Crescent Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Vampire's Touch ❯ Breakfast, Bars, and Camp Sites ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hey again! More with the lunaracianans. Lunararacins. Luneracerans. Oh, never mind!!
Disclaimer: Okay, you caught me, I don't own Crescent Moon. My dog does. <Police start to drag away her dog> NOOOOOO!!! NOT MY DOGGY!!!!!!!!
Chapter 6
Breakfast, Bars, and Camp Sites
As soon as Oboro and Katsura had straitened everything out, (Got the teens untangled, told Mitsuru not to hurt Akira and scolded Akira for making fun of Mitsuru) they herded the group to the table. Akira and Ashuri had done pretty well for an hour! They had made pancakes, waffles, muffins, eggs, hash browns, grits, toast, ham, bacon, crescents and a number of other delectable foods. It was a breakfast feast for dinner!
“This is kinda both an apology and a thank you.” Akira said. “I'm sorry for totally destroying the kitchen and covering Mitsuru in lasagna,”
“And I want to thank you all for letting Briki and I stay here.” Ashuri finished for him. `Ha! I used good grammar that time! Wait a minute…why the hell do I care what vamp thinks of the way I talk? Whatever.' She thought, shaking her head as everyone started to eat. Mitsuru let his grudge go slowly, you could tell he wasn't furious with Akira anymore when he stopped glaring at him every few seconds.
Briki and Misoka got along very well, starting their own little conversations right out of thin air. This was probably because they were so close in age, Misoka was twenty-one and Briki being twenty-two. Oboro was talking to Mahiru and Mahiru would also talk to Mitsuru when Katsura and Oboro chatted. Mitsuru did his best to ignore Mahiru, but even from across the table Ashuri could tell he was listening to every word. Ashuri was talking to Akira and Nozomu. The three were getting along extremely well. Briki and Misoka watched the entire table, making sure arguments weren't breaking out and Mitsuru was behaving himself (A/N: It sounds like Mitsuru's a dog! lol). Then, Briki remembered something.
“Ashuri, aren't your things and the others at your camp?” He asked his sister.
“Uh-huh. Oh, crap, we need to go get them!” Ashuri said, standing up so quickly she nearly toppled her chair over. Nozomu had apparently already thought of this.
“I can drive you guys over after the bar closes and help you move your things over here. The others will be fine until then, wont they?” Nozomu offered. Ashuri nodded.
“Ya, they can take care of themselves. Dashisu and Mishu can hunt for their food and Coshiku and Lokuse will be fine.” Ashuri replied, nodding.
“Who are they?” Akira asked, wolf ears perked in curiosity.
“Dashisu and Mishu are sister and brother. They are two wolf yokai from an old clan. They are the only survivors of when humans found them in the park and blamed them for misfortune fifty years ago. They killed off all of the others. Dashisu and Mishu were only cubs then.” Briki explained to the listeners (pretty much everyone except Mitsuru).
“Coshiku is a winged-horse yokai. He escaped from a stable that whipped its horses badly. He was a stubborn horse, doesn't like to do what he is told. (At this point Nozomu muttered “Sounds like someone we know…” and Mitsuru glared at him.) I found him soon after…” Ashuri paused for a moment, not sure what to say at this point. “I reached the forest.” She finished. “Lokuse is what some call a silent-hoof. They are horses skilled at being quiet and have hooves like knives. They were bred as warhorses. She was wild when we found her.”
“Wait, what are we gonna do about the horses? I mean, we can take the wolves, they are similar to dogs, but I don't think a horse is going to fit through the front door.” Nozomu thought out loud.
“That's the cool thing about those two. Since they are demons, they have many tricks that help them blend in. Coshiku can transform into a mere raven, and Lokuse is able to change into a small cat.” Ashuri explained, smiling.
“That's good.” Akira sighed. “I like horses!”
“What exactly will we be doing here?” Briki asked Oboro.
“Well, Nozomu is the entertainment.” Oboro started.
“Entertaining? By doing what?” Ashuri asked Akira.
“Nozomu sings, Ashuri” Akira answered. Ashuri raised her eyebrows. Now she was curious.
“Katsura plays piano, Mitsuru, Mahiru, and sometimes Nozomu take orders, Akira cooks, Misoka and I handle the bar…hmm…” Oboro was apparently unsure of were to put them.
“I can help Akira in the kitchen!” Ashuri offered with enthusiasm.
“And I can take orders or help with the bar.” Briki said as he ate a piece of bacon. Oboro nodded, thinking the ideas over.
“Okay, Ashuri will be assistant chef and Briki will work with Misoka at the bar. Everyone agree?” a mixture of agreements and one `why should I care' answered. Ashuri and Akira grinned happily at each other.
`I didn't think those two would become so comfortable here so quickly. It seems that first impressions don't always show you what a person's personality is.' Nozomu thought. He reached for the last sausage link, but a swift hand snatched it up first. He looked up to see Ashuri already eating it. Seeing him glare at her, she swallowed then stuck her tongue out at him. `Yet first impressions still tell you a lot about a person. Like whether they'll steal your food or not!'
“Thanks for the last sausage!” she said, grinning at him. Nozomu sighed and rolled his eyes toward the ceiling. And he had really wanted that!
Slowly the food was consumed and the plates were cleaned. Since it was about 7: 28 when the cleaning was done, Akira and Ashuri vanished into their domain - the kitchen. Mahiru and Mitsuru started pulling the chairs off the tables and onto the floors while Misoka showed Briki were everything was behind the counter. Nozomu checked to make sure that the mice was running smoothly while Katsura did some finger warm-ups with the keys. The first customers were a group of partiers in their twenties, celebrating one of the girl's birthdays. They ordered some food and drink and had some fun. Akira stuck a candle upright in the middle shrimp of her dish and she got a drink on the house. That's how the moonshine did birthdays for their customers. Soon, a steady stream of people were coming through the open doors and settling down to talk and drink. Ashuri soon realized how much work went into running the bar. Akira told her, when they had a mini-break, how thankful he was that she had volunteered to help him. Cooking all this buy himself wasn't easy, you see.
Before long, Nozomu had the girls swooning over him and was getting a lot of requests. Ashuri had to admit, he did have a pretty good voice! As they cooked, Akira told her all about the little lunar family. He told her about when all three of them (Nozomu, Akira and Misoka) would sing together, how Mahiru could sing pretty well and how Mitsuru would barely sing at all. He told her about the comfortable yet crazy life they all had here at the moonshine, and how they had collected the teardrops of the moon and helped the entire race. He told her a little of his past as well. Even though they were extremely busy, Ashuri had a lot of fun spending time in the kitchen with Akira. She couldn't remember the last time she had smiled so much.
The last people left at about 11:46 and the staff started to clean up the place. Chairs were moved, the area swept, dishes were cleaned, and food was put away. Then Akira offered to help move Ashuri's stuff from the woods to the Moonshine. As the others finished cleaning, the foursome jumped into the small car and drove over to the park.
The place was utterly deserted when they got there. The parking lot held no cars, and the fields were as empty as school during a snow day, but the forest was brimming with life. Nocturnal animals were everywhere; lightning bugs, raccoons and bats (which liked to bother Nozomu) popped out of their hiding spots when they found it was just Ashuri. They would not come very close to the others, though. Wild animals don't trust you if they don't know you.
Ashuri sure-footedly led the way to her camp. As they past the clearing where she met Nozomu, she thought of how it had only been hours ago when she didn't trust the vampire at all, and now she was living with him and his buddies! Life sure does have a way of twisting your life around!
They were greeted at the entrance to the camp by deep growling. When the two mighty wolves came into view Nozomu noticed how fierce the two look when only the light of the moon showed their snarling muzzles. Akira didn't look afraid at all.
“Oh hush you two!” Ashuri scolded them as she shoved past the wolves. They shut their traps and followed her obediently. Briki introduced the canines and the horses as Ashuri collected her things. She shoved all her stuff into a green backpack and rolled up her blanket before tucking it under her arm. Akira carried another little bag for her horse and Nozomu helped Briki carry one of the two bags he brought with him. Ashuri asked the horses and they transformed into the animals she said they would. With a raven on her shoulder and a wolf buy her side, Ashuri led them right back out of the forest in less time than it took to get in. On the way out, Nozomu heard her whispering goodbyes to certain trees and creatures. Some, he couldn't even see.
When they got home, Ashuri didn't even unpack her stuff before she collapsed onto her bed, out like a rock. Akira laughed and put her blanket over her before Nozomu closed the door. `Looks like we have something new to handle. I swear, you never get much time before another adventure pops up.' The blonde thought before falling asleep.
See! I told you I'd write more! So could you pleeeeeaaase tell me how I'm doing?