Crossover Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Naruto Shippuden Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon Shippuden: New Moon Ninja ❯ Taking Dark Root ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Before I start this chapter, everyone, I would like to point out one thing. While Hamura grave the Sailor Scouts the power of his chakra, they had the ability to use chakra due to the fact that their powers, at least in my story, gives them enhanced physical and spiritual abilities due to their mystical powers and you know that physical and spiritual energies combine to form chakra. Also, the humans of Earth do have chakra network, but they don’t have the ability to harness chakra due to them not having the ability to harness their spiritual power and combine it with their physical energy. Hamura unlocked that power and gave them a chunk of his chakra as well as give them mystical ninja animal spirits from planet Earth to enhance that power given to them. This will be made more clear in this and upcoming chapters, folks!

Disclaimer: I DON’T own Naruto, Sailor Moon, Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden, all of the Digimon seasons, Yu-Gi-Oh GX/5Ds/Zexal/Arc-V, Dragonball/Z/GT, and anything/anyone that comes from these and other stories that end up in this fanfiction! Sailor Moon is owned/licensed by Naoko Takeuchi and its various studios and publishers, Naruto is owned/licensed by Masashi Kishimoto, Yuuto Date, Jump Comics, and Studio Pierrot, Dead or Alive is owned/licensed by Team Ninja, Temco, and Tomonobu Itagaki, and Ninja Gaiden is owned/licensed by owned/licensed by Team Ninja, Temco, and Tomonobu Itagaki!

Warning: This story contains intense violence, blood, gore, and possible death, mild to explicit suggestive themes, including mind-control and brainwashing, mild to explicit bad language, and mature adult themes/situations!

Second Warning: Some to a lot of OOC (Out of Character) actions and mannerisms in this whole story!

Ages of characters starting this chapter:
Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze: Age 16-17
Sakura Haruno: Age 16
Sasuke Uchiha: Age 16
Kakashi Hatake: Age 31
Serena Tsukino/Sailor Moon: Age 16-17
Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury: Age 16-17
Raye Hino/Sailor Mars: Age 16-17
Lita Kino/Sailor Jupiter: Age 16-17
Mina Aino/Sailor Venus: Age 16-17
Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn: Age 14-15
Amara Ten’ou/Sailor Uranus: Age 18-19
Michelle Kaiou/Sailor Neptune: Age 18-19
Trista Meiou/Sailor Pluto: Physically, around age 27, but actual age is centuries to around one millennia
Darien Shields/Tuxedo Mask: Age 20-21
Kasumi: Age 19
Ayane: Age 18
Hayate: Age 25
Ryu Hayabusa: Age 25
Tsunade Senju: Physically mid-twenties, but actually 53 years of age.
Hinata Hyuga: Age 16
Shikamaru Nara: Age 16
Kiba Inuzuka: Age 16

Sailor Moon Shippuden: New Moon Ninja

Chapter 5: Taking Dark Root

Later in the evening hours in Tokyo, there is a young man walking home from his job until she sees someone in the distance near an alleyway. When he gets a closer look, he blushes to see a tall and lovely woman with ankle-length, auburn hair styled into a herringbone pattern at the back, a top-knot tied with a dark blue band, and with four bangs at the front. Two bangs are short, with one covering her right eye, and two are long, crossing each other on her bust, just below her chin. She wears a long-sleeved, dark blue dress that falls just below the knees. It seems to be closed at the front with a zipper, and is kept open on the front-right side from the waist down. The dress only covers up to the upper part of her arms and the underside of her breasts. Underneath, she wears a mesh armor that covers slightly more of her upper body than her dress. She also wears shorts in the same color as her dress and, underneath those, mesh leggings reaching down over her knees. Around her waist, she wears a belt with a pouch attached to the back on the left along with high-heeled sandals and shin-guards reaching up over her knees, dark blue polish on her fingers and toes, and her lips are covered in a dark blue lipstick.

The man blushes upon seeing her and he asks, “Hello?”

The woman turns to face him, making sure that she looks at him with the eye that’s covering by her hair, and she says, in a sultry voice, “Why hello handsome.”

The man blushes at being called ‘handsome’ and he asks, “What’s a gorgeous woman like you doing here at this time?”

The woman responds, “Oh, dear. It seems like I have become lost. Could you help me?”

The man replies, “I’m not sure.”

The woman replies, “Do you have a girlfriend?”

The man responds, with a sigh, “Actually, I don’t.”

The woman tells the man, “Then I don’t see a problem since you won’t hurt her. Would you abandon someone in need, handsome?”

The man says, “It feels kind of weird assisting a strange even a lovely stranger like you, Miss…”

The woman responds, “I’m Mei… Mei Terumi.”

The man says, “Nice to meet you, Terumi-san.”

The woman replies, with a kind tone, “Please call me Mei, handsome.”

The man blushes and he says, “Allow me to escort you to my house.”

The woman, seemly none other than Mei Terumi, responds, “Please led the way.” The young man starts to walk off and Mei follows him in which the young man doesn’t notice that Mei’s left eye looks like a Rinnegan eye.

(Joining up with the Sailor Scouts; the following morning)

Right now, we find the Sailor Scouts inside of Hayabusa Village in which Darien and Naruto are helping Serena and Mina out of a pool of water.

Naruto says, “And this is why I said that you should have put one piece bathing suits or something.”

Darien says, “And this is why I agreed to that.”

Mina says, “Ah, man! I thought that we had it this time!”

Serena asks, “Is there a lake that’s not so cold?!”

Naruto asks, “Can we get some towels?”

Raye, wearing a red bikini outfit, throws two towels to Naruto and Darien, and yells out, “Geez, Meatball Head! I told you that mastering this new power of ours wasn’t going to be easy, you know?! Naruto told us that walking on water isn’t like walking a tree stump and you and Mina feel on your heads about three times!”

Naruto says, with a smile, “Come on, Raye! I told you when I first tried this exercise, remember? Trust me, it isn’t easy as you made it! It is because of your spiritual training and Lita’s martial arts training that allows you to focus so well is the reason that you got down so well, Raye.”

Mina asks, “What about Ami-chan?”

Naruto responds, “She is like Sakura and that’s because she is very smart as well as lovely.”

Ami says, with a blush, “Thank you, Naruto.”

Michelle says, “Naruto has a point. Ami has no training in martial arts or any form of spiritualism like Raye does, but due to her mind, she managed to figure out how to perform the technique without too much difficulty like she did with the tree walking exercise.”

Naruto tells Serena and Mina, “Anyway, you and Mina didn’t do too bad. It only has been three days since we got our power ups from Old Man Hamura.”

Mina asks, “How many times did you get it wrong?”

Naruto replies, nervously, “I lost count.” Naruto says, “However, it was partially due to the fact that Orochimaru used that Five Elements Seal on me to seal off Kurama’s chakra at the time and it messed up my chakra control too.”

Serena says, drolly, “That’s encouraging, Naruto.”

Naruto tells Serena, with a kind smile, “Come on, Serena! Don’t worry! You’ll get it!”

Darien tells Serena, “Naruto is right, Serena. It takes time.”

Amara says, “However, time is the thing that we don’t have. Despite one day there being days, weeks, or even months here, Kaguya isn’t going to lie on her butt. And once she knows that we have gained chakra thanks to her other son, she is going to be pissed.”

Raye says, “Something tells me that she already knows, Amara. I know that you can feel it too.”

Hotaru says, “As can I. A great darkness is falling on world specifically on Tokyo.”

Lita asks, “Are you saying that Kaguya has made her next move?”

Amara says, with a nod, “That’s a good possibility. It is the reason that we need to master this power and get stronger.”

Mina asks, “What do you think that she is planning to do this time?”

Darien asks, “Do you think that she might try to use the Infinite Tsukuyomi here?”

Trista says, “She could attempt it, but it won’t work.”

Naruto asks Trista, “Why not?”

Luna and Artemis make their appearance and Artemis says, “Unlike your world’s moon, which was used as the seal for the Ten-Tails and Kaguya, our moon was the home to our Moon Kingdom in which the moon was a sacred realm of light and life. Even though it is barren and the Moon Kingdom is in ruins, there is still power in the ruins and Queen Serenity’s spirit still remains there.”

Luna says, “If Kaguya makes an attempt to use that blasted technique using our moon, she will be in for an unpleasant surprise and most likely, she knows it. As long as the sacred power of the Silver Crystal remains active especially, the moon can’t be used for evil purposes.

Naruto says, with a sigh, “That’s good news.”

Raye says, “However, it may mean that she will try to attack us directly and it doesn’t mean that she may not use the other jutsu based on the Wood Style jutsu to entrap people in the roots of the Shinju despite them not being under the spell of the illusion.”

Trista says, with a nod, “Raye has a point. She may attempt to entrap people in the roots of the Shinju to force us to fight on her terms.”

Amara says, “If she hasn’t made her move already, Trista.”

(Returning to Tokyo; A good time later on)

Inside of Tokyo, there is a large underground facility where a lot of cocoons similar to the ones that entrap the people of Naruto’s world in the roots of the Shinju and the Infinite Tsukuyomi where we find Tsunade, once again under the control of Kaguya as shown by her Rinnegan-like eyes and Shinju eye on her forehead, looking at the cocoons as Mei Terumi comes in where we find that her only exposed eye is Rinnegan-like and there is Shinju eye coming out of her forehead.

Mei tells Tsunade, with a dark sly smile, “I have another one for our goddess, Tsunade.”

Tsunade responds, “Good. They will provide more energy for Kaguya-sama.”
Mei asks, “How can they if they don’t have the power of chakra?”

Tsunade replies, “Neither did anyone in our world until our goddess ate the fruit of the original Shinju and gained it which is why all chakra belongs to her and her alone.”

Mei says, “Yes, it is true.”

Tsunade says, looking at the cocoons, “Due to that potential, they will produce more chakra for our goddess as they slumber in these pods.”

Mei says, “They should feel honored to be one with our goddess and when their lives in their perfect dreams is done, they will serve eternally as her soldiers.”

Tsunade says, with a nod, “We must continue our work. Our goddess will need power to destroy who dare go against her will.” Mei Terumi, the Fifth Mizukage of Mist Village, like Tsunade, under the control of Kaguya via her ‘possession’, helps Tsunade and following the will of the one that currently enslaves them, Kaguya.

(The following day)

Inside of Darien’s house, Naruto finds himself wearing his original outfit (A/N: Naruto’s Shippuden outfit) minus his ninja headband and he is with Darien and Serena while he is looking at them with a curious look.

Naruto asks, “Why am I doing this again?”

Darien tells Naruto, with a sigh, “Personally, I just wanted to do it with you, Serena, and me, Naruto.”

Serena tells Naruto and Darien, with a smile, “Come on, Naruto, it will look less suspicious if you are with someone besides you are hanging out with me and Darien-kun too long. There is nothing wrong with that mind you, but we got to know you so well and you got to know us so well since you got here, Naruto. I think that you should hang with the others girls. Personally, I think that you will get to like them if you get to know them better.”

Darien asks Serena, “Are you doing a ‘Mina’ on us, my Meatball Head-chan?”

Serena replies, nervously, “No, Darien-kun!”

Darien tells Serena, with a smile, “Serena…”

Serena says, with a pout, “All right, Darien-kun. Maybe I am. Look, unlike me, the girls have had rotten luck in their love lives. Remember Crystal Tokyo? Have you heard about a ‘Mini-Mercury’, a ‘Mini-Jupiter’, or heaven forbid a ‘Mini-Mars’? I don’t think so! Why do I get the love of my life and the girls get squat? They have been my faithful guardians and best of friends! They deserve something!”

Darien tells Serena, with a smile, “That’s nice of you, Serena.”

Serena says, with a smile, “Thank you, Darien.”

Darien tells Serena, with a kind smile, but a bit of a stern tone, “But it isn’t nice to put Naruto ‘on the hot seat’ like this, understand?”

Serena says, with a sigh, “I know, but all of the guys that the other girls have gotten, especially Mina, have been enemies, illusions, or something of the like. And Naruto is the first incredible guy that just ‘popped in’ who is an action real-life hero.”

Naruto says, with a nervous smile, “I wouldn’t call me that!”

Serena tells Naruto, with a smile, “Oh, come on! You’ve saved nations and people! That’s a hero like I ever saw one!”

Darien tells Naruto, with a kind smile, “And you don’t call yourself that makes you a true hero in the respect.”

Naruto responds, with a smile, “Thanks, Darien. However, I just think of doing my job.”

Darien says, “Well, it is the same with us. And it shows that we aren’t so different.”

Naruto says, “Not to mention a shared history which seems to be repeating itself.”

Darien asks, “More memories of Asura?”

Naruto says, with a nod, “Every single day, Darien.”

Serena says, with a smile, “Darien-kun and I seem to be getting the same thing and this is what inspired. Back in the Silver Millennium, let’s just say that you were quite popular with the girls.”

Naruto says, rubbing his head, “My memories as Asura say much of the same thing.”

Darien tells Naruto, “You were able to make ‘bonds’ quite well, Naruto.”

Serena says, scratching her head, “But there are things in those memories that confuse me.”

Darien asks, “You mean about the strange Sailor Scout with the sword and pink hair and the young lady dressed like you with dark blue hair in a similar hairstyle to Queen Serenity?”

Serena asks, surprised, “You’ve had those ‘strange dreams’ too, Darien-kun?”

Darien says, with a nod, “I have. And they seem very familiar to me too. I believe that they are memories. Memories of our lives in the Silver Millennium as much as the ones with Naruto as Asura.”

Serena asks, curiously, “Do you… Do you think that there were more than the Inner and Outer Sailor Scouts back in the Silver Millennium?”

Darien responds, “It is possible. Remember Sailor Galaxia or even the Sailor Starlight, Serena-chan?”

Serena says, with a nod, “Yeah, if there are more Sailor Scouts than us now! There had to be more back then!”

Darien says, with a nod, “That’s right, Serena. And I think that they were ‘closer to home’ if you get my meaning.”

Serena asks, “You mean they were a part of the same solar system?”

Darien says, “We had better ask Trista about that, but right now, the girls must be waiting for us.”

Serena says, with a nod, “Oh, yeah! We are going to be late!”

Darien tells Serena, with a warm smile, “Not if it would be like our first time, Meatball Head.”

Serena retorts, with a pout, “You are mean, Darien-kun.” Serena, Darien, and Naruto share a giggle as they head and left to go to the Fruits Parlor Crown, a café that proves to be a meeting place for the Sailor Scouts.

(Later on that same day; Back in Hayabusa Village)

Right now, Ryu is talking with his father, Jo Hayabusa, about something important and Ryu is not happy.

Ryu yells out, “Father, how can you be thinking of doing this? Not even we have done this test!”

Jo says, “I know, my son. However, I believe for the sake of the world that Naruto must get more allies and most likely, the intelligent animal familiars of his world are trapped in this ‘dream world’ as much as the humans are.”

Ryu tells Jo, “What makes you think that Naruto will pass this test?”

Jo tells Ryu, “From what you told me, I have the absolute faith in Naruto. He has overcome his inner darkness and with the Sailor Soldiers welders of sacred animal ninja spirits, they will have animal allies as well.”

Ryu says, “In Elysion.”

Jo says, “That’s correct, Ryu.”

Ryu asks, “But what I don’t get is why Darien got the fox spirit and not Naruto?”

Jo says, “While Naruto has the mind and craft of a fox, I can tells he welds the same dragon spirit as we do and we must bring that spirit out.”

Ryu tells Jo, “I hope that you know what you are doing, father.”

Jo says, “As do I, Ryu. I am staking the future of two worlds and even the universe on this.”

(At the same time; elsewhere)

Within Fruits Parlor Crown, Naruto, Darien, and Serena have joined up with the rest of the Sailor Scouts and Naruto can’t help to feel a bit nervous as Ami, Mina, and Lita are blushing at him.

Lita says, “Wow, Naruto. Since your clothes are fixed up, you look good.”

Mina says, with a nod, “Yeah!” Soon after, Elizabeth "Lizzie" Furuhata, who works at a waitress and whose family owns the café and the connecting arcade below, comes up to them.

Elizabeth says, “Hey, girls!”

Serena says, “Hi, Elizabeth!”

Elizabeth says, looking at Naruto, “Hey, who is your new friend? I never seen him before.”

Darien says, “He is a friend of mine and Serena in which we didn’t know until she and I got together.”

Serena says, pointing to Naruto, “He lives outside of the city and in the country, but I’ve known him since childhood. His name is Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze and yes, his first name means ‘fishcake’, but it also means ‘maelstrom’ too.”

Raye tells Serena, with a grin, “Which you only know that fact because Ami told you Meatball Head.”

Serena yells at Raye, annoyed, “Can it, Pyro!”

Naruto says, “Nice to meet you, Elizabeth-san.”

Elizabeth responds, “Nice to meet you, too.” Elizabeth asks, curiously, “Why do you have whiskers coming out of your cheeks?”

There are plenty of nervous look and Naruto thinks in his mind, “Damn! I should have put a Genjutsu up on me!”
Serena responds, nervously and quickly, “Naruto was born with these! No doctor could explain it, but when the doctors examined Naruto, they found him that he was healthy and I mean VERY healthy boy in which they just shrugged and just left it alone.”

Darien says, “Yeah, but poor Naruto always took ‘bullying’ from his home a lot and only a few people supported him especially since his parents were murdered on the day of his birth.”

Elizabeth says, “That’s horrible!”

Naruto says, with a smile, “Yeah, but I’m friends with people who knew my parents and they are kind of well-known and well-respected there though not many people honor them by not respecting me, believe it.”

Elizabeth tells Naruto, with a smile, “Well, I think that your whiskers make you very cute, Naruto.”

Naruto says, with a blush, “Thanks, Elizabeth.”

Elizabeth asks, “Anyway, what can I get you?”

Serena says, “Naruto and I will have the chocolate smoothies!”

Mina says, with a nod, “Make that three!”

Michelle says, “Not surprising.”

Amara says, with a smile, “I hope that you don’t make Naruto a ‘chocolate addict’, but then again, he is a ramen addict.”

Naruto says, with an annoyed tone, “And what’s wrong with ramen? It is the best stuff on any world though I have to admit that your ramen isn’t like Old Man Teuchi.” Naruto then remembers his times at Ichiraku Ramen and he mentally sighs at the memory while the others give their drink orders in which Elizabeth heads off to fulfill them.

Lita says, “Man! It feels good to relax, girls!”

Amara says, “Well, enjoy it while it lasts. We have to go back to training soon.”

Mina says, with a nod, “We know, Amara.”

Serena says, “Man! I never thought that learning how to use chakra would be so hard!”

Naruto says, “Believe it, Serena. It comes to some people naturally while others need to work harder to equal them.”

Lita asks, “Why don’t we use that ‘hyperbolic time chamber’?”

Trista tells Lita, shaking her head, “We are going to need to be a high level in order to stay in there. I had tried to use that area for training, but the time chamber is another dimension in itself and the environment is made for hard training in which I barely managed to survive two months of its time frame.”

The others are shocked and Naruto says, “It was no picnic for me and Ryu-sensei. The environment was harsh and it looked like an endless road to nowhere with a single place to eat and sleep, but that’s it.”

Trista says, “That’s because the time chamber was made for training, Naruto. Since one day out here equal one year in there, it was perfect for getting stronger in a real quick fashion.”

Naruto says, “If you can handle the environment and being through some harsh fights and training managed to prepare me for hardship in which it was the same for Ryu-sensei, believe it.”

Hotaru tells Trista, “I’m shocked that not even you could handle that chamber for so long.”

Trista says, with a smile, “Just because I’m the guardian of time doesn’t mean I’m the master of all aspects of space and time, Firefly.” A good time later on, Naruto and the others were enjoying their drinks that Elizabeth brought them.

Serena tells Elizabeth, “These are great, Elizabeth.”

Lita says, “Awesome as usual, Elizabeth.” As the girls were drinking, Naruto then senses ‘something off’ and he looks to see a normal looking young man having an attractive girlfriend, but Naruto noticed the glazed look in her eyes.

Naruto thinks in his mind, “Genjutsu.”

Kurama says, “Looks like it, kit. However, I don’t sense this guy using a transformation jutsu, but his nasty aura is so obvious.”

Naruto responds, “No joke, Kurama. Better see if Amara and Raye sense it.” Naruto turns to ask Raye and Amara something, but both of them are also glancing at the scene in which they nod their heads in unison.

Kurama tells Naruto, “They already got the message.”

Raye says, with a kind smile, “Thanks, Elizabeth, but we have got to get going.”

Mina asks, confused, “We do?”

Raye says, gritting her teeth, “Yes, we do. We have something important to do.”

Amara says, “Raye is right, everyone. We have some ‘important’ to take care of today.”

Immediately, Trista, Michelle, and Darien get the idea and Darien says, with a nod, “Oh, yes. I remember now.”

Serena looks confused and Michelle says, with a giggle, “Silly us, we must have forgot.” Soon enough, Trista, Michelle, Darien, Raye, Amara, and Naruto escort the others out while Darien and Michelle take care of the tab.

When all of them were outside, Mina asks, “What was that about?”

Raye says, “A guy with a girl was passing by the shop had a real nasty aura to him.”

Amara says, with a nod, “I felt the same, Raye.”

Naruto says, “And that girl that was with is under a Genjutsu.”

Everyone looks at Naruto and Darien asks, “Are you sure?”

Naruto says, with a nod, “Believe it. Thanks to Pervy Sage’s training to help me break Genjutsu, I could tell when someone else is under a Genjutsu.”

Lita says, “Well, what are we waiting for?! Let’s go after them!” Not needing any word to be said, everyone then heads off after them in which they reach an abandoned warehouse in which they activate chakra cloaking seals that Naruto made thanks to the knowledge that he gained from the ‘fragments’ of his parents being inside of him. When they look inside, the young man with the young lady stop and the young man transforms into a White Zetsu.

Serena says, grossed out, “Gross!”

Ami asks, “Why does that look familiar to me?”

Naruto says, “That’s a White Zetsu.”

Everyone looks at Naruto and Trista says, “He’s right. I remember while looking through Naruto’s memories.”

Naruto says, rushing in, “I’ll get him!” Before anyone could stop him, Naruto rushes out and he yells out, “Hey, freak!” Before the White Zetsu knows what hit him, Naruto manages to slug him in the face and knock him to the ground in which Naruto releases the Genjutsu on the young lady.

The young lady shakes her head and she asks, confused, “What’s going on?”

Naruto responds, pointing to the White Zetsu, “You might want to scream and run away, lady.” The young lady is confused, but when she sees the White Zetsu, she doesn’t exactly what Naruto says in screaming and running for her life.

The White Zetsu says, “You are going to pay for that you little twerp!”

Naruto says, “And you are going to pay for trying to do something to that lady! What are you doing here? That person has no chakra, so, she shouldn’t be interest to you!”

White Zetsu responds, “You would think not, but Kaguya-sama is interested in the fact that they aren’t any different than humans were back on her home planet before she gained chakra.”
Naruto asks, “What?”

White Zetsu says, with an evil smile, “They will be wonderful chakra factories to give Kaguya-sama more power and when we have taken all that we can from them, they will become our newest brothers and sisters through we are genderless after all.”

Naruto yells out, “That fucking sicko wants to turn the people of this planet into ‘chakra factories’ just to gain more power and then turn them into her mindless slaves like she is trying to do to the people of my planet! She has beyond sick and I can’t wait to use this jutsu to kill her!”

White Zetsu responds, “You?! Kill the great Kaguya-sama?!”

Naruto says, with a foxy smirk, “Who said that I didn’t learn a jutsu that can separate that old hag from the Shinju and wipe her from existence? And that’s what your precious ‘Kaguya-sama’ is afraid of, freak, isn’t it? Guess what?! She is going to learn fear before I rip her from that tree and scatter her wretched soul all over the universe, believe it!”

White Zetsu says, leaping to its feet, “And how can you do that while you are dead, Namikaze? Kill him!” Just then a whole company of White Zetsu then appears all over the inside of the abandoned warehouse and Naruto draws his new sword, the Jubi Fang, to prepare to fight them.

Just then a familiar female voice shouts out, “Hold it!” Soon enough, Tuxedo Mask and the Sailor Scouts, in their new forms, form a defensive ring around Naruto.

White Zetsu yells out, “What’s this?!”

Sailor Moon says, “I won’t allow that fiend to turn anyone into mindless ‘plant zombies’ or whatever, not while I breathe! I’m Sailor Moon, the champion of love and justice, and in the name of the moon, I will punish you and your worthless leader!”

White Zetsu says, “Big talk from a little girl playing ninja!”

Sailor Jupiter responds, “Think that we are playing? Try us!”

Sailor Moon and Sailor Venus winch at that and Sailor Venus asks, “Did you have to say that, Jupiter-chan?”

White Zetsu yells out, “Destroy them!” Soon enough, the White Zetsu charge against the Sailor Scouts and they look at each other as well as Tuxedo Mask and Naruto in which they refuse to move, Sailor Moon is a little reluctant on doing that, as the whole of the White Zetsu seem to tackle them all, but when they pull away, they only find that they have captured cartoon-like dolls of Naruto, Tuxedo Mask, and the Sailor Scouts.

Just then Sailor Uranus’ voice booms out, in a sly tone, “Oldest trick in the ninja handbook!” The White Zetsu then look to see their opponents are above them.

Venus Heart Shuriken Slash!

Sailor Venus creates heart-shaped energy shuriken that cuts down a dozen White Zetsu at once in which Sailor Uranus creates two solid duplicates through a mystical version of a clone jutsu in which they start to beat down more of the White Zetsu.

“Jupiter Sakura Storm Bombs!

Sailor Jupiter then creates a storm of sakura flower petals that embed themselves into the White Zetsu and then explode causing a large group of them to be vaporized.

Another White Zetsu yells out, “I got you, little girl!” He and four other White Zetsu attack Sailor Saturn, but she puts her hands together in a ninja hand signs and she seems to melt into the shadows themselves.

The White Zetsu stop and one of them asks, “Where did she go?”

Sailor Saturn’s voice booms, “Right here!” Sailor Saturn then emerges from the shadows behind them and uses her short sword to cut them down.

Sailor Moon says, amazed, “Nice one, Sailor Saturn!” Sailor Moon then yelps as she is attacked by wood spikes from several more White Zetsu until they are cut down from Tuxedo Mask with the new blade from his cane.
Tuxedo Mask tells Sailor Moon, “You must be careful, Sailor Moon! They are dangerous!”

Just then a voice calls out, “Shouldn’t you take your advice, mask boy?” Soon after, Guruguru, a White Zetsu whose ‘face’ looks like Obito’s spiral mask, bursts out of the ground and absorbs Tuxedo Mask into his body.

Sailor Moon yells out, horrified, “Tuxedo Mask!”

Naruto says, remembering Guruguru, “I know you!”

Guruguru says, “And I know you, Namikaze.” Just then Guruguru yelps as a rose head bursts out of his chest with a thorny whip-like body with it and the thorn-like whip wraps itself on a bar on the roof of the warehouse and Tuxedo Mask bursts out of Guruguru’s body.

Tuxedo Mask says, “Next time you think that you have someone make sure that they are truly caught!” Guruguru snarls and yelps as he barely dodges Naruto’s sword strike.

Guruguru asks, “Shouldn’t you all be more careful?”

Naruto responds, “Why should we?”

Guruguru says, “Remember what they said? My new brothers and sisters could be among them.”

There are gasps among our heroes and heroines and Sailor Mercury says, “Oh no! If there are innocent people that have been turned into these monsters, we could kill them!”

Sailor Uranus says, “But we can’t tell if they are people from our world or not! They, all, have Kaguya’s evil scent like that possessed loved one of Naruto’s!”

Naruto says, “That can’t be possible! Black Zetsu said that it takes a long time for people to be turned into White Zetsu!”

Guruguru tells Naruto, “The people of our home due to the fact that even civilians have more chakra than the typical civilians of this world, boy. Can you take the risk that these people go quicker due to the fact that they are just going to be ‘chakra generators’?”

Sailor Neptune says, taking out her Aqua Mirror, “I believe that I can shed some light on the situation.”

One of the White Zetsu asks, “What is that?”

Sailor Neptune says, with a sly smile, “I think that you should take a look of yourselves.” She put the reflective part of the mirror towards the White Zetsu and images of people that are wearing ancient clothing appear and Sailor Neptune says, with a smile, “And I don’t think that there is anyone that we know.”

Sailor Uranus says, “And they look like they are wearing old fashion clothing.”

Sailor Saturn says, “I can tell that they have been slaves to Kaguya for centuries. I doubt that they have any shred of their humanity within them.”

Naruto says, “Kaguya took that they were and now, they are this.”

Sailor Moon says, shocked, “This is horrible!”

Guruguru yells out, “To you!” The other White Zetsu charge in, but Naruto goes into his new Six Path Grand Senjutsu Mode and with lightning fast speed, Naruto cuts down all of the White Zetsu expect for Guruguru with his new Jubi Fang sword in which due to it being made from one of Kaguya’s All-Killing Ash Bones, the White Zetsu turn to ash much to the shock and surprise of Guruguru.

Tuxedo Mask says, “You’re done!” Tuxedo Mask then uses his new whip to bisect Guruguru down his waist, but he manages to regenerate.

Guruguru says, “You are going to pay for that.” As an afterthought, Guruguru says, “I wonder if it is like relieving yourself that getting revenge is like. Oh, well.” Soon after, Guruguru goes into the ground and escapes.
Sailor Pluto tells Sailor Moon, “There was no other way, Sailor Moon. They were too far gone.”

Sailor Moon asks, concerned, “That’s the fate of Naruto’s people if they are trapped too long in that ‘dream world’?”

Sailor Pluto says, with a nod, “Kaguya will take all that they are and turn them into their mindless drones. However, those people have been enslaved for centuries and Kaguya has completely ‘assimilated’ them, but there is still hope even if they are turned into White Zetsu. They won’t be as ‘bonded’ like these poor souls were and the Silver Crystal can return them to normal.”

Sailor Uranus says, “As long as we have both Sailor Moon and Naruto to do it. Even through Hamura-dono gave us a big power boost and the power of chakra ourselves, Sailor Moon doesn’t have the power to restore a world of people transformed into that without killing herself yet.”

Tuxedo Mask says, “However, if both of them work together, we can surely save them from that fate.”

Sailor Moon tells Naruto, with a smile, “And that means there is always hope.”

Naruto replies, with a smile, “Believe it, Moon.”

Sailor Mars says, “Anyway, we have got other worries right now. Remember what they said? They have poor people trapped like Naruto’s people!”

Sailor Jupiter asks, “Hold up! Wasn’t it supposed them to be trapped in that ‘eternal illusion’ to be trapped like them?”

Sailor Mercury says, “There is a possibility that since that third eye produces that puts people into that ‘dream world’ combined with technique that traps and connects them to the Shinju itself, she might be able to use it on a smaller scale without the need of the moon.”

Naruto asks, “You mean put people under Infinite Tsukuyomi one at a time?”

Kurama tells Naruto, “It might be possible kit. Remember, you need to moon to put everyone in the world under the Genjutsu, but I think that you will need only eye contact with that third eye for individual or small groups, kit.”

Sailor Jupiter asks, “So, Kaguya is finding a way to entrap people, but why? Unlike us, the rest of the world can’t produce chakra.”

Sailor Pluto says, shaking her head, “Not exactly, Jupiter. Remember, humans back in Kaguya’s day before she ate the fruit of the Shinju were more like the majority of the people of Earth now. The people of Earth have the possibility to use chakra.”

Sailor Mars says, “So, she is using that ‘possibility’ to use the people of Earth to generate more chakra for her.”

Sailor Jupiter says, “That’s sick!”

Sailor Uranus says, “Not surprising since she tried to murder her own children just because they were born with her chakra. Personally, she got what she deserved when Queen Serenity and her own children sealed her away, but I think that they should have gotten rid of her after ripping her out of the Shinju.”

Sailor Neptune says, “Right now, we can’t worry about that.”

Sailor Mars says, with a nod, “There are innocent people being used like slabs of meat to feed Kaguya more power.”

Sailor Venus asks, nervously, “Did you have to put it that way?”

Tuxedo Mask asks, “Question is: How do we find them?”

Naruto says, “I might know a way.” When everyone looks at Naruto, he says, “The powers of Sage Mode include the ability to sense other chakras by extending your senses outward and since Six Path Senjutsu Mode combines both the power of Old Man Hagoromo, the nine Biju, and Senjutsu, I might be able to use it to find them.”

Sailor Mars says, “It might be our best way to find them.”

Sailor Jupiter says, with a nod, “Go for it, Naruto!”

Tuxedo Mask says, with a nod, “Do it.”

Naruto says, with a nod, “Right!” Naruto then crosses his legs and focuses his senses in which his Six Path Grand Senjutsu Mode in which he uses his sensory powers to see if he can find anything sign of where the kidnapped people and then his senses does manage to find something as well as sense Kaguya’s ‘presence’ in that area.
When Naruto opens his eyes, Sailor Uranus asks, “Anything?”

Naruto says, with a nod, “I got them! Follow me!”

Naruto leaps to his feet and takes off causing Sailor Moon to say, “You heard him, Scouts!”

Sailor Mars says, “No duh, Sailor Moon!” Soon after, Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Scouts take off after Naruto, who moves at incredible flying speeds, but with their new powers, Tuxedo Mask, leaping and bounding off rooftops effortlessly and with ninja super-speed, and the Sailor Scouts, who are flying through the air with the greatest of ease, follow Naruto to the location where he ‘sensed’ Kaguya’s ‘presence’.

(Returning to Gaea; A bit later on)

Back on Gaea, Kaguya is hearing the latest report from Guruguru and she isn’t happy and that’s a major understatement of the century.

Kaguya yells out, enraged, “How dare Hamura?! That chakra is mine! Mine! He has no right to give it away especially to that woman’s wretched daughter!”

Black Zetsu tells Kaguya, “Agreed, mother. And it looks like they are starting to master the use of chakra. They are becoming a significant threat and the Moon Princess could combine the power of chakra with the Silver Crystal making her more of a major pest.”

Kaguya says, with a nod, “Indeed, Zetsu. I want to punish Queen Serenity by taking the planet that she so loved and make it mine.”

Black Zetsu responds, “However, you can’t use their moon like ours. Remember, our moon was used as your wretched sons’ seal for you, mother. Their mom was the home of that wretched woman and there are strong enough powers to reject you or even weaken you making you vulnerable to that wretched Silver Crystal, mother. We can’t take any chances.”

Kaguya says, “Yes, you are right.”

Black Zetsu says, “For now, let’s us focus on them. They are most likely going to rush in to be the ‘heroes’ and it will be a perfect time to claim back Hamura’s chakra which rightfully should be yours, mother.”

Kaguya’s lips curl into an evil smile and she says, “Good idea, Zetsu. They are coming us and we could have our revenge and regain my chakra from them all in one strike.”

Black Zetsu says, with an evil smile, “And what better way than through those that Asura’s reincarnation loves so much?” Kaguya gives a nod of her head as she looks at the cocoons right in front of her and knows that the victims of the Infinite Tsukuyomi, especially those closest to Naruto, are there for her to use against him.

(Within Earth, Hayabusa Village; Later on)

Inside of the Hayabusa Village, Ryu and Kasumi are in front of Jo Hayabusa and Momiji.

Kasumi asks, “Are you sure about this Jo-dono?”

Jo says, “I am, Kasumi-dono.”

Ryu says, “My father believes that Naruto is a Dragon Ninja at heart and he needs to take a test that would put him above even us, Kasumi.”

Kasumi says, “But asking him to take a trial that not even you or your son have ever taken seems madness, Jo-sama.”

Jo says, “It would seem so, but I feel confident that Naruto will succeed. And I thank you for your help in retrieving him.”

Kasumi says, “Ryu-sensei and you have done much especially considering my status despite my clan not coming after me anymore.”

Ryu tells Kasumi, “Your brother asked me to take care of you and I will.”

Jo says, “However, since Naruto is the head of his ninja clan, even if it is a ninja clan of another world, they have many of the same rules as we do and you could ask him for clan protection and I doubt that your brother will be displeased that since you are under the protection of Naruto, your clan will continue your ‘missing ninja’ status for much longer.”

Kasumi says, “But it doesn’t seem right to take advantage of him.”

Ryu tells Kasumi, “If you kindly ask, Naruto won’t think that and he loves to help those in need. Personally, Naruto thinks your status is just a piece of you know what due to him believing that you defended the honor of your family and your clan as well as eliminate the stain of Raido from it forever. He believes that you should be considered a hero for what you did.”

Kasumi says, “I am no hero. I did what I had to regain my family’s and clan’s honor and most of all, make sure that monster didn’t do to anyone else what he did to Hayate.”

Jo says, “I would believe that it would make you a hero in Naruto’s eyes, Kasumi.”

Ryu says, “Anyway, we should be off to find Naruto.”

Kasumi says, with a nod, “Right, Ryu.” Soon enough, Ryu and Kasumi take off on their mission to find Naruto to bring him back for the trails that Jo believes that he needs to take to save both worlds from Kaguya.

(Sometime afterwards; In Tokyo)

Around the site that used to contain Infinite Academy, the headquarters of the Heart snatchers, the Sailor Scouts, Tuxedo Mask, and Naruto are looking down at the site.

Sailor Saturn asks, “Are you sure that’s it?”

Naruto says, with a nod, “Very sure. You seem to be nervous about it.”

Sailor Neptune says, “It brings back bad memories.”

Sailor Uranus says, “Ones that involve one of our enemies and how our Firefly was nothing, but a meat puppet for Mistress Nine, one of their leaders.”

Sailor Mercury says, typing on her computer and having her visor activated, “My visor is detecting negative energy coming from this site.”

Sailor Moon asks Sailor Saturn, “Are you okay, Saturn?”

Sailor Saturn says, with a smile, “I’ll be fine, princess.” However, the other three Outer Sailor Scouts can’t help to be concerned for their adopted daughter.

Naruto tells Sailor Saturn, “Well, remember, we are all here for you.”

Sailor Saturn says, with a warm smile, “Thank you, Naruto.”

Sailor Venus thinks in her mind, with a sigh, “Man, what a guy!” The group then leaps down into a nearby alleyway to the sight and they look over the concern to the sight.

Sailor Mars says, “We can’t walk right in.”

Sailor Uranus says, “No joke, Mars. Most likely, there will be a trap.”

Sailor Mercury says, “Well, we can hide our chakra thanks to Naruto’s sealing jutsu.”

Sailor Moon says, excitedly, “And I know how to take care of the rest.”

Everyone looks at Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars asks, curiously, “How?”

Sailor Moon says, with a sly grin, “Watch and learn!” Sailor Moon then uses her crown to absorb light and she shines that light on everyone in which everyone becomes invisible.

Sailor Jupiter asks, “Whoa! What did you do?”

Sailor Moon says, with a smile, “We’re invisible! Watch!” Soon after, Sailor Moon walks out into public, but being invisible, she can’t be seen especially when she sticks her tongue at pubic.

When Sailor Moon walks back, Sailor Venus tells Sailor Moon, “That’s cool, Sailor Moon!”

Sailor Moon says, rubbing her head, “Yeah, but it won’t last since I’m using the light that my crown absorbed to do it.”

Sailor Uranus says, “Let’s use Naruto’s seals and let’s get in there.” After using Naruto’s chakra suppression seals, the now invisible group marches into the Infinite Academy site in which they aren’t seen at all and also seemly got in completely undetected. Under the surface of the sight, the underground cavern containing what looks like one of the giant roots of the Shinju with the cocooned forms of the victims of Earth in which Tsunade and Mei, completely under Kaguya’s control, look like they are just standing around.

Mei tells Tsunade, “Our goddess has issued her will, Tsunade.”

Tsunade says, “Her enemies are coming here. We need to be ready for them.” Mei nods her head as she looks over to a pair of figures.

The first figure is a teenage girl of Naruto’s age, 16-17 years of age, with long brown hair and light brown eyes. Her hair is straight on one side, but on the other side it is in a braid. Her outfit consists of a pink kimono held closed by a pink sash with two pockets on the front. She also wore violet baggy pants and red mesh armor underneath her kimono and legs along with sandals that were orange in color.

The second figure is also a teenage girl that’s the same age as Naruto, age 16-17 years of age, and she is a fair-skinned girl of average height. She has green eyes and waist-length black hair in a hime-style cut tied in a high ponytail with short bangs and chin-length strands framing her face. She is wearing a black forehead protector with a picture of flower engraved on the metal plate and wearing a form-fitting grey-colored kunoichi outfit with a right shoulder-guard, grey gloves, and opening in her shirt which reveals some of her sizeable cleavage.

Both young ladies have Rinnegan-like eyes and a Shinju eye coming out of their forehead and they say in unison, with monotone voices, “All those enemies of our goddess must be destroyed.”

And that’s the chapter, everyone! Remember, Naruto has made a lot of more ‘bonds’ in the anime than in the manga and I intend to use both elements of the Naruto plotline in this fanfiction, everyone. Remember, Kaguya has granted none of her victims any power, she used a combination of her control over them via her Infinite Tsukuyomi and her Will Materialization power to turn them into her ‘thralls’ and she can take complete control of them at any time, but because of this, the process of turning into White Zetsu is actually slowed down. Hopefully, this break up any confusion that you have, everyone! Please read and review, so, I know what you think of this story and my other stories, so, I know what I’m doing right and what I’m doing wrong, so, I can improve this and my other stories, everyone! Later and best wishes, Crossover Fans!