the picture slowly disintegrated. Before burning her fingers she watched as it floated to the floor in ashes.
Getting up once more she rubbed her heel into the heap, grabbed her read sweater and made her way out the door and to the Red Tail. Ignoring the angry calls from Jet she stuck up her middle finger and continued on her way to the many bars she could see in her near future.
You're a little late
I'm already torn
Wow! My first chapter out that took me more then one night to write!
Lets just say I've been lacking in the sleep department and it ain't pretty.
To my dear reviewers who encouraged me to keep my eyes open long enough to actually type this chapter-
Bloody Love: Gotta agree with you on that one, it bored me too lol. Like I said though, it was necassary, so ya know.
FoxFlame: Just so you know, your whole review was crap, but appreciated none the less very much! =] I call it a crap circle review! ^ ~ <-- demented face
Kendra Luehr: Glad to know you like it. I write for the satisfaction of my readers! I think. Nice too know I've improved because lets just say I just learned how to write a paragraph.
Okay people! I finally found some way to through Electra's butt in the there so there it is. There's nothing to really say except im going to sleep before I pass out.
Sleep tight!