Crossover Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Journey to the City of Endless Night ❯ Chapter Eighty Three ( Chapter 83 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
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Disclaimer: I do not own either Inuyasha or the Belgariad/Malloreon series. Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi/VIZ and the Belgariad/Malloreon belongs to David Eddings/DEL Rey. There is absolutely no profit being made from this story. It merely fulfills a curiosity of mine---and a desire to keep some really old friends around for as long as possible. Please do not sue.
Chapter Eighty-Three
The foreboding silence settled over the small thicket, making their huddled branches all the more confining. Without the moonlight, the darkness blanketed everything. Both stood in judgment, condemning Sesshomaru. It rested on the Demon Lord like a heavy burden---one not even his broad shoulders could carry. He remained on his knees, staring forlornly at the sky. Its vastness matched the emptiness he felt clench around his heart.
The stars winked on the throat of the night. Among them, Sesshomaru traced the dragon's tail to its head. The brighter stars of the Dragon King's eyes seemed to bore into him. Just a few short hours ago, he and Rin had discovered this constellation together---one he already thought of as theirs. Now, it convicted him, too.
Poledra broke the silence. “One would have come sooner for Rin if not for the delay. One shouldn't have allowed Grolims to interfere in getting to her as soon as the battle began.”
It mattered not what the wolf-woman had or had not done. The blame was his to carry alone. Sesshomaru imagined dark fates befalling the little girl. She was a lamb for the slaughter, perhaps fed to the Hounds of Torak. In another, he saw her life blood drain away after one of the garish Temple Guardsmen cut her down. Another had Rin tied down, ripe for the sacrifice on one of the grisly altars of Torak, her body exposed and her tongue missing---like the other victim he had seen butchered. The vile scenarios crowded his mind, fueling his panic---and his guilt.
Anger burned through Sesshomaru at his utter failure to protect Rin. He clenched his hand into a tight fist, his claws piercing his palm. The Demon Lord slammed it forcefully into the ground, leaving a deep indentation in its wake. The action did nothing to quell his rage---but it did have its own hollow satisfaction.
“The birds,” Sesshomaru whispered. “The birds had warned this Sesshomaru. They had told me to keep Rin safe. I have failed.”
“One wonders what you mean about the birds.”
“Earlier, Rin and this Sesshomaru took a walk to help her ankle. The birds flocked to Rin, talking to her about flying.” Sesshomaru sighed, bowing his head. “This Sesshomaru didn't understand their song, but before they left, they sang directly to me. It was obvious that they wanted me to protect Rin. They knew something.”
“How remarkable.”
The phrase hung between them as the silence quickly enveloped them once again. Out of the corner of his eye, Sesshomaru watched Poledra. Her eyes had fallen closed, an expression of concentration settling over her features. She slowly stood, stepping a few feet further into the trees. She held up a hand as if brushing against an unseen barrier. A soft gasp escaped her. Poledra clenched her hand at her side, the only outward sign of the fury that now possessed her.
Slowly, Sesshomaru rose to his feet, joining her in the clump of trees. He peered into the gloom, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. “Wolf-woman, what is it?”
“We need the Old Wolf.” She turned, her gold eyes fierce with anger. “One dare not face the Apostate without him.”
“Apostate?” Sesshomaru's nose crinkled in confusion. “This Sesshomaru does not understand. What does this Apostate have to do with Rin?”
“We have no time. I must get him, and we must get to Rin quickly.” She stepped away from the Demon Lord. “Wait here while I get the Old Wolf.”
“No. You will tell this Sesshomaru now what you mean,” the Demon Lord commanded, his eyes narrowed in ire. “You will explain who this Apostate is---and why they want Rin. Furthermore, wolf-woman, you do not order this Sesshomaru around.”
“One means no disrespect, but we must make haste.”
Before Sesshomaru could protest further, Poledra blurred into the silver she-wolf and loped away into the darkness. It left him feeling helpless, as he was forced to wait for the old sorcerer. He snarled in frustration, flicking his wrist to unleash his whip on an innocent tree. It split cleanly, toppling to fall harmlessly onto the underbrush. The Demon Lord paced, feeling cold fear grip his heart. If Poledra did not want to face this Apostate on her own, it must mean that Rin was in even graver danger than Sesshomaru had even realized.
Dread weighed heavily on him, and he stared again into the distance, praying that he'd spot the little girl somewhere, unharmed, hiding in the trees. Sesshomaru clenched and unclenched his hand, digging his claws deeply into his already abused palm. His panic rose even higher, threatening to overwhelm him. He couldn't save Rin on his own---a difficult truth to swallow---and yet this delay could be all the difference in getting to the little girl in time. Sesshomaru could hear his own racing heartbeat as it drowned out everything around him, thudding in his ears.
The she-wolf and great silver wolf melted out of the darkness. They flickered, and Poledra and Belgarath emerged. The old sorcerer looked grim, a scowl resting on his face. Gone was the playful glint in his eyes. Great anger boiled in their blue depths---anger that only revealed the vast power the old man possessed. It made him appear formidable and puissant. This wasn't the old irritable man guiding them through this strange land or the storyteller regaling tales of old to entertain. This was Belgarath the Sorcerer, unmasked---the man that had caused those at Mal Zeth to tremble just at his very name.
And it was this man that Sesshomaru had to rely on to save his Rin from this Apostate.
“How long ago did Rin disappear?” Belgarath asked, his voice tightly controlled.
“This Sesshomaru suspects it was an hour or so ago.” Sesshomaru stepped closer to the old sorcerer. He said softly, “She translocated herself from here, and this Sesshomaru is unable to reach her.”
“I'm not surprised.” Belgarath took a deep breath. His eyes fell shut, much as Poledra's had earlier. He searched for something, his expression darkening. “It's him alright. Has his over the top dramatic signature all over it.”
“One told you a long time ago to watch out for him, Old Wolf,” Poledra remarked quietly.
“Cease speaking in riddles, and tell this Sesshomaru just who this Apostate is,” the Demon Lord said through clenched teeth. “Why has he taken Rin?”
“He's my former brother, Zedar.”
Sesshomaru felt the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. A chill shot down his spine at the name. This was the other sorcerer that had fought Belgarath so viciously back in that grove. He could swell to tower over trees. He controlled lightning. He could change shape. This Zedar had thousands of years experience using the very gift Rin now possessed. Now, this Apostate had plucked Rin away from him---and she wasn't ready to combat him in any way. How could they hope to rescue her without it coming to bloodshed---Rin's bloodshed? Sesshomaru staggered a moment, feeling his panic surge. His head swam with even darker nightmares. Zedar had his Rin.
And then anger swelled inside the Demon Lord. How dare this sorcerer take the little girl away? How dare he be such a coward---to clearly lure Rin away during the battle? Sesshomaru was no fool. He deduced that this Zedar had used its chaos to his advantage. The Demon Lord growled softly, ready to exact a punishment on this man for doing something so underhanded. Zedar was still a man---and he, Sesshomaru, Lord of the Western Lands, was a Demon Lord. He, too, could change shape. He, too, had vast power. Sesshomaru would not hesitate to crush Zedar under one of his massive paws if need be. He would rip him apart---slowly---and leave this cur for the carrion. He would melt him into an unrecognizable pile of bone. Seething, Sesshomaru vowed that he would kill this Apostate for daring to take Rin away from him.
Pulling him away from his dark contemplations, Belgarath said, “Zedar's that way.” He pointed into the shadowy grove. “If we head in that direction, we should be able to catch up with him. I think he's only about a league ahead.” The old sorcerer sighed, the sound exasperated. “It seems that I'm forever chasing after him.”
“Old Man, what does he want with Rin?” Sesshomaru asked, his voice vibrating with rage.
“It's hard to say, really. I'm guessing that this is about getting back at me for what I did to him at Cthol Mishrak,” the old sorcerer replied. “It's possible that someone is pulling his strings---this Naraku perhaps. Either way, we had better spring his trap.”
Belgarath stepped away, blurring back into the silver wolf. The wolf-woman followed suit, bounding after her mate into the darkness. Sesshomaru broke into a sprint, easily keeping pace with the pair. The ground sped by and trees blurred as they wove through the small forest.
A long, eerie howl filled the night. It seemed to come from the Demon Lord's left. Another answered it in the distance. Sesshomaru placed his hand on Tokijin's hilt, never stopping his progression. Another howl answered the first two, this time to his right. Clearly they had run head long into a pack of Hounds. Either these vile dogs meant to deter them or they had flushed some lying in wait to attack other Grolims. It mattered not to Sesshomaru---save that they stood in his way.
The great silver wolf skidded to a stop, resuming the old sorcerer's shape. Belgarath swore profusely, pacing. He muttered, “Utterly predictable, Zedar. Should have known you'd unleash some Hounds as attack dogs.”
The wolf-woman emerged from the darkness, joining Belgarath. Her wary gold eyes searched the trees. She gently touched her mate's arm. “One counted five Hounds out there.”
A softened expression crossed Belgarath's face as he gently clasped her hand. He nodded. “Alright. That's less than I expected Zedar to leave waiting.”
Sesshomaru kept his hand tightly clenched around Tokijin's hilt. He scanned the terrain, trying to spot the hulking Hounds lurking in the darkness. He muttered, “Such a waste of time.”
The old sorcerer pursed his lips, his blue eyes meeting Sesshomaru's gold. “You think you can fend off six Hounds in that other form of yours? We don't have time to play their game, and I know we're smaller than them as wolves.”
Sesshomaru nodded, his hand dropping from his sword hilt. “Absolutely. This Sesshomaru can handle these vile dogs.”
“Good. It's about time they get to tangle with someone bigger than them.” A wicked smile crossed his lips, and he winked. “Poledra and I will try to hamstring them while you draw the brunt of their attack. Just try not to drip poison on us.”
Sesshomaru nodded. He took a couple steps back and allowed his demonic energy to be unleashed. First, Rin had been taken. Now more Hounds stood in his way as he tried to get to her---not unlike those that had delayed his rescue of Inuyasha. The Demon Lord tapped into that seething anger, allowing himself to relish in it. It felt good to embrace the power within. He felt his silver mane lift as his demonic energy flowed to allow his change. Sesshomaru could feel his face change next as he began to slide into his truest form. Little by little, he morphed into the massive dog. Once it was completed, Sesshomaru stood, towering over both Belgarath and Poledra.
The old sorcerer and wolf-woman blurred into the great silver wolf and she-wolf. They parted, going in opposite directions to lie in wait. Sesshomaru peered into the gloom. He could see the pairs of eerie green eyes moving about, trying to surround him. He snapped his jaws before snarling his challenge. If they thought that their numbers played to their favor, he would show them their folly.
One of the Hounds howled, signaling their attack. Out of the darkness, it lunged, going for the Demon Lord's throat. He reared up and slammed his paw down directly onto its head. He then squeezed his claws around the now squealing Hound, feeling it thrash wildly. Sesshomaru checked the other wary Hounds circling before he bent his head, fitting his jaws around his prey's body. Sesshomaru allowed his poison to flow and shook the beast viciously before tossing it aside to careen with a sickening crack into a tree.
The Demon Lord bit back a yelp as he felt another Hound savagely bite his tail. As he turned, it darted away. Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes in fury. Unlike these false dogs, he was nimble. They may have mastered the ability to run, but they lacked the finesse of his speed. Even with the hindrance of his missing fore-paw, the Demon Lord would be faster than they could ever hope to be.
Sesshomaru snatched that Hound by its tail. He let it dangle from his fangs before shaking his prey. It yelped in terror as he tossed it high, caught it in his jaws, and crushed it with the brutal force of his bite. Then, the Demon Lord hurled it off into the distance. It, too, hit a tree.
That left them facing three Hounds.
One yelped loudly as one of the wolves took advantage of their focus on him. Sesshomaru padded on silent paws in that direction, finding another Hound lurking in the trees. It stared up at him, dwarfed by his enormous size. The Demon Lord lowered his head to be eye level with it, his tongue lolling out in amusement at its strong stench of fear. Its green eyes went wide in abject terror. The Hound of Torak trembled, backing away before fleeing into the trees.
Sesshomaru counted to ten, giving the Hound the illusion that it had managed to escape. Then, he launched himself into a graceful sprint, easily out-pacing the over-sized dog. He slammed his fore-paw onto its back, pinning it in place. Sesshomaru drooled as much of his poison onto the animal, hearing it hiss as flesh melted and burned.
“It burns! Stop! Torak!” The Hound cried, its words sounding mangled in its canine jaws. Once the Demon Lord released it, the beast rolled around trying to wipe away his venom. It only made matters worse as the poison ate deeper into the Hound's hide. It howled and cried out, “It burns!”
Sesshomaru turned his back on it, knowing it would continue to suffer until he could return to rip its throat out. He approached the sounds of snarling wolves as they viciously darted in and out, nipping at the Hound they had hamstrung. As he towered over them, they dashed to his flank. Sesshomaru lowered his head, nosing at the wounded Hound. He fit his jaws around its damaged body and proceeded to throw it high into the air. It howled in terror, causing the Demon Lord to repeat the process a few times. The last time, Sesshomaru crushed it and then tossed its mangled corpse aside to land with the others.
Sniffing, Sesshomaru followed the scent of the remaining Hound to the underbrush of some trees. It cowered, hoping to escape his total slaughter. The Demon Lord nosed away the branches, exposing the terrified beast. He gnashed his teeth in its face before swiping his paw at it. His claws sunk into the scruff of its neck, and he dragged it out. Sesshomaru realized that it, too, had been hamstrung by the old sorcerer and his mate. Bored with wounded prey, the Demon Lord snapped its neck with his jaws. He then darted across to the Hound he had left to suffer.
Reluctantly, Sesshomaru resumed his humanoid form, glaring down with narrowed eyes. He gripped the Hound around the throat with a clawed hand and squeezed. “Die for your insolence, Hound of Torak.”
Deftly, he ripped its throat out and tossed the body aside with disdain. To clean his claws, Sesshomaru licked them, staring at the two wolves before they, too, resumed the shapes of Belgarath and Poledra.
Belgarath chuckled darkly, a wicked gleam in his blue eyes. He said, “Nicely done! Sesshomaru, remind me to never bite your tail.”
An amused smile graced the wolf-woman's lips. “One thinks that is excellent advice, Old Wolf.”
“How much further do we have to go?” the Demon Lord asked, his voice tightly controlled. “This Sesshomaru would like to retrieve Rin as quickly as possible.”
“Not far. We're almost there.” The old sorcerer scrubbed a hand through his beard. “I'm not sure we can surprise Zedar at this point, but let's be a bit quieter as we approach. I don't want the whole Malloreon Church to know we're out here, after all. This is between us and him.”
“One doesn't sense any more Hounds or Grolims. We shouldn't face any more delays,” Poledra said. “The Apostate doesn't seem to be on the run, either.”
“Good. I don't want to spend forever chasing him if we don't have to,” the old man replied. “Let's go. The night wears on.”
The glen blurred around them as they ran towards the place the Apostate held Rin. Their swift passage made no noise. The trees huddled closer, oppressively, as if they were commanded to delay them, too. Eerie quiet filled their branches as if the animals feared to give away their location. Sesshomaru kept his sharp eyes trained on the wolves, following them further into the maze of trees. Rin was in this direction. He could feel her presence nearby.
His only fear now was being too late.
A gentle and clean scent drifted into Sesshomaru's nose. Its floral aroma was so imprinted upon his memory now that the Demon Lord knew it could only belong to one person. Rin was not far away now. That knowledge spurred Sesshomaru to run faster, hope surging within him for the first time since he had found the little girl missing from their tent.
The wolves slowed and stopped, resuming the shapes of the old man and wolf-woman. They stood at the edge of the trees, peering into the gloom. The Demon Lord stepped closer, gazing at a small fire pit.
Smoke lazily drifted up into the black night. In the soft earth, Sesshomaru spotted small indentations nearby. Rin truly had been here. Those had to be her footprints. He moved to enter the clearing when the old man grasped his arm.
“Not yet. I want to make sure Zedar hasn't left us a welcoming committee,” Belgarath said, his voice hushed. “Poledra, you sense anyone?”
“No. It would seem he's left the place unguarded,” Poledra replied. “One thinks we should approach the tower carefully, though. The Apostate might have it trapped to thwart us.”
Sesshomaru shook off Belgarath's hand. He snarled softly and bared his fangs. “Unhand this Sesshomaru.”
The Demon Lord peered into the blackness, his sharp eyes picking up details despite the moonless sky. He lifted his gaze up from the smoking fire pit to see a squat shadow in the distance. The longer he stared at its stone, the more Sesshomaru could see its curve. A small slat window shed soft yellow light, indicating that someone occupied the tower. Without seeing the little girl, Sesshomaru knew with certainty that Rin was inside its walls.
Belgarath snorted in disgust next to him. He muttered, “You've never ever had an imagination of your own, Zedar. You outright copied my tower. Good. I know how to get in, then.”
The old sorcerer held his hand up, signaling that they should wait in the trees. He crossed on silent footsteps, his actions agile. As he reached the tower, Belgarath placed a palm on the stone. Sesshomaru heard the old man whisper, “Open.”
A grating sound of stone on stone filled the silence at the command. A doorway opened and a staircase appeared, winding its way up into the structure. It, too, seemed unguarded.
Belgarath motioned them over before tip-toeing up the stairs. He stepped over one of the steps as if the action was ingrained. Sesshomaru followed suit, silently making his way into the shadowy tower. The wolf-woman took up the rear, closing the stone door behind them with a scraping noise.
From above, a soft light filtered through the cracks around the door. The old sorcerer hesitated at it, his hand on the knob. He turned it slowly, an audible click sounding in the darkness. Slowly, Belgarath eased it open and allowed them to see into the turret.
Sesshomaru peered over the old man's shoulder and spotted Rin sitting at a table. She had her back towards him. The little girl moved, pushing a bowl away from her. Relief flooded the Demon Lord that this Zedar hadn't hurt her. Everything in him screamed that he should go to her and flee to safety. He took deep breaths to control the impulse. Her delicate lily scent wafted towards him, calming him as it always had.
At a window, his back towards them, stood the Apostate. He whispered, his melancholy voice soft, “Belgarath. It seems you and I are fated to forever repeat the same story.”
The old sorcerer stepped into the room, stopping just short of the table. “It seems that way. We wouldn't if you'd quit stealing things you have no business possessing.”
“Takes a thief to know a thief, eh, old boy?” Zedar asked. “Besides, isn't repetition part of the game?”
The Apostate turned around, his dark eyes filled with madness and sorrow. His outfit matched Belgarath's exactly---down to the mismatched shoes. His face was a near identical match---all but those haunted eyes. He gestured and Rin slowly rose from the chair to join him at the window. Her dark hair fell across her face, obscuring her expression. Zedar rested a hand onto her shoulder, issuing his challenge with one simple gesture.
“Why are these people here, Makor-sama?” Rin asked, her voice cold and distant. “Make them leave.”
“Makor-sama?” Belgarath asked, his voice strangled with rage. Anger rippled off of the old sorcerer in waves. “You go too far, Zedar. How dare you dishonor Belmakor by using his name! It's your fault that he willed himself out of existence!”
Sesshomaru moved towards the wall, hoping he could reach Rin undetected. In the wake of Belgarath's ignited rage, he could feel the power building in the sparsely decorated tower. He needed to get the little girl away from the Apostate before she was caught in their latest power struggle. He deliberately kept his movements slow, not wanting to draw attention to his actions or expend his speed until the last possible moment.
“Don't you get it, old boy?” Zedar asked, his tone urbane. “You and I have old scores to settle. I have spent years encased in rock dreaming of this very day. With Rin under my power, old chap, I can exact the best form of revenge.”
“This is between you and me,” Belgarath said between clenched teeth. “Leave Rin out of our feud.”
“No, Belgarath. She's as much a part of this as you and I. She is important to you and so I know she has your ever important tasks to complete---before you can make your way to the next EVENT.” A tired smile graced his lips. “Besides, you love Rin---so much so that if I break her spirit, I know I'll stab you straight in the heart. You always loved your siblings too much---well save for one, of course.”
“You've gone mad!”
On the other side, Sesshomaru watched Poledra duplicate his actions. She kept her gold gaze trained on Zedar, preparing to snatch Rin away from his grip. While all the Apostate's rage and attention focused on Belgarath, they had to make the best of this opportunity to extract the little girl.
“And just who is to blame for that, old man?” Zedar asked with a sneer.
Belgarath took a deep breath, seeming to back down. His expression remained stony, his blue eyes crackling with power and anger. “You know why I left you in rock at Cthol Mishrak, Zedar. You chose to betray our Master. You chose to kill Durnik. You chose your fate. Don't make me have to do it again. Let Rin go.”
“If you try, Belgarath, she'll go with me.” Zedar snarled, his grip on Rin's shoulder tightening. “You wouldn't do that to your little sister, would you?”
Sesshomaru stood, only a couple of feet away, just within the peripheral vision of the Apostate. All he'd have to do is rush in one fluid motion and grab Rin away. If Belgarath could continue to hold Zedar's attention, it would work.
Just as he made his move, however, Sesshomaru collapsed to his knees against his will. He couldn't rise from this humiliating position. It forced him to stare up into Zedar's triumphant face, his black eyes alight with madness. The Demon Lord clenched his teeth, holding his head high. He may have been forced to kneel before this cur, but he would not give the Apostate the satisfaction of seeing him submit.
“Very good, Rin,” Zedar praised, his voice a soft purr. “The dog should know his proper place, shouldn't he?”
“Yes, Makor-sama,” Rin replied, her voice unemotional.
Sesshomaru stared in shock at Rin. She had done this to him? It was her power that held him in place? But why? What would cause her to turn on him so? The Demon Lord wished he could see her face. He needed to look into her eyes and know that this was a lie---that this Zedar was merely saying this to taunt him. His Rin would never do something like this to him---not willingly.
The longer he stared at the little girl, however, the more he noted her rigid posture. She stood taller, her petite frame seeming larger. Power fluctuated subtly around her, speaking to a truth Sesshomaru didn't want to admit. He could see her clench a fist at her side, the gesture angry. Even her scent seemed tainted now. Its fresh floral fragrance swirled with enmity.
As he struggled to fight against the force holding him in place, he saw her hand squeeze tighter at her side. It confirmed his worst fears. Rin had indeed used her Will to hold him on his knees---to compel him into submission. He felt his legs burn from the sheer pressure placed upon them as they were driven into the stone floor.
And yet, he knew that this wasn't his Rin doing this. This was the Apostate's doing. He had made her do this to him---had somehow managed to turn her own mind to his evil deceptions. If only he could reach her and break Zedar's control. If he could, just maybe he would be able to reverse his spell.
He needed to make eye contact. Sesshomaru was always so much better at showing his true feelings than voicing them. The Demon Lord let his expression soften, allowing the emotions so tightly controlled to etch their way across his features. It left him feeling vulnerable and open. He had only felt this naked in front of her alone---in private---and now he was showing his adoration candidly to so many. He would do this and more if necessary---anything to break his Rin free from this madman's terrible influence. The Demon Lord let everyone else fall away, focusing everything he had on the little girl. The others were of no consequence to him. He hoped that Rin would feel their bond before she saw his exposed heart laid bare. If he couldn't physically snatch her away from the Apostate, this may be his only chance to save her now.
Extending his thought to the little girl, Sesshomaru said gently, “Rin, look at this Sesshomaru.”
Rin lifted her head, her chocolate eyes meeting Sesshomaru's. Instead of their usual gentle warmth, all the Demon Lord saw was malice and hate---all for him. “Rin knows that he never cared for her now. He left her behind. She no longer cares for Sesshomaru. She never wants to see him again.”
Appalled by her coerced rejection, Sesshomaru felt his shoulders slump. His head bowed in defeat, realizing that he should have feared a mental ruin of the little girl far more than any physical assault. Ice gripped his heart as Sesshomaru realized that he may have lost Rin forever---to this Apostate that now held her life in the palm of his powerful hand.
Check out my livejournal for more information on updates and review responses. It can be found here:
Disclaimer: I do not own either Inuyasha or the Belgariad/Malloreon series. Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi/VIZ and the Belgariad/Malloreon belongs to David Eddings/DEL Rey. There is absolutely no profit being made from this story. It merely fulfills a curiosity of mine---and a desire to keep some really old friends around for as long as possible. Please do not sue.
Chapter Eighty-Three
The foreboding silence settled over the small thicket, making their huddled branches all the more confining. Without the moonlight, the darkness blanketed everything. Both stood in judgment, condemning Sesshomaru. It rested on the Demon Lord like a heavy burden---one not even his broad shoulders could carry. He remained on his knees, staring forlornly at the sky. Its vastness matched the emptiness he felt clench around his heart.
The stars winked on the throat of the night. Among them, Sesshomaru traced the dragon's tail to its head. The brighter stars of the Dragon King's eyes seemed to bore into him. Just a few short hours ago, he and Rin had discovered this constellation together---one he already thought of as theirs. Now, it convicted him, too.
Poledra broke the silence. “One would have come sooner for Rin if not for the delay. One shouldn't have allowed Grolims to interfere in getting to her as soon as the battle began.”
It mattered not what the wolf-woman had or had not done. The blame was his to carry alone. Sesshomaru imagined dark fates befalling the little girl. She was a lamb for the slaughter, perhaps fed to the Hounds of Torak. In another, he saw her life blood drain away after one of the garish Temple Guardsmen cut her down. Another had Rin tied down, ripe for the sacrifice on one of the grisly altars of Torak, her body exposed and her tongue missing---like the other victim he had seen butchered. The vile scenarios crowded his mind, fueling his panic---and his guilt.
Anger burned through Sesshomaru at his utter failure to protect Rin. He clenched his hand into a tight fist, his claws piercing his palm. The Demon Lord slammed it forcefully into the ground, leaving a deep indentation in its wake. The action did nothing to quell his rage---but it did have its own hollow satisfaction.
“The birds,” Sesshomaru whispered. “The birds had warned this Sesshomaru. They had told me to keep Rin safe. I have failed.”
“One wonders what you mean about the birds.”
“Earlier, Rin and this Sesshomaru took a walk to help her ankle. The birds flocked to Rin, talking to her about flying.” Sesshomaru sighed, bowing his head. “This Sesshomaru didn't understand their song, but before they left, they sang directly to me. It was obvious that they wanted me to protect Rin. They knew something.”
“How remarkable.”
The phrase hung between them as the silence quickly enveloped them once again. Out of the corner of his eye, Sesshomaru watched Poledra. Her eyes had fallen closed, an expression of concentration settling over her features. She slowly stood, stepping a few feet further into the trees. She held up a hand as if brushing against an unseen barrier. A soft gasp escaped her. Poledra clenched her hand at her side, the only outward sign of the fury that now possessed her.
Slowly, Sesshomaru rose to his feet, joining her in the clump of trees. He peered into the gloom, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. “Wolf-woman, what is it?”
“We need the Old Wolf.” She turned, her gold eyes fierce with anger. “One dare not face the Apostate without him.”
“Apostate?” Sesshomaru's nose crinkled in confusion. “This Sesshomaru does not understand. What does this Apostate have to do with Rin?”
“We have no time. I must get him, and we must get to Rin quickly.” She stepped away from the Demon Lord. “Wait here while I get the Old Wolf.”
“No. You will tell this Sesshomaru now what you mean,” the Demon Lord commanded, his eyes narrowed in ire. “You will explain who this Apostate is---and why they want Rin. Furthermore, wolf-woman, you do not order this Sesshomaru around.”
“One means no disrespect, but we must make haste.”
Before Sesshomaru could protest further, Poledra blurred into the silver she-wolf and loped away into the darkness. It left him feeling helpless, as he was forced to wait for the old sorcerer. He snarled in frustration, flicking his wrist to unleash his whip on an innocent tree. It split cleanly, toppling to fall harmlessly onto the underbrush. The Demon Lord paced, feeling cold fear grip his heart. If Poledra did not want to face this Apostate on her own, it must mean that Rin was in even graver danger than Sesshomaru had even realized.
Dread weighed heavily on him, and he stared again into the distance, praying that he'd spot the little girl somewhere, unharmed, hiding in the trees. Sesshomaru clenched and unclenched his hand, digging his claws deeply into his already abused palm. His panic rose even higher, threatening to overwhelm him. He couldn't save Rin on his own---a difficult truth to swallow---and yet this delay could be all the difference in getting to the little girl in time. Sesshomaru could hear his own racing heartbeat as it drowned out everything around him, thudding in his ears.
The she-wolf and great silver wolf melted out of the darkness. They flickered, and Poledra and Belgarath emerged. The old sorcerer looked grim, a scowl resting on his face. Gone was the playful glint in his eyes. Great anger boiled in their blue depths---anger that only revealed the vast power the old man possessed. It made him appear formidable and puissant. This wasn't the old irritable man guiding them through this strange land or the storyteller regaling tales of old to entertain. This was Belgarath the Sorcerer, unmasked---the man that had caused those at Mal Zeth to tremble just at his very name.
And it was this man that Sesshomaru had to rely on to save his Rin from this Apostate.
“How long ago did Rin disappear?” Belgarath asked, his voice tightly controlled.
“This Sesshomaru suspects it was an hour or so ago.” Sesshomaru stepped closer to the old sorcerer. He said softly, “She translocated herself from here, and this Sesshomaru is unable to reach her.”
“I'm not surprised.” Belgarath took a deep breath. His eyes fell shut, much as Poledra's had earlier. He searched for something, his expression darkening. “It's him alright. Has his over the top dramatic signature all over it.”
“One told you a long time ago to watch out for him, Old Wolf,” Poledra remarked quietly.
“Cease speaking in riddles, and tell this Sesshomaru just who this Apostate is,” the Demon Lord said through clenched teeth. “Why has he taken Rin?”
“He's my former brother, Zedar.”
Sesshomaru felt the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. A chill shot down his spine at the name. This was the other sorcerer that had fought Belgarath so viciously back in that grove. He could swell to tower over trees. He controlled lightning. He could change shape. This Zedar had thousands of years experience using the very gift Rin now possessed. Now, this Apostate had plucked Rin away from him---and she wasn't ready to combat him in any way. How could they hope to rescue her without it coming to bloodshed---Rin's bloodshed? Sesshomaru staggered a moment, feeling his panic surge. His head swam with even darker nightmares. Zedar had his Rin.
And then anger swelled inside the Demon Lord. How dare this sorcerer take the little girl away? How dare he be such a coward---to clearly lure Rin away during the battle? Sesshomaru was no fool. He deduced that this Zedar had used its chaos to his advantage. The Demon Lord growled softly, ready to exact a punishment on this man for doing something so underhanded. Zedar was still a man---and he, Sesshomaru, Lord of the Western Lands, was a Demon Lord. He, too, could change shape. He, too, had vast power. Sesshomaru would not hesitate to crush Zedar under one of his massive paws if need be. He would rip him apart---slowly---and leave this cur for the carrion. He would melt him into an unrecognizable pile of bone. Seething, Sesshomaru vowed that he would kill this Apostate for daring to take Rin away from him.
Pulling him away from his dark contemplations, Belgarath said, “Zedar's that way.” He pointed into the shadowy grove. “If we head in that direction, we should be able to catch up with him. I think he's only about a league ahead.” The old sorcerer sighed, the sound exasperated. “It seems that I'm forever chasing after him.”
“Old Man, what does he want with Rin?” Sesshomaru asked, his voice vibrating with rage.
“It's hard to say, really. I'm guessing that this is about getting back at me for what I did to him at Cthol Mishrak,” the old sorcerer replied. “It's possible that someone is pulling his strings---this Naraku perhaps. Either way, we had better spring his trap.”
Belgarath stepped away, blurring back into the silver wolf. The wolf-woman followed suit, bounding after her mate into the darkness. Sesshomaru broke into a sprint, easily keeping pace with the pair. The ground sped by and trees blurred as they wove through the small forest.
A long, eerie howl filled the night. It seemed to come from the Demon Lord's left. Another answered it in the distance. Sesshomaru placed his hand on Tokijin's hilt, never stopping his progression. Another howl answered the first two, this time to his right. Clearly they had run head long into a pack of Hounds. Either these vile dogs meant to deter them or they had flushed some lying in wait to attack other Grolims. It mattered not to Sesshomaru---save that they stood in his way.
The great silver wolf skidded to a stop, resuming the old sorcerer's shape. Belgarath swore profusely, pacing. He muttered, “Utterly predictable, Zedar. Should have known you'd unleash some Hounds as attack dogs.”
The wolf-woman emerged from the darkness, joining Belgarath. Her wary gold eyes searched the trees. She gently touched her mate's arm. “One counted five Hounds out there.”
A softened expression crossed Belgarath's face as he gently clasped her hand. He nodded. “Alright. That's less than I expected Zedar to leave waiting.”
Sesshomaru kept his hand tightly clenched around Tokijin's hilt. He scanned the terrain, trying to spot the hulking Hounds lurking in the darkness. He muttered, “Such a waste of time.”
The old sorcerer pursed his lips, his blue eyes meeting Sesshomaru's gold. “You think you can fend off six Hounds in that other form of yours? We don't have time to play their game, and I know we're smaller than them as wolves.”
Sesshomaru nodded, his hand dropping from his sword hilt. “Absolutely. This Sesshomaru can handle these vile dogs.”
“Good. It's about time they get to tangle with someone bigger than them.” A wicked smile crossed his lips, and he winked. “Poledra and I will try to hamstring them while you draw the brunt of their attack. Just try not to drip poison on us.”
Sesshomaru nodded. He took a couple steps back and allowed his demonic energy to be unleashed. First, Rin had been taken. Now more Hounds stood in his way as he tried to get to her---not unlike those that had delayed his rescue of Inuyasha. The Demon Lord tapped into that seething anger, allowing himself to relish in it. It felt good to embrace the power within. He felt his silver mane lift as his demonic energy flowed to allow his change. Sesshomaru could feel his face change next as he began to slide into his truest form. Little by little, he morphed into the massive dog. Once it was completed, Sesshomaru stood, towering over both Belgarath and Poledra.
The old sorcerer and wolf-woman blurred into the great silver wolf and she-wolf. They parted, going in opposite directions to lie in wait. Sesshomaru peered into the gloom. He could see the pairs of eerie green eyes moving about, trying to surround him. He snapped his jaws before snarling his challenge. If they thought that their numbers played to their favor, he would show them their folly.
One of the Hounds howled, signaling their attack. Out of the darkness, it lunged, going for the Demon Lord's throat. He reared up and slammed his paw down directly onto its head. He then squeezed his claws around the now squealing Hound, feeling it thrash wildly. Sesshomaru checked the other wary Hounds circling before he bent his head, fitting his jaws around his prey's body. Sesshomaru allowed his poison to flow and shook the beast viciously before tossing it aside to careen with a sickening crack into a tree.
The Demon Lord bit back a yelp as he felt another Hound savagely bite his tail. As he turned, it darted away. Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes in fury. Unlike these false dogs, he was nimble. They may have mastered the ability to run, but they lacked the finesse of his speed. Even with the hindrance of his missing fore-paw, the Demon Lord would be faster than they could ever hope to be.
Sesshomaru snatched that Hound by its tail. He let it dangle from his fangs before shaking his prey. It yelped in terror as he tossed it high, caught it in his jaws, and crushed it with the brutal force of his bite. Then, the Demon Lord hurled it off into the distance. It, too, hit a tree.
That left them facing three Hounds.
One yelped loudly as one of the wolves took advantage of their focus on him. Sesshomaru padded on silent paws in that direction, finding another Hound lurking in the trees. It stared up at him, dwarfed by his enormous size. The Demon Lord lowered his head to be eye level with it, his tongue lolling out in amusement at its strong stench of fear. Its green eyes went wide in abject terror. The Hound of Torak trembled, backing away before fleeing into the trees.
Sesshomaru counted to ten, giving the Hound the illusion that it had managed to escape. Then, he launched himself into a graceful sprint, easily out-pacing the over-sized dog. He slammed his fore-paw onto its back, pinning it in place. Sesshomaru drooled as much of his poison onto the animal, hearing it hiss as flesh melted and burned.
“It burns! Stop! Torak!” The Hound cried, its words sounding mangled in its canine jaws. Once the Demon Lord released it, the beast rolled around trying to wipe away his venom. It only made matters worse as the poison ate deeper into the Hound's hide. It howled and cried out, “It burns!”
Sesshomaru turned his back on it, knowing it would continue to suffer until he could return to rip its throat out. He approached the sounds of snarling wolves as they viciously darted in and out, nipping at the Hound they had hamstrung. As he towered over them, they dashed to his flank. Sesshomaru lowered his head, nosing at the wounded Hound. He fit his jaws around its damaged body and proceeded to throw it high into the air. It howled in terror, causing the Demon Lord to repeat the process a few times. The last time, Sesshomaru crushed it and then tossed its mangled corpse aside to land with the others.
Sniffing, Sesshomaru followed the scent of the remaining Hound to the underbrush of some trees. It cowered, hoping to escape his total slaughter. The Demon Lord nosed away the branches, exposing the terrified beast. He gnashed his teeth in its face before swiping his paw at it. His claws sunk into the scruff of its neck, and he dragged it out. Sesshomaru realized that it, too, had been hamstrung by the old sorcerer and his mate. Bored with wounded prey, the Demon Lord snapped its neck with his jaws. He then darted across to the Hound he had left to suffer.
Reluctantly, Sesshomaru resumed his humanoid form, glaring down with narrowed eyes. He gripped the Hound around the throat with a clawed hand and squeezed. “Die for your insolence, Hound of Torak.”
Deftly, he ripped its throat out and tossed the body aside with disdain. To clean his claws, Sesshomaru licked them, staring at the two wolves before they, too, resumed the shapes of Belgarath and Poledra.
Belgarath chuckled darkly, a wicked gleam in his blue eyes. He said, “Nicely done! Sesshomaru, remind me to never bite your tail.”
An amused smile graced the wolf-woman's lips. “One thinks that is excellent advice, Old Wolf.”
“How much further do we have to go?” the Demon Lord asked, his voice tightly controlled. “This Sesshomaru would like to retrieve Rin as quickly as possible.”
“Not far. We're almost there.” The old sorcerer scrubbed a hand through his beard. “I'm not sure we can surprise Zedar at this point, but let's be a bit quieter as we approach. I don't want the whole Malloreon Church to know we're out here, after all. This is between us and him.”
“One doesn't sense any more Hounds or Grolims. We shouldn't face any more delays,” Poledra said. “The Apostate doesn't seem to be on the run, either.”
“Good. I don't want to spend forever chasing him if we don't have to,” the old man replied. “Let's go. The night wears on.”
The glen blurred around them as they ran towards the place the Apostate held Rin. Their swift passage made no noise. The trees huddled closer, oppressively, as if they were commanded to delay them, too. Eerie quiet filled their branches as if the animals feared to give away their location. Sesshomaru kept his sharp eyes trained on the wolves, following them further into the maze of trees. Rin was in this direction. He could feel her presence nearby.
His only fear now was being too late.
A gentle and clean scent drifted into Sesshomaru's nose. Its floral aroma was so imprinted upon his memory now that the Demon Lord knew it could only belong to one person. Rin was not far away now. That knowledge spurred Sesshomaru to run faster, hope surging within him for the first time since he had found the little girl missing from their tent.
The wolves slowed and stopped, resuming the shapes of the old man and wolf-woman. They stood at the edge of the trees, peering into the gloom. The Demon Lord stepped closer, gazing at a small fire pit.
Smoke lazily drifted up into the black night. In the soft earth, Sesshomaru spotted small indentations nearby. Rin truly had been here. Those had to be her footprints. He moved to enter the clearing when the old man grasped his arm.
“Not yet. I want to make sure Zedar hasn't left us a welcoming committee,” Belgarath said, his voice hushed. “Poledra, you sense anyone?”
“No. It would seem he's left the place unguarded,” Poledra replied. “One thinks we should approach the tower carefully, though. The Apostate might have it trapped to thwart us.”
Sesshomaru shook off Belgarath's hand. He snarled softly and bared his fangs. “Unhand this Sesshomaru.”
The Demon Lord peered into the blackness, his sharp eyes picking up details despite the moonless sky. He lifted his gaze up from the smoking fire pit to see a squat shadow in the distance. The longer he stared at its stone, the more Sesshomaru could see its curve. A small slat window shed soft yellow light, indicating that someone occupied the tower. Without seeing the little girl, Sesshomaru knew with certainty that Rin was inside its walls.
Belgarath snorted in disgust next to him. He muttered, “You've never ever had an imagination of your own, Zedar. You outright copied my tower. Good. I know how to get in, then.”
The old sorcerer held his hand up, signaling that they should wait in the trees. He crossed on silent footsteps, his actions agile. As he reached the tower, Belgarath placed a palm on the stone. Sesshomaru heard the old man whisper, “Open.”
A grating sound of stone on stone filled the silence at the command. A doorway opened and a staircase appeared, winding its way up into the structure. It, too, seemed unguarded.
Belgarath motioned them over before tip-toeing up the stairs. He stepped over one of the steps as if the action was ingrained. Sesshomaru followed suit, silently making his way into the shadowy tower. The wolf-woman took up the rear, closing the stone door behind them with a scraping noise.
From above, a soft light filtered through the cracks around the door. The old sorcerer hesitated at it, his hand on the knob. He turned it slowly, an audible click sounding in the darkness. Slowly, Belgarath eased it open and allowed them to see into the turret.
Sesshomaru peered over the old man's shoulder and spotted Rin sitting at a table. She had her back towards him. The little girl moved, pushing a bowl away from her. Relief flooded the Demon Lord that this Zedar hadn't hurt her. Everything in him screamed that he should go to her and flee to safety. He took deep breaths to control the impulse. Her delicate lily scent wafted towards him, calming him as it always had.
At a window, his back towards them, stood the Apostate. He whispered, his melancholy voice soft, “Belgarath. It seems you and I are fated to forever repeat the same story.”
The old sorcerer stepped into the room, stopping just short of the table. “It seems that way. We wouldn't if you'd quit stealing things you have no business possessing.”
“Takes a thief to know a thief, eh, old boy?” Zedar asked. “Besides, isn't repetition part of the game?”
The Apostate turned around, his dark eyes filled with madness and sorrow. His outfit matched Belgarath's exactly---down to the mismatched shoes. His face was a near identical match---all but those haunted eyes. He gestured and Rin slowly rose from the chair to join him at the window. Her dark hair fell across her face, obscuring her expression. Zedar rested a hand onto her shoulder, issuing his challenge with one simple gesture.
“Why are these people here, Makor-sama?” Rin asked, her voice cold and distant. “Make them leave.”
“Makor-sama?” Belgarath asked, his voice strangled with rage. Anger rippled off of the old sorcerer in waves. “You go too far, Zedar. How dare you dishonor Belmakor by using his name! It's your fault that he willed himself out of existence!”
Sesshomaru moved towards the wall, hoping he could reach Rin undetected. In the wake of Belgarath's ignited rage, he could feel the power building in the sparsely decorated tower. He needed to get the little girl away from the Apostate before she was caught in their latest power struggle. He deliberately kept his movements slow, not wanting to draw attention to his actions or expend his speed until the last possible moment.
“Don't you get it, old boy?” Zedar asked, his tone urbane. “You and I have old scores to settle. I have spent years encased in rock dreaming of this very day. With Rin under my power, old chap, I can exact the best form of revenge.”
“This is between you and me,” Belgarath said between clenched teeth. “Leave Rin out of our feud.”
“No, Belgarath. She's as much a part of this as you and I. She is important to you and so I know she has your ever important tasks to complete---before you can make your way to the next EVENT.” A tired smile graced his lips. “Besides, you love Rin---so much so that if I break her spirit, I know I'll stab you straight in the heart. You always loved your siblings too much---well save for one, of course.”
“You've gone mad!”
On the other side, Sesshomaru watched Poledra duplicate his actions. She kept her gold gaze trained on Zedar, preparing to snatch Rin away from his grip. While all the Apostate's rage and attention focused on Belgarath, they had to make the best of this opportunity to extract the little girl.
“And just who is to blame for that, old man?” Zedar asked with a sneer.
Belgarath took a deep breath, seeming to back down. His expression remained stony, his blue eyes crackling with power and anger. “You know why I left you in rock at Cthol Mishrak, Zedar. You chose to betray our Master. You chose to kill Durnik. You chose your fate. Don't make me have to do it again. Let Rin go.”
“If you try, Belgarath, she'll go with me.” Zedar snarled, his grip on Rin's shoulder tightening. “You wouldn't do that to your little sister, would you?”
Sesshomaru stood, only a couple of feet away, just within the peripheral vision of the Apostate. All he'd have to do is rush in one fluid motion and grab Rin away. If Belgarath could continue to hold Zedar's attention, it would work.
Just as he made his move, however, Sesshomaru collapsed to his knees against his will. He couldn't rise from this humiliating position. It forced him to stare up into Zedar's triumphant face, his black eyes alight with madness. The Demon Lord clenched his teeth, holding his head high. He may have been forced to kneel before this cur, but he would not give the Apostate the satisfaction of seeing him submit.
“Very good, Rin,” Zedar praised, his voice a soft purr. “The dog should know his proper place, shouldn't he?”
“Yes, Makor-sama,” Rin replied, her voice unemotional.
Sesshomaru stared in shock at Rin. She had done this to him? It was her power that held him in place? But why? What would cause her to turn on him so? The Demon Lord wished he could see her face. He needed to look into her eyes and know that this was a lie---that this Zedar was merely saying this to taunt him. His Rin would never do something like this to him---not willingly.
The longer he stared at the little girl, however, the more he noted her rigid posture. She stood taller, her petite frame seeming larger. Power fluctuated subtly around her, speaking to a truth Sesshomaru didn't want to admit. He could see her clench a fist at her side, the gesture angry. Even her scent seemed tainted now. Its fresh floral fragrance swirled with enmity.
As he struggled to fight against the force holding him in place, he saw her hand squeeze tighter at her side. It confirmed his worst fears. Rin had indeed used her Will to hold him on his knees---to compel him into submission. He felt his legs burn from the sheer pressure placed upon them as they were driven into the stone floor.
And yet, he knew that this wasn't his Rin doing this. This was the Apostate's doing. He had made her do this to him---had somehow managed to turn her own mind to his evil deceptions. If only he could reach her and break Zedar's control. If he could, just maybe he would be able to reverse his spell.
He needed to make eye contact. Sesshomaru was always so much better at showing his true feelings than voicing them. The Demon Lord let his expression soften, allowing the emotions so tightly controlled to etch their way across his features. It left him feeling vulnerable and open. He had only felt this naked in front of her alone---in private---and now he was showing his adoration candidly to so many. He would do this and more if necessary---anything to break his Rin free from this madman's terrible influence. The Demon Lord let everyone else fall away, focusing everything he had on the little girl. The others were of no consequence to him. He hoped that Rin would feel their bond before she saw his exposed heart laid bare. If he couldn't physically snatch her away from the Apostate, this may be his only chance to save her now.
Extending his thought to the little girl, Sesshomaru said gently, “Rin, look at this Sesshomaru.”
Rin lifted her head, her chocolate eyes meeting Sesshomaru's. Instead of their usual gentle warmth, all the Demon Lord saw was malice and hate---all for him. “Rin knows that he never cared for her now. He left her behind. She no longer cares for Sesshomaru. She never wants to see him again.”
Appalled by her coerced rejection, Sesshomaru felt his shoulders slump. His head bowed in defeat, realizing that he should have feared a mental ruin of the little girl far more than any physical assault. Ice gripped his heart as Sesshomaru realized that he may have lost Rin forever---to this Apostate that now held her life in the palm of his powerful hand.
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