Crossover Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts A Wolf's Heart ❯ Chapter 6: Key Blade and Power part III ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kingdom Hearts: A Wolf's Heart

Warning some sexual things in this chapter.

Chapter 6: Key Blade and Power part III

Ren gasped but she couldn’t stop herself her hands found themselves on to Amy’s hips pushing her back against the table her body slipping between Amy’s legs as she lifted her to set on the table. Amy wanted to smack herself for betraying Lita but she couldn’t Ren was just so good. Wrapping her legs around Ren’s waist she moan into the kiss, hearing her moan echo of the quite walls pulled her back to her mind and she pulled away blushing madly. Ren was shocked at what she had done how could she do this to Lita, she had just kissed her best friends girl and now they were in for some serious trouble “Amy…I look I didn’t mean for that to happen” said Ren as she tried to plead her case.

“Its okay I am the one how started it its okay really…” said Amy a sad look coming to her face for a quick minute. Ren saw it and said “you sure” Amy shook her head yes and then smiled all the while thinking ‘why did kissing her feel so right so good…I mean Lita’s kissed are good and shocking to but hers it was like kissing fire and ice hot but cold ‘ . Amy pushed herself off the table “well not that we are both sorry lets not tell Lita about this agreed” she held out her hand. Ren looked at the hand and nodded her head yes before shaking the hand “okay well I am going to leave then and let you get back to your studies” with that Ren ran out the door.

Ren was running so fast down the halls time seemed to blur around her she came to a stop once she reached a section of the school she couldn’t remember going yesterday. Looking around she saw millions of paintings and sketches some of things that just could seem real to her backing up she hit something “well at least I can say your hair works for you” Ren jumped and turned to face Michelle.

“What’s the matter you look as if you have seen a ghost” said Michelle her voice a sweet whisper playing in the air. Ren couldn’t talk it just didn’t seem right…with the light coming through the windows in a thin pale like shade it made Michelle look beautiful stunning really “wow….” Michelle blushed finally realizing what had happed she had stunned the younger girl “well at least I now what you think of me”.

Ren blushed and said “so did you do all of these” she pointed to the paintings Michelle smiled “Yes I did would you like to see them”. So for the rest of the day she spent it with Michelle listing to her about each and every painting she did and why. It was about 5:30 which meant the sun was falling and the two moons rising the light got even paler in the room. “Ren…if you wouldn’t mind I would like to paint you” Ren smiled and said “okay sure”…Michelle smiled “butt naked” Ren stopped her moving and blushed madly… “Um okay Michelle I well as long as no one else sees the picture”.

“Good then follow me then” said Michelle as she walked through a door leading into a room with a big round bed that was covered in pure white silk sheets and some furs and thousands of pillows. Michelle sat up her easel and paints and grabs a few brushes and pencils. Ren watched her with a blush she watched as she got ready then finally her eye’s turned to meet Ren’s “well come on drop them” she pointed to Ren’s clothes.

Michelle almost laughed but then she got an idea “well some soft music calm you” Ren nodded and waited for some soothing music to play. The softly over the speakers of the room you could hear Enigma & Deep Forest - Sweet Lullaby (Ambient Mix) playing. It calmed Ren enough that she didn’t even fight when Michelle slowly began to undress her first she pulled of her tops then her shoes and socks. Slowly Michelle reached for the pants and pulled them down and places them with the rest of the clothes that were lying in a chair, reaching out her eyes locked with Ren’s.

Slowly she reached for the boxers her fingernails light brushing against Ren’s sides as she pulled them down and off she then tosses them with the pants and other clothing. Looking at Ren she saw the dick hanging between her legs but she thought nothing of it she didn’t even give it a second thought.

Walking back she took in the sight of the young sayain her eye’s taking in the sleek from the hard abs and the light tan. She looked down ‘hmm guess she really does have snow white hair’ she thought reaching out she pressed against what must have be the becoming of a god she was soft yet hard. Not a scar or scratch was on the perfect skin walking around her she saw the tail and gave it a light pet feeling the silky texture of the fur.

Reaching up she ran a shaky had through the hair on her head and found it to be even more silkier smiling she finally pulled away leading her to lay on the bed. Her back on the pillows in a slant position her legs spread wide one knee bent up with foot planted firmly on the ground will the other was laid out on the bed. Her tail draped across her was lazily swishing back and forth her right hand laying on her hard abs her left stretched up and bent to lay on the pillows her breathing was as even as she could get it while like this. Michelle smiled and ruffled her hair making it look mussed and sexy like Michelle leaned over and kissed a cheek “relax” came the hushed whisper as she lay there.

She watched as Michelle moved to her set and began to first draw her out and sketch her every now and then she would look up and lock eyes with Ren her smile sweet and innocent as she then moved her eyes back down Ren’s body making Ren blush. Michelle smiled as she watched the younger girl ‘she is so fragile looking yet she looks as if she was a god not meant for this place and her…’ Michelle looked down and blushed a little herself ‘size is quite astounding for her age she is pretty big’. Looking back at her picture she smiled as it came to life before her eye’s it was turning out to be a very great work of art no to just add color and texture. She looked back up for the hundredth time and then moved back down adding the finishing details to her art.

Ren watched as Michelle put her brush down and then stood up she watched as she walked over and slowly began to pull of her clothing she felt her cheeks get hot as more and more of Michelle’s skin became visible “Mich….” A finger to her lips stopped her from speaking “shh it’s okay”. Michelle dropped her skirt to the floor which left her in nothing more than a pair of thongs and a bar. Ren sat up and reached out with a shaky had touching the breast lightly. Ren slowly reached behind Michelle’s back and undid the snap to the bra, slowly she slid it down and off her Michelle’s shoulders then she dropped it to the floor.

Michelle giggled a little and reached up and pushed Ren back down making her softly fall onto the pillows and bed. Murmuring a soft word or two under her breath the painting she just did moved to set aside as a new blank canvas was set up and the pencil picked itself up and began to draw what was happing on the bed.

Michelle smiled and slid off her thong letting it drop she slowly reached for a silk blind fold covering Ren’s eyes she then got anther one and tied Ren’s hands together up above her head. Ren whimpered at the feeling of them on here eyes she didn’t like the dark that much and the fact that her hands were now tied didn’t sooth her fears. Slowly delicate fingers made there way down her abs and over her ribs leaving a slow burning fire in their wake, the trailed down to rest on her hips lightly touching and rubbing her hips.

Michelle smiled as she heard the sounds the other girl was making it was so arousing her sweet small whimpers her hands clutching the pillow above her head with disparate fingers her body was stretched and her thin formed was now covered in a light sheen of sweet. She licked her lips and leaned down to kiss around the collar bone her hands trailing lower to grasp the other girls too, giving it a firm squeeze before letting go as she moved down to suck on a nipple.

Ren arched up and gasped these feelings where so different to her young mind her body was pleased with these feelings so she did nothing to stop Michelle’s sweet touches or her kiss. She shiver when she felt the warm breath turn cold as hit blew across the wet marks on her skin she felt the silk keep her hands together be undone. But the one over her eye’s stayed she felt a warm body lean over hers “you are very cute Ren-Kun yet oh so very naïve allow me to show you the way” Michelle’s soft voice said.


Well that is all for now sorry it took so long but at least it is done now.