Crossover Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon X: Digital Heroes ❯ Heroes Exposed! ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

If you are reading this, then you are right to think that I'm back with the newest chapter of this story. By the way, how did you like the Card Captor Sakura addition to the story and the prophecy that I `made' Crow Reed left behind? I also want to say I'm sorry if the `family line' thing is getting pretty confusing and you are `mixed up' about it. Anyway, the plot is going to `thicken' in this chapter and I hope for your continued support for this story. By the way, expect the Daikari and TK/Mina romances to grow within the next few chapters and plus, I'm still having problems decided who to put with Kairi/Sailor Star. If you have a suggestion, please let me know. Now, it is time for the show. Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon, Sailor Moon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Card Captor Sakura, Yu-Yu-Hakusho, any of the other stories, and anything/anyone else that comes from other stories that end up in this fanfiction! Warning: This chapter has intense violence, blood, possible gore, death, mild to explicit bad language, mild to explicit suggestive themes, and possible X-rated adult themes/situations!
Sailor Moon X: Digital Heroes
Recap: Lately, we have been finding that our Digidestined of Light, Hikari Kamiya, has been having strange dreams of the tsuki-no-ouji and his beloved, the Galaxy Kingdom Princess, and plus, her strength, speed, and agility have increased more and more lately. On the meanwhile, we find that Daemon and his minions have arrived in the Sailor Scouts' world and Daemon released Mimete from her computer confinement to serve in his plans to gain the three sacred artifacts. However, his plans didn't go unnoticed by our heroes and heroines and our Digidestined team and their Digimon head off to Tomoeda to fight them, but when they are in Tomoeda, they are caught by surprise by none other than SkullSatamon. Some aid by the Mistress of the Clow, Sakura Avalon, and her friends, however, gave our heroes and heroines the edge in the fight and drove them away. In the aftermath of that fight, Sakura and her friends learn about the Digidestined and their Digimon and vice versa, but in the process, they learn that Kairi had another half-sister that was Chronos' `other daughter' and known as the hoshi-no-hime, who had the same name as our Card Captor. However, when the explanations are done and over with, our heroes and heroines had to rush into action against Daemon, Mimete, and a whole load of Heart Snatchers in front of Sakura's High School. The battle was very intense even with Sakura's and Li's aid using their magic, but things turned for the worst when Mimete used her new dark powers to send our Digidestined, their Digimon, Sakura, Madison, Li, and Meilin into a `world' of pure darkness and trapping them there. However, Kari's powers pulled through and somehow saved all of them from being consumed by the darkness. Inside that `dark world', Sakura was revealed to be the hoshi-no-hime AKA Sailor Constellation with Meilin and Madison being revealed as two of Sakura's and Kairi's guardians as Sailor Aurora and Sailor Nebula. With three new Sailors on their side, our heroes and heroines pulled their powers together to leave the `dark world' where the Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask arrived to aid them. But Imperialdramon Paladin Mode finished the job by using the Senshi powers from our bearer of Miracles, Destiny, and Freedom along with our three new Sailor Senshi to blow all of the youma away. However, when Sailor Aurora/Meilin tried to get rid of Mimete, she used SkullSatamon as a shield to get away along with Daemon, who was pleased with Mimete rather than angry. As our Digidestined and their Digimon leave their new friends behind until they join them in Juuban, they are glad to have new friends that they can count on. However, the questions still remain: Which side will find the Moon Heart Crystal, Sun Soul Emerald, and Star Spirit Diamond first? When will the tsuki-no-ouji and taiyou-no-hime be found? Can our Digidestined team and their Digimon rescue their comrades before they suffer the same fate? Hopefully, the answers will come to us on today's Sailor Moon X: Digital Heroes!
Chapter 7: Heroes Exposed!
(Around the one mouth `mark' of our Digidestined's arrival in the Sailor Scout universe; In the Empress' headquarters)
Today, we find the Empress watching the monitor screens from her throne as the six elder Digidestined, Tai, Sora, Mimi, Joe, Izzy, and Matt, and their Digimon partners, Agumon, Gabumon, Biyomon, Palmon, Gomamon, and Tentomon, are give their food and water to make sure that they are kept alive. However, the Empress doesn't like what she is seeing on the screens and what the screens are showing are her Digimon minions getting blasted and defeated, again and again.
The Digimon Empress slams her fist into her throne and exclaims, “Argh! Again and again, my forces are being defeated by these chumps! It has been one month since I came into this universe and I am nowhere closer to victory!”
The black `shadow' that's Apotheosismon appears behind her and says, in his dark voice, “I know how frustrating it can be, my young empress. Remember, I know how annoying these Digidestined and their Digimon can be. With their new powers, they really are a headache.”
The Digimon Empress tells Apotheosismon, “I know, my lord. However, what is with this new plan that you started around one week ago?”
Apotheosismon tells the Digimon Empress, “My dear mistress, you should know that in order to defeat your enemies, you must exploit their weaknesses. And what is the greatest weakness that all heroes share.” The Digimon Empress thinks about it for a while and when it hits her, she gains a wide evil smirk.
The Digimon Empress says, “Brilliant, my lord. And plus, it is no wonder that you recovered some youma from Queen Beryl's old Negaverse fortress.”
Apotheosismon states, “Indeed, it is, my dear. Now, all we have to do is for those rotten Digidestined and Sailor Scouts to take the bait and soon, the three sacred artifacts and two universes will belong to us!”
The Digimon Empress exclaims, evilly, “At long last, their final end!” The Digimon Empress and Apotheosismon laugh so sadistically and evilly that normal men and women would be quivering in fear in just seconds.
(Early Saturday Morning; at the home of Yusuke Urameshi)
Today, we find Yusuke Urameshi, Kuwabara, Hiei, Kurama, and Keiko inside of the living room of Yusuke Urameshi's apartment room home and Yusuke Urameshi is standing and stamping his foot impatiently.
Keiko tells Yusuke, “Yusuke, stamping your foot isn't going to bring him, here, faster.”
Yusuke exclaims, in his usual annoyed tone, “Well, why does he keep us waiting?! We've been waiting for around . . . two weeks or more doing nothing while the fate of the world is at stake here!”
Hiei says, in his usual tone, “I've got to admit: I agree with the Detective, here. We haven't been doing anything since that battle with that clown and his friends and there have been more battles around the city and we haven't battle involved in the action.”
Kurama says, in his usual logical tone, “Most likely, Komena is keeping us back until he gathers more information about our enemies and our new `allies'.”
Hiei says, still with his usual tone, “I don't need anyone to destroy the fools that we are facing now.”
Kurama tells Hiei, “I wouldn't underestimate them, Hiei. They seem pretty powerful. The one called Piedmon had a very powerful spiritual aura and he nearly killed one of the newest Sailor Senshi known as Sailor Sun. And remember, she held a powerful spiritual and mystical aura herself.”
Kuwabara exclaims, annoyed, “Well, I can't do a damn thing to help! With my spirit energy on the fritz, I can't even detect the aura of either the enemy or these new guys and girls fighting these weirdo `Digimon' creatures!”
Yusuke tells Kuwabara, “Don't worry, Kuwabara. Your spirit energy will be back from its `vacation' and you will be kicking ass with your spirit sword again!”
Hiei says, in his usual tone, “Don't encourage the buffoon, Detective. He might go and do something dumb like usual.”
Kuwabara roars our at Hiei, with great anger in his tone, “I dare you to say that to my face, shrimp!”
Keiko tells the two of them, in her usual tone, “Please stop it! Komena and Botan are going to be here any minute!”
Just then Komena's voice calls out, “Actually, Keiko, I'm right here.” Everyone looks to the source of the voice to see Komena, in his teenage form, and Botan walking into the living room.
Yusuke asks Komena, “How did you get here without us noticing?”
Komena replies, “You kind of left the door open and we enter around the end of your argument.”
Botan says, “You were so loud that you didn't hear us come in.”
Yusuke rubs his head in embarrassment and says, nervously, “Oops.”
Keiko tells Yusuke, “I keep wondering why you never get robbed, but then again, any thief that tired to rob you would get beat up so bad that he would be begging to be arrested.”
Yusuke asks Komena, annoyance in his tone, “Okay, toddler for brains, why did you keep us out of the action for so long?!”
Komena tells Yusuke, “I thought that we talked about that `toddler thing', but knowing you, I can understand your frustration Yusuke. However, I didn't want to get you more involved without getting more information on these new enemies and `allies' that were involved in that battle sometime ago.”
Kuwabara states, “Well, when has that stopped you from sending us into danger before.”
Botan and Komena become a bit nervous from this and Botan tells Kuwabara, “That's a good point, but this case is very special and this time, we need for you to know as much information as possible.”
Kurama asks Botan and Komena, “So, did you find anything more about this `situation'?”
Komena tells Kurama, “Yes, I did Kurama.”
Yusuke tells Komena, “So, what are waiting for?! Tell us!”
Komena tells Yusuke, “I was getting to that, Yusuke. Anyway, around one month ago, we found out that a gateway from alternate universe was opened from another dimension into this one.”
Kuwabara asks, surprised, “Wait! Do you mean that these Digital Knights, Sailor Sun, Solar Moon, Sailor Star, and these enemies come from another universe?”
Botan nods her head and says, “We believe so.”
Keiko says, amazed, “That's incredible.”
Kurama says, in a logical tone, “So, if you find records of anyone that don't have records that originally came from this world, we have found the secret identities of Solar Moon, Sailor Sun, Sailor Star, and the Digital Knights.”
Botan puts a folder on the traditional Japanese table on the floor and Botan says, plainly, “Well, we believe that we found them.” A set of gasps come out of Keiko's, Yusuke's, Kurama's, and Kuwabara's mouths as Botan opens up the folder to reveal pictures of Daisuke Motomiya, Jun Motomiya, Kairi Motomiya AKA Kairi Kagoma, Hikari Kamiya, Takeru Takashi, Miyako Inoue, Ken Ichijouji, and Cody Hida.
Kuwabara asks, perplexed, “Who are these people?”
Komena tells Kuwabara, “Their names are Daisuke Motomiya, Jun Motomiya, Kairi Kagoma, Hikari Kamiya, Takeru Takashi, Miyako Inoue, Ken Ichijouji, and Cody Hida. One mouth ago, they, with the exception of Kairi, arrived in the Juuban district of Tokyo and they are currently going to Crossroads High School. Kairi Kagoma, on the other hand, arrived in Juuban shortly after the Sailor Scouts' last battle. They claimed to come from another part of Japan, but we checked all of the records and we found that there was no record of everyone, but Kairi Kagoma, until the day that they arrived in Juuban. Some kind of power altered those records to make it look like that they were a part of our universe.”
Yusuke exclaims, “Finally! We've found them! Now, we can get back into action!”
Kurama then asks Komena, “However, what does Kairi Kagoma have to do with the rest of them?”
Komena tells Kurama in reply, “There was another dimensional disruption around nine years ago before this, but this one was a lot smaller. After that dimensional disruption, there were news reports that a seven-year old girl was mysterious found, badly wounded, and dying, but miraculous she managed to survive and heal without permanent injuries. However, her DNA was unrecognizable and it was like that she never existed until now. This mysterious seven-year old girl was then adopted by rich and well-known family. The girl that was adopted was Kairi.”
Keiko asks, curiously, “So, do you think that Kairi is also from another dimension?”
Botan nods her head and says, “We think so. Plus, there is also something that you should know.” Botan takes the picture of Jun Motomiya, gives it to Yusuke, and asks Yusuke, “Look familiar, Yusuke?”
Yusuke asks, confused, “What do you mean? I never met this girl before.”
Komena tells Yusuke, “Actually, you did. Since these are the people from the alternate universe, you have already met this girl before. Recognize the hairstyle?” When Yusuke looks at Jun's picture, again, his eyes grow wide and gasp in shock.
Yusuke exclaims, shocked, “Holy shit! This girl is that Sailor Sun character! Her hair might be a different color, but those eyes and hairstyle I will recognize anywhere!”
Kurama looks at the pictures of Davis and Kairi and says, after looking at them intently, “Ah, I can see that Daisuke Motomiya must be Solar Moon and Kairi must be Sailor Star.”
Keiko asks Kurama, “How can you tell Kurama?”
Kurama replies, “Solar Moon has a similar hairstyle to Daisuke Motomiya, wildly spiked, even through his hair is silver. Plus, they have the same look of confidence and strength in their eyes. Their personalities, even just looking from these pictures, are too similar to be called a coincidence.”
Komena tells Kurama, “We've noticed this similar between them as well and we believe that the rest of this group is the Digital Knights.”
Hiei states, in his usual tone, “All right, Komena, what do want us to do now?”
Komena replies, “We need for all of you to find them and confront them. We need to find out why they are here, about this enemy, and what their goals are.”
Botan tells the group, “We've recently found out about a mysterious and suspicious circus that's coming to Juuban.”
Keiko asks, curiously, “What's so suspicious about a circus?”
Komena states, in a plain tone, “Well, it looks like this circus has been involved with mysterious disappearances, through it hasn't been proven, and it only appeared around one week ago.”
Kuwabara says, “That's suspicious with a capital `S'.”
Hiei tells Kuwabara, in his usual insulting tone, “No kidding, buffoon.”
Kuwabara roars out, angrily, “If I had my spirit sword, I would slice you apart shrimp!”
Botan tells Hiei and Kuwabara, “Boys! This isn't the time for this!”
Komena says, “Botan is right. You must get to that circus since it will be showing this afternoon today.”
Yusuke crunches his knuckles and says, “All right! It is about time we got back into the fight!”
Kurama asks Komena, “Komena, may I speak with you for a second? Alone?”
Komena nod his head and replies, plainly, “Of course.” Komena and Kurama then walk off to the side away from the others.
Keiko asks, perplexed, “What's wrong with Kurama?”
Yusuke says, in a serious tone, “Whenever Kurama does that, it usually means that he has heard or knows something important and he needs Komena to confirm it for him.”
On the meanwhile, Kurama and Komena were far enough away from the others to speak privately and Komena asks, seriously, “What do you need to know Kurama?”
Kurama tells Komena, in a plain tone, “I see that you know me too well, Komena. All right, here is the point: A long time ago, back when I was Yoko Kurama, I had heard about an ancient artifact of great power. It was said to have been created from the powers of existence and it was last held by the son of the last queen of a kingdom on the moon. I tried to find this great artifact, but I had found out it was one of three artifacts of great power and this `moon prince' and two of his siblings sealed the three treasures away with a powerful seal that can only be opened by the powers of Courage, Friendship, Love, Sincerity, Knowledge, Reliability, Hope, Light, Faith, Honor, Miracles, Destiny, and Freedom. Do you have any more knowledge of this? And could this and `moon kingdom' have anything to what's happening now?”
Komena tells Kurama, in a serious tone, “I don't know much of the details myself, but what I can tell you are describing is the Moon Kingdom, home of Queen Serenity, the last ruler of the Moon Kingdom, which was in its golden age known as the Silver Millennium. The three artifacts are known as the Moon Heart Crystal, held by Queen Serenity's son, the tsuki-no-ouji, the Sun Soul Emerald, held by the taiyou-no-hime, the Princess of the Sun Kingdom, the home of Queen Serenity's husband, King Apollo Amun-Re and eldest daughter known as the taiyou-no-hime, and the final artifact is the Star Spirit Diamond held by the daughter of Queen Serenity and Chronos, the Lord of Time in the universe, through his magic, Queen Alyssa. However, I believe that you know all this.”
Kurama nods his head and says, “Yes, I already know about the tsuki-no-hime, the Moon Princess, Princess Serenity, the Moon Kingdom is the origin of the Sailor Senshi team in Juuban, and how the great evil known as the Negaverse destroyed the two beautiful kingdoms and ended the Silver Millennium as well as the sacrifice of the queen of the Moon Kingdom using the Imperium Silver Crystal, one of the two powerful treasures of the Moon Kingdom, to stop Queen Beryl.”
Komena asks Kurama, “Did you know that Sailor Moon is the Moon Princess and Tuxedo Mask is the reincarnated Prince of Earth?”
Kurama tells Komena, in a serious tone, “I have suspected since the records in demon world never mentioned a `Sailor Moon' protecting the Moon Princess. Her mother, the Moon Queen, must have wanted her daughter to gain the strength to fight evil by making her a Sailor Senshi as well. However, what I also do know is that the deeper details of the three artifacts and the end of the Silver Millennium are locked away within the Spirit World within a vault that not even you have access to, which makes me wonder if your father has something to hide.”
Komena tells Kurama, in a serious tone, “I would be surprised that he didn't hide anything from me. However, I think that you wanted to ask me that the three artifacts are involved in this `battle'. Well, to answer that: Yes, they are. We believe that Solar Moon's group is trying to find the three artifacts along with the tsuki-no-ouji and taiyou-no-hime, since they know those two along with Sailor Star, the reincarnation of Queen Alyssa, the holder of the Star Spirit Diamond, are the only ones that can use their powers for good. However, we also believe that this new enemy is also after those powerful treasures since they have powers that far exceed the three treasures of the Moon and Sun Kingdoms.”
Kurama nods his head in agreement and says, in his usual tone, “Indeed. If those three artifacts fell into the wrong hands, then our whole universe would in danger, not just the Human, Spirit, and Demon worlds.”
Komena replies, in a serious tone, “Correct. This is why I'm sending you back out there.”
Kurama asks Komena, “What do the Sailor Scouts think of them?”
Komena replies, “They believe that Sailor Moon's male counterpart and Sailor Sun are the `keys' to finding the tsuki-no-ouji and taiyou-no-hime, which my gut feeling agrees with. There is something `different' about those two and it is not because they are from another dimension. I want you, Yusuke, and Hiei to not only find out if what I said are their intentions and to keep an eye on them since I believe that they will play an important role in the fate of our universe and whatever universe they come from.”
Yusuke's voice then calls out, “So, we are babysitting, huh?” Komena and Kurama turn to the source of Yusuke's voice to see none other than the Spirit Detective himself standing before them with a serious look on his face.
Kurama asks, surprised, “Yusuke, you heard?”
Yusuke replies, in his usual tone, “Every single word. I wish that Komena would be a bit more to the point . . .” Yusuke then gives his sly smirk and says, “. . . However, I will do as you say because that kid, Solar Moon, kind of reminds me of myself.”
Komena says, with a sly tone, “Since he seemly loves to go into battle, kick the ass of his enemies, and stubbornly refuses to give up in battle. However, the main differences is that his academic grades are a lot better than yours and he uses real strategy a lot more in battle.”
Yusuke exclaims, indignantly, “Hey!”
Kurama tells Yusuke, with a sly smile on his lips, “Komena does have a point, Yusuke.”
Yusuke tells Kurama, in a droll sarcastic tone, “Thanks a lot, Kurama.” Komena and Kurama get off a few laughs as they leave with Yusuke to get Kuwabara and Hiei for their `mission'.
(In the middle morning hours; inside the Crown Arcade)
Sometime later on this Saturday morning, we find our Digidestined team inside of the Crown Arcade having some fun with Yolei and Kari playing the latest Dance Revolution game, Kairi and Ken are playing the latest racing games, Davis and TK are playing a fighting game, and finally, Jun is playing against the computer on the Duel Monsters virtual duel platform, the latest versions in-door dueling station developed by Kaiba Corporation.
When Kari and Yolei were done with the Dance Revolution game, they got off and Kari says, “It was great for Orion to give us the day off from training.”
Yolei nods her head and says, “Yeah, no kidding, Kari! He really worked us like dogs!”
Kairi and Ken are done with the racing game, get off, and Kairi tells Ken, “I win, Ken!”
Ken tells Kairi, in a kind tone, “Well, Kairi, you are really good.”
Kairi tells Ken, “Do you think Davis was the only one that the `good gaming gene' in the Motomiya family?”
Just then Davis yells out, excitedly, “I win, again, TK!”
TK sighs and tells Davis, “Man, Davis! I was a real fool to challenge you in any video game! I might rival you in basketball and martial arts, but when it comes to gaming, I don't stand a single chance! I mean your sister tied with the King of Games after all!”
Kairi tells TK, with a wide grin, “When it comes to games, we, Motomiyas, are the best of the best!”
TK tells Kairi, “Well, remember about the top game player in this arcade?”
Davis tells TK, in a sly tone, “You mean your soon to be new girlfriend, Mina Aino?”
TK exclaims, blushing madly, “Cut it out, Davis!”
Yolei tells TK, in a teasing tone, “Oh, come on, TK. We shall how you make those eyes and how you blush when Mina comes around.”
TK tells Yolei, in disbelief, “Yolei, not you, too!”
Kari smiles and tells Davis and Yolei, “Yolei! Davis! Come on, leave TK alone okay!”
Jun then comes over after her duel with the computer is finished and Kairi asks Jun, “How did you do?”
Jun smiles and replies, proudly, “Kick the microchips out of it.”
Davis tells Jun, “Way to go, sis!”
Just then a voice calls out, “Hey, you are the new kids that came to Juuban around one month ago?” When everyone looks at the source of the voice, they find none other than Andrew walking towards them with a poster in his hands.
Yolei asks, curiously, “Yeah, that's us. Why do you want to know?”
Andrew replies, “Well, Serena told me that her cousins had come into town around one month ago, but I never really got to meet you. By the way, my name is Andrew.”
Jun tells Andrew, “I'm Jun Motomiya.”
Davis then states, “Daisuke Motomiya, at your service. You can just call me Davis, Andrew.”
Ken says, “I'm Ken Ichijouji. Nice to meet you, Andrew.”
Cody tells Andrew, after doing his little bow, “My name is Cody Hida. An honor to meet you.”
Kari tells Andrew, in her usual nice tone, “I'm Hikari Kamiya, but my friends call me Kari.”
TK tells Andrew, “Takeru Takashi, Andrew, but you can just call me TK to avoid confusion.”
Yolei tells Andrew, with sly tone, “The name is Miyako Inoue, but you can call me Yolei . . . and give me your phone number to boot, cutie.”
Davis tells Yolei, with a wide sly grin on his lips, “Give it a rest, Yolei! I swear that you are just as bad as Serena and her friends when it comes to boys!”
Yolei roars at Davis, annoyed, “Back off, Motomiya!”
Kairi tells Andrew, “You've seen me around Andrew.”
Andrew tells Kairi, “Don't I know it, Kairi. Anyway, I'm glad to see that you have good friends around you.”
Kairi thinks in her mind, “Oh, you don't know the half of it, Andrew.”
Davis notices the poster in Andrew's hands and he asks Andrew, “Hey, Andrew, what's with the poster?”
Andrew says, remembering the poster, “Oh, see for yourselves.” Andrew plasters the posters onto a column in the arcade and the poster displays a circus with the name on the top of the poster saying Dark Star Circus: Circus of the Digital Age.
Kairi states, simply, “Never heard of this circus.”
Andrew tells Kairi, “Yeah, I never heard of until a week ago when it just appeared seemly out of nowhere, but no time, it has become one of the most popular circuses in the country. Through everywhere that this circus has gone, there had been people that have been vanishing seemly into thin air.”
Cody tells Andrew, “People just don't vanish into thin air, Andrew.”
Andrew nods his head in agreement and says, “I agree, Cody. There are those that say that circus is responsible for the disappearances, but there isn't a shred of proof against the circus and even through with these rumors of the disappearances, this circus still maintains very high popularity.”
Kairi telepathically tells his sister and brother, “Hey, do you, two, smell a large snake around here?!”
Jun replies, telepathically, “No kidding, sis! A snake named the Digimon Empress! She wants to lure us out for some reason!”
Davis then says, telepathically, “Guess she wants to stop fooling around and have the final battle! This could be our chance to save Tai and the others!”
Kari notices Davis `spaced out' look and whispers into his ear, “Daisuke, is there anything wrong?” Davis whispers into Kari's right ear and Kari's eyes become slight wider, but before she could say anything, Davis nod his head in some kind of unsaid agreement.
Kairi tells Andrew, “It was good to see you again, Andrew, but we have to go.”
Yolei asks Kairi, perplexed, “Right now?”
Jun gives a very serious look and says, “Right now.” Ken, TK, Cody, and Yolei then realize what Jun's look is all about and give unnoticed nods in agreement.
Ken tells Andrew, “Kairi's right, Andrew. We've got to get going.”
TK tells Andrew, “Nice meet you.”
Andrew replies, “Same here.” Davis and the Digidestined team leave as Darien, Serena, and her friends prepare to enter the arcade and look on as all of them leave with Rei, Amara, and Trista getting `weird feelings' from the group, which makes Amara very suspicious because she has a feeling that she felt those auras before.
Rei asks, curiously, “Wasn't that Davis and his friends?”
Serena, who has her arms wrapped around Darien's left arm, nods her head and replies, perplexed, “Yeah, that's them. What were they doing here?” All of them then enter the arcade and Andrew goes over to greet them.
Andrew greets them with, “Hey, girls! Hey, Darien! What's up?”
Darien asks Andrew, “Andrew, what were Davis and his friends doing here?”
Andrew replies, “They were playing some games and really having some fun. It was nothing unusual, but I did notice that Davis, Jun, and Kairi were really excellent with the video games. I'm sure they could even give Mina a run for her money.”
Mina exclaims, confidently, “Ha! Yeah, right! I'm the mistress of all games and I take them on anytime!”
Serena asks Andrew, “Andrew, why did just rush out of here so fast?”
Andrew points to the poster and replies, “I'm not sure, but I think it has to do with this circus coming to town.” When the group looks at the circus poster, they gave looks of wonder, curiosity, or seriousness, depending on which of them you are referring to.
Lita states, “Never heard of that circus before Andrew.”
Andrew says, “Yeah, it is really weird. It was heard of only one week ago, but it has become one of the most popular circuses around. However, there are rumors surrounded it.”
Amara asks, curiously, “What do you mean by `rumors'?”
Andrew replies, “Well, as of late, people from town that were visited by this circus have been disappearing mysteriously, but there is no proof that the circus is responsible at all. However, these rumors still don't make this circus very popular.” Andrew then starts to walk off and says, “Later, Darien. Later, girls. I've got a lot of work to do today. See ya.”
Serena, the Inner Senshi, and Hotaru say in unison, “Bye!”
Darien tells Andrew, “Later, Andrew!” When Andrew is gone from sight, Darien and the Sailor Senshi gain serious looks on their faces.
Amara asks, in a serious tone, “What do you think of this?”
Lita states, in her serious tone, “This smell like our new enemy.”
Mina says, in a plain tone, “Guess they decided to take a page from the Dead Moon Circus on this one.”
Ami states, in her logical tone, “This seems a bit too obvious.”
Michelle asks, curiously, “Do you think that it is a trap?”
Rei says, in a serious tone, “If this Digimon Empress is after Solar Moon and his friends, then it is most obviously a trap for them. If they are a lot like us, some to all of them will want to check it out because of the disappearances.”
Amara says, in a serious tone, “This trap is a bit too obvious and we know that Sailor Sun and her group is a lot smarter than that. Most likely, they already know that it is a trap.”
Mina says, in a rare serious tone, “But they will check it out anyway to make sure that circus is `out of business'.”
Trista says, in her calm tone, “However, no matter how powerful they are or how many other allies that they have, they are still going to need our help.”
Darien nods his head in agreement and says, “I agree. I think that it is time that we get tickets for this circus.” Darien then looks at Serena, who is looking in the direction that our Digidestined team went in, and asks, curiously, “Serena, is something wrong?”
Serena looks at Darien and replies, “Not really, but I'm just wondering about why that poster made Davis and his friends leave the arcade so fast. Plus, they seem so . . . serious.”
Rei tells Serena, “Oh, come on, Meatball Head, we don't have time to worry about them, now! We need to figure out a plan to see if this circus is a part of our newest enemy's plans and how to stop it!”
Serena tells Rei, “All right! All right!” However, Amara, Michelle, and Trista were wondering, a lot, about Davis and his friends' reaction to the poster themselves, but put that thought out of their minds . . . for now.
(Sometime later that morning; in Shibuya Park)
At this moment, in the middle of Shibuya Park, we find our Digidestined team and their Digimon partners meeting with their Frontier Digidestined counterparts in a portion of Shibuya Park where they wouldn't be seen, even during this part of the morning hours.
Takuya was displaying the same poster to his counterpart in the Odaiba Digidestined and states, “Yeah, Davis, we saw this, big time. It is all over the place.”
Kouji says, in his usual tone, “We've also heard the rumors about it as well and I think you and your friends are right to suspect that the Digimon Empress is behind this.”
Kouichi asks, curiously, “It seems a bit too obvious for me.”
Zoe says, in a serious tone, “It is most likely a trap for Davis and his friends.”
Ken nods his head and says, “That's what we figure. The Digimon Empress needs us to get the Moon Heart Crystal, the Sun Soul Emerald, and the Star Spirit Diamond.”
Tommy says, “Well, you can't just walk right in there.”
Davis states, in a serious manner, “Well, something tells me that we don't have a choice.”
Yolei nods her head in agreement and states, “No kidding. That Empress will kidnap and possibly hurt more people if we don't step into her trap.”
TK says, in his serious manner, “However, if this is some kind of `final battle', we can stop her, here and now.”
Kari nods her head in agreement and says, “Yeah, we can rescue my brother and our friends and defeat her, once and for all.”
Jun says, in a serious manner, “Kari, I don't think it will be that easy.”
Kairi tells Jun, “No kidding, sis. It is never THAT easy.”
Takuya says, in his confident tone, “Well, all we need to do is come up with a plan. What are waiting for?”
Veemon says, with a wide grin, “Just a few new friends of ours that we had to call.”
Tommy asks, curiously, “What do you mean by that Veemon?”
Just then a female voice calls out, “Hey, wait! Don't start without us!” When everyone looks to the source of the voice, they see Sakura, Madison, Meilin, and Li run up towards all of them.
Orion tells Sakura, “Princess Sakura, it is so good that you can meet with us.”
The Frontier Digidestined is surprised and Kouichi asks Orion, “Do you know her, Orion?”
Orion tells the Frontier Digidestined, “My manners. These are Madison also known as Sailor Nebula, Sailor Scout of the Cosmic Storms and one of the two guardians of Princess Sakura and Queen Alyssa on Earth, Meilin also known as Sailor Aurora, Sailor Scout of the Rainbow Lights and the second of the guardians of my two charges. And finally, Sakura Avalon, mistress of the mystical Clow Cards and the reincarnation of Princess Sakura, Kairi's half-sister from the Silver Millennium, and the second daughter of Chronos, through marriage of Queen Serenity's sister, also known as the hoshi-no-hime.”
Zoe exclaims, amazed, “Oh, wow. You are Sailor Senshi, too?!”
Meilin replies, in her excited tone, “You know it!”
Kairi tells Sakura, “I'm really glad that you can join us.”
Sakura nods her head and replies, nicely, “No problem.”
Madison asks, curiously, “So, what's the situation?” Orion and the Digidestined explains the situation involving the mysterious circus that's coming to Juuban and making its first show this very afternoon.
Li says, in a serious tone, “Yeah, I've heard of it and I got a bad feeling from it. It is a trap for all of you.”
Orion says, nodding his head in agreement, “Indeed, the Digimon Empress really wants to gain the power of the three sacred artifacts and we need to work fast.”
Sakura says, in her serious tone, “So, do we have a plan?”
Jun tells Sakura, “We were waiting for you and now, all of us can come up with a plan.”
Davis says, with his usual grin and confident tone, “Okay, let's do it!”
Kari nods her head in agreement and replies, excitedly, “Right!” As the Digidestined, Frontier Digidestined, and Card Captors group start to discuss the plan for `attacking' the circus, the Digimon move out of the way for the moment.
Patamon asks, curiously, “Do you think that this will be the end and we can go home?”
Gatomon shakes her head and replies, “I don't think it will be that easy. We can only hope.”
Renamon says, in her serious manner, “However, we must remember it could be just another battle, but if this is the `final battle', the Digimon Empress will fight her hardest and we must be ready.” All of the Digimon, expect for Veemon, nod their heads in agreement with Renamon.
Veemon has an unusual nervous look on his face and Gatomon asks him, “Veemon, is there anything wrong?”
Veemon replies, trying to sound calm, “No, not really.” Veemon then puts on a weak smile and says, “Come on, let's help the others plan!”
Armadillomon says, with an excited tone, “Okay!” While the other Digimon walk over towards their partners, Gatomon pulls Veemon away from the others and to a spot where they can be alone for a while.
Gatomon tells Veemon, in a serious tone, “Okay, Veemon, what's bothering you? I can tell that you aren't yourself.”
Veemon sighs and replies, in a plain tone, “I guess that I can't keep for you, Gatomon. It's just . . . just . . . when Jun and Davis got their new powers . . . I began to have a bad feeling that something terrible is going to happen . . . and now . . . these feelings are stronger than ever . . . and I keep seeing images of our past . . .”
Gatomon asks, curiously, “Your past with the first Digidestined team?”
Veemon nods his head in agreement and says, plainly, “Yeah. The Digital World was a lot harsher and terrible then and Davis, who was just a seven year old kid, and I had to survive not only our enemies, but the Digital World itself. It was a harsh and sometimes, we barely got out with the skin of our teeth intact.”
Gatomon says, seriously, “It must have been terrible.”
Veemon nods his head and says, with a slight smile, “However, Davis and I always smiled together and with our friends. We always knew that even in the darkness of times, there would be light. Even through it was difficult, especially with Apotheosismon, we knew that there was a way to find it.”
Gatomon states, in her serious tone, “So, that's why you act the way that you did during the whole time you were with us.”
Veemon nods his head and says, “Yeah, but these days, these `bad feelings' are getting so bad that it is getting harder and harder to smile.”
Gatomon tells Veemon, reassuringly, “If you need anyone to talk about it, you can always talk to us, Davis and the other Digidestined, and . . . me.”
Veemon asks Gatomon, curiously, “Do you mean it, Gatomon?”
Gatomon smiles and replies, “Sure. Kari taught me that you should always talk to your friends and help them if they need help.”
Veemon tells Gatomon, “You do have a great partner.”
Gatomon tells Veemon, “So, do you Veemon.”
Veemon blushes slightly and replies, “Thanks.”
The two of them are silent for a minute and Gatomon then asks, “Veemon, were you and BlackGatomon ever . . .?”
Veemon replies, shaking his head, “No. BlackGatomon and I were more like brother and sister as well as Renamon and me.” Veemon then asks Gatomon, “What about you and Patamon?”
Gatomon shakes his head and replies, “No way! Patamon and I never had anything in common other than having angel Digimon Ultimate forms. Patamon and I didn't even consider going on a date.”
Veemon asks Gatomon, “Why not?”
Gatomon replies, with a wide blush on her cheeks, “Well . . . nothing ever sparked between us and . . . I had someone else that I cared about. Someone that I've seen in a different light for a quite a while now.”
Veemon asks, a bit nervous and with a slight blush, “Who would that be?”
Gatomon asks, still blushing, “Can't you guess?” Gatomon then kisses Veemon on the lips with great intensity and our blue dragon Digimon couldn't help to blush about this, but then he returns the kiss with the same passion.
When they broke from the kiss, Veemon says, breathlessly, “Wow.”
Gatomon tells Veemon, in the same breathless tone, “You can say that again.” Gatomon then tells Veemon, “Come on, Veemon. We had better get going before the others start getting worried about us.”
Veemon nods his head and replies, smiling, “Right.” Veemon and Gatomon then head back to the others with wide smile on their lips and loving looks in their eyes for each other.
(That afternoon; In the middle of Juuban Park)
In the middle of the park in Juuban, we find one huge and mysteriously colored silver and light blue circus tent with a huge amount of people heading inside and within the crowd, we find all of Digidestined in the crowd and all of them, minus Jun, Kari, and Kairi, are carrying good sized back-packs or bags to carry their Digimon through for Cody, Armadillomon and Hawkmon had to de-digivolve back into their in-training form of Upamon and Poromon in order for Cody and Yolei to carry them. Meanwhile, Gatomon and BlackGatomon are acting like normal cats along with Orion while Renamon is hiding in the shadows and sneaking inside the tent.
Kari whispers to Davis, “Isn't it hard for you to carry Veemon, Davis?”
Davis tells Kari, with his usual sly smirk, “Veemon isn't that heavy and plus, here's the plus side of having Solar Senshi super-strength.”
Yolei asks Ken, “Ken, do you think that this plan will work?”
Ken tells Yolei in reply, “Well, Sakura and her friends are coming in from another entrance while Takuya and the Frontier Digidestined are waiting outside with a special communicator. When we give them the signal, they will spirit evolve and join in the battle.”
Cody says, in a plain tone, “We had better make sure that we don't draw attention to ourselves until the time is right.”
Jun says, in a serious tone, “Knowing the Digimon Empress, she already knows that we are here. We had better make sure that we figure out her plan or we're finished.”
Yolei asks Jun, nervously, “Did you have to say that?” As our team of Digidestined present their tickets to the ticket salesman, we find Yami and his friends are some distance away from them with tickets to the circus in their hands.
Tea asks Yami, “Why are we in this creepy circus?”
Tristan nods his head in agreement and asks Yami, “Yeah, man, what are we doing here?”
Yami tells Tea and Tristan, “I believe that the enemy is using the circus to draw our Solar Moon and his friends where they can capture them to get access to the three ancient artifacts that will grant them the power that will make them invincible. Remember, Sailor Moon's Imperium Silver Crystal has power to rival that of the seven Millennium Items by itself and each of those artifacts alone are far stronger than Sailor Moon's ginzuishou. We have to make sure that Solar Moon and his friends since they hold the final `keys' to gaining these treasures aren't captured.”
Joey says, in his confident tone, “Bring it on! We already took of her overgrown clown friend.”
Tristan tells Joey, “I don't think it will be as easy this time.” On the meanwhile, in another entrance, we find Sakura and her friends and boyfriend, Madison, Meilin, and Li, going down another entrance with tickets in their hands and Sakura goes forward to give her ticket to the ticket salesman, but bumps into Serena Tsukino, quite hard. Both of them fall to the ground on their bottoms.
Sakura tells Serena, “Oh, dear, I'm sorry.” Sakura then gets to her feet and helps Serena to her feet as quickly as possible.
Serena tells Sakura, in a kind tone, “Hey, don't worry about it. I'm quite use to it . . . unfortunately.” Darien and Serena's friends along with Sakura's boyfriend, Li, and Sakura's two friends come up to the two girls.
Madison asks Sakura, “Are you okay, Sakura?”
Sakura tells Serena, “Just fine.”
Serena asks Sakura, “I've hadn't seen your friends around town. What are your names?”
Sakura tells Serena, “My name is Sakura Avalon and I'm pleased to meet you.” Sakura points to the others and says, “These are my friends, Madison and Meilin. And this is my boyfriend and Meilin's cousin, Showron Li.”
Madison gives a traditional Japanese bow and says, “Hello, I'm Madison.”
Meilin tells them, “The name is Meilin and don't you forget it!”
Li says, in a plain tone, “I'm Li, Sakura's boyfriend.”
Sakura tells Serena, “Don't mind him. He's always that way with new people.”
Serena says, in a kind tone, “No, I don't mind. I'm Serena Tsukino.” Pointing to her boyfriend and friends, “These are my friends, Ami Mizuno, Rei Hino, Mina Aino, Lita Kato, Hotaru Tomoe, Amara Ten'ou, Michelle Kaiou, and Trista Meiou. Plus, this real hunk is Darien Shield, my boyfriend.”
All of the group expect for Amara and Trista say in unison, “Hi!”
Sakura tells Serena, “Well, I can see that you have great friends and a great boyfriend.”
Ami asks Sakura, “Sakura, what are you doing here?”
Madison says, with a nice smile, “Oh, we are here to watch the show. I hear it is a blast.”
Mina says, with her excited tone and wide smile, “Hope that you will enjoy it.”
Sakura smiles and says, “Same here. It was great to meet you and your friends, Serena.”
Serena nods her head and tells Sakura, “Good to meet you and your friends, too, Sakura.” Sakura and her friends then walk away and Rei, Amara, Michelle, and Trista get serious looks on their faces.
Lita says, slightly blushing, “Wow, Sakura has good tastes in boyfriends. He looks like my old . . .”
Mina exclaims, in her excited tone, “Everyone that you like looks like your old boyfriend, Lita!”
Lita replies, in a defensive tone, “Do not!”
Amara asks Rei, seriously, “Do you feel that Rei?”
Rei nods her head and says, “Yeah, I did.”
Serena asks Rei, “What do you mean `felt' something?”
Trista tells Serena, “What Rei means that she got the same feeling from Sakura and her two female friends that she got from Sailor Constellation, Sailor Aurora, and Sailor Nebula.”
Serena gasps in shock and Darien asks, in a serious tone, “Do you mean that those three girls are Sailor Constellation and the two guardians of her and Sailor Star?”
Rei nods her head and says, “Most likely, Sakura, Madison, and Meilin have the same auras as Sailor Constellation, Sailor Aurora, and Sailor Nebula?”
Amara asks, in a serious tone, “What kind of feelings did you get from Davis and his friends?”
Rei shakes her head and says, “I don't know. The feelings are weird and, yet, familiar. They aren't ordinary humans, but I couldn't tell who or what they were. Their `auras' were too weak for me to get a clear reading.”
Michelle says, in her usual tone, “However, it is a good bet that Solar Moon and his friends are here in this tent. Sailor Constellation, Sailor Aurora, and Sailor Nebula were with them in the battle with Tomoeda and if Sakura and her two female friends are Sailor Constellation and the other two Sailor Senshi that are guardians, then Solar Moon and his friends are here.”
Lita says, “Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!” Serena, Darien, and the Moon Kingdom Sailor Senshi then walk towards the tent and prepare for battle as well as whole lot more. However, what Serena, Darien, and the Moon Kingdom Sailor Senshi didn't see is the Frontier Digidestined watching from a nearby building and waiting for the best time to jump in and attack, but what even the Frontier Digidestined couldn't see or know is that Hiei is knowing out two `guards' and allowing Yusuke, Kurama, and Hiei to sneak inside of tent.
(Early evening hours; Inside of the large circus tent)
Inside of the large `big top', we find all kinds of performers performing incredible stunts and tricks in the stage that the people of Juuban and the people from the other districts of Tokyo haven't seen before. On the meanwhile, all of our heroes and heroines, Sakura and her friends, our Odaiba Digidestined, Darien, Serena, and the other Sailor Senshi, and Yami and his friends watching from the stands with Yusuke and his team is standing and watching from the backstage. It seemed like nothing unusual, but Rei, Amara, Trista, Davis, Jun, Kairi, and Kari gained `bad feelings' from the whole circus. Soon after, the ringmaster comes into the center of the `stage'/ring and takes a great bow under a huge amount of applause.
The ringmaster says, “Thank you! Thank you! I'm glad that you enjoyed the show! Now, for your viewing pleasure, the grand finale!”
In their seats, the Sailor Senshi intently stared at the ringmaster and Lita says, “I'm not so sure what's so suspicious about this.”
Amara states, in a serious manner, “Looks can be deceiving, Lita. I can tell that there is a lot of negative energy around here.”
On the meanwhile, the Digidestined also looks on with intense and intent looks and Cody says, “Something tells me that this `grand finale' is where we have to step in.”
TK nods his head in agreement and says, “Great ready everyone.” In Sakura's group, they nod their head and prepare to fight against any type of `attack'. Soon after, a large control mobile control box comes to the right side of the stage and it makes our heroes and heroines prepare for something `big'.
The ringmaster exclaims, “I know that you will love this act, folks! Especially a certain group that's in audience right now!” While most of the audience wonders who the ringmaster is talking about, but our heroes and heroines have a good idea. Just then the ringmaster spins around and transforms into a Digimon similar to Wizardmon, but his clothes are mainly white and he has a staff with a white snowflake jewel on top of the staff.
Kari asks Gatomon, perplexed, “Is that Wizardmon?”
Gatomon whispers to Kari, “No, Kari. That isn't Wizardmon, its Sorcerymon.”
Digimon Analyzer (Gatomon's voice)
“Sorcerymon is the Ultimate form of Wizardmon, Sorcerymon make look a lot like Wizardmon, but he is way more powerful and is said to hold mysterious powers of all kinds . . . powers that Wizardmon could never have. His magical Icicle Spears attack creates mystical ice spears that could cut even solid steel!”
Sorcerymon exclaims, “Now, it is time to start the show! Hit it!” Just then the control box, inhabited by two Bakemon, actives some kind of controls and mystical waves of some kind hit the audience and nearly all of their eyes go blank as they go into a hypnotic state. However, Darien, Serena, and the Sailor Senshi, the Odaiba Digidestined and their Digimon partners, Sakura and her friends, Yami and his friends, and Yusuke and his two teammates.
In the backstage area, Kurama has creates some kind of field around the three of them to protect them from the hypnotic effects of the waves and he says, in his logical tone, “It looks like that Komena was right about this circus.”
Yusuke states, in his usual tone, “No, duh, Kurama. I always said that circus were evil. The clowns especially.”
Meanwhile, the whole crowd slowly rises to their feet and the Digidestined are wondering what's going on, but then Kairi states, in a serious tone, “They are under some kind of powerful hypnotic control. We aren't affected because of our powers.”
Gatomon then says, “We're not affected because the hypnotic waves are meant for humans and not Digimon.”
Davis tells Gatomon, “Get ready to jump in at anytime.”
Jun says, in a serious tone, “Hopefully, Sakura's and her friends' Sailor Senshi powers also make them immune as well as Li's powerful mystical aura.” Thankfully, Jun was totally right and Sakura, Li, Madison, and Meilin were totally unaffected by the powerful spell.
Li says, “The crowd is under some kind of hypnosis. That `Digimon' or whatever is causing it.”
Sakura says, in a serious tone, “We had better go find a place to transform.”
Madison says, nodding her head, “Right, Sakura.” Li and the three girls go down on their hands and knees and start to crawl to make sure they aren't seen and for the three girls to transform into their Senshi forms.
Just then a huge horde of youma and Digimon appear in front of Sorcerymon and with the Sailor Scouts, Mina says, “Where did they get youma from?”
Amara says, in her serious tone, “Based on what you know, from the remains of the Negaverse base in the North Pole.”
Sorcerymon then find Davis and the Digidestined and shouts out, pointing towards them, “There are your targets my puppets! Get them!” The whole crowd turns towards the Digidestined and they stand up with Davis putting Kari defensively behind him, Cody gets out his kendo stick, TK, Jun, Kairi, and Davis get into martial arts defense stances, and Ken also puts Yolei behind him, preparing to defend her at all costs.
Yolei states, annoyed, “Oh, great. Now, what?”
Kari tells the others, “We can't hurt them! They are innocent people!” As the mass of mind-controlled people head towards Davis and his group, Darien, Serena, and the others are shocked to see Davis and his group are unaffected by the spell.
Mina asks her friends, perplexed, “How are Davis and his friends unaffected by the spell?”
Michelle says, in a serious tone, “We are unaffected because of our Senshi powers and Darien's powers as Tuxedo Mask. They must be holding some kind of secret if they are unaffected and the enemy is after them.”
Amara says, in a serious tone, “We can't transform in here.”
Hotaru then asks Amara, “But Amara-papa, the people around here are currently hypnotized and wouldn't know who we if we transformed.”
Trista tells Hotaru, “However, Davis and his friends know who we are if we transformed.”
Ami says, “But the enemy is after them, what are we going to do?” Meanwhile, the Digidestined are wondering the same thing when Ken points to Serena's friends and boyfriend.
Ken exclaims, “Look! Serena, Darien, and Serena's friends are totally unaffected!”
TK asks, confused, “But how?!”
Davis yells out, “We'll find out later! Right now, we can't transform since they can see us and are totally unaffected by Sorcerymon's spell!”
Yolei asks, fearfully, “Well, this crowd is going to tear us apart if we don't! What do you purpose to do?!”
Kairi tells Yolei, “In the words of my brother: `I'm open to suggestions'!”
Cody looks around to see if he can find Sakura and her group and says, when he doesn't find them, “Sakura and the others aren't among the crowd. They must have not been affected and left to find a place to transform.”
Jun says, in a serious tone, “Hopefully, we will be able to hold them off until they get here.” However, the crowd charges them and Davis and the others start to fight back as best they could without seriously injuring the crowd, but unable to use their full power, they are quickly overwhelmed and all of them struggle to get out of the crowd's grasp.
As around a dozen people rip and grab Kari and she screams out, “Let go of me!” Kari tries to kick and punch them away, but unable to do anything that would seriously hurt anyone, she starts to be overwhelmed and is about to be covered by this `mass of humanity'.
But then Davis rushes in, knocks people away from Kari with powerful enough kicks and punches to neutralize them for a while and he asks Kari, worriedly, “Are you all right, Kari?”
Kari tells Davis, grateful, “Thank you, Davis.”
Davis tells Kari, “I'm just glad that you are okay, Kari. I wouldn't know what I do if you died.” Kari is surprised by this statement from Davis, but then Davis is grabbed from behind by two male members of the hypnotized audience and one of them starts to choke him.
Kari exclaims, strongly, “Leave Daisuke alone!” Kari gives those people a few solid punches and she knocks them down to the ground.
Davis tells Kari, with a smile, “Remind me never to get you mad.” However, the Digidestined are still unable to keep the mass of humanity away from them because they are unable to use their full strength because they are innocent people being brainwashed. Darien, Serena, and the Sailor Scouts look to see that Davis and his friends are going to be overwhelmed and there is no way to get passed these people without being seen.
Sorcerymon sees that Serena, Darien, and the Sailor Senshi are unaffected and he exclaims, shocked, “Hey, how come you aren't effected?!” Soon enough, some of the group of hypnotized people heads toward them as well.
Ami asks, curiously, “What do we do now?”
Darien replies, “We don't have a choice in this. If we don't act, now, we are going to be crushed by them and they want Davis and his friends for a reason.” Serena nods her head in agreement with her boyfriend.
Michelle tells Amara, “Darien's right, Amara. We're going to have to transform.”
Lita tells the girls, “Okay, time to kick butt, scouts.” Serena takes her transformation brooch out of her sub-space pocket and the other girls take out their henshin wands from their sub-space pockets.
Moon Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Mercury Crystal Power, Make-up!”
Venus Crystal Power, Make-up!”
Mars Crystal Power, Make-up!”
Jupiter Crystal Power, Make-up!”
Saturn Crystal Power, Make-up!”
Uranus Crystal Power, Make-up!”
Neptune Crystal Power, Make-up!”
Pluto Crystal Power, Make-up!”
After their transformation sequences, Eternal Sailor Moon, Super Sailor Mercury, Super Sailor Venus, Super Sailor Mars, Super Sailor Jupiter, Super Sailor Saturn, Super Sailor Uranus, Super Sailor Neptune, and Super Sailor Pluto replaced Serena, Ami, Mina, Rei, Lita, Hotaru, Amara, Michelle, and Trista. After the Sailor Senshi transform, Darien transforms into Tuxedo Mask, much to the shock of the Digidestined.
Yolei exclaims, shocked, “Whoa! Serena and her friends are the Sailor Senshi and Serena's boyfriend is Tuxedo Mask!”
TK says, amazed, “I can't believe that Mina is Sailor Venus!”
BlackGatomon tells Kairi, “Through something tells me that we should have expected this.”
Orion then says, in a voice only the Digidestined would hear, “This means that Serena is the tsuki-no-hime, Princess Serenity of the Moon Kingdom.”
Sorcerymon exclaims, in shock, “What?! You're here?!”
Eternal Sailor Moon declares, in a strong tone, “How dare you use innocent people as your puppet to capture good friends of ours?! I'm Eternal Sailor Moon, champion of love and justice, and in the name of the moon, I will punish you!”
Kairi asks Orion, “Doesn't that saying get old to you?”
Orion replies, nervously, “Whatever works for you and me . . .” Tuxedo Mask and the Sailor Scout then leap onto the stage where the Digimon and youma step forward to face them.
Sorcerymon shouts out, “Get them!” Without another word needed to be said, the evil Digimon and youma attack the Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask while the Digidestined are trying to keep the hypnotized crowd away from them. On the meanwhile, unnoticed by the others, Yami, Tea, Joey, and Tristan, shielded from the spell by the powers of the Millennium Puzzle, are heading down towards the control box.
Joey tells Yami, “Thank goodness that Millennium Puzzle of yours is around your neck, Pharaoh.”
Tristan nods his head in agreement and says, “Yeah or we might be zombies right now.”
Tea asks Yami, “What are we going to do, Pharaoh?”
Yugi tells the Pharaoh, telepathically, “It seems like this mind-control is sent out from that control room! If we disable it, then those people will be free and the Sailor Senshi can take care of the rest!”
Yami nods his head and replies, mentally, “I agree, Yugi! We have to move fast or we might be seen!” Yami points to the control box and states, “We have to hurry. The Sailor Senshi might not be able to help their friends in time as long as the innocent people, here, are under the enemies' control. It is most likely that's where the source of the hypnotic power is.”
Joey exclaims, excitedly, “Yeah, if we destroy the source of this brainwashing, the people around here can be free!”
Yami tells his friends, “Stay close to me so the Millennium Puzzle can keep protecting you along with me.”
Tea replies, in a serious tone, “Right.” The group of four friends secretly head off towards the control room without being seen while they are protected by the Millennium Puzzle's magic. Back to the battle, the Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask are deep into the battle with the youma and Dark Digimon. Tuxedo Mask avoids the attack of one ice youma and a SnowAgumon, which is ice blue compared to Agumon's orange, and throws four roses at them, hitting them in the eyes and causing them to be temporary blinded.
Mars Celestial Fire Flash!”
Sailor Mars launches a wave of flames at the two ice `monsters' and the two ice `monsters' roar in pain as they are destroyed. On the meanwhile, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, and Sailor Pluto are batting a group of youmas and IceDevimon when Sailor Saturn leaps right in.
Silent Glaive Surprise!”
Sailor Saturn slashes through several youmas and two IceDevimon with her mighty Silent Glaive, but then several new IceDevimon join in to replace the ones that were destroyed.
Pluto Deadly Scream!”
Sailor Pluto fires a dark pink sphere of energy at the IceDevimon and destroys five of them as a result and joining the others, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Venus, and Sailor Jupiter join forces against a group of Monochromon.
Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!”
Sailor Mercury plays a harp made of water and ice energy and sends waves of freezing at the Monochromon causing four of them to be turned into solid blocks of ice.
Jupiter Oak Evolution!”
Sailor Jupiter spins around like she is in a ballet and launches green energy balls of electric and wood energy at the frozen Monochromon causing them to turn into turn into data particles, but then three youma rush in to attack them.
Venus Love and Beauty Shock!”
Sailor Venus' lips get covered in dark yellow lipstick, she blows a kiss, and launches a stream of energy hearts at the youma, destroying them in one blow.
Eternal Sailor Moon aims her Eternal Tier at Sorcerymon and exclaims, “Time to be punished, jerk!”
Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss!”
Eternal Sailor Moon sends a beam of pink and gold energy at Sorcerymon, but the evil sorcerer manages to easily dodge Sailor Moon's attack.
Sorcerymon laughs at Sailor Moon and exclaims, in a serious tone, “Do you think that it will be that easy?” Just then the Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask are grabbed by multiple youma and Dark Digimon and they struggle to try to get free, but they are unable to. Sorcerymon then points to the Digidestined, who are getting overwhelmed by the mass of hypnotized people, and the Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask gasp in shock. With the Digidestined, they know if they don't do something, they are finished, but the Digidestined know if they use their full power and/or the Digimon reveal themselves, the Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask will know the truth about them.
However, Davis thinks in his mind, “Damn! We don't have a choice in this!” Davis then calls out to the Digimon, “Now, guys!” Veemon, BlackGatomon, Gatomon, Wormmon, Patamon, Upamon, and Poromon come out of their hiding places with Upamon and Poromon digivolving into Armadillomon and Hawkmon right away with Renamon phases into the stadium and joins her fellow Digimon.
Sailor Jupiter exclaims, recognizing that Digimon, “That's the same Digimon with Sailor Sun!”
The group of Digidestined call out in unison, “Digivolve, now!”
“Veemon Digivolve to . . . ExVeemon!”
“Wormmon Digivolve to . . . Stingmon!”
“Patamon Ultimate Digivolve to . . . MagnaAngemon!”
“Armadillomon Ultimate Digivolve to . . . Shakkoumon!”
“Hawkmon Ultimate Digivolve to . . . Silphymon!”
“Gatomon Ultimate Digivolve to . . . Angewomon!”
“BlackGatomon Ultimate Digivolve to . . . ShadowAngewomon!”
“Renamon Warp-Digivolve to . . . Sakuyamon!”
End Digivolution
The Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask gasp in shock after the Digimon are done digivolving knowing some of them already.
Sailor Mercury says, amazed, “Many of those Digimon are with the Digital Knights, Sailor Sun, Sailor Star, and Solar Moon!”
Sailor Uranus states, in a serious tone, “They must be them!”
Sakuyamon shouts out, “Time for a little light on the situation!”
Kairi calls out, “I couldn't agree more!” ShadowAngewomon, Angewomon, and Kairi blaze with a bright light causing the crowd to be temporary blinding and allowing Sakuyamon to create a force-field around the Digidestined and herself. When the light fades away, everyone sees Sakuyamon is floating in the air with the Digidestined inside some kind of force-field with the Mega Digimon. The Digidestined look at each other and nod their heads.
Eternal Solar Moon, Transform!”
Sun Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Star Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Digidestined Energize!”
After their transformation sequences, Eternal Solar Moon, Eternal Sailor Sun, Eternal Sailor Star, and the Digital Knights replace Davis, Jun, Kairi, Kari, Ken, Yolei, Cody, and TK and the group leave Sakuyamon's force-field bubble to land on the stage.
Sailor Moon gasps in shock and exclaims, “Whoa! Davis is Solar Moon, Jun is Sailor Sun, Kairi is Sailor Star, and the rest of them are the Digital Knights!” Soon after, Orion lands behind them and the Digimon join them when they hover above their Digidestined partners.
Orion tells the group, “Davis! Ken! You must make your partners fuse together!”
Solar Moon tells Orion, “You don't have to tell us twice!” Solar Moon's and Digital Knight Ken's D-3s begin to glow with bright lights as they create a ring in the sky.
Sailor Venus states, perplexed, “They have their own talking cat?!”
DNA Digivolution
“Veemon . . . Stingmon . . . DNA Digivolve to . . . Paildramon!”
End DNA Digivolution
Paildramon shouts out, “Desperado Blaster!” Paildramon then fires rapid fire energy bullets that scatter the Digimon and destroy all of the youma trapping the Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask.
MagnaAngemon tells Sorcerymon, “It looks like the odds are more in our favor now.”
Sorcerymon replies, in a serious tone, “Oh, yeah! Says who?!”
Just then a new voice calls out, “Says us, jerk!” Just then the top of tent bursts open and Aldamon, Beowolfmon, Zephyrmon, Kumamon, Beetlemon, and YeagerLoweemon along with Eternal Sailor Constellation, Eternal Sailor Aurora, and Eternal Sailor Nebula fly down into the middle of the stage.
Eternal Sailor Nebula says, kindly, “Sorry that we were late.”
Eternal Sailor Constellation states, in her kind tone, “We couldn't find a place to henshin with all of these people around.”
Eternal Sailor Aurora says, “When we got out, we brought in the reinforcements.”
Aldamon asks Sailor Sun, “Don't mind if we join the party?”
Sailor Sun replies, with a smile, “Not at all! Just in time!”
Sorcerymon exclaims, in a confident tone, “So, who cares if there is more of you?! You can't hurt any of my brainwashed slaves because they are poor innocent people!” All of the hypnotized people in the audience turn towards the center stage where all of our heroes and heroines are and prepare to come towards them.
Solar Moon roars out, angrily, “Damn you asshole! Using innocent people as a shield!”
Sorcerymon sticks out his tongue and replies, tauntingly, “Ha! Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me!” However, after he says that, a small explosion comes from control box and hypnotic waves are stopped causing everyone in the audience to come out of the spell. Sorcerymon exclaims, shocked, “What?! What in the hell happened?!”
When all of our heroes and heroines look towards the control box, they see Yami and his friends inside with Joey giving a V-sign with his right hand and Digital Knight Yolei thinks in her mind, “All right, the Pharaoh and his friends were unaffected by the evil mind-control and they destroyed it! Perfecto!”
Digital Knight TK asks, in a taunting tone, “You were saying?”
Angewomon says, in a confident tone, “Looks like you don't have innocent civilians to use as a shield anymore.”
Sorcerymon says, nervously, “Oh boy.”
Sailor Star asks, curiously, “But the instant that they fully realize what's going on here, the people might go into mass panic.”
Sailor Mercury says, nodding her head in agreement, “Sailor Star is right.”
However, Joey's voice comes over the speakers and shouts out, “Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, you might be wondering what's going on here . . . Well, I can say that you were under some kind of mind-control to destroy your local heroes and heroines, but now, they are here to save the day! If you direct your attention to the center ring, you will see the greatest show on Earth unfolding! The Sailor Senshi and their well-dressed friend, Tuxedo Mask, along with Solar Moon, Sailor Star, Sailor Sun, the Digital Knights, and all of their friends versus the evil Dark Star Circus! Now, give a cheer for the home team!” The whole audience then starts to cheer for our heroes and heroines in the center stage.
Sailor Venus says, with a smile, “Not sure that's the right way to get it done, but I'm not complaining.”
Sailor Mars tells Sailor Venus, “No surprise there, Venus.”
Solar Moon asks, with his usual grin on his lips, “Anyway, with that done and over with, who wants to turn him into sushi?”
Sailor Jupiter crunches her knuckles and says, “I'm game!”
Sailor Star exclaims, “Well, what are we waiting for?!”
Sorcerymon yells out, in a serious tone, “What are all of you waiting for then?! A written invitation?! Get them!” Without another word needing to be said, the battle begins between the forces of good and the forces of evil. Now, we find Sailor Sun, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Star facing against five BlueMeramon and three Cherrymon and the Cherrymon launch their cherry bombs in which the three girls do back-flips to get out of the way.
Sailor Jupiter tells Sailor Sun, “Not bad.”
Sailor Star says, with a smile, “Pretty good, yourself.”
Sailor Sun asks, “Triple team?”
Sailor Jupiter exclaims, “You got it!”
Jupiter Oak Evolution!”
Sun Nova Flare!”
Star-Mars Flame Sniper!”
The three Sailor Senshi launch sphere of wood and electric energy, a huge sphere of solar energy and intense heat, and an arrow of flame energy that destroys the three Cherrymon and three of the BlueMeramon. On the meanwhile, Sailor Venus and Sailor Mercury were battling four of the youma with some good close range combat.
Shine Aqua Illusion!”
Venus Love Chain Encircle!”
Using their special attacks, Sailor Mercury and Sailor Venus destroys the four youma, but then a huge Kuwagamon comes out of the ground and grabs Sailor Mercury with one of its claw like arms.
Sailor Venus exclaims, in horror, “Mercury!”
Beetlemon shouts out, “Let her go! Thunder Fist!” Beetlemon slams his electrical charged fist into the back side of Kuwagamon's head and the bug Digimon roars in pain, but it doesn't let go of Sailor Mercury, who doesn't get crushed because of her sailor super-strength.
MagnaAngemon says, in a serious tone, “You heard him!” MagnaAngemon slices Kuwagamon's arm off with his beam sword and freeing Sailor Mercury.
Sailor Venus prepares to go to her aid, but then Digital Knight TK tackles her and exclaims, “Watch out!” Just then four Devidramon's eyes beams blast above them and hitting another part of the stage.
Digital Knight TK helps Sailor Venus to her feet and asks her, “Are you okay?”
Sailor Venus replies, “Thanks, TK. Now, that's the second time that you saved me.”
However, the Devidramon loom over the two of them and Digital Knight TK says, “You might want to check that.”
Just then a huge amount of small `bullets' of spirit energy come out and slam into the four Devidramon, badly injuring all of them, and the two heroes look to see Yusuke, Hiei, and Kurama leap into the battlefield.
Hiei tells Kurama, annoyed, “It is about time that we finally stepped into the action.”
Kurama replies, in his usual tone, “We needed to make sure that we were needed in the battle.”
Sailor Pluto thinks in her mind, “It seems like the Spirit Detectives were also interested in this tent and possibly Solar Moon and his team.”
Sorcerymon exclaims, annoyed, “No! Not more interference!”
Yusuke exclaims, in his usual tone, “Yeah! We're interfering all right! What makes you think that you can just control people's minds like that?! Guess that means that you are too weak to fight us yourselves!”
Sorcerymon roars out, angrily, “Show all of them who's weak around here!” A group of youma charge at Yusuke and his group, but Yusuke, with his fists and kicks alone, enhanced by his powerful spiritual aura, bashes five of them into the ground.
Kurama calls out, “Rose Whiplash!” Summoning his Rose Whip, Kurama swings it around in a super-fast motion and causes five more youma to be cut to ribbons. On the meanwhile, a group of youma has Hiei surrounded on all sides.
Hiei gives his usual smirk and says, “Fools. Who do you take me for?” When the group of youma leap to kill him, Hiei quickly takes out his sword and cuts them to pieces before they even knew what happened.
Static Force!”
Celestial Arrow!”
Wind Cutters!”
Space Sword Blaster!”
Working together, Sailor Uranus, Digital Knight Yolei, Angewomon, and Silphymon destroy a good number of youma and Dark Digimon and Digital Knight Yolei exclaims, “Perfecto! Good riddance!” On the meanwhile, Digital Knight Kari, showing some unusual super-strength and agility, takes out three Ogremon and one youma by herself.
Eternal Sailor Moon exclaims to her, with a smile, “Hey, you're not bad!” Just then Sailor Moon is tackles in the air by two IceDevimon and they grab her by the neck.
Digital Knight Kari yells out, “Leave her alone!” Digital Knight Kari sends out a blast of light that's so strong, it sends the two IceDevimon right out of the tent. Digital Knight Kari asks, stunned at herself, “How . . . How did I do that?” What Kari and everyone else doesn't notices is the strange symbol of her forehead, the silver Milky Way, comes back and start to glow even stronger than before, but it vanishes before anyone could get a look at it. However, Digital Knight Kari is entangled by several youma with super-stretch arms and she screams out in surprise.
“We've got you, now, kid!” One of the youma exclaim.
Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss!”
The three youma are destroyed by Eternal Sailor Moon with her classic attack and Digital Knight Kari tells her, “Thanks, Sailor Moon.”
Sailor Moon winks and replies, “Let's just say that we are even.”
On the meanwhile, Kumamon is sliding across the stage like it was ice and he calls out, “Blizzard Blaster!” Kumamon uses his missile launcher to fire dozen of ice cold snowballs that freeze enemy after enemy.
Sorcerymon, seeing that the battle is going against him, tries to get away without being noticed, but then he turns to see Aldamon and Beowolfmon in front of him and they say in unison, “Forgetting about us?!”
Atomic Inferno!”
Cleansing Light!”
Aldamon launches hundreds of super-hot flame spheres at Sorcerymon and Beowolfmon launches a beam of light along with some rockets at Sorcerymon and causing a powerful enough explosion to send him airborne.
Solar Moon asks Zephyrmon, “Let send this jerk packing!”
Zephyrmon nods her head and exclaims, “Yeah!”
Spirit Bursts!”
Hurricane Gale!”
Zephyrmon and Solar Moon send a cyclone of wind mixed with small spheres of spirit energy that blast Sorcerymon out of the tent and high into the air and he calls out in extreme pain as he is sent out of the tent.
Sailor Aurora exclaims, “Leave the rest to us!”
Aurora Polaris Blast!”
Constellation Starlight Striker!”
Sailor Aurora fires a beam of magnetic and aurora colored energy and Sailor Constellation launches a wave of star energy at Sorcerymon that cause him to scream out in extreme pain as he is deleted and creating one incredible light show in the sky as he does so.
Sailor Nebula shouts out, “Okay, everyone! I will finish things here! Get out of the way!” The rest of our heroes and heroines get out of Sailor Nebula's light of sight, but Sakuyamon joins her before she attacks.
Sakuyamon tells Sailor Nebula, “Allow me to help.”
Sailor Nebula replies, with a kind smile, “Sure.”
Amethyst Mausada!”
Nebula Storm Cracking!”
Sailor Nebula sends a wave of multiple colored clouds filled with powerful cosmic storm energy and Sakuyamon sends a wave of flower petals filled with powerful explosion magic and the results are obvious. The rest of the enemy is destroyed in one incredible light show on the ground and causing huge cheers from the ground.
Sailor Sun exclaims, in a nice tone, “I hope that everyone liked the show and we'll see you around! Have a nice night!” Sailor Venus gives off her usual kiss and all of our heroes and heroines use their usual ways of leaving in a dramatic fashion.
(Somewhere else within Juuban; A short time later)
We find the Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask facing our Digidestined team and their Digimon partners, still digivolved, along with Sailor Constellation, Sailor Nebula, Sailor Aurora, Showron Li, the Legendary Warriors, the Frontier Digidestined's Digimon forms, and Yusuke and his team.
Yusuke asks the Sailor Scouts, “Something tells me that you girls found out the truth about these guys and gals?”
Tuxedo Mask replies, “Yes, we know the identities of Solar Moon, Sailor Sun, Sailor Star, and the Digital Knights.”
Luna and Atriums looks at Orion and Luna tells Orion, in a plain tone, “We should have known that it was you, Orion.”
Orion tells Luna, “It is good to see you, too, Luna.”
Atriums tells Orion, “It has been a long time, Orion.”
Kurama asks Solar Moon and his friends, “My allies, Yusuke and Hiei, and I believe that you are looking for the legendary Moon Heart Crystal, Sun Soul Emerald, and Star Spirit Diamond to make sure that it doesn't fall into the wrong hands and we believe that the enemy has some of the `keys' to getting those artifacts.”
Solar Moon says, in a bit of insulted tone, “Those `keys' that you are talking about are our friends that were kidnapped!”
Sailor Mercury asks, a bit surprised, “Your friends?”
Digital Knight Kari says, “Yes, six of our friends that are Digidestined like us. My older brother, Taichi Kamiya, we call him `Tai', Digidestined of Courage, TK's older brother, Yamato Ishida, we call him Matt, he is the Digidestined of Friendship, Mimi Tachikawa, the Digidestined of Sincerity, Sora Takenouchi, Digidestined of Love, Joe Kido, the Digidestined of Reliability, and Izzy Izumi, the Digidestined of Knowledge.”
Sailor Pluto says, “Courage, Friendship, Sincerity, Love, Reliability, and Knowledge. Six of the fourteen symbols! They must be the holders of the symbols needed to open the seal that contains the three artifacts.”
Sailor Star says, “Yes, they are. We holds the other `symbols', which we call crests. Light, Hope, Kindness, Faith, Honor, Destiny, Freedom, and Miracles.”
Kurama then asks, “Sailor Star, we need to know who you truly are. All of the records that we have found suggest that you also come from other world, but you came from a dimensional gateway around nine years and you were adopted by the Kagoma family when you arrived here.”
Sailor Star says in reply, “My real name is . . . Kairi Motomiya.”
The Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask gasp and Sailor Jupiter exclaims, “Wait! That means that you are . . .”
Sailor Sun interrupts and says, “Yes, Kairi is Davis' and my sister. Over nine years ago, she was with Davis and me as part of the first Digidestined team that defended the Digital World in our home universe long ago, but in the aftermath with our greatest foe, Apotheosismon, she and BlackGatomon was sent into this universe through we didn't know it at the time.”
Sailor Star then says, continuing the story, “When I arrived here, I quickly realized I was all along in another dimension without anyone, but BlackGatomon. I was adopted by the Kagoma family and became their daughter. However, when I started school, here in this universe, I found Orion begin picked on by some school kids.”
Luna says, “I can relate to Orion's situation.”
Sailor Star continues the story by stating, “Orion told me about the Silver Millennium, the Moon and Sun Kingdoms, the Sailor Senshi, and my past as Queen Alyssa. He gave me my henshin wand and I began my journey as Sailor Star when I was seven years old. However, I couldn't help you because I was fighting my own enemies at the time. I only arrived in Juuban around shortly after all of you beat Sailor Galaxia.”
Solar Moon then says, “Around two years ago, back home in our universe, it has been one year since our victory against our greatest Digimon foe and Jun's digivice became an improved version of the regular digivice that we carry. We get a mysterious message to come into the Digital World and with our Digimon by our side, we arrive at a mysterious temple where we regain our crests and our Digital Knight morphers along with our special powers back in our days with the first Digidestined team. However, a silver and golden light came to us and the silver light gave me my Senshi morpher and the golden light turns into Jun's transformation brooch. A Digimon known as Lunamon told us to train for our powers and for two years, we do so and then we hear about what happened to our friends from Gennai, an `advisor' to us, Digidestined. He gave my friends their Digital Knight morphers, we learn that Kairi is in this world, along with the Digimon Empress and the three artifacts, and all of us come into this world with Gennai giving us `living arrangements' in this universe by slightly altering this reality to make sure that we looked like we didn't come out of nowhere.”
Sailor Sun says, “In order to make sure that we are like the people of this universe, Gennai made sure that Davis and me were related to one of the local families around here and made sure we were put in their home. Since Serena's family were among the only few families in Juuban with a house, Gennai chose your family for us to be related to. The rest you already know.”
Sailor Jupiter then asks, “All right! But why didn't you allow us to aid in this?”
Sailor Star replies, nervously, “We didn't want the heroes and heroines of this world involved in a battle with `monsters' from our universe for one thing.”
Digital Knight Ken says, “Plus, you don't have enough experience with Digimon. Even through you've managed to hold your own against most Digimon, but you've seen the true terrors of evil Digimon. There are plenty of other Digimon that are just as smart and as powerful as Piedmon and Daemon and you know how powerful, intelligent, and sadistically evil they can be.”
Sailor Mars says, drolly, “Don't remind me.”
Digital Knight TK says, in a serious tone, “We don't want to panic you, but Orion told us a tiny bit of the future that you are to bring to your planet Earth. However, we swore on our honor and lives never to tell anyone else.”
Sailor Uranus says, in a serious tone, “Which is why you were more determined to keep us out of this fight. You have knowledge of what future Sailor Moon and all of us are going to bring.”
Digital Knight Cody nods his head and says, “Our very presence and the Digimon Empress' could be changing the timeline of this universe as we even speak. This made it even more urgent that we defeat her, get our friends back, and leave your universe as soon as possible.”
Digital Knight Kari says, “We didn't want to endanger your future because of evil forces that came from our world and it took our help to take care of the Digimon enemies, so, we decided to try to limit the aid that we `took' from this universe.”
Solar Moon states, “As much as I would like the help, we are not going to let you waste your lives and endanger the future by battling with us! From what Orion told us, humanity, here, needs you and if you die . . . then the future, here, is kaput! We're not going to let that happen!”
Sailor Mars exclaims, strongly, “Hey, this is our universe, you know?!”
Digital Knight TK exclaims, in a strong tone, “Digimon are nothing like your enemies that already fought! They can do anything within and beyond the human imagination! Our greatest enemy, a powerful vampire demon Digimon, MaloMyotismon, had the power to cover two worlds in darkness and also had the special power to trap us within illusions created from the deepest desires and darkness within our own hearts. Only Davis and Veemon were totally unaffected by the mental attack and if it wasn't for him, we would have been trapped in our own fantasy worlds, permanently.”
Digital Knight Kari says, “Even I was affected by the spell and I'm the bearer of Light, the one with the power to banish the darkness, in my universe of course.”
Sailor Pluto gains a serious look and thinks, “A spell so strong that even one with the power to banish the darkness is affected by it and yet, Solar Moon wasn't affected even through he didn't have his Senshi powers at the time? Hmm, Solar Moon is different from the others and I believe that they know it.”
Sailor Star says, in a serious tone, “Don't worry about everything. We will be leaving pretty soon and this will be over. The Digimon Empress is pretty enraged about this latest defeat and I believe that sooner or later, she will want to end this. For the moment, leave everything to us.”
Sailor Moon tells them, worriedly, “You can't do this alone! What if you get killed out there?!”
Sailor Sun says, “We're not going to get killed, I can assure you of that, Serena. However, if we do, we are going to need you and the others to pick up the slack.”
Sailor Star says, in a plain tone, “We had better get going.”
Sailor Moon wanted to protest, but Sailor Uranus looks at her, shakes her head, and she tells them, “Good luck and be careful.”
Solar Moon says, confidently, “Don't worry, we will.”
Sailor Venus goes over to Digital Knight TK, kisses him on his exposed cheek, and tells him, in a sweet tone, “That's for saving me, twice, TK. Thanks a lot and please be careful.”
Digital Knight TK, blushing out of his mind, replies, “I . . . I will.” The Digidestined teams, Frontier and Odaiba, the Digimon, and Sailor Constellation, her boyfriend, and her two friends then slowly walk off into the distance.
Sailor Uranus tells the heroes and heroines as they walk off, in her serious tone, “However, Davis and Jun are the most connected with the tsuki-no-ouji and taiyou-no-hime and don't expect us to stay out of this battle.”
Solar Moon turns his head back toward Sailor Uranus, smiles, and says, “Wouldn't have it any other way! Later!” Our heroes and heroines then continue on their way until they were out of sight.
Sailor Neptune asks Sailor Uranus, in a curious tone, “Why didn't you stop them?”
Sailor Uranus replies, in her usual tone, “They were right about a lot of things. We have never faced creatures that could be or even smarter than human beings, all of us, Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask most of all, are vital to the formation of our future, and they have experience against Digimon and we don't. However, this is a Senshi affair as much as their battle since Davis and Jun has a deep connection to Sailor Moon's long lost sister and brother. They are part of my princess family and I will make sure that we will find them.”
Sailor Mars says, sarcastically, “Well, I'm surprised that you trust anyone else but us, Uranus.”
Sailor Uranus gives her smile and states, plainly, “Who said that I fully trusted them?” Sailor Mars growls lowly at Sailor Uranus in annoyance while Sailor Neptune gives a smile at this.
Sailor Neptune thinks in his mind, “You can be so mean Amara.”
Tuxedo Mask asks Sailor Moon, “Why did you want to stop them?”
Sailor Moon replies, “Because I've got this bad feeling that something terrible is going to happen to them. Ever since I met Davis and Jun, I felt a connection to them as well as to Solar Moon and Sailor Sun and now that I know they are one and the same, I can't help, but worry about them like a . . .”
Sailor Saturn asks Sailor Moon, “Like a sister would, princess?” Sailor Moon nods her head in agreement and this got Sailor Pluto, Sailor Uranus, Luna, and Atriums thinking.
Atriums asks Luna, in a whisper, “What do you think Luna?”
Luna tells Atriums, in the same whisper, “I'm not sure what to think, Atriums. For some reason, Davis and Jun do look familiar to me, but I don't know where.”
Sailor Moon says, worriedly, “I hope that they are okay.”
Sailor Mars replies, reassuringly, “Don't worry, Sailor Moon. Their group are a bunch of fighters and they know how to deal with these types of `situations'. I'm sure that they will be okay.”
Sailor Pluto says, in a plain tone, “I pray to Selene that you are right, Mars.”
Kurama thinks in his mind, seriously, Something about Sailor Sun and Solar Moon make them seem different than the other Senshi and give them a `familiarity' with Sailor Moon. I can feel it in their auras, but I'm not sure that even they notice. I wonder . . .”
(On the meanwhile; inside the fortress of the Digimon Empress)
After seeing the defeat of Sorcerymon, the Digimon Empress roars out with great anger and her great purple aura explodes causing her to destroy her own throne with just her aura. Some Rookie Digimon that were `tending' the captured Digidestined and their Digimon back up in fear as their Empress looks at them with great anger in her eyes.
The Digimon Empress screams out, “You fools! Once again, I have been defeated!” The Digimon Empress fires one powerful beam of black energy from her right hand and destroys all of the Digimon with one blow and the Digimon Empress doesn't even look like she is far from done from unleashing her rage.
Apotheosismon, still cloaked in the shadows, comes to his Empress and tells her, “Please calm yourself, my empress.”
The Digimon Empress turns to face her master, goes on her knees, and tells him, lowly, “I'm sorry, my lord. I have failed you.”
Apotheosismon tells his Digimon Empress, “Rise, my empress. Do not despair. I know how annoying these Digidestined can be.”
The Digimon Empress rises to her feet and says, “Yes, they are. However, my minions are totally incapable of finishing the job. Well, if you want something done, you will have to do it yourself.”
Apotheosismon asks, curiously, “Do you mean that . . .?”
The Digimon Empress replies, “Yes, my lord, I am. I'm going to destroy them, myself. They believe that I need their crest and them for the seal to unlock.” The Digimon Empress gains an evil and sadistic smirk and she says, “I will prove how wrong they are.” The Digimon Empress starts to evilly laugh and she exclaims, “It is finally time that I end the lives of the Digidestined of Miracles, Freedom, and Destiny, once and for all and claim the power that should be ours!”
Apotheosismon says, in a dark and calm tone, “Indeed and I shall join you soon enough, my empress.”
The Digimon Empress tells Apotheosismon, shocked, “You mean that you are going fight, too, my lord?”
Apotheosismon says, in a dark tone, “Yes, you see with every enemy that they defeat was helping me to gain more power because I absorbed a portion of every evil minion or ally that they defeated and now, I will be ready to make my return.”
The Digimon Empress says Apotheosismon, with an evil grin on her lips, “I'm sure that Miracles, Freedom, and Destiny will be shocked to see you.”
Apotheosismon exclaims, in a dark confident tone, “Yes, they will see me and then they will finally die! Beware to all forces of good, I will soon return and darkness will cover two universes! Apotheosismon shall rise again from the ashes!” The Digimon Empress and Apotheosismon give out evil laugh that are so terrible that even the bravest of men and women would be shaken if they heard it and soon after, the evil twosome prepare for the great battle against our heroes and heroines while Tai and the other captured Digidestined and their Digimon look on with great worry in their hearts for their comrades . . .
Next time in Chapter 8: Royal Awakenings: Sometime after our heroes and heroines learn about each others' identities, Veemon gets a terrible premonition in the form of a nightmare one night and his new `Digimon girlfriend', Gatomon manages to comfort him about it. However, during the same night, Kurama meets with Sailor Pluto to discuss about the current situation. Soon after, the Digimon Empress sends a `message' to the Digidestined team to tell them that she wants a final battle with all of them with the lives of Tai, the other captured Digidestined, and all of their Digimon partners on the line. Unable to turn back, our Digidestined team and their Digimon rush off without any backup to rescue their friends and end the battle with the Digimon Empress, once and for all. However, Yugi and his friends, knowing their identities already, catch wind of their leaving and rush off to follow them along with Yusuke and Detective team, who also found out about the Empress' `message' to the Digidestined. Tuxedo Mask and the Sailor Scouts, also catching wind of the Empress' `declaration' to the Digidestined team also rush to their aid. The Digidestined, when they arrive at their destination, find that they have only one enemy to fight: The Empress herself! However, they soon find out, much to their horror, that the Digimon Empress is much more powerful that any enemy that they faced. Without much energy expended and not even the latest bit tired, the Digimon Empress easily beats our Digidestined and their Digimon with the greatest of ease and our heroes find out that the Digimon Empress never needed them at all . . . she only need their crests to unlock the seal on the Moon Heart Crystal, Sun Soul Emerald, and Star Spirit Diamond! With the intent to kill, the Digimon Empress fires a blast to destroy them all, but in an act of friendship and self sacrifice, Davis, Jun, and Kairi block the blast with all their remaining energy. However, this proves to be fatal when the blast kills all three of them instantly! Our Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask arrive too late to find our bearer of Miracles, Destiny, and Freedom already gone and they try to kill the Digimon Empress, but they do as good as our Digidestined team. But when hope seems lost, something incredible happens! The treasures of the Moon Prince and Sun Princess appear, Davis, Jun, and Kairi are revived back from death, and not only Kairi transforms into Queen Alyssa, but Davis and Jun are revealed to be the tsuki-no-ouji and taiyou-no-hime! *Major gasps* Davis, Jun, and Kairi, as Prince Daisuke, Princess Juniper, and Queen Alyssa, free Tai and the others, and beat the stuffing out of the Empress. However, at long last, Apotheosismon appears, again, and once more, the tide turns against our heroes and heroines, but when the battle seemed lost, the Galaxy Princess is revealed to them and in all of her glory! But will this be enough to defeat Davis', Jun's, and Kairi's old enemy from their pasts as members of the first Digidestined, who, in fact, has more dark power than any Digimon that they have faced before? This and more heart-stopping surprising in the next action packed Sailor Moon X: Digital Heroes!
I hope that I didn't confuse you with the last chapter and I hope that you still like my story. Anyway, this action in here is going to start to climb and I'm going to be putting some Digimon romances in this story, like you saw in this chapter. So, how did you like the Veemon/Gatomon romance part that I put in this chapter? Well, expect plenty more Veemon/Gatomon romances moments in the next chapter and I will try to put Digimon romances in the story as often as possible. The TK/Mina romances is starting to really take off and expect plenty more in the future chapters. And in the next chapter, expect the Daikari to fully `take off' into full bloom in the next chapter. Now, please read and review this chapter. Lately, I haven't been getting any new review as of late and I'm not sure how I'm doing with this story. Do you like, hate it, or do you want something changed or not? I like to do this story in my own fashion, but I also want to make sure I'm doing in a way that many of you favor. So, please send me at least one review and I will know if I'm doing this right or not. I hope to catch your reviews and see you next time, Crossover Fans!