Crossover Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts A Wolf's Heart ❯ Chapter 5: Key Blade and Power part II ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Some of the Cards Used In This Are Mine do not take them Please. (Unless your rich and famous and want to pay me)

Kingdom Hearts: A Wolf's Heart

Chapter 5: Key Blade and Power part II

Ren awoke from her sleep looking around her eye's landed on Raye who lay asleep beside her with her head resting on Ren's chest for a smiled and got up picking Raye up as while caring her to her own bed Ren put Raye under the covers and then walked back to her own bed grabbing her stuffed wolf she laid it down beside Raye's before getting up and walking in the bathroom. After brushing her teeth and her hair she walked into the room once more and put on some clothes a blue button down and a pair of blue baggy pants grabbing her keys from the table she head for the door and walked out. Walking over to the elevator she pushed the button to get to the bottom floor and then leaned back closing her eye's and began to think of things to help calm her nerves, once the door was opened she walked down the hallway and walked up to the bright pink door knocking on it she waited for some one to answer the door.

Myzuki herd the nock getting up she opened the door and saw Ren "well you are up early and on time that’s good to see" Myzuki moved aside and let Ren into the room before shutting the door back and walking over to her walked into the room setting down in one of the red comfy chairs that sat in front of Myzuki's desk, setting in the one to right she asked "so why did you want to see me". Myzuki looked up at Ren and smiled "you are here because I have a job for you young lady, you are stronger than you friend so you will be taking you stuff up the stairs to her. With that Myzuki walked over to the wall to the right it was clear and had nothing on it, Myzuki tapped the wall with her finger watching as it opened to reveal a hidden storage room full of almost walked around through room and began to pick out Ren's uniform she found a black muscle shirt with a wolf's paw print on it in white , a silk white button down with silver buttons on it, a pair of white pants , a white tie and a pair of black boots that had white strings. Folding it up she sat it on a table before starting on Raye's uniform it had a white skirt with a black blouse, a white tie, black arm warmers, and black boots with white strings as well. After making anther uniform that was the opposite of the first ones ( the colors changed what was white is now black and what is black is now white) she began to look around for books she found two History books, two English and two Literature books, two Math books, two Chemistry books, and etc need for school. Walking around she went to a different book shelf and pulled out a book that said your spirit and you, the second one she pulled out was a Basic magic 101 book getting two of each book she sat them down for a briefer moment before picking them back up and walking to the table. Setting the books down on the table she grabbed a big box and put all the stuff in it then she began to look around once more.

Finding a black book bag with a wolf on it that was standing on a snowy hill she grabbed it for Ren looking around she found a dark purple one with a red raven on it getting that one for Raye she put them in the box with the other stuff , walking around she grabbed some supplies like binders, papper,pens, pencils, and etc putting them all in the box she yelled to Ren "come here".Ren got up and ran into the room coming to halt infornt of Myzuki a big smile on her face "yes Mistress Myzuki can I help you" Myzuki grinned at the girl yanking her to her once Ren was close of enough she pressed her lower body into Ren's waist to see the girls reaction while she said "I saw what you did yesterday at the blitz arena now what I want to know is do you want to be on the blitz team" Ren felt her lower body stir and blushed as she pulled away looking down at the floor she said "yeah...I would like that" Myzuki wanted to laugh at the young girls predicament but she couldn't that would just be mean after all she was going through changes herself Myzuki looked at the thin, lanky, pale body of the girl she could see the outlines of the muscles coming in on the girl from a days hard work and training ."Well good you are now apart of the Moonstar Beasts...and as a result you are now also on the dueling team". Walking over to the wall she opened a closet door walking in for a moment she came back out caring a small but thick gold book tossing it to Ren she said "read that once you have finished it come back to me and we can fix you a deck and find you arm gauntlet" Ren opened the book and began to read as Myzuki walked around the room some more.

Myzuki walked over to a curtain and pulled it back looking around she found what she was looking for pulling out a silver and gold chest with a dragon and a wolf on it with Ren's name engraved on its lock she sat it on the table then went back in search of Raye's chest finding it she grinned as she saw it. The chest was colored purple with crimson flames on and a black raven it also had Raye's name on its lock, setting it on the table beside the other chest she went in search of the keys. Once she found them she turned and saw Ren setting on the floor reading the book smiling she went over to her and said "here take these" dropping the key's Ren reacted fast and caught them with out looking away from the book. Walking over to the weapons wall she pulled of a bow and a quiver full of arrows and a light weight sword with a reverse blade. Walking over to Ren she said "alright listen up" Ren looked up and jumped up from the floor folding the page she was on over she shut the book and put it in her pants pockets.” I am all ears" said Ren as she held her hands behind her back, Myzuki tossed the weapons to Ren who caught them with easy like "Alright runt Sundays and Mondays are training days for me and You Also Raye is to train with Gabriel on those days the bow and arrows are for her" Ren nodded her head and looked at the weapons before saying "is this it Mistress Myzuki".

Myzuki looked around the room and said "yeah that’s it now take all of this stuff up to your room by stairs and I mean all of it" Ren grinned and strapped the sword to her side and the bow and quiver to her back setting the chests on top of box she picked it up and said "see ya" before dashing out the door heading for the steps taking them two at a time .Myzuki watched her and shook her head walking back into her office she shut the door "She has a lot of energy for her age" she said to the empty room, or so it looked King Mickey stepped out of the shadows and said "yes she is please take care o her." with that her left leaving Myzuki to herself.

The Girls Room

Raye awoke and found herself in her own bed looking around she saw that Ren was gone fearing the worst she was about to get up when she saw the stuffed animal of the small wolf laying beside her picking it up she breathed in its sweet sent it smelled Like Ren which meant it smelled of fresh rain and wolves bane even the smallest hint of roses was there, pulling back she layer back down a dreamy sigh coming to her lips. "well don't you look oh so dreamy" said Lita as she peaked her head up from beside Amy her lips having been previously kissing Amy's neck, she had looked up when she herd the sigh and saw Raye holding a stuffed wolf grinning she said "so Raye have a little crush on your friend" Amy Blushed putting a hand over her neck covering the marks Lita had left. Raye smirked and said "yeah what of it its not like i am in bed rapping her while I am talking to some one" Raye got up and winked at Amy as she passed. Lita was stunned Raye was a fighter alright she liked this girl but not in that way she liked Raye not loved her like she did her Amy.

Lita and Amy soon to also got up all of them going through their daily choirs of cleaning and grooming themselves once done they got dressed and ready for the day. “Has anyone seen Ren" asked Amy as she looked around for a good book to take with her to breakfast, "hummm nope not me “said Lita as she watched her girl bend over. Raye put her hands together behind her back and said "if I know her which I do she is off eating somewhere" as soon as Raye said that their was a knock at the door then it opened reveling Ren with the stuff in hand box full of junk and chest and etc."hey pryo you talking about me again, am I going to have to smack you butt to get you to behave" said Ren her smile on her face as she carried the stuff in once it was all sorted out they began to leave for breakfast.

Walking down the hall once the had exited the elevator on the ride down Ren began to read her book once more pulling it out she waited in Line with Lita and them her mind taking in all of the info about the cards and the fields to use them. Once up to chapter 25 she shut it and began to eat with her friends letting her hand slid under the table she touched Raye's thigh running her finger lightly across looked up at Ren who was eating and looking at the far wall she blushed hot red before reaching down and covering it with her own.”So you kids think your old enough to do that" said a deep husky voice Ren turned around and saw Xena she smiled and said "you do it why can't we" Xena cracked a grin and was about to say something when she saw Gabriel coming her way with two trays her eye's lit up and her heart pounded in her chest.” Something wrong” asked Ren with a smirk only to get popped on the head "ouch hey that hurt" Xena alone cracked anther grin before setting down with her love in her lap. That’s when she saw that Ren had the book in her hand and was reading it looking over at Lita she said "so she on the team now" getting a nod from Lita she said "so dear little sister you going to help us whip some ass when Blitz season starts up this year" Xena watched as Ren grinned big and read the last few pages in the book before shutting it and saying "yep...I am now if you would excuse me I have a deck to go start" with That she jumped up and picked up her tray and book. Heading for the exit she tossed the plastic tray and fork away and ran down the hall once more.

Raye watched her go a far off look in her eye's, turning she found that she was being watched by four sets of eye's "what...are you people staring at" she yelled at them. They all looked away in a hurry before saying” nothing" and went back to eating their food, after a while the all went off in their separate ways Gabriel taking Raye with her to start some small basic skills of training. Amy went off to the library to read up on some more stuff about sayians and their life styles, Lita walked off to the weight room to train a little as well but not as much as Raye would have to or Ren for that walked off after Ren to see what her deck might be like as she hid in the shadows of the school.

Myzuki's Office

Ren knocked on the door and waited for it to open once it did she walked in and said "Mistress Myzuki you in here I have read the book and am ready to get my deck started", Myzuki smiled as she came out from behind a wall caring a small case made of wood and a wand, "Alright that is good to her now you are going to need to fill out this Form Ren" Myzuki pulled a rolled up piece of paper out of her pocket and tossed it to at the scroll for a moment Ren opened it and looked it up and down for what it wanted.

Name: Ren Wolfe

Age: 6

Sex: Female/Male

Favorite Animal: Wolf

Favorite Color: Snow white and Gold

What Would You Be Hero or Villain: I Don't Know

Ren filled the Scroll out and gave it back to Myzuki who looked at the last question then up at Ren with a serious look in her eye's "So you don't know if you want to be a hero or a villain why not" she asked as she sat back and watched Ren fidget, Ren looked down at her feet and said "I don't know really I just don't know" there was a sadness in her eyes as she said smiled and said "well of course not you just a kid after all now on to your deck." Ren let her eyes show happiness once more as she looked up at Myzuki a smile playing across her face, she watched as Myzuki opened the box with a golden white key that had snow white writing on that she couldn't read. Once open she looked in the box and saw thousands upon thousands of cards to make her deck with, Myzuki watched Ren and saw how her eye's lit up when she saw the cards "go a head pick out your cards make sure to read them over though"

Ren Put her hand into the cards and pulled out some looking at them she pulled out a Polymerization, Draining Shield, Pot of Greed, A Hero Emerges, Hero Signal, Trap Jammer, The Warrior returning Alive, and Elemental Hero Sparkman. Putting Back the other cards in her hand she pulled out a new hand full and went through them pulling out Elemental Hero Thunder Giant, Elemental hero Avian, Spark Blaster,Scapegoat,Elemental Hero Bubbleman,Elemental Hero Wild Heart, Elemental Hero Burstinatrix,Elemental Hero Clayman, Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster, and three Blue-eyes White Dragons. She picked up her cards and counted them she had twenty which meant she needs twenty or more. reaching back into the box she searched around some more and pulled out a Blue-eyes Ultimate Dragon, Infernal Flame Emperor, Red-eyes Black Dragon, Red-eyes Darkness Dragon, Invader of Darkness, Elemental Hero Wolfman, Wolf Fanged Blade, Midnight Mountian, Full Blood Moon, Blood Pills, Cry of The Mate, Kirbo, Wolf Kit, The Wolf Mates Of The Goddess Moon, A Angels Wings, Spell Absorption, Graceful Charity, Solar Flare Dragon, Flame Swordsman, and Baby Wolf Hero. Putting her Deck together she counted once more and got 40 cards looking them over once more and said "Alright I am done", Myzuki Looked at her deck quickly then handed it back to her before saying "alright one minute please" Myzuki then stood up and walked back over to the box shutting it and putting back up.

Walking back out she sat down and said "you like heroes I see but you also had the one animal that shows death in your deck... the wolf very strange but hey its your deck not mine any way come with me" Ren looked up from where she was shuffling her cards she had stopped on a wolf card it was the Baby Wolf hero it showed a baby wolf with armor on and a small sword in its hand a red eye peaking out from behind its bangs and its tail was wrapped around its waist holding a bottle that had blood in it. Shaking her head she stood up and followed after Myzuki who pulled out a two silver looking things. Walking over to Ren she made her lay her deck down on the table then hold out her arms she said "now take off your watch" Ren looked at Myzuki like she was mad and said a firm "no" Myzuki was about to take it off herself when she saw that Ren's eyes meant what she said. Smiling she reached out and took hold of the arm with out the watch and put a silver thing on it looking at it more closely Ren saw it had a health meter on it right below it where four black slots, if she remembered it was where you put your magic, trap, and spell cards. To the right of them there was a card like space, turning it over she saw where you put your deck and the grave yard slot. Flipping it back over she used her nerves to open the side port which opened out like a wing the where two card shaped holders there, meant for your field cards, making the port close once more she watched as Myzuki went and got the other silver arm piece.

This one had four monster card holders on top, flipping it over she saw two more and a small screen with a number pad below it also their was a cable extension that could be pulled out for when bets with money, or credit was made you could also use it to jack in to the computer systems at school and cheek over your records about you battles and had better ideas taking hold of the extension cable she hooked it up to her watch and her keyboard popped up typing some things in she set the time and some battle plains for latter, flicking her wrist the keyboard vanished and she picked up her deck sliding it into place she was about to leave when "Hey don't forget this you well need it to enter the dueling arena" said Myzuki as she tossed Ren a golden card. Smiling Ren took the golden card and slipped it into her pocket before walking off to find her friends.

“oh and before I forget I don’t think you want to walk around wearing big silver things on your arms so if you press the button at the very bottom on your right one they well just turn into bracelets” Myzuki smirked as she watched Ren push the button the walk away.

Walking down the halls she ran into somebody shaking her head she looked up and saw some one else laying away from her running over to this girl she shook her shoulders and said "you okay" her voice was thick and husky as she spoke to the girl with long sea green hair...

??????? Point of View

This voice it sound so sexy in my young ear it called to me from the depths of the darkness in my mind opening my sea blue eye's I was meet by the cutest tomboy. Amara and she would get along great. She had hair that was so snow white and eye's so icy it made me shiver thinking of the wintry snow itself she was asking me something yet all I saw was the from of an angle kneeling before she was slim and fit yet she held a look to her that said I can kick your ass from here to the next century .Setting up she was a good foot taller than me which didn't surprise me at all, holding out my hand to her she helped me up and with a smiled I said "my name is Michelle Kaioh what’s yours"

Back to Normal Point of View

Ren smiled as she herd the girls name "hi Michelle I am Ren Wolfe its very nice to bump into you" she said with a laugh as she rub the back of her head like all the sons seemed to do in their goofy way. Michelle smiled and said "You are funny you know that" Michelle bent down to pick up her books and as she was reaching for them she saw that Ren was already picking them up and holding them "Its alright I have got them Michelle" said Ren as she held the books "where are you heading anyway" Ren looked at Michelle with a small smirk playing on her lips. Michelle blushed as many thoughts rushed through her head about those said lips..."me I was heading to the school store to by a drink why" asked Michelle as she took her books from Ren.

Ren smiled and said "let me walk you there and by the drink it is the lest I can do for you" after walking down the hall and heading back into the school store from where Ren had first got her food. She watched as Michelle pointed out which drink she wanted Ren then paid for it. Setting down and talking with the girl she didn't notice three people walk in and start walking over until a voice said "who are you and why are you with Ren" Ren new that voice very well it was Xena turning she saw the older woman was with Lita and anther person she didn't quite know but she could almost pass for Ren's twin with her short blonde locks and her stuning blue eye's "Xena calm down this is Michelle and she is my friend" said Ren after a moment.

Xena looked at the girl then said "okay okay but hey I am your big sister forgive me if I worry about your sorry little ass" she sat down beside Ren and pulled the girl into a head lock messing up her hair as Lita and the other woman sat down beside her at the table "by the way Ren this is Amara" said Lita as she pointed to the other girl setting to her left "she is on the blitz team as well" .Looking at the other woman Ren smiled and held out her hand to shake with the other woman’s saying "nice to meet you" Amara grind and reached and shook Ren's hand firmly testing the kids strength she winced a little when Ren squeezed a little to grinned and said "don't worry I am strong enough to play size is not everything" she then stood up and began to walk away. Michelle and Lita's eye's were glued to her watching her every move blushing they looked away thing 'what am I doing I already have a lover'. Amara looked at Michelle “damn I thought my ass was the only one you watched” Michelle blushed and said “oh shut up.”

Ren walked down the halls once more walking into the library she found Amy reading a book walking up behind she leaned down and slipped her arms around Amy's neck breathing hotly across the neck she let her words take hold of Amy as well "so bookworm watch you reading" she asked as she traced her fingers down Amy's arm. Amy shivered and gasped dropping her book she reached up and smiled at Ren "Ren-san...are you flirting with me because if so I already have a girlfriend so the answer is n...yes...wait that’s not right I need to say no…..yes." Amy put a hand over her mouth and locked eyes with Ren and suddenly a flash went before her eyes.

Somewhere in the????????

Amy looked around and saw a group of women she didn't know one sea green hair and she was kissing on a woman with dirty blonde short hair who was being touched and felt on by a tall girl about 6 foot 2 and had long brown hair up in a ponytail and there was a girl with long dark raven hair setting off to the side watching the three as a snowy white haired girl sucked and licked on her neck. The scene flashed again and now she found herself in the arms off said silvery haired girl she was naked and so was Amy looking in a mirror over the girls shoulder she saw that her blue hair had grown out and now reached her shoulders and that she was naked as well. Gasping when cool fingers spread her opening she looked up into to deep blue eyes and then she felt...

Back to the Now...

Amy opened her eye's and found herself in Ren's arms her body was flush with Ren who was blushing just as bad as she was she even had a small smile on her lips Amy don't know what possessed her but later she would put all down to the same thing...she would do anything for her princess. Leaning in she caught Ren's lips with her own while her fingers threaded through her short locks of hair.


Cliff hanger bum bummer bum