Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction ❯ Mistress of the Syndicate ❯ Creating the Killer ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Ultimate Disclaimer - We do not own Cowboy Bebop. If we did the end of the series would have went much differently. Although we don’t own the series we do own our original character (You’ll find out who it is later), so don’t use her without permission. This is the disclaimer for the entire story. We can’t be bothered with writing it at the top of each chapter. It’s too time consuming.

Now that that’s done with, here is some random info we would like to share with you. This is our first Cowboy Bebop fic. We worked extremely hard on it, so please review. We would appreciate the feedback. Also, you really don’t need to have watched the series to appreciate this story. You can pretty much understand everything since this has its own storyline. We also warn you that there is lemon contained in this story, so if you’re not 17 or over, you really shouldn’t be reading this. Don’t blame us if your parents catch you. There’s cursing and violence (which was unavoidable since it is Cowboy Bebop) so be prepared. That’s enough rambling. On with the story!!!

Chapter 1 – Creating the Killer

The young female ran wildly through the woods in fear for her life. She looked no more than 15. Her deep red hair was matted on her head with large amounts of sweat. Her muscles strained against her running form as her breathing became erratic.

The slightly bloody shirt she wore was torn all over as well as her blue pajama pants. Her bare feet and ankles were scratched from all the rocks and rubble on the ground.

The quarter moon above her gave little illumination to the forest around her. Unable to see, she not so gently fell into a dried out bank. She fell a few feet before she madly caught herself. Her slim form was covered with mud, dried blood, and other forest debris.

Desperation covered the features upon her face while she tightly squeezed the butcher knife in her right hand. Countless images flooded her mind as she tried to focus on what had happened to her family.

She closed her dull blue eyes and breathed deeply trying to relax her raging nerves, however it only brought on more tears. She began to stare at her torn shirt as her father’s last word rushed into her mind.

"Run!" his frantic voice yelled. She lifted her heavy body and continued her sprint away from her home.

The commotion behind was coming closer and closer by the second. Her mind frantically looked for a hiding spot from the dangerous intruders. She went for seclusion in a hollow tree trunk and kept as silent as she could. Voices closed in around her.

"I don't see her,” one of the gruff voices said.

The leader of the group spoke harshly. "I saw her come this way. Now find her!" The young girl instantly recognized the man’s voice.

She suddenly found herself reliving the horrifying experience.

The young girl awoke from the commotion in the living room. She heard her father's voice in a hushed tone. While rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she made her way towards the living room, her father's voice becoming more strained as she continued. She quietly tiptoed down the stairs and through a hallway. She peeked around the corner and saw three men before her.

"You screwed up big time Dante..." A strange man with green fuzzy hair spoke in an extremely low tone.

"Testifying against one of the syndicate's leading members...that’s not very smart." Before her father could speak the thin white haired man caught him by the throat and lifted him easily off the floor. He struggled to speak but the lack of oxygen distorted his face.

"V...Vicious" He struggled to say. She watched in horror at the sight upon her. The green haired man suddenly spotted her. He turned to Vicious and gave him a knowing look.

"Deal with it." Vicious whispered low enough that his partner could barely hear. Her father fought to breathe and was able get one last word out.


His victory to speak however was short-lived when Vicious quickly slit his throat with a small butterfly knife.

His lifeless body hit the floor with a loud thud. The young girl ran in horror away from the two men, barely missing Vicious' partner.

Panic ensued her body as the green haired man pursued her. Unable to warn her mother and sisters, she did all she could think of. She screamed madly with power in her lungs she didn't know existed. The man that chased her picked up in his speed.

She dashed through the living room catching a glimpse of her father's corpse and made a sharp left into the kitchen. She frantically pulled out the drawers to slow the man down. In her quick thinking she grabbed a butcher knife lying on the floor.

However, the spilled utensils did little to stop the man. A single shot rang through the air and slightly skimmed her right shoulder. Moments after the girl escaped the house, screaming could be heard followed by a barrage of gunshots. However this only caused the girl to run more frantically as tears streamed down her face.

The young teenager was brought from her trance by the incoming footsteps. Her heart raced as they came closer. Her body stiffened as the man's feet stood right in front of her. He was so close if she moved her hands slightly she could untie his shoes. She hadn't noticed she stopped breathing until her lungs screamed for air. The man in front of her spoke to the others.

"We will not leave until we find that girl." his voice was strangely calm but oozed with anger.

The girl immediately recognized the man's voice as the white haired leader, Vicious. Adrenaline and rage coursed through her entire being. The blood in her veins boiled and her hand tightened around the butcher knife.

Her movements were swift as she cut the back of the man’s knee. The surprised leader fell and with remarkable speed she brought the sharp butcher knife to the leader's neck. The smile on her face quickly dissipated as the barrel of a gun rested on her forehead. She looked to see none other than the green haired partner.

"Slick move, but if you had kept hidden you might have lived".

He was tall and slightly lanky, probably at the age of 18. His most dominating feature was his fuzzy green hair. Her hand held the knife steady. At that moment she feared nothing, not even death.

"I will be with my family...justice will come Vicious."

Ready to do her deed, she brought the knife down to his neck. In an instant Vicious' hand caught the blade between his palms.

The gunman put her into submission. Having a hard time with her kicking and screaming, he sent a quick blow to her stomach. This brought her to her knees gasping for the air lost from her lungs. She struggled to talk against her aching stomach.

"Finish what you started" she strained to say. The gunman once again brought his gun up to the teenager's face. He was quickly halted by Vicious.

"Wait. She’s quick and has natural talent, maybe more than some of the men here, including you,” He said as he wiped the excess blood off his neck.

"What do you want her for?” said his partner not taking his eyes off the girl.

Vicious menacingly grinned at her

"Someone has to take her fathers place" Her eyes held such shock and doubt that it amused Vicious.

"LIAR!!" Her voice held more anger than doubt as her hands shook.

"Believe what you want but the instincts are in you,” He said while holding her chin lightly. She angrily pulled her face away. "So... What do you say?" Vicious said grinning evilly.

"I would rather have you pull that trigger and end my misery." She whispered while hanging her head.

Vicious moved and kneeled down and whispered in her ear. "You'll never get the revenge that you so deeply desire."

Vicious’ closeness made her stomach churn. However she contemplated on his words, heavily weighing each decision and consequence, both choices seeming appealing in their own right. Her head began to ache from the strong smell of blood off of Vicious. He became impatient with her lack of response.

"Since you’re having problems to decide I'll do it for you. You are no longer the sophomore high school track star. You are no longer an aspiring artist, or a well-graded student. Your family died in a car crash. You became an orphan and disappeared."

Her body shook from trying to suppress the tears that threatened to spill as realization hit her like a ton of bricks. Her heart ached at what he was saying.

"No..."She kept repeating over and over, starting off soft but getting louder. As Vicious continued, she put all her strength into one solid punch and landed it on his face.

The green haired gunman charged at her and pushed the barrel of the gun harshly between her eyes. She searched for escape and inches away from her hand, spotted the butcher knife.

She grabbed it and blindly swung it at the gunman before her. She was pleased with herself when she felt droplets of blood on her face. She didn't get him as hard as she wanted but it was enough to make him grunt in pain.

"She's too much of a risk. She has no fear to die," He said squinting his eye in pain, knowing she did more damage than expected. He felt remorse for the girl and understood her actions but did little to show it.

"That’s what will make her so perfect Spike." He rose from the ground giving little attention to the pain in his cheek.

"A little devilish one she is, so sneaky," one of the guards said as he placed handcuffs tightly around her wrist while dodging a kick to the groin.

"Perfect...your name is now Jade Hexus and you are now a syndicate assassin in training. Sorry sweetheart, but with your rage issues we can't afford to have you run around without an escort, at least for now."

Jade said nothing toward Vicious’ venomous words but she vowed that day her original name would not be lost to her memory and that the syndicate would not break her spirit. This however would not be an easy task.

The last image of her home slowly drifted further and further away. Her old life, family, friends, and hopes were gone all in one night. She vowed that night to avenge her family, and kill the two men that destroyed her life.

'They will die. I swear it...' She thought to herself just before she was hit in the back of the head and blacked out.

A/N: For the record, you can see Vicious is a lot more talkative in this story than he is in the show. He’s a very violent character, and doesn’t really act like you would expect him to. We hope this doesn’t turn you off from our story. Also, sorry if we’ve offended any Vicious lovers with his behavior (We’re actually Vicious fans ourselves). Please Review!!!! Thanks.