Crossover Fan Fiction / Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts III: DigiSenshi Hearts ❯ The End of the Beginning ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I wasn't on planning on updating so soon, but the last review was so . . . enthusiastic that I couldn't help, but to update my newest multi-crossover story as quickly as possible. Anyway, I hope that my commentary in the last chapter managed to clear up any confusion that I might have caused in the first chapter of this story. Actually, this reviewer actually did give me a few ideas for what I should do in the future chapters of my story, but they aren't definite, yet. I wonder, through: Did anyone figure out who the final Keyblade is going to? I'm not going to tell, now, that would ruining the story. So, you will have to just read and don't worry, I will keep playing Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II, which I already completed twice, in order to make sure that you have accurate information from that storyline. Now, I don't own Digimon, Sailor Moon, Kingdom Hearts, any of the other stories, and anything/anyone else that comes from the other stories that end up in this chapter! Warning: This chapter has intense violence, blood, gore, death, mild to explicit bad language, mild to explicit suggestive themes, and finally, possible X-rated adult themes/situations!
Note: I had doubled checked my story and the information from Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II and I had found that I made a small mistake with Hotaru's and Riku's age. Here are their real ages in this story:
Hotaru: Age 15
Riku: Age 18
Kingdom Hearts III: DigiSenshi Hearts
(Kingdom Hearts theme song, `Simple and Clean', PlanitB Remix version, and Kingdom Hearts II theme song `Sanctuary')
(Digimon 02 and Sailor Moon complete theme songs)
Recap: In the aftermath of the last battle and the revelations of Davis and Jun as the long lost Moon Prince and Sun Princess, two of Queen Serenity's lost children, the villains and villainess of the Dark Alliance, in the Negaverse `fortress' in the North Pole, watched the events of the `awakening' of Davis and Jun as the tsuki-no-ouji and taiyou-no-hime and Queen Beryl was pissed off, thinking that the other children of the Moon Queen were long gone. After learning this `secret' of our Digidestined of Miracles and Destiny, she plans to kill both of them before they can fully harness their powers. On the meanwhile, Kairi, our first newest Keyblade and hoshi-no-hime, is starting to adjust to the Digidestined's and Sailor Scouts' world, through it will take plenty of time to do so along with Riku, Sora, Donald, Goofy, and King Mickey. However, in the Digital World, it is very hard for Davis and Jun to adjust when they learned of their `secret origins' and causing this `new development' to put them through some kind of `identity crisis', not knowing who they truly are. However, when they fell asleep, they went to the Station of Serenity to find themselves with their `alter egos', Prince Daisuke and Princess Juniper, and after Davis and Jun have a talk with `themselves', they gained more confidence in their identities and when they walk, they felt a lot better about themselves. Enough to tell the Digidestined, when they arrived when they are looking for them, to tell them of their tragic pasts before they arrived in Odaiba or met any of the Digidestined before they became Digidestined as well as admit that the way that they knew them was nothing, but a façade to hide their pasts to make sure that no else got hurt in the same way their friends or boyfriend, in Jun's cause, did. However, with great encouragement from Kari and the others, Davis and Jun gains the strength to finally let go of their `dark pasts' after all of these years and use their `real personalities' from now. But then Daemon arrives with some Heartless and sends Davis, Kari, Jun, and Matt into the Negaverse. On the meanwhile, Kairi, Riku, Sora, and their friends met with Darien, Serena, and the other Sailor Senshi to discuss what to do about dealing with their enemies, but Maleficent arrives on the scene and sends Sora, Riku, and Kairi into the Negaverse as well. In the aftermath, Gennai arrives on the scene to work with the Sailor Scouts to help them and the Digidestined get to the Negaverse and save their comrades and allies that were taken. Meanwhile, in the Negaverse, Davis and Jun turn into Eternal Solar Moon and Eternal Sailor Sun for the first time to work with Kairi, as Sailor Star, and Riku, with his powers of darkness, in order to escape and get Solar Moon's, Sailor Sun's, Kari's, and Matt's digivices and crests back. But when they fall into a trap, it looks like it was their end until four Sailor Scouts, Sailor Ceres, Sailor Vesta, Sailor Athene, and Sailor Juno, the Asteroid Sailor Senshi, came to their aid. However, when Queen Beryl used the powers of darkness to reach massive properties, Queen Beryl, once again, regained the edge against our heroes and heroines, but then Queen Serenity's voice contacts Davis and Jun and gives them the strength to turn into Prince Daisuke and Princess Juniper. Using their treasures, their Keyblades, and the light of their pure hearts and souls, the two royal Digidestined blasted the evil queen of the Negaverse into nothingness. In the aftermath, they had found where Jadeite was still frozen, Princess Juniper revealed the truth that the Generals were innocent victims of Queen Beryl's evil, and Sailor Moon freed and healed Jadeite of the evil within him along with the keyhole to the heart of the Digidestined's and Sailor Scouts' universe begin revealed and sealed by Kairi's, Davis', and Jun's Keyblades. However, Maleficent says that even through the heart of this world is sealed from her that doesn't mean that darkness can't cover their world. What does she mean by that? Plus, Sephiroth has taken interest in the great power held within our Moon Prince and Sun Princess, which isn't good. Does Sephiroth want to claim their powers or something more? Well, we will how things turn out on this edition of DigiSenshi Hearts coming up next!
Chapter 3: The End of the Beginning
(Around several days after the battle with Queen Beryl; one evening)
Now, we find ourselves in the center of the throne room of the Moon Kingdom Palace with Queen Serenity on throne of the Moon Kingdom with youthful looking man with Serenity's golden blond hair in Cloud's hairstyle, fiery red eyes, beautiful sparkling golden crown on his scalp, sun sigil of his forehead, is very handsome, and is wearing a beautiful golden king's clothing with black belt with a silver belt buckle that contains the sun sigil imprinted that has sword sheath that contains a sword with a beautiful sparkling golden hilt, a rainbow sun sigil jewel in the top center portion of the hilt, and a beautiful sparkling silver blade even through the blade of the sword was in the sheath. On the meanwhile, Princess Juniper is by the man, who looks like a king, while Princess Serenity is in front of the throne and Prince Daisuke was by the right side of the throne with his mother with his arms crossed in front of his chest with a group of young men around his age with uniforms similar to Solar Moon expect they don't have the wings on their backs. On the meanwhile, the Moon Kingdom Sailor Scouts along with the four Asteroid Sailor Scouts on the right side of the throne, twelve other Sailor Scouts in various colors on the left side of the throne, and finally, Prince Endymon and his four generals, Jadeite, Nephrite, Zoisite, and Malachite, on one knee with Prince Endymon kneeling in front of Princess Serenity and kissing her hand, but Princess Juniper and Prince Daisuke are giving smug looks, looking pretty annoying that Prince Endymon is kissing their sister's hand, through Princess Serenity giggles and blushes at this, loving the attention from the young and handsome prince.
However, just then a royal attendant runs into the room and calls out, “My queen! My queen!” He then trips and fall to the ground, flat on his face, shocking everyone as they turn to look at him.
Queen Serenity asks, stunned, “Oh, dear. What is the manner?”
The royal attendant gets to his feet and says, breathing heavily, “My queen . . . A mysterious Sailor Senshi . . . has come to our fair kingdom . . . and asked for an audience with you . . . She claims to be . . . the legendary Sailor Galaxy.” Stunned gasps of shock and surprise from everyone expect for Prince Endymon and his generals.
Sailor Uranus states, in her usual tone, “Impossible. Sailor Galaxy is just a myth and hasn't been proven to exist.”
The royal attendant then exclaims, his voice quite panicky, “I wish that I could argue with you, Princess of Uranus. But this mysterious Sailor Scout used her specter to put a whole battalion of guards into a state of weightlessness and put them back on the ground with the greatest of ease. She manipulated the very forces of gravity under the guards' very feet.”
Sailor Mercury asks, curiously, “Isn't the myth of Sailor Galaxy says that she is the mistress of gravity and the elements?”
Queen Serenity replies, “Indeed, it does.” Queen Serenity tells the royal attendant, “Please let this mysterious Sailor Senshi in. I would wish to see her and any with her.”
Just then a youthful and beautiful sounding female voice, very similar to Kari Kamiya's voice, calls out, “I am right here, your majesty.” Everyone looks to the source of the voice to see three Sailor Scouts enter the throne room.
The first Sailor Scouts looks to be 15 to 16 years of age, she had chestnut brown hair in Sailor Pluto's hairstyle, expect there is a beautiful silver bow on the `ball' in her scalp, a pure white tiara on her forehead with a silver Milky Way jewel in the center portion of the tiara, her lips are a sparkling bright and beautiful pink, her eyes were a light brown color, her neck-choker is golden colored one with silver Milky Way jewel in the center of the choker, her earrings are beautiful sparkling silver Milky Way jewels, her V-style sailor collar is a rainbow color, her bodysuit is a sparkling silver color, her gloves are pure angelic white with ruby rose red bands on them, there is a rainbow colored circle brooch in the bust area of her bodysuit and the brooch has the silver Milky Way and Eye of Hours on it with a golden bow attached to the brooch, her mini-skirt is triple layered with pure angelic white, sparkling silver, and bright and beautiful gold as the color, there a rainbow colored bow designed like Super Sailor Moon's bow on the rear of her skirt, on the top center portion of the skirt is a silver Milky Way jewel, her boots are similar to the `classic' Sailor Moon's boots, but they are beautiful and sparkling rainbow color with silver Milky Way on the top center portion of the boots. Finally, in her right hand is beautiful six foot specter with angelic white staff adorned jewels of all types on it, a beautiful shining prism star-shaped crystal on top of the staff, inside of the prism crystal are four eight-pointed star jewels, one of rainbow colors, one of silver color, one of golden color, and one of pitch black color, and finally, there are four pure white angel wings with two of the wings attached to the top left portion of the staff and the other two wings attached to the top right portion of the staff.
The second mysterious Sailor Senshi looks to be 16 to 17 years of age, she has bright violet hair in Sailor Venus' hairstyle with a beautiful sparkling violet bow attached to the top rear portion of her scalp, she has a pure white tiara with on her forehead with a sparkling spherical dark pink jewel in the center, her eyes are a dark brown color, her lips are a sparkling and beautiful bright violet color, her earrings are jewels designed like golden arrows inside of golden bows, her sailor neck-choker is a beautiful dark strawberry pink color with a silver jewel in the astrological symbol of Orion in the center of the choker, her V-style sailor collar is a sparkling dark blue color, her bodysuit is a sparkling silver color, there a beautiful bright violet jewel in the bust area of the bodysuit with a beautiful strawberry pink bow attached to the jewel, her gloves are a beautiful angelic white with bright and sparkling violet bands on them, her mini-skirt is also tripled layered with a flaming red, bright violet, and strawberry pink color, there is ruby red bow like Super Sailor Mars' bow on the rear of her skirt, on the top center portion of the skirt is a silver jewel in the shape of an ancient warrior, her high-heeled shoes are beautiful and sparkling violet and designed like Sailor Mars' high-heeled shoes, and finally, there is a golden quiver attached to her back with silver arrows with a beautiful rainbow bow with jewels of all types adorned on the bow.
The final mysterious Sailor Senshi looks to be a young woman of mid 20s, she has pitch black hair in Sailor Pluto's hairstyle, she has a pure white tiara with pitch black jewel in the center of the tiara, her eyes are dark violet color, her lips are a sparkling dark grey color, her earrings are black jewels in the shape of black holes, her sailor neck-choker is a dark green color with a white jewel the shape of a black hole in the center of the neck-choker, her V-style sailor collar is a dark grey color, her bodysuit is a sparkling silver color, there a black spherical jewel in the center of bust area of her bodysuit with dark violet bow attached to it, her gloves are pure angelic white in color with black bands on it, her mini-skirt is also tripled layered with black, dark green, and dark blue as the colors on her skirt, on the top center portion of the skirt is golden jewel in the form of a black hole, there a dark grew bow designed like Super Sailor Pluto's bow on the rear of her skirt, her high-heeled boots are designed like Super Sailor Saturn's boots, but they are black in color and the heels are one inch higher, and finally, she has dark violet specter in her right hand with crystal orb on top containing two five pointed star jewels inside with one star jewel is a beautiful angelic white and the other star jewel is a deep and dark grey color.
The first mysterious Sailor Senshi says, in a voice similar to Kari's, but more mature with great strength in the tone, “I'm sorry for the interruption, your majesty, but I didn't think that a letter from a Sailor Senshi that supposed to be just a myth wouldn't pass as real in your great wisdom.”
Queen Serenity asks, a bit amazed, “So, you are the one and only legendary Sailor Galaxy?”
The mysterious Sailor Senshi smiles, sweetly, and replies, kindly, “No, Queen Serenity. I am Sailor Galaxy, but I'm not the `one and only Sailor Galaxy' because there were other members of my royal family that were Sailor Galaxy before I handed the duty. Here. Allow me to explain.” The mysterious Sailor Scout, Sailor Galaxy, touches her brooch and transforms into a person wearing a beautiful royal gown and three children of Queen Serenity and King Apollo are stunned to see her.
In her civilian form, Sailor Galaxy has her chestnut brown flowing down to the ground, her forehead has silver Milky Way mark as her royal sigil, her lips were a beautiful and sparkling strawberry pink, she had a golden metallic royal neck-choker with a silver Milky Way sigil jewel in the center, her royal gown is designed like Neo-Queen Serenity's gown, but is a sparkling rainbow colored with sparkling silver mixed in and golden angel wings attached to the back of the gown, her fingernails are bright sparkling pink, and in her right hand is the specter she carried in Sailor Senshi form with her transformation brooch attached to it.
The young teenage girl in the royal gown, does a curtsy in front of everyone, and says, in the same voice, but with a kind tone, “My name is Princess Hikari of the Galaxy Kingdom and Supreme Princess of the Astral Alliance.”
Princess Serenity, Princess Juniper, and Prince Daisuke gasp in their minds and they think in unison, “Princess Hikari?! The young princess that's the daughter of Pharaoh Atem is the legendary Sailor Galaxy and Princess of the mythical Galaxy Kingdom?!”
Princess Hikari then says, “Since the start of the Galaxy Kingdom, every heir to the throne has carried our kingdom's great treasure, the Galaxy Soul Crystal, said to have been born from the creation of our universe. This powerful crystal is the source of my powers as Sailor Galaxy and the eldest princess of the Galaxy Kingdom royal family has been charged to hold the crystal and be Sailor Galaxy until the next heir arrives. I'm the latest heir of a long legacy that my family built. Our kingdom existed long before the creation of the Moon and Sun Kingdom and we have been peaceful explorers. Your kingdoms have made legends about Sailor Galaxy and my kingdom because some of my predecessors visited from our home galaxy, which is in the center of the universe, many times long ago.”
Queen Serenity says, simply, “Ah, I see. So, you are not the first to carry the mantle of Sailor Galaxy.”
Princess Hikari shakes her head and says, kindly, “No, just the latest one to carry the mantle. But my kingdom is very much like your kingdom and your husband's kingdom and my kingdom is the center of alliance of the kingdoms known as the Astral Alliance.” Princess Hikari then points to the two other Sailor Senshi beside her and says, “These are just two of my faithful Sailor Senshi among the many Solar and Sailor Senshi that protect my family. The first is Sailor Orion, the smart and cunning huntress of my Sailor Senshi and one of the `brains' of my team as you can say. The other Sailor Senshi is Sailor Black Hole, the Sailor Scout of Shadows and a very wise and powerful mystic for my team. Her knowledge is match for many in the whole universe.”
The violet haired Sailor Senshi bows and says, “Hello, Queen Serenity of the Moon Kingdom and King Apollo of the Sun Kingdom, I am Sailor Orion of the Galaxy Kingdom Sailor Senshi. I am honored to meet you.”
The black haired Sailor Senshi then bows and states, “Greetings, members of the Lunarian and Solaris Kingdoms in the Milky Way Galaxy, I am Sailor Black Hole, Sailor Senshi of Shadows and one of the protectors of my princess.”
Queen Serenity then says, nodding her head, “Welcome to my kingdom. Through I do wish that you had sent more advanced warning, what your princess has said holds plenty of truth in her words. I would like to introduce my children to you, Princess Hikari.”
Princess Hikari shakes her head and says, kindly, “Actually, I do not need for you to introduce them. They are Prince Daisuke Osiris Serenity the sixth, the tsuki-no-ouji, Princess Serenity the fifteenth, the tsuki-no-hime, and Princess Juniper Serenity Amun-Re the tenth, the taiyou-no-hime. Am I correct?”
King Apollo asks, stunned, “How do you know about our children?”
Princess Hikari tells King Apollo, “It is because that I have been in this galaxy before. You see, I am half-Earth royalty as well and my father was once the Pharaoh of Egypt: King Atem.” Queen Serenity and King Apollo along with every Senshi in the room gasp in shock along with Prince Endymon and his generals.
King Apollo exclaims, stunned, “How is that possible?! I was in Egypt with my wife and I never saw you with King Atem of Egypt!”
Sailor Black Hole replies, “It is because the marriage between Pharaoh Atem and Queen Angelica of the Galaxy Kingdom was a secret from the Egyptian people because of the strained relationships between the humans of Earth and people living beyond the Earth sphere. However, Princess Hikari lived in relative comfort within the palace and unseen by the people, including visiting dignitaries which include yourself, Queen Serenity, and your husband, but there are three people in this room that knew of Princess Hikari's existence: Your three children, my queen.”
Prince Daisuke tells his mom, “It's the truth, mother.”
King Apollo asks his eldest daughter, “You knew of Pharaoh Atem's daughter?”
Princess Juniper replies, with a slight flush in her cheeks, “Yes, I did, father. When we were younger and were visited the young Pharaoh, one day, we went deeper into the palace and found a young girl of Daisuke's and Serenity's age. She told us that she is Atem's daughter and when we asked that why her father didn't mention her to anyone, she replied that she is a special secret. On the day that Pharaoh Atem's spirit was sealed within his Millennium Puzzle, we found in the deepest recess of our kingdom and she told us that her father told her to find her mother. We knew then that half of her blood was from outside of Earth, but we didn't know where. Princess Hikari begged us to find a safe place away from other and we took one of our `secret spots' as young kids. She took out some kind of teleportation device and she smiled as well as told us that she hoped that we would meet again one day.”
Princess Hikari then says, with a smile, “I have kept my promise on this day. I have told my mother about this kingdom and she has agreed to allow me to come on a peaceful mission to your two kingdoms for talks of treaties of peace as well as peaceful exchanges of technology and culture.”
Queen Serenity tells Princess Hikari, “Through you and your Senshi presence was unexpected, I can tell that your mission is peaceful and if you know and are good friends with my children, I will not keep them from a good friend that worked so hard to come back to see them again.”
Princess Hikari does another curtsy and replies, “Thank you, Queen Serenity. Once again, I am sorry for the unexpected appearance, but under the circumstance, I had to take the best action given to me and my guardians. I also hope to make peaceful relations with the planet that my father came from and I lived in for sometime before Zorc forced me to my mother's home.”
King Apollo tells Princess Hikari, “Welcome to the Moon Kingdom, my dear.”
Princess Hikari, Sailor Orion, and Sailor Black Hole bow and reply in unison, “Thank you.”
Princess Hikari goes over to Princess Serenity, Prince Daisuke, and Princess Juniper and Prince Daisuke says, with a smile, “I've missed you.”
Princess Hikari replies, “I've missed you, too, Daisuke.” The four royals embrace in a hug as the four friends meet each other after years of separation from a terrible event. However, the scene shifts in a garden full of burnt roses, a palace that had half of it destroyed, and finally, destruction and bodies to make this scene look like a war zone. In one area, we find the mysterious twelve Sailor Scouts, the male warriors that look similar to Solar Moon, and the Asteroid Sailor Senshi are dead and bloody on the ground. On the meanwhile, we also find Princess Juniper, covered in blood, impaled in the chest, and lying dead on the chest of a young man of her age with bright blue royal clothing and ice-blue version of Prince Endymon's armor over his royal clothes who is also dead and bloody on the ground. Finally, we find Prince Daisuke, his armor cracks, his left arm bloody and useless, and holding his sword in his right hand while facing down a whole army of youma.
Prince Daisuke, breathing heavily, exclaims, weakly, “I won't surrender to Beryl or any of her evil forces! She is getting this kingdom and the Moon Kingdom over my dead corpse! Come on!” The youma charge at Prince Daisuke and he slices two of them down with his sword, but get slashed in the back by another youma and knocked down to the ground. The youma prepares to kill Prince Daisuke, but then a huge sphere of gravity energy comes in and slams all of the youma to the ground, getting crushed by the intense gravity. Prince Daisuke gets to his feet to be met by a bloody Sailor Galaxy with a nasty gash on the right side of her face, a huge hole on the left side of her bodysuit, which had a bleeding gash on the exposed skin, not seen from the front is a another huge hole in the lower back of the blood suit with a nasty gash from what looks like a knife just inches from the area of her spine, and blood is pooling down her wounds.
Sailor Galaxy says, weakly, “Daisuke . . . I'm here . . .”
Prince Daisuke exclaims, shocked, “Hikari, you are still alive!” Prince Daisuke goes over to Sailor Galaxy, but then the Moon Prince sees a large spear heading towards them and he exclaims, “Look out!” Prince Daisuke get to Sailor Galaxy and turns to protect her from the attack with his back armor, but horribly, the spear goes through the armor, through Prince Daisuke back, out his lower chest, into Sailor Galaxy's lower chest, and causing both of them to receive fatal blow in which they throw up blood from their mouths. Prince Daisuke says, dying, “Hikari . . . I'm sorry . . .”
Sailor Galaxy tells Prince Daisuke, also dying, “No . . . you tried . . . I'm just sorry . . . we never had a lot of time . . . to be together . . .”
Prince Daisuke says, with his dying breaths, “Hikari . . . no matter what . . . I will find you . . . I love you so much . . .”
Princess Hikari smiles and replies, dying, “I love you, too, Daisuke . . . I promise . . . on my honor as the Galaxy Princess . . . that I will find you, too, one day . . . I hope in the next life . . . we can finally be together . . . and happy . . .” Prince Daisuke smiles and nods his head in agreement as both of them fall down on their right sides as they are still `linked' together through the spear.
Just then an evil laugh comes through the air and Queen Beryl's image forms in the air above them, exclaiming, “How sweet! I could just gag! However, you won't be around to see the death of your sister and mother, Prince Daisuke! Right now, my forces are already obliterating your `other home kingdom' and the rest of your family along with your pathetic sister's beloved! And now, you are going to suffer the same fate and be gone, forever!”
Prince Daisuke says, with his dying breath, “No way . . . Beryl . . . you witch . . . I promise you . . . that you will never be rid of me . . . As long as there is a chance . . . Hikari and I will find each other . . . and you will never be rid of me . . . ever . . .” Two of them look at each other and then the two of them lock their hands across their shoulders and share one final kiss before both of them close their eyes and die in each other's arms as Beryl laugher continues as her image fades away.
Now, Davis wakes up in a sleeping bag and cold sweat, gives out a large gasp in horror, and this causes Veemon to wake up and states, seeing Davis in this states, “Davis, what's wrong?” Just then Raven, also in a sleeping bag, wakes up from Veemon's voice, sleepily rubs her eyes, and looks at Davis and his Digimon partners.
Raven asks, in a plain tone, “What's going on?” Soon after, Trista, wearing a light black nightgown, and Hotaru, in a sparkling deep violet nightgown, run into the room.
Trista asks Davis, “My prince, are you all right?”
Davis replies, sweating and trying to sound as calm as possible, “Yeah, I'm fine. Just . . . Just a bad dream.”
Hotaru asks Davis, curiously, “Are you sure, prince?”
Davis replies, “I'm fine, Hotaru. And do you have to call me that?”
Raven tells Davis, in a plain tone, “Comes with the job, Davis. You should know that.”
Davis replies, sarcastically, “Unfortunately.” Raven gives a slight smile at Davis' `statement' while Trista goes over and bends down in front of our Digidestined of Miracles.
Trista asks Davis, “It was that dream, again, wasn't it?”
Davis sighs and replies, “Can't get anything by you, can I, Trista? Yes, it was the `dream', again. Or should I say, the memory of my . . . death in the Sun Kingdom when Beryl attacked both kingdoms.” Davis slams his fist into the floor and roars out, annoyed, “Argh! Even through my sis and I took care of that Negaverse witch out for good, her legacy still haunts me!”
Trista tells Davis, in a calm tone, “Her legacy, Metallia's legacy, and as well as the other spawns of Chaos will continue to haunt us to this day, my prince. It is most likely that being `awakened' in such `unusual' way and recently getting back a good portion of your memories might be causing these dreams and nightmares of your past. Hopefully, they will pass.”
Davis tells Trista, “Hopefully is right, Trista.”
Raven points to the clock and says, “It is around 7:00 in the morning.” When Hotaru, Trista, and Davis looked at the cloak, it was said 6:59 in the morning and then peeks of the bright sunlight from outside came into the room.
Davis looks around for something or someone and asks, “Where are Amara and Michelle? I thought they be here since they don't have college classes during spring break.” Riku, Sora, Kairi, and the others from the Disney Worlds arrived in the Digidestined's and Sailor Scouts' universe at the time spring break was starting in Japan and in fact, it was the first day of spring break on the day that they arrived. There was some spring break left, so, on the advise of Trista and the other Sailor Scouts, Jun moved in with Rei and Davis moved in with Trista, Amara, Michelle, and Hotaru in their home. With the Asteroid Sailor Scouts, Raven moved in with the four outer Sailor Scouts while Melody moves into her own apartment room in the same apartment complex that our outer Senshi as well as Digidestined of Miracles are in, Carrie has moved in with her twin sister, Rei, at the temple with Jun, and finally, Jane moves in with Lita and Kairi, but Lita doesn't mind at all.
Hotaru tells Davis, “Amara-papa and Michelle-mama left thirty minutes before you woke up. They told me to go back to sleep since they had something important to do and I saw them leave in Amara-papa's car.”
Davis groans and says, in a plain tone, “Oh, brother. Why am I not surprised? Even death and being reborn hasn't changed those two one bit, especially Amara. Sometimes I wonder how Serena stands those two, but they are good friends and good Senshi . . . even if they don't show it. Sometimes I wish that they didn't have to be so . . .”
Raven asks, in a plain tone, “Cryptic?”
Davis nods his head, then looks around again, and asks, “And where is Dimitri? How is supposed to be my guardian and advisor when he isn't around?” Just then the three females and one male hear a loud yawn to see Dimitri walking up to them, still looking sleepily. Davis asks, curiously, “What happened to you? You don't look so hot, Dimitri.”
Dimitri replies, wearily, “Well, my prince, you are not the only one getting nightmares of the Silver Millennium.”
Davis exclaims, stunned, “You, too?! Why did you tell me?!”
Dimitri replies, in a plain tone, “You are my prince and my duties to you and the others came first.”
Davis gently takes Dimitri into his arms, gets to his feet, and says, in disbelief, “Geez, Dimitri! Just because I'm the tsuki-no-ouji doesn't make me more important than anyone else. Now, you are going back to bed and no `buts' about it, am I clear?”
Dimitri then tries to say, “But . . .”
Davis says, in a very stern tone, “I said no `buts' mister! Sorry, Dimitri, but I'm putting you back in bed for your own good! And I don't want you up until you've gotten a good rest!” Dimitri sighs as his prince takes him back into his nice bed that was brought by Davis and Hotaru.
Trista smiles and says, “Well, I see that death hasn't changed our young prince from his days back in the Silver Millennium. Through I do see that nothing indeed has changed about him from the Silver Millennium, he is same stubborn warrior for the days of old.”
Davis turns his head towards Trista, gives her his classic Davis grin, and says, “I can't be anyone else, Trista. Past, present, or future. I will always be me.” Davis then heads into the room where Dimitri's bed is.
(In a mysterious `dark realm'; on the meanwhile)
In some kind of `dark world', we find Maleficent, Sephiroth along with his `remnants', Loz, Yazoo, and Kadaj, Seymour, Yunalesca, and Yami Marik watch Queen Beryl's defeat at the hands of Prince Daisuke and Princess Juniper.
Maleficent tells her fellow villains and villainess, “This is the price of underestimating your opponents and letting your own power come to your head.”
Yami Marik scoffs and says, “Queen Beryl was a fool. I don't know why she was allowed into our group.”
Yunalesca says, in a dark tone, “Even worse, she allowed those fools to seal the keyhole and now, the heart of this whole universe is sealed from us.”
Maleficent tells Yunalesca, “Do not worry, even through the keyhole is sealed, I still have a way to `neutralize' this world from all of the others.”
Seymour asks, in a curious tone, “May I ask how my dear Lady Maleficent?”
Maleficent gives an evil sly grin and says, in a calm fashion, “All in good time, my friend.” Maleficent asks Sephiroth, “How is it going with the alliances with the other great powers in the other universes?”
Sephiroth replies, in a calm fashion, “Very well, Lady Maleficent. Already we have the support from Lord Darkar and his three power witches that work as his powerful assistants, the evil digital beings similar to Digimon called NetNavis and their human counterparts, and even got inside the `hell' of the world of the Z Fighters to gain some `powerful' assistance. Also, we believe that the Saiyan named Goku, who was a very pure heart, is one of the seven princes to open the gate to Kingdom Hearts.”
Maleficent looks at Yami Marik and asks him, “Speaking of which, Marik, you said that the vessel for the Nameless Pharaoh's spirit within the Millennium Puzzle is one of the princes?”
Yami Marik replies, “Indeed. That little twit is so pure hearted that he has to be one of the princes.”
Maleficent tells Yami Marik, “Well, I have to take a look, but based on our basic results from examining Yugi Moto, he is indeed one of the seven princes of heart.”
Yami Marik says, with a wide sly grin, “And I have the perfect way of capturing him. Without the Pharaoh to support him, that little runt is defenseless against our powers of darkness. All that's needed is for me to beat the Pharaoh in a Shadow Duel and he is off to the Shadow Realm where he can't ruin our plans.”
Maleficent asks Yami Marik, “How will do that when you couldn't beat them before?”
Yami Marik tells Maleficent, “All I need to do is take the three most powerful cards in Duel Monsters and obliterated the Pharaoh with all three. The Pharaoh can beat one Egyptian God Card, but he can't beat all three.”
Maleficent tells Yami Marik, “Excellent idea. I'm leaving this mission to you to deliver Yugi Moto to me.”
Yami Marik replies, with a wide evil grin, “With pleasure. Plus, taking revenge on the Pharaoh is just a bonus.” Yami Marik then summons a portal of darkness through the new powers that were given to him by Maleficent and he goes through to find Yugi Moto and his friends. Soon after, the portal vanishes and out of the shadows, Yami Bakura, through without the Millennium Ring around his neck, towards Maleficent.
Yami Bakura tells Maleficent, “That fool isn't going to fail just as last time.”
Maleficent says, with a smile of her own, “It is most likely, my friend, but there is still a possible that he can win. However, he is only a distraction to prepare for this world to be encompassed by darkness.”
Seymour asks Yami Bakura, “Did you get what we need?”
Yami Bakura displays the Millennium Scales, Millennium Key, and Millennium Eye and says, “Yes. Thanks to the powers of the Heartless, I easily took down that fool, Shadi and gain his Millennium Items as a reward. However, it was surprising to learn that he was just a spirit. It would have been fun to turn him into a Heartless, but ah well. And soon enough, the Millennium Rod, Millennium Necklace, and my Millennium Ring will follow.”
Maleficent says, with evil smile on her lips, “Excellent work, Bakura. With these three Millennium Items and their Shadow Powers, combined with the powers of darkness, we can easily strip Yugi Moto of the Pharaoh's and his Egyptian God Cards' protection.”
Sephiroth says, curiously, “However, that will give the Nameless Pharaoh a body of his own for him to pursue if this works.”
Yami Bakura gives a wide evil grin and says, in a dark tone, “All the more pleasure to destroy the Pharaoh by giving him his own body to allow us to rip him limb from limb.”
Maleficent's grin becomes even wider and she says to Yami Bakura, “Now, that's the spirit I was looking for, Bakura. I like how you think.”
Yami Bakura replies, with his evil grin on his lips, “Thank you. And I would also like to thank you for separating me from that useless host of mine and giving me a body of my own.”
Maleficent tells Yami Bakura, “You are welcome, my friend. However, without the other Millennium Items in our hands, we wouldn't have the power to do the same thing to gain possession of Yugi Moto's pure heart to open Kingdom Hearts to us. When we gather the other Millennium Items, we can unleash the `dark one' from `prison' within the Millennium Puzzle of Yugi Moto and the Nameless Pharaoh. He would love the dark powers hidden with the heart of all worlds.”
Yami Bakura states, with a wide sly grin, “He would indeed, Maleficent.” Yami Bakura thinks in his mind, “You are a fool, Maleficent. Revealing a greater power than the seven Millennium Items is excellent news for me and the `dark one'. I'll aid Maleficent in her endeavors until the time is right to strike and claim the dark powers within Kingdom Hearts for myself and the `dark one'. Soon, not just one world, but all of existence will bow at the feet of the `dark one' and all worlds will be covered in infinite darkness!”
(Later that morning; Somewhere inside of Juuban)
In one of the bus stops within the district of Juuban, we find a bus dropping off four people and when the bus drives off, we get a good view of these four people. The first one is high school male with messy blond hair, dark brown eyes, blue shirt with a dark blue jacket, black jeans, and brown shoes as well as Kaiba Corporation Duel Disk attached to his left arm. The second person is another high school male with dark brown hair in a weird hairdo with his brown hair in triangle with the top point of his hair pointing ahead of him, he has a white shirt under a brown jacket, dark green that is so dark that you could mistake it for dark grey, and brown shoes. The third person is a high school female with light brown hair, clear blue eyes, pink cloth neck-choker around her neck, yellow strapless tube-top that covers up to the start of the crack of her voluptuous breasts and down until it is one inch from her navel, dark pink short-sleeved jacket over the tube-top, black mini-skirt that covers to the bottom of her navel, leaving a little mid-drift, and down to one-eighth of upper legs, black stockings that go to the top ends of her kneecaps, and pink platform shoes. The final person may not look like it, but he is high school in the same grade as his three friends. This person is quite short with widely spiking hair with dark red, black, and blond as colors, black leather belt-like neck-choker, black shirt, dark blue jacket over the black shirt, dark blue jeans with a matching black belt, and dark grey sneakers. This final person also has a Kaiba Corporation Duel Disk attached to his left arm and around his neck is a chain containing a golden upside down triangle-shaped pyramid with the Eye of Hours in the center of the upside down golden pyramid.
The first male, the one with blond hair, says, in a New York type tone in his voice, “Hey, Yug'! Are you sure that something bad is going to happen here?”
The short male with the wildly colored hair replies, “Yeah, Joey. The Pharaoh said that he detected powerful dark forces coming from this area.”
The female says, in a concerned tone, “If the Pharaoh says that he senses danger, I don't think that we should argue with him. Plus, remember that news report from over several days ago? It showed the Sailor Senshi and the Digidestined fight some gross ant-like things, here, in Juuban and they weren't destroying any of them.”
The necklace around Yugi's neck starts to glow and he calls out, “YU-GI-OH!!” Yugi Moto is engulfed in bright light and in Yugi's place is somewhat taller version of Yugi Moto, but the kind, pure, and caring eyes that Yugi Moto had are replaced by ones filled determination and strength.
This `new person' says to the female, in a deeper, stronger, and more mature sounding voice that Yugi Moto's, “Remember, Tea, we also saw a new `addition' to the Sailor Senshi along with two mysterious people along with three other strange beings. This new Sailor Senshi, one of the mysterious beings, and the two mysterious people were carrying weapons of great and awesome people. Those weapons might have looked like oversized keys, but I could tell from even the television screen that they held great mystical power that even exceeds the Millennium Items in power. And now, I can sense a great evil looming over the whole world and the source is coming from this district of Tokyo.”
Tea asks the `Yugi look-a-like', “But Yami, how do we find them? It's not like the Sailor Scouts leave a home address. Plus, how do we help the Digidestined and Sailor Scouts against this new evil?”
Yami asks Tea, “Don't worry, Tea. Something tells me that the Sailor Scouts and the Digidestined are going to form an alliance of some sorts because this new enemy involves both of them. Next, with the power of the Millennium Puzzle, I can transfer some of its mystical energy into Joey's and mine duel disks in order to summon actually Shadow Creatures to this world.”
The final male exclaims, amazed, “Wow! You can really do that, Pharaoh?!”
Yami nods his head and replies, “Yes, I can Tristan and when we get duel disks for you, you and Tea can also summon real-life Duel Monsters. However, we need to be careful, since they are real monsters, they can do real damage.”
Joey tells Yami, “No problem, Yug'! We can handle using real monsters and when we work together, we are going to kick some evil butt!”
Tea tells Joey, “It isn't going to be that easy, Joey. Something tells me that this battle is going to even harder than all of the ones that faced before.”
Yami nods his head and says, “Tea is right, Joey. This evil seems to be even darker than Marik's dark side, Dartz, the Orichalcos, and the Leviathan, and Siegfried von Schraider combined.”
Tristan gasps in amazement and exclaims, “Whoa! That bad?!”
Yami nods his head while thinking in his mind, “However, it might be a lot worse than you think, Tristan.”
However, Yugi's `astral form' appears besides the Pharaoh and asks the Pharaoh, mentally, “However, Pharaoh, there is something bothering you more than this evil, isn't there?”
The Pharaoh sighs and says, knowing he can't hide anything from his `other half' and telepathically, “I can never hide anything from you, Yugi. It's just a bad feeling that I got that something terrible is going to happen to one of my friends and there isn't going to be anything that I can do about it.”
Yugi asks, telepathically, “Did you get a vision from the Millennium Necklace, Pharaoh?”
Yami shakes his head and replies, “No, it was from a terrible dream that I had. The world around me was becoming covered in darkness, the light was dying out, and then a voice, a female one, shouts out to me that I was going to lose two people that I valued most. One that I cherish in the present and one that I cared about in my ancient past. However, if the voice shouted that I can save them with the help of those that hold the greatest weapons in existence and carry the `light of hope' within their hearts and souls, people that this voice is connected to.The voice said that if I aided them in their mission then those that lose could possibly be saved.”
Yugi asks, amazed and telepathically, “Whoa! Do you know what it meansPharaoh?”
Yami shakes his head and replies, mentally, “No, Yugi! That what's worries me the most, Yugi. I'm not sure who she is talking about and how does this voice know about me and my ancient past?”
Yugi tells Yami, telepathically, “Don't worry, Pharaoh! No matter what happens we will face everything together and we will save our friends!”
Yami tells Yugi, with a smile and mentally, “You're right, Yugi! I know whatever evil that we will face, we will face together and make sure that all we care about!” However, while Yami and his friends are walking down the street, someone was watching them, but this wasn't any ordinary person. This person is on a red colored motorcycle is a female with long wavy blond hair, bright violet eyes, ruby red colored lips, black leather neck-choker around his neck, dark violet jacket over black tube-tope that covers her voluptuous bust to the point into the `crack' that started her bust and the black tube-top goes down half-way down her sexy and seductive waist, her hands and arms up until all of her elbows are covered are in fingerless black leather gloves, dark purple jean shorts with a black belt to match, the dark purple shorts goes up to the bottom of her navel, leaving plenty of mid-drift, and down one-quarter of her upper legs, and on her feet are black leather high-heeled boots that loosely fit up to top end of her kneecaps. This female is looking at Yami and his friends, especially one of them in particular, Joey Wheeler, Yugi's best friend, with a solemn look on her face.
The young female sighs and says in her thoughts, “What am I doing? Why did I come here? I can't face them . . . not after going Dartz and cruelly taking souls as well as aiding in his mad plan to destroy the world. And I helped him by capturing the souls of Pegasus and . . . Joey. There is no way that he is going forgive me.”
However, a familiar beautiful female voice calls out into the young woman's mind, “If you wish to gain forgiveness, you must face your fears and get those that you care about to forgive you. It will be the first step for you to heal, Mai Valentine. But in order to fully gain redemption, you must face the darkness within your own heart. There is someone here that can help you with that. Find her . . . and what you seek . . . full forgiveness . . . and full redemption will finally be yours and the darkness within your heart will be no more . . .” Mai looks around to find wherever that female voice came from, but she had no one there.
Mai thinks in her mind, really annoyed, “Oh, great! I'm getting so stressed out about this, now, I'm hearing voices in my head! I must be going nuts!” However, Mai thinks, deeply, “But that voice . . . it didn't seem like anything I would image . . . and it seems so soothing . . . so caring . . . and so familiar to me . . . Ah! Fine! Let's just get this over with!” However, Mai notices someone in the corner of her right eye. This figure was wearing a black cloak around his whole form with a black hood covering his face and was following Yami and his friends. Mai follows Yami and his friends on her motorcycle while keeping an eye out at that suspicious figure on the meanwhile. But what the people on the streets didn't know is that two people in sailor fukus are on the rooftops and watching the whole thing and they bound away as Mai and the cloaked figure move away.
(A short time later; in the area of Rei's temple)
In front of Rei's temple, we find Sora One, Riku, Kairi, King Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Darien, Serena, the Sailor Scouts, the Asteroid Sailor Senshi, the Digidestined, their Digimon partners, and finally, the three guardian cats and one guardian dog, who look greatly rested.
Davis holds his chest and Kari asks, concerned, “Davis, are you okay?”
Davis tells Kari, with a slight smile, “Yeah, I'm fine, Kari. Just a whole terrible nightmare.”
Mimi says, in a comforting tone, “Ah, I can't be that bad.”
Veemon looks at Davis, he nods his head, and Veemon says, “Not when it is your death in your past life.” That caused all of our heroes' and heroines' eyes, minus Jun's eyes, to grow a bit wider.
TK states, “Now, that's a nightmare. Remembering your . . . `demise' in your `other life'.”
Yolei asks, curiously, “I don't mean to sound rude, but how back it can be?”
Davis says, in a serious tone, “Try long spear, entering your back, and existing out your stomach in just a few seconds, Yolei.”
Yolei winches in shock and says, nervously, “On second thought: Forget that I asked.”
Jun holds her heart and says, in a serious tone, “Believe me, you don't want to know where Beryl and her allies got me. In simple terms: Not a pretty sight.” The memory of the end of the Silver Millennium for the Sun Kingdom then flow back into Jun's mind and she holds her head in pain.
Matt asks Jun, concerned, “Are you okay, Jun?”
Isis asks Jun, “My princess, are you all right?”
When the headache stops, Jun says, “Yeah, I'm fine.” However, great anger filled her whole body, she turns her right hand into a fist, and with a loud roar slams her fist into the wood floor in front of the temple, giving a small fist shaped hole in it.
Sora One exclaims, pretty shocked, “Whoa!”
Rei exclaims to Jun, “Hey, Jun, watch it with the temple floor!”
Jun says to Rei, solemnly, “Sorry, Rei. It's just . . . just even through my bro and I got rid of that Negaverse witch, she still continues to haunt me.”
Goofy tells Donald, “Gwarsh, Donald. This `Queen Beryl' character sounds even worse than Maleficent.”
Riku tells Goofy and Donald, in a serious tone, “Maleficent may be a lot of things, Goofy. However, she isn't a mass murderer, but her evil is equal to that of Queen Beryl's and we're not fully sure what Maleficent will do since Sora, Donald, and you defeated her around three years ago back in our universe.”
King Mickey then adds, “Plus, we are not sure who or what kind of creatures and warriors of darkness and evil that she is allied with. Imagine someone worse that Maleficent and Queen Beryl joining them.”
Mina exclaims, shuttering at the thought, “I rather not!”
Riku then says, “Which is why we have to journey across worlds and find the seven princes and princess as well as the Supreme Prince and Princess of Heart and protect them from Maleficent, her Dark Alliance, and the Heartless.”
Donald asks Riku, “How are we going to get across worlds with them? Our Gummi Ship has nowhere close to the room to fit all of them. So, how are all of us are going to get across worlds?”
King Mickey says, “In this multi-verse, based on what Trista told us, the gateways between have been closed by Sailor Star, Kairi's past life here, and the two warriors of the Keyblade that were around back during the time of the Moon and Sun Kingdoms. Gee. I wish that we had more information on these mysterious Keyblade warriors.”
Trista tells King Mickey, “I wish that I could help your majesty, but only Chronos, the Lord of Time, truly knows about the two Keyblade warriors and he's not talking to me at this time. The future is blocked from me, so, the information that I have might be consider `useless'.”
Serena tells Trista, “Don't worry about it, Trista. I'm sure we will find out about them, sooner or later.”
Amara says, in her serious tone, “Let's hope that it isn't too late.”
Hotaru asks Amara, “By the way, Amara-papa, where you this morning?”
Michelle replies, with her usual smile, “Amara and I were on patrol for any attacks by our enemy, but things seemed quite quiet. However, we did see something quite interesting . . . Actually, I should say someone. The Duel Monsters' World Champion, Yugi Moto, the `King of Games', himself, just arrived shortly before we came here to the temple.” Everyone, minus our Digimon's, Trista's, Darien's, and our friends' from the Disney Worlds, gasp in shock and their eyes grow wide.
Lita exclaims, surprised, “Oh, wow! This King of Games, Yugi Moto, is here in Juuban?”
Amara nods her head and replies, in a serious tone, “Yeah, he's here. However, there isn't any kind of special Duel Monsters event or tournament that would involve the greatest duelist in the whole world.”
Kairi asks, confused, “What's `Duel Monsters'? What do you mean by calling this Yugi guy the `King of Games'?”
Sora One tells Kairi, in a bit of excited tone, “It's one of the games that they play in this world, Kairi. They use different cards, monsters, traps, and spells, to fight each other and in one version, they have weirdo computer devices that made real-life images of those monsters that they use on that game.”
Goofy asks, curiously, “Uh-yuh! Do you think that's safe?”
Hotaru tells Goofy, “Of course. They are just holograms, life-like projections that aren't really real, but look real. Duel Monsters in the most popular game in our world and people all over the world play.”
Serena tells Kairi, excitedly, “Yeah, Duel Monsters might contain spooky monsters, but they also contain the cutest and powerful monsters. And Yugi Moto is the best of the best! He's called the King of Games because he is the best duelists in the whole world.”
Kairi says, pretty amazed, “Wow. Maybe I should learn to play.”
Rei tells Kairi, with a smile, “Yeah, we can teach you.” Rei looks at Serena and says, “Meatball Head might be a ditz when it comes to school work, but when it comes to Duel Monsters, even I've got to admit, she excels in it.”
Serena replies, nervously, “Thanks . . . I think.”
Kari then says, getting an idea, “Maybe we should to the shopping district, here, in Juuban. The stress from battling Queen Beryl and using all of that energy as well as remembering a portion of their past lives might be causing Davis and Jun to have those horrible nightmares. We should take a break from all of this fighting. We do have spring break after all.”
Amara says, in her serious tone, “True, but we still have an enemy to worry about.”
Tai tells Amara, “Look, you might be a Sailor Scout, but my friends and I have also faced great evils ourselves and that was before many of you, Sailor Senshi, came onto the `scene'. From what I've learned, we should take the threat seriously, but if we stress ourselves too much, we make ourselves ineffective against our enemy if we are unprepared.”
Trista tells Amara, with her typical smile, “Well, the young warrior of Courage does have a point, Amara. Overly worrying about a foe could make us worse off than not worrying about them at all.”
Amara states, with her type of smile on her lips, “Typical. You don't take sides, Trista. You just try to compromise between the `two sides'.”
Michelle says, with a smile, “Well, it wouldn't hurt to take a break, too, Amara.”
Amara states, her smile on her lips, “You, too, Amara. And knowing the rest of you, I'm outnumbered.” Amara shrugs and says, in a plain tone, “Okay, you win.”
Mina exclaims, happily, “That's great!” Mina then quickly jumps to her feet and tells Riku, “Come on, Riku! I can't wait to show you around.”
Riku gives off his usual smile and says, “Sure, why not? I'll go.”
Sora One giggles and whispers to Kairi, “I think that Mina likes Riku.”
Kairi gives own kind smile and replies, “I think that you are right, Sora.” All of our heroes and heroines then get to their feet to follow Mina into the shopping district while King Mickey, Goofy, and Donald put on their hooded cloaks to make sure their faces aren't seen. However, Amara and Michelle give each other a serious glance and nod at some kind of unsaid agreement.
On the meanwhile, Davis tells Kari, in a whisper, “Don't worry, Kari, I know that I will get over it. I won't let my past, including my past life, control me. Thank you for your help.”
Kari replies, in a similar whisper, “You're very welcome, Daisuke.” The two of them smile with wide smiles while Trista takes good notice of this and smiles at it.
(Around the early afternoon hours; In the Juuban Shopping District)
In the shopping district, somewhere near the Crown Arcade, we find Mai Valentine parking her motorcycle while trying to find the mysterious figure that was following her `former' friends, since she feels that they haven't forgiven her.
Mai thinks in her mind, “Where did that weirdo get to? He was around here somewhere . . . He just couldn't have vanished into thin air.” Just then Mai feels a weird stabling pain in her heart and thinks, “What? What is this . . . this terrible feeling in my heart? It's like I'm pain from a heart attack, but I'm not. It's like . . . like I'm afraid of something. Is it Joey and his friends never trusting me again for what I've done? No . . .it's something else. Some terrible feeling and . . . I've felt it before.” Just then she hears a door from a nearby shop open and looks to see Yugi and his friends come out of electronics store with Tristan and Tea wearing duel disks on their left arms. Mai gives out a slight gasp and when Yugi and his friends hear the gasp, they turn and are shocked to see Mai in front of them.
Tea exclaims, amazed, “It's Mai!”
Tristan states, with angered groan, “Oh, great.” Joey doesn't say a word and turns his head away from Mai, causing Mai to winch knowing that this isn't a good sign.
Yugi asks Mai, “What are you doing here, Mai?”
Mai just stands there nervously for several seconds and Yami's astral form appears beside Yugi and he tells him, telepathically, “Mai is most likely here to apologize from what she did under the influence of the Orichalcos. To Joey, most of all.”
Yugi asks the Pharaoh, mentally, “Do you really think so Pharaoh?” The spirit of the Millennium Puzzle nods his head in his astral form that only Yugi can see.
Mai tells Yugi and his friends, nervously, “Well, I'm here to . . . to say . . . that I want to . . . apologize from what I've done to all of you . . . and to you, Joey.”
Joey growls at Mai, annoyed, “Oh, and we are supposed for forgive you just like that?” Mai winches, again, from the tone of Joey's reply.
Mai tries to say something by stating, “Joey, I . . .”
Joey then yells at Mai, angrily, “Mai, just save it! I don't want to hear it! You know, Mai, I had great respect for you as a friend and fellow duelist! You played fair and honorably and were one of the greatest duelists that I've ever seen with guys and gals! But you threw all of my respect for you as a friend and a fellow duelist away when you sided with Dartz for power! You dishonored yourself and thrown away every shred of respect I had for you as a duelist! I gave up my soul for you to try and save you, but it wasn't good enough!”
Tea tells Joey, trying to calm him down, “Joey, please calm down!”
Joey tells Tea, “Tea, I don't mean any disrespect and all . . . but stay out of this!” Joey then barks at Mai, his tone still full of anger, “Hey, I'm not saying that I'm an angel. Hell, I was one nasty guy myself before I met Yug'. However, Yug' taught honor, respect, and what it means to be a true friend. To always be there for one another and you betrayed that friendship when you sided with Dartz! These days, I don't get really angry at many things, but what you did really ticked me off! In my book, whoever betrays their own friends for anyone or anything, especially power, doesn't deserve any friends or any respect at all!” Mai felt like her heart was shatter dozens of times over and a few tears start to fall down her eyes. Joey then roars, still angrily, “You threw everything else anyway: Your friends, your pride as a true duelists, and your honor as a true duelists when choose the Orichalcos over us, your friends! And this is something that I can not forgive you for! You want some forgiveness . . . find it somewhere else because I'm not listening!”
Yugi tells Joey, pretty shocked, “Joey . . .”
Tea tells Yugi, “Don't bother, Yugi. When Joey makes up his mind, not even the power of an Egyptian God Monster to change his mind.” Joey turns to walk away and tears start to fall from Mai's eyes. Tea asks Mai, concerned, “Mai, are you okay?”
Mai replies, trying to sound strong, but her heart is hurting, “I'm fine . . . Just something in my eye . . .”
Tea thinks in her mind, “Man! Joey, why do you have to be so stubborn?”
Mai then says, weakly, “It's not like I didn't deserve getting yelled at like that. I really did betray you, my friends, myself, and what it means to be a true duelist just for some power. I like himself get infected by the Orichalcos and let my weakness, the fear of being weak, control me, and allow Dartz control me.” Joey stops in his tracks when he hears this from Mai's mouth and Mai continues to say, weakly, “When Marik sent me into the Shadow Realm and after you, Yugi, and Joey risked it all to help me and stop Marik, I had these bad dreams about being weak and helpless and not deserving to be in this world. I allowed them to control me and allowed Dartz to poison my mind and soul with the Orichalcos. However, this is no excuse for what I've done and all I want now to make up for my sins and pay for my mistakes. I really hoped that I could gain your forgiveness and start over from the beginning, but what I did might not be forgivable. However, even if you don't care Joey, I would like to say that I'm sorry and through I wish it otherwise, I won't be surprised that if you never want to see my face, again.”
Joey, still looking away from Mai, says, “Hey, Mai . . .” When everyone looks at Joey, he says, in a plain tone, “What you did is very rotten and normally, I would never forgive what you did. However, from what I can see Mai, you are truly sorry for what you did . . . so, this time, I'm giving you a second chance. However, you have to first earn my respect as a fellow duelist and then I will consider starting over again. If you can do that, I can consider you a friend, again, Mai.”
Mai asks, amazed, “You mean it, Joey?”
Joey nods his head and states, in a plain tone, “However, Mai, my trust and faith in you is greatly shaken and I'm not sure I can look at you the same way that I did before.”
Mai sighs and says, “I understand, Joey. I will try my best to restore my faith and trust in you.”
Joey turns to Mai and says, with a slight smile on his lips, “You do that Mai. Now, you better work on that, you got me?”
Mai says, with a weak smile on her lips, “Right.” Tea and Yugi couldn't help, but smile at this as well as the Pharaoh when he appears outside of the Millennium Puzzle in his astral form. However, the Pharaoh, still in his astral form, and the others look to their right to see a young boy of ten years of age with brown hair and cherry red eyes standing before them. He looks normal enough, but the Pharaoh has got a bad feeling about him.
Yugi asks the kid, “Yes, may I help you?”
The boy asks, in a curious tone, through sounding a bit labored, “Are you the world famous Yugi Moto?”
Yugi replies, blushing a bit, “Yes, I am.”
The boy asks, “I'm so glad to meet you, Yugi. I'm one of your biggest fans. Can I ask one favor?”
Yugi asks, curiously, “What's that?”
The boy replies, “Can I see your Egyptian God Cards? I've heard so much about them and I've only seen them on television. Please can I see them.”
Yugi replies, nervously, “I'm not sure about that. They are priceless and mean out to me.”
Tea tells Yugi, in a nice tone, “Oh, come on, Yugi. What would it hurt?”
Yugi thinks about for a while and replies, still a bit nervous, “Well, all right.” As Yugi goes into his and the Pharaoh's deck for the three God Cards, everyone doesn't notice the slight evil grin forming on the boy's lips. When Yugi displays his three Egyptian God Cards to the boy, he says, “Well, here they are. Obelisk the Tormentor, Slifer the Sky Dragon, and the Winged Dragon of Ra.”
The boy exclaims, excitedly, “Oh, wow. They look awesome. Thanks for showing them to me . . .” However, just then the Eye of Hours appears on the boy's forehead and he exclaims, in a dark duel voice, “ . . . you foolish brat!” Before anyone could stop him, the boy takes Slifer the Sky Dragon and the Winged Dragon of Ra from Yugi's hand and runs off with them.
Yugi exclaims, shocked, “Hey, come back here!”
Tristan roars out, in a strong tone, “That little brat! He took two of your God Cards!” Before anyone else could make a move, Mai rushes off after him with a determined look in her eyes.
Joey exclaims, amazed, “Where is she going?”
Tea shouts out, “She must be trying to get Yugi's God Cards back!”
Yugi's Millennium Puzzle glows with a bright glow and he shouts out, “YU-GI-OH!!” Yugi is engulfed from a bright glow from his Millennium Puzzle and when the light dies done, the spirit of the Millennium Puzzle, Yami, is left in Yugi's place.
Yami calls out, in determined tone, “Let's go!” Yami and the others then run off to catch up with Mai and the boy. On the meanwhile, Mai is running after the boy who took two of Yugi's and the Pharaoh's Egyptian God Cards and she manages to catch up to him, tacking him to the ground immediately causing him to drop the Winged Dragon of Ra. The boy uses incredible strength to knock Mai off him and runs over to the cloaked figured with Yami Bakura, now, wearing the Millennium Ring, beside him.
The cloaked figure took Slifer the Sky Dragon from the boy and Yami Bakura roars out, angrily, “You fool! That brat only managed to take two of the God Cards and take pathetic girl made him drop one!”
The cloaked figure states, in a familiar dark voice, “Don't worry, these two will be enough to get rid of the Pharaoh and get Yugi Moto. And I can take of that girl, soon enough.”
Mai gasps, knowing that voice, and says, stunned, “No, it can't be . . .”
The cloaked figure takes out the Millennium Rod, uses it on the boy, putting into a coma, and says, darkly, “Oh, but it can, my dear.” The cloaked figure takes off his cloak to reveal none other Yami Marik in front of Mai, much to her horror.
Mai exclaims, fearful, “No! Not you!”
Yami Marik slowly walks towards Mai, who was shuffling back fearfully, and exclaims, “Yes, it is, pathetic girl! I see that you have changed a bit since we last met! Including becoming quite the soul-stealer!”
Mai states, in a fearful tone, “You-You know?”
Yami Marik says, with an evil grin on his lips, “Yes, I do know about what happened between you and that Orichalcos. I must say that you aren't as pathetic as I thought! Even sealing the soul of the one that tried to save you before! Even I've got to admit, you might be as evil as I am!”
Mai fearful look becomes one of anger, she gets on her feet, and roars out, angrily, “I'm nothing like you!”
Yami Marik roars out, in dark taunting tone, “Ha! That's what they all say, girl! However, you can't deny the evil in your very soul! If I had known about your true `dark side', I would have sent only your weak side the Shadow Realm and unleashed your true evil onto your friends!” Yami Marik holds out the Millennium Rod and states, with an evil grin, “In fact, I might just do that! Unleash the darkness with your soul and allow you to destroy your friends!”
Mai jumps back in fear and exclaims, “No! I will never become THAT ever again! I won't betray Joey and my friends a second time!”
Yami Marik then states to approach Mai, who tries to move, but is frozen in fear, and says, with an evil grin, “Let's see about that!”
However, before Yami Marik could do anything, a familiar male voice shouts out, strongly, “Why don't you pick on someone your own size, jerk?!” Just then Yami Marik gets bashed on the left cheek by a gloved right hand and knocked to the ground. When Yami Marik and Yami Bakura see who just clobbered Marik's dark side, it was none other than Daisuke Motomiya standing between Yami Marik and Mai Valentine.
Yami Bakura growls in annoyance and thinks, “Damn it! It's the male moon brat! Why did he have to butt in?!”
Jun's voice then rings out, “Davis!” Everyone then looks to see every single of Davis' friends and allies running towards them.
Yami Marik says in his mind, annoyed, “In the name of Ra, it is that rotten princess that's one of the children of the sun god! What are they doing here?!” Davis then takes the Winged Dragon of Ra card from the ground and Yami Marik says, angrily, “Hey, that's mine!”
Davis looks at the card, displays the Winged Dragon of Ra card, and exclaims, in a serious tone, “Not on your life, buster! This card belongs to Yugi Moto! Now, I heard you say that you took his other God Card, Slifer the Sky Dragon, so, give it back, you thief!”
Yami Marik gets to his feet and roars out, angrily, “You don't tell me what to do, moon brat!” Every one of our heroes and heroines, expect for Mai, gasp in shock when they hear Yami Marik make his `statement'.
Yami Bakura looks at Jun and exclaims, “Yes, we know all about you, Jun Motomiya! The infamous taiyou-no-hime and her younger brother, tsuki-no-ouji! We've heard all about you from that fool, Beryl, and Maleficent!”
While everyone goes in defensive positions, Mai thinks in her mind, “Tsuki-no-ouji and taiyou-no-hime? In Japanese, tsuki-no-ouji means `Moon Prince' and taiyou-no-hime means `Sun Princess'. Who are these kids?” When Mai looks directly at Jun, who was a totally serious look on her face, an image of her as Princess Juniper appears in Mai's mind, causing her to hold her head and state, mentally, “What in the world was that?” Soon after, Yami and his friend come past the corner and gasp when they see Yami Bakura and Yami Marik.
Tristan yells out, shocked, “Oh, great! The spirit of the Millennium Ring and Marik's dark side!” Everyone else looks at them and the heroes and heroines, expect for Trista, Sora One, Kairi, Riku, King Mickey, Donald, and Goofy, are amazed to see Yami and his friends.
Lita exclaims, surprised, “Whoa! It's the King of Games, himself!”
Hotaru states, curiously, “He looks taller on television.”
Serena states, amazed, “Wow! Can I get his autograph?!”
Rei tells Serena, in a serious tone, “Serena, we have other problems to deal with!”
Davis yells at Yami Marik, seriously, “If you are working with Maleficent, then there is no way that you are getting Yugi Moto's God Cards! Now, tell me what you want with them!”
Yami Marik replies, in a serious tone, “You can't comprehend the power that lies with them, moon brat! So, hand it over!”
Davis shouts out, in a strong tone, “Why don't you make me?!”
Tristan calls out, seriously, “Is that kid nuts?!”
Tea points out, seeing the Millennium Rod in his hands, “Hey, how did he get the Millennium Rod back?!”
Yami Bakura steps forward and says, “Well, it was quite easy for me, my dear! Knocking Yugi Moto's pathetic grandfather and taking the Millennium Ring, Rod, and Necklace from Yugi's home. He should take better care of them!”
Joey roars out, nastily, “You rotten sleaze!”
Yami Marik holds out the Millennium Rod and shouts out, “I've had enough of this! I'm taking that God Card!” Yami Marik uses his Millennium Rod to try to paralyze, but Davis' Crest of Miracles and his crescent moon sigil blaze with incredible power and makes Yami Marik's attack backfire on him, knocking him to the ground.
Mai asks, stunned, “Hey, how did you do that?”
Jun goes over to Davis with a duel disk and says, while handing it to him, “Long story.” Jun asks Mai, “Hey, are you Mai Valentine?”
Mai replies, curiously, “Yes, how do you know me?”
Jun replies, with a smile, “A girl like me has her sources.”
Yami Marik exclaims, in stunned shocked, “What in the name of Ra happened?!”
Just then Maleficent's voice booms, “You idiot! The Millennium Rod is full of the power of the shadows and the power from his Crest of Miracles come from the power of light along with the protection of the power from White Moon family! Plus, his ginzuishou hoshi is more powerful than one or two Millennium items! It would take the powers of all seven items to match his crystal's powers. The only way that you are going to get that God Card back from him is to do in the ancient fashion of this world's past!”
Tea asks, fearful, “Okay, what or who was that?!”
Tristan tells Tea, “Somehow, I don't want to know.”
Yami Bakura gives Yami Marik a duel disk and states, in a dark taunting tone, “You heard her.”
Yami Marik growls at Yami Bakura, annoyed tone in his fashion, “Shut up!” Both Yami Marik and Davis snap the duel disks to their left wrists and Yami Marik shouts at Davis, “Fine, boy! I challenge you to a duel! Winner gets the Winged Dragon of Ra!”
The Pharaoh declares, “No, Marik! I will duel you!”
Yami Marik tells the Pharaoh, “Sorry, Pharaoh! I've already challenged the moon brat, here, and he is going to pay for his interference!” Yami Marik puts Slifer the Sky Dragon in his deck, shuffles his deck, and puts it in his duel disk, which registers 8000 life-points, while shouting out, “This duel will be played with 8000 life-points instead of 4000, like advanced tournament rules state! Now, prepare to meet the shadows, boy!”
Davis takes out his dueling deck from his pocket, starts to shuffle, while unnoticed by everyone else, shuffles in the Winged Dragon of Ra into his deck, and shouts out, in a serious tone, “I don't know who you are and what you are doing here, but if you are working with my enemy, then you are going down, big time, pal!” Davis inserts his dueling deck into his duel disk, the life-point register starts at 8000 life-points, and both duelists prepare to duel.
Yugi tells Yami, telepathically, “Pharaoh, we can't let this kid get hurt by Marik's dark side! We can't let him duel!”
Yami tells Yugi, mentally, “I'm not sure that this young person is as helpless as we think, Yugi! I sense a great and awesome power within him! Something powerful and ancient and remember, his powers negated the powers of a Millennium Item! Plus, it looks like that Marik's dark side and the spirit of the Millennium Ring is working together with a powerful new evil that he already knows of!”
Yugi then asks Yami, curiously and telepathically, “But who is he? What does he know about this evil that we don't? And who in the world was that voice? What was she talking about this guy being protected by the `powers of light' from his `Crest of Miracles' and he is under the protection of this `White Moon Family'? And what was this crystal that evil voice talked about being as strong as all seven Millennium Items?”
Yami shakes his head and replies, mentally, “I'm not sure, Yugi! But I think that this is a lot larger than Marik's dark side and me and right now, it doesn't look like we can stop this duel! All we can do now is pray for this boy's victory over Marik!”
Both duelists draw their first five cards from their decks and Yami Marik and Davis shout out in unison, “Let's duel!”
Starting Scores:
Davis: 8000
Yami Marik: 8000
Mai warns Davis by shouting out, “Hey, kid, don't let him get inside your head! This asshole loves to play with your mind and watch out for that rod of his! Believe it or not, it has magic powers!”
Davis tells Mai, “Thanks, I remember that! And the name is not kid! It's Daisuke Motomiya!”
Jun tells Mai, “Don't worry about, my bro. We have a little magic powers of our own.”
Mai asks Jun, “He's your brother? And what do you mean?”
Jun tells Mai, with a strong smile, “Long story. Now, let's get out of his way.”
As Jun and Mai get out of the way and over to Davis' friends and allies, Davis draws one card from his deck and shouts out, “I will start things off, jerk!” Davis looks at his hand, takes one card from it, puts it on his duel disk, and shouts out, “Now, I play Elemental Hero Bubbleman in attack mode!” Soon after, Elemental Hero Bubbleman (800/1200) appears in front of Davis in attack mode.
Yami Marik laughs at Davis' monster and roars out, “What's that going to do?!”
Davis replies, with a sly grin, “A lot since this my Bubbleman allows me to draw two more cards from my deck when he is the only card on my side of the field when he's summoned!”
Yami Marik roars out, shocked, “What?!”
Davis draws two cards from his deck into his hand, puts one card in the spell/trap slots, and states, “Yeah, there's more! Now, I play Polymerization! This spell card allows me to fuse Elemental Hero Clayman with the Bubbleman on my field!” He puts the two monster cards into the graveyard as Elemental Hero Clayman (800/2000) appears beside Bubbleman as the two of them go into a fusion vortex, Davis takes the fusion monster card from his fusion deck, puts it on his duel disk, and roars out, “Now, I play my Elemental Hero Mudballman in defense mode!” Out of the fusion vortex, Elemental Hero Mudballman (1900/3000) appears on the field in defense mode, Davis puts two cards into the spell/trap slots, and declares, “Now, I place two cards face-down and end my turn!”
Yami Marik draws one card from his deck and shouts out, “My turn, fool!” Yami Marik looks at his hand, puts one card in the spell/trap slots, and roars out, “I play the spell: Fiend's Sanctuary! This card allows me to summon one Metal Fiend Token to the field!” After Yami Marik plays the card, one Metal Field Token (0/0) appears in front of Yami Marik. Yami Marik then puts another card on his duel disk and shouts out, “Now, I play Grand Tiki Elder in attack mode!” Beside the Metal Fiend Token, Grand Tiki Elder (1500/800) comes to the field in attack mode. Yami Marik roars out, “Now, I sacrifice my Grand Tiki Elder and my Metal Fiend Token!” The two creatures explode into pixels as they are sacrificed, Yami Marik puts one card on his duel disk, and roars out, “This allows me to summon the Masked Beast-Death Guardius!” In a cloud of purple smoke, Masked Beast-Death Guardius (3300/2500) appears on the field in attack mode.
Tai states, amazed, “That's one powerful monster! I hope Davis knows what he is doing.”
TK tells Tai, “Well, there is one thing I do know about Davis. He is one of the best Duel Monsters players that I have ever seen other than Yugi Moto.”
Matt asks TK, “How good is Davis, TK?”
TK tells Matt, in reply, “He's no Yugi Moto, but he is very good. I've see Davis duel and one thing that I do know about him. He knows his way in and out of all types of games, especially Duel Monsters.”
Yami Marik commands, “Now, attack his mud ball of a monster!” Masked Beast-Death Guardius attacks Davis' Mudballman and destroys it with one swipe of its claws. Yami Marik shouts out, with evil grin, “Your monster is no more!”
Davis says, with a sly grin on his lips, “However, your monster isn't going to stay much longer. You've triggered my trap! First, Hero Signal!” Davis' first face-down card is revealed to be the Hero Signal trap card. Davis explains by stating, “This trap allows me to summon one level 4 or below monster with the words `Elemental Hero' from my deck to the field whenever you destroy one of my monsters.” Davis goes through his deck, takes out one card, puts it one his duel disk, and shouts out, “Now, I play my Elemental Hero Sparkman in attack mode!” In a shower of lightning bolts, Elemental Hero Sparkman (1600/1400) appears on the field in attack mode.
Yami Marik states, not threatened tone, “That monster is weak! He can't beat my monster!”
Davis says, with his sly grin still on his lips, “He won't need to. Now, I activate my other trap card! Compulsion Evacuation Device!” Davis' other face-down card is revealed to be the trap card known as Compulsion Evacuation Device and Davis shouts out, “Now, this trap card allows me to return one monster card to the owner's hand!”
Yami Marik declares, shocked, “No!”
Davis shouts out, strongly, “Yes, the monster that I send back is your Masked Beast!” Yami Marik roars out in anger as his monster is sent back to his hand.
Yami Marik roars out, angrily, “You will pay for that boy!” Yami Marik puts one card in the spell/trap slots to signal the end of his turn.
Tristan states, amazed at Davis' move, “Whoa! Maybe this kid knows what he is doing.”
Joey tells Tristan, “Don't celebrate, yet, Tristan. Remember that rotten Marik still have Slifer the Sky Dragon in his deck, which gives him a great edge.”
Tea asks, curiously, “By the way, where did you see that kid put the Winged Dragon of Ra?”
Yami wonders about Tea's question, gasps, and thinks, “Oh no! Don't tell me that he put the Winged Dragon of Ra in his own deck?!”
Davis draws one card from his deck, puts it in the spell/trap slots of his duel disk, and calls out, “Now, I play Pot of Greed! This card allows me to draw two more cards from my deck!” Davis draws two more cards from his deck, puts another card into the spell/trap slots, and shouts out, “Now, I play Confiscation! This is how it works! I play 1000 life-points to force you to show me your hand and then I send one card to the grave, but I don't need to look at your hand to know what I want you to discard! Your Masked Beast is sent to graveyard!” Yami Marik growls in annoyance while he discards his monster card to the graveyard and Davis loses 1000 life-points thanks to his spell card.
Yami Marik looks at the only card in his hand, which proved to be Slifer the Sky Dragon, and thinks, evilly, “That fool! He should have looked at hand and he could have gotten rid of one of the most powerful beasts in existence! Now, Slifer can still destroy him!”
Davis puts another card in the spell/trap slots and shouts out, “Now, I play Fusion Recovery! This spell card allows me to take one Polymerization and one Fusion-Material monster from my graveyard and put them back into my hand!” Davis takes his Elemental Hero Bubbleman card and Polymerization card back into his hand and shouts out, “I take back my Bubbleman!” Davis puts the Polymerization card in the spell/trap slots and calls out, “Now, I play Polymerization to fuse my Bubbleman and Avian in my hand and my Sparkman on the field!” As Davis discards the three monster cards into his graveyard, Elemental Hero Avian (1000/1000) and Elemental Hero Bubbleman (800/1200) appear on the field, the monsters go into a fusion vortex with Sparkman, Davis takes a fusion monster from his fusion deck, places it on his duel disk, and shouts out, “Now, I summon my Elemental Hero Tempest in attack mode!” Out of the fusion vortex, Elemental Hero Tempest (2800/2800) appears on the field in attack mode.
Tea says, amazed, “Now, that's one powerful monster.”
Davis commands, “Now, Tempest, attack his life-points directly! Teach him a lesson with Glider Strike!” Elemental Hero Tempest then fires a beam of energy from his right hand at Yami Marik.
Yami Marik roars out, “It isn't that easy, boy! Dark Wall of Wind!” Yami Marik's face-down is the spell card known as Dark Wall of Wind and it negates Tempest's direct attack on Yami Marik.
Davis puts one card in the spell/trap slots and states, annoyed, “Fine! I place one card face-down!” Davis then puts the other card in his hand in the spell/trap slots of his duel disk and declares, “And I play Mirage of Nightmare to end my turn!”
Current Score:
Davis: 7000
Yami Marik: 8000
Yami Marik draws one card from his deck and says, “My move!”
Davis then calls out, “And my draw, thanks to Mirage of Nightmare! Thanks to its effect, I draw four cards from my deck!” Davis then draws four cards from his deck into his hand and he then shouts out, “Now, I play my face-down! Emergency Provisions!” Davis' face-down is revealed to be the Emergency Provisions spell card and Davis declares, “This card allows me to regain 1000 life-points as long as I send a spell or trap card on my field straight to the grave! And I choose my Mirage of Nightmare!” Mirage of Nightmare is then sent to the graveyard and Davis gains 1000 life-points to his score.
Yugi tells Yami, telepathically, “Good move! Mirage of Nightmare might allow you to draw from your deck until you have four cards in your hand during your opponent's Standby Phase, but you have to discard the cards that your drew from Mirage's effect during your next Standby Phase, but by sending it to the graveyard after you draw your cards allows you to keep your hand! Plus, thanks to Emergency Provisions, he also gains 1000 life-points to boot!”
Yami tells Yugi, mentally, “I agree, Yugi! This young one seems to be a very talented duelist, but we have to see if he is good enough to beat an Egyptian God Card and that's what worries me!”
Yami Marik growls in annoyance, puts one card in the spell/trap slots, and he shouts out, “Fine! I play my Pot of Greed and draw two cards from my deck!” Yami Marik draws two cards from his deck, puts another card in the spell/trap slots, and calls out, “Now, I play my Dark Spell Regeneration! This spell card allows me to use any spell card in the graveyard and I choose my Pot of Greed! Now, I draw two more cards from my deck!” Yami Marik draws two more cards from his deck, looks at his laugh, laughs evilly for half-a-minute, and exclaims, in evil excitement, “I've drawn what I needed!” Yami Marik puts one card on his duel disk and shouts out, “Now, I play my Revival Jam in defense mode!” In front of Yami Marik, Revival Jam (1500/500) appears on the field in defense mode.
Yami growls in worry and thinks, worriedly, “Oh no! I know this strategy! He's going to summon Slifer the Sky Dragon the same way that he used Strings to do last time!”
Yami Marik puts one card in the spell/trap slots and calls out, “Now, I play my Jam Breeding Machine! This spell card summons one Smile Token each other and as long as this card remains on the field, I can't summon any other monsters!” Just then a huge machine appears on the field beside Revival Jam, Yami puts one card in the spell/trap slots, and states, “I place one card face-down and my turn is over! And soon, I will sacrifice my Tokens to summon this!” Yami Marik displays the final card in his hand and everyone gasps to see Slifer the Sky Dragon (X000/X000) in his hand.
Yami shouts out, seriously, “I knew it! He has Slifer the Sky Dragon in his hand and he using those Smile Tokens to sacrifice them!”
Kari tells Davis, “Daisuke, please be careful!”
Davis tells Kari, confidently, “Don't worry, Kari! I can handle this freak even with one of the most powerful monsters in Duel Monsters in his hand!”
Raven says, in a plain tone, “He sounds pretty confident.”
Davis thinks, a bit nervously, “Glad that I do because I don't have anything in my hand that can help stop him from summoning Slifer the Sky Dragon!” However, when Davis looks at his hand, he thinks, “But maybe I've got a way to slow Slifer the Sky Dragon down when he is summoned!” Davis draws one card from his hand, looks at it, his eyes grow wide, and he declares, putting one card on his duel disk, “Now, I play Elemental Hero Wildheart in defense mode!” Soon after, Elemental Hero Wildheart (1500/1600) appears on the field in defense mode. Davis puts three cards in the spell/trap slots and shouts out, “Now, I place three cards face-down!” Davis puts another card in the spell/trap slots and calls out, “Now, I play the spell card: Heated Heart!” This spell card increases my Tempest power by 500 points for one turn!” Elemental Hero Tempest's stats then increase to 3300/2800 and Davis commands, “Now, attack his Revival Jam!”
Joey asks, perplexed, “Why is he attacking that blob of Marik's? It will just reform itself, so, why attack it?” Elemental Hero Tempest then attacks Revival Jam, destroys it, and it revives back on the field in defense mode. However, Yami Marik notices his life-points just went down by 2800 points.
Yami Marik shouts out, stunned, “What's going on?! I just lost life-points!”
Davis tells Yami Marik, with his classic wide grin on his lips, “Didn't I mention my card's other effect? Not only it gives my monster a power boost for one turn, if it battles a monster with less attack points than the defending monster's defense points, the difference between their points comes out of your life-points!”
Yami Marik roars out, angrily, “You're really starting to get me, angry, boy!”
Davis shouts out, not scared, “Well, see about that creep! Now, make your move!”
Current Score:
Davis: 8000
Yami Marik: 5200
Yami Marik draws one card from his deck, his Jam Breeding Machine creates one Smile Token (500/500), and shouts out, “My pleasure!”
Davis calls out, “You've just triggered my trap! Dust Tornado!” Davis' face-down card is revealed to be the trap card known as Dust Tornado and Davis exclaims, “This card can eliminate any trap or spell card on my opponent's side of the field and I choose your Jam Breeding Machine!” Just then a huge storm appears on the field and Yami Marik's Jam Breed Machine is destroyed. Davis says, in sarcastic tone, “Too bad. Guess Slifer won't be coming out to play.”
Yami Marik says in an annoyed tone, as he puts one card in the spell/trap slots, “We'll see about that! I play Card of Sanctity! Both of us must draw until we have six cards in our hands!” Both duelists then draw until they have six cards in their hands and Yami Marik exclaims, triumphantly, “Yes, prepare to meet the power of an Egyptian God, boy!”
Yami exclaims, shocked, “Oh no!”
Yami Marik puts one card in the spell/trap slots and shouts out, “Now, I play my Premature Burial! I give up 800 life-points to bring back my Grand Tiki Elder in attack mode!” Yami Marik's life-points drop by 800 and Grand Tiki Elder (1500/800) in attack mode.
Sora Two exclaims, in shock, “That guy has got three monsters! He can summon that God Card he stole from Yugi Moto!”
Yami Marik then shouts out, “Now, I sacrifice my Revival Jam, Smile Token, and my Grand Tiki Elder . . .” All three monsters vanishes in a steams of lights, Yami Marik puts one card on his duel disk, causing it to widely spark, and calls out, “ . . . In order to summon Slifer the Sky Dragon!” Just then a huge red bolt of lightning appears behind Yami Marik, crashing into the ground, and when it vanishes, Slifer the Sky Dragon (4000/4000) appears on the field in attack mode!
Kairi hugs close to Sora One and says, a bit fearful, “That monster is pretty scary, Sora.”
Sora One nods his head in agreement and states, “No kidding, Kairi. I wouldn't want to be alley with that guy.”
Goofy says, amazed by Slifer the Sky Dragon, “Gwarsh. He's big.” Donald didn't say a word and hides behind Goofy, closing his eyes, showing his fear of the great God Monster.
Riku think in his mind, in a serious tone, “I don't know how, but I can somehow feel the great power radiating from that thing! I'm not sure that thing is just some kind of life-like protection of some sort. It feels that it is real!”
Mina says, a bit scared, “I didn't know God Monsters can be so scary.” Mina then feels a reassuring hand on her right shoulder and she sees that Riku has his left hand on her shoulder causing Mina to give her usual smile back as well as blush slightly from Riku's touch.
Yami Marik then calls out, in a dark excited tone, “Slifer the Sky Dragon's attack points are 1000 times the number of cards in my hand and with four cards in my hand, Slifer the Sky Dragon has 4000 attack points!” Yami Marik then commands, “Now, my great god, destroys his Elemental Hero Tempest with Thunderforce Strike!” Slifer the Sky Dragon then launches its attack against Davis' Elemental Hero Tempest.
Davis shouts out, in a strong tone, “Reveal face-down! Hero Barrier!” Davis' face-down card is revealed to be the Hero Barrier trap card and Davis shouts out, “As long as I got one Elemental Hero on the field, I can negate one of your attacks! So, Slifer the Sky Dragon is stopped!” Slifer the Sky Dragon's attack hits the Hero Barrier and the attack is negated.
Yami Marik puts another card into the spell/trap slots and exclaims, “You won't get off that easily, boy! I play my Feather of a Phoenix spell card! This handy card allows me to move any card from my graveyard to my hand as long as I discard one card from my hand.” Yami Marik discards one card from his hand, gets one card back from his graveyard, plays the card that he got from the graveyard in the spell/trap slots, and he roars out, “And I choose my Card of Sanctity! Now, I get more cards since you already have six cards in your hand!” Yami Marik draws from his deck until he has six cards in his hand and Slifer the Sky Dragon's stats are 6000/6000!
Matt growls in annoyance, “With all of those cards in his hand, his monster is unstoppable!”
Kari asks Yami, “Mister Yugi Moto?”
Yami asks Kari, “Yes?”
Kari asks Yami, worriedly, “Is there a way for Davis to beat that card of yours?”
Yami nods his head and replies, in a serious tone, “Yes, there is, but it won't be easy. Slifer the Sky Dragon's attack and defense points are one-thousand times the number of cards in his hand. With six cards in his hands, Slifer the Sky Dragon has six thousand attack points. Plus, whenever a monster is summoned on the opponent's side of the field, Slifer the Sky Dragon automatically attacks it, taking 2000 points from whatever mode it is in, and if the monster's attack or defense points, based on what mode its in, are less than 2000 points, then the summoned monster is automatically destroyed.”
Tai exclaims, shocked, “Whoa! That's incredible! How is Davis supposed to beat that?!”
Ken states, in a worried tone, “Davis is a very good duelist, but I don't think he can beat a God Card.”
Kari tells her brother and friends, in a strong tone, “No, Davis will win! I know he can do it!”
Davis smiles and thinks in his mind, “Kari . . . Don't worry, Kari. I'm not going to let any of you down and I'm going to show that even ordinary duelists can beat even the legendary Egyptian God Cards!” Davis puts his hand on his deck, gets a weird feeling, and when he draws the card from his deck to his hand, he sees that it is none other than the Winged Dragon of Ra (????/????) card that he put in his deck. Davis thinks in his mind, “Whoa! It's Yugi's Winged Dragon of Ra card! But what is that weird writing on it?! And why, for some reason, am I able to read it?!”
Just then Queen Serenity's voice enters his mind and says, telepathically, “The writing on the Winged Dragon of Ra is a form of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic text, my son!”
Davis mentally gasps and asks, telepathically, “Mom, is that you? And if what you say is true, why in the world am I able to read? I'm not ancient Egyptian! So, why am I able to read it?”
Queen Serenity replies, telepathically, “It is because the blood of Ra flows through you, like it does Serenity and Juniper, Daisuke.Remember your father was the ruler of the Sun Kingdom and all of the Sun Kingdom royal family are the children of Ra, the deity of the Sun Kingdom and sun god for ancient Egypt, like you, Juniper, and Serenity are also children of Serene, goddess of the moon, from my side of our family. Plus, the God Monsters, long ago, choose you, Serenity, Juniper, and Princess Hikari, Pharaoh Atem's daughter, to be able to weld their power like Atem because of the purity of heart and soul that you contained. So, this is why you can read the ancient text. That . . . As well as learning ancient Egyptian writing during our visits to Egypt before Zorc attack while you were younger.”
Davis tells Queen Serenity, telepathically, with a mental smile, “Thanks, mom! I thought that I was going nuts because I could read this gibberish, but now that I know I can play the Winged Dragon of Ra, I know that this guy is going down, hard!”
Queen Serenity gives a telepathic reply, her tone sounding happy and excited, “I'm glad, my son! Now, defeat this foe, stay safe, and always remember that I'm with you!”
Davis replies, mentally and with a mental smile, “You know it, mom!” Davis tells Yami Marik, with his classic grin on his lips, “You better great ready, freak! Because your God Card is going down!”
TK asks, perplexed, “Is Davis serious?”
Yolei asks, curiously, “Do you really think that Davis came up with a plan to defeat a God Card?!”
Davis puts one card in the spell/trap slots of his duel disk and shouts out, “Now, I play Polymerization! Now, I can fuse my Wildheart and my Bladedge to create a brand new monster!” Soon after, Elemental Hero Bladedge (2600/1800) appears on the field, goes into a fusion vortex with Wildheart, Davis discards both monster cards into the graveyard, takes the fusion monster card from his fusion deck, and declares, when he puts the card on his duel disk, “Now, I play my Elemental Hero Wildedge in attack mode!” Out of the fusion vortex, Elemental Hero Wildedge (2600/2100) comes to the field in attack mode.
Yami Marik yells out, with a sly grin on his lips, “By summoning a new monster, you've activated Slifer the Sky Dragon's special ability! Now, your monster is weakened by 2000 attack points!” Slifer the Sky Dragon fires a blast from its second mouth at Davis' Wildedge.
Davis shouts out, “Activate face-down card! Positron Field!” Davis' face-down card is revealed to be a trap card with a picture with a monster hiding behind an electrical field with a dragon-like monster shooting a beam at it, but it is blocked by the field. Davis tells Yami Marik, “This trap card costs me 2000 life-points and only activates when my monsters are targeted by the special ability of one of my monsters! During this one turn, my monsters are safe from the special abilities of your monsters . . . including Slifer the Sky Dragon!” Slifer the Sky Dragon's attack is negated by the energy field that formed in front of Wildedge and Davis' life-points are drained by 2000 points.
Darien says, plainly and seriously, “That's a good move.” Darien looks at Trista and thinks, “However, something tells me that Davis had that trap card ready in case Slifer the Sky Dragon was used against him.”
Davis puts another card in the spell/trap slots and shouts out, “Now, I play my Monster Reborn! I use it to bring back my Elemental Hero Bladedge to field in attack mode!” Elemental Hero Bladedge (2600/1800) then reappears on the field by Wildedge in attack mode, Slifer the Sky Dragon uses its special ability on it, but Davis' trap card blocks and negates Slifer the Sky Dragon's special ability.
Yami Marik calls out, with a wide evil grin on his lips, “Fine! Keep those monsters! Even at full power, they can't stand against Slifer!”
Davis asks, with his sly grin on his lips, “Now, who said I was going to use them?” Davis then calls out, “Now, I sacrifice my Elemental Hero Tempest, Elemental Hero Wildedge, and my Elemental Hero Bladedge . . .!!” Just then all three monsters vanish in stream of lights as they are sacrificed and sent into the graveyard.
Trista thinks in her mind, “This is it. I hope that the young prince can read the ancient chant on the card and summon the Winged Dragon of Ra. If he can't, this evil one will do so and my prince will be finished.”
Yami Marik thinks, while closing his eyes and grinning, “Ha! That fool is going to try to use Ra against me! The joke will be on him when he realizes that stupid moon brat like him can't use a God Card, especially Ra!”
However, Davis then starts to chant, “Almighty protector of the sun and sky, I beg of thy, please heed my cry . . .!!”
Yami Marik opens his eyes, his expression changes to one of shock, and exclaims, stunned, “What?!”
Yami thinks, in disbelief, “I can't believe it! He is reading the ancient chant! Who is this person?!”
Davis continues to chant, “ . . . Transform thyself from orb of light and bring me victory in this fight!! I beseech thy . . . grace our humble game . . . but first, I shall call out thy name: Winged Dragon of Ra!” The Winged Dragon of Ra card glows with a bright light, along with his golden crescent moon sigil on his forehead, Davis puts it on his duel disk, which widely sparks, and then large golden orb of light appears on the field that unlocks and transforms into the one and only Winged Dragon of Ra (8000/6700) landing behind Davis giving out a mighty roar of power.
Ami says, stunned, “Amazing. He played an Egyptian God Card. One of the most powerful cards in the game.”
Yami Marik thinks in his mind, panicky, “How can this be happening? How can he use an Egyptian God Card? And one of the most powerful of three gods?!” Slifer the Sky Dragon launches its special attack at the Winged Dragon of Ra, but thanks to Davis' trap card, Slifer the Sky Dragon's special ability is negated.
Davis shouts out, in a strong tone, “Winged Dragon of Ra, destroy his Slifer with Blaze Cannon Blast!” The Winged Dragon of Ra roars with power and launches its attack against Slifer the Sky Dragon, destroying it in one huge explosion, and costing Yami Marik exactly 2000 life-points.
Tristan exclaims, amazed, “Unbelievable! He used Ra to destroy Slifer! Who is this kid?!”
Joey states, in a serious tone, “One incredible duelist and miracle maker if he can use an Egyptian God Card like Marik and Yug' can!”
Davis puts three cards into the spell/trap slots of his duel disk and shouts out, “Now, I place three cards face-down and end my turn!”
Current Score:
Davis: 6000
Yami Marik: 3200
Yami Marik draws one card from his deck, looks at his hand, and thinks, in disbelief, “How can this be happening? How can this rut use an Egyptian God Card?! How?! HOW?!” Yami Marik puts one card on his duel disk and shouts out, “I place one monster face-down and that's all!” An image of a face-down card appears in front of Yami Marik and he thinks, in a serious tone, “All I can do now is stall for time until I can find a way to defeat Ra! However, with the powerful and rare cards in my deck, I will revive Slifer, defeat this brat, and take the Winged Dragon of Ra! After which, I will kill the Pharaoh and get his vessel to access the great powers of Kingdom Hearts!”
Davis draws one card from his deck and tells Yami Marik, with a sly smile, “Don't think you are defeating Ra in the coming turns because this duel is already over!”
Yami Marik calls out, “You lie!”
Davis shouts out, in a strong tone, “Wrong! I reveal my face-down card! Serial Spell!” Davis' first face-down card is revealed to be the Serial Spell quick-spell card and Davis calls out, “This spell card turns into any normal spell card from my graveyard as long as I discard my entire hand!” Davis discards the one card in his hand and shouts out, “And I choose my Monster Reborn! And I use it to bring back Elemental Hero Tempest!” By the Winged Dragon of Ra, Elemental Hero Tempest (2800/2800) reappears on the field in attack mode. Davis calls out, “Next, I reveal my second face-down card: Spy Hero!” Davis' second face-down card is revealed to be the Spy Hero spell card and Davis calls out, “By discarding the top two cards in my deck, I can take one spell card from your graveyard!” Davis discards the top two cards from his deck to the graveyard and one card flies out of Yami Marik's graveyard into Davis' hand. Davis puts that card into the spell/trap slots in his duel disk and calls out, “And I chose Card of Sanctity! Now, both of us draw from our decks until we have six cards in our hands, but since you already have six cards, I'm the only one that's drawing cards!” Davis then draws six cards from his deck and puts them into his hand, Davis then takes another card from his hand, puts it in the spell/trap slots, and calls out, “Now, I play my De-Fusion spell card! This separates my Elemental Hero Tempest into the three monsters that created him!” Elemental Hero Tempest turns back into Elemental Hero Avian (1000/1000), Elemental Hero Bubbleman (800/1200), and Elemental Hero Sparkman (1600/1400) and all three monsters are in attack mode. Davis then shouts out, “Now, I reveal my final face-down card! Shaman Hero!” Davis' final face-down card is revealed to be a spell card with the picture of Elemental Hero Necroid Shaman raising a monster from the grave and Davis shouts out, “This spell card costs me 1000 life-points and it allows me to take any monster from your graveyard and add it to my hand.”
Yami Marik yells out, in shock, “No!” Another card flies out from Yami Marik's graveyard, as Davis' life-points drop by 1000, and Davis displays the card when he comes into his hand, showing it to be Slifer the Sky Dragon.
Davis roars out, in a strong tone, “Now, I will sacrifice my three Elemental Heroes . . .!!” Davis' three monsters are sent into the graveyard, Davis puts the God Card on his duel disk, causing his duel disk to widely spark, and Davis exclaims, “ . . . In order to summon Slifer the Sky Dragon!” A red glow covers the field and out of the glow, Slifer the Sky Dragon (5000/5000) appears on the field in attack mode.
Yami Marik calls out, totally stunned, “How can this be happening?!”
Davis then commands, “Now, Winged Dragon of Ra, destroy his face-down with Blaze Cannon Blaze!” The Winged Dragon of Ra then fires its attack on Yami Marik's face-down card, which proves to be Dark Elf (2000/800), and the monster is instantly destroyed, leaving Yami Marik totally defenseless. Davis then tells Yami Marik, “You tried to take something that belonged someone else and use its power for evil! How does it feel that your plan has totally backfired?!”
Yami Marik roars out, angrily, “Curse you, boy!”
Davis roars out, in a serious tone, “The name is Daisuke Motomiya and don't you forget it! Now, Slifer the Sky Dragon, end this with Thunderforce attack!” Slifer the Sky Dragon then fires its attack right at Yami Marik and he screams out in extreme agony from the force of the assault as it sends him flying through the air and landing twenty feet from where he was as well as the concrete pavement, very hard. The attack also took away the rest of Yami Marik's life-points and ending the duel.
Final Score:
Davis: 5000
Yami Marik: 0
After the duel has ended, the final holograms vanish from the field and Davis says, as the golden crescent moon sigil vanishes from his forehead and with a wide grin and serious tone, “And that's game, jerk! If you need another lesson about getting your butt kicked, just come back for round two!”
Tai exclaims, excitedly, “All right! Davis did it! I knew that boy had talent!”
Yolei shouts out, happily, “I never through that I would say this about Davis, but he was incredible! Perfecto!”
Jun says, with a wide smile, “Now, that's my brother. No matter he is up against, he always pull through in the end.”
Rei tells Serena, with a sly smile on her lips, “I've got to say that Davis is one incredible person. Are you sure that you and he are related?”
Serena yells at Rei, really annoyed, “What does that mean Pyro?!”
Rei tells Serena, with a sly grin, “Come on, Meatball Head, you know I was just joking!”
Serena roars at Rei, in an annoyed tone, “Ooh, you are so mean, Rei!” Rei and Serena then have a few laughs from that comment while Kari runs up and embraces Davis, much to his surprise.
Kari tells Davis, “Davis, I'm so glad that you are okay!”
Davis embraces Kari back and tells her, in a kind tone, “Hey, don't worry, Kari. I'm fine. I wasn't going to let a rotten thief like that defeat me.” Davis then takes the two Egyptian God Cards, Slifer the Sky Dragon and the Winged Dragon of Ra, from his duel disk, into his right hand, walks over to Yami, and says, “Here you go, Mr. Moto, sir. These two cards belong to you.”
Yami takes the two Egyptian God Cards, puts them back in his deck, and says, in a kind, but serious tone, “Thank you. These two cards are very important to me.”
Tea thinks in her mind, while looking at Davis, “Who is this kid? I thought that people like the Pharaoh, Kaiba, and Marik were the only ones that could use the God Cards since they could only be used by people that had a connection to the Pharaoh's ancient past, but this guy used the God Cards without much trouble. He even read the ancient chant to summon the Winged Dragon of Ra without a single bit of hesitation. Something is very different about this guy.” When images of Princess Serenity, Prince Daisuke, and Princess Juniper enter Tea's mind, she holds her head and thinks, “What was that? Where were those images that I just saw?”
Mai tells Jun, “Your brother was just incredible. I've got to admit, he's better than Joey and possibly as good as Yugi.”
Jun replies, with a smile, “Maybe, but plenty of times he always seems to pull out a miracle or two.” Jun then asks Mai, “By the way, what's a duelist like yourself doing around here in these parts?”
Mai sighs and says, solemnly, “I don't want to talk about it.”
Jun then asks, “Let me guess: You did something so horrible in your past and you are trying to find forgiveness, aren't you?”
Mai looks at Jun and asks her, stunned, “How did you know?”
Jun tells Mai, with a wide smile, “I can see it in your eyes and in a way, I know how you feel. If you need to talk to anyone about it, why don't you tell me?”
Mai asks Jun, perplexed, “Who can you be so kind to someone you never met before until today?”
Jun tells Mai, “I can't explain how, but I call tell that you are a good person at heart. My s-I mean good friend, Serena Tsukino, could tell you the same.”
However, while everyone is congratulating Davis on his victory, Rei, Carrie, Amara, and Kari then sensed a powerful negative force, and then a familiar evil female voice shouts out, “Well done, your majesty. I see that the legends around you are true. You are indeed one of the greatest warriors of all time.” Everyone then looks to the source of the voice to see none other than Maleficent standing in front of all of them and immediately, Sora One, Riku, King Mickey, and Kairi summoned their Keyblades to their right hands.
Tea asks, perplexed, “Who in the world is that? And what are those weird oversized that those four have got with them?”
Yami replies, in a serious tone, “I don't know, Tea. But I can sense a great dark energy from that mysterious being and those `keys' also have great powers within them.”
Maleficent looks at Yami and says, in a dark voice, “Well, the great Pharaoh who stopped the Shadow Games in this universe, I'm honored to meet you.”
Everyone looks at Yami and Yolei asks, perplexed, “Pharaoh? What does she mean by `Pharaoh'?”
Izzy tells Yolei, “Well, Pharaoh is the `King' or ruler of Egypt during ancient Egyptian times?”
Ami nods her head in agreement and says, “That's right. But why would Maleficent call Yugi Moto, `Pharaoh'?”
Joey states, “That's a long story of our own. But do you know this freaky woman?”
Tai states, in a serious tone, “Even longer story on our part.”
Yami yells at Maleficent, in a serious tone, “How do you know about me?”
Maleficent points to Yami Marik and Yami Bakura and says, “I've heard so much about you from these two `old friends' of yours.” Maleficent then tells Yami Marik, “Well done, Marik. You have completed your mission successfully.”
Yami Marik asks, stunned, “What do you mean by that? I didn't defeat the Pharaoh and send him to the Shadow Realm. We can't get to Yugi Moto as long as the Pharaoh's spirit lies in his body.”
Maleficent tells Yami Marik, with an evil smile, “Do not worry, my friend. All you had to really do distract the Pharaoh and his friends long enough to make sure our plans are complete.”
Riku asks, in a serious tone, “What plans would those be?”
Maleficent states, in a dark tone and sinister grin, “You will see so enough Riku. Now that our plans are complete, there is nothing that any of you `heroes' can do to stop me.” Just then Maleficent summons the Millennium Key, Millennium Scales, Millennium Eye, and Millennium Necklace while Yami Bakura's Millennium Ring and Yami Marik's Millennium Rod start to glow with a bright light.
Yami exclaims, strongly, “Where did you get those other Millennium Items?!”
Maleficent roars out, in a serious tone, “That will be the least of your worries, Pharaoh! Now, with the powers of the six Millennium Items I weld and the power of your Millennium Puzzles as well as the great powers within me, I separate your spirit from Yugi Moto's, forever!” Just then a bright light from the six Millennium Items engulf our heroes and heroines, forcing them to close their eyes, and then Yami's Millennium Puzzle starts to glow with a bright light. Within several seconds, Yami's one shadow starts to turn into two shadows and then Yami and Yugi, gaining his own physical form, minus the Millennium Puzzle and his and the Pharaoh's dueling deck in his duel disk, separate from each other, with Yugi being thrown from the ancient Pharaoh with incredible force. When the light fades away, Yugi gives a loud groan and everyone gasps to see `two Yugi Motos' in front of them, through with Yami and his and Yugi's friends, the shock is much more obvious.
Yugi asks, stunned, “What just happened?”
Yugi hears Yami's voice behind him yell out, stunned, “Yugi?!” When Yugi Moto looks to the source of the ancient Pharaoh's voice, he gasps to see Yami, in the flesh, literally, right in front of him.
Yugi asks, quite surprised, “Pharaoh? But how?”
Maleficent then says, looking at Yugi, “Yes. Yes, I can feel it. He is the one.”
Sora One asks, perplexed, “What do you mean by `he is the one'?”
Maleficent states, in a serious tone, “Yugi Moto is indeed one of the seven princes that I've been looking for and I will be one step closer to Kingdom Hearts!” Maleficent snaps her fingers and Yugi Moto screams out as he falls into a portal of darkness.
Yami and the others call out in horror, “Yugi!” Yami, Joey, and Tristan try to save him, but Yugi falls through the portal of darkness before any of the guys could reach them.
Tea exclaims, horrified, “Yugi!”
Mina asks, perplexed, “Okay, what just happened? How come there were two Yugi Motos?”
Trista tells Mina, “It is a long explanation, Mina.”
Amara asks Trista, curiously, “You know, Trista?”
Yami yells at Maleficent, very angrily, “What did you do with him?!”
Maleficent tells Yami, “Don't worry, Pharaoh, your precious former vessel is unharmed. I need him and his pure heart. You should be thankful that I gave you your own body. Now, you don't have to feel burdened about feeling that you are `trespassing' in Yugi Moto's mind and body anymore and you can be the `King of Games' alone. However, you and your newest allies already have problems on your hands.”
Davis exclaims, in a serious tone, “What do you mean?!” Just then, as if to answer Davis' question, the whole sky becomes nearly pitch and barely any light coming from the skies.
TK tells Davis, “Davis, did you have to ask?”
Davis says, solemnly, “I said it before and I'll say it again: Me and my big mouth.”
Just then a female voice shouts out, fearfully, “Jun!” Everyone looks to see a young woman of Jun's age run up to all of them with light brown hair in Ami's hairstyle with small rim-nosed glass in front of her light blue eyes and wearing a formal white shirt, light blue jacket, short formal ice-blue mini-skirt, white stockings that covers up her kneecaps, and brown formal shoes.
Jun, knowing this person, asks, shocked, “Janet, what are you doing here?”
Janet replies, fearful, “I was coming to visit you in Juuban and when I didn't find you at Rei Hino's temple, I tried to find you, but then the sky grew dark and all of these nasty dark ant-like creatures came out of the ground from the Shadows.”
Kairi, Riku, and Sora One exclaim in unison, “The Heartless!”
Janet asks them, “You know those creatures?!” When Janet looks at Maleficent, she asks, fearfully, “And who is that?!”
Jun tells Janet, seriously, “It is a long story, but long story short . . . she is the source of the trouble.”
Amara shouts out at Maleficent, seriously, “What's going on here, Maleficent?!”
Maleficent replies, with a wide evil grin, “While you were fools were resting, training, and planning how to attack, you didn't suspected that I've spread Heartless through this world and now, all of the planets in this world expect for Earth are covered in darkness!”
All of our heroes and heroines gasp in shock and Goofy asks Donald, “Uh-yuh! Donald, how was she able to do that when we sealed the heart of this world from her?!”
Donald tells Goofy, “Do you think that I would know?”
Maleficent tells our heroes and heroines, “Do you think that just because the heart of this universe is sealed from me that I can't cover it in darkness? This world will continue to exist, but it will be covered in everlasting darkness and its gates will be disconnected from other universes until you beat me! I can only do this for one universe, but I decided that you have already annoyed me enough! Farewell, forever!” Yami Marik and Yami Bakura join Maleficent as they are engulfed by a dark portal.
Sora One shouts out, in a serious tone, “Stop!” Sora One tries to stop them, but they are already gone and the portal vanished by the time Sora One swung his Keyblade at Maleficent and the two evil Yamis, missing them totally.
Kari exclaims, “Guys! There is darkness everywhere I can feel it!”
Rei nods her head and states, “Our world is being engulfed by darkness and its totally everywhere!” Just then millions and millions of Shadow and Neo-Shadow Heartless appears from the ground, on the sides of buildings, and the rooftops of building and skyscrapers.
Tea asks, stunned and grossed out, “Yuck! What are those things?!”
Yolei says, fearfully, “You don't want to know!”
Janet asks Jun, pretty scared, “What's going on Jun?!”
Jun tells Janet, “I wished that I had time to explain, but you have to get behind me!” As soon as Janet does so, the Shadow and Neo-Shadow Heartless surround our group of heroes and heroines and started to approach them.
Lita shouts out, in a serious tone, “We're surrounded!”
Jun looks at Janet, Mai, Yami and his friends, and says, with a serious tone, “Girls, we've got no choice! Even through these other people are with us, we've ever got to expose ourselves to them or get swallowed by the darkness!”
Janet asks Jun, “What do you mean by that?”
Darien tells everyone, seriously, “Jun's right, everyone! We've got no choice in the matter!”
Isis states, “I agree, everyone! Transform!” All of the Sailor Senshi and Kairi nod their heads in agreement as they took out their transformation brooches or henshin wands.
Sun Eternal Power!”
Moon Eternal Power!”
Star Eternal Power!”
Ceres Eternal Power!”
Vesta Eternal Power!”
Athene Eternal Power!”
Juno Eternal Power!”
Mercury Crystal Power!”
Venus Crystal Power!”
Mars Crystal Power!”
Jupiter Crystal Power!”
Saturn Planet Power!”
Uranus Planet Power!”
Neptune Planet Power!”
Pluto Planet Power!”
After their transformation sequences, Eternal Sailor Sun, Eternal Sailor Moon, Eternal Sailor Star, Eternal Sailor Ceres, Eternal Sailor Vesta, Eternal Sailor Athene, Eternal Sailor Juno, Super Sailor Mercury, Super Sailor Venus, Super Sailor Mars, Super Sailor Jupiter, Super Sailor Saturn, Super Sailor Uranus, Super Sailor Neptune, and Super Sailor Pluto replaces Jun, Serena, Kairi, Raven, Carrie, Melody, Jane, Ami, Mina, Rei, Lita, Hotaru, Amara, Michelle, and Trista in front of everyone else.
Janet asks Sailor Sun, stunned, “Oh my god! Jun . . . you . . . you are a Sailor Senshi?”
Sailor Sun exclaims, “I'll explain later, Janet! Right now, you need to stay back! Renamon, keep her safe!”
Renamon goes over to Janet and says, “Yes, Jun. I will protect her with my life.”
Tea exclaims, stunned, “Whoa! Those girls are the Sailor Scouts!”
Joey says, with an amazed tone, “I thought that those girls were a myth, but I guess that some stories are true.”
Sailor Moon asks Sailor Sun, “Jun, are you sure about this? I mean that you and Davis only recently recovered with your last battle with Beryl.”
Sailor Sun smiles and states, while summoning her Keyblade, “Hey, don't worry about it, moon girl! I can take whatever that Heartless can dish out!”
Sailor Jupiter says, with a smile, “Well, I got to say that she has got the right attitude for a Sailor Senshi!”
Davis summons his Keyblade while standing in front of his friends, protectively, and says, seriously, “Compliment my sister, later. Right now, we have some nasty creeps to take down!”
Sailor Saturn asks, looking at all of the Heartless, “There are so many of them, how are we going to defeat them all?”
Sailor Ceres says, in a plain tone, “You have a point. There are many of them and very few of us.”
Sailor Jupiter exclaims, “Well, we have to take them down one at a time then!” Lightning crackled around Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Juno as they prepared to attack.
Jupiter Oak Evolution!”
Juno Lightning Tower Crash!”
The two attacks combine into one super-powerful lightning and wood elemental based attack that takes down two dozen of the Shadow Heartless, but three dozen new Shadow Heartless appear in their place.
Sailor Mars exclaims to Sailor Vesta, “Hey, let's show them what Fire Senshi like us are all about!”
Sailor Vesta smiles and exclaims, “You've got it!”
Mars Celestial Fire Flash!”
Vesta Fire Hammer Eruption!”
Sailor Mars sends a huge wave of flames and Sailor Vesta slams a hammer made of flames into the ground, creating dozens of pillars of flames come up from the ground. The two powerful flame attacks destroy several dozen Shadow Heartless and one dozen Neo-Shadow Heartless, but double of those destroyed take their place.
Sailor Uranus declares, really annoyed, “No matter what we do and no matter how many we destroy, there are more of those creatures that take their place.”
Davis shouts out, in a strong tone, “We can't just give up now! There has got to be a way to destroyed them!”
Mimi states, pretty fearfully, “I hope so because I don't think there any way we could escape.”
Sailor Sun calls out, in a serious tone, “I agree with my brother! We can't just give up! Our whole universe is counting on us!” Soon after, the Heartless attack our group of our heroes and heroines, Sora One, Riku, King Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Davis, Tuxedo Mask, and all Sailor Senshi counter-attack using the Keyblades and/or special attacks.
Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!”
Donald and Sailor Mercury use some ice attacks to freeze around three dozen Heartless, but four dozen more Heartless come up to take the frozen Heartless' places.
Pluto Deadly Scream!”
Space Sword Blaster!”
Neptune Deep Submerge!”
The three outer Senshi use their special attacks to destroy four dozen more Heartless and Sailor Saturn uses her Silent Glaive with all of her power to destroy one dozen more Heartless, but ten dozen new Heartless come out of the shadows to take the places of the destroyed Heartless.
Sailor Sun roars out, “This isn't working!”
Sailor Star calls out, in a serious tone, “Allow me to try something!”
Star-Venus Love Chain Blast!”
Sailor Star then launches a similar version of Sailor Venus' special attack, but the heart energy chain wraps around a group of enemy Heartless and then explodes on contact, in which Sailor Star takes out six dozen Heartless in that fashion, but seven dozen new Heartless take the destroyed ones place.
Sailor Mercury exclaims, stunned, “How did she create that new and improved version of Sailor Venus' attack?”
Sailor Pluto explains, “Sailor Star has the ability to use all of our attacks and create new and more powerful versions of them. Since she is the mortal daughter of Chronos and the hoshi-no-hime, the princess of the stars, its one of her specialties.” Meanwhile, Riku was slashing through Neo-Shadow and Shadow Heartless and when his back was turned towards the Heartless, to take out some Neo-Shadows that tried to get behind him, a huge Darkside Heartless comes out of the shadows behind him.
Sora One shouts out, worriedly, “Riku, watch out!” Riku turns the only see the huge Heartless swings its fist towards him, but Sailor Venus leaps in, grabs Riku, and they fly out of the way of the attack.
Sailor Venus gets back on to her feet, picks Riku up to his feet, and he replies, “Thank you.”
Sailor Venus replies, in her usual `chipper' tone, “No problem!” Riku couldn't help himself, but to smile at Sailor Venus' smile and her `lucky go' attitude, even in battle.
Sora One calls out, “Aim for his head! That's it weakness!”
Davis calls out to Sailor Sun, “Hey, sis! Can you give me a lift?!”
Sailor Sun replies, “No problem!” Sailor Sun flies down towards Davis, he leaps into the air using his new Senshi strength, speed, and ability, and using Sailor Sun's Keyblade as a `platform', Davis leaps up towards the head of the Darkside Heartless.
Eternal Solar Moon Power, Transform!”
Davis then transforms into Eternal Solar Moon, takes out his saber, and also with his Keyblade, does a double attack on the Darkside Heartless' head, and the Darkside Heartless falls to the ground as well as fading away into nothingness as a large heart or heart-shaped heart crystal is released into the air.
Eternal Sailor Moon flies up to her Solar counterpart and says, excitedly, “All right, you moon dusted it!”
Solar Moon replies, “No kidding, Moon girl!”
Tea asks, amazed, “Whoa! Sailor Moon has got a male counterpart?!”
Tristan asks, perplexed, “There are male Senshi now?”
Tea tells Tristan, “Well, Senshi means `warriors' or `soldiers' in our native language. So, since there the Sailor Senshi are `female warriors', there isn't anything that says that there are male counterparts to them.”
Joey says, looking at Solar Moon intently, “I've got to say that guy has really got style. Armored vest, leather bodysuit, and a nasty set of weapons, including a laser gun and sword. Now, that's a look to kiss some butt!”
Tea shouts at Joey, “Joey, we need to find Yugi! Someone that person separated him from the Pharaoh and giving both of them physical form.”
Yami tells Tea, “I know, Tea. What did she mean by calling Yugi a `Prince of Hearts'? However, even Yugi and I have been separated from each other, this Maleficent couldn't break the ties and the bond within our hearts, but even through I can sense him through my Millennium Puzzle, I can't tell where he is.” Yami thinks in his mind, “Yugi, I will find you! No matter what it takes! I nearly lost you to the Orichalcos and I won't lose you to that witch! I will find you, no matter what it takes!”
Joey asks Yami, “But Pharaoh, how are we going to find him if you can't tell where he is?!” Just then a huge wind storm picks up as a huge sphere of black energy appears in the air and starts pulling our heroes and heroines in. Joey exclaims, stunned, “Damn it! I had to ask!”
Yami grabs Tea's hand and shouts out, “Hold on, everyone!” Joey quickly holds onto Tea's other hand and Tristan grabs Yami's other hand and tries to hold on for their lives. Meanwhile, Mai screams out in horror as she is sent airborne towards the sphere and Matt starts to follow her as well.
TK calls out, stunned, “Matt!” However, Eternal Sailor Sun flies in to grab Matt and Mai and try to bring them back to the ground.
Sailor Sun shouts out, “Don't worry, I've got you!”
Matt tells Sailor Sun, “Jun, you can't hold on to both of us!”
Mai tells Sailor Sun, “Don't worry about us! Save yourself!”
Sailor Sun roars out, in a strong tone, “No way! I refuse to give up on anyone!” Soon enough, Kari was pulled into the air along with Eternal Sailor Moon.
Tai shouts out, horrified, “Kari!”
However, Solar Moon catches her and yells out, in a comforting tone, “Don't worry, Kari! I got you! I won't ever let you go! I promise! I care about you too much and I won't let the darkness take you!”
Kari thinks in her mind, with a slight smile, “Daisuke . . .” On the meanwhile, Tuxedo Mask leaps up into the air, gets pulled to Sailor Moon, and he hangs onto her.
Sailor Moon tells Tuxedo Mask, worriedly, “No, Tuxedo Mask! Don't worry about me! Please save yourself!”
Tuxedo Mask replies, in a serious tone, “No! Even we are to die, then we will die together! I'm not letting you go ever!” Sailor Moon couldn't help, but smile at her beloved's devotion. However, all of our heroes and heroines, human, Digimon, or otherwise are pulled towards and into the dark sphere of light and they scream out in terror and shock as they are pulled in. Inside of the sphere, we find Tuxedo Mask, with Sailor Moon in his arms, and Solar Moon, with Kari in his arms, covered in darkness all around them, but then Kari and Sailor Moon, worried about them, start to glow with bright golden lights and a strange symbol forms on Kari's forehead, a silver Milky Way sigil. Sailor Moon and Kari look at Tuxedo Mask and Solar Moon with big solemn filled eyes and weak smiles on their lips.
Kari tells Solar Moon, in a caring tone, “Daisuke . . . please stay safe for me . . . I will always be with you . . .”
Sailor Moon tells her beloved, “Darien . . . Endymon . . . I love you . . . and I will be all right . . . as long as you are safe . . .” Just then Kari and Sailor Moon glow with bright golden lights, causing Tuxedo Mask and Solar Moon to cover their eyes for a moment and causing them not to notice the slight golden glows that enter their bodies, and Sailor Moon and Kari vanish right before their eyes.
Tuxedo Mask exclaims, shocked, “Sailor Moon!” Soon after, a bright glow appears in Tuxedo Mask's right hand as a Keyblade with beautiful sparkling ruby red handle with silver orb-like jewel in the center of the handle, and a pure white `blade' at the end with white keychain that had round planet-shaped orb at the end of the Keyblade comes into Tuxedo Mask's right hand. However, this is the last thing that he and Solar Moon sees before the two of them pass out.
(In a mysterious new world; A short time later)
Somewhere in new world in the center of the `multi-verse', which was made up of only one Jupiter sized planet, and the only city, known as `Starlight Station', is where we would consider the North Pole on Earth, we find several people looking up into the skies and they see one of their `stars' just disappear, but not in the fashion that the `stars' in the Disney World's `vanished'. This `star' just looked like it isn't became `dark' or covered in darkness. Now, we get a closer look at these three people.
The first one is a male of Davis' age with dark chestnut brown hair in Jean Starwind's classic hairstyle, dark green eyes, with a tight black shirt that shows his muscular build, dark brown jacket over the black shirt, regular blue jeans with a matching belt, and light brown sneakers. Attached to his left arm is a Senshi morpher similar to device expect the orb in it is dark green with the symbol of Jupiter in front of flower reef and hammer as well as the symbol having four white wings attached to it.
The second person is a male of the same age with dark blue hair that might be mistaken for black in dark or in the right light in Henry's hairstyle, bright blue eyes, with formal light blue shirt under a light ice-blue jacket, light brown formal jeans with a matching dark brown belt, and black formal shoes. Attached to his left arm is another Senshi morpher with bright blue crystal orb inside it with the symbol of Mercury in gold in front of a flute in gold and four white wings attached to the symbol of Mercury inside of the orb.
The third person is a female of 17 years of age with dark brown hair and bright green eyes with black necklace with emerald green jewel in the center of the necklace, orange sleeveless shirt, green friendship band around her right wrist, light grey pants that slightly go past her kneecaps, orange socks that cover half of her lower legs, and white and yellow sneakers.
The female person says, in a familiar female voice and with a worried tone, “Oh no! Did that `star' go out?”
The blue-haired teen states, in a logical tone, “I don't think so, Olette. It looks like that star became covered in darkness. Most unusual compared to the other `stars', which fizzled out and vanished.”
The brown haired teen says to the blue-haired teen, “No kidding! Damn! It could be our homeworld! I hate being helpless like this! There has got to be a way to find out what's happening Daniel!”
Olette tells the brown haired teen, a bit annoyed, “There is no point in yelling at Daniel, Sean.”
Sean tells Daniel, in an apolitical tone, “Sorry, Dan. I'm just so frustrated.”
Olette says, with a sigh, “Same here, Sean. I've been hear for four days or so from Twilight Town and I miss Hayner and Pence already. Why did I get sucked into that portal that appeared downstairs in the old mansion. King Mickey told us not to go there in case there was something that remained from the `dark world'.”
Daniel tells Olette, in a kind tone, “Don't worry, Olette. I'm sure that you will find your way home.”
Olette smiles and tells Daniel, “Thanks, Daniel.” Just then multi-colored streams of light fall from the sky, separate, and fall into different sections of town.
Sean asks, curiously, “What was that?” Just then Sean's and Daniel's Senshi morphers start to react to the colored lights.
Olette asks, perplexed, “What's going on?”
Daniel says, “Something about those lights made our Senshi powers react to them.”
Sean exclaims, in a strong tone, “Let's find out what!” Sean, Daniel, and Olette then run to the nearly set of multi-colored lights that landed in Starlight Station.
(Somewhere else within Starlight Station; On the meanwhile)
In one of the back-alleys of Starlight Station, we find Tuxedo Mask and Solar Moon lying down with their backs to the wall, unconscious, and their Keyblades in their right hands. The two of them groan as they slow start to regain consciousness, they slowly stand up, rub their heads with their left hands, and then, remember what happened, frantically looked around for their loved ones and their friends.
Tuxedo Mask looks at his right hand and exclaims, shocked, “What the?!”
Solar Moon sees Tuxedo Mask with a Keyblade in his right hand and exclaims, “Whoa, Darien! You've got a Keyblade!” Solar Moon then exclaims, stunned, “Where's Sailor Moon and Kari?!” Solar Moon then calls out, frantically, “Sailor Moon! Serena! Kari! Where are you?! Are you out there?!”
Tuxedo Mask exclaims, in a frantic tone, “Serena! Serena! Serena, where are you?!”
Solar Moon states to Tuxedo Mask, “Man! Darien, this isn't good!”
Tuxedo Mask nods his head and states, “I agree, Davis. We have to find our friends, Serena, and Kari!”
Solar Moon nods his head in agreement and replies, “So, what are we waiting for?!” Not needing another word said, the two of them rush off to find their friends and loved ones.
(In a mysterious dark place; Around the same time)
In a mysterious dark location, which barely has any light in light, like it was night, we find a groaning Tai Kamiya as he goes from a lying down with his back to the ground to a sitting position on the ground.
Agumon runs up towards Tai and exclaims, happily, “Tai, you are okay?!”
Tai looks around, see the dark and dampness of where he and Agumon are, and he asks, “Agumon, where are we?”
Agumon replies, “I don't know, Tai. But I know that we aren't alone.” Agumon points to his right and Tai looks to see Sailor Starfighter, one of the Sailor Senshi from planet Kinmoku, sitting in front of him and looking at our Digidestined of Courage.
Tai asks Sailor Starfighter, “Hey, who are you?”
Sailor Starfighter replies, “The name is Sailor Starfighter. Who are you?”
Tai replies, “I'm Tai Kamiya. What are you doing here? Wherever here is?”
Sailor Starfighter replies, “I don't know. I was fighting back at Kinmoku with my fellow Sailor Starlights . . .”
But before Sailor Starfighter could continue, Tai exclaims, “Wait! You are Sailor Senshi from another planet?!”
Sailor Starfighter nod his head and exclaims, in his usual tone, “Yeah, I am! I'm one of the members of the Sailor Starlights, the Sailor Senshi from Kinmoku!”
Tai tells Sailor Starfighter, “Do you know of Sailor Moon?”
Sailor Starfighter gasps and asks, demanding, “Sailor Moon?! What happened to Sailor Moon?!”
Tai tells Sailor Starfighter, “Whoa! Calm down, buddy! Sailor Moon and her friends are allies of me and friends of mine! But it is a long story and I don't even know where my friends are.” Tai then starts to explain about what happened since four days ago, but when the three of them don't know is that the black cloaked figure that was seen in the Negaverse is hiding in the shadows behind them.
The figure says, in a dark tone, “Excellent. The elder brother to the Child of Light and the Sailor Starlight, the Sailor Senshi that are girls in Senshi form and men in civilian form, that's in love with Sailor Moon. They will perfect to help me . . . given the right incentives.” As we leave our Digidestined of Courage and Sailor Senshi from Kinmoku, it can be seen that this cloaked figure doesn't have `good' plans for them . . .
Next time in Chapter 4: A New Journey Begins: In the aftermath of the take over their universe by the Heartless, Maleficent, and the Dark Alliance, our heroes and heroines, scattered all over Starlight Station, try to reunite with each other. King Mickey, Donald, and Goofy are the first to reunite with Tuxedo Mask and Solar Moon and our three Disney heroes are amazed to find that Tuxedo Mask has a Keyblade. Soon after, they meet up with Daniel, Sean, and Olette and they find out that Daniel is Solar Mercury and Sean is Solar Jupiter, the reincarnated brothers of Ami and Lita from the Silver Millennium as well as Davis, Sean, and Daniel are old friends from Davis' life in Kyoto. On the meanwhile, Sora, our Keyblade Master, and Kairi get into trouble with some nasty Heartless that are `infesting' Starlight Station and in the aftermath of the battle, Sora and Kairi admit their feelings for each other. However, Riku and Mina also get into similar trouble as well as and after the battle, feelings between the `Dark Keyblader' and our Sailor Senshi of Love start to really grow. After some time, nearly all of our heroes and heroines reunite to find out that Kari, Serena, and Tai are missing. However, when that poor excuse for a minion, Pete, arrives to try to get rid of our heroes and heroines with some powerful and nasty Heartless, their plans to find their missing friends and/or beloveds are stalled and on the meanwhile, Janet, Sora, and Mimi are found out to be three of Sun Princess' Sailor Senshi, Sailor Aquarius, Sailor Aries, and Sailor Scorpio, and with their aid, the battle was won, but our heroes and heroines didn't know what happened to their missing members. However, Mai, Yami, Joey, Tea, and Tristan arrive, looking for Yugi Moto, Yami's `other half', and both sides had to explain their stories to each other. After the explanations, every single one of our heroes and heroines decided to join together to fight the Heartless and save all worlds from their terror as well as Maleficent and her Dark Alliance to find and save their friends and loved ones. Going through the whole city, they find a way to travel between worlds and prepare to travel between worlds, but before they can leave Starlight Station, Mai must face a test that can determine her future. What is this test? Can Mai pass it? And what happened to Sailor Moon, Kari, and Tai? Hopefully, we will get the answers on the next DigiSenshi Hearts!
Well, I wasn't originally planning on updating this story, so soon, but I decided to do that because one of the reviews was so . . . enthusiastic about the story that I couldn't say `no' this reviewer. Anyway, I hope that this reviewer and all of you like this new chapter. However, I'm getting a summer job starting this Thursday and I might not be able to updating my stories as often as I would like. Now, as all of you may already realized, I had already put the Digimon 02, Sailor Moon, and Yu-Gi-Oh stories in the same universe with crossovers with Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy X, Winx Club, Dragonball Z, and MegaMan NT Warrior, but I'm still up for ideas for what other universes I should put in this story. If any of you have idea for me, just tell me through a review or e-mail at my e-mail address. Plus, not all of these crossovers have to be anime, video game, and/or cartoon crossovers. Now, in the next chapter, expect some Sora/Kairi, Riku/Mina, and a few other romances `blooming' or starting to `bloom'. Now, please read and review, I will read your reviews, and I will catch you on the flip side, Crossover Fans!