Crossover Fan Fiction / Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts III: DigiSenshi Hearts ❯ Welcome to 'The World' ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I know that it has been around one month since I've updated this story and I thank you for your patience with me and my story. Plus, I would like to thank for all of those reviews that you have sent me since I've last updated. Your reviewers are an inspiration to me and I will take your ideas that you have suggested to heart. I hope that continue this story in the way that you like it. Now, before I start, I would like to thank and give credit to Io14 and this author's story of Sailormoon Moon for the idea of the fiber-optic devices that all of the Senshi, Solar and Sailor, use or will use in this fanfiction. Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon, Sailor Moon, Kingdom Hearts, Yu-Gi-Oh, any of the other stories, and anything/anyone that comes from the stories that end up in this fanfiction! Warning: This chapter contains intense violence, possible gore, death, mild to explicit bad language, mild to explicit suggestive themes, and finally, X-rated adult themes/situations, including `provocative' clothing!
Kingdom Hearts III: DigiSenshi Hearts
(Kingdom Hearts theme song `Simple and Clean' and Kingdom Hearts II theme song `Sanctuary' playing)
(Digimon, Sailor Moon, and Yu-Gi-Oh complete theme songs playing)
Recap: In the aftermath of their first adventure in their first reality, our heroes and heroines, joined by Solar Pluto and the revived Queen Serenity, returned to Starlight Station where they meet up with Olette, who have Taiki, Yaten, and Princess Kakyuu of the Sailor Starlights with her. Tension between the Outer Sailor Senshi, especially Sailor Uranus, are just as strong as they were two years ago, but our Digidestined of Destiny and Sailor Senshi of the Sun makes sure that the Outer Sailor Senshi stay in their place. While the Sailor Starlights learn about the fate of our Moon Princess and Digidestined of Light as well as our Moon Prince and Sun Princess, our heroes and heroines learn about the disappearance of Seiya AKA Sailor Starfighter when the Heartless and the Dark Alliance covered their reality in total darkness. Jun manages to forge a `strained' alliance between our heroes and heroines and our Sailor Starlights, in which Taiki and Yaten aren't too thrilled about since they are working with humans from Earth, as well as learning that Olette is a Sailor Senshi by the name of Sailor Constellation. Heading out on another mission, our heroes and heroines arrive on the Earth of the Zeo Power Rangers and at this time, the Blue Zeo Ranger, Rocky, gets badly injured from a training exercise for some kind of tournament. When our heroes and heroines arrive, the remaining four Zeo Ranger went out to obverse them and on the meanwhile, Maleficent allies herself with Lord Zed and Rita and gives them the power of the Heartless to get the former Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger, Kimberly, since she is the Princess of Heart for this reality. Back to our heroes and heroines, some `misunderstandings' cause our heroes and heroines to fight the Zeo Power Rangers, which forces Solar Moon and Sailor Sun to use the power of their treasures to strip the Zeo Rangers of their powers for the time being to stop the fight. After coming to an understanding and an attack by Lord Zed and Rita, the Rangers' powers are returned and our heroes and heroines band together to get throw back the attack. Soon after, our heroes and heroines, minus Yami and his friends with Riku, Sora, King Mickey, Donald, and Goofy, head off to the temple of Ninjor to gain new powers by the `advice' of a mysterious new friend. On the meanwhile, Lord Zed and Rita attacked the former Rangers, Kimberly and Jason, in order to get their hands on Kimberly and the Rangers, given new Turbo Ranger powers and have a new Blue Ranger, Justin, a young boy who found out about the Rangers' identities, are joined by Riku, Sora, King Mickey, Donald, and Goofy, tried to stop Lord Zed and Rita from getting Kimberly, but unfortunately, they had failed and Lord Zed, Rita, and their two `minions', Rito and Goldar, use the powers of darkness to grow to huge size causing the Power Rangers to call their Turbo Megazord to battle them. Inside of Ninjors' temple, after passing Ninjors' `test', our Solar and Sailor Senshi were granted brand new Ninja Senshi powers, which were far more powerful the Power Rangers' ninja powers, and these new powers cause Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, and Pluto to gain Eternal Sailor Senshi powers. They head out to aid their comrades in arms whose Turbo Megazord is getting beat by the four super-sized villains, but our heroes and heroines arrive in their own Megazord, the Astro Megazord, created from their spaceship and together, Goldar and Rito are taken to the cleaners . . . for good. Lord Zed and Rita escape for the moment and our heroes and heroines prepare to continue their journey. However, as our heroes and heroines get stronger and stronger, it seems like that their enemy gets closer and closer to opening Kingdom Hearts. Can our heroes and heroines find a way to stop the evil of Maleficent, the Dark Alliance, and the Heartless? Hopefully, the answer will be on this edition of DigiSenshi Hearts right now!
Chapter 7: Welcome to `The World'
(Within the base of the Dark Alliance; in the aftermath of the last battle)
Inside the base of the Dark Alliance, in some kind of unknown reality, we find Maleficent, Pete, Seymour, Lord Zed, and Rita in front of circular table with pods similar to those similar to cryogenic suspension pods seen on television hovering above them. Inside some of those pods, we find Yugi Moto, minus the Millennium Puzzle around his neck, Aerith Gainesboro, and Kimberly, the former Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger, with their eyes closed, their arms crossed across their chests, and in some kind of magical or cryogenic `deep sleep'.
Maleficent tells Lord Zed and Rita, “It is good to see that you have escaped, my friends. It seems that our enemies have just grown stronger.”
Lord Zed roars out, angrily, “Seems?! They have gotten stronger, you second rate witch! That rotten Ninjor have given those rotten Senshi stronger versions of the Rangers' former Ninja Ranger Powers! Plus, thanks to those new powers, they've gained their own Megazord!”
Rita calls out, just as angrily, “Yeah, they helped the Rangers take out Goldar and my brother!”
Seymour tells Lord Zed and Rita, while pointing up to their prisoners floating above them in the pods, “And their sacrifice will be greatly appreciated. Since thanks to you and them, we have gained another princess necessary to open the door to Kingdom Hearts.”
Lord Zed says, in a plain tone, “Yeah, you have a point there.”
Rita shrugs her shoulders and states, “Plus, Goldar and Rito have been more trouble than they have been worth. However, Rito is still my brother and those rotten Rangers and those `heroes' will pay.”
Maleficent tells Lord Zed and Rita, “But it is indeed troubling from what you tell us. Their powers are growing stronger and it looks like another of that blasted Keyblader's friends from our home reality, Olette, is also a Sailor Senshi. With these increase numbers and power, this group is becoming a significant threat.”
Pete says, in his usual tone, “Yeah, back in our world, that rotten Keyblade master and those lackeys of the king were bad enough, but a whole army of Keyblade warriors with those other powerful nimrods to support them. They are going to be nothing, but a headache.”
Maleficent tells Pete, “You may be a fool, but you are useful sometimes. The powers of the Sailor Senshi and Digidestined are not to be underestimated. If they united their powers as one with the Keyblade Masters and Mistresses, they will become a force that not is able to be stopped unless we open Kingdom Hearts and we have to make sure that we complete our plans before that happens.”
Pete asks Maleficent, “What do you want to do?”
Maleficent points directly at Pete and tells him, in a serious and annoyed tone, “You are going to the next world to get the next princess of heart before the Keyblade bearers and their friends arrive.”
Pete asks, a bit nervously, “M-Me?”
Lord Zed tells Pete, in a dark sarcastic tone, “No, she means the other overgrown dog-face freak that's in front of us!”
Rita yells at Pete, in her angry tone, “Of course, she means you, you idiot! Now, move it before Zed and I turn you into a puppy dog!” Pete then runs away as quickly as possible, not wanting to face the rage of Zed, Rita, and/or Maleficent. All four of the villains and villainess look up at their three prisoners and give wide grins at them.
Maleficent tells them, in an evil excited tone, “Soon, my friends, the power of Kingdom Heart will be ours and nothing can stop us.” However, what they didn't know is that four cloaked figures were watching them from the shadows.
One of the cloaked figures says, in a female tone, “Those rotten fools don't know what they are dealing with. Do not worry about them. They will finish themselves off, soon enough.”
Another of the cloaked figures says, in a familiar male tone, “I don't really care about them. Are you sure finding my sister's heart is here?”
A third of the cloaked figure says, in another familiar voice, “As well as odango's heart. We don't like it if we are lead here on a wild goose chance.” Two of the cloaked figures remove their hoods, revealing themselves to be Taichi Kamiya and Sailor Starfighter.
The final cloaked figure says, in a male tone, “Do not worry about that, my friends. The key to finding their hearts is here. All we need to do is to find it and it will be easy to use it to find their hearts.”
Tai asks the cloaked figure with the male tone, “What if we have to access Kingdom Hearts?”
The cloaked figure with the female tone says, “Remember, Kingdom Hearts is the greatest source of light and darkness, so, if all else fails, the power of Kingdom Hearts will allow us to return your loved one's hearts to their bodies.” Tai, Sailor Starfighter, and the two cloaked figures look behind them to see two capsules behind them. When we look inside of the capsules, we find motionless forms of Hikari Kamiya, Tai's younger sister, and Serena Tsukino AKA Sailor Moon inside of the two capsules with their arms crossed their chests and Serena's brooch in her two hands as well as a rainbow heart brooch with four rainbow angel wings in Kari's two hands. The rainbow heart brooch has an Eye of Hours symbol in the center of the heart brooch with a golden crescent moon, golden sun sigil, golden star symbol, and silver Milky Way sigil.
(Returning to Starlight Station; One day after the battle in the Power Rangers)
Within Starlight Station, we find our group of heroes and heroines assembled within the center of town and discussing their next plans as well as try to figure out a plan to stop Maleficent and the Dark Alliance.
Yolei says, in a plain tone, “Well, that last mission was a bust.”
Cody says, in his logical tone, “Not totally, Yolei. We've managed to seal and give that world some protection from the Heartless.”
Ami tells Yolei, “Your friend is right, Yolei.”
Jun says, in a serious tone, “However, Yolei is right. They've gotten the princess of heart from that world. We're more powerful, but jerks are another step closer to opening the door to Kingdom Hearts.”
Riku nods his head and states, in a serious tone, “It seems like Maleficent hasn't lost her touch in gathering what or who that she needs to get what she wants.”
Joey exclaims, in an annoyed tone, “Okay, what do we do now?!”
Yami says, in his usual tone, “We need to find a way to keep at least one of the princesses or princes out of their hands, so, they can't access the door of Kingdom Hearts. And then we can focus our attention to rescuing the rest of the capture prisoners as well as finding our missing friends.”
Matt tells Yami, “Well, the problem is that Maleficent and her allies are always one step ahead of us.”
Kairi asks her boyfriend, Sora One, “Sora, how did you, Donald, and Goofy defeat Maleficent the first time?”
Sora One replies, a bit nervously, “All we've managed to do was seal the keyholes and find a way to Maleficent's headquarters at Hollow Bastion, which is now Radiant Garden, but it was Xehanort's Heartless, possessing Riku's body, that turned her into that huge dragon that we had to defeat using that Soul-Eater Keyblade, which is now Riku's Road to Dawn Keyblade.”
Rei comments, in a sarcastic tone, “That's much help.”
Sora One then says, “Through I'm getting a feeling of Déjà vu here. I mean what Maleficent and her new friends are somewhat different than before, but this is very much what happened to us before.”
Riku says, in a serious tone, “You're right, Sora.”
Mina asks Riku, curiously, “So, you already told us that you've faced the Heartless in a similar situation to what we are doing now. What's the point?”
Izzy figures it out and says, “Oh, I get what you are saying, Riku!”
Davis asks Izzy, “You do? Can you tell me since I'm lost here? What is Riku saying Izzy?”
Izzy says, in his logical tone, “Riku is implying to the battle against Maleficent and her allies that we are fighting now is very similar to the battle that Sora and his friends fought against Maleficent and the Heartless back in his dimension around three years ago. Look at the many similarities that their battle and our battle against Maleficent have.”
Queen Serenity asks Izzy, who already knows about what happened three years ago in Sora One's reality when she was a spirit, “Young warrior of Knowledge, do you mean to say that there could be someone manipulating Maleficent and the Dark Alliance from behind the lines?”
Izzy says, in a serious tone, “That could be a possibility, your majesty.”
Ami nods her head in agreement and says, “Izzy could be right. I mean our reality knows about the Keyblades, their legend, and Kairi was originally a welder of a Keyblade back in the Silver Millennium as the hoshi-no-hime as well as knowledge of Kingdom Hearts and everything about it, including how to open the doors of Kingdom Hearts. So, there is a possibility that there is knowledge of the Heartless in our reality and many others and someone like Xehanort is trying to use the Heartless to cover all realities in eternal darkness like Xehanort tried to cover Sora's and his friends' reality around three years ago.”
Riku says, in a serious tone, “Which could mean that your two friends, Tai and Seiya, might not be on our side anymore.”
Princess Kakyuu asks Riku, “What do you mean by that?”
King Mickey tells Princess Kakyuu, “Riku might be right about this, your majesty. Your `guardian', Seiya, has very powerful feelings for Serena and Tai is Kari's older brother, who is closest as a brother can be to his sister. Riku and Sora are both very close to Kairi and Xehanort used those feelings that Riku had for Kairi as a friend to manipulate Riku to aid him in his `mission' to get to Kingdom Hearts. If someone else is doing the same, in which Maleficent and the Dark Alliance don't know it at all, then he might have already found Tai and Seiya and used those feelings to aid them in the pretense that they are aiding Kari and Serena.”
Matt says, in a plain tone, “Tai would never help the enemy.”
Jun asks Matt, “But with his feelings for Kari as her brother as strong as they are, don't you think that his judgment could be impaired.”
Matt tells Jun, “I hate to say it, Jun, but you have a good point. Tai is very protective when it comes to Kari.”
Kairi asks, out of curiosity, “Why is that?”
Sora Two replies, in a plain tone, “It happened when Kari was four to five years ago. She was very sick one day and Tai promised to take care of her. When he came home one day, he wanted to play and based on what he saw, Kari looked a lot better. He didn't want to leave Kari alone and since she looked a lot better, Tai took Kari outside with her to play, but soon after, Kari collapsed and had to be rushed to a hospital. That `incident' took an emotional toll on Tai, including the fact that Kari never blamed him for that.”
Lita says, amazed and shocked, “Whoa! I can see why your friend is very protective of his sister!”
Davis asks, pretty perplexed, “Does Tai still blame himself for that day?”
TK tells Davis, “We're not sure, Davis, but I don't think Tai have ever gotten over that day, even after all of these years.”
King Mickey says, in a serious tone, “And that could be used to manipulate him to work against us.”
Ami says, in her logical tone, “Which could be said for Seiya as well since he has strong feelings for Serena and I don't think she and Darien being reunited after Galaxia after a few years has caused them to fade one bit.”
Taiki says, in his logical tone, “I will have to admit, Ami is correct on this point. Seiya's romantic attachment to the Moon Princess is still strong even after Earth Prince has been revived. He is loyal to our Princess Kakyuu, but his feelings to the Moon Princess are quite strong and he is still loyal to them. Those feelings could be turned against us.”
Darien asks, in a serious tone, “Do you think that Kari and Serena could already be captured?”
Riku tells Darien in reply, “If they are, not by Maleficent and the Dark Alliance most likely. And it could have been possible their bodies have faded away because their hearts are missing from their bodies. When we find them, it might be their bodies that we find with their hearts being somewhere else and possibly, within someone else.”
Sora Two states, in an annoyed tone, “Great. If we didn't have bad enough already.”
Joey tells Davis, “No joke. Plus, our friend Yug' has already been captured by Maleficent and jerky friends, which include Marik's damned dark side and the evil spirit from the Millennium Ring, which are already pains in our asses. Without the Millennium Puzzle and the Pharaoh to help Yug', he is practically helpless against anything magical or super-natural.”
Davis says, in a serious tone, “Well, I'm not going to give up on Tai, Kari, Serena, or any of our other friends. All we need to do is protect the other princes and princesses and then find Maleficent's headquarters. When we get there, we kick her butt along with every single ally that they have along with the Heartless, if they have butts to kick.”
TK smiles and tells Davis, “That's certainly one way to put it, Davis.”
Yolei asks, curiously, “Okay, but how do we find them?”
Queen Serenity replies, “Once we seal the heart of the realities that contain the Prince or Princess of Heart or are under immediate threat from the Heartless, a new gateway is open to allow us to continue with our journey. I believe that they are `stepping stones' to our goal: The headquarters of the Dark Alliance and Maleficent, which would be close to the gateway to Kingdom Hearts.”
Trista says, in her usual tone, “Queen Serenity is right. With each world's heart that we seal from the Heartless, the world gives us a passageway to continue our journey and it seems to get us closer and closer to location of the headquarters of our enemy. For now, we should continuing the way that we are now, but put more effort into finding the remaining Princes and Princesses and protecting them. If we can protect just one, they won't be able to open the door to Kingdom Hearts and as you already know, they can't harm any of them since they need them and their hearts to open Kingdom Hearts.”
Tea says, with a smile on her lips, “Which means that they need to be alive.”
When Trista nods her head, Yami says, in relieved tone, “That's good. That means that Yugi will be alive and well when we find them.”
Ami says, in her logical tone, “Most likely, they've put the Princes and Princess into some form of suspected animation until their hearts can open the door to Kingdom Hearts.”
Matt exclaims, in a serious tone, “Well, what are we waiting for?! Let's go find them!”
Yaten says, in a cold tone, “And who made you in charge of our group?”
Davis and Jun yell out in unison, “We're in charge here!” Jun and Davis gave Yaten a few intense glares to make him slightly back off.
Yolei asks Davis, in her usual tone, “Okay, fearless leader, what is our next move?”
Before anyone could say another word, a familiar male voice shouts out, “Oh, wonderful, so the `Geek Patrol' is here with some new friends!”
Joey exclaims, annoyed, “Oh no! Only one person I know has a voice that's this annoying!” Everyone looks to the source of the voice to see Seto, with his duel disk that has his dueling deck inside attached to his left arm, and Mokuba Kaiba walking towards all of them.
Yami says, pretty surprised, “Kaiba!”
Queen Serenity asks the Nameless Pharaoh, “A friend of yours?”
Yami replies, “Not exactly.”
Tea tells the other heroes and heroines, “Everyone, this is Seto Kaiba, owner and CEO of Kaiba Corp, maker of the best electronic games and game systems back at our home world. Beside him is his little brother, Mokuba Kaiba.”
Ami asks Tea, curiously, “You mean the owner of the company that makes the Duel Disks that we use to play the Duel Monsters card game?”
Tristan tells Ami, “Unfortunately, the very same. When he isn't working in his company, he takes class at our school to keep up with his education and we are in the same home room.”
Kaiba says, in his usual tone, “Personally, I would rather have the flu than be in the same classroom with you, geeks, but even I can't change the choice of the teachers there. Through I admit, they've got some more backbone and brain that Wheeler around here, which is worth something I guess.”
Joey roars at Kaiba, angrily, “Hey, I know an insult when I see one, Kaiba!”
Kaiba says, in a nasty tone, “Well, I can see that this dog can be taught at least one new trick.”
Joey shouts out, angrily, “Watch it, rich boy!”
Tea asks Mokuba, “How did you and your brother get here, Mokuba?”
Mokuba tells Tea, “I'm not sure, Tea. My brother and I were working on Seto's newest protect when the skies instantly became dark in the middle of the day when there was going to be no bad weather. Soon after, weirdo black ant-like things keep popping out of the ground and our guards tried to fire on them, but their bullets didn't have any effect on them. Seto and I managed to escape on his Blue-Eyes White Jet, but then a huge black orb appears in the sky and we are sucked in.”
Kaiba then says, in a plain tone, “Next thing that we know, we are in this place. We wander around for a while, find that this place is named Starlight Station, and after sometime, we find you . . . much to my misfortune. Whoever and whatever practical joke or trick this is, I don't like it. I have a company to run and I don't have time for games.”
Lita exclaims, angrily, “Hey, this isn't some game, you know?!”
Kaiba looks at Lita and says, in a plain tone, “Let me guess: Another fool that believes in magic tricks and fairy tales, right?”
Tristan tells the group, in a plain and serious tone, “Don't mind him. Kaiba doesn't believe in magic, even through it bit him in the ass around several times. Personally, he would believe in the Sailor Senshi and aliens if they were right in their face.”
Kaiba says, in a sarcastic and annoyed tone, “Like I told Yugi and the rest of you, geeks, before, those little magic tricks performed by those maniacs like Pegasus, Marik, and Dartz were nothing, but illusions designed to fool my mind and all of yours. However, unlike the rest of you, I keep my grip on reality and not be fooled by simple mind tricks.”
Amara says, in a nasty tone, “Please, you are so caught up in yourself that you wouldn't know what reality and fantasy are if it kick you in the crotch.”
Kaiba tells Amara, in a serious tone, “What did you say to me?”
Amara says, in a serious tone, “You heard me.”
Kaiba states, in an angered and serious tone, “How dare you talk to me that way?! Do you know how you are dealing with here?”
Yolei says, in a sarcastic tone, “Someone that needs a real attitude adjustment and really needs to get a real grip on reality.”
Mina tells Yolei, with a sly grin, “Good one, girlfriend.”
Kaiba tells Yolei, Mina, and Amara, “I heard that! Do you think that you little group of goofballs and misfits scare me?! Ha! I'm less imitated by any of you as I'm imitated by the dueling skills of that third-rate underdog of duelist, Joey Wheeler!” This immediately gets some angry reactions from the entire group of heroes and heroines, expect for Queen Serenity and Princess Kakyuu, who get some solemn looks on their faces.
Yami yells at Kaiba, angrily, “Kaiba, your insults have gone way over the line this time!”
Kaiba tells Yami, “Well, why do you and I duel so you can stop me or I can claim your World Championship dueling title. I need to get back to my company, but I do have time for that.”
Yami exclaims, his tone showing disbelief, “Kaiba, I can't believe you! There is a lot more at stake here than just what is between you and me! Whole other worlds . . . Entire other realities are threatened with being covered with eternal darkness, including our own home, and you are thinking about some meaningless title! I can't believe at how blind you are to the truth!”
Mai tells Yami, “What did you expect from Kaiba?”
Jun's voice then states, her tone full of seriousness and quite commanding, “How about I show him the truth right in his face?” When everyone looks to the source of our Digidestined of Destiny's voice, they see her attaching a duel disk to her left arm and inserting a dueling deck inside of it with her sun sigil glowing brightly on her forehead.
Kaiba says, with a sly grin on his lips, “Ha! Do you know who you are dealing with kid?”
Jun says, her voice sounding more like Princess Juniper than Jun Motomiya, “If I check my facts straight, I am nineteen years of age while you are only seventeen to eighteen years of age. So, if you want to be technical, you are the kid compared to me.”
Kaiba roars at Jun, angrily, “Is that so, huh?! You might want to watch your words with me!”
Jun tells Kaiba, in her voice as her `royal form' of Princess Juniper, “Funny, that's the same warning I was going to extend to you, Seto Kaiba. You don't know who or what you are dealing with. To be really honest, I have more power in my pinky that your entire company will ever possess. So, I warn you: Angry me and my friends with caution. Because your empty threats don't scare me.”
Kaiba tells Jun, with a sly grin on his lips and strong tone, “Is that so? Well, I was going to take on Yugi, but if you insist to embarrass yourself . . .”
Davis tells Kaiba, “One warning, Kaiba, if you take on my sis and don't take her seriously, you are going to be the one to embarrass yourself.”
Kaiba tells Davis, in a nasty tone, “Well, see about that.” Kaiba and Jun make it out into a clearing while Mokuba joins the rest of our heroes and heroines behind the `sidelines'.
Jun tells Kaiba, in a serious tone sounding like her `Earthly self', “Okay, Kaiba, we are going to duel with 8000 life-points instead of the usual 4000 life-points. Agreed?”
Kaiba tells Jun, in reply, “If you wish to prolong your suffering and embarrassment, that's fine by me.”
Jun says, in a serious tone and with a sly tone, “Okay, then, since we are agreed on that point. Time for me to `get into costume', as you can say.” Before anyone can ask her about her last `statement', Jun closes her eyes, the sun sigil appears on her forehead, and small twister of wind full of white angel feathers engulfs her. When the twister and feathers fade away, Princess Juniper stands in place of Jun Motomiya with her duel disk that has her dueling deck inside attached to her left arm and her treasure, the Imperium Golden Emerald, attached to the choker around her neck.
Mokuba exclaims, flabbergasted, “What in the name of?! Whoa! Now, she looks like some kind of princess from outer space or something!”
Joey tells Mokuba, with a sly grin, “That's exactly right, Mokuba.”
Mokuba asks Joey, perplexed, “Huh? What do you mean Joey?”
Kaiba is surprised by Princess Juniper's transformation, but he says, with a sly grin and sarcastic tone, “Nice trick. Do you pull a rabbit out of your hat?”
Queen Serenity's voice booms, “Do not underestimate my daughter Seto Kaiba of Earth. Her power and abilities are quite real despite what you believe.” When Kaiba looks at our former Moon Queen, he sees the seriousness and great wisdom within as well as the similarities between her and our taiyou-no-hime.
Kaiba says, looking back at Princess Juniper, “So, she is your kid, huh? Well, don't be too disappointed . . . when she loses in shame.”
Queen Serenity replies, in a plain and wise tone, “If you continue to blind yourself to the truth and underestimate her, you will be the one losing in shame. That I can promise you.”
Princess Juniper tells Kaiba, “You had better listen to my mother's words, Kaiba. She holds a lot more wisdom and knowledge than most men and women can dream of.”
Kaiba tells Princess Juniper, in a serious tone, “In my book, talk is cheaper. So, let's get this over with.” Princess Juniper and Seto Kaiba then activate their duel disk and their life-point counters display 8000 life-points each.
Both duelists draw five cards from their dueling decks and both of them shout in unison, “Let's duel!”
Starting Scores:
Kaiba: 8000
Princess Juniper: 8000
Kaiba draws one card from his deck and says, “Winner's first, `princess'!” Kaiba looks at his hand, puts one card on the duel disk, and shouts out, “Now, I summon my La Jinn, the Mystical Genie of the Lamp in attack mode!” Soon after, a hologram of La Jinn, the Mystical Genie of the Lamp (1800/1000) appears on the field in attack mode. Kaiba then puts two cards in the spell/trap slots of his duel disk and declares, “Now, I place two cards face-down and end my turn!”
Princess Juniper draws one card from her deck and says, “Fine. My move.” Princess Juniper looks at her hand, takes one card, puts it into the spell/trap slots of her duel disk, “Now, don't think that I don't know what your face-down cards could be, Kaiba. My Heavy Storm spell will automatically destroy them.” Just then a huge storm comes over the dueling field and destroys Kaiba's two face-down cards, the Shrink Quick-Spell card and the Crush Card Virus trap card. Princess Juniper tells Kaiba, with a sly grin on her lips, “Nice try, Kaiba. Prepared to use your face-down cards to destroy every monster in my deck with 1500 or more attack points with your Shrink and Crush Card combo. However, you are going to need to come up with better tactics than that to beat me.”
Kaiba tells Princess Juniper, annoyed, “Just make your move.”
Princess Juniper puts one card on her duel disk and shouts out, “Okay, I summon my Cyber Dragon in attack mode!” In front of our Sun Princess, Cyber Dragon (2100/1600) appears on the field in attack mode.
Kaiba states, a bit surprised, “Hold on! That Cyber Dragon is a five star monster! You can't summon it to the field without a sacrifice!”
Princess Juniper tells Kaiba, “Wrong, Kaiba! Cyber Dragon's special ability allows me to summon it with a sacrifice as long as I've got no monsters on my side of the field and you have at least one monster on your side of the field! So, this is the perfect monster to summon on my first turn!” Princess Juniper then puts another card on her duel disk and calls out, “And since that was a Special Summon, I can summon another monster to the field! And I chose my Etoile Cyber in attack mode!” Beside Cyber Dragon, Etoile Cyber (1200/1600) appears on the field in attack mode. Princess Juniper calls out, in a strong tone, “Cyber Dragon, destroy La Jinn with Strident Blast!” Cyber Dragon fires a beam of energy from its mouth that destroys Kaiba's La Jinn, taking 300 of Kaiba's life-points with it. Princess Juniper calls out, “Now, Etoile Cyber, attack his life-points directly!” Etoile Cyber moves in to attack Kaiba's life points and Princess Juniper says, with a sly smile, “By the way, did you know that whenever Etoile Cyber attacks your life-points directly, she gains 500 extra attack points?”
Kaiba yells out, a shocked tone, “What?!” Etoile Cyber's stats increase from 1200/1600 to 1700/1600 and Etoile Cyber slams her right leg into Kaiba's left side causing him to lose 1700 life-points.
Mokuba calls out, shocked, “Seto!”
Princess Juniper puts two cards in the spell/trap slots and states, “Next, I will place two face-downs and then . . .” Princess Juniper puts another card in the spell/trap slots of her duel disk and states, “Finally, I will play Mirage of Nightmare! This Continuous Spell card will allow me to draw from my deck until I have four cards in my hand during your Standby Phase, but during my next Standby Phase, I will have discard the same number of cards that I drew. And with that, I will end my turn.”
Current Score:
Kaiba: 6000
Princess Juniper: 8000
Joey says, with a smile, “Ha! Take that rich-boy! It's about time put one over on Kaiba!”
Kaiba draws one card from his deck and shouts out, “My move!”
Princess Juniper then says, “My draw as well! Did you forget about my Mirage of Nightmare?! Well, allow me to explain to you in plain terms, Kaiba, now, I can draw four cards!” Princess Juniper draws four more cards from her deck and she then shouts out, “Now, I reveal my face-down card! Emergency Provisions!” Princess Juniper's face-down card is revealed to be the Emergency Provision Quick-Spell card and she states, in a serious tone, “This card allows me to sacrifice one spell or trap card on my side of the field to regain 1000 life-points! Want to guess which card that I'm sacrificing?” Kaiba growls in annoyance and Princess Juniper replies, “My Mirage of Nightmare!” Princess Juniper's Mirage of Nightmare is destroyed and Princess Juniper's life-points increase by one thousand.
Yami says, in his usual tone, “Good move. She destroyed her own Mirage of Nightmare to keep her hand and gain 1000 life-points as well.”
Kaiba puts one card into the spell/trap slots and calls out, angrily, “You aren't the only one that can draw cards! I play my Pot of Greed! This card allows me to draw two more cards from my deck!” Kaiba then draws two more cards from his deck, looks at his hand, gives a wide smirk, and shouts out, “Now, I play a card that you have never seen before!”
Tea says, worriedly, “Oh boy. I don't like the sound of this.”
Kaiba puts one card on his duel disk and shouts out, “Now, meet the instrument of your doom, `your majesty'! The mighty . . . Kaibaman!”
Joey, Tea, Tristan, and Yami asks in unison and perplexed, “Huh?!” In front of Seto Kaiba, a monster that looks exactly like him, expect he is wearing a helmet shaped like a Blue-Eyes White Dragon's head on his head with red hair flowing down the back of his head appears on the field, known as Kaibaman (200/700) appears on the field in attack mode.
Joey states, annoyed, “What the?! That monster looks like Kaiba!”
Tristan says, in the same annoyed tone, “I think that you already know who designed that monster!”
Kaiba tells Princess Juniper, with a sly grin, “Yugi's `Greek Squad' is right! This is a one of a kind monster designed like by yours truly! Excellent resemblance don't you think?”
Princess Juniper says, with a yawn, “Get over yourself, Kaiba.”
Kaiba asks, with an annoyed tone, “Fine! If you aren't impressed with him then maybe you will be impressed with his ability! By sending my Kaibaman to the graveyard, he allows me to summon a certain monster from my hand! Care to guess who?”
Joey states, a bit worriedly, “Oh great. I don't like where this is going.”
Kaiba then shouts out, “Now, I send my Kaibaman to the graveyard . . .!!” Kaibaman vanishes from the field as it is sent to the graveyard and Kaiba puts another card on his duel disk, roaring out, “. . . In order to summon my great beast! Come forth, Blue-Eyes White Dragon!” In place of Kaibaman, Blue-Eyes White Dragon (3000/2500) appears on the field in attack mode.
Yami says, in a serious tone, “I was afraid of this.”
Kaiba says to Princess Juniper, as he puts another card in the spell/trap slots, “Scared yet, `your majesty'? Well, you should be when I play this card! This spell known as Burst Stream of Destruction!”
Tea states, perplexed, “Wait! Isn't that an attack used by the Blue-Eyes White Dragon? What's the deal with it being a separate card?”
Yami says in reply, “It is a rare card used only when the Blue-Eyes White Dragon is on the field. It can automatically destroy all monsters on Princess Juniper's side of the field.”
Tea tells Yami, worriedly, “Oh no! She'll be defenseless!”
Kaiba shouts out, “If you aren't scared, then you should be! Go! Destroy her monsters with Burst Stream of Destruction!” The hologram of the spell card that Kaiba played launches a sphere of blue lightning energy and Princess Juniper's Cyber Dragon and Etoile Cyber are destroyed. Kaiba says, as he puts another card in the spell/trap slots, “But my spell card has a major drawback: When I play it, my Blue-Eyes White Dragon can't attack on the same turn that it was played. However, I'm not done, yet! Now, I play my Graceful Charity! This spell card allows me to draw three more cards as long as I discard two soon after!” Kaiba draws three new cards from his deck, takes two from his hand, shows them to Princess Juniper to be his Paladin of White Dragon (1900/1200) Ritual monster card and Ring of Defense Quick-Spell card, and states, “Now, I discard these two!”
Princess Juniper asks, curiously, “What for?!”
Kaiba says, with his usual sly smile while putting another card in the spell/trap slots, “In order to play this! My Fulfillment of the Contact Spell card! By paying 800 of my life-points, I can summon one Ritual Monster from my graveyard back to the field! And thanks to my Graceful Charity, I have one in my grave! Now, come back, Paladin of White Dragon!” Kaiba's life-points drop by 800 and Paladin of White Dragon (1900/1200) returns to the field in attack mode. Kaiba shouts out, “It's time for payback for that last attack on my life-points! Paladin of White Dragon, attack with Ionic Spear Burst!” Paladin of White Dragon rushes in to attack the defenseless Princess Juniper, but she doesn't even finch as the attack hits her, taking 1900 of her life-points with it. Kaiba asks Princess Juniper, tauntingly, “Too scared to even more?”
Princess Juniper dusts off her royal gown/dress and replies, in a serious and taunting tone, “Scared of you, Kaiba? Please! I've seen much more scarier faces than your Blue-Eyes at Sci-Fi conventions!”
Kaiba roars out, angrily, “How dare you insult my Blue-Eyes like that?!”
Tea says, amazed, “Ooh, major insult when you insult Kaiba's favorite monster like that. I've got to say that girl really knows how to keep her cool and come out strong, especially in that `royal form' of hers.”
Luna tells Tea, “What did you expect my dear? Princess Juniper was trained to be an elite warrior and very few things in any life can scare her.”
Mokuba asks, stunned to hear Luna talk, “Is it me or did that cat just talk?”
Joey tells Mokuba, “Long story, Mokuba.”
Kaiba tells Princess Juniper, in a serious tone, “Well, you are not going to make a fool out of me!”
Princess Juniper replies, with a sly grin, “Actually, I already did since your attack triggered my trap!”
Kaiba shouts out, shocked, “What?!”
Princess Juniper calls out, “Reveal my face-down! Damage Condenser!” Princess Juniper's other face-down card is revealed to be the trap card known as Damage Condenser and Princess Juniper says, in a serious tone as she looks through her deck, “Let me explain: This trap card activates when you inflict damage to my life-points through a battle. This trap allows me to summon a monster with the same or less attack points as the total amount of damage to my life-points that you gave me this turn!” Princess Juniper takes one card from her deck, puts her deck back into her duel disk, puts the card on her duel disk, and shouts out, “And now, I choose to summon my Proto Cyber Dragon!” Soon after, Proto Cyber Dragon (1100/1600) is summoned to the field in attack mode.
Kaiba tells Princess Juniper, not impressed, “Ha! If you think summoning that bucket of bolts is impressive, then watch this! I use my Paladin's special effect! By sending him to the graveyard, I can summon another Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my deck to the field!” As Paladin of White Dragon is sacrificed to the graveyard, Kaiba takes another card from his deck, puts it onto his duel disk, and another Blue-Eyes White Dragon (3000/2500) replace Paladin of White Dragon on the field in attack mode. Kaiba puts the last card in his hand into the spell/trap slots of his duel disk and states, “I'll place this face-down and end my turn!”
Current Score:
Kaiba: 5200
Princess Juniper: 7100
Princess Juniper draws one card from her deck, looks at her hand, and says, as she puts one card in the spell/trap slots, “Now, I play Polymerization! This spell card will allow me to fuse the Cyber Dragon in my hand with the Proto Cyber Dragon on the field to summon the Cyber Twin Dragon! Normally, it can only be Fusion Summoned by two regular Cyber Dragons, but Proto Cyber Dragon's special ability allows it to count as a regular Cyber Dragon when it is on the field! Since that's the case, let us continue! Now, Dragons Unite!” Another Cyber Dragon (2100/1600) appears on the field, goes into a fusion vortex with Proto Cyber Dragon, as the two cards are sent into the graveyard, Princess Juniper takes a fusion monster card from her fusion deck, puts it onto her duel disk, and shouts, “Now, meet Cyber Twin Dragon!” Out of the fusion vortex, Cyber Twin Dragon (2800/2100) appears on the field in attack mode.
Kaiba tells Princess Juniper, with a sly grin, “Am I supposed to be scared? That twin headed rust bucket is weaker than either of my Blue-Eyes!”
Princess Juniper says, as she puts another card into the spell/trap slots, “Expect now I play my Machine Conversation Factory! This Equip Spell gives my Cyber Twin Dragon on extra 300 attack and defense points!” Soon after, Cyber Twin Dragon stats increase from 2800/2100 to 3100/2400! Princess Juniper tells Kaiba, “Plus, there is more bad news! My Cyber Twin Dragon is allowed to attack twice in the same battle phase, thanks to its special ability!”
Kaiba exclaims, shocked, “No way!”
Princess Juniper commands, “Now, Cyber Twin Dragon, destroy both of his Blue-Eyes with Double Strident Blast!” Cyber Twin Dragon fires a beam of energy from each of its mouths and destroys both of Kaiba's Blue-Eyes White Dragons, causing him to lose 200 life points based on the difference between each Blue-Eyes White Dragon's attack points from Cyber Twin Dragon's attack points.
Joey exclaims, excitedly, “Now, that's a royal butt kicking if I ever saw one!”
Kaiba roars out, angrily, “You will pay for that! I reveal my trap! Flat Level Four!” Kaiba's face-down card is revealed to be the trap card known as Flat Level Four. Kaiba then states, “Here how it works: Since you've destroyed my dragons, we can summon any level four monster from our decks directly to the field!” Kaiba goes through his deck, takes out a card, and calls out, “And I choose my Rare Metal Dragon!” In place of the destroyed Blue-Eyes White Dragons, Rare Metal Dragon (2400/1600) comes to the field in attack mode.
Princess Juniper declares, as she takes a card from her deck and puts it on the field, “And I summon my Cyber Phoenix in defense mode!” Besides Cyber Twin Dragon, Cyber Phoenix (1200/1500) appears on the field in defense mode. Princess Juniper puts two cards in the spell/trap slots and states, “Now, I place two cards face-down and that will end this round, Kaiba!”
Current Score:
Kaiba: 5000
Princess Juniper: 7100
Kaiba draws one card from his deck and yells out, “Playtime is over! Now, it is time I got serious!”
Princess Juniper retorts tauntingly, “Oh, you just `playing around' when you were losing, Kaiba?”
Tea says, plainly, “Ooh, major insult.”
Yolei replies, in a serious tone, “He deserved it.”
Kaiba roars out, with an angered look in his express, “You will pay for those words!” Kaiba looks at his card, gives his usual sly grin, puts the card in the spell/trap slots, and declares, “Starting with this! I play my Card of Demise! This spell card allows me to draw until I have five cards in my hand, but in five turns, I lose my entire hand! However, I can assure you that you will be defeated long before that happens!” Kaiba draws five cards from his deck, looks at his hand, and thinks, “Excellent! I have what I need to summon my great beast! This girl has more talent that I did expect, but still, she isn't better than me! Let's see how her tin can of a dragon deals with my ULTIMATE beast!”
Princess Juniper asks Kaiba, curiously, “Is there something wrong?”
Kaiba tells Princess Juniper, as he puts a card in the spell/trap slots, “Eager to lose? Well, allow me to help with this! I play Dark Factory of Mass Production! Here's how it works: This card allows me to take two Normal Monsters from my graveyard and put them back into my hand! Want to know which ones?!” Two cards then come out of Kaiba's duel disk's graveyard slot and he puts them back into his hand.
Joey says, worriedly, “I've got a good idea which monsters and that can only mean one thing.”
Kaiba then calls out, “If you said my Blue-Eyes White Dragons, then you are correct!” Kaiba puts another card into the spell/trap slots and calls out, “But now, things are getting worse . . . for you, anyway! I play Polymerization! And I fuse all three Blue-Eyes White Dragon cards to form the all mighty Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!” Kaiba sends his three cards to the graveyard, all three Blue-Eyes White Dragons (3000/2500) appear on the field and go into a fusion vortex, Kaiba takes the fusion monster card from his fusion deck, puts onto the duel disk, and exclaims, “Now, show yourself my great beast!” Bursting out of the fusion vortex, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon (4500/3800) appears on the field in attack mode. Kaiba laughs tauntingly at Princess Juniper and says, as he puts another card into the spell/trap slots of his duel disk, “Makes your dragon look, but a pile of scrap, doesn't it? But it gets even worse. I've played my Fairy Meteor Crush! When a monster equipped with this card attacks a monster in defense mode, the difference between that monster's defense points and my monster's attack points are given to you as damage! And I've equipped this to my Rare Metal Dragon!”
Tristan states, worriedly, “Oh boy! Kaiba is going to let her have it now!”
Kaiba then command, “Now, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, destroy her overgrown tin can dragon with Neutron Blast attack!” Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon fires a beam of energy from its three mouth, totally obliterates Cyber Twin Dragon, and takes 1400 more of Princess Juniper's life-points with that attack. Kaiba then calls out, “Now, Rare Metal Dragon, crush Cyber Phoenix with Metal Flare Burst!” Rare Metal Dragon fires light grey metallic flames from its mouth and destroys Cyber Phoenix, taking 900 more of her life-points with that attacks, thanks to the effect of Fairy Meteor Crush.
Princess Juniper says, “Well, your monsters aren't the only one with tricks, Kaiba. Thanks to my Cyber Phoenix, when it is destroyed in battle, I can draw one more card from my deck.” Princess Juniper then draws one more card from her deck to her hand.
Kaiba says, not caring, “Ha! Doesn't matter? You are now helpless against my Ultimate Dragon!”
Princess Juniper says, “Not exactly. When you destroyed my Cyber Phoenix, you've also triggered my trap. Go, Soul Rope!” Princess Juniper's face-down card proves to be the trap card, Soul Rope. Princess Juniper then states, “For the price of 1000 life-points, I can summon a monster from my deck with up to four stars whenever one of my monsters is destroyed in battle.” Princess Juniper's life-points drop by 1000, she goes through her deck, takes out one monster card, puts it on her duel disk, and declares, “Now, I summon another Proto Cyber Dragon in attack mode!” Soon after, another Proto Cyber Dragon (1100/1600) in attack mode appears on the field.
Kaiba then states, tauntingly as he puts another card into the spell/trap slots, “Please! Like that scares me! I end my turn with one face-down card!”
Current Score:
Kaiba: 5000
Princess Juniper: 3800
Princess Juniper draws one card from her deck, puts one card into the spell/trap slots of her duel disk, and calls out, “Now, I play Ties of the Brethren! This is how the card works! I pay 1000 of my life-points and then I can summon two monsters from my deck with up to four stars!” Princess Juniper's life-points then drop by 1000, she looks through her deck, takes two cards out, puts them on her duel disk, and shouts out, “Now, I summon my third Proto Cyber Dragon and Cyber Kirin in attack mode!” Besides the second Proto Cyber Dragon, a third Proto Cyber Dragon (1100/1600) and Cyber Kirin (300/800) appear on the field in attack mode.
Kaiba says, tauntingly, “Is that all, `your majesty'? Your monsters are nothing compared to my dragons!”
Princess Juniper says, as she puts a card in the spell/trap slots once again, “You should know that things aren't always what they seem, Kaiba! Now, I play my Card of Sanctity! This card forces both of us to draw until we have six cards in our hands!” Both duelists then draws from their decks until they have six cards in their hands. Princess Juniper looks at her new hand and says, “Well, as Yugi Moto always says, it is time to turn this duel around. I reveal my face-down card! My Power Bond Spell!” Princess Juniper's other face-down card is revealed to be the Power Bond Spell card and she declares, “This spell card allows me to summon Machine-type fusion monsters to the field! Plus, since my two Proto Cyber Dragons count as regular Cyber Dragons on the field, thanks to their special ability, I can fuse them with the final Cyber Dragon I've got on my hand to form this!” Soon after, another Cyber Dragon (2100/1600) appears on the field, goes into a fusion vortex with the other two Proto Cyber Dragons, as Princess Juniper discards the three monster cards into the graveyard, Princess Juniper then takes out one fusion monster card from her fusion deck, puts it onto the duel disk, and shouts out, “Now, meet the face of your Ultimate Dragon's maker! Cyber End Dragon!” Bursting out of the fusion vortex, Cyber End Dragon (4000/2800) appears on the field in attack mode.
Tea exclaims, amazed at Cyber End Dragon, “Whoa! I thought Kaiba's Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon looked scary!”
Princess Juniper then calls out, “Plus, my Power Bond doubles my Cyber End Dragon's attack points!” Cyber End Dragon gives a huge roar as its stats rise from 4000/2800 to 8000/2800!
Kaiba exclaims, shocked, “What?!”
Princess Juniper then puts another card into the spell/trap slots of her duel disk and shouts out, “But I'm not done! I play my Re-Fusion spell card! Now, by paying 800 of my life-points, I can summon one fusion monster back to the field in attack mode! And I choose my Cyber Twin Dragon!” Besides Cyber End Dragon, Cyber Twin Dragon (2800/2100) appears on the field in attack mode as Princess Juniper's life-points drop by 800. Princess Juniper then commands, “Now, Cyber End Dragon, show his Ultimate Dragon who is the most powerful dragon of all! Super Strident Blaze!” Cyber End Dragon then fires a beam of flame energy from its three mouth right at Kaiba's Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.
Kaiba calls out, “Is that all?! Negate Attack!” Kaiba's face-down card is revealed to be the Negate Attack trap card and Cyber End Dragon's attack is negated. Kaiba laughs tauntingly at Princess Juniper and calls out, “My trap card negates your dragon's blast, so, my Ultimate Dragon is safe! Now, thanks to your Power Bond card, you have to take damage to your life-points based on your Machine Dragon's original attack points!”
Princess Juniper replies, with a sly smile, “No, I don't. Thanks to Cyber Kirin's special effect: By sacrificing him to the grave, all damage from card effects for this turn are negated, including my Power Bond's effect.” Princess Juniper's Cyber Kirin vanishes from the field as it is sent to the graveyard.
Yami says, with a smile and his usual tone, “That's why she summoned Cyber Kirin. She was going to use Power Bond to try to finish Kaiba with her Cyber End Dragon, but if her attack failed, she made sure that Cyber Kirin was there to negate the damage to her life-points that Power Bond would have normally given.”
Princess Juniper says, as she puts one card in the spell/trap slots, “I play one card face-down and end my turn!”
Current Score:
Kaiba: 5000
Princess Juniper: 2000
Kaiba tells Princess Juniper, tauntingly, “Am I supposed to be impressed with one decent move? Ha!” Kaiba draws one card from his deck, puts that card into the spell/trap slots, and shouts out, “Well, let's see how you handle this! I activate my Lightning Vortex spell card! By discarding one card from my hand to the graveyard, I can destroy all monsters on your side of the field!”
Tristan states, worriedly, “Oh man! Then she will wide open for attack!”
Kaiba discards his Y-Dragon Head (1500/1600) card and declares, “Now, I sacrifice my Y-Dragon Head in order to destroy all of your monsters!” Just then a huge twist swallows all of Princess Juniper's monsters and a huge lightning bolt slams into the twister, destroying her Cyber End and Cyber Twin Dragons. Kaiba then says, as he puts another card into the spell/trap slots, “But I'm far from done! I play my Frontline Base! This spell card allows me to summon one level four or below Union monster from my hand as long as it remains on the field!” Kaiba then puts two cards on his duel disk and calls out, “Next, I summon my X-Head Cannon and I use Frontline Base's magic to summon Z-Metal Tank!” Soon after, X-Head Cannon (1800/1500) and Z-Metal Tank (1500/1300) appear on the field in attack mode. Kaiba then puts, yet, another card into the spell/trap slots and shouts out, “Now, I play my Silent Doom card! This spell card allows me to summon one monster from my graveyard in defense mode! And I choose my Y-Dragon Head!” Just then Y-Dragon Head (1500/1600) reappears on the field in defense mode. Soon after, Kaiba puts the final card in his hand into the spell/trap slots and shouts out, “Next, I play my Soul Absorption! This Continuous Spell card allows me to gain 500 life-points for every card removed from play as long it remains on the field! So, I remove my X-Head Cannon, my Y-Dragon Head, and my Z-Metal Tank from play to summon my XYZ Dragon Cannon!” Kaiba removes the three monsters from play, takes the fusion monster card from his fusion deck, puts it onto his duel disk, and XYZ-Dragon Cannon (2800/2600) appears on the field in attack mode as well as Kaiba's life-points increase by 1500, thanks to the effect of Soul Absorption.
Matt says, worriedly, “This isn't looking good for Jun.”
Kaiba then commands, “Now, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, wipe her life-points and end this duel! Neutron Blast Attack!” Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon then fires its lightning beam attack right at Princess Juniper, ready to wipe out the rest of her life-points.
Janet calls out, worriedly, “Jun!”
Princess Juniper shouts out, “Sorry, Kaiba, not this time! I reveal my spell! The Quick-Spell card: Flute of Summoning Kuriboh!” Princess Juniper's face-down card is the Quick-Spell card known as Flute of Summoning Kuriboh.
Kaiba calls out, surprised, “What?!”
Princess Juniper takes out one card from her deck and declares, as she puts the card on her duel disk, “This spell card allows me to summon one monster with the word Kuriboh in its name from my deck to the field! And I summon my Winged Kuriboh is defense mode!” Soon after, Winged Kuriboh (300/200) is summoned to the field in defense mode and takes Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon's attack causing it to be destroyed. Princess Juniper thinks in her mind, “Thank you, Kuriboh. Once again, you have helped me survive another duel.”
Kaiba roars out, angrily, “You dare stop my dragon's power with that puny Kuriboh?! You won't be so lucky when my other monsters attack you!”
Princess Juniper calls out, with a sly grin on her face, “Wrong, Kaiba! On the turn that Winged Kuriboh is sent to the graveyard, all battle damage to my life-points is reduced to zero for that whole turn! So, you can attack with your monsters, but their attacks won't work thanks to Winged Kuriboh!” Kaiba gives a low angered growl at the Sun Princess.
Joey says, tauntingly, “Ha! Ha! Take that rich boy!”
Kaiba says, angrily, “I end my turn! Your pathetic little monster might have saved you for now, but next turn, you won't be so lucky!”
Current Score:
Kaiba: 6500
Princess Juniper: 2000
Princess Juniper tells Kaiba, “Kaiba, you might have beaten my Kuriboh, but you don't have the right to call him pathetic! Winged Kuriboh is the first monster that I ever had and he has helped me through many a duel, but I wouldn't expect you to know that!”
Kaiba states, angrily, “I've heard enough of this `heart of the cards' stuff that Yugi preaching! You are just as ridiculous as he is! Now, make your move! The less I have to hear about you, your idiot family, and their ridiculous fairy tales, the better!” This statement angers all of our heroes and heroines that are Sailor Senshi, even Olette and Kairi.
Rei roars out, angrily, “What did he just say?!”
Princess Juniper's stare becomes one of insulted anger that's so intense that even Kaiba starts to get chills down his spine when he looks into her eyes and she exclaims, enraged, “How dare you insult my family that Kaiba?! Now, you have gone too far! I declare that in the name of the sun and moon that you will pay for those words by the end of my turn! And I always keep my promises! Prepare for the end!” Princess Juniper then draws her card from her deck and looks at her hand as Kaiba winches in surprise.
TK says, surprised by Princess Juniper's stare and tone, “Whoa! Jun is starting to scare even me!”
Cody asks TK, “Well, would you be angered if your family was insulted like that?”
TK nods his head and replies, “Yeah, but I never expect Jun to be so intense! Her very stare is sending chills to my spine.”
Matt tells TK, nodding his head in agreement, “You aren't kidding, TK.”
Princess Juniper says, in a serious tone as she puts one card in the spell/trap slots, “Now, I play my Awakening from Beyond! If you need me to explain about this card: You draw two cards from your deck to your hand and I can return one monster card from my graveyard to my hand! Draw your cards, Kaiba, I can assure you that they will be your last!”
Kaiba says, in a serious tone as he draws two cards from his deck, “We'll see!” Princess Juniper then takes one card from her graveyard, puts it into her hand, and puts the card on her duel disk.
Princess Juniper then states, “Now, since my field is empty with monsters on your field, I can re-summon the Cyber Dragon I had in my graveyard!” Soon after, Cyber Dragon (2100/1600) appears on the field in attack mode. Princess Juniper then takes another card from her hand and states, “It is time to see that card that will lead to your demise!” Princess Juniper then shows the card, revealing it to be the Overload Fusion spell card.
Kaiba asks, perplexed, “What in the world is that card?”
Princess Juniper calls out in a very serious tone, as she puts the Overload Fusion spell card into the spell/trap slots of her duel disk, “It is my Overload Fusion spell card! This spell card allows me to summon a Dark Attribute Machine-type Fusion Monster as long as I remove the necessary fusion material monsters from play! And I have the perfect monster to finish you off with!” Princess Juniper takes one fusion monster card from her fusion deck, shows it to Kaiba, revealing it to be Chimeratech Overdragon (?/?), and states, in her very serious tone, “And I will play my Chimeratech Overdragon! In order to summon it, I must fuse one Cyber Dragon with at least one other Machine-type monster, but with Overload Fusion, I must remove the fusion material monsters from play, but I can take them from my field and graveyard, so, I can do this! I plan to remove all three Cyber Dragons, all three Proto Cyber Dragons, my Cyber Phoenix, my Cyber Kirin, my Cyber Twin Dragon, and my Cyber End Dragon!”
Izzy exclaims, amazed, “That's a total of ten monsters!”
Yami states, shocked, “That's all the machine monsters that she played in the duel, thus far! What is she planning?!”
As the cards come out of the graveyard slot of Princess Juniper's duel disk, the images of all of the mentioned monsters appear on the field, and Princess Juniper calls out, “My loyal monsters, you have served me and I thank you for your service, my loyal allies and friends, but now, I must give you to show this `commoner' never to insult my family, ever again! So, now, I remove all of my machine monsters from play in order to summon the monster of your demise, Kaiba!” As all of those monsters are removed from play, the images of the monsters explode into pieces of scarp metal that fly up into the air into a ball of light, and Princess Juniper puts the fusion monster card on her duel disk, declares, “Rise up . . . mighty Chimeratech Overdragon!” The ball of light then slams into the ground behind Princess Juniper, creating a huge vortex behind her as well as below her feet, and out of the vortex, Chimeratech Overdragon (8000/8000) appears on the field in attack mode.
Tea exclaims, shocked at the fusion monster, “Yow! That dragon is even more heads and it is even scarier than Kaiba's Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!”
Kaiba exclaims, stunned at the power of Chimeratech Overdragon, “This can't be! Eight thousand attack and defense points?!”
Princess Juniper tells Kaiba, in a very serious tone, “Indeed! Chimeratech Overdragon's attack and defense points are eight hundred times the number of monsters that I used for the fusion and since Overload Fusion allowed me to remove ten monsters from play, Chimeratech Overdragon has eight thousand attack points! The very power of my loyal monsters are infused into my new monster to give my Overdragon the power to defeat you!” Princess Juniper then calls out, in a very serious tone, “Plus, Chimeratech Overdragon has another special power: He can attack one time for every monster that I used to summon him! So, since I removed ten monsters, my Overdragon can attack a total of ten times!”
Kaiba shouts out, in horror, “No, this can't be!”
Tristan roars out, shocked, “Ten times?! That's unbelievable!”
Joey says, in a serious tone, “Kaiba is not going to survive this!”
Princess Juniper points at Kaiba, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, Rare Metal Dragon, and XYZ-Dragon Cannon and commands, in a strong and royal commanding tone, “Now, my Chimeratech Overdragon, avenge my monsters' sacrifice and use the power that my creatures have given you to end this duel! Wipe his monsters and his life-points with Evolution Flare Blast times TEN! END THIS!!!” Chimeratech Overdragon's mouth glow with power and fires blue beams of flame energy at Kaiba and his monsters causing Kaiba to scream out as his Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, Rare Metal Dragon, and XYZ-Dragon Cannon are totally obliterated along with Kaiba's life-points and he is covered in a huge cloud of smoke.
Mokuba shouts out, horrified, “Seto, no!” After the smoke and dust clear, all of Kaiba's monsters are gone and Kaiba, shocked and stunned, falls to his knees in front of our taiyou-no-hime.
Final Score:
Kaiba: 0
Princess Juniper: 2000
As Mokuba goes over to his older brother, Kaiba thinks in his mind, “No, this can't be! It was bad enough to lose to Yugi, but I lost . . . to HER?! A total unknown and third-rate duelist?!”
After the final holograms on the dueling field fade away, Princess Juniper tells Kaiba, “If I am a `third-rate duelist', as you say, then you must be a `fourth-rate duelist' since you lost to me.” Kaiba looks at our Sun Princess with a major growl, but couldn't say a word since she was right about her beating him. Princess Juniper tells Kaiba, in a serious tone, “You want to know why you were defeated by me? Well, it is quite simple, Kaiba, you do have superior skills and abilities, through our decks are similar in terms of strength and balance, but even with your superior skills and abilities, your defeat is still inevitable. Why? It doesn't take a genius to figure it out. Your arrogance and anger blinded you and your refusal to accept reality even when it bits you in buttocks lead to your defeat!”
Kaiba growls at Princess Juniper, annoyed, “Oh, please! Your banter is just exactly like Yugi's ridiculous speeches!”
Princess Juniper tells Kaiba, in a real serious and `royal' tone, “Well, it looks like that you have heeded Yugi's words, Kaiba-boy! The fact is that you try to throw away your past . . . Like I tried to do years ago. I know what it means to try to throw away your past and I nearly paid the price for that. When I suffered plenty of misfortune, I was distract I tried to throw away my past and who I was through a façade, but deep down, I made things worse! However, unlike you, I learned my lesson that my past is vital to my future and I'm not going to make a mistake of doing that! If you make that mistake Kaiba by continuing to deny the truth and your past, every single part of it, you will eventually destroy yourself, your family, and your company! And you won't be the best duelist even known, you will be lost in obscurity . . . forever!”
Kaiba roars out, angrily, “You lie!”
Princess Juniper tells Kaiba, in a strong tone, “Believe what you want to believe, Kaiba! However, your `glory days' are long since over based on what I see, since you already lost to me and Yugi, your `best duelist in the world' days are long dead and it will be that way until you accept reality buster! So, Kaiba, shape up or ship up out of the dueling world! But for now, stay right where you belong: Kneeling right at my feet where a commoner should be when facing a princess!” Kaiba hangs his head low and lowly growls in anger.
Tea says, plainly, “Oh, harsh.”
Joey says, in a strong and satisfied tone, “Well, he deserves every single word of it. Not only he is such a thick-head ass and be so stubborn not to accept reality when it had kick him in the buttocks, but he had the nerve to insult Jun's family like that. In my mind, Kaiba got exactly what he deserved: A good old fashion royal butt kicking.” Joey smiles and says, “And how fortunate for our team that we have just the princess to kick his butt right into next week!”
Davis tells Princess Juniper, with a wide grin, “Excellent work, sis. That's the way to duel.”
Princess Juniper smiles and says, with her usual smile, “Thanks.” Princess Juniper then closes her eyes, four fluffy and huge golden angel wings enclose over her entire form, and within a few second, turn a large amount of golden feathers as Princess Juniper transforms back into our Digidestined of Destiny, Jun Motomiya.
After taking a huge breath, Jun walks back to the others and Matt tells Jun, “That was some awesome dueling, Jun. I didn't know that you used machine monsters, through.”
Jun tells Matt, with her usual smile, “Actually, my deck is a `Cyber' deck. It is filled with all of the monsters that have the word `Cyber' in their name, including Cyber Dragon, Proto Cyber Dragon, Etoile Cyber, Cyber Tutu, Cyber Blader, and so on as well as every single support monster, spell, and trap card I could get my hands on. I've managed to really `update' my deck with all of those cards that I usually could get at the hobby shop, here, in Starlight Station.”
Yolei asks Jun, “Where did you see that?”
TK tells Yolei, a bit nervously, “The store that had the big neon sign that said `Collectables Shop: Best cards in the multi-verse including Duel Monsters'.”
Yolei sweatdrops and replies, very nervously and blushing in embarrassment, “Oh.”
Ken then asks Jun, “By the way, Jun, were you in your `Juniper' personality during the whole duel?”
Jun replies, in a plain tone, “Actually, I was mostly Princess Juniper rather than Jun Motomiya during the whole duel, but it . . . it kind of felt like my two `sides' were `blending' together and I was both Jun Motomiya and Juniper Amun-Re at the same time.”
Queen Serenity tells Jun, “It is because that since you have made peace with both sides of yourself and since you have accepted the life you had back in the Silver Millennium as well as what is going to happen to you, your Earthling half of Jun Motomiya and the other half that's my daughter, Juniper, the two halves of your soul are becoming one and the same at slowly, but steady pace. However, you already knew that this will happen.”
Jun nods her head and replies, “I know, mom. I just hope that I don't change, physically anyway, too much before I see my Earth parents again.”
Queen Serenity tells Jun, “Juniper, they are your mother and father for your second life and they will know you if you are completely different.”
Jun smiles and replies, “Yeah, I know that you are right, mom.”
Tai tells Jun, “Anyway, I've got to admit, Jun: It was one sweet duel. You and your `other half' beat the pants out of one of the best duelists back at home without breaking must of a sweat. Hell, none of Kaiba's attacks even got to you.”
Jun tells Tai, “Well, what did you expect for a girl who is trained to be a warrior against real-life monsters? Do you think a few holograms are going to scare me? But then again, every time I change into Juniper, I feel a lot more confident in myself.”
Matt tells Jun, with a smile, “Anyway, Jun, you were just incredible out there.”
Jun blushes and tells Matt, with a nervous smile on her lips, “Thanks, Matt.”
Davis says, with a serious tone, “However, since Jun kicked Kaiba's can to the curve, we should get going to find Kari, Tai, Seiya, Serena, and Agumon. Kaiba and Mokuba should be safe around here in Starlight Station.”
Gatomon nods her head and replies, “They could be in trouble or being used in our enemies in their plans.”
Biyomon tells the other heroes and heroines, “Gatomon's right. We have to move out.”
Yaten says, a bit annoyed in his tone, “It is about time.”
Princess Kakyuu says, in a pleading tone, “Please, Yaten, don't make any of the others angry.”
Yaten nods his head and replies, “If you say so, princess.”
As our heroes and heroines are walking away to gather the supplies that they need, Yami looks at Kaiba, who manages to get to his feet, and tells him, in his serious tone, “Learn well from your defeat by Juniper's hands, Kaiba. Unless you accept reality and your past, you will have decided your own fate and destiny: A doomed path.” Yami then heads off with the others while Mokuba tends to his older brother, who is growling in anger and holding his right hand to his head.
Mokuba asks Kaiba, “Seto, are you okay?”
Kaiba replies, in a un-Kaiba like unsure tone, “I . . . I'm not sure anymore.”
Mokuba thinks in his mind, “Seto hasn't been like this after all a duel expect when Yugi beat Seto at their very first duel. Could this `Juniper' girl be right about Seto?”
(Within another alternate reality; Sometime later)
In orbit within another alternate planet Earth, we find our heroes' and heroines' spaceship comes through a gateway and orbits around the planet overlooking the entire alternate Earth. Soon enough, there is a beam of energy sent from the ship onto the planet and the beam goes through a portal mid-way through the atmosphere.
(Inside a mysterious realm within the alternate Earth; A very brief time later)
In some kind of mysterious huge city, we see various people walking around the city while a huge group of people seemly teleports in through some kind of teleportation and this group of people looks around. One of the group, a male looking similar to Kite from Dot/hack series of games, but his clothes are flaming red and yellow in color, his hair is platinum silver, golden crescent moon mark on his forehead, angelic white gloves, aqua-blue bracelet attached to his right wrist, the marks on his cheeks are cerulean blue in color along with his eyes, and his daggers attached to a brown belt across his chest are bright silver in color.
This young man then looks over himself, gasps in shock, and says, in Davis' voice, “Whoa! I'm totally different!” The rest of our heroes and heroines also look over themselves and find out that they look totally different as well.
Jun's new form looks very similar to Black Rose from Dot/hack series of games expect that her hair is a beautiful maroon color, light pink colored eyes, her skin is honey-colored, the marks on the exposed portions of her body are silver in color, her lips are rose red in color, her breasts are under armored bikini-like top, which is pure gold in color, covering her voluptuous breasts and the top proportioned to match her breasts size, which is the same size as her `regular form', her armored `skirt' is bright gold as well, her stocking are bright maroon in color, her long socks are white in color, and her shoes are bright silver in color. The sword attached to her back has a shining silver blade and a sparkling golden hilt.
Sora Two and Rei have `costumes' similar to Mireille, the `Rare Hunter' Wave-Master, expect Rei's `costume' is a mixture of ruby red and angelic white with raven colored hair, ruby red eyes, silver colored bells, and ruby red bow on the bust area of her uniform. The specter in her left hand has a pure white staff with a huge ruby in the form of the astrological symbol of Mars on top of the staff. Sora Two's uniform, on the other hand, has a flaming red and gold in color, her hair is a ruby red color, her eyes are a beautiful golden eyes, the bells are shining silver in color, the bow on the bust area is flaming red in color, and the specter in her left hand has a silver staff with a huge crystal-clear five-point star crystal that has a ruby in the form of the astrological sign of Aries inside of the crystal on top of the staff.
Lita looks very similar to Ohka expect that her outfit, which a top, that's very tight and barely holding back her voluptuous breasts, and shorts, is beautiful emerald green, her wolf-like fur, tail that's attached to her tailbone, and the wolf-like ears on the top of her scalp are beautiful silver color, the fur that she is wearing with her is also silver in color, her skin is translucent ivory, her hair is in Ohka's hairstyle and bright grey in color, the fingerless fighting gloves on her hands are dark green in color with silver colored spiked knuckles, her human-like fingers coming out of the fingerless fighting gloves have emerald green fingernails that are similar to the shape of claws, the claws on her wolf-like feet are also silver in color, and the earrings she has on her ears as well as the metallic bands on her lower legs are pure gold in color.
Amara also looks similar to Ohka expect that her outfit, similar to Ohka's and Lita's, is bright orange in color, her wolf-like fur, tail attached to her tailbone, and the wolf-like ears on the top of her scalp are pure white in color, the fur that she is wearing with the outfit is light grey in color, her skin is also translucent ivory, her hair is in Ohka's hairstyle and dirty blond in color, the fingerless fighting gloves on her hands are dark blue in color with orange spiked knuckles, the exposed fingers have orange colored claw-like fingernails, the claws on her wolf-like feet are pitch black in color, and the earrings she has on her ears as well as the metallic bands on her lower legs are dark orange in color.
Mina, on the other hand, has sparkling blond hair that lovely flows down to the ground, sea blue eyes, cheery red colored lips, perfectly honey tan skin, she has a orange cloth choker around her neck, yellow bikini-like top covering her voluptuous breasts, pearly white fingerless gloves that goes to her elbows, yellow skirt that only goes up to two inches below her navel, leaving major mid-drift, the symbol of Venus is imprinted around her navel in bright orange, two orange daggers, similar to Rikku's daggers, with the symbol of Venus in pure gold are attached to the skirt, which goes down one-quarter of her thighs, pure white stockings that covers to the tops of her thighs, and yellow high-heeled shoes.
Ami, Janet, and Hotaru, all, had outfits similar to what our Sailor Senshi of Darkness, Death, and Rebirth's counterpart in the Dot/hack series wears with Ami's hair being her bright blue color with bright blue eyes, blue hat over her scalp, her outfit's colors are shining aqua blue, where it is pink, and icy white, where it is supposed to be pure white, including the long modest skirt, she has ice-blue tear drop earrings attached to her ears, and her blue boots have two inch high heels. Janet, on the other hand, has icy-blue hair with light pink eyes, icy-white glacier shaped earrings attached to her ears, pure icy-white and ice-blue hair on her scalp, her outfit's colors are icy-blue and icy-white, and icy-blue boots also have two inch heels on them. Finally, our pure hearted Sailor Senshi of Darkness has near-black violet hair in the same hairstyle as her dot/hack namesake, light violet colored hat, onyx gems in the form of sideways crescent moons as her earrings, her outfit's colors are cheery red, where it is supposed to be pink, and bright violet, where it is supposed to be white, including the modest skirt, and her light violet boots have two inch heels on them. Ami has a specter with a blue staff and a large pearly white jewel on top in the form of the symbol of Mercury in her right hand, Janet has a similar specter with an icy-white staff and a large ice-blue jewel in the symbol of Aquarius, and Hotaru has a beautiful silver version of her Silent Glaive in her right hand.
Michelle and Trista have outfits similar to Subaru's outfit from dot/hack-Sign series, but Michelle has the symbol of Neptune in aqua-blue on her forehead with her aqua-blue hair in her usual hairstyle, light aqua-blue eyes, her uniform is mainly aqua-blue in color mixed with black, she has a jewel in the form similar of her aqua-mirror attached the black choker tightly hugging her neck, icy-white wings coming out of the back of her outfit, and in her left hand is her Aqua Mirror from her Sailor Senshi form. On the meanwhile, Trista has her dark green hair in her usual style, the symbol of Pluto in dark pink on her forehead, her wings coming out of the back of her outfit are light grey, her outfit is mainly black with some dark green, attached below the center of her dark green choker is a dark pink jewel in the form of the symbol of Pluto, and in her left hand is her Garnet Staff from her Sailor Senshi form.
Matt is wearing an `outfit' similar to Balmung of the Azure Sky with silver hair, blue wolf-like eyes, deep silver wings, and deep blue colored armor with a brown belt containing a sheath for a sword containing a silver hilt and light grey blade.
Joe is wearing an `outfit' similar to the Paladins of Final Fantasy XI wear with light blue hair in his normal hairstyle, white headband across his hair, and wearing pure white armor across his whole body with a black belt containing a sheath for a simple sword.
Yolei is wearing an `outfit' similar to Rikku's Songstress Dressphere expect for being orange and purple, the outfit is bright violet and cherry red, her eyes are bright violet, and her hair in Rikku's hairstyle is deep violet in color.
Mimi is wearing an `outfit' similar to Yuna's Lady Luck Dressphere expect the colors are pink and emerald green, instead of pink and violet, the mark on her exposed chest is the Crest of Sincerity and the symbol of Scorpio in emerald green, her pink hair in Yuna's hairstyle, pink colored eyes, and her hands has two pure white fans with the Crest of Sincerity and the astrological symbol of Scorpio on them in emerald green.
TK is wearing an `outfit' similar to Tidus from Final Fantasy X with his blond hair in Tidus' hairstyle, light brown eyes, black version of Tidus' jacket with the Crest of Hope on the center of the back side of the jacket, and the rest of his clothes is similar to Tidus' clothes. In his right hand is a exact version of Tidus' Brotherhood sword.
Ken is wearing an `outfit' similar to Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII with his black hair in Leon's hairstyle, light yellow eyes, the jacket and jeans are light grey in color, the shirt under the jacket is pitch black, and the necklace around his neck has a jewel in the form of the Crest of Kindness in dark violet. In his left hand is exact same Gunblade that Squall from Final Fantasy VIII has with him.
Cody has an `outfit' similar Zell Dinchi's of Final Fantasy VIII's style, expect his brown hair is in his usual hairstyle, he has dark brown eyes, a tattoo in the form of the Crests of Knowledge and Reliability on the left side of his face, his light grey jacket and shirt along with his dark blue jeans are tight fitting, but comfortable, his black fingerless gloves are similar to Zell's, and he has light grey sneakers on his feet. In his left hand is a curved samurai fitted for his size and weight.
Izzy has his hair in his usual hairstyle and color, he has deep green eyes, a tattoo in the form of the Crest of Knowledge on his left cheek in deep violet, and he is wearing pure white robes similar to what a priest of Yevon from Spira would wear expect it has the Crest of Knowledge in bright violet in the chest area. In his right hand is a beautiful light grey specter with a bright purple orb on top of the staff.
Sora One, our Keyblade Master, is also wearing an outfit similar to Kite's from the dot/hack series, expect Sora One has brown hair, deep blue eyes, his outfit is mainly light grey in color, he has a mysterious marks on his cheeks in black, and his Keyblade has turned into two Keyblades with knife-like points on the ends.
Kairi looks similar to Rinoa Heartilly from Final Fantasy VII expect her hair is raspberry brown, her eyes are bright pink, and her outfit is pink and purple with her boots being pure white in color.
Riku, on the other hand, looks very much like Auron from Final Fantasy X, expect his silver hair is still in its usual hairstyle and the weapon in his right hand is his Road to Dawn Keyblade.
Olette looks similar to Yuna in her Gunner Dressphere, expect her boots are brown with four inch heels, her `half-skirt' is beautiful light violet in color, and her eyes are deep brown in color.
Mai looks similar to Paine in her Dark Knight Dressphere expect the armor is dark purple in color, her hair remains its usual blond with its usual hairstyle, she has dark yellow earrings attached to her ears that in the form of the lions, and her eyes are dark violet in color with ruby red colored lips.
Darien simply looks exactly like he does as Prince Endymon of Earth through the ancient symbol of Earth is in the center of his `battle armor' and his Keyblade is in his right hand.
Jun exclaims, shocked, “What in the world?! Why are we dressed like this?!”
Sora Two tells Jun, “You've got me, Jun. I look like a weird magician in this outfit.”
Rei tells Sora Two, in a plain tone, “No kidding, Sora.”
Amara says, a bit annoyed, “I look ridiculous in this outfit.”
Lita tells Amara, looking her over, “I'm not sure, but you like a werewolf, Amara.”
Ami tells Lita, “It looks like you are, too, Lita.”
Lita looks at herself, gawks in surprise as she feels her scalp, feeling two wolf-like ears, and says, surprised, “You're right, Ami!”
Cody says, in his logical tone while looking over himself, “I guess this is what Donald meant by his magic being a bit unpredictable . . .”
Flashback; Short Time Ago
Inside of our heroes' and heroines' interdimensional spaceship, we find Queen Serenity, Princess Kakyuu, Taiki, Yaten, Donald, Goofy, King Mickey, Yami, Joey, Tea, and Tristan standing in front of the control panel while the rest of our heroes and heroines have some kind of mysterious red orb shaped jewels around their necks while standing under some kind of transportation device similar to the transports found in the Star Trek series.
Hotaru asks, curiously, “What are these jewels for?”
King Mickey tells Hotaru, “You will be transported in a computer generated world that seems to be one of these computerized `RPG' games that humans of your reality seem to play in a similar fashion that Sora, Donald, and Goofy were transported into the computerized world within the computerized mainframe of Radiant Garden. It is a good thing that this ship has the means to replicate that process.”
Yolei asks, a bit nervously, “Are you sure that this is safe?”
King Mickey says, with a smile, “Don't worry, Yolei. Ami, Janet, Trista, Queen Serenity, and I worked on it.”
Queen Serenity says, in a reassuring tone, “The process should have no side effects at all and I can assure all of you that it won't.”
Davis asks, while holding up the red orb jewel around his neck, “Okay, but what is with these jewels?”
Donald replies, “These jewels are created by my magic and they will allow you to change your forms based on the world that you are going into. It will allow you to blend into the world without raising any suspicion.”
Goofy says, in his usual manner, “Uh-yuh! We wouldn't be able to blend in at all and we need to find the next prince or princess.”
Yami states, in his serious tone, “My friends and I will remain on the ship with King Mickey, Goofy, Donald, and Queen Serenity as well as the Starlights to aid in the search for the princess and contact you as soon as we found her.”
Joey tells Mai, “Good luck, Mai.”
Mai tells Joey, with her usual smile, “I won't need luck, hon. With me around, these assholes won't stand a chance.”
Mimi asks Donald, “By the way, Donald, can we control what forms your jewels will give us?”
Donald replies, a bit nervously, “Well . . . I haven't perfected this new form of my magic, yet . . . It could be a bit `unpredictable' . . .” Donald gives off his usual nervous laugh and many of the group sweatdrop at this.
Matt says, in a worried tone, “Why doesn't this give me a good feeling? I'm not sure I will like this.”
Jun tells Matt, “You and me both Matt.”
Queen Serenity says, simply, “Prepare yourself, everyone. Transporting.”
The Digimon partners, who aren't able to go along with their Digidestined partners, wave goodbye and Biyomon says, worriedly, “Good luck.” Queen Serenity activates the control panel in front of the transporter, the transporter glows with a bright light, waves of energy engulf our heroes and heroines as the jewels around their necks start to glow, and all of them transport in the fashion that Sora One, Donald, and Goofy are transported from the `Real World' into the computerized world of Radiant Garden that Tron lives in.
End Flashback; Return to the Present
Back inside of the computerized world of the digital Role Playing Game, we find our heroes and heroines thinking about what happened in the `transporter room' in their spaceship just a short time ago.
Izzy says, in a logical tone, “I can see what Donald meant by what he said this form of his `transformation magic' is `unpredictable'.”
Hotaru nods his head in agreement and says, “I agree.”
Trista looks over the whole of the crowd and says, in her usual tone, “However, the power of Donald's transformation did its job and we don't exactly `stand out' within this crowd.” The rest of our heroes and heroines look around the whole of the city that they were in and saw that everyone wasn't paying the least amount of attention to them.
Rei states, in a serious tone, “That's not surprising. Some of them are wearing more outrageous outfits than we are!”
Janet asks, curiously, “So, where do we start?”
Jun tells Janet, “The princess or prince could be any one of the girls in this place.”
Riku tells his allies and friends, “Remember, he or she will be the most pure-hearted person within this world.”
Darien says, in a serious tone, “The only way that we will find him or her is to start looking.”
Hotaru asks Michelle, “Michelle-mama, do you think that we can blend in until we find the person that we are looking for?”
Michelle tells Hotaru, “I'm not sure, firefly. We only know that this `game world' is known simply as `The World'.”
Cody then says, in his logical tone, “Remember, this whole `world' is a game and all we have to do is follow the rules of the game.”
Sora Two says, plainly, “Best way to start is to ask questions.”
Jun and Janet nod their heads and Jun says, “I agree.”
Lita states, looking over herself, “I'm not sure about wearing this.”
Mina tells Lita, with a giggle, “I don't know, Lita. I think that look fits you and Amara, perfectly. I mean that you are both the hard-core fighters for our Sailor Senshi teams, so, being werewolves who look like street fighters fit you perfectly.”
Michelle tells Amara, with her usual smile, “Mina does have a point, Amara.”
Amara says, in a plain tone, “You would agree with her.” Our heroes and heroines, in their new `outfits' start to walk around to see if they can find information about the prince or princess that they are looking for, but what they don't know is that they are getting watched by someone wearing a dark grey cloak from a nearby rooftop. This figure watches our group of heroes and heroines pass and then vanish through a portal of pure darkness.
(A short time later; a bit deeper within the `main area' of `The World')
Somewhere else within the large city within `The World', we find some `characters' together in one district of the large city. One is male that looks exactly like Kite from the Dot/Hack video game series, the next is a Chibi or mini version of the female character known as Black Rose, the third is a young girl with pinkish-red hair and icy-white outfit with golden bells similar to what Sora Two and Rei are wearing, the fifth is a female werewolf similar to what Lita and Amara look expect her hair is deep grey or silver, beautiful cerulean blue with an animal-like appearance to them, purple outfit with white fur attached to the outfit, grey furry wolf-like feet and lower legs and tail, and she has dark blue fingerless fighting gloves, exposing yellow claw-like fingernails, as well as the fighting gloves have golden spiked knuckles on them, and finally, the six and final member of this group is young girl similar to what our twin Sailor Senshi of Ice and our Sailor Senshi of Darkness, Death, and Rebirth look like now, expect she is blond with dark violet eyes, her outfit is white pink with regular pink boots, and she has dark green diamond shaped earrings attached to her ears. In this girl's arms is a light green mini-horse with a huge nose that extends nearly to the ground and huge nostrils.
The Chibi version of Black Rose says, “Talk about an exciting night. That's one night that no one will ever forget.”
The `copycat' of Kite says to the Chibi version of Black Rose, in a male voice, “You aren't kidding, Rena. I don't get why these things keep happening to the two of us.”
The young girl in the outfit similar to Rei's and Sora Two's outfits says, in a child-like female tone, “You, two, are the limited edition characters. The legendary Dot/Hackers! You've got to expect weird and incredible things happening to you, Shugo.” The young girl then looks at Shugo's golden bracelet attached to his right wrist and being to drool a little.
Rena tells the young girl, scolding tone in her voice, “Mireille, you had better not be thinking of taking my brother's bracelet, again.”
The young girl, Mireille, shakes her head and replies, nervously, “No! No! Why would you think that?!”
The female werewolf then says, in a seductive tone, “Anyway, Shugo, what's up for today's adventure? I know if I stick with you, I will find worthy opponents to fight.” The female werewolf moves closer to Shugo, causing him to widely blush, and sputter a bit.
Shugo replies, nervously, “Well, Ohka, I . . . I . . . uh . . .” Rena groans in annoyance at what the female werewolf, Ohka, is doing with Shugo.
The final member of the group, the young girl, who has a shy and kind look in her eyes, with the strange green mini-horse, looks to a source of the voice of people talking, her eyes widen, and says, pointing ahead of her, “I think that there is something that you should see everyone.”
Shugo asks the young girl, “What do you mean Hotaru?” When everyone looks to where Hotaru is pointing at, the group's eyes widen in amazement as they see our heroes and heroines walk down the street as plenty of people stare at them since Davis and Sora One look similar to Kite and Shugo while Jun looks very similar to Black Rose.
Rena asks, perplexed, “Huh? Why do those three characters also look similar to Kite and Black Rose?”
Mireille shrugs her shoulders and says, “Maybe there was another character contest.”
Rena says, in a plain tone, “Couldn't be. I would have known about it.” Meanwhile, our heroes and heroines look around to see the many people in the streets looking at them.
Davis says, with a slight annoyed tone in his voice, “Not attract attention to ourselves, huh? Looks like we've got plenty of attention.”
Sora Two asks, curiously, “Wonder why they are looking at us?”
Izzy says, in his logical tone, “It looks like everyone is concentrating their stares at Kairi's boyfriend, Davis, and Davis' older sister.”
Darien asks, curiously, “Why would they be looking at the three of them so much?”
Jun states, in a serious tone, “Whatever the reason, I just think it is pretty creepy. Especially with the guys.”
Matt tells Jun, in a bit of teasing tone, “With that kind of outfit, Jun, I'm not surprised. I don't think that either of your mothers would approve.”
Jun tells Matt, in an annoyed tone while facing our Digidestined of Friendship, “Well, it wasn't my choice of `wear', you know?!” As Matt looks at our Digidestined of Destiny, he couldn't help to blush at her `skimpy' costume.
Matt greatly blushes and replies, nervously, “But you do look good in that `costume', Jun.”
Jun blushes in embarrassment and asks, a bit nervously, “I do?”
Matt tells Jun, nervously, “Yeah, you really do.”
Davis asks Matt, in a teasing tone, “Trying to hit off my sister, Matt? I thought that I didn't like her, huh?”
Matt replies, blushing wildly, “No! No! I'm not trying to hit off your sister, Davis! It doesn't mean that I hate her or anything, especially since I've seen her in a new light, but I'm not trying to hit off of her! I mean she is royalty after all. Way out of my league!”
Sora Two says, with a sly grin, “Especially since there are two sets of Sailor Senshi defending her. Every minute I'm getting a bit of my past life back, I can remember why Jun and I are becoming better and better friends already. And like Rei with Serena, I'm becoming kind of protective of the princess that I'm supposed to guard.”
Mimi says, in a real teasing tone, “Yeah, Matt, you know that we are duty-bound to keep Jun safe and sound. So, even through you are our friend, you might want to watch out getting a bit close to Jun, there. Our Senshi instincts just might kick in and we won't responsible for all of our actions afterwards.” Matt jumps away from Jun, more scared of our Digidestined of Love and Sincerity, than our Sun Princess.
Jun whispers to Mimi and Sora Two, “Way to girlfriends. That was real sneaky.”
Mimi replies, with a sly smile on her lips not seen in her before, “Thanks, Jun. I guess that we learned from each other.” The three girls give a few giggles and Matt shakes his head in disbelief.
Matt thinks in his mind, “Girls . . .”
Just then our heroes and heroines get in front of Shugo and his group and Rena tells them, “Hi, there! That's a large group that all of you are in.”
Davis tells Rena, “What can we say? There is always strength in numbers. By the way, the name is Davis.”
Rena tells Davis, “I'm Rena!” Rena points to her fellow `Dot/Hackers' and says, “This is my brother, Shugo, the werewolf is known as Ohka also known as Divine Fist Ohka, . . .”
Mireille exclaims, in her usual tone and interrupting Rena, “And I'm Mireille, the legendary Rare Hunter of Love and Courage! Nice to meet you!”
Our Sailor Senshi of Darkness' namesake in this reality says, in a shy tone, “And I'm Hotaru. Please to meet you.”
Our Sailor Senshi of Death, Darkness, and Rebirth says, in her kind tone, “My name is Hotaru, too. In the `Real World', I'm known as Hotaru Tomoe.”
Hotaru Tomoe's namesake in the world says, in her kind tone and smile, “Oh, that's so nice.”
Jun then says, “Allow me to introduce the rest of my group. I'm Jun . . . Ah . . . Jun of the Silver Blade to be more precise.”
Davis whispers to his sister, “Jun of the Silver Blade?”
Jun whispers back in reply, “Hey, it was the only name I could come up with. You've got to know that this is a gaming world.” Jun then tells Rena and her group, while point to her friends and allies, “The two werewolves are Lita and Amara, the two young Spellcasters are known as Sora and Rei, the three girls that look like your Hotaru is our violet haired Hotaru, Ami, and Janet, the girl with the blond hair and outrageous outfit is Mina, the young woman with the mirror is Michelle, the young woman with the large specter is Trista, believe me, she is a lot wiser than she looks, the knight in blue armor is Matt, the knight in the white armor is Joe, but he isn't much of a warrior, the girl with the pink hair and beyond suggestive outfit is Mimi, TK is the name of the blond guy with the blue sword, the guy with the black sword is Ken, the young guy with the tattoo of Knowledge and Reliability and looked like a street fighter is Cody, the guy that looks like priest is Izzy, the young woman that looks a `dark knight' is Mai, the guy with the outfit similar to my brother's, Davis', outfit is also known as Sora, but we call him Sora One and our female Sora is known as Sora Two when the two people with the same name are together, the guy with the large coat is named Riku, and the final two girls are Kairi and Olette.”
Kairi says, in her kind tone, “Please to meet you.”
Ohka looks over the group and says, “It is pretty interesting to see such a large and interesting group. I wonder to know if any of you are worthy warriors.”
Mireille looks at Davis and says, “Oh, wow! That some kind of incredible bracelet! Where did you get it?!”
Davis looks at the bracelet attached to his right wrist and says, nervously, “I don't know. I just got it.” Just then everyone looks to see Mireille rubbing her head on Davis' bracelet.
Jun yells out, annoyed, “Hey, what do you think that you are doing?!”
Mireille says, ignoring Jun, “Wow, nice texture and such incredible craftsmanship.”
Rena pulls Mireille away by the back of her collar and tells her, annoyed, “Mireille, don't annoy people that we just met.”
Shugo asks the group, “So, what are doing around here?”
All of our heroes and heroines look at each other, looking for an explanation, and Mimi says, in her kind tone, “Well, we heard all about this awesome and decided to try it out.”
Rena asks the group, curiously, “So, all of you are new around here?”
Lita replies, in a plain tone, “You can say that.”
Mina asks, curiously, “So, what are you planning to do?”
Mireille says, in her usual tone, “We were going to explore Fire Field Canyon.”
Both Hotaru asks, curiously and at the same time, “Is it dangerous?”
Ohka says, in a plain tone, “It is a mid-level area with some pitfalls, incredible heat that can lower someone's Health Points if they get to close, and plenty of molten lava to boot.”
Matt says, in a droll tone, “Sounds like a friendly place.”
TK states, in a serious tone, “Not.”
Jun says, in a nice tone, “I think that we will stick with you. I'm sure that a group of strong players like yourselves can help us `level up'.”
Ohka states, in a plain tone and a sly grin on her lips, “I don't know why, but I'm getting interesting feelings from you. I don't think it will hurt.”
Mimi asks, pointing to the two girls with the same name, “What about your Hotaru and our Hotaru?”
Our Sailor Senshi of Death and Rebirth replies, in a plain tone, “I think that I will call myself Hotaru One and their Hotaru can herself Hotaru Two while we are together like this.”
Our Sailor Senshi of Darkness' counterpart in `The World' replies, with a kind tone, “That's a good idea.”
Rei asks Jun, “Jun, what are you doing?”
Jun replies, while pointing to Hotaru Two, “I'm getting a weird vibe from this girl. She is very pure and kind hearted by the looks of it. Can't you feel it?”
Rei focuses her senses on Hotaru Two, gets the same feeling, and says, whispering to Jun, “Yeah, you're right, Jun. Do you think that she could be a Princess of Heart?”
Jun tells Rei, in a whisper, “I'm not sure, but tell pass on the message to keep an eye on `Hotaru's counterpart'.”
Rei nods her head and replies, in a whisper, “Right.” Our heroes and heroines follow their newest friends, while Rei whispers to the others about Jun's message about Hotaru Two, but what they didn't know that a male figure wearing an outfit similar to Matt's outfit with bright grey or silver hair, deep brown eyes, and his armor is totally dark blue with white wings coming out of her back. The male figure continues to follow them with a serious look on his face.
(Within the area known as `Fire Field Canyon'; Sometime soon after)
Our group of heroes and heroines, joined by Shugo, Rena, and their friends, are within an area of `The World' filled with red rocky ground, deep pits and chasms, large red rocky mountains, caves within those mountains, and columns of molten heat and flames.
Sora One exclaims, shocked, “Whoa! You weren't kidding about this place!”
Riku says, in a plain tone, “We had better be careful, here.”
Shugo states, simply, “You aren't kidding.”
Sora Two asks Rena, “Rena, what do you want to do here?”
Rena replies, “There are rumors of special weapons and items around here.”
Mireille exclaims, excitedly, “Rare items! I've got to have them!”
Amara asks, in her usual tone, “What's her story?”
Rena replies, a bit annoyed, “Mireille is a `Rare Hunter', a Wave Master character that hunts down rare items.”
Sora Two asks, curiously, “Is a Wave Master a kind of Spellcaster?”
Ohka tells them, in a curious tone, “Shouldn't you know? You and Rei are Wave Masters yourselves.”
Rei says, a bit nervously, “Uh . . . right.”
Rena tells Shugo, in a plain tone and whisper, “Guess they didn't read the game manual like you did.”
Shugo whispers in reply, with an annoyed tone, “Thanks a lot, Rena.”
Janet points ahead of them and asks, perplexed, “What is that?” Everyone looks ahead of them to see some kind of portal ahead of them.
Ohka says, in a plain tone, “That's a portal that the monsters come out of. I wonder what kind of monster it will be this time.”
Mireille states, in her excited tone, “Hopefully, it will be a rare type of monster like a Fire Viper or Dark Phoenix since they will give rare items when we defeat them.”
Rena says, simply, “No surprise.”
Ohka tells Hotaru Two, in a plain tone, “Just leave this to us. You and our new friends stay back.”
Lita says, feeling a bit insulted, “Hey! Are you saying that we can't beat a video game monster?!”
Ohka tells Lita, “Not to insult a fellow feminine werewolf like myself, but you are new `The World' and I'm one of the best melee fighters here. These monsters are quite strong.”
Lita moves to joins Shugo, Rena, Ohka, and Mireille in combat and says, “Step aside! I show you that I'm no pushover!” When the huge portal fades away, our heroes and heroines gasp in shock as a huge Dark Lord Heartless standing in front of them.
Ohka asks, confused, “What in the entire World is that creature?”
Mireille says, with a perplexed and partial fearful tone, “I don't know! I never seen this creature before!”
Riku, Sora One, Kairi, Davis, Jun, and Darien step forward, summon their Keyblades to their right hands, through Sora One's Keyblade are actually two Keyblades, and Riku says, in a serious tone, “Well, we can assure you that creature isn't part of this game!”
Rena asks, perplexed, “How do you know? And what are those weird large keys for?!”
Sora One replies, in a serious tone, “Their known as Keyblades and we will explain later!”
But before our heroes could attack, a male voice shouts out, “Stand back!” Just then the male figure that looks similar to Matt leaps in front of our six Keyblade warriors.
Mireille exclaims, “All right! Balmung is here to help us!”
Sora Two asks Mireille, “Who?”
Ohka states, in a serious tone, “Balmung of the Azure Sky. He is character in `The World' long before me and Mireille and he helped the two legendary characters known as the Dot-Hackers, Kite and Black Rose, solve the last mystery of `The World' known as the Twilight.”
Amara says, in a plain tone, “Well, whoever he is, he doesn't know what he is getting into.”
Riku asks Balmung, “What do you think that you are doing here?”
Balmung replies, in a serious tone, “I followed you because of the friends that you call Davis, Jun, and Sora. They remind me of people that I knew before. Now, leave whatever this is to me!”
Kairi tells Balmung, “You don't what this creature is, but we do!”
Balmung asks, confused, “How can you fight this creature? And what do you know about it?”
Davis calls out, in a very serious tone, “Please get out of the way and let us show you!” All of our Keyblade heroes then leap away from Balmung and attack the Dark Thorn. The Dark Thorn tried to attack with multiple slash attacks and two beams of dark flames from its mouth. However, Kairi and Darien use their Keyblade to knock the Dark Thorn off-balance for several moments while Davis and Jun gave two powerful slashes to the chest causing the evil Dark Thorn to back under a huge geyser. Just then the geyser explodes hot flames and critically injuring the Dark Thorn, who roars out in extreme pain as he is badly injured.
Jun tells Riku and Sora One, “Okay, you, two! Finish it off!”
Sora One tells Jun, excitedly, “You've got it!” Sora One and Riku then use their Eternal Session combo assault on the Dark Thorn and destroy it without much trouble, much to the surprise of our Dot-Hacker crew.
Rena says, flabbergasted, “Whoa . . .”
Ohka tells Lita, “Okay, so you are stronger than you say and look.”
Lita tells Ohka, with a wide grin, “You know it, girl!”
Ohka tells Lita, with a wide grin of her own, “However, this is so much more exciting for me.”
Balmung asks, pretty shocked, “What kind of attack was that? And how did you defeat that creature so easily?”
Sora One then says, with a wide smile, “Let's just say that we have experience in this.”
However, a familiar dark voice calls out, “Yeah, you do! But can you handle this?!” Everyone looks to the source of the voice to see Pete covered from head to toe in bright flame red armor that has the symbol of the Heartless in the chest armor with a large brown spear that dark grey triangle pointed metal `top'. With the minion of Maleficent are three large Volcano Lord Heartless by his right side along with a whole legion of Crimson Jazz and Assault Rider Heartless behind them.
Balmung shouts out, in a demanding tone, “Who are you?! What do you want?!”
Pete replies, in a dark tone, “Just call me the ultimate computer virus, pal! And I'm here to for just one thing!” Pete then points to Hotaru Two and says, “Hand over the girl and no one gets hurt!” Hotaru Two winches back in fear and Shugo, Rena, Ohka, Mireille, and Balmung move to protect the scared Hotaru Two.
However, our heroes and heroines step forward and Jun roars out, strongly, “You will have to get through us, you overgrown puppy dog!”
Pete roars out, angrily, “Puppy dog?! Oh, you are going to get it, now, little girl!”
Rei shouts out, “We'll see who is kicking who's butt asshole! Time to pay for your crimes!”
Pete gives a dark laugh and replies, “I don't think so! If you don't hand over the girl, this whole world is going to have a major meltdown. My little friends are already causing havoc all over this little game world.”
Sora One roars out at Pete, angrily, “You jerk! You would destroy this entire place and all of the people inside just for one person?!”
Pete exclaims, in a nasty tone, “So, what?! I'm one of the bad guys, remember?!”
Matt says, in a pissed off tone, “All right, I'm starting to really get sick and tried of him!”
Davis bangs his fists together and exclaims, strongly, “I agree! Time to tear him apart!”
Janet then states, curiously, “But can we still use our powers in this world?”
Jun tells Janet, seriously, “Well, we are about to find out.”
Pete yells out, nastily, “Come on, I don't have all day here! Give me the girl!”
Lita calls out, in a serious tone, “All you're going to get is a major butt kicking that you will never forget!” All of our heroes and heroines that are Senshi step forward for battle.
Balmung asks, confused and worriedly, “What do they think that they are doing?”
Sora One exclaims, in a serious tone, “Kicking serious butt!”
Sun Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Aquarius Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Aries Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Scorpio Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Leo Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Mercury Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Venus Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Mars Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Jupiter Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Saturn Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Uranus Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Neptune Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Pluto Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Star Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Constellation Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Ceres Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Vesta Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Athene Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Juno Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Eternal Solar Moon Power, Transform!”
Eternal Solar Mercury Power, Transform!”
Eternal Solar Jupiter Power, Transform!”
Eternal Solar Pluto Power, Transform!”
After their transformation phrases are said, the group of heroes and heroines are engulfed in bright lights and the lights fade away, our group of Senshi are in their Eternal Senshi, including Sailor Saturn, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, and Sailor Pluto with brand new Eternal Sailor Senshi forms.
Sailor Saturn's new form has her violet hair in its typical hairstyle with two set of three small white feathers in the forward portion of her scalp, one set on the left side and the other set on the right side of her scalp, the symbol of Saturn on her forehead in bright violet, her earrings are dark violet jewels in the form of the symbol of Saturn with golden heart and star jewels below them, there is a fiber-optic device with a mini-black microphone that has the symbol of Saturn in bright violet imprinted on the device attached to her left ear, dark violet colored lips, bright violet cloth choker around her neck with a golden heart jewel with a dark violet jewel in the form of the symbol of Saturn in the center of the choker, her V-style sailor collar is dark violet in color, her pink shoulder pads are designed like Eternal Sailor Moon's shoulder pads, her gloves are similar to Eternal Sailor Moon's gloves, expect the bands on her gloves are bright violet in color, her bodysuit is still pure white in color, there is bright violet heart jewels with four white angel wings attached to it on the bust area of her uniform, her mini-skirt is triple layered with bright violet, dark red, and bright blue as the colors of the mini-skirt, there is a golden jewel in the form of the symbol of Saturn on the top portion of the mini-skirt, the bow on the rear of her skirt is dark red in color and designed like Eternal Sailor Moon's bow, her high-heeled boots are like Eternal Sailor Moon's boots in design, but they are bright violet in color and the jewels on the top center portion of the boots are golden jewels in the form of the symbol of Saturn, and there are four white angel wings coming out of her back. In the right hand is her large Silent Glaive scythe weapon.
Sailor Uranus's new form has her dirty blond hair in its usual hairstyle with two sets of three small feathers in the forward portion of her scalp, one set on the left side of her scalp and the other set on the right side, the symbol of Uranus is on her forehead in dark orange, her earrings are dark blue jewels in the form of the symbol of Uranus with golden heart and star jewels below them, there is a fiber-optic device with a mini-black microphone that has in dark orange symbol of Uranus imprinted on the device attached to her left ear, light orange colored lips, dark blue cloth choker around her neck with a golden heart jewel with a dark blue jewel in the form of the symbol of Uranus in the center of the choker, her V-style sailor collar is dark blue in color, her pink shoulder pads are designed like Eternal Sailor Moon's shoulder pads, her gloves are similar to Eternal Sailor Moon's gloves, expect the bands on her gloves are dark blue in color, her bodysuit is deep white in color, there is a dark blue heart jewel with four white angel wings attached to the heart jewel on the bust area of her uniform, her mini-skirt is triple layered with dark blue, black, and aqua-marine as the colors of the mini-skirt, there is a golden jewel in the form of the symbol of Uranus on the top portion of the mini-skirt, the bow on the rear of her skirt is dark blue in color and is like Eternal Sailor Moon's bow in design, her high-heeled boots are similar to her Super Sailor form, but they are pure white in color with a dark blue symbol of Uranus on the toe portion of the boots, and there are four white angel wings coming out of her back. In her right hand is her talisman known as the Space Sword.
Sailor Neptune's new form has her aqua-marine hair in its usual hairstyle with two sets of three small feathers in the forward portion of her scalp, one set on the left side of her scalp and the other set on the right side, the symbol of Neptune is on her forehead in aqua-marine, her earrings are aqua-marine jewels in the form of the symbol of Neptune with golden heart and star jewels below them, there is a fiber-optic device with a mini-black microphone that has in aqua-marine symbol of Neptune imprinted on the device attached to her left ear, aqua-marine colored lips, aqua-marine cloth choker around her neck with a golden heart jewel with a aqua-marine jewel in the form of the symbol of Neptune in the center of the choker, her V-style sailor collar is aqua-marine in color, her pink shoulder pads are designed like Eternal Sailor Moon's shoulder pads, her gloves are similar to Eternal Sailor Moon's gloves, expect the bands on her gloves are aqua-marine in color, her bodysuit is deep white in color, there is a aqua-marine heart jewel with four white angel wings attached to the heart jewel on the bust area of her uniform, her mini-skirt is triple layered with aqua-marine, dark blue, and bright blue as the colors of the mini-skirt, there is a golden jewel in the form of the symbol of Neptune on the top portion of the mini-skirt, the bow on the rear of her skirt is aqua-marine in color and is like Eternal Sailor Moon's bow in design, her high-heeled shoes are similar to her Super Sailor form, but they are pure white in color with an aqua-marine symbol of Neptune on the toe portion of the shoes, and there are four white angel wings coming out of her back. In her right hand is her talisman known as the Aqua Mirror.
Sailor Pluto's new form has her dark green hair in its usual hairstyle with two sets of three small feathers in the forward portion of her scalp, one set on the left side of her scalp and the other set on the right side, the symbol of Pluto is on her forehead in dark ruby red, her earrings are black jewels in the form of the symbol of Pluto with golden heart and star jewels below them, there is a fiber-optic device with a mini-black microphone that has in black symbol of Pluto imprinted on the device attached to her left ear, dark ruby red colored lips, black cloth choker around her neck with a golden heart jewel with a dark ruby red jewel in the form of the symbol of Pluto in the center of the choker, her V-style sailor collar is black in color, her pink shoulder pads are designed like Eternal Sailor Moon's shoulder pads, her gloves are similar to Eternal Sailor Moon's gloves, expect the bands on her gloves are black in color, her bodysuit is deep white in color, there is a black heart jewel with four white angel wings attached to the heart jewel on the bust area of her uniform, her mini-skirt is triple layered with black, bright violet, and bright blue as the colors of the mini-skirt, there is a golden jewel in the form of the symbol of Pluto on the top portion of the mini-skirt, the bow on the rear of her skirt is dark ruby red in color and is like Eternal Sailor Moon's bow in design, her high-heeled boots are similar to her Super Sailor form, but they are pure white in color with an black symbol of Pluto on the toe portion of the boots, and there are four white angel wings coming out of her back. In her right hand is her Garnet Rod with the third talisman known as Garnet Orb attached on top.
After the group of Senshi is done with their transformations, they got into defense position against Pete and the Heartless, Balmung states, shocked, “What in the world?”
Shugo asks, perplexed, “Is that a character transformation that's part of the game?”
Rena tells Shugo, shaking her head, “There isn't anything like this in the manual.”
Ohka says, in a serious tone, “I don't think that they or those guys are part of `The World' at all.”
Sailor Saturn says, simply, “We're not.”
Sailor Sun says, in a plain tone, “Call us an advanced `anti-virus' program that's here to protect this place.”
Solar Moon exclaims, in a serious tone, “And it is time that we deleted these `bugs'!”
Pete laughs at our Senshi and exclaims, “Ha! You don't scare me with your same old powers! Try something new!”
Sailor Ceres says, with a sly smile and plain tone, “If he wants something, why not use our new ninja powers? We still have them in our Eternal Senshi forms.”
Sailor Saturn says, with a sweet smile, “That's a great idea, Ceres.”
Sailor Jupiter exclaims, excitedly, “Yeah! I've wanted to bust them out!”
Sailor Star tells Sora One, Riku, and the rest of the Digidestined, “Sora, you and the others keep Hotaru Two safe! We can't allow them to take her!”
Darien transforms into Tuxedo Mask, summons his Keyblade to his right hand, and says, in his serious tone, “Don't worry, we can take care of it.”
Solar Jupiter states, “All right, with that taken care of, let's get them!”
Pete calls out, confidently, “Bring it out!”
All of the Senshi then shout out, “Ninja Smoke Bomb!” All of our Senshi then throw small smoke bombs to the ground and they explode on contact with the ground, engulfing our male and female Senshi in large cloud of smoke. When the smoke clears away, our Solar and Sailor Senshi had vanished from the spot that they were just in.
Pete shouts out, perplexed, “Huh? Where did they go?”
Just then Sailor Vesta's voice shouts out, “Why don't look up creep?!” When Pete looks up into the air, hundreds of star-shaped and dagger-like shuriken rain down from the sky causing Pete to scream out in surprise as he tries to dodge shuriken as plenty of them bounce off his body while the Volcano Lord Heartless were unaffected, but one and one-half dozen Crimson Jazz and three Assault Rider Heartless were impaled by many of these shuriken and they vanished into nothing, but pure darkness, releasing the hearts contained within them. Soon after, our Senshi drop out of the sky like boulders with Sailor Saturn, Sailor Ceres, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Pluto, Solar Pluto, and Sailor Constellation attacking with their weapons while Sailor Star, Solar Moon, and Sailor Sun attack with their Keyblades, destroying six Assault Rider Heartless without much trouble. In the aftermath of this `assault', the two forces go into all-out battle royal type of combat as the Heartless and our heroes and heroines battle with all of their power and strength to stop them.
On the meanwhile, Pete was already away from the battle, looks to see the Solar and Sailor Senshi deeply engaged with his Heartless, and says, with a sly grin on his lips, “Ooh, goody. As long as they are focusing on my Heartless, I can sneak away and get that princess.” Pete, totally unseen by everyone else, sneaks away to make his attempt on poor Hotaru Two and take away the mainly unaware Princess of Heart. Back to the battle, we find Eternal Sailor Neptune facing against the Volcano Lord, who launches three spheres of flame energy at our Moon Kingdom Sailor Senshi of Water, but Sailor Neptune quickly takes out her Aqua Mirror and aims it at the attack.
Submarine Reflection!”
Sailor Neptune's mirror absorbs the flame attack and fires it with even more power at the Fire Heartless that attacked her first, but the Volcano Lord Heartless absorbs the attack and fires three magma spheres at Sailor Neptune, but Sailor Aquarius swoops in and gets her out of the way.
Sailor Neptune tells Sailor Aquarius, “Thank you, Sailor Aquarius.”
Sailor Aquarius allows Sailor Neptune to fly and float under her own power and Sailor Mercury flies up, telling the two Sailor Senshi, “Remember, the Volcano Lord is a Fire based Heartless and any flame based attack makes it stronger, even reflected attacks.”
Sailor Aquarius then says, “However, our water and ice based attacks can. I think that it is time that we do a triple assault.”
Sailor Neptune tells Sailor Aquarius, “That's a good idea, Janet. Now, you are thinking like a Sailor Senshi.”
Sailor Aquarius blushes a bit nervously and replies, “Thanks.” The three Sailor Senshi then look at the Volcano Lord Heartless and prepares their special attacks.
Mercury Ice Hurricane!”
Aquarius Artic Chorus!”
Neptune Tsunami Submerge!”
Sailor Mercury hits a huge freezing hurricane from the skies, Sailor Aquarius creates a whole band from ice and snow that sends waves of freezing energy at the Volcano Lord Heartless, and Sailor Neptune summons a huge tsunami from the ground. The three attacks combine into one beam of water and ice energy that slam into the Volcano Lord Heartless, turning him into a block of pure ice, and sending him plummeting towards the ground causing him to shatter when he hits the ground on impact.
Sailor Aquarius calls out, excitedly, “All right! We did it girlfriends!” On the meanwhile, we find Sailor Uranus slicing through another Assault Rider with her Space Sword, but then four Crimson Jazz Heartless fires huge spheres of flame energy right at the Sailor Senshi of Uranus and she leaps out of the way. However, two more Assault Rider Heartless rushes in and knocks her to the ground on her bottom.
Sailor Uranus manages to get her composer in time to see another Assault Rider about to impale her with its spear and Sailor Uranus thinks in her mind, “Better work fast or I'm done!” Sailor Uranus quickly makes mysterious hands signs with both of her hands and then the Assault Rider impales Sailor Uranus right in the chest, but then Sailor Uranus is covered in smoke and the reveals a huge log in her place. Just then Sailor Saturn and Sailor Ceres move in with their attacks.
Saturn Silent Doom Wave!”
Ceres Dark Mystic Wave!”
Sailor Saturn launches a ghastly silver wave of energy at one of the Assault Riders while Sailor Ceres launches a sphere of shadow energy at the other and both attacks destroy the two of Assault Riders nearly instantly.
Sailor Uranus floats down on them and tells them, in a plain tone, “Good job, you, two.”
Sailor Saturn tells Sailor Uranus, “Thank you, Uranus-san.”
Sailor Ceres tells Sailor Uranus, in a plain tone, “Nice job with the Ninja Art of Substitution.”
Sailor Uranus says, with a plain tone and sly smile, “I think that I'm going to like these new powers.” Next, we join Solar Jupiter, Solar Pluto, Sailor Pluto, and Sailor Jupiter as they face a huge army of Assault Rider and Crimson Jazz Heartless.
Jupiter Thunder Tower!”
Jupiter Electro Force Crusher!”
Pluto Chrono Force Break!”
Pluto Dimensional Disruption!”
With two powerful electrical attacks along with two tears in the fabric of space and time send countless numbers of Heartless back to the darkness where they belonged.
Solar Jupiter exclaims, excitedly, “Those rotten asses are out of here!”
Solar Pluto then points to his right and above them, shouting out, “Watch out from above!” The three other Senshi looks to see the second Volcano Lord Heartless crash down towards them, but they manage to fly out of the way. Soon after, Sailor Constellation and Sailor Star fly in to attack the large Heartless.
Constellation Starlight Sparklers!”
Sailor Constellations causes hundreds of bright flashes in front of the huge Heartless and temporary blinding it while Sailor Star makes plenty of hand signs with both of her hands. Soon after, two dozen Sailor Star clones appear besides the original and all of them summon Keyblades to their right hands. All of them head towards the blinded and use their Keyblades to slice the second Volcano Lord Heartless into pieces. After they were done, the Sailor Star clones vanish and the original Sailor Star goes over to Sailor Constellation.
Sailor Star tells Sailor Constellation, “Nice attack, Olette.”
Sailor Constellation replies, “Thanks, Kairi. You are getting use to your new powers as well.” Finally, the final Volcano Lord is launching is multiple flame energy spheres at Solar Moon and Sailor Sun, who are dodging them along with plenty of flaming geysers.
Solar Moon barely manages to dodge another geyser and shouts out, “Man! That was just too close for comfort!”
Sailor Sun says, plainly, “Great! One nasty Heartless and a whole field of fiery geysers below us!”
Solar Moon looks at the geysers, at his Keyblade, just then images appear in his mind about practicing magic with Spellcasters on the moon back in the Silver Millennium, he gets a crazy idea, and he exclaims to his sister, “Sis, I've got an idea! In order to cool this Heartless off, we need to heat things up!” Solar Moon points to the geysers with his Keyblade and asks, “Remember any type of freezing magic?”
Sailor Sun closes her eyes for a minute, more memories of her past life enter her mind, and when she opens her eyes, Sailor Sun gives a wide smirk and replies, “You know it, bro!” Sailor Sun and Solar Moon then fly deeper into the geysers and the Volcano Lord quickly flies after them. Solar Moon and Sailor Sun fly into a huge pile of flaming geysers that are already about to erupt.
Solar Moon calls out, in a serious tone, “Come and get us, you jerk!” When the Volcano Lord Heartless comes near them, they use their teleportation abilities to get out of the way when the flaming geysers when they explode and shoot columns of flames that engulf the Heartless, but Solar Moon and Sailor Sun appear in front of the huge columns of flames with their Keyblades engulfed in freezing energy.
Eclipse Crystal Freeze!”
Our Digidestined of Miracles and Destiny launch a wave of freezing energy from their Keyblade that freeze the columns of flames and the Volcano Lord Heartless along with it. Soon after, Solar Moon and Sailor Sun give the huge block of ice one powerful kick with their boots and the ice along with the huge Heartless turn into nothing, but shards of cracked ice.
Solar Moon and Sailor Sun gives each other a high-five and Solar Moon tells Sailor Sun, “Way to go, sis!”
Sailor Sun tells Solar Moon, “Right back at you, bro!” Back to the rest of our group, Tuxedo Mask, Sora One, and Riku are forward of our group of Dot-Hackers and have their Keyblades out in defensive manner.
Hotaru Two asks, confused, “I don't get it, what is going on? Why does that weird guy want me?”
Sora One replies, “We can't tell you much, but we will say that it is bigger than winning this game!”
Pete's voice then roars out, “You got that right, buster!” Everyone looks towards to the source of the voice in order to see Pete ram into Balmung, knocking him to the ground, extremely hard!
Rena shouts out, shocked, “Lord Balmung!” Ohka goes a melee attack with some fast and powerful kicks and punches, but they were totally useless against Pete's armor and Pete easily knocks Ohka down to the ground. Mireille fires a powerful magic blast at Pete's armor, but it has the same effect as Ohka's attack and is also knocked to the ground. However, the rest of the Digidestined move in to protect Hotaru Two while Tuxedo Mask, Riku, and Sora One move forward to attack Pete.
Tuxedo Mask roars out, in a serious tone, “How about you try us, you fiend?!” Sora One, Riku, and Tuxedo Mask rush at Pete with their Keyblade and Pete uses his spear on them, but they easily dodge out of the way and Sora One slams his twin Keyblades into his chest armor, managing to cause a small crack in his armor.
Riku thinks in his mind, “Yes, this is our chance!” Riku then fires constant Dark Aura blasts from his right hand where Sora One's attack cracked his armor and turned the small crack into a huge crack.
Pete says, worriedly, “Oh no!”
Riku yells out to Tuxedo Mask, “Darien, take care of the rest!”
Tuxedo Mask nods his head and replies, “You've got it!” Tuxedo Mask then rushes at Pete, Pete tries to uses his fist and his spear to stop Tuxedo Mask, but he flies, and Tuxedo Mask slams his Keyblade into the huge crack in his armor, shattering the chest and arm armor, sending Pete into the rocky ground on his buttocks.
Sora One shouts out, in a serious tone, “You're done for Pete! You're not going to take Hotaru away from her world!”
However, Pete gives off a huge evil chuckle and Tuxedo Mask asks, in a serious tone, “What are laughing about?”
Pete stops laughing and states, in a dark tone, “Laughing at your stupidity, dummy! Didn't you think I would make myself a distraction?!” Just then two Hook Bats come out of portals of darkness and scoop Hotaru Two into the air. Hotaru Two screams out in horror as she tightly holds onto her pet as the Hook Bats take her into the air.
Shugo shouts out, shocked, “Hotaru!” The rest of our heroes and heroines, including our Senshi, look on in horror as Hotaru Two and her pet are taken into another portal of darkness, which vanishes behind them.
Pete laughs at our heroes and heroines and shouts out, mockingly, “Ha! Who is the idiot now, you dummies?!” Pete quickly creates a portal of darkness in front of himself and throws himself into it.
Sora One calls out, strongly, “Get back here!” Sora One then runs forwards, trying to get through the dark portal, but the dark portal vanishes just as he reaches it and Sora One falls chest first into the rocky ground.
Riku goes towards Sora One, Sora One gets to a sitting position, and Riku asks, in a concerned tone, “Sora, are you okay?”
Sora One growls in anger, “I'm fine, but he got away . . . with another Princess of Heart!”
Tuxedo Mask states, in a serious tone, “Which means they are closer to ultimate goal!”
Joe asks, worriedly, “What do we do now?”
Matt tells Joe in reply, “All we can do is stop this attack and save this world.” As all of our Senshi continue to finish off the remaining Heartless that they are fighting against, Sora One is helped to his feet and he dusts himself off.
(Sometime later; Inside the `main area' of `The World')
Other game characters within the `main area' of `The World' are running away in fear as a huge Storm Rider Heartless gives off a huge roar and going on a total rampage and destroying buildings and roads, but then Sailor Vesta, Sailor Mars, and Sailor Aries fly up in front of it.
Aries Ofuda Seal!”
Sailor Aries creates one of her seals to entrap the huge Heartless and it roars out in anger as it tries to escape, but can't make a move, thanks to Sailor Aries. On the meanwhile, flames engulf Sailor Vesta's and Sailor Mars' hands as they prepare to make their assault on the large beast.
Vesta Phoenix Flare!”
Mars Comet Flash!”
Sailor Vesta and Sailor Mars launch two powerful flame attacks that turn into one powerful flame assault and the Storm Rider Heartless roars out painfully as it is totally destroyed by our two Eternal Sailor Senshi of Flames.
Sailor Mars says, annoyed, “Finally! That's the last of them.”
Sailor Vesta asks her fellow Fire Senshi, “Where are the others?”
Just then a familiar female voice calls out, “Rei! Sora! Carrie! We've over here!” The three Fire Senshi head to the main entrance where they find the rest of our heroes and heroines, along with our Dot-Hackers, watching Riku, Sora One, Tuxedo Mask, Sailor Star, Solar Moon, and Sailor Sun use their Keyblades to seal the keyhole that just appeared in front of them and then use their Keyblades to open another keyhole to other realities. After the large `clicks' is heard, the keyhole vanishes and our Keyblade warrior return their Keyblades into their sub-space pockets.
Sailor Juno says, in a serious tone, “They've managed to seal the keyhole and open another gateway.”
Solar Jupiter then says, in an annoyed tone, “Unfortunately, they've manage to kidnap another princess.”
Sailor Jupiter exclaims, annoyed, “Damn it! We continue to grow stronger and beat those rotten Heartless, but they manage to find a way to beat us!”
Sailor Venus tells Sailor Jupiter, “Don't worry, Lita! We won't let them win! We will find a way to save all worlds!”
On the meanwhile, Riku, Sora One, and Sailor Star had finished explaining about what was happening and Ohka asks, plainly, “So, they need Hotaru's heart in order to open a gateway that could give them incredible powers?”
Riku tells Ohka in reply, “That's right. Kingdom Hearts is the heart of all worlds and it contains the greatest powers of light and darkness for all worlds and realities. However, in order to open it, they need seven maidens and seven knights along with a Supreme Prince and Princess of Heart in order to open the gateway. Hotaru's heart was so pure, untainted by the darkness, she is one of the maidens needed to open the door. All of us are trying to save them, but they are getting closer and closer.”
Shugo asks, “Isn't there anything we can do to help?”
Sailor Star tells them, “The only thing that you can do is to stay here and make sure that this `game world' and the `real world' are safe. We might have sealed the heart of your world from them, but the Heartless might come back.”
Sora One tells them, reassuringly, “Don't worry, we will get your friend back and she will be safe and sound!”
Sailor Star looks at the group and asks, “By the way, where is the guy with the blue armor . . . Lord Balmung, I think that you called him?”
The Dot-Hacker group looks around, sees Balmung has vanished, and Ohka says in reply, “I guess that he want to give the system administers his report.”
Rena then tells them, “However, I think that it is time that you left before he is forced to report you. Even through that you are trying to help, you aren't part of this game and you will get into trouble.”
TK tells Rena, “Good point. We'll see you later.”
The whole group then comes together into one place, Sailor Sun pushes the communicator function on her fiber-optic device, and tells Queen Serenity through the communicator, “Okay, mom, beam us up.” Sailor Sun tells Solar Moon, with a chuckle, “I've always wanted to say that.”
Solar Moon tells Sailor Sun, with a smile, “Yeah, no kidding.”
Sailor Venus tells the group of Dot-Hackers, “See you later!”
Shugo, Rena, Ohka, and Mireille wave goodbye and Mireille shouts out, “Goodbye! Bring back lots of rare items with Hotaru!”
Rena says, annoyed, “Give it up, Mireille!” Soon after, our heroes and heroines were covered in bright lights and they vanish as the players of `The World' do when they `Log Out' of the huge RPG computer game. On one of the nearby rooftops, we find Lord Balmung watch our heroes and heroines leave and give them a silent `good luck' with his expression as he turns and leaves.
Next time in Chapter 8: Capsule Monsters Adventure, Part One: As our heroes and heroines return to Starlight Station in the aftermath of their adventure within `The World', they are reunited with Tai, Agumon, and Sailor Starfighter as they seemly save them from a sneak attack by some roaming Heartless. But while the reunion is happy, Rei, Carrie, Renamon, Amara, and the other members of our group that have a powerful spiritual awareness aren't so sure about the two of them. Soon after, our heroes and heroines try to stop some Heartless that are trying to find the `heart' of Starlight Station, but then Tai, Agumon, and Seiya reveal their `true colors' as they help send Jun, Matt, Yami, Tea, Riku, and Mina into a Shadow Game version of a board game known as Capsule Monsters. Our heroes and heroines find out, much to their shock, Tai, Agumon, and Seiya are working with another group that has the power to control the Heartless in order to save Serena and Kari on their own by trying to find the Princes and Princesses needed to open Kingdom Hearts on their own. This forces Veemon, Solar Moon, and Tuxedo Mask to go into intense combat against Agumon, Tai, and Sailor Starfighter as the other heroes and heroines are mainly in shock. Meanwhile, Yami, Tea, Riku, Mina, Jun, and Matt have an intense struggle within the real-life version of the Capsule Monsters Board Game world. All of them figure out that in order for them in order to get out, they need to play the game and win. As they continue to advance within the Capsule Monsters Game world, they gain some powerful Capsule Monsters, but they learn that when their monsters are damaged and/or destroyed, their own life-energy is drained from their bodies. During their adventures within the board game world, Yami and Tea, Mina and Riku, and Jun and Matt get to know each other more deeply and feelings start to bud between the three groups. And at one moment during their adventure, one of our groups is going to have a `passionate moment' and `solidify' their feelings for each other. Which one of our three couples are going to admit their feelings for each other? Yami and Tea? Riku and Mina? Or Matt and our Sun Princess? Plus, will they find a way out of the Shadow Game version of Capsule Monsters Board Game? Hopefully, we will find out the answers on the next DigiSenshi Hearts!
Sorry that it took so long to bring out this newest chapter, but school and schoolwork is very important to me and I have to keep up with my work. Anyway, what did you think of the duel between our Sun Princess and Seto Kaiba? The battle between the Cyber Dragons versus the Blue-Eyes White Dragons? And what did you think of the costume changes for our heroes and heroines? I hope to hear from as many of you as possible. Next, I would like to thank and give credit to SSJ4Takeru/Kanius the V and this author's story of YuYuGiDigiMoon: The Wrath of Pharaohmon for the idea of the Ninja Sailor Senshi and the powers that they use, through mine are different from this author's version of them. Finally, I hope that plenty of you read and review this story since it is your reviews that keep this story going and keep inspiring me to continue this story. I will read your reviews as soon as possible and I will catch you on the flip side, Crossover Fans!