Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction ❯ One Last Cigarette ❯ Escape The City But Not The Memories ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I haven't updated in a while because I seem to have lost my interest. Well, here's another chapter, no promises on quality, I'm trying. Thanks a lot for reading it means a lot to me really. I'm just lazy.

Anyways, enjoy.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Bebop and the song is "Stability" by Death Cab for Cutie (I've recently fallen in love with them.).

One Last Cigarette
By Setryochi

Time for the final bout. rows of deserted houses: all our stable mates are highway bound. give us our measly sum: getting the air inside my lungs is heavenly. we're starting out with nothing but crippling doubt. we'll rest easy (justified). i've suffered a swift defeat, i'll endure countless repeats. the gift of memory is an awful curse. with age it just gets much worse, but i won't mind.


Faye hadn't talked much. She packed quietly, or really she threw random clothes into a couple of bags. Spike noted her many articles of langire that she didn't pack. He took a drag of his cigarette, How would they escape? That's a funny question, it should be: "How would Faye escape?"

Faye mumbled to herself. Spike couldn't make out the words, to him she sounded crazy. Her voice was quiet, her lips barely moved, but every so often one word could be made out. He was curious as to what she could be telling herself. Her whispers drowned out into the background until he could no longer tell she was doing it. "Where do you think I should go?" Spike looked at her, "What do you mean?"

"You've done this before, where do you think I should go?" She asked blinking, she looked like an innocent child. "I dunno, far from here?" He told her. She frowned mumbling something to herself. He watched her lips move, they moved fast but nothing intelligeble seemed to come out. Her eyes were kind of blank, like that time they went after that crazy cult leader. Faye finished tying a plastic bag stuffed tight with clothing. She smiled at her work, all of her belongs packed into three plastic grocery bags. Her lips set into a tight line before walking to the shrivled plant on the window sill.

Spike watched as she took the money from the soil and stuffed it into her jean's pocket, "Are you ready?" he asked. She nodded tugging lightly on her sweater. The cowboy took a clothing filled plastic bag and Faye picked up the rest. With a deep breath, as if walking to the electric chair, she made her way to the door. Unlocking it she stepped out, Spike in toe. Not bothering to lock the door they started down the stairs to exit the building.

The pair could hear muffeled voices as they reached the door exititng the building. "You shor you seen her meeting with one of the customers?" "Yeah boss, they both headed back here. The slut's prolly making money on the side." Some grumbling was heard and the door creeped open. Faye panicked when she realized the voices belonged to Quincy and a couple of his lackies. She was terrified. "Faye better not be two-timin' me," Quincy's voice became more clear as the door was opened. Before Faye had seen Quincy's face she was pulled into a room and the door was shut.

Spike had pulled her into the landlord's room. It looked a lot like hers, but with more stuff and lots of mess. Her landlord got up from his chair about to start yelling when Spike smoothly pulled out his gun and pointed it in his face. "Don't speak and stay very still."

"Spike what are you doing?" Faye asked her eyes shifting side to side in confusion.

"We're just hiding for a little while, let Quincy go up to your apartment. When he goes up there we're sneaking out."

Faye's landlord started to speak, "What's the meaning of this?"

Faye lifted her hands as if to say "calm down". "We'll be gone in a minute." She looked back at Spike who had his ear to the door. He listened to foot steps creek up the stairs. When he was sure they reached the top he motioned for Faye to get ready to run. "Please don't tell them you seen me today." She was pulled out of the door by Spike. The landlord was left in peace, until Quincy started to shout throught out the building. "Faye you bitch! Where are you?"

Quincy and his men all went to the different doors and began asking questions. He wanted her. He needed to find her. Someone had to know where she was. He was going to punish her for this, no one made a fool out of Quincy. He banged on the door closest to the building's entrance. "Open up! I have a few questions for you!" Quincy jiggled the handle to find it locked. Angry he pulled out a gun and shot the handle, "Where's Faye?" He shouted into the apartment. "If you tell me you can live." His voice grew more quiet as he entered the apartment. The landlord stood in fear, "She.. s-she was with a man. They left just after you got here! I swear it's all I know!" The man crouched in fear. Quincy looked at him, "What did the man look like?" The scared man looked up, "He.. He um had... Big green hair, he wore a dark suit. I didn't see him so well, he had a gun with him though." Quincy watched the man for what seemed like forever. His lackies showed up with no information, Quincy turned to them and started to walk out. "Let's head back to the house."

Spike clutched Faye's hand tightly as he tugged her along his other hand filled with two bags. He was running much faster than her, it was all he could do to keep moving quickly while not leaving her behind. "Why are you helping me?" She asked in gasps. She was so tired. And still hungry. Her legs always seemed sore, just malnutrition. Not enough protein. What she wouldn't give for a can of dog food right now. Spike seemed to tug harder making her shoulder feel like it was popping out. "I dunno," was his reply.

"We have to catch a taxi," he heaved.

"What? Why? Where's your star craft?" She asked in confusion she stumbled over the words almost tripping in a pot hole. "I don't have the money for a cab!"

"Don't worry about it. I left my star craft in the next town over, Covendaugh." He hopped down a curve and turned a corner pulling her with him.

They reached a mainstreet that was brightly lit with neon signs of beer bottles and naked women. Here there were some crafts and a few taxis. It was a some what busy street with dark figures in shadows and street-walkers. Spike flagged down an old yellow cab, "I need to get to Covendaugh." He pulled out his cash card, "I've got enough." He heaved drawing in large breaths. Faye stood hunched over behind him gasping for air. So tired. The cab driver motioned them in and sped off towards the next city. The pair rested in silence in the back seat crammed with Faye's clothes. Faye looked out the window watching as the dark buildings started to get more fresh. The quality of the streets got better the further you headed from the core of the city.

Reaching their destination Spike paid the cab driver. He had them dropped off in an abandoned lot. Spike's star craft was right where he left it. Had he taken it with him to Oasis it mostlikely would have been stripped or taken all together when he made his was back to it. Faye stared at it, "still looks the same." He began walking towards the ship leaving her to lug her own bags. "Yeah, nothing ever changes."

"I don't think we'll fit." Faye blinked looking at the one-seated cock pit. "Spike, how is this going to work?" She seemed a little irritated.

"I have a compartment for your bags, at least it should be big enough. And you'll have to sit on my lap." He was so casual about it that when she started to protest she sounded like a child. "I don't want to sit on your lap!"

"I can always sit on yours," he grinned at her disgruntled expression. "We're both adults here, anyways it's just until we find a phone and a place to stay." Faye sighed with defeat while Spike put her bags away cramming them in good. He climbed in and watched her slowly make her way up to sit in his lap. She awkwardly turned putting her rear-end in his face. Spike could only watch with amusement. She put her legs between his and slowly lowered herself to sit, she sunk in between his legs. The woman was rigid and uncomfortable sitting so close to him. Spike put his arms on either side of Faye, he turned the craft on and lowered the dome to the cockpit. "I need you to lean back a little, I can't see well," his breath tickled her neck. She inhaled and held her breath settling back a little against him. "That's good," He said starting the engine. Faye exhaled, she could escape the city but not her memories. This would always be apart of her, and she would have to cope...


Ok, that's all I have for now. I'm going to give you more soon. I've got the time now that my hours have been cut. Please visit liveharmony . org and visit the affchat chatroom. It's for all interested in anime, fanfiction, and randomness.

Thanks for reading. Set-chan