Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction ❯ Moon Dreams ❯ Footprints ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Cowboy Bebop (manga/anime) I am only a fan trying to write a worthwhile story.
(Note: This chapter has a lot of talking at the beginning but it gets funny later. I hope you enjoy…here ya go.)
Session 4: Footprints
Cold Heart Bastard
You smile and leave
Cold Heart Bastard
You joke and tease
Cold Heart Bastard
No one can hurt you
For Somewhere
The true sincere soul
Of a good man
Wolfe stood outside of the Sheriff's office holding his silver plated deagle in his hand. He spun it absent-mindedly with his forefinger while leaning against the wall in his normal cool and dangerous demeanor. His hands were covered in blood and he was quite the odd site to see in a police station. No one attended to him, most of the employees ignored his existence, and the officers that passed by him gave him a gentle nod out of respect. He didn't care; he couldn't even acknowledge their presence with his eyes shut since he didn't even bother to open them. He smelled their stench and felt their breeze as the walked by. Ignore the elephant in the living room, its all normal, hes just the neighborhood pet.
Finally, after a long few minutes, Wolfe was called into the office across the hall infront of him. Pushing himself off the wall, he followed the female voice into the small office cubicle. At the desk infront of him sat a young woman; she was about 29 and wore the police uniform proudly brandishing its dark navy and white. The badge on her chest glistened from the noisy fluorescent light above. Her brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail. “Jonas.” She said tranquilly in greeting with her brown eyes staring lazily at him.
Wolfe closed the door behind him then stood patiently infront of her with his gun still in hand. Apprehensively, he proclaimed, “Jorge is dead, Fiona.”
“And?” She replied, quite emotionlessly as if she didn't care.
“I shot him…hes at the slaughter house.” Wolfe continued coldly, there was no point in regretting it now.
“What about the bank account?” She mused with her eyes focusing on the sheet of paper on her desk; it wasn't long before she began marking on it.
“All of his cards and checks are in the Burner's custody now.” He swallowed lightly after saying that. Fiona's glance caught that action and she lifted her head to watch the normally cool man in his discomfort. His eyes were staring down at the beautiful firearm in his hand now to avoid her own. Lowering her brows, she asked, “Jonas, do you wish to go to the doctor?”
He froze as his eyes lifted to look at her with a blank stare. “I'm not crazy, alright.”
“You just killed your bestfriend.”
“I don't have friends.” Wolfe responded automatically.
Fiona chuckled at his comment and joked imply, “Especially now you don't.”
Wolfe froze from the comment; everything froze except for his eyes that stared angrily at her. The normal light gray hue shifted into a darker shade as his pupils narrowed. “Fuck you, Fiona.”
“No thanks, your pay should be in your account…now, get the hell out of here.” She blurted rudely to him. Fiona was a pure brooding bitch.
* * * *
A week had passed since she last saw Wolfe—she'd forgotten about him, partially—as she wiped the top of the recently departed table. They people left her a decent tip, which was good, since she had spent the majority of her day pulling in a flurry of decent tips. Today was far easier than her first…everything was going so smoothly. There weren't any screw-ups, no one yelled at her…partly due to what happened with the last time so no one attempted to give her a hard time. The only dire circumstance was the fact that her feet were killing her from yesterday's mistake of wearing heels for eight hours straight.
When her break came, she immediately made her way down the long hall toward the locker room. Her mind was in a haze as she rushed through the narrow corridor passing a few people along the way, including Wolfe who waited against the wall for her. Even she ignored him now and that pissed him off. As she entered the locker room, Wolfe took a seat in one of the chairs parked infront of the door. While she relieved herself in her own private cubical, Wolfe couldn't wait any longer. He entered the locker room to look for her. Casually, he moved down the hall checking each break in the wall where the lockers appeared yet, he found nothing. Confused he scratched his head and sighed lightly. It seemed she was hiding from him in his mind; he even thought she might have jumped out of the open window down the hall.
Faye flushed the toilet and exited the stall with a relieved look on her face. Her stomach no longer screamed and tortured her and it was good. It was also good when she splashed the cold faucet water in her face to get rid of the greasy and sweaty feeling on her skin, though be it only temporarily. Faye then pulled one of the napkins out of the dispenser to wipe her face and when she could see again, she saw Wolfe behind her in the mirror.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Faye asked nonchalantly, she was indifferent to his appearance there. She wasn't exactly sure what she wanted to do with the man. She already had a taste…though only a small taste…and she still had another four hours of her shift to go. There would be no time.
“I don't want to fuck you if that's what you are thinking. I heard about what happened to you after we messed around a bit.” He responded in a sincere somewhat concerned tone. “Look, if you need some help you could…”
“I don't need your help.” She retorted quickly cutting him off.
“I'm not offering my help, you aren't good enough for that yet.” His words were bitter but they were lies and she didn't take them to well either.
Faye spun a round to glare at him, which caused a smile to slip on his lips. “If you are going to be here just to argue with me, I suggest you get the hell out now Wolfe!”
“Ah! You remember my name…so you haven't forgotten about me. I'm pleased.” He half-joked with a wide grin on his face.
Faye shook her head and began to leave the restroom before Wolfe took her hand in his tenderly. She paused but didn't look at him.
“Don't be angry with me, that's not what I want.”
“Then why are you here?” She continued to look away from him because she could feel that he was close. Faye knew that she'd end up kissing him if she looked into his eyes, she couldn't help be attracted to the man.
“Let me help you, please.” His voice was sincere again, he sounded like he really cared but Faye only thought that he was trying to get in bed with her again.
“Wolfe…I can't…I don't want you to get close to me because…”
“Faye! This isn't about that night…you don't belong here. Your debt will keep building and you won't ever be able to leave this place. Huxley is going to run a monopoly on your life! That's what he does to people like you.” Wolfe urged, tightening the grip on her hand gingerly to help get his point across. She was quite the stubborn girl. However, he realized that he was contradicting himself compared to the situation with Jorge. “This town is filled with nothing but crooks…”
Before he could finish his words, a man ripped the door to the restroom open and glared at the too of them. It was Harry “The Butcher” and he was holding a baseball bat firming in his left hand.
“What the hell is going on here?” He asked in a deep demeaning voice. He towered over Wolfe—who was 6'2—and obviously weight about a hundred pounds more in pure muscle. Faye immediately thought of the man as being an evil Jet Black without the beard and with a little hair on his head.
Instantaneously with Harry's words, Wolfe pulled Faye close to him and held her tightly in his arms. He gave her a long hard kiss on the lips…she was too shocked to kiss back…then looked up to the large man, “Harry, why do you have to barge in on me when I'm like this?”
“I'm sorry Wolfe but she has her next four hours coming up…I need my damn waitress.” He replied somewhat embarrassed that he walked in on them. Although big, Harry was a fairly sensitive man.
“Give us just a little bit more time, please Harry?”
Harry followed suit and left the two in the restroom alone; they waited until he disappeared from the locker room completely. Wolfe looked back to Faye and smiled since he was still holding onto her; she didn't seem to mind. “Look, I'm about to pull in a large amount of revenue for Huxley, I'll use my cut to pay off your debt. I think I can also get you a ride out of here.”
“Why can't I just walk out of here…or steal a car and go, if its that bad…?” She asked.
“Cause, you'll be dead a day after.”
Faye chuckled lightly and smiled at him. “Poor Jonas, you don't know a thing about my past.”
“I'm willing to find out,” He countered with a grin.
* * * *
A few minutes later Wolfe sat on his motorcycle looking patiently into the large windows of the dinner. He could clearly see Faye working on the inside of the building, which made the circumstances even direr for him. Faye had no idea what she was getting herself into.
* * * *
Moments earlier…
“Just put it on, it'll feel really good I swear.” Wolfe begged Faye holding her hands together gently.
“You said you weren't here to fuck me, so whats the point of this!” She tried giving the little device back but her clasped her hands shut on it.
“I'm not going to fuck you…its for fun, for later perhaps.
“Then why do I have to put it on now?”
“Trust me, you'll be fine.” Wolfe kissed her on the forehead then left out of the room to have her be alone.
“How the hell do I do this!” Faye called confused.
“I wouldn't know, I bought it for you…”
“I don't have a piercing down there,” She said in another attempt to talk her way out of it. However, she wasn't able to talk herself out of it since she was genuinely curious.
* * * *
Wolfe pulled a small remote control out of his pocket and read the instructions on the back of it.
“Simple enough, now to see if she put it on…” He pondered as he pointed the control at her and pressed the button. Faye was taking orders from a young couple in a booth at the time and suddenly, she cringed and let out a light yelp from the sensation felt in her panties. The two young patrons stared at her confused and she gave them an embarrassed smile, “Um, anything else?”
Wolfe tilted his head to the side as he thought if he should keep messing around. It was always fun to mess around with a girl for him, especially like this. The pure erotic elation he got from it always put a smile on his face. Oh wouldn't he hear it from Faye at the end of the embarrassing hell he was about to put her in. So, he cranked up the power of the little toy.
She grabbed the couple's food and set it on the table. There hadn't been another instance where he decided to press the button for about five minutes now so, Faye felt safe. As she walked away from them, the wonderful yet unnecessary sensation struck her again and she stumbled forward. It was stronger this time and it lasted a while longer. In order to counter it, she gripped onto a stool tightly and bit her lip. She had to close her eyes and wait for it stop although, she didn't want it to. When it did finally, she glanced around at her co-workers and the customers. Many of them stared at her while others just ignored her out of disgrace. Sighing, she stood up and fixed her uniform before taking another order.
It was the end of her shift and the busiest time of the workday, dinner on a Friday night. She was collecting the tip from her last customers ready for her day to be over. Wolfe hadn't pressed the button for about an hour now. She'd been under a pleasant distress from that toy about six times in the night but it all seemed over now. `He must have left.' She thought.
Faye went to the dressing room and underwent her normal routine of changing, reapplying a light layer of make-up, stuffing her tips for the day in duffle bag, and finally leaving the dinner. When she took her first few steps out of the place, she noticed a motorcycle driving up toward her; it was Wolfe with his full helmet on.
“Hop on” He shouted over the loud sound of the nice black motorcycle. It was built for speed and agility unlike the normal Harley Davidson's she was use to coming across.
“No…you're an asshole.” She yelled back to him in a false anger.
“Oh come on, you know you loved it.” He teased before asking again, “Hop on.”
“I'm not fucking you!”
“Oh really?” He said taking his helmet off for she could hear him better. “Just get on.”
“Fuck off Wolfe!” She growled as she walked toward his bike to kick it but before she could the sensation struck again, stronger than it had even been during the night. Instead of kicking the bike, she fell forward into his free arm—the other one held the remote—moaning intensely.
“You didn't take it off?” He asked perplexed with his thumb still pressing the button. “You like it don't you? Its sucks on your clit for me.”
He finally let go and Faye was left breathing deeply with her hands clinching onto his shirt. When she calmed a bit she looked at Wolfe and growled, “I said I'M NOT FUCKING YOU!” Her fist smashing into his balls capitalized her words and his loud groan of pain was his response. “But, I'll take that ride now.”
Clinching onto his groan he breathed deeply but managed to say, “Where...damn…aw damn this fucking sucks…damnit Faye. That's not cool…where…where do you want to go?
Session 5: Autumn Leaves; “I don't want to love you, so stop trying. I just can't because…I'm still grieving…I'm still not ready.”