Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction ❯ When Worlds Collide ❯ Amber and ryo's Chapter ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Pai: Okay, for the next three or so chapters Pai is going to dedicate a chapter to each couple. *Evil grin* This should be fun...

Amber: I'm scared now!!!

Spike: My turn for the disclaimer again. Pai doesn't own Cowboy Bebop, Digimon, Outlaw Star, any other Anime she mentions, or any characters.

Pai: Some Outlaw Star characters show up here, also if you don't like the Harry/Melfina couple, at least 100 iles from here and live happily ever after!

Chapter 7: Amber and Ryo

Everyone awoke the next morning due to a violent shaking.

"What the hell is going on here?!?" Faye asked.

"We're under attack!" Jet replied.

"Who's attacking?" Spike asked

"A large yellow, triangular ship. It's fast!" Jet said.

"Put them on the com link," Pai said. "More people from different dimensions might have been brought here too. I have a good idea of who it might be."

"Me too," Amber said than a large screen appeared.

"Harry and Ron MacDougal, just as I thought," Pai and Amber said in unison.

"Melfina?" Pai asked, confused.

"Yeah, she left Gene and them and joined us," Harry said. "How do you know us?" he asked.

"More tv?" Faye asked. "Yup," Pai responded and smiled.

"Look, I don't know who you are, but we need your help," Ron said. "A ship attacked us and beat us in battle. We ran away and they're after us-"

"And Melfina!" Harry interupted. "I don't care if I live or not, but please help her."

"Alright!" Pai said and once again stole Spike's ship and left to fight. Spike followed.

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Amber and Ryo had been in each other's arms the whole time. (a/n: think Jessie and James in Poke'mon)

"Ryo, I'm scared. What if Pai or Spike get killed? What if we die and never get to see our families again?" Amber asked Ryo. He just held her and let her cry on his shoulder. "It's alright," he said. "They won't die. We won't either. It'll be alright don't worry about it." She looked up at him. He smiled and kissed her.

"Does anyone want to play cards?" Ryo asked, not knowing that Faye always cheated.

"Sure. Let's play strip poker," Faye suggested.

"Alright," everyone else said. 'Why me?!?' Amber thought.

The game started and for the first few hands, Faye won. They played so that the person with the lowest hand had to strip. That had been Jet. They played for a few hours. By the time they all quit, everyone except Faye was missing some article of clothing.

Then it was time for dinner. For once, they had bell peppers that actually had beef with them.

After dinner, it was about 6:00 so Amber and Ryo decided to watch Dragonball/Z. They cuddled on the couch and watched as young Goku beat the crap out of someone.

"Hey Ryo," Amber said.



"I love you,"

"And I love you too," Amber replied and they kissed yet again. "Goodnight," they said to each other and drifted off to sleep.

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Pai: Sappy. Amber is going to kill Pai for this. Pai just saw Trigun and likes it a lot. Expect fanfics. Ja ne!