Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction ❯ Mistress of the Syndicate ❯ Thirsty Kisses ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter10 - Thirsty Kisses

Jade stood over the corpse of her newest target. Her breathing was slightly ragged and erratic. Her hair was in disarray, along with her tattered clothing.

The target was just some unlucky random man, who had caused trouble with the wrong people. As she turned to leave, the man groaned in pain. Jade mentally rolled her eyes, while pulling her gun from holster.

Jade's inspection of the man showed that he had no pulse or any other vital signs. She rose, wondering where the groans came from. Jade suddenly froze sensing she wasn't alone in the room. With great agility, she turned pointing her gun at the brave intruder.

She came face to face with a sawed off shot gun held by the one man who changed her life. His green locks shadowed over his face, making it hard for Jade to read his emotions.

She still held the gun to his face unsure if he would pull the trigger. Even after the two years of not seeing him, he could still warm her cold heart. But under these circumstances, being happy to see Spike was the furthest thing from her mind.

"You kept her from me by saying she was dead. You knew I trusted you and I wouldn't go looking for her."

Jade barely recognized his almost silent voice. She knew exactly where these accusations were heading, but did nothing to defend herself.

"You stabbed me in the back! ...Is this revenge for your family?" His first tone was full of anger that didn't fit the cool headed Spike. The last part was full of sorrow, that didn't fit him either.

"It’s not like that. I was trying to protect you." Jade pleaded for him to understand, but this wasn't the Spike she knew.

"You should be worried about protecting yourself, Jade." She took a step back feeling his menacing smirk.

The shotgun went off with a deafening pop, making heated buck shots impale her lower stomach. Jade flew back a couple of feet and skidded to a stop. Her bitter liquid pooled around her and soaked through her clothes. The gun disappeared from her hand forcing Jade to face her doom.

Her breathing was coming in small gasps, and her vision was going blurry with tears, pain, and the loss of blood. She could hear the sounds of his footstep come beside her. All Jade's eyes could focus on was the barrel of the shotgun, that rested over her heart.

"You want the truth Spike?" He didn't answer waiting for her to continue.

"She didn't love you and would rather see you die to protect herself." It took more energy than Jade thought to speak, as she fought to stay awake.

"No more lies." Spike said and pulled the trigger once more.

Jade rushed to a sitting position yelling in pain. She clutched her chest violently, in an effort to stop her heart from coming out of her ribcage. She frantically searched her body for wounds, but her hands met with bare skin. Jade's breathing was slightly shaky, with her hands gripping the sheet below her body.

"You ok honey?" The man beside Jade stirred slightly, soon rising to a sitting position. He wrapped his arms around her slouched figure. The man moved closer and placed a light kiss on her shoulder. Jade made a small smile while returning the tender hug.

"I'm fine Shin." Jade whispered not wanting to ruin the moment. His face was stern as he brought his hands down, showing he didn't believe her.

She turned around to face Shin while pushing him on his back. Jade maneuvered herself so that she now straddled him by the waist. She took this time to adore his features.

Shin was about a half a foot taller than Jade and a minute older than his identical twin. His brown hair went to his ears which brought out his dark eyes. His skin was lighter than her own with a lot less scars. Shin was blessed with a well defined body that Jade love to run her hands across.

"It was another nightmare wasn't it?" His serious voice wiped the smirk off Jade's face. She leaned over and lay on his naked chest, listening to the steady sound of his heartbeat.

"Yes." Jade's voice was barely above a whisper as her eyes drifted close. Shin lightly kissed the top of her head and held her in a hug once more. He truly sympathized with Jade but loved the way she could still hold her own.

Jade moved up in Shin's arms till she was face to face with him. She leaned in, giving him a tender kiss. Jade nibble on his bottom lip as if begging for entrance. Shin took the opportunity and slid his tongue into her delicious mouth. Jade giggled in the kiss at his sneakiness. His hands moved to her hips pushing her closer.

With bad luck that Jade will never understand, both communicators buzzed on the night table. They groaned in unison, pausing in their movements. Still on top, Jade rested her forehead on Shin's in frustration. She rolled over, grabbing both contraptions and passing Shin his own.

"What?" Jade said with the most frustrated voice she could make.

"Um…hi Jade. Sorry to bother you. Vicious says he wants you to come with me on my first mission." Jade immediately recognized the voice of the timid kid.

"When should I meet you in the garage Dimitri?" Her fingers combed through her dark red locks out of confusion.

"I still have to get briefed so in like um...45 minutes" Jade replied with a quick fine and shut off the communicator. She looked around the room in search of Shin but found him nowhere sight. The sound of the shower signaled his position.

As Jade walked to the bathroom she shed her large white t-shirt, along with her blue bikini underwear. The bathroom was somewhat steamy, and the heat warmed her chilled skin. Shin's figure was outlined behind the glass shower door. Jade smiled as she stealthily slid the door open and quickly shut it behind her. She snuck behind him ready to squeeze his tight little bottom.

"I see that you have some time till your rendezvous." Though she couldn't see his face Jade could tell he was smirking. Her hands rested on her hips. Shin took Jade by surprise, by spinning around and effortlessly lifting her in the air. She giggled lightly as she wrapped her legs around his bare waist.

"How long do you have before you go?" Jade's arm snaked around his neck pulling him closer. The water splashed on both occupants making it the perfect atmosphere for naughty things.

"Lin said to be there in 10 minutes, 15 if necessary." Shin took the opportunity and placed butterfly kisses across her shoulder and neck. Jade moaned a response some babble that neither understood. Her hands instinctively combed his hair with her fingers. His lips sucked lightly on her breast, until Jade stopped him.

"Your brother isn't the waiting type. Better not beat around the bush." Shin couldn't help but laugh at Jade's strange choice of words, but complied with her demand. He entered her quickly, causing Jade to catch her breath in her lungs. Jade gripped Shin's soaking back as her eyes tightly closed. The steam in the shower warmed the skin that the water didn't hit.

Her inner walls held Shin prisoner, with his breath caught within his lungs. The sensations were too much to take, forcing him to pause his movements. Jade took the moment to slow her breathing, however was replaced with a loud gasp. Shin filled her to the hilt, followed by increased pace and forceful thrusts.

One arm held Jade's form to him, while the other braced himself against the wall. Shin’s head was buried into the crook of her neck along with his pants and grunts. Her inner walls squeezed him softly, showing her end was near. The heat from Shin contrasted greatly with the cool of the shower wall.

Jade's moans were low and soft since she preferred discretion. Her hands were at her sides pushing her body closer to Shin's, if possible. She bit her lower lip to suppress screams while nearing her end.

Both of their movements had become frantic, pounding in unison. Jade was the first to plunge off the cliff into blinding light, shaking in response. Her tightness made it near impossible for Shin to move. His will had ended in couple of thrusts, joining Jade in the blinding light. They stilled completely, riding the wave of ecstasy.

Pants were made to calm their erratic heart beats, along with the massive adrenaline boost. Shin released Jade softly onto the shower floor, both with slightly shaky legs. She sunk to ground, still wanting to rest from the recent events. Shin washed up quickly and joined Jade on the floor.

Her eyes instinctively closed, as Shin moved the wet hair from her face. She leaned into his touch waiting for him to speak.

"Leave the shower on?" Jade responded to him with a nod and he continued to talk.

"I'll be back tonight. Don't wait up." Shin leaned in, kissing the lips he worshiped. The kiss deepened naturally, Shin leaning into Jade forcing her on her forearms. It would have continued if Jade didn't nudge his chest.

"You have to go before Lin kills us both. I'll be here when you get back." With one last peck, Shin left the bathroom into the darkness of the bedroom.

Jade laid on the shower floor for about 20 minutes, until her skin became like prunes. She rushed to get ready and practically jumped into a pair of dark blue jeans, a white shirt and an oversized black hoodie. While searching for a pair of matching socks, a knock hit the door. As her eyes searched the room for missing shoes she opened the door.

Dimitri stood in Jade's doorway with a smug look on his face. Jade barely recognized him as the timid boy on the communicator. He towered a foot over Jade and his hair was now shoulder length, which was held in a low ponytail. His face was stoic and emotionless but Jade knew the stuttering boy beneath.

"I was just heading to the garage. Let me grab my shoes and we'll get going." said Jade, returning into the room with Dimitri in tow.

While putting on her socks and shoes she mysteriously found, she sized him up once more. He was more built than Shin, probably around 210 pounds. He had a definite amount of muscle, but still too inexperienced to take on Jade. All that muscle made him too slow to go on a mission alone.

"Um, I think you're a little under-dressed." He said referring to her laid back outfit. Jade couldn't help but smile at the boys growing courage. Normally he wouldn't be so brave and Jade wouldn't be so forgiving.

"Have you thought that you’re over-dressed? Remember; unless it calls for it, you never want to wear a suit. We're supposed to be ghosts that people forget as soon as they see us. Are you sure you're ready for this? I could always do it you know." Jade's voice was filled with concern unlike her cold demeanor.

"No...I have to do it sooner or later." Jade sighed seeing Dimitri as an annoying younger brother, preferring that he wasn't in the syndicate at all. Dimitri left the room with Jade behind him.

Jade made sure to lock the room tightly. The last thing she needed was Vicious finding out she was with Shin, if he didn't know already.

The ride went on for what seemed like hours, making Jade wonder why they hadn't taken a ship. She had to hold in the cheer of joy as their destination came into sight.

It was a decent sized city mostly filled with average businesses and a couple of casinos. The couple made their way to a small square and sat outside at a coffee shop. Their backs faced each other, Dimitri reading a news report while she watched some bounty hunter show. Jade drank a hot chocolate and Dimitri a black coffee. Jade looked at her watch with concern written all over her face.

"Ok, now let’s go over the details mostly because you look nervous." Jade spoke quietly. Her hands were fidgeting inside her pockets fearing what she would do soon.

"Target's male, 5'10'', average build, being accompanied by three bodyguards." Dimitri’s eyes focused on the news before him and spoke in a hushed tone.

"Target will arrive in an hour in a half inside a black limousine." Jade groaned loudly at the news, sitting up straight. Her hands moved to her neck and began to rub out the knots. Letting out a sigh Jade spoke once more.

"Dimitri you've got to be kidding me. We've got to stay here that long. Someone's going to know something’s up when we don't move for an hour." Jade rubbed the headache that threatened to hit her temples. She looked up at the sky, hoping it would release her from babysitting

"Well you can never be too careful. You never want to miss the target." Dimitri said in a matter of fact voice, making Jade roll her eyes. Both were still focused on whatever was in front of them.

"You do know that’s not you problem. The scouters are in charge of that. If they get it wrong, it’s not your fault." Jade rose from her seat and stretched her stiff body. She looked in no particular direction and began to walk away from Dimitri.

"Hey wait! Where are you going?!" His tone was filled with panic and despair making Jade frown.

"Relax; I won't be more than a...hour." Before Dimitri could protest Jade was gone. He bit his lower lip and gripped his side arm for dear life.

Jade walked in a particular direction for what seemed like ten minutes, and came to a stop. She stood at the edge of a small merchant square, on the side of the main city. Countless merchants tried to sell her things, but Jade ignored them all. A small communication booth stood next to a dark alleyway. It looked like what Jade could remember as a phone booth. She had seen them once in an old history book.

She slid open the creaky door, needing a little strength. It was obvious that it hadn't been used in quite a while. Jade took out her disposable credit card that couldn't be traced and swiped it through the contraption. It beeped a couple of times and finally came to life, to her surprise. The little screen above the receiver lit up with a small 'Welcome' sign.

While taking a small piece of paper out of her pocket, Jade lifted the receiver off the hook. She dialed what seemed like an endless amount of numbers. Jade prayed that she would hear something else other than the consistent ringing. Her pleads were answered.

"Yeah." The male voice was rough and slightly rigid. She smiled at the familiar voice, missing him more than she realized.

"It's been a while Jet." She spoke in a soft tone that she hadn't used in years. Jade fidgeted with her clothing nervous at what he would say. Too nervous she didn't give him a chance to speak.

"Please.....Don't say my name." She wasn’t sure why she said that, it wasn't the first time they were talking. She had checked in on Spike on more than one occasion, even if it was risky. Jet sighed loudly making Jade stiffen her body.

"How's it going kid?" Jade could practically see Jet rub his temples in annoyance.

"It's been better. Is that bonsai I gave you still alive?" She smiled knowing how hard it is to maintain his garden.

"Well, it still has leaves." He scratched his head in annoyance, but laughed regardless. Jade was silent for a couple of minutes, hesitant about asking her next question.

"...How is he?'' She bit her lip hoping he was still alive.

"He's adjusting. Actually, not that bad of a bounty hunter, he does bring money in." Relief flooded Jade, so much so that she needed to lean against the wall of the booth. She did her best to change the conversation, knowing exactly where this conversation was going.

"Is the ship in good cond-"Before Jade could finish Jet interrupted her.

"When are you getting out?” Jet let out a tone that reminded Jade so much of her father. She sighed loudly not sure what to say. Jade stood quite for what seemed like hours.

"Your father wouldn't approve." Jade leaned onto one of the glass walls, enjoying the cool feel upon her skin. It eased the headache that Jade was sure to come.

"...I know..." Jade clenched the phone tightly, unpleased with the conversation. She wanted nothing more than to hang up on her only father figure; however she still held the receiver to her ear. She hung her head low in shame with her voice barely above a whisper.

"There is always a room here for you." He stood on the communicator sure if he had more time, he could convince her to leave. Time was not on his side.

"Thanks......." Jade was interrupted by the harsh pops of gunfire. Both froze but for different reasons, Jet for nervousness and Jade for anxiety.

"Shit!" Were the last words he heard before the line went dead.

Jade ran to the sounds, sure it was Dimitri. Adrenaline coursed through her veins, pushing her to run faster. Her red hair pushed behind in self induced wind. People started to push past, scurrying away from the danger. After the fifth or sixth person crashed into Jade, she finally made to the commotion. As soon as she turned the corner Jade was forced back, for Dimitri shot in every direction.

She pulled out a 9mm from her holster along with a compact mirror. Jade took the mirror and moved it around the corner, just enough to see but not to get noticed.

Men in black took cover behind a black limo, while Dimitri behind a flimsy coffee table. He looked focused as he shot back at the men in black. Everyone should’ve been dead, but both sides had terrible aim. The sight was completely pathetic, making Jade groan loudly. Unfortunately Dimitri heard her and shot the mirror right out of her hand.

"DIMITRI, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!! IT’S ME!!!!!" Jade yelled over the screams and the deafening pops. Her emotions where on edge, along with her patience.

Jade stood up and walked straight toward the limo. The others didn't notice her until she walked right beside them. Before they could react, Jade grabbed the leader, twisted him into a headlock and used him as a shield. She yelled with authority that a mother would use on a bad child.

"Guns down! Now!" The three men before her looked confused and in a total daze. That is until the man she held ordered them to comply. The three looked completely average, most likely identical. The men tossed their guns to Jade's feet and she continued to give orders, while kicking the guns away.

"Good, now get on your knees and put your hands behind your head...All of you." She said referring to the man she still held in a tight grip. Her hold on him loosened and the man fell to his knees. Though none of the men before her held any weapons, gunshots could still be heard. Her head ached painfully from the sounds, bringing much irritation.

"YOU CAN STOP FIRING DIMITRI!" Yelling only gave Jade more of a headache. She took her free hand and placed it on her warm head. Dimitri’s footsteps could be heard coming closer and finally to a halt. She didn't bother looking at him; her aggravation was reaching a whole new point.

"Why did you step in, I had it under control." His whiney tone pushed her further until Jade could no longer take it, and she lashed out.

"Go to the car!" He was ready to protest, but Jade never gave him a chance.

"GO TO THE FUCKING CAR!" Dimitri's large form looked strange and somewhat distorted. The gun he held slipped from his grip and fell to the floor. His small lower lip quivered and his eyes began to water. Dimitri then brought his hands over his face and ran off to the car, reminding Jade of a girl who had just been grounded.

Jade groaned not bothering to watch Dimirti and his childish escapade. Her attention was brought to the target, who was laughing hysterically. Jade fell to the floor into a sitting position. The other three men joined in the laughing; Jade couldn't help but giggle lightly.

"That kid is not a Red Dragon, no matter how much he wants to be." One of the henchmen spoke between his convulsions of laughter. The leader rose and went into the limousine and brought out a bottle of water, handing it to Jade.

"Get that kid home......I'll give the report to Vicious." She drank the water as if it was the last in the Galaxy. She got up while putting her gun in the holster. Jade spoke in a grateful tone that was rarely used.

"I'll do that....Oh and thanks for not killing him, I owe you guys dinner like I promised." She walked away from the group that still kept laughing.

The walk to the car was a long one and her body felt heavier with each step. She wasn't looking forward to talking to the buff kid. The car came into sight and Jade sighed loudly.

"Might as well get it over with it now." She said to no one in particular. The car door opened with a small squeak, as she slipped into the driver's seat. Dimitri didn't give her a glance, he just stared out of the window with an empty gaze. Jade put the key into the ignition, making the car roar to a start.

During the drive Jade would occasionally glance at Dimitri. His eyes were still puffy with a slight red tint, most likely from crying. A sniffle could sometimes be heard from him, covered up with a manly cough.

It didn't take long for Jade to get to her destination. The car came to a stop in the parking lot of a space port. The port was relatively small, with few space ships in dock.

Dimtri look completely shocked at where they were. He didn't move a muscle for what seemed like forever. Jade rolled her eyes as she leaned across him, and opened the car door. The expression on his face was one of fear and anxiety.

"Jade.....I don't understand." Jade sighed loudly not wanting to hear the boy's whines once more.

"There's a flight leaving in half an hour to the Neptune moon, Larissa." She said while handing him a couple thousand woolongs. She could already see the tears begin to form in his eyes.

"You're sending me home? I thought I was doing well. I don't want to leave." His voice was becoming more and more squeaky, making Jade wince. This time Dimitri refused to hide his tears. They came with loud sobs and small convulsions; he crunched into a little ball as if he was in physical pain.

"Dimitri, stop crying." Her voice was tender, as she gently stroked his back. His cries however only grew louder and he was starting to make a scene.

"That’s enough!" Jade's tone was demanding, forcing Dimitri to be quiet.

"This is the exact reason you’re being let go. You don't have the stomach to take it. That’s not a bad thing…be glad you're not meant for this lifestyle." The tears stopped falling and were replaced with anger.

"Not fit for this lifestyle? I am this lifestyle! I did everything by the book today and you're letting me go!” He grabbed Jade's arm with some force to cause her pain. Normally she would’ve struck back, but she didn't want to hurt him.

"You made major errors on this mission. You attacked when the target came off schedule, you were completely obvious with a disguise, you chose bad cover from fire, And more importantly YOU HAVE TERRIBLE AIM! I'm sorry, but I can't approve you. You're a danger to yourself and the partners you may have." Dimitri refused to hear what she had to say, and continued to argue.

"You're forgetting that those men didn't hit me either, even behind the coffee table." His grip on her arm loosened slightly and Jade pulled away. Her head ached painfully.

"They weren't trying to hit you!" The confused look on his face made Jade want to giggle, but she held her composure.

"The target and his men were comrades of mine in the syndicate. It was all a test, and you failed…miserably." Dimitri slumped over in his chair in self defeat. Realization hit him like a ton of bricks. He looked completely depressed and Jade felt a little guilty.

"What about no one leaving the syndicate?" His voice was barely above a whisper.

"Go home Dimitri, I'm sure someone there misses you." Dimitri muttered a small "ok" and left the car. Jade rested in the chair trying to ease her pounding head. Fatigue took over Jade's body, as she slipped into a light sleep.

She was in Vicious' office, lying on her back. Her eyes went wide, when she felt the hilt of a sword on her neck. Jade didn't have to guess to know who was holding the weapon.

"You disobeyed direct orders! Spike is still alive." His voice came from the body lying beside her. She didn't dare turn her head in fear of being cut. Jade knew this day was coming but not this soon.

"If you want an apology, you won’t get one." She could feel him smile on her skin. He breathed in deeply inhaling her scent. He pushed the blade a little harder into her neck. Jade could feel warm liquid roll down her neck and pool in her hair.

"I miss this part of you Jade. Being obedient just doesn't suit you. I think I'll indulge myself this one time." Vicious slowly ran his free hand up her torso, pausing for a moment at her breasts. His hand then went to the collar of her shirt resting there just below the sword. His breathing came in pants of ecstasy, making Jade more nervous by the second.

"Get your filthy hands off me." She said with a sneer, entertaining Vicious further.

"Gladly." Vicious suddenly gripped the collar of her shirt, pulling his hand down quickly. The shirt ripped with some effort, exposing Jade's pink bra.

"My Jade, you never struck as a girl who wears pink." She tried to wiggle free but the blade just went deeper into her neck. Jade winced in pain and coughed a small amount of blood. She completely froze as Vicious unzipped his pants.

"Time for your punishment."

Everything stopped, and all that could be heard was a loud car horn. Jade opened her eyes preparing to be blinded by the sun but only saw the night sky.

Without wasting any more time Jade drove back to head quarters. The ride was longer than anticipated, arriving there sometime after two in the morning. The hallways were relatively empty, making Jade pleased she didn't have to speak to anyone.

Her room so dark, it took a moment for her eyes to adjust. Through the shadows she could see the bed was occupied. As fast and as quiet as she could, Jade dressed into one of Shin's button down shirts. All but two buttons undone, she made her way to the bed. With expert stealth and skill, Jade slid into the bed without even a squeak.

"I was worried about you. You should report in. It makes me nervous when you don't." Jade collapsed into the bad in defeat. Shin turned until his upper body hovered over Jade's. He supported his weight on his left arm, beside Jade's head.

"I'll keep that in mind." She smiled as Shin kissed her with lust and even more passion.

A/N: Alright, listen up!!! To all of you on Mediaminer, we do appreciate the fact that you are reading but we need some proof. Before we post chapter 11, we would like 5 reviews. We really don’t think that’s too much to ask. They can say anything, just no flames. Constructive criticism welcomed. Just 5!!! Please!! If you like this story and want to see it continued, that really isn’t too much. Thanks in advance.