Crescent Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Dream Tide ❯ Going Home ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

This'll replace Phases, now that it's over. So let's get through the basics at the beginning of every story…
Disclaimer: I own Crescent Moon? ::Laughs hysterically:: No seriously. I don't.
I'm not quite sure how this idea came to me, but I like it.
Dream Tide
Prologue: Going Home
“Are the restraints really necessary?”
Mahiru blinked.
“She's known for having fits. There's a chance she might hurt herself.”
The last thing she remembered was standing on the roof, talking with Mitsuru.
“Mahiru, honey, can you hear me?”
She remembered shouting.
“We might be able to get a response from her.”
She groaned.
“It's your auntie, Mahiru.”
Her head was hurting.
“I think she's waking up.”
Where were the voices coming from?
She opened her eyes.
“…Auntie?” she groaned, “What's going on?”
A smile broke over her aunt's face. “Mahiru!”
Two men in white coats stood in the back of the white-on-white room. She blinked, grimacing at the brightness.
Her head was throbbing.
“Mahiru Shiraishi,” one of the men said, holding up a clipboard. “You're finally awake.”
“What are you talking about?” She tried to stand up. Her legs felt shaky.
“Honey, you've been here for…”
Her aunt turned to the men.
“Did… did I get hurt?”
“It's best if she hears it now,” one of the men said, “We can ease her into it once she knows.”
“Ease me into what?”
She was confused. Why did her head hurt so much?
He aunt turned back to her. “Mahiru, you've been in this psych ward for the past twelve years. These men are Dr. Jemei and Dr. Kaikaso. Kaikaso is your doctor and Jemei-san plans to be your therapist.”
Mahiru pressed her palm to her forehead. “That's not… No… What about…?”
“Mahiru has been in our facility for the past twelve years,” the man named Kaikaso said, reading off his clipboard. “She was admitted a year after her parents were killed when she slipped into a coma-like state. Before that she claimed to have seen visions. She was often sent into fits reacting to her own personal dream world.
“At 9:02 lat night we had a response from her. It seemed she had been trying to wake up. We called her aunt and proceeded in trying to lure her out.” He looked up, smiled at her. “And here she is.”
Twelve years? That made no sense. What about Mitsuru, the lunar race? What about her visions? What about the demon and the princess?
…Now that she thought about it…
…It did seem a bit…
Mahiru stared at her aunt. “So… I've been in a… psych ward…?”
She nodded. “But now you came out! We can go home and-”
“We need to run a few tests, “Kaikaso said, “Just to make sure she's okay. Then we can discharge her. Until then, you can stay with her.”
“We don't want a relapse,” Jemei said, “And if all goes well, you'll be seeing me once a week, maybe less.”
Mahiru let her aunt let her stand. She felt numb. This was way too much to digest at once. None of it was real. Her life would be completely different. Nothing was what she thought it was.
Mahiru suddenly felt like crying.
She just wanted to go home.
Authoress Notes:
That's my prologue. I don't know too much about psychology, but I'll try not to sound like a complete idiot.
So, there's the start. Let's keep it going with a warm toasty review.