Crossover Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts A Wolf's Heart ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kingdom Hearts : A Wolf's Heart

Chapter 1 : Why

In my story Kairi and Sora are sayins and My own Character Myzuki is a werewolf and that is all I don't own anything but this story line

Serena ran down the street as fast as her feet could carry her reaching the temple steps she began to run up them.

Serena was just arriving at the temple when she heard the voices of her friends in Rei's room sneaking closer she listened in on what they where saying.

"She is weak and can't even walk to steps with out falling" said Mina as she flicked her hair over her shoulder "Mina is right guys she sucks at almost everything except for eating" said Rini from her spot in Darien's lap.

"Hey thats not fair she try's her hardest" said Ami as she stood up from her spot beside Rei her eye's taking a cold look."Yeah she right I mean Serena can be a nut case at times but she is our friend" said Rei as she pulled Ami back down in between her and Lita "Yes she accepted us not matter what people said to her about us" Lita said as she pulled Ami closer to her and rubbed her back a little.

"Lita, Ami, and Rei are right.Keneko is always trying her hardest" said Haruka as she banged her fist on the table Michiru who was setting beside her nodded her head and tried to calm her lover down Hotaru who couldn't believe her ear at what Rini had said earlier almost wanted to do nothing more than strangle the little brat for what she had said.

Serena couldn't believe her ears as she listened in on her friends well some of them are at least.Darien spoke up for the first time "Well I don't care what you think and When I marry the dumb ass I will have all of you striped of your powers and put away."Serena felt rage well up inside her slamming open the doors she looked over every stunned face as she walked in and stood at the other end of the table final speaking for the first time there Serena said "Well My Dear jackass how do you plan on doing that when you can't marry me" and with that Rei, Ami, Lita, Haruka, Michiru, Hotaru, and Serena left in a flash leaving Rini, Darien and Mina in an empty room.

~Time Gates~

Serena smiled at the confused looks on her friends face . Rei looked over to Serena and said "What did you do" Serena smirked a said "I did nothing it was Trista" as she and the others begin to walk down a long flight of stairs, upon reaching the bottom they looked around for the guardian of Time "Over here" said a voice as Trista walked out of the shadows and over to the group of girls.Smiling she reached over to Hotaru and gently ran a hand through her hair "Are you ready" Trista asked every body as she looked at them seeing there confused face she looked at Serena to see her whistling while kicking the ground.

"You didn't tell them" said Trista as she walked over to the blond and popped her on the head "Ow, No I didn't get the chance' said Serena as she rubbed the sore spot on her head .Michiru spoke up for the first time "What is going on" she looked from Serena to Trista the back again.

"Its very simple, While you where fighting for your Princess rights she was listing the whole time thinking that if you were reborn you all could start over once again in a better life" said Trista looking at all of them a pleased smile on her face "So What are you saying" Asked Lita from her spot behind Ami "Its real simple I am going to send you to a different dimension so you may start over tho so things may be a bit different you all well know each other immediately." as the conversation was going on they all began to walk down a hall leading down another flight of stairs.

Once at the bottom they reached a big set of doors reaching all the way up to the celling "Now as I asked before are you ready" asked Trista as she stood in front of the doors.Everybody shook there heads yes "Good I will see you all again sometime soon" with that she tapped her staff on the door and a black light shot out and covered them all before sucking them into the door leaving nothing behind.

~At Disney Castle~

"Come on Kairi I know you have it in you" said Sora as he rubbed the back of Kairi's hand as she was giving birth to there daughter."This is all your fault Sora" She yelled as she pushed, the Docter encouraged her to push some more and with one final push the baby was born its silver-ish snow white hair and tail sticking out the most. "Ahh.. This child was blessed" said The Doctor as she walked over to the nurse and handed her the baby the nurse the proceed to clean it before handing it over to Kairi and Sora "Sora she has white hair" said Kairi worried for there child "Yes I know" said Sora as he kissed Kairi on her head.

That was when King Mickey walked in with Goofy,Riku, and etc. "So you have a bouncing baby girl Sora what you going to name her" asked Riku as he stared at the bundle on pink that Kairi held "Oh look she opened her eye's" said Queen Minne as she looked at the baby, it stunning Ice blue eye's opened and blinked before the baby let out a giggle and clapped its hands its tail wrapping around Kairi's arm "I Think I will call Her Ren" said Sora as her looked at his daughter.

The Doctor walked back in and said that everyone had to live so that Kairi could get her rest taking the little girl from its mothers arms he took her to the baby ward.Once the baby was gone she came back to check on the mother of the baby "there now why don't you get some rest" with that the Doctor left Sora and Kairi alnoe in the room."I Love you so much" said Sora leaning over to kiss his wife.Standing up he head for the door saying "I will be here to get you and Ren in the morning" with that Sora left shouting the door behind him.

~Next Morning~

Sora arrived at the hospital when Kairi was being served breakfast. "Good morning Sora."Sora had his usual goofy smile on his face. "Hiya."Kairi laughed. She had been married to the man for nearly 5 years now and he still made her laugh. "I see your doing ok."

"Yeah, I'm fine. How are you?" Sora pulled a chair up by his wife's bed.

"I'm a little tired but that is to be expected. The doctor gave me the birth certificate when I woke up."

"Ooooh lemme see." Kairi pulled a small piece of paper off of a table by her bed and handed it to Sora. Sora read it out loud.

"Ren Wolf. Born to Sora Wolf and Kairi Wolf Decmeber 1, 2000." Sora smiled.

"Kairi how would you feel if Ren wanted to fight?"Kairi nearly spit out the spoonful of cereal she just put in her mouth.

"Now Sora, you have the boys to mess around with like Cloud or Aruon or even Goofy. Please let me have Ren."

"I won't push her, but what if she WANTS to fight?"Kairi thought long and hard. She was tired of fighting Sora for her about her child. All she wanted was what was best for her.

"Well I guess you can train her a little. But on the basics and only if she wants to. Don't be going and putting any ideas into her head about fighting. Let her come to you with it ok?"Sora nodded.

"Alrighty.""The doctor says we can go home in a week."

"I can't wait."

(Ok, there's another chapter out. What do you think so far?")