Crossover Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Naruto Shippuden Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon Shippuden: New Moon Ninja ❯ A Scarring Offensive ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
As I have mentioned before, this story is going to be mainly action, adventure, drama, and whatnot. There are going to be some ‘romantic fluff’ moments, but not too many of them and there might be Serena/Darien moments, but as far as I know, there aren’t going to be any couplings in this story. I plan to save that for the sequel to this story, but that’s the last spoiler that I’m going to give you for now. There might be some ‘romantic thoughts’ by the characters, mainly about Naruto, but that’s about it, okay? Keep up those reviews and tell me what’s up! Your opinions matter as I develop this and future stories, you know?!

Disclaimer: I DON’T own Naruto, Sailor Moon, Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden, all of the Digimon seasons, Dragonball/Z/GT, and anything/anyone that comes from these and other stories that end up in this fanfiction! Sailor Moon is owned/licensed by Naoko Takeuchi and its various studios and publishers, Naruto is owned/licensed by Masashi Kishimoto, Yuuto Date, Jump Comics, and Studio Pierrot, Dead or Alive is owned/licensed by Team Ninja, Temco, and Tomonobu Itagaki, and Ninja Gaiden is owned/licensed by owned/licensed by Team Ninja, Temco, and Tomonobu Itagaki!

Warning: This story contains intense violence, blood, gore, and possible death, mild to explicit suggestive themes, including mind-control and brainwashing, mild to explicit bad language, and possible mature adult themes/situations!

Second Warning: Some to a lot of OOC (Out of Character) actions and mannerisms in this whole story!

Ages of characters starting this chapter:
Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze: Age 16
Sakura Haruno: Age 16
Sasuke Uchiha: Age 16
Kakashi Hatake: Age 31
Serena Tsukino/Sailor Moon: Age 16
Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury: Age 16
Raye Hino/Sailor Mars: Age 16
Lita Kino/Sailor Jupiter: Age 16
Mina Aino/Sailor Venus: Age 16
Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn: Age 14
Amara Ten’ou/Sailor Uranus: Age 18
Michelle Kaiou/Sailor Neptune: Age 18
Trista Meiou/Sailor Pluto: Physically, around age 27, but actual age is centuries to around one millennia
Darien Shields/Tuxedo Mask: Age 20
Kasumi: Age 19
Ayane: Age 18
Hayate: Age 25
Ryu Hayabusa: Age 25
Tsunade Senju: Age 53

Sailor Moon Shippuden: New Moon Ninja

Chapter 3: A Scarring Offensive

Right now, Naruto is wandering around and looking at what looks like a grey rocky wasteland in which he is in the center of extensive ruins of a kingdom of some sort.

Naruto asks, “Okay, where am I?”

Kurama’s voice responds, outside of Naruto’s head, “Beats me, kit.” Naruto turns to the source of the voice and he yelps to see Kurama, in full fox form, in front of him.

Naruto yells out, “How come you are out here?!”

Kurama retorts, “You are asking me, kit?” Naruto then spots a familiar blue planet and he yelps in surprise.

Naruto shouts out, “Hold on! That’s Earth! I remember the picture of the planet from those books that Ami showed me and that’s it!”

Kurama says, looking at the planet, “For once, you’re right, kit. We must be on the Earth’s moon.”

Naruto yells out, stunned, “The moon?! But there is no air! I read that!”

Kurama asks, amazed, “You actually read a book?!”

Naruto shouts out, annoyed, “That’s not the point! We’re going to suffocate here!”

Kurama retorts, “Kit, I’m a being of energy. And that means that I don’t really need to breathe and if you were suffocating, you would have done so by now.”

Naruto responds, “Oh, yeah. You’re right. I’m okay.”

Just then a lovely woman’s voice responds, “That’s because there is still air here in the ruins of my home, young reincarnation of Asura.” Naruto and Kurama whip to the source to see a lovely woman with silver hair in a similar hairstyle to Serena through the buns of her hair are flattered, a golden crescent moon sigil on her forehead, blue-violet eyes, lovely and full pink lips, and wearing a lovely silvery-white royal gown.

Naruto says, with a blush, “She’s pretty.”

Kurama whaps Naruto on the head and he yells out, “Be respectful, gaki. That’s Queen Serenity, the same ruler of the Moon Kingdom that helped my father and his brother defeat his mother long ago! I know her majesty anywhere since she came to his deathbed, which I’m not sure if it was spirit or alive, to say her goodbye to him.”

The woman, none other than Queen Serenity, tells Kurama, “Kurama, it has been a long time. I remember when you were a young fox kit. You were so cute.”

Naruto gives a grin and Kurama says, with a groan, “Your majesty, please!”

Queen Serenity tells Naruto, “Ah, you must be the reincarnation of Asura.”

Naruto says, with a bow, “Nice to meet you, Serenity-dono. I’m Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, believe it.” Just then Naruto holds his head as images of Asura and Hagoromo come to his mind in which Asura looks at Queen Serenity and then looks at Princess Serenity as well.

Queen Serenity says, with a smile, “I see, young Naruto. You are truly the purest reincarnation of Asura. You are ‘communing’ with the spirit of your other self, Asura. You see, the other reincarnations like Hashirama Senju for example were more like incarnations. Asura’s spirit and chakra were a part of them, but you must realize while they could tap into Asura’s power through his chakra, they must become one with his spirit. While Asura was a part of these ‘incarnations’, they never become one with Asura as you have. Like when Hashirama died, his spirit went into the afterlife while Asura’s spirit and chakra transmigrated or went on to the next person to be his reincarnation.”

Naruto says, “Me.”

Queen Serenity says, “That’s right.”

Naruto asks, “Wait! Since I am so like Asura, you are saying that he and I are becoming one and the same?!”

Queen Serenity responds, with a nod, “You are correct, Naruto. However, if you are afraid of not being you, remember, Asura is you and you are Asura. Remember what Hagoromo said about you as Asura?”

Naruto then remembers what happened when he met the spirit of the Six Path Sage, Hagoromo Otsutsuki, when he gave him and Sasuke his power to stop Madara and the Ten-Tails, which means also Kaguya, and he responds, “Oh, yeah. Old Man Hagoromo said that I was really alike Asura.”

Kurama says, with a grin, “So nothing is going to really change about you. Through I hope that you will know better on when to get laid, kit.”

Naruto responds, annoyed, “Ero-fox!”

Queen Serenity tells Naruto, “However, Naruto, I didn’t bring you and Kurama here to remember the past. I’m here to warn you that she is coming.”

Naruto responds, with a stern tone, “Kaguya.”

Queen Serenity tells Naruto, “I’m not absolutely certain, but she has made you her great focus. She desires not to absorb the power of Hagoromo from you anymore. She desires to destroy you.”

Naruto asks, curiously, “What? Why? I thought that she wanted Old Man Hagoromo’s power in me!”

Queen Serenity responds, “Because of the danger to her that you represent, Naruto. Remember what Hagoromo told you about Asura awakening his own power after forming so many bonds. Well, Naruto, like Asura, you have a great power slumbering inside of you waiting to be awakened.”

Naruto asks, amazed, “Really?”

Queen Serenity replies, nodding her head, “That’s right. And that’s why Kaguya has returned her focus to you. For now, your friends are still alive at least the one that bares Yin power of Hagoromo. You can feel it through the seal can’t you?”

Naruto says, looking at the Yang symbol in the palm of his head, “Yeah, I know. I know that the Teme is still alive and kicking.” Naruto asks, “But wait, why is Kaguya so afraid of some kind of power in me?”

Queen Serenity responds, “Because she sensed that if you awakened that power, you would exceed her in power and have more than enough power to destroy her.”

Naruto and Kurama gasp in shock and Naruto says, stunned, “No way!”

Queen Serenity tells Naruto, “That’s why she is coming after you, but she has another objective. Long ago, I helped her sons, Hagoromo and Hamura, defeat Kaguya. I used the power of the Imperium Silver Crystal and three legendary weapons of great power to weaken her. I had planned to rip her from the Shinju and banish her wicked spirit into the abyss for all time. However, despite the fiend that she became, her sons wished for her to be sealed due to the love that they felt for her.”

Naruto says, “I can’t believe that they still cared for her!”

Queen Serenity tells Naruto, “You must understand that unconditional love for a parent from a child is natural and despite the horrible creatures that she was, she was still the one that gave them life despite her attempting to take it away for such greedy and selfish reasons. Despite my objections, I honored the wishes of Hagoromo and Hamura and allowed them to seal the Ten-Tails and their mother away despite my terrible feelings. You see, we, the people of the Moon Kingdom, are followers of the ways of peace and freedom which inspired Hagoromo to create the way of ninshu, to use chakra to bring people together through you know what happened when people of Gaea got their hands on chakra. The scars left by Kaguya made them use chakra as she did: As a weapon.”

Kurama says, with a snarl, “And those greedy and selfish bastards used us, the nine Biju, as well and we were created to be the guardians of the planet to prevent the return of the Ten-Tails.”

Queen Serenity tells Kurama, “I understand your pain, Kurama. However, you must believe in your father as he believed in the true strength of the human spirit and heart which I believe is represented in the reincarnation of his son, here.”

Kurama replies, “Well, your majesty, the kit has proven to be a ‘cut above the rest’.”

Naruto asks, “The great Nine-Tailed Fox complimenting me?”

Kurama retorts, with a glare, “Don’t get used to it, brat.”

Queen Serenity tells Naruto, “Kaguya has most likely been enraged by my interference even more than she rages at the ‘betrayal’ of her sons, in which she betrayed them first by what she tried to do and what a mother should never even think about doing their own children. She has found out that my daughter has been reborn on Earth and she will seek revenge on me by seeking out my daughter, her guardians, and her beloved prince, Endymon.”

Naruto says, with a sneer, “She is a coward and an asshole! I won’t let her get her way, your majesty! Believe it!”

Queen Serenity tells Naruto, “She is going to need you, Naruto. And you are going to need her. Your strength of heart is your greatest weapon, but you have yet to unleash its full potential.”

Naruto asks, confused, “What do you mean, Serenity-dono?”

Queen Serenity responds, “You have great trails ahead of you, Naruto. If you fail them, it will mean the end of everything. You believe that you have conquered your darkness by conquering the hatred within you, correct? I fear that you can’t be more wrong.” Naruto gives a look of surprise and Queen Serenity tells Naruto, “Such darkness is more than just hatred. It is also fear, hopelessness, doubt, uncertainty, and more. You have overcome your hatred, but you have yet to overcome the darkness in you that holds you back and until you do, you can’t unleash the power within or have the strength of heart needed to win.”

Naruto holds his hands over his heart and he thinks, “I’ve overcome my hate, but I have yet to overcome my darkness?”

Queen Serenity tells Naruto, “Naruto, the future of not only two worlds, but the universe lies in the hands of you, the ‘Chosen One’ of Gaea, and my daughter, the ‘chosen protector’ of Earth as Sailor Moon. Both of you are the ‘chosen guardians’ of the universe and the path that the future takes lies in your hands. I have one final gift that might help you.” Queen Serenity then brings out the Crescent Moon Wand and she says, “This is the Crescent Moon Wand, a powerful item that Silver Crystal rested upon, and can only be welded by the members of the Lunarian royal family. I need you to deliver this to my daughter and go on a quest to find the spirit of Hagoromo’s brother.”

Naruto asks, as the wand floats in his hands, “Old Man Hagoromo’s brother? Hamura? He is on Earth?”

Queen Serenity responds, “That’s correct. You never heard of him because Hamura wanted it to be that way. While Hamura loved his brother so much, they were very much different as night and day. While Hamura believed in the ideals of the Moon Kingdom and the ideals of his brother, Hagoromo was an idealist while Hamura was more of a ‘realist’ of sorts.”

Kurama says, “Yes, Uncle Hamura always seemed to be the stern type like how Tobirama was with his brother, Hashirama. To be honest, he felt that maybe they should have followed your lead and purified the Shinju through they didn’t know that their mother and the Ten-Tails were one and the same through they had their suspicions when they sealed their mother up. Something tells me that deep down that they or at least, Hamura, knew and he was figuring out a way to use one of the weapons that you used against Kaguya, as the Ten-Tails, long ago.”

Queen Serenity replies, “Actually, Kurama, he did. He created a technique in combination with one of the three legendary weapons that would purify the Shinju of Kaguya and leave the Shinju intact while Kaguya’s wicked spirit would be scattered to the far ends of the universe and sealed away for the rest of time. However, it was a technique so dangerous and as you realize, forbidden, as this involves shattering the essence or spirit of a living being and scattered that essence all over the universe to be sealed away for all eternity, Hamura made it so that the technique will work for only two people. One of them was himself.”

Naruto says, realizing who the second person to use Hamura’s technique is, “Old Man Hagoromo!”

Queen Serenity says, nodding her head, “That’s right. And you hold half of the power that can be used to activate the technique. Only by using the power of same seals that power the sealing jutsu that Hagoromo gave you and infusing into the legendary weapon can you use this technique.”

Naruto asks, “What weapon is that?”

Queen Serenity replies, “The sword of the stars and the blade that can cut through nearly anything: The Star Saber.”

Naruto asks, stunned, “Star Saber?”

Kurama replies, “A blade of legendary power, kit. It has the power to cut a star right in half.”

Naruto asks, shocked, “You’re kidding me, right?”

Kurama retorts, with a glare, “Do I look like I’m kidding, kit?”

Queen Serenity tells Naruto, “You will need to find Hamura in order to perform the technique. You will need the Yin-Yang power of Hagoromo’s mighty sealing jutsu and infuse it into the sword, but there is more to it than that. Hamura will show you the way, but you must find him first. The Crescent Moon Wand will show you the way, but only in my daughter’s hands.”

Naruto says, with a nod, “Right! You can count on me, your majesty!”

Queen Serenity responds, with a warm smile, “I know that you will do your best. I pray that it will be enough, Naruto. Good luck and farewell.” Just then Naruto and Kurama yelp as they are bathed in a beautiful silver light and Naruto yelps as he falls to the ground from his bed in his room in the Hayabusa Village.

Naruto asks, groggily, “A dream?” Just then the Crescent Moon Wand lands near his head and he says, his eyes widen, “No way! Not a dream!”

Kurama tells Naruto, “No kidding, kit. We need to get this to the Moon Princess and start our search for Uncle Hamura right away.”

Naruto says, “No fucking kidding, Kurama. If Kaguya is on her way to take me out just because I have the ability to grow way more powerful than her and Serena, just because she is daughter of Serenity-dono, who helped Old Man Hagoromo and his brother stop her centuries ago, we’ve got to hurry.”

Kurama responds, “Got that right, kit. I think that there is also the fact that the Silver Crystal has the power to stop her. Remember, its power is beyond the Shinju and thus, beyond Kaguya, but it all depends on the heart and will of the Moon Princess on how much that strength can be used. If she is strong, then the crystal is strong, but if her will and heart are weak, then crystal will be weak too.”

Naruto says, “Okay, it is for revenge and to stop the other thing that can stop her flat.”

Kurama responds, “Pretty much, kit.” Soon enough, Naruto prepares to get dressed and give Serena the Crescent Moon Wand to start the quest to find the spirit of Sage’s brother, Hamura Otsutsuki, in order to learn how to perform the jutsu that could destroy Kaguya and release the Shinju from her control, thus ending the nightmare of the Infinite Tsukuyomi and Kaguya, for all time.

(Returning to the Elemental Countries; on the meanwhile)

Speaking of said ‘Demonic Rabbit Goddess’, Kaguya, with Black Zetsu attached to her left arm, look at the cocoon in front of them.

Kaguya asks, “Is this her?”

Black Zetsu replies, “Yes, mother. She is very important to him and since she comes from Asura’s bloodline, it will be easier to adapt her for our purposes.”

Kaguya says, with a nod, “Good.” The cocoon opens up to reveal the head and face of Tsunade Senju, the Fifth Hokage of the Leaf, looking in a deep sleep due to the fact that she is trapped in the Infinite Tsukuyomi like much of the rest of the world. The cocoon only ‘releases’ her head and face in which the small vine connecting the cocoon to the root of the Shinju to keep people trapped in the Genjutsu extends out and attached itself to the back of Tsunade’s neck to keep her trapped.

Black Zetsu tells Kaguya, “She will need to be modified if she is to prove useful. This isn’t her proper age after all. This body needs to be in your prime to fulfill your will.”

Kaguya says, with a nod, “Yes, you are right as usual, Zetsu.” Kaguya’s hair then extends in the ‘ceiling’ and ‘walls’ of this place in which roots and vines come out from the floor to attach themselves to the cocoon in which vines and roots wrap themselves around Tsunade’s body in which her clothing is destroying as the vines and roots attached themselves to her flesh causing her eyebrow to twitch. Soon enough, Tsunade’s henge is gone revealing her true elderly form, but then her body starts to regress while black substance like the ones used by Kaguya to create Black Zetsu or Madara to create the chakra rods.

Black Zetsu says, “By using this, you won’t be able to turn her into a White Zetsu for a lot longer than others since she will be ‘bonded’ to you mother, but she will be an extension of your will and one of the many excellent tools and weapons to punish Asura’s reincarnation for his resistance.”

Kaguya replies, with a nod, “Asura will suffer for his resistance with Indra before he dies along with the daughter of that wretched woman.”

Black Zetsu responds, “They will indeed, mother. However, we must be careful. If the girl welds that wretched jewel, she will be the most dangerous since its power is stronger than the Shinju itself.”

Kaguya says, with a nod, “I know.” With Tsunade, her body regresses back in age until she looks exactly like she does with her special transformation jutsu that makes her look like she did when she was younger while the black substance goes into her new body as a ‘slit’ appears on her forehead. Within Tsunade’s dream, she is with her lover, Dan Kato, who is Hokage in her dream world, is leading her somewhere and the door in front of her makes her nervous, but Dan asks Tsunade to trust her and follow him. Tsunade hesitates, but she warmly smiles and follows him without question. Back in ‘real world’, the ‘slit’ that appears in Tsunade’s forehead opens to reveal a Shinju eye exactly like Kaguya’s third eye and Tsunade’s eyes open to reveal Rinnegan-like eyes exactly like Madara’s eyes.

Black Zetsu says, “Yes, mother. You and she are now one.”

Both Kaguya and Tsunade speak in complete unison, “Yes, we are now one.” The cocoon slides open to reveal Tsunade is without clothing and the roots and vines are covering her ‘private parts’.

Kaguya says, “Welcome, my child. You are now my eyes, ears, and my fist. You are my will.”

Tsunade replies, in a monotone voice, “Yes, my goddess. I am a mere extension of your will. My only mission is to fulfill your will. I shall go and destroy Asura’s reincarnation and the reincarnation of Queen Serenity’s daughter.”

Kaguya says, with a wicked smile forming, “Yes, my child. You are my hatred and you are my joy as I destroy the will of my children and the child of the one that made them betrays me.” The ‘possessed’ Tsunade then gains images of Naruto/Asura and Princess Serenity in which Kaguya’s anger, rage, and hatred dominate and control her, but with Naruto/Asura, a tiny voice screams out against it, but that voice is completely suppressed and vanishes under Kaguya’s will in which Tsunade is currently ‘dominated’ by. The roots and Tsunade’s ‘cocoon’ then turn into the ‘white stuff’ that makes up the White Zetsu as they cover her body and reform into Tsunade’s outfit that she was wearing when she was caught in the Infinite Tsukuyomi while Tsunade’s facial expressions turns one of rage and hate while her Rinnegan-like eyes express that.

Kaguya and Tsunade say in unison, “Kill them!” Soon after, the ‘possessed’ Fifth Hokage sinks into the floor of the ‘cavern’ as she is sent off by Kaguya on her mission to find and destroy our Moon Princess and more cruelly, the one that Tsunade calls her godson.

Black Zetsu says, with an evil smile, “He wouldn’t dare take the life of someone that he loves so much not knowing that she is you now and forever. And if she fails, there are more of your new extensions to take your place.”

Kaguya responds, “Indeed, Zetsu.” Kaguya and Black Zetsu look as other cocoons come down from the ceilings in which a few of them unwrap to reveal the faces and heads of Ino Yamanaka, Kiba Inuzuka, and Hinata Hyuga, one of them are in deep sleep due to all of them being trapped in the Infinite Tsukuyomi like much of the rest of the people of their world.

(Back on Earth; Later on)

Within the Hayabusa Village, the Sailor Scouts, Darien, and the two feline advisors, Luna, a female black cat with a golden crescent moon sigil on her forehead, and Artemis, a male white cat with the same golden crescent moon sigil on his forehead, assembled in front of Naruto, Ryu, and Momiji as Naruto displays the Crescent Moon Wand as Naruto explains on how he got it.

When he is done, Luna says, “That’s the Crescent Moon Wand. I know it anywhere.”

Artemis says, “Then Queen Serenity is sending off on a quest to find the only person that can give us the knowledge of the technique to get rid of Kaguya forever.”

Raye asks, “Hold on! Didn’t Queen Serenity also mention that this technique can only be used with that weapon known as the Star Saber?”

Trista says, “That’s correct. The Star Saber is one of three legendary weapons that Queen Serenity and the sons of Kaguya welded against her long ago. The other two are the Skyboom Shield, the practically impregnable shield, and the Requiem Bow, a bow that shoots off an arrow of pure energy that can pierce any armor and through to any realm if need be.”

Luna says, “If I remember, Queen Serenity welded the Requiem Bow, Hamura used Skyboom Shield, and Hagoromo himself used the Star Saber. He even fashion his own weapons based on the Star Saber, Skyboom Shield, and Requiem Bow, but his weapons were nowhere near as powerful as those three through they might have been pretty close.”

Trista says, “Correct, Luna. Hamura was the one actually left in charge of the three weapons since Queen Serenity felt that may be needed in case of the return of the Ten-Tails and haven’t been seen ever since. The weapons may still be in his care or maybe close than one can think.”

Naruto takes out the seemly rusty samurai sword and he says, holding it in his right hand while keeping the Crescent Moon Wand in his left, “Speaking of swords, what about this? I know that there is more to this meets the eye since Kurama, the other Biju, and I can sense there is something sealed in here, but I have no clue on how to unseal despite all of my training, thanks to the pieces of my parents inside of me.”

Trista says, with a kind smile, “Most likely, the sword may unveil its secrets when the time is right.”

Lita says, “Most likely while we have to deal with Kaguya.”

Naruto says, “That’s good to know.”

Amara says, “Anyway, our main focus is finding the spirit of this guy and getting the information that we need to get Naruto the power that he needs to get rid of Kaguya for good.”

Michelle says, with a nod, “Yes, if Kaguya is coming for him and our princess, we must hurry.”

Naruto says, giving Crescent Moon Wand to Serena, “Here you go, Serena. And this belongs to your family anyway, so, I should give it back.

Serena says, with a smile, “Thank you, Naruto.” Serena takes the Crescent Moon Wand and she says, “But I don’t know how to use it in that way. I helped me heal people and find the Imperium Silver Crystal.” Just then the orb below the top of the sideways crescent moon top glows and it then projects some kind of compass with an arrow pointing in one direction.

Raye tells Serena, “You were saying, Meatball Head?”

Luna says, “Queen Serenity must have reprogrammed the tracking device that we used to find the seven rainbow crystals that the Silver Crystals were split and made it track Hamura-dono’s chakra.”

Lita asks, “So, it is a ‘spirit tracker’?”

Artemis says, with a nod, “You can say that Lita.”

Serena says, nervously, “It just plain spooky to be looking for a ghost.”

Raye says, with a sigh, “He is a spirit, Serena. A ghost is a malicious or mischievous spirit, but a ‘regular spirit’ is just benign spirit that hasn’t gone off into the afterlife and stays here on the mortal plane for one reason or another. They just ‘stick around’ and do practically nothing in which regular people see them once in a while, but only spiritual aware people can find them since they don’t really cause trouble for the living.”

Serena says, plainly, “It is still creepy to me.”

Naruto tells Serena, with a grin, “Come on, Serena, if he helped save our world from his mom while he was alive, you know that Old Man Hamura is going to be a great guy, believe it!”

Darien tells Serena, with a nod and smile, “I believe him, Serena-chan. Naruto is an excellent judge of character and I know that you are the same.”

Serena responds, with a warm smile, “Thank you, Darien-kun.” Serena says, with a nod, “And I do believe him since you are right, Darien-kun. And not just because you say so. I just can’t help to trust him.”

Naruto says, with a grin, “Would this face lie to a sweet girl like you Serena? No way, believe it!” Serena, Darien, and Naruto laugh and in their minds, they see Prince Endymon, Princess Serenity, and Asura sharing a good laugh with each other.

As they see Naruto, Serena, and Darien look at each other, Mina whispers, “They seem to be really getting along.”

Artemis responds, “But of course, Mina. Endymon, Serenity, and Asura were the best of friends before the Silver Millennium ended.”

Ami says, with a smile, “It seems like history is repeating itself.”

Trista says, with a warm smile, “Well, Asura formed many bonds with others and united their hearts into one, so, it isn’t surprising that Naruto, who is Asura’s purest reincarnation, is much the same way.”

Mina says, with a sigh, “Too bad that there is someone waiting at home for him.” Mina says, with a giggle, “Doesn’t mean that I won’t try and it might be possible since you said that Naruto was the last of his ninja clan, the Uzumaki.”

Raye asks Mina, flabbergasted, “Mina, you don’t mean ‘harem stuff’ in which he is allowed multiple women due to the fact that he is the last of his clan?”

Mina says, with a blush and giggle, “A girl can dream, can she? Besides, why not? He is really ‘hot stuff’ in more ways than one.” Mina asks Lita, with a grin, “Right, Lita?”

Lita says, with a blush, “Well…”

Raye says, with an annoyed look, “I can’t believe you, Mina-chan.” When Raye looks at Naruto, she can’t help to blush for some reason.

Trista tells Raye, with a kind smile, “Actually, Asura nearly made you give up your ‘chastity pact’ with Serenity and Serenity did encourage such a thing.”

Raye blushes like a tomato and Mina asks, with a wide grin, “Oh, really?” Mina then yelps as Raye tries to bash her head while the others giggle at this sight.

Hotaru tells Trista, “Oh, Trista-mama…”

Trista tells Hotaru, “I may be an ageless time guardian, but it doesn’t mean that I’m not still mortal, my Firefly.” Elsewhere on Earth, the ‘possessed’ Tsunade looks down from a high skyscraper in which the Shinju eye on her forehead move around to take in the surroundings.

Kaguya’s voice rings in Tsunade’s mind, “Such foolish creatures! I am not surprised that they don’t crush themselves under the weight of their own structures. Don’t bother with them my child. Look for Asura and that blasted moon princess!”

Tsunade responds, in a monotone voice, “Yes, my goddess-sama.” Tsunade keeps move around in which Kaguya uses Tsunade’s body to use her sensory abilities to find Naruto and Kaguya, through Tsunade, then senses Naruto’s chakra signature.
Kaguya yells out, “There he is! Asura! And I can feel it! The power that aided Hagoromo and Hamura! That wretched piece of jewelry! Go, my child! Find them!”

Tsunade responds, monotone tone in her voice, “Right away, Goddess Kaguya-sama.” Tsunade then floats up into the air and the ‘possessed’ Fifth Hokage takes off into the distance, but as she is flying along, a small tear streams from her left eye. On the meanwhile, on the ground, a young teen boy of Naruto’s and Serena’s age looks up into the sky and this teen boy has spiky red hair, large circular goggles on his head, brown eyes, and tight fitting black shirt, blue jeans snort with matching brown belt, a blue and white oval device attached to the belt, and flame designed sneakers on his feet. With this boy, there is a small white and blue dragon-like creature with a yellow ‘V’ on its forehead.

The blue creature asks, “What’s wrong, Davis?”

The teen boy responds, “Nothing, Veemon. Just a bad feeling.”

The blue dragon creature asks, “What kind of bad feeling?”

The teen boy responds, with a smile, “Just forget Veemon. It is just nerves. With all these wretched ‘dark and shadow Digidestined’ coming around and many of the ‘good Digidestined’ being part of the Data Squad to show the government and the people that these Digidestined are just the ‘bad eggs’, we’ve been busier than ever having to be the ‘Digimon Police’.”

The blue dragon responds, “Yeah. And Ken said that things are getting worse.”

The teen boy says, “Anyway, we had better get to headquarters. Right now, I don’t want to meet with the others right now.” The blue dragon creature, Veemon, nods his head and the teen boy, Davis, head off into the distance while Davis can’t help to look up and in the direction that Tsunade flied by in which he can’t get the ‘bad feeling’ that he got out of him.

(Returning to the Elemental Countries; on the meanwhile)

However, it wasn’t the young teen boy that sensed danger, we return to the Elemental Countries as the spirit of Hagoromo Otsutsuki, the Six Path Sage, also senses trouble from planet Earth.

Hagoromo thinks in his mind, “It has begun. I pray that you and the daughter of Queen Serenity can survive this young Naruto.”

(Sometime later on; returning to Earth)

Back with Naruto, he, the Sailor Scouts, Darien, the two feline advisors, Ryu and another young woman of 19 years of age with waist-length copper brown hair, amber eyes, and she is wearing a blue, side-tie dress with short puffy sleeves, white trim, the name ‘Kasumi’ written in Japanese and stitched in gold on the back of the dress, and a light-colored phoenix pattern on the skirt, complete with stockings, low heeled sandals, blue & white leg guards and arm-guards.

Right now, they are going through the mountainous woods as Serena uses the power of her Crescent Moon Wand to lead the way.

Ryu says, “I’m glad that you could help us, Kasumi.”

Kasumi responds, “It is an honor to help you after all you did for me, Ryu-sama. However, what you have just told me disturbs me greatly.”

Ryu says, “Yes, Kasumi. A dark cloud covers our world and there are only two that can help it.”

Kasumi says, looking at Serena and Naruto, “Even if she is the Moon Princess of our clan’s legends, I’m not sure if she can handle this.”

Ryu says, with a smile, “She has already saved the world and the universe plenty of times.”

Kasumi says, “I don’t doubt you, but while she is a warrior, she is not a ninja.”

Ryu asks, “Does it really matter, Kasumi?” Ryu says, motioning to Naruto, “With the ‘savior’ of another world to help, I think that she will do fine.”

Kasumi says, with a nod, “I have to say that Naruto-san is strong and I can tell while he is gentle, he is also powerful.”

Ryu tells Kasumi, “Very good, Kasumi.” Ryu thinks in his mind, “However, I fear that his power may not be enough. What Queen Serenity’s words said are most likely true.”

Lita asks Serena, “How is it going Serena?”

Serena says, looking at the wand, “Well, the wand is glowing brighter. It might mean that we are getting closer.”

Raye asks Ami, “What does your computer say, Ami-chan?”

Ami says, shaking her head, “I’m not getting a reading at all, Raye.”

Darien says, “I doubt that someone like him, even as a spirit, would like to be found easily. Remember, those powerful weapons were left in his care and I doubt he would want them found too easily.”

Luna says, “Darien has a point. He may have put up some kind of ‘shield’ that prevents direction from even advanced technology. It is most likely that only Queen Serenity knows the way to find him and she put it in the Crescent Moon Wand.”

Amara says, “Hopefully, he will have the Star Saber since that’s one part of the combination that we need to destroy Kaguya.”

Lita says, “She could be arriving here any time now!” Just then Ryu, Kasumi, Naruto, Raye, and Amara then sense something and stop in their tracks in which the others stop when they see it.

Hotaru asks, “What’s wrong?”
Amara says, seriously, “We aren’t alone!”

Ryu says, putting his hands to his sword’s hilt, “An ill wind is in the air!”

Raye yells out, “I sense a strong negative aura! Watch out!” Everyone immediately then gets on guard and there is a strange wind in which they sense the aura in which Tsunade lands right in front of them with her head lowered so they can’t see her face.

Naruto thinks in his mind, shocked, “It can’t be…!!”

Kurama yells out, “It shouldn’t be! The only ones that aren’t trapped in the Genjutsu other than you are your teacher and your former teammates including Indra’s bratty reincarnation!”

Amara asks, in a demanding tone, “Who are you?”

Naruto shouts out, “Granny Tsunade!”

Everyone looks at Naruto in shock and Hotaru asks, “Isn’t that the current leader of your home?”

Naruto yells out, with a nod, “It is! Granny Tsunade, how did you escape?” But when everyone sees her face, they gasp to see the Shinju eye on her forehead.

Trista yells out, shocked, “That eye!”

Lita asks, stunned, “Does that godmother have a third freaky eye?”

Naruto shouts out, his face becoming seriously, “That’s not Granny Tsunade! That’s Kaguya!”

Tsunade then says, with an evil smile that’s not like the ‘real her’, “Oh, gaki, is that anyway to talk to your godmother like that?”

Naruto yells out, strongly and angrily, “How dare you, Kaguya?! I know it’s you! I can smell your chakra! How dare you take Granny Tsunade’s form to trick me?!” Naruto then transforms into his Six Path Senjutsu Mode and charges in to attack.

Serena shouts out, “Naruto, wait!” However, it is too late as Naruto attacks with punch, but Tsunade retaliates with her classic super-strength and when their first collide, they create a massive shockwave that knocks everyone else, minus Ryu and Kasumi, down and cracking the ground greatly as they create a good sized crater around them.

Naruto gasps, recognizing the technique, and he says, “No way! That’s…”

Tsunade responds, with an evil smile, “That’s right, gaki.” Tsunade then grabs Naruto by the collar, kisses him on the forehead, causing Naruto’s eyes to widen, and she then ruthlessly throws him into the wood causing him to go through five to seven trees in which they collapses after Naruto goes through them while slamming into one more tree track, leaving a major imprint before the tree collapses to the ground.

Darien and Serena yell out in unison, horrified, “Naruto!”

Tsunade then looks at Serena, an image of Queen Serenity appears in Kaguya’s mind via her ‘link’ to Tsunade, and Kaguya says, using Tsunade’s mouth, “So, you are the daughter of that wretched woman, Queen Serenity? She had some nerve to stick her nose where it didn’t belong and you will pay for her sins!”

Trista says, with a sneer, “The only sinful one is you, Kaguya! You had no right to murder your own children just because they were born with your chakra!”

Kaguya responds, “All chakra is mine! I am the progenitor of all chakra! It belongs to me as I see fit as do all who Hagoromo and Hamura have given it too!”

Luna yells out, “You’re wrong, Kaguya! You may have been the first to gain that power, but it doesn’t mean that it belongs to you! And you abused the power given to you to enslave the human race of your world and Queen Serenity shown your children the light in which you gotten what you deserve when you were sealed by the hands of your own children! The only reason that Queen Serenity didn’t struck you down is because of the love that your children had for you and concern for the balance of the world if the Shinju were accidently destroyed!”

Kaguya roars out, “You dare to speak to me, you worthless feline! My newest child shall set you straight!”

Artemis shouts out, “Girls! Transform now!”

Mercury Crystal Power, Make-up!

Venus Crystal Power, Make-up!

Mars Crystal Power, Make-up!

Jupiter Crystal Power, Make-up!

Saturn Crystal Power, Make-up!

Uranus Crystal Power, Make-up!

Neptune Crystal Power, Make-up!

Pluto Crystal Power, Make-up!

Moon Eternal Power, Make-up!

Soon enough, all of the Sailor Scouts go through their respective transformations and they transform into their Sailor Scout forms when their transformations are done.

Sailor Moon says, “How dare you enslave worlds and scar people’s hearts like that?! I am Eternal Sailor Moon, champion of love and justice, and in the name of the moon, I will punish you!”

Tsunade responds, “We shall you worthless princess!” Tsunade then moves with incredible speed to Sailor Moon’s face and prepares to attack her in which she gasps in shock, but Darien transforms into Tuxedo Mask and unleashes a rose petal storm that blinds Tsunade and forces her to leap back.

Mars Flame Sniper!

Sailor Mars creates a fiery arrow in which Tsunade flies into the air and Sailor Neptune takes out her Aqua Mirror in which Tsunade’s image appears in it, but without the Shinju eye on her forehead. Sailor Neptune’s eyes then widen as she sees an image of Kaguya surround Tsunade’s form and then an image of Kaguya over Tsunade in which dark wires of energy are connecting Kaguya to Tsunade like a puppet on a strings with Tsunade as the puppet.

Naruto’s voice booms, “Kaguya!” Tsunade then turns to the source only to get kicked in the gut by Naruto and sending her spinning through the air before she stops herself after spinning around fifty yards into the air. Naruto roars out, “You have got some fucking nerve taking Granny Tsunade’s form in order to confuse and scare me, but now, you’ve just pissed me off! When I’m done with you, I’m going to make sure that you wish that you never ate the Shinju’s fruit to save you from the pain that I’m going to give you right now!” Naruto charges in for the attack and he battles Tsunade with Taijutsu in which their super-powered punches and kicks causes powerful shockwaves that shake the whole area.

Sailor Jupiter says, “Let’s help him out, girls!”

Sailor Venus says, with a nod, “Yeah!”

Sailor Neptune says, “Wait, girls!” When everyone looks at Sailor Neptune, she turns her Aqua Mirror and shows everyone the image that she just saw causing them to gasp in shock.

Sailor Uranus asks, “What does that mean?”

Sailor Neptune says, “I think that is one of Naruto’s beloved godmother, but Kaguya has possessed her or something!”

There are more gasps and Sailor Mars focuses her senses at Tsunade in which she says, her eyes widening, “Yes, you’re right! I can sense it! There is that evil aura that’s Kaguya, but there is another aura in there, the aura of the owner of that body and it feels like that it is mixed in with evil aura!”

Sailor Jupiter asks, “Mixed in?”

Sailor Mars says, “Like hat evil aura has overtaken her true aura, her true self, mixed in, and mixed together to keep this person’s ‘true self’ suppressed and under the evil aura’s control. I’m not really sure to explain it!”

Sailor Mercury says, her visor activated, “Well, my scanner is showing two sets of brainwaves in there and it isn’t a split personality situation! It is like another person has come in and inhabited this body!”

Sailor Mars yells out, “Naruto!” Naruto stops fighting and he focuses his hearing while keeping his ‘opponent’ in his sight. Sailor Mars shouts out, “That is your godmother, but she has been possessed by Kaguya or something!”

Naruto yells out, his head whipping to look at Sailor Mars, “What?!” However, this is the moment that Tsunade needed and before anyone can say or do anything, Tsunade zips over to Naruto and lands a powerful punch to his waist causing a strong shockwave and he gasps as he coughs out some blood.

There are gasps of horror and Tuxedo Mask and the Sailor Scouts shout out in unison, “No!”

Tsunade tells Naruto, making him look at her, “You’re new friends have gotten it wrong, gaki. I am one with my goddess now, Naruto. It’s over! We all belong to Kaguya-sama now and forever.”

Naruto thinks in his mind, horrified, “No, it can’t be true.”

Tsunade says, with an evil smile, “We don’t need you when we have the bliss of being one with Kaguya-sama. Our goddess gives us the most perfect lives in our dreams, so, why do we need someone you when you abandoned us? Hinata is loving her ‘dream Naruto’ and she has completely forgotten about you.” Naruto’s eyes widen and he becomes frozen as he is unable to move as Tsunade prepares for the final blow.

Kurama yells out, “Snap out of it! Kit! KIT!!!”

Sailor Moon shouts out, “No!”

Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss!

Sailor Moon unleashes a powerful blast of golden light and feathers in which slam into Tsunade and she screams out in pain and agony as the attack slams into her while Sailor Venus uses her energy whip to grab Naruto and bring him over to the others while Tsunade dodges the rest of the attack as dark violet ‘smoke’ leaves her form. Tsunade then turns to face, but she then starts to scream out in pain as the Shinju eye on her forehead start to move around frantically.

Sailor Venus asks, “What’s going on with her?”

Tuxedo Mask says, “Ah, the purifying nature of Sailor Moon’s powers!”

There are gasps and Luna yells out, “Sailor Moon, he’s right! The purifying nature of your powers is weakening the hold that Kaguya has on her! Use the full power of Holy Moon Chalice on your specter! Do it now!”

Sailor Moon shouts out, “You got it, Luna!” However, Tsunade’s clothing then transforms into a cocoon which entraps her and she sinks down into the ground.

Naruto yells out, “No! Granny Tsunade!” Naruto then leaps to grab the cocoon, but he is too late as the cocoon completely sinks into the ground leaving Naruto to ‘eat dirt’. Naruto shouts out, “No! No! NO!!!” Naruto then pounds into the ground causing shockwaves and creating a crater around him.

Sailor Uranus shouts out, “Stop! Hey, Naruto, stop it!”

Naruto roars out, frantically, “Not again! I won’t lose them again! I can’t!”

Kurama yells out, “Stop it, kit! It’s too late! She has gone back to Kaguya for the time being! Just get a grip! NOW!!!” Naruto stops as tears stream down from his eyes and he gives a cry of anguish as he pounds the ground one more time as tears of pain and anguish in which Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask goes over to him.

Tuxedo Mask tells Naruto, “We’ll get them back. You’ll get them back, Naruto. You have to believe in yourself.” Sailor Moon gently hugs Naruto as tears fall to the ground while the other Sailor Scouts watch.

Sailor Mars says, with a sneer, “Unforgivable.”

Sailor Jupiter says, “How dare she? I can’t wait to help Naruto pound her into the dirt!”

Sailor Uranus says, “I would love to, but how can we help? We managed to beat one of Naruto’s friends that she turned into her puppet, but only through good luck and surprise.”

Sailor Saturn says, “We need to get stronger. Kaguya will only bring the same calamity and destruction that she is bringing to Naruto’s home world.”

Sailor Pluto says, “Our best chance is the Star Saber and the jutsu that Hamura-dono perfected. We can’t keep sealing her away anymore. It is too risky. Kaguya must be destroyed and the Shinju freed from her ‘possession’ for the universe to ever know peace from her evil.”

Sailor Uranus says, looking at Naruto, “We can only hope that he has the strength of will to continue on to the end.”

Sailor Pluto says, with a solemn nod, “Yes, I agree.”

Kasumi asks Ryu, “Ryu, is there anything that we can do?”

Ryu says, “Other than the best that we can, Kasumi? Not right now. Most likely, we are here to guide and assist as best we can, but other than that, the future of two worlds may lie in their hands.”

Kasumi says, “But Naruto…”

Ryu says, “This is a ‘trial’ that he must overcome, Kasumi.” Kasumi nods her head, but she can’t help to feel sorry for Naruto right now.

(Within the Elemental Countries; later on)

Returning to Kaguya’s ‘mysterious lair’, Tsunade’s cocoon emerges from the ground by the vine connecting the wooden cocoon to the Shinju roots keeping her trapped in the Infinite Tsukuyomi along with the rest of the world. However, Kaguya is in a pure rage as her activate Byakugan and enraged expression shows.

Kaguya yells out, enraged, “Curse her! Curse that wretched daughter of Queen Serenity! Her and her Imperium Silver Crystal!” Her powerful dark chakra causes the whole area to shake.

Black Zetsu tells Kaguya, nervously, “Easy, mother. This is only a minor setback. And you have put the despair and fear into Uzumaki’s heart.”

Kaguya’s aura dies down and she says, in a plain tone, “Yes, Zetsu. You are right. We have struck a blow to Asura and we will continue to suffer for resisting me.”

Black Zetsu says, “However, you have a point about the wretched daughter of Queen Serenity and her crystal. The crystal seems to be just as stronger or maybe even stronger if that’s possible. We can’t underestimate the power of that jewel ever again.”

Kaguya says, “Agreed, Zetsu. She must suffer and die along with Asura. But where they were going? They were heading somewhere.”

Black Zetsu says, “I saw it too, mother. The eyes of your ‘thrall’ showed us that were looking for something in the mountainous area of that world.” As Black Zetsu goes through the memory, he says, “Something… or someone.”

Kaguya’s eyes narrow and she says, “Hamura.”

Black Zetsu says, “It might be possible. Hamura faded into the shadows so much that even I don’t know what happened to him after he gave birth to the people that will create the Kaguya, named after you, and the Hyuga clan, who possess your eyes. And there is something that worries me. Queen Serenity left the three weapons that they used against you in his care. If they find Hamura, they might…” Kaguya’s eyes widen as an image of Queen Serenity, Hamura, and Hagoromo come into her mind and Queen Serenity is welding a strange bow that’s creating ‘arrows of energy’ from it, Hamura is a strange and majestic shield, and Hagoromo has a strange and majestic sword with a blade seemly made of energy in his hands.

Kaguya says, with a sneer, “The Star Saber. The Skyboom Shield. And the Requiem Bow. The weapons she gave them to crush me. I would have gotten back my chakra despite their resistance if she didn’t arrive with those weapons! Those weapons enabled Hamura and Hagoromo to crush me and weaken me enough so they sealed me away!”

Black Zetsu says, “That’s concerning mother. If they do go after Hamura and he has the weapons. They may get their hands on them and they may dare to think about they can destroy you, mother.”

Kaguya responds, angrily, “How dare they think that they can destroy me? The ancestor to all chakra! How dare they?!”

Black Zetsu says, “They will pay for such thoughts mother, but if they get their hands on those weapons, it will be trouble for us.”

Kaguya says, “You are right, Zetsu.”

Black Zetsu says, with an evil smile, “However, Asura is ripe for the ‘picking’ and who better to crush them than those that know him best?” Kaguya and Black Zetsu look at the other cocoons within the ‘mysterious lair’ of Kaguya and Black Zetsu and contain people that Naruto knows especially those close and dear to his very heart.

(Back on Earth; Sometime later)

Returning to Earth, we find Ryu, Kasumi, Naruto, the Sailor Scouts, Darien, and the two felines walking along in which Naruto had a plain look on his face with his face still wet from his tears of pain and sorrow.

Mina says, “Naruto.”

Lita says, “He is bummed out.”

Raye tells Lita, “Well, you would be to if you found out that someone that you love as a mother has been ‘brain jacked’ and turned against you like that.”

Serena tells Raye, annoyed, “Geez, Pyro! Do you have to say it so loud?!”

Raye says, “Yeah, I didn’t mean for him to hear me. I just…”

Serena says, “I know, Pyro.”

Amara says, “You don’t want to hear this, but if he wants to save her, he is going to have to ‘man up’ and overcome this. Like it or not, he has to become stronger and fight or he will lose everything.”

Raye tells Amara, drolly, “Straight and to the point, huh? Typical Amara.”

Amara says, with a plain tone, “Just pointing on that what he is going to need to do, Raye. He is the only one that can save his world and the people that he cares about.”

Serena asks Darien, “Will Naruto be okay?”

Darien says, with a smile, “I know so, Meatball Head. He is strong just like you are.” Darien, however, is concerned because he knew that his girlfriend would be in a similar shape to Naruto is now if it was one of the Sailor Scouts being controlled and used against her. On the meanwhile, the Crescent Moon Wand starts to ‘ping’ in a quick manner as if indicating that they were at the place that they are supposed to be in which they look ahead to a Japanese style Shino temple complex attached to the base of a mountain in which statues of all nine Biju were lined up in two rows towards the temple steps with the statue of Kurama placed in the center of the steps to the front door of the temple complex.

Hotaru says, “Those statues…”

Naruto says, shocked, “Kurama and his fellow Biju.”

Lita says, “I think that’s a sign that says ‘This is the place’.”

Mina says, with a nod, “Pretty much, Lita-chan.”

Raye says, “I sense a strong aura in there, but I’m not sure what it is.”

Amara says, “The only way to find out is to go inside.”

Serena says, with a sigh, “I was afraid that you were going to say that Amara.”

Darien takes a hold of Serena’s hand and he says, “Let’s go.” Everyone else nods their heads as they head for the temple complex and not knowing what will happen next, but hopefully that they will find the spirit of Hamura Otsutsuki, brother of Hagoromo, and hopefully, the ‘key’ to destroy Kaguya forever.

And that’s the chapter, everyone! I’m going to try my best to follow the anime/manga as best as possible, but I am sorry if there are ‘inaccuracies’ in my story to the Naruto anime/manga, folks. Remember, this is also an AU of the Naruto manga/anime starting in Chapter 685 of the Naruto manga. And you might have noticed a few familiar characters from another anime that I usually use my stories, well, it is going to have only a cameo in this story and their ‘main focus’ won’t start until the start of the second story in these series! And that’s all of the spoilers that you are going to get, folks! Anyway, please read and review to tell me what you think of the story so far, everyone! Later and best wishes, Crossover Fans!