Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction ❯ Lust in Secret ❯ Part I: Games of Eroticism ( Chapter 1 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me. I mean no harm and am getting no money from this.
a/n: Originally posted on, but since the site is seriously messed up these days, I figured I'd retrieve this story and re-post it here. Yes, it's very smutty, borders on pwp, but I'd like to think it has substance….
~Lust in Secret~
Part I: Games of Eroticism
“Is that the last cigarette?” Faye Valentine glared at her wild-haired comrade. He gave her a sly look as he lit the cigarette and crushed the pack between slender fingers.
“Looks like,” Spike Spiegel drawled lazily. He took a long, lusty drag and exhaled the nicotine-leaden smoke in her direction.
Faye seethed, “You're going to share that.”
“Really?” Spike arched an eyebrow, his tone caustic with sarcasm.
She pouted, “Don't be such an asshole. C'mon…I'd do the same for you.”
He snorted, “Right.”
“Spike….” Faye turned his name into a long, drawn-out whine.
Feeling about as mature as she was acting, he stuck his tongue out at her.
She leered at him, “Put that thing away unless you intend on using it.”
Spike leaned back and took a quick glance around. Jet was still banging around in the kitchen and Ed was no where to be seen. His expression changed slightly as he favoured her with a lustful gaze, “Play your cards right and you just might get your wish.”
Faye scowled, “promises, promises.” She rolled her eyes and stretched languidly, “Isn't gonna happen anyway, Spike. There hasn't been a decent bounty in over a week; how are we going to get some privacy?”
“They have to sleep eventually, right?”
Faye smiled, “when?”
“Tonight. Leave your door unlocked,” Spike replied as he handed her the rest of the cigarette.
Spike and Faye had a secret.
Two weeks ago, months of sexual tension had come to a head in a skuzzy hotel room on Venus. The Bebop had been suffering engine problems, and Spike and Faye were splitting a 100,000 woolong bounty. After turning over a good portion of their spoils to Jet in order to help buy the parts that would fix the old ship, they'd opted to share a hotel room. Jet had a tendency to get cranky when he had to do major repairs, especially considering neither Spike nor Faye had a clue when it came to fixing starships. (Well, Spike knew just enough to make himself a nuisance, was even worse when he happened to be bored.)
So they ended up in a tiny single bed hotel room. At first it had been hell. They had fought for nearly an hour about who would sleep in the bed. Eventually Spike and Faye decided to share the sleeping space. Funny the things that happen in strange hotel rooms in the middle of the night….Both swore afterward that it had been a one time thing, a product of overactive hormones and loneliness.
Three days later, while Jet was checking on some contacts, they were sharing the Bebop's shower and not just to save on the hot water. From there, they decided that certain arrangements had to be made. It was clear that they were strongly attracted to each other and that once or twice wasn't about to cut through their pent-up lust. Nor did they want to come out about the fact that they were having tawdry, pretty much meaningless sex.
So they kept it a secret.
Until recently, it had worked out well. Unfortunately there had been no bounties worth consideration (it was pretty bad when the priciest bounty head was for a serial petty thief, the reward being ten thousand woolongs) for over a week and the lovers were frustrated over that as well as the distinct lack of privacy.
Spike was disturbed by how much he enjoyed their little encounters. Faye was so far from his usual type that it wasn't even funny, not to mention that, when it came to casual affairs, he could usually take them or leave them. All in all, he probably should have worried that their fling was starting to become decidedly more serious. The funny thing was, Spike didn't know what to make of the level of intimacy they were beginning to attain. Lovers they had certainly become but in love they most definitely were not. So where did that leave them? He didn't have a clue. It was a good thing that being clueless wasn't something that necessarily bothered Spike.
By contrast, Faye didn't think much on the depths of their relationship. They were friends…sort of; they were friends that just happened to have really great sex. Of course she wasn't stupid enough not to realize that it was the sex that was blinding her. Things had been getting pretty intense ever since it began; it wasn't like they were having quickies in the supplies closet. Spike had an ability to make a girl feel loved even when there was no such affection between them. It was rather alarming. Yet Faye had convinced herself that he like any other man: Someone to be used and thrown away.
Pity she was having difficulty finding a reason to cast him aside.
Because she was comfortable with it, Faye set the digital clock beside her bed on Earth time. She lay on her stomach, kicking her legs in the air impatiently. It was nearly two in the morning according to her clock and no sexy lunkhead.
Damn, she thought, where the hell is that idiot? Jet's usually in bed by now and the brat…Well, who knows, but she's not bright enough to figure things out.
Faye turned on the small bedside lamp and sat up. She grabbed at the pack of cigarettes by her bed and cursed softly when she found it empty. Faye fisted a hand under her chin and pouted into the pale, yellow light.
Fine if he was willing to sneak around, but he could at least be on time. Faye sighed softly and wished for a cigarette, but most of all, she wished that she didn't want Spike so damned bad.
I really am a bastard. Spike leaned against the outside of Faye's door. A lit cigarette dangled from his lips; he'd lied to her earlier when he'd told Faye that they were no more left. Spike had a carton stashed under his bed.
But that wasn't the only reason why he was a bastard.
Jet had turned in two hours ago, and Ed was curled up with Ein, quite literally. Last he saw of the young, androgynous hacker, she was fast asleep with the corgie in his dog bed. How she managed to fit herself in such a small space was one of life's great mysteries.
Spike was well aware of the fact that Faye was waiting for him, but some sadistic part of him enjoyed drawing out her anticipation. Of course, he was also analyzing his own motives. Somehow he knew that this was going to change things. They weren't just having random, tawdry sex in hotel rooms or while Jet was out and Ed was doing god-only-knows-what, this time was different. There was a lot of risk involved if they wanted to keep their secret.
That wasn't what bothered him, not really. What bothered him was that he didn't care. Granted, he wasn't about to shout it from rooftops that he was bedding Faye, but if the rest of the crew figured out on their own…It didn't matter much.
Yet…Altogether thrilling.
He always had been attracted to things that were bad for him. Spike chuckled softly, threw down his cigarette and opened her unlocked door.
Faye watched as her bedroom door opened and Spike slipped inside. She scowled, ignoring the skip of her heart beat at the sight of him. “Where the hell have you been?” she hissed.
He shrugged, “I have something for you.”
Faye's expression changed instantly, shining eagerly, “really? You brought me a present?”
Spike snorted, “Nothing so meaningful, believe me.” He reached behind his body and tugged a pack of cigarettes from where they were tucked into the waistband of his boxer shorts.
Faye's eyes widened, “holy shit! You fucking lied to me!”
“Oh well, if you don't want them….”
She launched herself off the bed at him, “I never said that!”
Spike lifted his arm lazily in order to keep the pack of smokes out of her reach. Faye growled and jumped, and he thoroughly enjoyed the way her breasts bounced under her tiny white tank top. That small distraction was enough to give her the upper hand and with one last tantalizing leap, Faye wrestled away the cigarettes.
“Ha!” She exclaimed triumphantly.
Spike merely shrugged once again, “I was going to give them to you anyway.”
Faye frowned as she sat back on her bed and reached for her lighter, “then what was up with the game of keep-away?”
Spike's eyes glittered in the faint light of Faye's bedside table lamp, “I don't know…It was kind of fun to watch you jump up and down like that.”
Faye rolled her eyes. Men, she thought a bit caustically, No matter what shape they come in, they're all the same. Flash a little flesh and they're putty in your hands. She looked over at Spike, who was still across the room and felt something tighten low in her belly. He looked damned good in nothing but a simple white tank top and boxer shorts. All things considered, Faye didn't mind having a bit of power over this man in particular.
“Come here,” Faye beckoned sweetly.
Of course he complied, maybe not because he wanted to but even he had to admit that he was drawn to her like a moth to a flame. When he sat next to her on the bed, Faye took him off guard and pushed him onto his back. In an instant she was straddling his waist and sitting on his firm abs.
Faye took a drag off her cigarette as she leered at him; his tousled hair gave the delicious illusion that he'd spent the day in bed. “Have I ever told you that you're the sexiest man I've ever met?” she asked him idly.
Spike chuckled and favoured her with a slightly sardonic smile, “C'mon Faye, you know we don't have the kind of relationship that requires you to feed me lines.”
Faye pouted, “It wasn't a line.” She was telling the truth for once and found herself elaborating, “And anyway I said sexy, not handsome. Don't flatter yourself, you're cute but I've had better.”
Spike felt a rakish grin curl his lips as he stroked his hands up her thighs. He watched her catch her breath over that little touch. Slowly, he slid his palm up her flat belly, his eyes taking in the goose bumps rising up on her flesh and the pebbling of her nipples under the thin fabric of her shirt. When he snuck a hand up her top to message one breast, Faye's head lolled back on her neck.
“Had better, eh?” Spike murmured.
Faye crushed out her cigarette and bent to kiss him. Spike's mouth opened under hers and he felt the hand that wasn't on her breast settle on the back of her neck. He quickly took control of the kiss and slid his tongue into her mouth. Faye wasn't about to be totally subdued by him and pressed her lips more firmly against his mouth, their tongues dueled for dominance, neither willing to give an inch.
Her heart raced as his mouth broke away from hers to trail hotly along her jaw line. Faye's eyes slipped shut over the sensations of his lips on her skin and his fingers massaging her breast in slow circles. It was in moments such as these that she was unsure if she was having an affair with Spike or his incredibly talented hands.
She was so distracted by her pleasure that she didn't notice her lover's sly half-smile. Spike wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her hard. Faye made a small sound in the back of her throat that bordered on a whimper. He took the opportunity of her vulnerable desire to roll her underneath his body. She gasped as their lips parted and he grinned down at her, “So…Who's in control now?”
Faye smiled, arched her back and deliberately rubbed her pelvis against his burgeoning erection. She watched with satisfaction as he inhaled a sharp breath and his cheeks flushed a little bit darker with arousal. “Sure isn't you,” she replied slyly.
“Bitch,” Spike hissed, “You never play fair, do you?”
“Nope,” Faye grinned, “What're you gonna do about it?”
His answer was in the form of a voluptuous kiss that left her breathless and wanton. She didn't give him an inch, “that all you've got?”
Spike raised his eyebrows as the gauntlet was thrown. He smiled lazily as he slipped his hand back up her top. His eyes never left her face as he rolled a nipple between thumb and forefinger. Faye bit her lower lip and seemed to be fighting hard not to moan aloud. Not giving her a chance to catch her breath, he pushed up her top to reveal her breasts. Fingers still toying with her nipple, he bent to claim the other with his mouth. She made a strangled sound as he flicked his tongue along its sensitive tip.
Faye clutched at his hair as she fought for control. If his fingers were magic, his tongue was divine. Getting a sneaky idea, she slipped one of her hands down his body and past the elastic waistband of his boxers. He was half-hard in her palm and within a few gentle strokes he was velvet-wrapped steel. Spike broke away from her breast to growl her name. His hips moved with the rhythm of her hand and Faye watched as his perpetual calm began to come undone.
Spike gritted his teeth as the pleasure of what Faye was doing shot though his limbs like an electric shock. His resolve was weakening by the minute, and it only when he opened his eyes was he able to find the strength to regain some semblance of control. She looked far too smug and self-satisfied for his taste. Spike reached between their bodies and pulled her hand out of his boxers. He pinned the hand above her head and kissed her soundly.
“Don't do that,” Spike murmured.
“Why?” Faye fluttered her lashes at him in a mock-coy manner. “Didn't you like it?”
He merely growled softly and stripped off her top. His tongue left a wet trail from her collarbone down to one hardened nipple. Spike was a little bit rougher with her, nipping and sucking at her aroused flesh until she cried out softly.
The main problem with their game was that in the end neither one ever won. One might point out that they both came out on top, but Faye had never believed in draws or stalemates. Still, it was hard to think when his tongue was doing amazing things to her nipple, things that she didn't even have words for, and she was tempted to just give in to him. Temptation could easily be resisted though, and she decided to use his so-called dominance over her body to her advantage. Faye took one of his hands and settled it against her still clothed sex.
Spike's mouth abandoned her breasts and trailed back up her neck. He sucked on the sensitive spot just below her ear as his fingers rubbed at the thin, damp panel of cotton that covered the heat of her centre. She writhed under him, moaning throatily and pulling him closer. He tried not to shiver at the feel of her mouth open against the pulse of his neck as if she would devour him. Spike's mouth watered at the feel of how wet she was, felt even through her panties. He wasn't at all ashamed by the fierce desire he had to just taste her. Sex was sex and even he had his weaknesses. Yet he liked leaving her weak even more than his oral fixation.
Faye panted breathlessly when she felt him push aside the panel of her underwear. Two long fingers stroked inside of her and she gave a low, shuddering moan. He had stopped kissing her and had shifted onto his side. With one hand propping up his head lazily and the other between her legs, he watched her attentively. Faye felt butterflies in her stomach at the hungry and strangely affectionate way he was gazing at her. She tried to find words but was hypnotized by the soft, gliding rhythm of his touch.
All she could do was feel.
Spike enjoyed watching her begin the ascension into ecstasy. Even when she was at his mercy, she seemed to still be in control. Maybe because sex was manipulation. He may have been making her tremble, but she was the one building toward orgasm. Somehow, Spike didn't much mind. He got quite enough pleasure just watching her.
Faye was out of her mind. Her imagination only added to what he was doing with his fingers, what they were imitating. It was unbelievable how much she wanted him. She was half-tempted to roll him onto his back and ride him until they were both exhausted and boneless with satiation. Yet she knew he wouldn't let her play it out that way and lost herself in what pleasure he was giving her at the moment. His well lubricated fingers glided up to her clit and he rolled it easily under his fingertips. Though his pace was languorous and sensual, it only drove her closer to climax.
“Ah god,” she breathed, covering her face with an arm and arching her back. Faye was so close that it was becoming hard to breathe and her eyesight was getting fuzzy and spotty.
Spike grunted softly, disliking the way her underwear was hindering the movement of his hand. “These have got to go,” He murmured before stripping off her bikini-style panties and tossing them away. He sucked in a sharp breath at the sight of her nude. The musky-sweet scent of her sex faintly permeated the space between them and drew him like siren's call.
Faye kissed him roughly, her need turning her savage. Her fingers clawed at his shirt and Spike heard her pant between kisses, “Too many clothes.” With a soft chuckle he pulled off his sleeveless undershirt and tossed it in the direction of her underwear. Greedy fingers ran over his back and down his chest.
Spike rolled onto his back and pulled her with him. “C'mere,” he mumbled as he drew her hips up and easily maneuvered her so that her drenched sex was lined up with his mouth.
Faye gasped softly as his mouth kissed the dark cleft of her sex. His tongue lapped and twirled skillfully and Faye threw her head back. She inwardly gave thanks to a god she did not believe in for the fact that not only did this man love to eat pussy but was exceedingly good at it. Her bones felt leaden and hollow and she fell forward, almost entirely limp. Faye gripped the metal-barred headboard and arched her back, not wanting to suffocate him.
Spike noticed the benefit of Faye's new position and switched his attention from her slick entrance to the protruding nub of her clit. The sticky fluid of her arousal streaked across his mouth as her hips rolled against his face. He wasn't complaining.
Faye was cresting, seeing stars, unable to do anything but writhe above him. She really was at his mercy, but their petty little game was no longer important anymore. His tongue was magic, his mouth was hot, and she could feel her body tightening almost painfully. Spike's chuckle vibrating against her sex drove her to the brink, and when he took her clit and suckled the tiny appendage, Faye ignited.
Above him she was shaking riding out an intense orgasm. Small, strangled squeaks came from her throat as she fought her loud cry of ecstasy. Interestingly enough, sounds had a tendency to travel throughout The Bebop. Spike gently pushed Faye off his face, and she rolled, boneless as a corpse, across the bed's cheap cotton sheets.
“God damn,” Faye murmured drunkenly, “You are unreal.”
Spike swiped a hand across the lower half of his face and his mouth. His fingers came away sticky and smelling like Faye. He grinned before idly licking the digits clean. Spread before him like a wanton invitation to sin, Faye lay heavy-lidded and gorgeously flushed.
“You're not falling asleep on me, are you?” Spike teased as he crawled up her body.
Faye's eyes flew open, glittering like polished emeralds. “Like hell,” she retorted defiantly. Her composure slipped and she found herself laughing huskily, “I just can't feel my legs at the moments.”
Spike grinned crookedly as he placed a hand under each of her knees and opened her legs wide. He hooked his fingers in the waistband of his boxers and pushed them down just enough to free his rigid cock. Faye's eyes greedily took in his swollen length and reached out to help him out of the last garment he wore. His boxers joined the rest of their clothing.
“Believe me,” he murmured as he covered her body with his, “You won't need to feel your legs.” Hands under her trembling thighs, keeping her spread wide, he pushed into her in one, smooth motion. Faye moaned low and deep and Spike reveled in the tight, hot grip of her body. She was so snug and slick, she felt practically virginal.
Faye was amazed that she was able to muster the energy to wrap her legs around his narrow waist. She held him close as he slowly stroked deep within her and found the smooth sensation of skin against skin intoxicating. Faye felt as if she could lie in this bed and spend days just fucking him, feeling the slow, silken glide of his cock and the passion of his kisses.
Spike forgot everything once he was inside of her, nothing mattered save for the heat that wrapped around his sex and the feel of her limbs curled around his body. For a single, shining moment, he could pretend that it meant something. Even if it did, the past was always waiting, dark and cruel in the back of his mind. He loved her within the frenzied hunger of their secret trysts; he loved her in the silence in between spoken words.
Faye could only be herself when she was with him like this. Sad but true. She was her own woman even when she was below him, but was no longer a stranger in her own skin. Funny how sex could transform a person. Beneath his sweat-slicked body, she whispered encouragements, whispered meaningless praise that she was sure he'd heard a thousand limes over from the lips of others. It didn't matter though, because this was the here and this was the now. As far as she was concerned, there was no one else alive.
Spike had been waiting too long and holding back so much that his orgasm was stalking him like a desperate predator. Again and again, he surged inside of her, feeling the tight grip of her sex on his cock. Faye made low, hungry sounds, murmured lover's babble against his ear. He reached between their bodies and rolled her clit under his fingertips. She groaned throatily and buried her face against the side of his neck.
It didn't matter that his thrusts were no longer deep and long, Faye was in heaven and nearing cosmic revelation. She came hard under the swift, merciless talent of his fingers and lost herself on a tidal wave of pleasure as he fucked her hard and fast in the midst of her orgasm. Faye felt as if she was going blind and she chewed her bottom lip until it bled, trying to stay silent. When Spike reached his climax, he stiffened above her and bit down on her collarbone to muffle his own moans and soft, husky sound of passion. His orgasm pumped hot and thick inside of her, filling Faye with the heady sensation of completion. She did not fear pregnancy; birth control was a wonder in this modern age.
Afterglow set it, heavy and sweet. Spike closed his eyes and listened to Faye's roaring pulse and the drum beat rhythm of her heart. He felt good, languid and satiated. Faye's fingertips ran down the sweat-slicked length of his back affectionately. With one last tender nuzzle to the damp hollow of her throat, Spike rolled off her body carefully. “Damn,” he murmured.
“Hm?” Faye fumbled for the pack of cigarettes on the bedside table. With clumsy fingers, she removed two smokes and placed the ashtray between their bodies.
Spike chuckled as he accepted his cigarette and light from Faye's slightly tremulous hand. “Now I can't feel my legs.”
Faye smiled as she lit her own cigarette and gave him a slightly wry look, “damn, does that mean you're sticking around?”
Spike saw through her like she was transparent. He knew that Faye wasn't at all adverse to him staying the night. For that matter, neither was her. They'd shared a bed before and he was embarrassed to admit that he enjoyed feeling her body curled against his as he slumbered. “ `Fraid so,” he drawled, playing their game.
“Well,” Faye returned his playful, crooked grin as she tapped ash in the black plastic ashtray between then, “Just make sure you stay on your side, it gets too hot in these cabin for cuddling.”
Spike snorted mock-derisively, knowing that as soon as they began to fall asleep that their bodies would shift and tangle instinctually. Even if neither one was willing to admit feelings deeper than lust it seemed their bodies were not so willing to express such denial.
They smoked in a companionable silence, each one admiring the other in a private sort of lustful appreciation. Maybe they would actually sleep or maybe this was just a quiet lull between torrents of desire. It was never planned and seldom plotted out.
Spike smiled slyly at Faye.
Faye returned his expression.
They reveled in silence, their secret affair.
Con't in part II…
~Lust in Secret~
Part I: Games of Eroticism
“Is that the last cigarette?” Faye Valentine glared at her wild-haired comrade. He gave her a sly look as he lit the cigarette and crushed the pack between slender fingers.
“Looks like,” Spike Spiegel drawled lazily. He took a long, lusty drag and exhaled the nicotine-leaden smoke in her direction.
Faye seethed, “You're going to share that.”
“Really?” Spike arched an eyebrow, his tone caustic with sarcasm.
She pouted, “Don't be such an asshole. C'mon…I'd do the same for you.”
He snorted, “Right.”
“Spike….” Faye turned his name into a long, drawn-out whine.
Feeling about as mature as she was acting, he stuck his tongue out at her.
She leered at him, “Put that thing away unless you intend on using it.”
Spike leaned back and took a quick glance around. Jet was still banging around in the kitchen and Ed was no where to be seen. His expression changed slightly as he favoured her with a lustful gaze, “Play your cards right and you just might get your wish.”
Faye scowled, “promises, promises.” She rolled her eyes and stretched languidly, “Isn't gonna happen anyway, Spike. There hasn't been a decent bounty in over a week; how are we going to get some privacy?”
“They have to sleep eventually, right?”
Faye smiled, “when?”
“Tonight. Leave your door unlocked,” Spike replied as he handed her the rest of the cigarette.
Spike and Faye had a secret.
Two weeks ago, months of sexual tension had come to a head in a skuzzy hotel room on Venus. The Bebop had been suffering engine problems, and Spike and Faye were splitting a 100,000 woolong bounty. After turning over a good portion of their spoils to Jet in order to help buy the parts that would fix the old ship, they'd opted to share a hotel room. Jet had a tendency to get cranky when he had to do major repairs, especially considering neither Spike nor Faye had a clue when it came to fixing starships. (Well, Spike knew just enough to make himself a nuisance, was even worse when he happened to be bored.)
So they ended up in a tiny single bed hotel room. At first it had been hell. They had fought for nearly an hour about who would sleep in the bed. Eventually Spike and Faye decided to share the sleeping space. Funny the things that happen in strange hotel rooms in the middle of the night….Both swore afterward that it had been a one time thing, a product of overactive hormones and loneliness.
Three days later, while Jet was checking on some contacts, they were sharing the Bebop's shower and not just to save on the hot water. From there, they decided that certain arrangements had to be made. It was clear that they were strongly attracted to each other and that once or twice wasn't about to cut through their pent-up lust. Nor did they want to come out about the fact that they were having tawdry, pretty much meaningless sex.
So they kept it a secret.
Until recently, it had worked out well. Unfortunately there had been no bounties worth consideration (it was pretty bad when the priciest bounty head was for a serial petty thief, the reward being ten thousand woolongs) for over a week and the lovers were frustrated over that as well as the distinct lack of privacy.
Spike was disturbed by how much he enjoyed their little encounters. Faye was so far from his usual type that it wasn't even funny, not to mention that, when it came to casual affairs, he could usually take them or leave them. All in all, he probably should have worried that their fling was starting to become decidedly more serious. The funny thing was, Spike didn't know what to make of the level of intimacy they were beginning to attain. Lovers they had certainly become but in love they most definitely were not. So where did that leave them? He didn't have a clue. It was a good thing that being clueless wasn't something that necessarily bothered Spike.
By contrast, Faye didn't think much on the depths of their relationship. They were friends…sort of; they were friends that just happened to have really great sex. Of course she wasn't stupid enough not to realize that it was the sex that was blinding her. Things had been getting pretty intense ever since it began; it wasn't like they were having quickies in the supplies closet. Spike had an ability to make a girl feel loved even when there was no such affection between them. It was rather alarming. Yet Faye had convinced herself that he like any other man: Someone to be used and thrown away.
Pity she was having difficulty finding a reason to cast him aside.
Because she was comfortable with it, Faye set the digital clock beside her bed on Earth time. She lay on her stomach, kicking her legs in the air impatiently. It was nearly two in the morning according to her clock and no sexy lunkhead.
Damn, she thought, where the hell is that idiot? Jet's usually in bed by now and the brat…Well, who knows, but she's not bright enough to figure things out.
Faye turned on the small bedside lamp and sat up. She grabbed at the pack of cigarettes by her bed and cursed softly when she found it empty. Faye fisted a hand under her chin and pouted into the pale, yellow light.
Fine if he was willing to sneak around, but he could at least be on time. Faye sighed softly and wished for a cigarette, but most of all, she wished that she didn't want Spike so damned bad.
I really am a bastard. Spike leaned against the outside of Faye's door. A lit cigarette dangled from his lips; he'd lied to her earlier when he'd told Faye that they were no more left. Spike had a carton stashed under his bed.
But that wasn't the only reason why he was a bastard.
Jet had turned in two hours ago, and Ed was curled up with Ein, quite literally. Last he saw of the young, androgynous hacker, she was fast asleep with the corgie in his dog bed. How she managed to fit herself in such a small space was one of life's great mysteries.
Spike was well aware of the fact that Faye was waiting for him, but some sadistic part of him enjoyed drawing out her anticipation. Of course, he was also analyzing his own motives. Somehow he knew that this was going to change things. They weren't just having random, tawdry sex in hotel rooms or while Jet was out and Ed was doing god-only-knows-what, this time was different. There was a lot of risk involved if they wanted to keep their secret.
That wasn't what bothered him, not really. What bothered him was that he didn't care. Granted, he wasn't about to shout it from rooftops that he was bedding Faye, but if the rest of the crew figured out on their own…It didn't matter much.
Yet…Altogether thrilling.
He always had been attracted to things that were bad for him. Spike chuckled softly, threw down his cigarette and opened her unlocked door.
Faye watched as her bedroom door opened and Spike slipped inside. She scowled, ignoring the skip of her heart beat at the sight of him. “Where the hell have you been?” she hissed.
He shrugged, “I have something for you.”
Faye's expression changed instantly, shining eagerly, “really? You brought me a present?”
Spike snorted, “Nothing so meaningful, believe me.” He reached behind his body and tugged a pack of cigarettes from where they were tucked into the waistband of his boxer shorts.
Faye's eyes widened, “holy shit! You fucking lied to me!”
“Oh well, if you don't want them….”
She launched herself off the bed at him, “I never said that!”
Spike lifted his arm lazily in order to keep the pack of smokes out of her reach. Faye growled and jumped, and he thoroughly enjoyed the way her breasts bounced under her tiny white tank top. That small distraction was enough to give her the upper hand and with one last tantalizing leap, Faye wrestled away the cigarettes.
“Ha!” She exclaimed triumphantly.
Spike merely shrugged once again, “I was going to give them to you anyway.”
Faye frowned as she sat back on her bed and reached for her lighter, “then what was up with the game of keep-away?”
Spike's eyes glittered in the faint light of Faye's bedside table lamp, “I don't know…It was kind of fun to watch you jump up and down like that.”
Faye rolled her eyes. Men, she thought a bit caustically, No matter what shape they come in, they're all the same. Flash a little flesh and they're putty in your hands. She looked over at Spike, who was still across the room and felt something tighten low in her belly. He looked damned good in nothing but a simple white tank top and boxer shorts. All things considered, Faye didn't mind having a bit of power over this man in particular.
“Come here,” Faye beckoned sweetly.
Of course he complied, maybe not because he wanted to but even he had to admit that he was drawn to her like a moth to a flame. When he sat next to her on the bed, Faye took him off guard and pushed him onto his back. In an instant she was straddling his waist and sitting on his firm abs.
Faye took a drag off her cigarette as she leered at him; his tousled hair gave the delicious illusion that he'd spent the day in bed. “Have I ever told you that you're the sexiest man I've ever met?” she asked him idly.
Spike chuckled and favoured her with a slightly sardonic smile, “C'mon Faye, you know we don't have the kind of relationship that requires you to feed me lines.”
Faye pouted, “It wasn't a line.” She was telling the truth for once and found herself elaborating, “And anyway I said sexy, not handsome. Don't flatter yourself, you're cute but I've had better.”
Spike felt a rakish grin curl his lips as he stroked his hands up her thighs. He watched her catch her breath over that little touch. Slowly, he slid his palm up her flat belly, his eyes taking in the goose bumps rising up on her flesh and the pebbling of her nipples under the thin fabric of her shirt. When he snuck a hand up her top to message one breast, Faye's head lolled back on her neck.
“Had better, eh?” Spike murmured.
Faye crushed out her cigarette and bent to kiss him. Spike's mouth opened under hers and he felt the hand that wasn't on her breast settle on the back of her neck. He quickly took control of the kiss and slid his tongue into her mouth. Faye wasn't about to be totally subdued by him and pressed her lips more firmly against his mouth, their tongues dueled for dominance, neither willing to give an inch.
Her heart raced as his mouth broke away from hers to trail hotly along her jaw line. Faye's eyes slipped shut over the sensations of his lips on her skin and his fingers massaging her breast in slow circles. It was in moments such as these that she was unsure if she was having an affair with Spike or his incredibly talented hands.
She was so distracted by her pleasure that she didn't notice her lover's sly half-smile. Spike wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her hard. Faye made a small sound in the back of her throat that bordered on a whimper. He took the opportunity of her vulnerable desire to roll her underneath his body. She gasped as their lips parted and he grinned down at her, “So…Who's in control now?”
Faye smiled, arched her back and deliberately rubbed her pelvis against his burgeoning erection. She watched with satisfaction as he inhaled a sharp breath and his cheeks flushed a little bit darker with arousal. “Sure isn't you,” she replied slyly.
“Bitch,” Spike hissed, “You never play fair, do you?”
“Nope,” Faye grinned, “What're you gonna do about it?”
His answer was in the form of a voluptuous kiss that left her breathless and wanton. She didn't give him an inch, “that all you've got?”
Spike raised his eyebrows as the gauntlet was thrown. He smiled lazily as he slipped his hand back up her top. His eyes never left her face as he rolled a nipple between thumb and forefinger. Faye bit her lower lip and seemed to be fighting hard not to moan aloud. Not giving her a chance to catch her breath, he pushed up her top to reveal her breasts. Fingers still toying with her nipple, he bent to claim the other with his mouth. She made a strangled sound as he flicked his tongue along its sensitive tip.
Faye clutched at his hair as she fought for control. If his fingers were magic, his tongue was divine. Getting a sneaky idea, she slipped one of her hands down his body and past the elastic waistband of his boxers. He was half-hard in her palm and within a few gentle strokes he was velvet-wrapped steel. Spike broke away from her breast to growl her name. His hips moved with the rhythm of her hand and Faye watched as his perpetual calm began to come undone.
Spike gritted his teeth as the pleasure of what Faye was doing shot though his limbs like an electric shock. His resolve was weakening by the minute, and it only when he opened his eyes was he able to find the strength to regain some semblance of control. She looked far too smug and self-satisfied for his taste. Spike reached between their bodies and pulled her hand out of his boxers. He pinned the hand above her head and kissed her soundly.
“Don't do that,” Spike murmured.
“Why?” Faye fluttered her lashes at him in a mock-coy manner. “Didn't you like it?”
He merely growled softly and stripped off her top. His tongue left a wet trail from her collarbone down to one hardened nipple. Spike was a little bit rougher with her, nipping and sucking at her aroused flesh until she cried out softly.
The main problem with their game was that in the end neither one ever won. One might point out that they both came out on top, but Faye had never believed in draws or stalemates. Still, it was hard to think when his tongue was doing amazing things to her nipple, things that she didn't even have words for, and she was tempted to just give in to him. Temptation could easily be resisted though, and she decided to use his so-called dominance over her body to her advantage. Faye took one of his hands and settled it against her still clothed sex.
Spike's mouth abandoned her breasts and trailed back up her neck. He sucked on the sensitive spot just below her ear as his fingers rubbed at the thin, damp panel of cotton that covered the heat of her centre. She writhed under him, moaning throatily and pulling him closer. He tried not to shiver at the feel of her mouth open against the pulse of his neck as if she would devour him. Spike's mouth watered at the feel of how wet she was, felt even through her panties. He wasn't at all ashamed by the fierce desire he had to just taste her. Sex was sex and even he had his weaknesses. Yet he liked leaving her weak even more than his oral fixation.
Faye panted breathlessly when she felt him push aside the panel of her underwear. Two long fingers stroked inside of her and she gave a low, shuddering moan. He had stopped kissing her and had shifted onto his side. With one hand propping up his head lazily and the other between her legs, he watched her attentively. Faye felt butterflies in her stomach at the hungry and strangely affectionate way he was gazing at her. She tried to find words but was hypnotized by the soft, gliding rhythm of his touch.
All she could do was feel.
Spike enjoyed watching her begin the ascension into ecstasy. Even when she was at his mercy, she seemed to still be in control. Maybe because sex was manipulation. He may have been making her tremble, but she was the one building toward orgasm. Somehow, Spike didn't much mind. He got quite enough pleasure just watching her.
Faye was out of her mind. Her imagination only added to what he was doing with his fingers, what they were imitating. It was unbelievable how much she wanted him. She was half-tempted to roll him onto his back and ride him until they were both exhausted and boneless with satiation. Yet she knew he wouldn't let her play it out that way and lost herself in what pleasure he was giving her at the moment. His well lubricated fingers glided up to her clit and he rolled it easily under his fingertips. Though his pace was languorous and sensual, it only drove her closer to climax.
“Ah god,” she breathed, covering her face with an arm and arching her back. Faye was so close that it was becoming hard to breathe and her eyesight was getting fuzzy and spotty.
Spike grunted softly, disliking the way her underwear was hindering the movement of his hand. “These have got to go,” He murmured before stripping off her bikini-style panties and tossing them away. He sucked in a sharp breath at the sight of her nude. The musky-sweet scent of her sex faintly permeated the space between them and drew him like siren's call.
Faye kissed him roughly, her need turning her savage. Her fingers clawed at his shirt and Spike heard her pant between kisses, “Too many clothes.” With a soft chuckle he pulled off his sleeveless undershirt and tossed it in the direction of her underwear. Greedy fingers ran over his back and down his chest.
Spike rolled onto his back and pulled her with him. “C'mere,” he mumbled as he drew her hips up and easily maneuvered her so that her drenched sex was lined up with his mouth.
Faye gasped softly as his mouth kissed the dark cleft of her sex. His tongue lapped and twirled skillfully and Faye threw her head back. She inwardly gave thanks to a god she did not believe in for the fact that not only did this man love to eat pussy but was exceedingly good at it. Her bones felt leaden and hollow and she fell forward, almost entirely limp. Faye gripped the metal-barred headboard and arched her back, not wanting to suffocate him.
Spike noticed the benefit of Faye's new position and switched his attention from her slick entrance to the protruding nub of her clit. The sticky fluid of her arousal streaked across his mouth as her hips rolled against his face. He wasn't complaining.
Faye was cresting, seeing stars, unable to do anything but writhe above him. She really was at his mercy, but their petty little game was no longer important anymore. His tongue was magic, his mouth was hot, and she could feel her body tightening almost painfully. Spike's chuckle vibrating against her sex drove her to the brink, and when he took her clit and suckled the tiny appendage, Faye ignited.
Above him she was shaking riding out an intense orgasm. Small, strangled squeaks came from her throat as she fought her loud cry of ecstasy. Interestingly enough, sounds had a tendency to travel throughout The Bebop. Spike gently pushed Faye off his face, and she rolled, boneless as a corpse, across the bed's cheap cotton sheets.
“God damn,” Faye murmured drunkenly, “You are unreal.”
Spike swiped a hand across the lower half of his face and his mouth. His fingers came away sticky and smelling like Faye. He grinned before idly licking the digits clean. Spread before him like a wanton invitation to sin, Faye lay heavy-lidded and gorgeously flushed.
“You're not falling asleep on me, are you?” Spike teased as he crawled up her body.
Faye's eyes flew open, glittering like polished emeralds. “Like hell,” she retorted defiantly. Her composure slipped and she found herself laughing huskily, “I just can't feel my legs at the moments.”
Spike grinned crookedly as he placed a hand under each of her knees and opened her legs wide. He hooked his fingers in the waistband of his boxers and pushed them down just enough to free his rigid cock. Faye's eyes greedily took in his swollen length and reached out to help him out of the last garment he wore. His boxers joined the rest of their clothing.
“Believe me,” he murmured as he covered her body with his, “You won't need to feel your legs.” Hands under her trembling thighs, keeping her spread wide, he pushed into her in one, smooth motion. Faye moaned low and deep and Spike reveled in the tight, hot grip of her body. She was so snug and slick, she felt practically virginal.
Faye was amazed that she was able to muster the energy to wrap her legs around his narrow waist. She held him close as he slowly stroked deep within her and found the smooth sensation of skin against skin intoxicating. Faye felt as if she could lie in this bed and spend days just fucking him, feeling the slow, silken glide of his cock and the passion of his kisses.
Spike forgot everything once he was inside of her, nothing mattered save for the heat that wrapped around his sex and the feel of her limbs curled around his body. For a single, shining moment, he could pretend that it meant something. Even if it did, the past was always waiting, dark and cruel in the back of his mind. He loved her within the frenzied hunger of their secret trysts; he loved her in the silence in between spoken words.
Faye could only be herself when she was with him like this. Sad but true. She was her own woman even when she was below him, but was no longer a stranger in her own skin. Funny how sex could transform a person. Beneath his sweat-slicked body, she whispered encouragements, whispered meaningless praise that she was sure he'd heard a thousand limes over from the lips of others. It didn't matter though, because this was the here and this was the now. As far as she was concerned, there was no one else alive.
Spike had been waiting too long and holding back so much that his orgasm was stalking him like a desperate predator. Again and again, he surged inside of her, feeling the tight grip of her sex on his cock. Faye made low, hungry sounds, murmured lover's babble against his ear. He reached between their bodies and rolled her clit under his fingertips. She groaned throatily and buried her face against the side of his neck.
It didn't matter that his thrusts were no longer deep and long, Faye was in heaven and nearing cosmic revelation. She came hard under the swift, merciless talent of his fingers and lost herself on a tidal wave of pleasure as he fucked her hard and fast in the midst of her orgasm. Faye felt as if she was going blind and she chewed her bottom lip until it bled, trying to stay silent. When Spike reached his climax, he stiffened above her and bit down on her collarbone to muffle his own moans and soft, husky sound of passion. His orgasm pumped hot and thick inside of her, filling Faye with the heady sensation of completion. She did not fear pregnancy; birth control was a wonder in this modern age.
Afterglow set it, heavy and sweet. Spike closed his eyes and listened to Faye's roaring pulse and the drum beat rhythm of her heart. He felt good, languid and satiated. Faye's fingertips ran down the sweat-slicked length of his back affectionately. With one last tender nuzzle to the damp hollow of her throat, Spike rolled off her body carefully. “Damn,” he murmured.
“Hm?” Faye fumbled for the pack of cigarettes on the bedside table. With clumsy fingers, she removed two smokes and placed the ashtray between their bodies.
Spike chuckled as he accepted his cigarette and light from Faye's slightly tremulous hand. “Now I can't feel my legs.”
Faye smiled as she lit her own cigarette and gave him a slightly wry look, “damn, does that mean you're sticking around?”
Spike saw through her like she was transparent. He knew that Faye wasn't at all adverse to him staying the night. For that matter, neither was her. They'd shared a bed before and he was embarrassed to admit that he enjoyed feeling her body curled against his as he slumbered. “ `Fraid so,” he drawled, playing their game.
“Well,” Faye returned his playful, crooked grin as she tapped ash in the black plastic ashtray between then, “Just make sure you stay on your side, it gets too hot in these cabin for cuddling.”
Spike snorted mock-derisively, knowing that as soon as they began to fall asleep that their bodies would shift and tangle instinctually. Even if neither one was willing to admit feelings deeper than lust it seemed their bodies were not so willing to express such denial.
They smoked in a companionable silence, each one admiring the other in a private sort of lustful appreciation. Maybe they would actually sleep or maybe this was just a quiet lull between torrents of desire. It was never planned and seldom plotted out.
Spike smiled slyly at Faye.
Faye returned his expression.
They reveled in silence, their secret affair.
Con't in part II…