Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction ❯ Mistress of the Syndicate ❯ Defiant Soldier ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 3 – Defiant Soldier
Jade sat on the large recliner in the break room. She had black headphones blaring in her ears as she snuggled into the comfy chair. The music relaxed her, helping her calm her raging nerves.

Jade, now 17 had grown about six inches in height. Her figure was more voluptuous and her dark red hair had grown to the middle of her back.

If you didn't know Jade you might have thought she was an average teenager. However, the look that she held in her dark blue eyes was of a woman. All of the innocence she once held in her eyes had almost completely dissipated from her lovely form.

She wore a black tank top with red lining. The shirt didn't hug too tightly, but was enough to accent her supple breasts. Her navy blue jeans were somewhat baggy, but hung nicely on her hips with a thin red belt. She was barefoot and red nail polish covered her toenails.

She shifted and lay on her side as she closed her eyes lightly. Spike walked in and saw Jade in a light slumber. Spike knew better than to believe that. Jade was more aware of everything when she slept than when she was awake. She developed that gift since Vicious use to make a habit of watching while she slept.

Spike leaned against the doorframe with a slight grin on his face. He leaned over and grabbed one of the footballs out of the semi-large bin beside him. Without a second thought Spike sent the football spiraling toward Jade's shoulder. She did exactly what he anticipated and caught the ball in midair. She sent it back with the same force it was thrown, barely stirring in her nap.

"Vicious wants to see you in his office." He said in his usual tone while leaving the room.

Jade rose with a soft groan and made her way to the leader's office. Her body language showed that she was calm even though she was a nervous wreck inside. She had been inside his office once and it terrified her to no end. She was late to one of her training sessions with Spike and Vicious made sure that she would never do it again. He nearly broke her arm and enjoyed every second of it.

She opened the large door after a light knock and entered. Vicious sat in a large leather chair behind a large oak desk that matched the door. He motioned her to sit down in the small chair. She quietly obeyed and sat.

Vicious stared intensely at her making her feel slightly awkward. Jade refused to let it show however, knowing that he would enjoy it. His words were calm and held a hint of humor.

"It’s finally time for your first job." He then handed her a semi thick manila folder. It contained Information on the person who she was to terminate. Vicious continued speaking as she examined the contents of the folder.

"He's a cop who is getting too close to catching one of our...chemical businessmen." Jade responded quickly at his remark.

"You want me to kill a cop over some drug dealers? Isn't that a bit juvenile?" Vicious gave her a deadly glare that he constantly used on her.

"Are you questioning my judgment?" He said more like a statement than a question. Jade sighed in defeat, knowing that she didn't want to get on his bad side, at least for now.

"No I'm not. May I leave now?" Jade didn't wait for his reply as she got up and walked out of the room until she was stopped by his words.

"No sniper rifle, kill him in close combat. I want you to see him as he dies." He said in a highly demanding tone. With that said she returned to her room and prepared to leave.

She said a word to none as she took out a duffle bag from under her bed and tossed it on a chair beside her. Jade tossed clothes and various weapons into the bag.

At first glance she seemed angry but deep down she was edgy and nervous. Her emotions were well hidden but Spike could always easily see through her act.

He stood at her doorway watching strangely as she scurried around the room. Jade zippered up her bag and turned so quickly that she bumped into Spike. Somehow Jade was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice Spike was there earlier. She felt slightly ridiculous for not sensing him before.

Jade mumbled a quick apology and tried to push past him. However she was stopped when he held a firm grip on her forearm. His words were soft sensing her tenseness.

"Keep your mind clear, watch your breathing, and remember: if you don't do it someone else will." Spike handed her a small earpiece with a microphone at the end.

"Keep in contact." She made a small nod and left the room heading to a large garage.

A large array of cars were before her, from sports cars to motorcycles. Jade made her way to one of the most inconspicuous ones there. The black hover car looked as if it needed a very good wash both inside and out.

Jade had been driving for what seemed like an hour and a half. Her mind jumbled with countless thoughts. Fear, anxiety, nervousness, and a slight feeling of dread crossed the features of her face. Her hand fiddled on the steering wheel as she neared her destination.

It was late in the night as she came to a semi large apartment building. The building was pretty elegant with red bricks holding the structure together and two white columns signaled where the entrance was. Jade was impressed that a cop could afford a place such as this one.

Swiftly, Jade moved to the back seat bringing her duffle bag along. Changing from her relaxing attire, she now wore an all black ensemble. Her pants fit her snug and had small garter belt around her upper thigh, which was laced with steel daggers. A vest outfitted with many pockets and compartments covered her long sleeved shirt. Her deep red locks were placed into a loose braid. She put on a medium sized coat that went down to her knees. The coat covered the holster nicely concealing the two small Berettas and her small knives.

Jade then went to the folder reviewing it thoroughly, making sure she didn't miss a thing. She picked up the small communicator and placed it in her ear. Pressing the button, she had instant contact with Spike. Her voice was more serious than usual

"I'm here."

Spike's voice was stern and soothing at the same time relaxing Jade slightly.

"What's your status?" Jade breathed in slightly as if trying to calm herself.

"The far as I can tell is home. There's a rent-a-cop posing as a doorman, and he only has a basic 9mm. He's not a problem; I can easily take him out. What worries me is if there is any other surveillance in this place or any other security."

Spike replied swiftly as if knowing what she was going to say before hand.

"Don't worry your pretty little head. We had scouters here for about a month so all should go smoothly." Spike's words did little to relieve the girl’s paranoid mind.

She stepped out of the car and made her way toward the doorman. Surprised at her own relaxation she put on a fake smile, talking sweetly to the middle-aged doorman.

"Excuse me Sir; I'm looking for a little restaurant named ‘The Lizard Tooth.’ You see, I'm having a blind date there and I'm completely lost." She prayed that the man would buy her blatant lie as well as her naive persona. Luckily for Jade, the doorman was as naive as he looked and responded in a nice tone.

"Oh, I know that place. Go two blocks down and make a left. You'll then come to a green sign..."

Jade paid little attention to his words and only looked for an opening to attack. While the man babbled he turned his back giving opportunity. Jade karate chopped the man in the back of the neck knocking him out instantly.

She took a handkerchief and tied it ear to ear to conceal her identity. Jade lifted the man, or at least tried to, but failed miserably. The guard was heavier than she anticipated, so Jade ended up dragging him into a nearby alley. She drugged him with a light tranquilizer insuring that he wouldn’t wake while she did her job.

She entered the apartment building with little confidence. Each step she took made her more nervous and fidget further. She kept away from the elevator and the camera inside. She quickly yet quietly ran up the stairs to the fifth floor. Running up the stairs kept her mind off the task ahead, also reminding her how much she hated stairs.

She finally reached her destination and with an exhausted sigh, began to pick the lock. Jade's mind completely went blank as she entered the warm apartment. It had a homely feel that made her miss her family desperately. Jade knew exactly where to go since she studied the floor plan thoroughly.

She entered the dark bedroom with little sound being made. The room was pretty dark and the only illumination was from the streetlight outside. The figure in the bed stirred slightly in his sleep making her pause in her movements. Jade went to the side of the bed and observed the targets profile. He was more handsome than the picture showed; however even as he slept worry covered his features.

She took out the gun from her holster and pointed it at the slumbering man. She would've completed her mission if the door hadn't opened revealing a young girl not older than seven. Her voice was soft and slightly shaken up.

"Daddy....Daddy!" The man in the bed woke to find his daughter terrified.

"Honey...What’s wrong Sweetheart?" His voice was caring and reminded Jade of her own father.

She stood on the fire escape next to his window. Tears streamed down her face and anger boiled in her heart. Her hands shook violently threatening to let go of the gun she was holding.

The communicator in her ear buzzed madly with Spike's voice.

"What happened!? Are you ok!? What’s going on over there!?" Jade did her best not to alarm the family inside as she choked out an answer.

"He's a father. He has a family, a little girl." Her tone was quiet yet hysterical. Spike needed to hear no more, he understood perfectly.

Suddenly Spike's transmission was cut off and replaced with the voice she hated with all her heart, Vicious.

"Jade, your order was to terminate this man. Now do your job!" For the first time Vicious yelled at her, not using his usual low frightening tone.

Unable to control her emotions she continued to cry madly. The cool air outside slightly froze her salty tears to her face. She had little words to say in response.

"He has a little girl...I can't."

Vicious was beyond angry with the young girl defying him. That is until he came up with a sick resolution.

"Kill them both."

Jade froze at his comment and tried her best to respond. "NO! I'm not being paid to kill the girl."

Vicious smirked at her attempt to avoid her obligation.

"Well you don't want her to suffer her father's death, so put her out of her misery."

Jade could no longer hold back the tears as she gripped the gun tightly.

"I..........can't do this. No! Please!"

Vicious was getting quite annoyed with her antics and spoke harshly to her.

“Do it or face the consequences!"

Her mind jumbled with countless objections. The small family inside had long been quiet, signaling their sleep. Jade peered inside to make sure, only to see the target protectively holding his little girl in a deep sleep. The sight before her made Jade yearn for her father’s embrace.

Jade opened the window and slid into the comfortable environment. Jade stood beside the bed once more. She did her best to control her breathing as she brought up the gun to the small family. Her hand was surprisingly steady but hesitation took hold on her form. Tears threatened to spill from her ocean blue orbs, but she held them back with all her might.

Vicious could still be heard in her ear.

"Kill them now!"

Her slender finger went to rest on the trigger lightly. She tried to kill the man, yet her heart and mind couldn't handle the stress. Jade brought down her arm feeling utter defeat. She knew she would have to face the music eventually. Jade slowly went to the mirror against the wall and took out her lipstick from her pocket.

Jade left the building hoping that the message would cause the man and his child to disappear. She went back into her car knowing she did the right thing. Jade had long ago turned off the communicator. Vicious wouldn’t stop yelling and it was giving her a headache.

She tossed the small contraption into the back seat and drove off to the headquarters. For once she didn't second-guess herself. She knew if she went through with it, regret would consume her.

For the first time she wasn't scared of Vicious or what he would do to her, even if it was going to be painful. She returned back to the garage where she had come from. She grabbed her duffle bag and headed to her leaders office once more. She refused to have him look for her, and it was better to face him now than later.

Jade went through the very familiar oak doors once again. Vicious sat at his desk with the usual look on his face. His eyes showed only one emotion as she could tell. Anger.

She dropped her bag to the side of her, took off her coat and tossed it on one of the chairs. Of course Vicious was the first to speak.

“You disobeyed a direct order."

Jade didn't respond to him. She only stood there silently.

"Aren't you going to explain why you did it? You embarrassed me with your weak actions!" Vicious was getting visibly angry, and Jade enjoyed every second of it.

Vicious rose from his seat and walked to Jade somewhat calmly. This time Jade gave a calm response.

"There's nothing to explain."

Jade knew at that moment she would receive her punishment, she just hoped it would be quick.

As if reading her thoughts, Vicious spun and sent a hard kick to her chest. The air was completely torn from her lungs as she hit the wall behind her. Normally Jade would just take her punishment but the lustful look he held scared her. She rose to her feet and stood in a defensive position, as if unaffected by his blow. The smirk Vicious held was quickly wiped away by this.

Vicious charged her, however he halted when her knee came in contact with his stomach. Vicious took this as an opportunity and sent a strong punch to her jaw. They both stood a few feet from each other.

Jade wiped the blood off her lip with her sleeve, feeling slight pain while doing so. Vicious looked as if he didn't feel a thing, and only smiled seductively.

This time Jade was the first to attack trying to bring a kick to his groin, however he caught her leg with one arm. In retaliation, Jade dropped to the floor trying to kick him with her other leg, yet that was caught as well. Vicious brought her legs behind him, straddling her hips with his own. Jade punched him with all her might only to be caught by his own hands. He took both her wrists in one hand and held them over her head.

Vicious was so close to her that she could feel his heart beat. This made her not only sick to her stomach but her skin crawl. Vicious loved every moment of it down to the very anger in her eyes.

He brought his fist back and sent hard punches to her chest and face with his free arm. Vicious stopped to rest after several minutes of his assault on her.

Her right eye was swollen as well as her lip bloodied. Bruises already started to form across her slender form, but somehow she looked unfazed. Vicious leaned down, his face only an inch apart from her own. Lust covered his whole being as he licked his lips in delight.

Jade was completely mortified as she suddenly felt his semi hard erection pressed against her lower abdomen. In reaction Jade spit blood mixed with mucus in his face.

Anger coursed through his veins but he only smirked. He brought his arm back to continue his beating but halted when someone held back his wrist.

Spike stood over Vicious, disappointment covering his tone.

"That’s enough." Vicious nodded and slowly rolled off of Jade.

Spike gently helped Jade up and went to take her to her room. However she refused and pulled away from him walking on her own. Spike rolled his eyes and let her go staying behind in the office.

Vicious went to his desk grabbing tissues and wiped his face of Jade's blood. He sat back in his desk as if he did nothing wrong angering Spike slightly.

"You left out a part in the file, that he is father to a six year old girl. I know because I checked." Vicious didn't respond so Spike continued.

"I figured you did it on purpose to test her, but you knew she would fail. Why do you enjoy hurting her? I know you have strange likes, but don't make me have to stop you again. It embarrasses you."

Spike went in his pocket and pulled out a cigarette, lighting it quickly and sucking on the sweet smoke. Vicious knew what Spike was implying and answered calmly "Please, I'm above raping. What do you take me for?"

Having better things to do, Spike left. He turned and walked away leaving a small cloud of smoke behind as he headed to Jade's room.

He found her in the bathroom cleaning up her face. Jade paused slightly at his presence but soon continued with her task.

She winced every now and then but paused when Spike began to speak.

"We sent another guy to do your job, but there was no one in the apartment. Just thought you wanted to know."

Jade inwardly smirked, thanking god that the man listened to her warning. Spike continued to speak.

"Please try your best not to make it a habit in failing any more missions. You won’t live long otherwise."

Jade gave a genuine smile and walked over to him pulling the cigarette out of his mouth. She threw it on the floor and stepped on it.

"Those will kill you one day and don’t worry about me…I've never been scared of consequences"

Spike obviously annoyed at the loss of his cigarette walked out the room mumbling something about strange females.

A/N: Thanks for reading. We hope that wasn’t too dramatic. Why not tell us in a review? Go on…Please review.