Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction ❯ Not Like Any Kind of Love ❯ To the ICU, I'd Do Anything For You ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Not Like Any Kind of Love chapter 3

Anime: Cowboy Bebop

Author: Tsunami Rose

Faye woke up a while later. A man had come in and started to unbuckle her from the bed "Miss Faye valentine, correct?" he said. "Yea, whatta you want?" "I have a patient in ICU who keeps mumbling your name, Miss Valentine." He got up and stood over her, looking down. "Good for him, why are you telling me?" she said getting up. "I would like u to see him, please" he doctor stated. "Why? I might kill someone" she said in a mocking tone. "Well fine if you don't want to see him sign here to admit yourself to the hospital or we can do it by force and...." he doctor continued for some time until his words sunk into Faye and she realized he was talking about sending her to a mental asylum "what?!" she yelled. "So whatta ya say, Miss Valentine" the doctor smiled, "just for a moment he really needs to see you." She gets up and glares at him, "let him gimme my gun..." "Well I don't suppose I can make you see him... BUT I CAN TRANSFURE YOU TO ICU IN THE SAME ROOM hahaha... guards!!!" the doctor called in 2 huge men who grabbed her "TO THE ICU!!" the doctor yelled, and headed out the door. "I'll go, I'll go!" she screamed. "Allrighty then, drop her!!!" "I'll go see him if I HAVE to!" The huge men drop Faye on her ass. She kicked one of guards in the nuts and followed the doctor out the door. "Now get me chocolate milk, STAT" he said to the guard who remained standing and led Faye to the ICU. She waved to the guards as she disappeared around the corner. Two more guards came over to escort them and brought doctor his milk. She looked at the doctor and rolled her eyes. "All right ma'am he's in that room, I believe he's unconscious, you don't have to stay long" He said getting serious. "Good..." she mumbled walking in and seeing the lunkhead on another hospital bed. Spike looked horrible he has bloody matted hair and he was tossing & turning in pain. His heart monitor was beeping fast. She walked over to him knowing he couldn't hear her "really screwed up this time, didn't I?" she sighed sitting in a chair next to his bed. "Faye" he whispered moving his arms towards her. "Faye... please" he mumbled "don't... no!!!" he said as he dreamt, he tossed more violently.

She quickly looked at him and put his arm down with her hand, "I'm here spike, I'm here........" she trailed off. She took a step back. "Mmm" he grunted in pain. "No..." he trailed off finally relaxing. Faye sighed and sat down again, staring at him.

"He's been like that for hours" the nurse said coming into the room. She checked all the scanners and monitors, recording everything. A tear slid down Spike's face quietly. She gently wiped it off his cheek. "I'm so sorry, Faye..." he whispered. The nurse smiled at him kindly "He's been talking in his sleep, all about you..." she said, turned and walks out the door. She watched the nurse leave and looked back on Spike, "Dream on..." she said. "I... love you" She looked up and put her hand on the bed next to him. "Go......home" he whispered. She looked at him, "You awake?" "Please..." "Are you? Or this… another dream?" Spike reached up to caressed her face and opened his eyes slowly "Go... home, my love..." She watched him with great concern, "no spike...I'm the reason you're here, I'm NOT going..." He saw her look and trying to be strong "This is not your fault, how could u think that?" he said sadly. "You came after me... when I left..." she looked down. "Smile for me..." he said trying to bring out one of his own. She took her hand off the bed, "I don't think I could, there's nothing to be happy about is there?" He looked away, she sighed.

"Spike, save your energy, sleep..." He took his hand slowly away from her face "anything for you," he said sadly and closed his eyes. She sighed and looked at the floor, "Don't talk like that..." "Like what, u want me to hide my love from you?" he asked, eyes still closed to hide his hurt "…then I will, Faye" "No Spike, you don't have to, it's just... never mind."

"I will do anything you ask, you're my only weakness, Faye..." he said emotionless. "That's not right, obeying me and everything I say, I'm not used to you like that, don't change...for me" she looked at the ground. "I would die for you," he grabbed his life support cord tightly "just say it" he opened his eyes. "Don't spike..." she stood up frantically. "Say it..." he said almost pleading "I would rather die then be alone ... anything for you" he whispered. "...I love you spike, don't...just don't..." Faye started to cry. "M'm" he smiled and pulls as hard as he could. IV went everywhere; his heart monitor made a long beeping noise. He tried to walk out of the room but fell down as soon as he tried to walk; he laid on his back staring at the ceiling as everything faded away and got blurry. She rushed over next to him "Spike..." "What..." he said in his 'same old Spike' voice. "Are you gonna die on me?" she asked with her same old sarcasm but a little lighter and worried. "You're... not gonna *coughs* get rid of me that easily" he said smirking, wiping blood from his lips. "Why the hell did you do that?" she almost screamed.

Spike tried to get up but fell back down and held his head in pain "Grr.... do what?" Faye puts her arm on his back before he fell to catch him. "Take off the life support, lunk head" she rested his head on her lap as she sat back on the floor. He sat up. "I wanna get outta here, Faye" he said seriously; looking her in the eye, really close to her. "Doctors are quacks anyway" he said smirking and leaning into her a little more. "I know they strapped me to a bed and were gonna run tests on me when you were in here sleeping..." she sighed and looked away. "Well we gotta get you outta here then..." he smiled and closed his eyes trying to catch his breathe from the fall. He relaxed on her lap, lying down. "I need to get my gun back from the doctors though, if they let me have it back that is..." she said quietly. "Well that settles it..." he said using the bed to pull himself up, unsteadily "I'm getting your gun back now" he said trying to pull himself to the door but his legs were failing him. She moved to catch him. "I ...can do" he said but ended up falling into her arms. She caught him "no spike, it's fine, I did try to kill myself and would have done so if they hadn't stopped me...and put in that bed Spike lay back down...please."

He looked at her seriously, "I hate being weak, and I hate being weakened by you, but there's nothing I can do about that one. So you can help me or leave me alone, it doesn't really matter either way because I can't change how you feel. But I wish for once in my life someone loved me back. But I don't blame you..." he said struggling out of her grasp and making it to the door. "Spike, you never listen to me... I've said it over and over..." she said looking into his eyes "you just can't seem to absorb it is all..." she then looked at the floor, "please lay down, you can't do this, you're too weak Spike..." "DON'T TELL ME I'M WEAK!" he said moving away from her. She stepped back startled, "I'm sorry Spike..." she said, eyes filling with tears from anger and sadness."I don't want your pity" he said stubbornly. Becoming a little shaky she sat on the floor. He walked, well hobbled, to the desk and the nurse is startled, he demands Faye's gun and took it, slowly, back to her. He slid it across the floor and hits her, lightly on the knee. She grabbed her gun off the floor. "Then you won't get it." she whispered getting up, pushing him aside and walking out the door, "You never needed me or loved me, this was a game." she says beginning to walk away. She looked at back him smirking evilly like mad and shook her head, walking out of the ICU unit.

"Why would I play a game, Faye? I was never one to do so" … "I always loved you, Faye" he screamed after her "I think I knew how you felt too" She walked out of the hospital and down the steps spike had fell on, not hearing what he had said. It was raining hard that day. "Your just so damn tough it was too hard to believe." he whispered. Faye looked at her ship, the dirty streets, and then to the sky and sighed, "life moves on." She stood there letting the rain fall upon her, not a care in the world, well that was a lie, and she did care.

He collapsed in the hallway, his love was gone, and there was nothing left for him now... nurses and doctors ran to him

But there is never hope when you're all alone… "See ya, space cowgirl..." he said as he stared towards the ceiling with darkness on his mind.

She had forgot her jacket in spike's room, her outfit wasn't complete without it, she casually walking back into the ICU seeing commotion in front of his room, "what now? Did he fall again?" she asked out loud to the doctors and nurses. "I'm sorry miss. But he's dead" a new nurse said. "What?!" she screamed shoving them aside and kneeling next to him.

An old man was in spikes place. "What?! Where the hell is spike?" she said getting up. "Excuse me miss" She looked up to who had spoken to her, "Who?" the nurse said, confused. "Spike Spiegel." she glared at the nurse with intense eyes, "Where is HE!?"

The nurse walked over to the computer "He was just released, a couple of minutes ago, with crutches and a doctors order to stay off his feet as much as possible."