Crossover Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts A Wolf's Heart ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kingdom Hearts : A Wolf's Heart

Chapter 2 : Wow

It had been a week since Ren was born. Sora was excited. Kairi and Ren would now be coming home. He could finally hold his little daughter again. He thought about the day she was born and how fragile she had felt. The last time he had held a baby he was in his 15 and was barley strong enough to beat his friend Riku. Now he was much stronger and had to be careful about holding Ren. He grabbed a Jacket and was on his way to he hospital.


Kairi got herself dressed so she could be ready to leave the hospital when Sora arrived. Bulma and Chi-Chi had come to visit her before he got there. "So then I told Vejita to get his feet off the table."

"Oh god Bulma, what did he do?"

"He just snorted at me."

"Well that sounds like Vejita."

"Yeah, well I wasn't about to take that from him. I got up from the table, picked a pair of scissors from a drawer and cut a big chunk of his hair out."

"Oh my god you didn't did you?" Kairi and Chi-Chi exclamed at the same time.
"You did. Hahaha serves him right. So what did he do."

"He nearly had a heart attack. Then he went off about how I don't appreciate what he does for the family. And I said 'what just sit around and talk about how great you are?' That's when he ….." At that moment Sora walked in the room. "Oh hi Sora how are you?"

Sora looked at Bulma and Chi-Chi with a big silly grinn. "Just great Bulma how are you?"

"Good. So today is the big day huh?"aske Chi-Chi

"Yeah." Sora looked at Kairi who seemed to be all packed. "So are you ready to go?"

Kairi looked around to double check. "Yeah I think I am. Let's go. Come on Bulma, Chi-Chi."

"Oh you mean I get to go?"asked Bulma.

"Oh I am sorry I can't I have to get home and cook for me and Goku and the little one" said Chi-Chi as she stood up and patted her belly the bulge of her baby showing more that she stood.

"Of course you get to come and its alright Chi-Chi we under stand." The trio walked out of Kairi's room and down to the front of the hospital where a doctor was waiting for them with Ren.Chi-Chi had already left after telling them about Goku and the food.

Bulma's eyes almost watered when she saw the baby. The last time that she had seen Ren, she had been behind a glass wall. "Oh Kairi, she's so beautiful."

Sora took the baby from the doctor and handed her to her mother. Kairi held her as gently as possible. Ren was bundled in a fuzzy pink blanket. The only thing you could see was her face. "Are we ready to leave?"

"I'm ready when you are dear." Sora had driven the car. He didn't want Ren to go flying anywhere until she was a little bit older.

Kairi looked at Bulma, "Are you coming to our house?"

"Of course. I want to play with the baby."

Kairi laughed. "Bulma, you never could resist a new baby."

"Of course not. I love babies." Sora left the hospital driveway to get the car. Bulma walked over to her friend so she could get a better look at Ren. "She's so cute with her little baby nose. Sora said that you two decided to leave her tail." Bulma poked at Ren's nose.

"Yeah, he wanted to keep it. Why I don't know but I'm going along with it. It's not like there's any moon since Piccolo blew it up anyways." Kairi looked up to see that Sora had arrived with the car. "Did you bring the baby carrier Sora?"

"Yeah, its right here." Kairi placed little Ren in her carrier while Sora held it for her. "Be careful to not hurt her."

"I know Sora. I have been through this before."

"I know you have, I just want to make sure."

"Sora are you on anything?" Bulma didn't know what was wrong with Sora. She had never seen him act so normal and mature.

"No, why?"

"You are acting different. Like you aren't a kid."

Sora helped Kairi into the front passenger seat. Once she was in he handed her Ren. "Maybe I'm just finally growing up?"

"I don't know." Maybe it was true. Maybe he really was growing up. Or maybe he was just trying extra hard. Bulma climbed in the back seat of the car and strapped herself in.

Sora started the car and headed home. He couldn't wait until he could get Ren home. He was kind of excited about having a daughter. Ren grabbed her mother's finger and wouldn't let go.Kairi giggled a bit.

It was a two-hour drive from the hospital and the Son house. Sora was driving relatively slow for the fact that he didn't want to make Kairi or Ren sick from fast motions.

~The Hosue~

"Come on Bulma, lets put Ren in her room." Kairi and Bulma proceeded to Ren's room.

Kairi unwrapped little Ren from her blanket and placed her in her crib.

"Kairi, she has white hair."

"I know, her tail has white hair in it too."


"I'm not sure. Sora never explained to me why."

"Well, what was Sora doing when," Bulma didn't quit know how to put this into words, " well when you guys were ummmmm….well…."

Kairi stopped her friend. "Say no more Bulma, I know what you are trying to say. And yes I think I just realized why she is white haried."

"Oh well, she is adorable and that's all that really counts."

Ren was awake now. She sat in one of Sora's old T-shirts, which Kairi just put her in, and looked up at Bulma. She pointed at her. "Uuuh." Was all that came out of her mouth.

"Oh Kairi I think I may have to take her home with me."

"Now you leave her alone. She's mine." The two women laughed kind of loud which upset Ren. She began to cry. "Oh Ren, I'm sorry. Were we too loud?" Kairi picked up her daughter and tried to calm her down. "Shh there now. Its alright." Kairi managed to quiet her down rather fast.

"Her Kairi, can I hold her?"

"Sure." Kairi handed Ren over to Bulma.

This is what Bulma had wanted all day. To hold Ren. "You and I are gonna have fun kid. You know that? Your father and I had fun together. Now its our turn to have fun together."

~One year later~



Bulma laughed. It had been a year since Ren had been born and on this day the Wolf family and all their friends were celebrating her birthday. "Come on Vejita, it cant be that bad. Just come out."

Bra just happened to walk in the room at the time. She was wearing a long red silk dress. "What's going on mom?"

"Your father wont come out of the bathroom. Vejita, come on. We are going to be late."

"I'm not going. I don't care what you say."

"Dad, lets just go. I want to see Ren."

"Don't think your going to persuade me girl."

"Dad, Goku said that he could kick your ass any day. Also if I am not mistaken he is at the party"

"He did, did he? Wait a minute, I'm not falling for that."

Bulma laughed. It was a good try but it had been used too many times. "Fine, if you don't come out you can cook your own meals from now on."

"Damnit woman." Vejita opened the door to the bathroom and walked out. Bulma and Bra laughed so hard when they saw him. "Well what are you too laughing at?"

Vejita stood in the doorway wearing a blue suit with a red little bow tie. "Oh Vejita, you look so adorable."

"yeah dad. Just promise me you will never come to any of my classes looking like that."

"I still don't see why I have to go to the party looking like this. I look like a sissy."

"Oh stop complaining and lets go."

"I look like Kakkorotto's kid Gohan. A total and complete dork."

"Oh well, deal with it because you are going."

The family of three piled into a car and headed off to the Wolf house.

~The Wolf House~

"Oh Sora, I'm so happy. Ren is finally a year old." Kairi had been waiting a long time for this day. She had been planning it even before Ren was born. Pretty pathetic huh? Kairi rushed around making sure that everything was perfect when there was a knock at the door. "Can you get that Sora? I'm going to go get Ren."

"Ok." Sora proceeded to the door and let in Gohan,Goku, Chi-Chi and Videl. He greeted them with a wide smile. "Hi guys."

"Hi Sora."said Goku and Gohan as the came in Chi-Chi went srtaight to Kairi and little Ren

"Hi Sora." Videl held a box wrapped in metallic pink paper.

"Come in you four. You're the first ones to arrive."

Videl hit Gohan. "See I told you we weren't going to be late." Sora just stared blankly at the couple. "So where's Ren?"

"Right here." Kairi emerged from a hallway with Ren Chi-Chi right behind her. She dressed her daughter in a Pink dress that had white ribbons around the waste. Her tail dangled beneath her.

"Oh look at her, she's adorable.." Videl held out her arms, which told Kairi that she wanted to hold her. She held Ren in her arms and looked down into her ice blue eyes. Kairi walked into the kitchen and signaled for Videl to follow. Videl handed Ren to Sora and followed her kairi into the kitchen.

Ren wrapped her tail around her father's arm. Just as he was about to close the door Trunks and his family arrived. Sora smiled. "Hey guys what's up." Everyone started to arrive. Except for Bulma, Vejita, and Bra.

~The Lost Three~

"Hurry up and fix the car Vejita." Halfway to the party Bulma's cars broke down.

"What do I look like a mechanic? I am an Saiyan fighter."

"Just hurry up."

"Screw it" Vejita picked up his wife and daughter and flew off to the Wolf house.

Bulma began to scream and kick. "What are you doing Vejita?"

"You want to get to the party don't you?" Bulma for once didn't have an ounce of argument in her. He was entirely right. Although that wasn't the reason he did it. If it was up to him he wouldn't go but he just got tired of listening to her nagging him all the time.

~The Wolf House~

"I wonder where my parents are." It wasn't like Bulma to just not show up to something. Especially if it included Ren. Trunks was beginning to worry. He knew Vejita wasn't a problem. Bulma could make him do anything.

"I feel Vejita's Ki. They are here." Before Bulma had a chance to ring the bell Goku opened the door. "Hi you guys." Goku only saw Bulma and Bra. "Where's Vejita?"

Bulma turned around. "Just a minute." She walked around to the side of he house. "Come on Vejita lets go inside."

"No, you only said I had to go to the party not inside."

"The party IS inside."

"I hate you woman." Vejita walked with Bulma into the house. Everyone stared at what he was wearing for a moment until it finally sunk into them exactly what he was wearing. Then they all laughed.

Goku laughed the most. "Oh wow Vejita. If only Freiza could see you now. HAHAHAHAHA!"

"Shut up EVERYONE!" No one shut up. Vejita walked over to Trunks and punched him in the face. "NOW SHUT UP ALL OF YOU BEFORE I BLAST YOU TO HELL!" Everyone finally shut up. "That's better. It wasn't my idea to wear this. It was the woman's."

Kairi walked into the room right about this time with Pan, Videl,Chi-Chi and Ren. "Oh hi you guys. I didn't know you were here." She took one look at Vejita. "Vejita I am so, so sorry."

Vejita let out a small growl. "don't start with me woman."

"Ok, now that everyone is here lets start the real party. What does everyone want to do?"