Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction ❯ Under Pressure ❯ Ch. 5: Tease me, Please ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sadly, I do not own the characters of Cowboy Bebop. They are the property of Sunrise, Bones, and Bandai Visual (2001). They make the money, not me. Nor can I take credit my chapter headings- they are the product of their authors.
Chapter 5: Tease me, Please (Scorpions)
Jet snickered at his two younger partners' antics. Faye avoided all eye contact, a soft dusting ever present when Spike was in the same room. Spike on the other hand, kept sneaking curious glances whenever he thought it safe. No one aboard had dared mention `the incident', but it was apparent it weighed heavily on the two's minds. Absently Jet mused how long the bullshit would last, it had already been a week.
Faye shuffled to the toaster and mumbled, “I'm off to work.”
He gave half a nod, expecting her to look up and acknowledge him. Instead she picked at her shirt and shuffled towards the exit.
He chuckled, “Have a nice day, Faye.”
Ed popped from her hiding spot on the floor, “Yes Faye-Faye! Sell lots of novelties!”
The pinking spread to the back of her neck, with a flustered wave she fled.
Ed's head swiveled towards Spike, still staring at the exit. “What did Lunkhead Spike do?”
She crawled onto the counter, “Edward does not think Faye-Faye liked Spike playing lifeguard.”
He tensed, “How'd she find…”
“AH-HA!” She stood, “Edward knew Spike-person was lying about keeping Faye safe.” She jumped from the cabinet, “Edward was right! Spike-person is a dirty, pervert man.” Her face soured, “Ewe. How does Spike sleep at night knowing he's a sexual fiend?”
“A what?” Shrug, “I sleep just fine.”
She wrapped her arms around her body protectively, “Does Ed need to worry?”
Jet snorted.
Spike twitched, “That's sick, Edward.”
Her eyes narrowed, “So is watching someone in the bathtub.” Grin, “Didn't know Faye-Faye thought about Spike like Spike thought about Faye-Faye, hmm?” Giggle, the protective grip on her torso turned into an embrace, “Ooo Spike.” Her hands wiggled, “Oh. Faye.”
“Ed. That's gross.”
“Perhaps with Ed doing it, but Spike wouldn't mind if he could really do that with Faye, does he?”
An eyebrow convulsed, “Ed. You have an overactive imagination. I want nothing of the sort.”
She sniffed, “Ahh the whiff of a fiblet oozing off the deviant.”
Jet choked on his sip. This had become Ed's favorite game- needle Spike. So far he'd been able to keep her relatively safe. It helped that she was excellent at disappearing when necessity dictated.
Spike's eye twitched as he glared at the unfazed teen, “Ed I haven't a clue what you're talking about.”
More sniffing, “Ed smells fire.”
The ticking increased, “You're imagining things kid.”
Scowl, “No. Ed knows when she's pretending and Spike's extra eye blinks are not make-believe.”
Spike dug at the offensive ocular socket.
Jet snorted.
Ed gasped, “See!” She grinned, “No you can't. Listen! Even Papa Jet knows you're full of it.”
“Edward. Be. Quiet.”
Snicker, “Nope.” She back pedaled far enough he couldn't reach easily and pointed a pious finger at the simmering cowboy, “Ed knows you like Faye-Faye.” Gold eyes narrowed, “Did Spike-person know he talks about her when he's really sleeping?” Gold eyes glinting, her voice dropping to portray his, “Come `ere Faye.” She tittered and made some stomach churning, wet kissy sounds.
Jet inched closer.
“Faye, you're…”
Spike lunged, plowing into Jet's mechanical arm instead. The ex-cop chuckled, “Usually I have to protect Ed from Faye.” He bobbed his head towards the door, his signal the teen needed to make herself scarce.
She left a retreating barb at the door, “Ah! Bathtub shark! Save Faye-Faye you pervert lifeguard, you!”
Spike tugged at his jacket, melting back onto a stool. Jet scowled, “What's gotten into you?”
He irritably fingered his mug, “Nothin'.”
“You know, Ed handles this shit better.”
“Line, Jet.”
“Pff… I'm sick of the lines. You've got so many fuckin' lines no one knows where to tread.” His eyes narrowed, fist slamming into the table top. “Only one you're hurtin' is yourself, dumbass.”
An eyebrow rose as Spike stood with a shrug, “Looks like you dented your counter again, Jet.”
He glared at the fist shaped divot in the metal plating, “Son of a bitch.” He caught Spike's back just as he turned the corner and huffed, “I need a vacation.”
Spike stilled; his leg parallel the ground when the hatch sealed closed. Faye was home and with that came the silly giggles from Ed, nervous side stepping from her, and the incessant need to soothe his curiosity. Jet snorted from the doorway, “She won't come back here.” Chuckle, “New shipment came in, she'll probably be busy for some time.” He glanced behind and shook his head, “Once she's done showering, she'll grab a cup of noodles and disappear for the rest of the night.” He turned, waving a rolled up magazine as he melted into darkness, “It'll be safe in about twenty minutes but I'd wait thirty, just in case.”
“She bring you a new smut rag?”
Jet ignored him, disappearing into his bonsais.
Spike scowled, he wasn't afraid of Faye. He just didn't feel like being social. Grumpy, he decided he needed a little more violent meditation.
Dinner steaming in hand, hair still damp Faye floated off to hide in her bedroom.
Ed pounced, “Welcome home Faye-Faye.” landing loudly in her way.
Startled she dropped her noodles, a puddle of broth and sustenance slowly spreading across the walkway. “Ed! What the hell?!”
Ein, well trained to the sound of a food falling rushed the two girls. Skidding to a stop between them, he immediately began slurping up the dinner. Instant ramen beat cold, gelatinous dog food any day.
Ed snickered.
Faye glared at her ever decreasing meal. “Grr… Ed! That was the last one.”
Blink, “Make a sandwich.”
Snort, “Why so I can drop that too?”
Giggle. “So cranky, Faye-Faye. Ed would think you had the same problem Spike-person does.”
Scowl, “What's wrong with the lunkhead?”
“It awful,” Ed's head waggled in mock despair. “Sad, really.” Her head drooped to hide her smirk, “Faye would've noticed if she hadn't been so busy being embarrassed.”
Faye's hand floated to her mouth, “What is it?! Did he open one of those wounds? Did he pull something again?” She clutched the teen's shoulders, “What is it Ed?! What happened?”
Sigh, “Heart troubles.”
Gasp, “What!? Why wasn't I told?” She rushed to the medicine cabinet, “Was it something we missed from before?!” Gasp, “Is he still taking aspirin? He'll have to stop. It's a blood thinner!”
Ed bit her lip so she wouldn't giggle. “Don't worry Faye-Faye. Papa Jet says it'll fix itself.”
“But…” Faye's frantic search stilled, “Edward, what's wrong with Spike?”
Shrug, “Like Ed said, it's his heart. Weren't you listening?”
Faye tugged her hair off her neck, “Yeah, I was that's why I'm worried. Where is he?”
Ed pointed to the observation deck, “He's exercising.”
“WHAT?! But… but…” she kept shaking her head, unable to process why a severely injured man would go practice martial arts.
Jet's nose popped out of the lounge as Faye flew past. He shot Ed a warning glare and bobbed his head towards the bonsai door; Faye would kill her once the pieces fell into place.
Faye tripped up the top step. Spike froze, eyebrow raised, leg slowly lowering back to the ground. She stood tugging her clothing back in place as she scanned the room. She frowned when she caught sight of him. “Spike!”
His eyebrow rose. “This isn't a dinner show, Faye.”
She bounced from foot to foot, her expression pensive, eyes scrutinizing.
He chuckled, “Can I help you?”
“Eh…” she jerked a damp lock behind her ear, “Ed said you were hurt.”
“Do I look hurt?”
“Err…” She gave him a quick once over. “No.”
He grinned, arms crossing. “Anything else?”
She swallowed, “Uh…” blink, “uh…” shift, “no?”
He stepped closer, “You're sure?”
Her head spastically jerked up and down. `The Incident' coming back full force as her face blossomed into a rosy tint.
“Positive?” He took another step.
Another hasty shake, her feet scrambling backwards to keep distance.
He frowned and froze, she'd successfully reversed her way out the door. “Faye be…”
She took another hasty step, panic quickly replacing nerves when her foot met air instead of floor. Gravity took control.
“Shit!” He lunged, just catching an outstretched hand before disaster. With a rough jerk, he sent her stumbling back into the room. The trajectory had set her for a head to chest collision. On autopilot, Spike's free arm began to wrap around her body as she fell. Realization dawning, he side stepped her decent and gave the acquired arm a rough tug.
Ashen she stood; her knees scraped and bloody from her slide across the floor. “Eh… uh… thanks.”
Shrug. He opted to ignore the blush and let her scurry off to parts of the ship where she felt more comfortable. He grinned when he was sure she was safely hiding in her room.
Ed tittered from the hallway, “Ed saw you!”
She sighed dramatically and pretended to swoon, “Who knew stinky, pervert Spike was a closet knight in shining armor.”
Spike's lip curled, “Ed, get lost.”
“Ooh. A cranky hero.” She grinned, “Are we an antihero or just moody?”
Spike felt the twitch return, “Neither. Go away.”
She drifted closer, “Ed saw Spike start to wrap his arm around Faye before he realized what he was doing and let her slip across the floor.” Frown, “Why didn't you hug Faye like you wanted to, Lunkhead?” She twirled, “It would've been sweet! Like those squishy movies Papa Jet watches sometimes when he's lonely.”
A masculine groan drifted from the bonsais.
Spike glared at the teen, but opted to remain silent. The last time she'd veered into this territory he'd let her dupe him into a verbal sparring match. He wouldn't fall for the same trick twice.
“Ah, Ed sees. You were scared.” Her head tipped, “From what Ed has read about pheromones, Faye-Faye would not have minded hugging a stinky, sweaty Spiky.” Blink, “In fact, it may have been to your benefit to let Faye-Faye catch a whiff of…” her hand drifted to her chest, her voice lowering to that of a TV announcer, “… your manly odor.” Titter, “It's part of attraction you know. Though Ed is not sure what is so yummy about old booze and smoke.” Her face curled in disgust, “Maybe you were afraid Faye-Faye has dissimilar tastes.” A finger floated to chin, “Ed and Faye-Faye have talked extensively on what is cute.” Nod, “Spike person is not what Ed would call cute. Ed likes nice boys with glasses. Faye-Faye likes naughty boys that slouch, smoke and drink.” Grin, “Spike person falls into Faye's cute boy category. Doesn't that make you happy, Spike-person?”
Shift. She's just baiting me, let it go.
Golden eyes sparkled from the dark, “Edward believes your silence is more telling than your yelling.” She cackled and zipped away before the cowboy fully process what she had spouted.