Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction ❯ One Last Cigarette ❯ False Feelings of Control ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sorry guys. I have writer's block with Bebop High so I'm hoping that working on this fic will kind of relieve me and give me some inspiration. Anyways, this chapter will start the really interesting stuff. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: the lyrics are "Drive" by Incubus. I only use little bits of the song that fit the chapter. ^^

One Last Cigarette

By: Setryochi

"False Feelings of Control"

Sometimes, I feel the fear of uncertainty stinging clear
And I can't help but ask myself how much I'll let the fear
Take the wheel and steer
It's driven me before
And it seems to have a vague, haunting mass appeal
But lately I am beginning to find that I
Should be the one behind the wheel

* * *

Faye cringed. Tonight was a work night.

Bile rose in her throat hearing the man beneath her groan out. Every once in a while he'd talk dirty and call her a slut or bark an order. Her legs were sore, but she was used to this, most "costumers" liked their purchases on top. She sped up despite the aching hoping the added speed would push him over the edge. Once this guy was gone she could take a break and possibly leave.

"It's almost over, it's almost over," she chanted in her mind her eyes clenched tight to block the view of the disgusting over weight ogre under her.

It had come to an end in only moments when he grunted loudly and roughly grabbed her hips putting bruises on top of bruises. Faye winced, this job proved to be more painstaking than bounty hunting. As soon as his hands left her tender sides she quickly stumbled off of him and the bed to roll onto the ground mercilessly. She held the tears brimming in her eyes at bay. She sat on the floor staring at the stained red carpet. The springs in the bed clinked and

ruffling of clothing was heard.

Faye frowned hearing him chuckle, "Next time I'd like to see how that pretty, little mouth of yours is." More chuckling, foot steps; the door opened, closed, and the tears came.

She wiped at them but the effort was futile because the tears couldn't be stopped. The innocent, green eyes were always so haunting. Often she could forget them, pretend she still had amnesia, just be Faye Valentine. Tonight was too much. Shouldn't her dept have been paid off by now?

She cried harder.

The door creaked open. "Faye-Bab--" Quincy's voice faded. "What's wrong Faye-Baby? Do I need to go teach that

last guy a lesson?" He asked with something close to concern.

So that's how you get tears to stop. Faye didn't look up, "What are you talking about?"

He got the hint and nodded, "Well get cleaned up, you have one more costumer and than you can go home." The door creaked shut.

After wiping her eyes again Faye stood on numb legs shakily going to her makeshift medicine cabinet. As quickly as her resistant limbs would allow she cleaned and dressed. On top of it she took four aspirin, which was double the amount she usually should have. She wanted badly to take more, to dump what was left of the bottle down her throat. She knew she couldn't though, she didn't really want to die. She just wanted to get away from Quincy, Oasis, and

herself. Closing up the file cabinet she sat on the soiled bed and waited for her next client.

"What beauty," an expensively dressed man said kneeling before her and grasping her chin in his big hand. He tilted her face up so he could look into her eyes, "Your eyes… They're so stunning." He seemed to lose himself to the sight of her.

Faye couldn't help but smile and blush. "I want you to come with me!" He exclaimed standing and pulling her with him, "I'll buy you everything you've ever dreamed of! You can have anything!" He held her close, "Maybe I'm

crazy but…"

Faye looked into his beautiful blue eyes, he was so handsome. It was crazy he'd want someone like her! She smiled dreamily. "I know now that 'love at first sight' is real." He finish leaning in to kiss her.

The door squeaked as it opened and Faye nearly fell off the bed. She had been day dreaming again about being rescued by some rich, handsome man that would promise her eternal happiness. She should have realize is was all in her head, nobody would really say things like that! Her dry smile was almost cynical, a person could go insane after so many let downs. She lifted her head slightly gazing through a sheer purple curtain at the new customer. She could have sworn she had seen this whole moment before!

…Oh yes… She had.

Grimacing Faye continued to look through her slightly tangled tresses at the last person she ever wanted to see tonight. Of course, she wasn't sure if she should feel relieved, happy, sad, angry, or a mixture of them all. She just knew that she most-likely wouldn't be "working", the only down fall is she'd have to be humiliated just the same.

"Long time, no see," he lifted his hand as if to wave, then dropped it to his side shortly after.

"What do YOU want?" she snottily replied.

"Now is that anyway to welcome a comrade?" He sauntered over to the chair he had occupied last time he had dropped in.

"I don't see any of my 'comrades' around here." She sat back to stare at him with intense eyes.

"Oh? So all those times you said, 'Aren't you going to come save me? We're comrades and all!' or 'as your comrade I should get a split in the woolongs!' That was just so you could get what you wanted, right?" He shrugged, "Typical woman."

"Oh don't pull that crap on me! What about you? COMRADES don't ABANDON each other." She 'hmphed' and turned to stare at a crack in the wall.

"Right, right… So it's ok for you to steal all of Jet's and my money and take off to leave us stranded with no money."

"There's a difference, I always came back!" She said matter-of-factly.

"I'm here aren't I?" His cool demeanor was getting on her nerves.

"Whatever. Gr! Just what do you want anyway!?" She yelled out quickly turning back to him to glare holes into his skull.

"Calm down… Geez, I just came to talk to you about some stuff."

She crossed her arms over her chest, "What stuff?"

"Let's not talk about it here. Another thing… You're being watched." He smiled his sad, fake-smile.

She blinked for a moment, "What do you mean?"

He didn't point or even look towards it, "It's in the top corner to my left. Don't look at it. What we're saying now can't be heard but you never know if someone can read lips," he chuckled as if it was nothing at all.

Faye's eyes grew large. 'All of it's been on tape? All of it…?' Her lungs stopped taking in air even though she was still gasping for breath, tears welled up in her eyes and a burning lump was lodged in her throat. She tried to swallow it, tried to breath, fought desperately to keep the tears in her eyes. She clutched at her chest.

"Faye?" the uncertainty in his voice was surprising.

Gasp, "I…"

"Hey, calm down. It's just your boss watching it, and it's not taped." He shrugged, he didn't see the big deal. He thought back to when he first walked into the doors. Quincy was standing behind a counter-like area with an expensive monitor with lots of separated screens hidden under the counter top. "What can I do you for ya'?" Quincy had asked much like the first time he had wondered in.

"I want the purple haired woman again." Spike exhaled a puff of smoke.

"She's a bit," he grinned looking at a particular screen, his eyes glazed over, "busy right now…" He snapped to attention, "Can I interest you in another? A blonde, or maybe you want a cute little Asian girl," his grin broadened sickeningly.

"That's ok, I can wait for her." He leaned over the counter to see what was so interesting. His eyebrow raised and he frowned when his eyes drifted the middle screen, the one with the purple haired woman.

"I can see why you want her, what guy wouldn't want a woman like that?" Quincy chuckled as he sat in his big cushiony chair behind the desk.

"Maybe," was all Spike muttered before they began talking about prices.

Faye saw the big deal, it scared the shit out of her. "I…" She still clutched for breath. Finally able to suck in some much needed air she let it out in an explosion, "I, I'll kill him!!" Her fists clutched at her sides as she stood up ready to go murder Quincy.

"Calm down," Spike stood up leisurely and paced towards her. As if it were nothing he reached down, pulled up the sheets and pushed Faye onto the waiting bed behind her. Climbing on top he covered them both with the sheets, it happened so suddenly and out of the blue Faye hadn't had time to react.

Her first reaction though was to punch Spike hard in the jaw, and of course, scream, "You big jerk! What do you think you're doing!? What do I look like to-" She quieted realizing her situation. How embarrassing? Well, she could always forget herself when Spike was around, just another side effect he offered.

"Quit it, I'm here to help you." His eyebrows knitted together as he looked down at her.

A skeptical eyebrow rose, "What do you mean 'help me'?"

"I don't want to talk about it here, it's too dangerous." He tried to explain while hastily taking his suit jacket off.

"What are you doing now?" she asked as he threw the jacket out from under the covers.

"Giving him a show," he winked and continued to throw his belt out of their "private space."

Faye wanted to smile, this man above her was so crazy sometimes (^^).

"Well? C'mon, at least throw something out, so it's real." he smirked dropping his wrinkled, navy blue tie over the side of the bed.

Faye blushed, the robe can go, the underwear stays, "fine, but keep your eyes closed." She timidly pulled off her robe and tossed it out somewhere in the room.

"Can I open them?"

"No, keep'm closed, buster!"

Sigh, "Women." What he did next made her jump in surprise! He kneed her legs apart and crushed his hips into her!

"Hey! What's the big idea!?" she pushed on his chest to try and stop him.

With his eyes still closed he explained, "Realism, realism, trust me, I know what I'm doing!"

"Realism my ass! You're just trying to cop-a-feel!" She pushed harder.

"Really Faye, you misunderstand me completely. Just go along with it, trust me, I'd rather not be doing this either." He laughed.

"Sure the hell fooled me," she replied taking notice to his smiles and laughter. Even so, she needed something interesting in her life once in a while, if not it would be tear-jerking boring.

As Faye relaxed he pushed against her in the most sensual of ways. His eyes were closed, like a good little boy, so he couldn't see her expression. Faye was blushing completely. This was totally crazy!

But very much like the man above her. He'd do just about anything, he was that insane.

Faye's blush deepened when she noticed how her body seemed to react and betray her. All the more embarrassing. She could feel the unfamiliar desire rising in her. Not the forced wanting she used for her job, but something real. The something she needed, the real thing. The thing only felt for someone you actually wanted to be with.

Her breath hitched feeling his breath slid along her slender neck, "So how have you been?" he asked, his face resting in the crook of her neck.

Her face screwed up, what a mood killer, "peachy keen, you?"

His own breathing became slightly ragged from doing all the work, "Oh just fine," he spoke in a somewhat sing-song voice. Well, as sing-song as Spike could get.

"Faye, after I leave I'm going to wait for you three buildings to the left of this one, ok?"

"Why?" she asked puzzled.

"Argh, haven't you listened to anything I've said?" he sounded rather tired and irritated.

Is there something pressing into my leg? Oh wait, paying attention, yeah, "Yes! Of course I have!" She snapped. With all this fake sex going on she must have forgotten momentarily about the conversation of earlier.

Abruptly he stopped, he shifted around and sat up bring the covers to slide along with him. "Welp, I'd better get going." He stood up made a show up buckling his belt and putting his clothes back on, all the while whistling. And his eyes were open.

Faye smirked, "is that what it's really like?"

"Huh?" he turned to look at her, his suit jacket hanging on one arm.

"Does it only take a few minutes with you?" She raised a quizzical eyebrow still smirking at him.

"What?!" He turned fully towards her, "No! Of course not!"

For once Faye felt like she had some control over the situation. She got to get him in the corner for once. She giggled at his reaction, "Denying it only makes it worse."

He grumbled, "I don't think anyone could take such a short time," he shrugged, "It just doesn't feel as good with a 'working woman'."

Faye's laughter stopped instantly. Their went her little piece of "control." Faye's hand twitch slightly at her side, what was she supposed to say to that? She WAS after all a whore, possibly the lowest thing in the living world…

Spike reminded her, "remember, three buildings down, to the left." And with that he left whistling a tune only fit for Spike.

Faye sat on the bed distantly looking at the opposite wall, oh how the universe was cruel.

* * *

Thanks so much for all the reviews I receive from everyone! I know it might seem like I don't appreciate it, but I really do! I know other authors show thanks by putting up the user name of those who review and commenting to them, but to be honest that really is a lot of work. And, let's face it, I'm pretty lazy. I'm barely getting out chapters as it is, I'll try harder to get them out though. This fic is getting more interesting and there WILL BE LEMONS in later chapters.

Keep reviewing!
