Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction ❯ Major Bounty ❯ Major Bounty ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hello! I got bored so I decided to write this fic. I have always wanted to do a cowboy bebop fic. (Eyes shine)


Ein: Bark!!

Well, at least some one is in a good mood besides me

Spike: ahem, declaimer…

Jet: You know you can be a fun ruiner, you know that!?

Spike: A disclaimer is needed though.

Jet: Sigh, once serious, always serious

Spike: (nods in agreement)

Disclaimer: Sunrise owns the excellent Cowboy Bebop, not me *sob

That said; please try to enjoy my fic! ^^;; (Boom) sizzle… Ashes= great almighty Bebop ^^;;

Spike: (Staring at ashes) Nooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jet: (who was fixing the ship) umm… that was Edward. I had nothing to do with it!

Now, while Spike brings impending doom on Jet and Edward, I present to you da fic.

"Ed, did you eat all the food again!?" shouted a very p!$$#% Spike, who wanted to get what he needed from his portion of the food to make his dinner. "Um, Um, Ein ate the food!" replied a desperate Edward. Ein's right to express his side of the story: "woof!" Spike () shook his head in disappointment. This was one of the only times he was gonna get his meat in his meat salad, and someone just had to chose this time to eat all the food. Spike then looked out the window and eyed the vast black space all around them. To the far left corner, he could see the speck of a reddish planet. Jet then came into the living room, and turned on the small, old, but useful for one thing, banged up TV to watch "Big Shot" for the next bounty. Faye, who had just finished her shower, heard the Bang opening of "Big Shot" and walked over next to Jet to see "Big Shot" also. "Hello all you 300 thousand Bounty Hunters in the solar system and welcome to "Big Shot"," announced a very tanned cowboy. "How you all doing? Well, we have some awesome bounties for you all," announced a tanned, blonde dressed as a cowgirl. "Today's bounty is a whopping 20 million woo longs!" announced the man. "Really!?" "Yep, its in the account!" "Tell us more!" "Well, all I know is that the bounty is none other than Vicious, for…" Spike ran over to the TV. Faye and Jet had looks of surprise on their faces. "Also, that he is supposed to be on Mars." "Wow, how exciting!" "Well, good luck to all you bounty hunters! And remember, the bounty must be alive or no reward." "See you all tomorrow on the next episode of "Big Shot." Jet then turned the TV off. "Well, are we in or are we in?" Faye said to Spike and Jet. Spike's obvious reply, " Sure. Besides, all the food is gone again." Jets turn of say, "WHAT!? The food was supposed to last us 2 months!" Jet then turned to where Ed was sitting in the kitchen, playing with Ein. "Hey, Ed, could you come on over here for a minute?" Ed came running over, with Ein at her heels, barking. "What what Jet Jet?" "Could you go on the comp and see if you can find any info on a guy named Vicious?" "Yep yep," replied a prancing, to the comp, Edward. When Ed got to the comp, she did her thing. "No info gotta look harder. Hmm; aha! He works for big company." Spike turned and asked Edward, "Is that all you have?" "Yup yup." "Thanks." Faye was getting fidgety cause of all the money they might get. The thoughts of what she could get with the money wasn't helping, either.

What she was imagining:

Some funky dresses (and other clothes) rich people ware

Some good food

Anything Expensive

Spike had his own thoughts…



A new ship

Starting a Bruce Lee fan club

Jet saw food written all over Spike's eyes and expensive written over Faye's eyes, and sighed;; *I swear, those two..* Then a hungry kid's voice got his attention. " Can Ed us bounty for Food?" Jet laughed. "We all could use some good food, it seems." Then Jet turned back to Spike. "We're gonna need a plan for this one." Spike snapped out of his turkey and super ship vision. "I'll head straight to the area Vicious is in and…" "And contact us when you find him. This isn't some cheep and easy to catch bounty, and you know it!" interrupted an arguing Jet. Spike decided to just give in, and went inside the Swordfish and powered the engine for take off… "Eh?"

Bwhaha Cliff hanger!!!!!!! But you are lucky this time cause I gave you a clue about what will happen in the next chapter. (Sry if the story isn't double-spaced, I tried,)

(Edward and Jet running for their lives from Spike)

Me (back to cheery) and Ein:;;;

See ya next chap space cowboys/girls!