Crossover Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Journey to the City of Endless Night ❯ Chapter Twenty-Six ( Chapter 26 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Twenty-Six

Sesshomaru followed the group down the sweeping hallways of the imperial palace. They reached a spiraling stair way lined with liveried trumpeters announcing their descent towards what must be the banquet hall. He glared in their direction as he passed and noticed from the corner of his eye that Inuyasha's ears had flattened tightly to his skull. Tension also emanated from his brother's frame and he wondered just how long before Inuyasha would explode. Candelabras lined the way, their soft light illuminating the marble steps.

Rin kept a firm grip on his hand, nervous in her new silk kimono. It was rose in color with silver leaves decorating it. Sesshomaru had set it aside for the little girl for such occasions. While he found the formality and dramatic entrances that the human royalty were accustomed to as obnoxious and loud, he also knew that in his rank that a time would come for Rin to be presented without the normal orange outfit she often wore. He noticed that her hand had become clammy and that fear rolled of her skin. He gritted his teeth, knowing he would not prefer her to stay in their rooms.

They reached an antechamber where they were told to wait while the local dignitaries and nobility were introduced. Inuyasha paced in one corner, his eyes casting towards his mate every so often. Sesshomaru glanced over towards the young miko, clad in fine, green silk that trailed to the floor. She clasped her hands in front of her, looking nervous. She wore her hair up, one tendril hanging down around to frame her face. At her throat rested a choker with a tear drop emerald. It didn't escape Sesshomaru's notice that the necklace hid the mark his brother had placed on her. Inuyasha quickly crossed towards her, one arm going around her waist. Sesshomaru turned his back, waiting patiently for their names to be called.

Finally, a fussy man entered the room, appraising the odd mixture of people waiting to be introduced. He was small and a trimmed brown beard adorned his face. He muttered to himself, “Now, what order do I place these people in? Does Sorcerer outrank King? And what about those two with the silver hair?” Sesshomaru realized what ever spell that they had mentioned earlier had taken affect as the small prissy man made no mention of Inuyasha's ears.

Feldegast walked up to him on his hands before flipping over. “Don't worry yer pretty head over the order of this here group. Don't y' know a storyteller and his helper when you see 'em” He pointed towards the young fox kit who had a completely flabbergasted look on his face. “If yer putting us in order, shouldn't you put us lowly ranked ones ferst?”
The small man wrung his hands. He said, “Now that I've got the first pair, what do I do with those two?” He pointed towards Sesshomaru and Inuyasha.

Belgarath whispered to Sesshomaru, “Just what rank are you? He needs one to make that stupid announcement when you walk through.”

Sesshomaru looked over towards the sorcerer before the protocol man. He said, “Lord of the Western Lands. Rin is my ward.”

“That'll solve his problem. You're practically a king in his book.” He winked before crossing the room to converse with the man.

The man nodded vigorously towards the old man and said, “We are ready, now, wait for your names to be called and we'll get this started. It's best not to keep His Majesty waiting.”

A blast of trumpets echoed from the banquet hall outside the door and Feldegast and Shippo lined up to the door. Shippo looked nervous but remained where he was told to stand after Kagome flashed him a smile. The doors opened and a small, gray haired man declared in a booming voice, “Feldegast the Storyteller and Shippo.”

The pair stood at the top of the stairs before descending slowly. Sesshomaru watched them cross towards the raised pavilion at the end of the long, carpeted aisle. He briefly thought that the strange juggler they had picked up on the road had become misshapen and like that of the dwarf sorcerer. He blinked and the image disappeared. They arrived, being welcomed by Zakath and took their seats at the immense banquet table.

The next pair that were called up was the large red-haired sea captain and the knight. The red-haired man wore a dark green doublet with silver fur trim and black hose. It appeared to be made of velvet. He looked unhappy to be unarmed as his hand rested where his sword hilt should be. The knight wore a black doublet and hose, waiting at the same spot the storyteller and kit had a moment earlier. Again, the thin herald boomed, “Barak, Earl of Trellheim and cousin to His Majesty Anheg of Cherek and Sir Mandorallen, Baron of Vo Mandor, the mightiest knight on life.”

Sesshomaru caught the larger man grumble under his breath, “I hate titles. They sound so stuffy.” They, too, descended the stairs heading towards the pavilion where the Emperor waited. He sighed again at the ridiculousness of the whole affair. It was taking entirely too long to proceed with the formality. While Sesshomaru reveled in formality much of the time, this need for trumpets and announcements began to grate on his ears. Rin's hand squeezed his again, her fear adding to his agitation.

Next he saw that the thief and silent horseman approached. He arched an eyebrow when he saw that the thief had changed into a soft, pearl gray doublet with black hose. He had trimmed his beard neatly and combed his hair as well. It didn't escape Sesshomaru's notice that the man's hands dripped rings, ones he was certain the thief had stolen. The horseman on the other hand stood stiff, his outfit of black leather remaining. His single lock was tied back with a silver ring rather than a leather strap, his only outward sign of dressing up. The herald announced, “His Highness, Prince Kheldar of Drasnia and his Highness, Prince Hettar of Algaria.” They, too, followed the other's example, slowly making their way to the table.

Apparently in the order of the stuffy protocol man, the monk and demon slayer were next, as they had no real title and yet also no real rank. The man wrung his hands wishing he could find a proper placement. Sesshomaru arched an eyebrow again when he saw the monk and slayer. He wore a rich, velvet doublet in dark purple that nearly looked black with black hose. The slayer wore a dress not unlike that of Inuyasha's mate, though hers was in lavender. Her hair was down, a braided crown cresting the top of her hair. She wore a diamond pendant at her throat. The thin man announced, “Lord Miroku and Lady Sango.” It had been the only titles the protocol man could arrive at.

Following them, Sesshomaru noticed that the small man approached him and Rin. He said, “You're next. We mustn't delay. His Majesty is awaiting.”

Sesshomaru glanced down at Rin before leading her towards the steps. He didn't let go of her hand and the herald announced, “Lord of the Western Lands, Sesshomaru and his ward, Rin.” They stopped, pausing.

Sesshomaru scanned the crowd. It had fallen silent and he inwardly relished their admiration. He would never admit it, but being introduced formally at a court this size was fulfilling. Audible gasps reached his ears as they descended the steps. A soft hush filled the hall as whispers abounded, “Look at his hair, and those eyes.” As they continued, Sesshomaru strained to keep the satisfaction under control. The ladies curtsied and the gentlemen bowed as they passed almost in a ripple effect.

When they reached the table, Zakath stood waiting in a plain white doublet. The only indicator that he was the emperor was the polished gold circlet beat into the shape of leaves atop his head. He nodded, “Sesshomaru, nice of you to join us for dinner this evening.”

Sesshomaru nodded back, realizing that they would be regarded to the humans in the hall as equal rank for all intents and purposes. He replied, “This Sesshomaru appreciates it.” He could play the game of court just as well, if not better. Guiding Rin to a seat, he waited to see who would come down the carpet next.

A loud commotion could be heard behind the doors by the antechamber they had vacated a moment ago. He sighed. Inuyasha had to be next and he most likely had been irrational. Sure enough, the proclaimer announced, “Younger brother to Lord Sesshomaru, Lord Inuyasha, and the Lady Kagome.”

Inuyasha had a scowl on his face as they arrived on the stair landing. He glared in the direction of the protocol man, a hand on Tetsusaiga's hilt. He looked ready to bolt towards the table until Kagome dug her fingers into his arm, causing them to pause. Sesshomaru heard Inuyasha almost start a fight when he choked out, “Kag-” Kagome only dug her nails in further, silencing him.

As they descended, the crowd was hushed, glancing over the pair. Much as the comments had been made about Sesshomaru's own eyes and hair, the dinner guests remarked on the unusualness of his brother's coloring. Inuyasha's ears flattened at each comment as if they had spoken about his ears. He tried to rush again but Kagome only squeezed his arm that much tighter. Sesshomaru sighed. One day his brother would understand matters of court.
When they reached the pavilion in their slow progression, Zakath stood again, acknowledging the pair. He, much to Sesshomaru's surprise, leaned over and took Kagome's hand in his, kissing it. “So delightful of you to come, dear Kagome.” The low growl in Inuyasha's throat didn't escape Sesshomaru. Zakath let go of Kagome's hand. It had been a moment none too soon. He then extended his hand towards Inuyasha. “You're looking well, Inuyasha.”

Inuyasha replied in a low tone, “Yeah, whatever.”

Kagome stomped on his bare foot discreetly before taking a seat by Sesshomaru. Inuyasha sat down on the other side of her. He crossed his arms immediately, glaring towards the large dining hall. She leaned over and whispered, “Inuyasha, at least try to have a good time.”


The trumpeters sounded again and the crier announced, “Your Majesty, I have the distinct honor of introducing his Royal Majesty King Belgarion and her Royal Majesty Queen Ce'Nedra of Riva.”

The pair stood still on the pavilion and silence filled the hall. Garion almost looked smug as he stood with his queen. He wore a blue doublet with silver trim and she wore a rich cream gown. It had gold trim on the bodice and hem. Her flaming curls were piled up on her head and tendrils of hair hung on either side of her face. She looked regal standing there. Her arm dug into Garion's much as Kagome's had with Inuyasha.

They slowly made their way to the pavilion, allowing the mass of people to stare. As they had bowed for Sesshomaru and Rin, the crowd bowed in a wave as they approached. Zakath smiled at the pair, kissing Ce'Nedra's hand in the same fashion. “You look delightful, my dear.” He nodded towards Garion. “You look well, Garion. Nice of you to join us.”

Garion nodded in return. “As do you. It is our pleasure.” It had seemed ridiculous to hear such formality come from the same sandy haired young man who had turned blushing from Inuyasha's naked form only a few short hours before.

As the pair took their seats, the trumpets sounded again. Sesshomaru heard Inuyasha mutter, “I'd like to shove that down his throat.”

The messenger announced, “Her Grace, the Duchess of Erat, Lady Polgara the Sorceress and Goodman Durnik of Sendaria.”

If the hush had been dead silence for the announcement of the Godslayer and his queen, the silence for Polgara was deafening. She stood on the landing in rich blue silk with silver trim. A blue velvet cape draped over her, fastened with a brooch of silver. Durnik wore an outfit much like Garion's. They made their way towards the table and the sorceress looked more regal than the queen had. Her dark hair hung loose, the white lock at her left brow reflecting the light. Zakath followed the same pattern as he had with Kagome and Ce'Nedra before they took their seats.

The herald stood trembling at the stairs and Sesshomaru caught the old man's voice. “Get it over with. Just say it already. I'm not going to turn you into a turnip, alright?”

He turned, “Y-your Majesty, I have the distinct honor to announce Belgarath the Sorcerer and Poledra the Sorceress.”

The old man and his wife stood on the landing. He wore a plain, gray wool robe, making no attempt at any farce of nobility. Sesshomaru realized he had no need to do so. After witnessing what he had in the grove of trees, he understood why. The woman who had been a wolf held the old man's arm, dressed in a fine silver velvet with blue trim. It was the opposite of that to her daughter. She, too, wore a cape in silver with silver trim. Her tawny hair hung down loose on her back. She briefly locked her golden eyes on Sesshomaru's own and they descended.

The bows became more profound as the pair passed and several tried to touch the wool robe of Belgarath. He didn't walk slow and his wife had no intention of forcing him. She watched the crowd silently as they made their way to the table. Sesshomaru realized that the old sorcerer had to be the most respected and feared man in the world. Young women in the crowd genuflected towards him, and eyes were wide as the couple passed. While the Godslayer had drawn bows and admiration, it was this man who garnered the adoration and awe of the crowd. He winked a few times towards the young women before Poledra's gold eyes connected with the old man's blue. He said, “Sorry, Poledra.”

“One wonders if your eye will wander so all night.” She smiled.

Taking their seat at the table, the crowd stared towards them. Zakath stood, “I am pleased that all of you have come out for this dinner and ball. As you can see, we've been honored with the presence of some important individuals. Enjoy your meal.” He sat back down and nodded towards the servants waiting to serve dinner.

Now that the formal announcements had passed, dinner was being served, first to the table they sat at. Sesshomaru glanced down at Rin, noticing that she had her eyes cast down at the table. Her scent was nervous. He reached his hand out, trying to reassure the child. Exotic dishes passed them and Sesshomaru accepted what appeared to be an unassuming rice dish. He served some to Rin and then to himself.

Inuyasha seemed to have his appetite back as he piled several dishes onto his plate. Sesshomaru sighed. Just once he wish his brother wouldn't act like he had been raised in a forest. Inuyasha startled him as he stood up, pushing away from the table. He jumped up and down, waving his hand in front of his mouth. He choked out, “Fuck! That's hot!” Sesshomaru sighed and actually placed his hand over his eyes. He couldn't believe his brother had acted so. After all the life threatening injuries his brother had survived, the reaction to spicy food puzzled him. He glanced through his fingers to see Inuyasha wag his tongue trying to cool it off. Sesshomaru rolled his eyes.

Kagome tugged on Inuyasha's fire rat, pulling him into the chair. She hissed, “Inuyasha, you're being rude. Don't make me say 'it.”

Inuyasha fumbled for his water goblet. He gulped the entire liquid down before replying, “Were they trying to kill me?”

Zakath laughed from his seat at the table. “I should have warned you. It's a dish from Gandahar and they entertain themselves in the monsoon season by finding ways to build fires in each other's bellies.”

Sesshomaru tasted the unassuming rice dish, before he too reached for his goblet. He felt his own eyes water from the spicy dish. He felt ridiculous for having fallen into the same trap as his brother, but glanced over towards Inuyasha's overflowing plate to realize he couldn't have picked which dish had caused his brother to howl. Rin seemed to be the only one unaffected as she eagerly ate her plate of rice.

Zakath leaned over, “Sesshomaru, we'll have to visit with the guests in awhile. I thought you should know.”

Sesshomaru nodded, unable to speak as he tried not to cough. He finished off his water glass. As tolerant as Rin was of the dish, he had absolutely none. He wondered where she had gained it and shook his head. She looked up at him. “Sesshomaru-sama, may I have more?”

Inuyasha gasped as he tried to recover from the intensely spicy food he had been served. He grasped his water glass in a tight fist, guzzling the water as fast as the servant would fill it. He noticed that Kagome's mouth had drawn into a tight line, her gold speckled eyes glaring at him. She leaned over and whispered, “You're embarrassing us.”

Inuyasha coughed, clearing his throat. He hissed, “So what. They should have told me they were serving fire for dinner.” He saw Sesshomaru's hand pass over his eyes and Inuyasha flattened his ears to his skull. “And you, like you should talk, you can't take spicy food either. I saw you gulp your water.”

Sesshomaru glanced through his fingers. “Little brother, do practice some manners.” The emperor drew his attention away as the dark haired man whispered to Sesshomaru and they both stood, descending the stairs to mingle with the dinner guests below. Rin followed close behind, her hand sliding into that of her lord's.

Inuyasha crossed his arms, thrusting his chin out. He snorted. “Glad that stuffy ass is away from me.”

“Inuyasha, don't be so insulting towards your brother.” Kagome sighed.

He looked over towards her, glancing over her dress. While it certainly flaunted her attributes as the one had in the Stronghold, this time he knew that what lay underneath belonged solely to him. That didn't stop his body from reacting, however. He squirmed in his seat, attempting to make it appear as if he had begun to sulk from her chiding statement. The green certainly brought out her eyes and the complexion of her skin. The one thing that bothered him the most was the choker at her throat. He couldn't see her mark and that disturbed him.

Garion leaned over, stating, “I suppose, we should go down there and mingle, too. Would you like to join me, Inuyasha and Kagome?”

Inuyasha blew hair out of his face. He snorted. “Feh.”

Kagome nodded. “Certainly. I'd be delighted.” She grasped Inuyasha around the arm, tugging.

Inuyasha stood, following her rather he liked it or not. When they reached the bottom of the stairs, Ce'Nedra pulled Kagome aside and the two women melted into the crowd. Inuyasha snarled under his breath, “Damn it.” He did not like the idea of his mate being away from his side in this crowd of people.

Garion said, “Kagome will be fine. Don't worry. Ce'Nedra will keep those young suitors at bay. They'll be too busy trying to get closer to Zakath, anyways.”

Brador approached them. “It is good to see you, Your Majesty, my Lord. Shall we go through the tedious nature of the dinner party?” The portly man winked.

“Certainly. With you as my guide I'm certain to enjoy myself.” Garion winked back. “Come on, Inuyasha. Let's get this over with. Don't worry about the ladies.”

Brador approached a group of men in tall, conical felt caps. He said, “Your Majesty, I'm sure you'll remember King Warasin of Pallia. For our new lord, I'll fill you in. He's conceited, a liar, a cheat, and a brown-noser. Don't believe a word that comes out of his mouth.”

Inuyasha sighed. This could not have been a more boring way to spend his evening. He glanced around, trying to catch a glimpse of Kagome anywhere in the crowd. He'd much rather be with her in their private suite than here talking with petty royalty. After all, he did have a debt to collect from her. He shuddered at the thought of the leather shoes on his feet again. Oh, yes, he would make her pay dearly for that torture. A slight smirk adorned his face as he thought about it. Before he could slip fully into the fantasy, he heard Garion clear his throat. He turned his attention back to the men before him.

One of the men from the group approached. He greeted Brador, “There you are, my dear Brador. I was just coming to talk to you.”

“Your Highness,” Brador bowed slightly. “I'd like to present his Royal Majesty King Belgarion and Lord Inuyasha.”

Warasin bowed awkwardly at the two. “Your Majesty. I do hope you remember the last time we met.” He then turned, looking towards Inuyasha. “And Lord Inufasha, is it?”

Inuyasha gritted his teeth. He would almost have preferred to have his ears talked about than have this man butcher his name. He replied in a gruff voice, “It's Inuyasha.”

“Oh, Inuyasha, my mistake. I do hope you'll accept my humble apology.” His pockmarked face attempted to don a smile. Inuyasha wrinkled his nose. The man had an atrocious scent and his breath did not help matters. It smelled as if the man hadn't washed in more than a year. “I must say, you are an unusual looking fellow.”

Inuyasha crossed his arms. He pinned his ears to his head. How long would they be doing this exactly? “Feh.”

“I can't really say I've ever seen anyone have such long, silver hair and such gold eyes. Where are you from?”

Garion came to his rescue, “Well, it certainly has been nice to visit you again, your Highness. It's been a delight, old boy. It's a shame that Lord Inuyasha doesn't have more time to spend with you.” He gripped Inuyasha by the arm. “I couldn't take him anymore. He reeks.”

Inuyasha smiled. This young man was beginning to grow on him rather he wanted to admit it or not. He said, “I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought so.”

“I can't believe he actually managed to mess up your name.” Garion rolled his blue eyes. “Well, Brador, who do we get the pleasure of meeting next?” The sarcasm in the plain faced man's voice didn't go unnoticed by either man.

Brador's face broke into a smile. “Well, it would seem you missed out on Vasca. He's still in exile. Unfortunately, the man who took his place isn't any better. He's just as big of an ass and more unprincipled, if you'll believe that. I don't really see the point in meeting him but we will have to meet his Highness from Delchin. He's an utter snake in the grass and I would be very careful what you say around him.”

Garion groaned. “Why me? Brador, you couldn't have decent people invited to this banquet?”

“Talk to his Majesty. He's the one who arranged the party before he even left for the Vale. He knew we had to do this so he placed orders in motion before he even set one foot out of the imperial palace gates.” They stopped when they reached another kinglet. This one was introduced as the King of Delchin “Your Majesty, Lord Inuyasha, his Highness Zelak.”

If it was possible, this man smelled even more than the previous kinglet and Inuyasha wrinkled his nose attempting to hold back a sneeze. He reeked of body odor and food that clearly had ended up on his outfit. The man hadn't bathed in so long that Inuyasha was certain the man could have been located for miles, even by human noses, just by his stench alone. The short, fat man bowed slightly. “Your Majesty, it is such an honor to meet you.” His voice sounded oily, as if he was trying to butter Garion up.

Inuyasha instinctively held his fire rat sleeve to his nose. Again he cursed himself for letting Kagome slip into the crowd. They could have quietly excused themselves and been in their suite if he had his way, then. Garion rolled his eyes before replying to the petty king, “As it is you.”

“How has Riva been, lately?”

“Adequate.” Garion's tone almost seemed to remind Inuyasha of his brothers. It was distant and cold. The young man seemed capable of changing his expression and tone so quickly. “And how is your kingdom?”

“It has been well. I am quite certain you have others to meet so I shall leave you to your guest. Your Majesty, Lord Inuyasha.” The man bowed again, his dark eyes looking over the pair as if he had somehow managed a coup.

Inuyasha leaned over, whispering, “What did he want, anyways? He acts like he won something.”

“He thinks because we're close to Zakath he has his foot in the door. Ignore him.” Garion whispered back.

They met several more kinglets and their wives. It became one blur as the two of them introduced themselves over and over and Brador introduced them over and over. The repetition of the whole affair bored Inuyasha and he yawned. When would they finally be allowed to back to their suites? He glanced over, noticing that Sesshomaru was standing off with one of the kinglets they had talked to not a half an hour ago. His expression while unemotional to those who didn't know him read as displeased to Inuyasha. Zakath stood not far from him, his own expression mirroring that of his brother's. Inuyasha shook his head. Apparently the entire dinner party pleased only the petty royalty now thrust upon them.

Before he could join his brother, he noticed that Sesshomaru had disappeared into the crowd, the emperor left behind. He saw Rin was also alone. She had found some of the children that the kinglets and their wives had brought along. Rin looked beautiful in her new kimono and Inuyasha realized that while she was a tiny girl, she wasn't as little as they had thought. She just seemed that way because of her innocence. She laughed and smiled often, playing with the other children.

He caught the conversation of one, “Hey, you there in the funny outfit, you're too little to play with us.”

Rin stopped, staring at the older boy. She said, “Why?”

“How old are you? Six?”

“I'm going to be twelve in three weeks.” Rin puffed her chest out, trying to look bigger.

“You sure dress funny. Who put the carpet on you, anyways? Where's your dress or are you too ugly to wear those? I think that's it.” The boy taunted her.

“Sesshomaru-sama picked this out for me. He said it was extra special, just for me.” Rin looked hurt that someone would insult her lord's choice.

“You mean that guy with the funny fur thing? He's girly. I bet he's not even really a lord and they made up that Western Lands stuff. We all know that King Belgarion is the Overlord of the West.” He leaned towards her face, sneering at her.

Rin said, “You take that back. Sesshomaru-sama is the strongest lord I know. He can do wondrous things you can't understand.”

“Yeah, like teach little girls how to do hair.”

“He does a lot of things like protect me and Master Jaken.”

“He's only got one arm. How can he protect anyone with only one arm? He's a cripple.” The boy taunted.

Inuyasha inched closer to the two. The insult struck Inuyasha and he felt guilty for the fact that his brother did indeed have only one arm. It was he who had shorn it off after all. He waited for Rin to make her reply but she fled, running straight into his leg, crying. She said, “Inuyasha-sama, he insulted Sesshomaru-sama.”

“I heard, pup, I heard.” He turned his golden eyes onto the boy. He made his voice low, playing up its natural gruffness, “Mind saying some of that stuff about my brother to my face?” Even though he knew this boy couldn't see his more unique features, he bared a fang at one corner of his mouth none the less.

The boy backed up. “No, no. I'm sorry, my lord. I didn't mean any harm.” He bowed, scurrying away.

Garion whistled. “That boy is damn lucky your brother wasn't here for that exchange. He's pretty violent when it comes to that child.”

“I know.” Inuyasha mused on the whole affair. So Rin was nearly twelve years old. She was so slim and tiny that she looked to be about nine at the most. He shook his head. Hefting Rin up, he placed her into his arms. “Well, I don't care what that boy said about your outfit. It looks lovely on you. Why don't you stay with me for the time being and when Sesshomaru comes back you can go with him, alright?”

Rin nodded, hugging him tight. “Okay, Inuyasha-sama. Rin would like that very much.”

“Don't you pay any mind to what he said about Sesshomaru. He's very strong and we both know it. That brat wouldn't know what hit him if my brother had been here.” He smirked. “We're going to have a lot of fun, aren't we?”