Crossover Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts A Wolf's Heart ❯ Chapter 7: Key Blade and Power part IV ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kingdom Hearts: A Wolf's Heart

Warning some sexual things in this chapter.

Chapter 7: Key Blade and Power part IV

Heights of the characters

Amy 4’8

Lita 5’1

Rei 4’10

Michelle 5’4

Amara 5’6

Ren 4’11 and ½ an inch

Also I am changing Amy’s name, as you can see its no Ami

Any more now it is Amy.

I don’t know if I told you in the last chapter but the ages for Amara and Michelle are 11.

Ren felt soft hands trail over her body leaving a trail of molten fire in their wake, she let out a whimper and heard Michelle giggle she felt the weight of the bed shift as she felt Michelle crawl over her body. Ren could not see Michelle but from what her stomach and skin was feeling she could tell Michelle was clean shaven not a hair to found any were her skin was silky smooth and had a nice scent. Her breasts were plump and round and just the right size for some one her age, she also felt very light. Ren reached out blindly with her hands trying to touch something when she felt Michelle grab her hands.

Michelle pulled the hands up placing one on her breast she pulled the other to her mouth and began to lightly suck on the middle finger dragging her tongue across the tip of the finger and under it, Michelle pulled back and smiled and grinned at the small whimpering sound Ren made she “Ren-kun you have a very beautiful voice you oh….” Ren’s hand moved and circled Michelle’s breast with her wet middle finger and her other hand was gently squeezing the other with soft firm grasps.

Ren smirked and sat up whishing she could take off the stupid blind fold that Michelle had put on her leaning forward she let her mouth suck on the first piece of flesh her lips came in contact with, lucky for her it was the neck, Michelle gasped and moaned tossing her head back she moved her hands up to grasp fistfuls of Ren’s snow white hair yanking Ren’s head back she forcefully pushed her down “now now….. My little one you are moving to fast” she then got off of Ren and moved down to her waist letting her hair tickle the younger girl.

Ren whined in the back of her throat her small fragile hips lifting up off of the bed, the older girl smirked and kissed her abs her pink tongue swirling around the belly button before it dipped into it for a moment. Michelle smirked and pulled back licking her lips she moved down and pulled the sheets up over them as the lights in the candles all flickered out the magical paint brush still moving across the canvas capturing the movements of the two people in bed under the moon light.

(Time Forward)

The sun began to rise up over the horizon as the small from left alone in the big bed twisted and turned trying to figure out why she couldn’t see, she heard giggling then she felt some one moved close to her then she could see blinking the brightness out of her eye’s she looked around and saw many paintings of her and Michelle from the night before some where also of just her looking around more her eye’s took in the blunt sexuality of them all especially the one where it showed the part where the two of them first joined and Ren lost her virginity. Blushing she looked away from that one and turned to look at the naked artist herself, “umm hi” said Ren “hi yourself lover” said Michelle as she leaned over and kiss Ren on the lips witch Ren responded to whole heartedly.

Pulling back Ren frowned “but I, my friend Rei she is very important to me I think I like her like I like you, I am sorry if I hurt you” her eye’s held pain expecting a slap and to get yelled at but instead she heard a faint giggle. “Oh silly I know you love her love her just like you love me its okay trust me I know you and if I am not mistaken you have feelings for both Amy and Lita right” Ren blushed and then smiled “so your not mad at me” smiling she jumper into Michelle waiting arms at the second question she kind of froze before melting as Michelle began to pet her behind the ears an around her tail “yes I don’t know why its like when I first meet Lita there was something about her cute tomboyish way that made me smile and she was very nice smelling to and Amy she was so shy looking and helpless looking to though I bet you she is a good fighter but still I still find myself falling for them and you know before I ran into you I accidentally kissed Amy in the library then ran off”

“Oh you poor thing, I see its’ okay but maybe you should apologize to Amy and talk to her about this see if she wants to date you as well like me” said Michelle as she kissed a bare shoulder “She is right Kitten” said a deep husky voice gasping she saw Amara standing in the door way her body completely naked “Lover don’t talk to her like that she is barely able to take seeing me naked” said Michelle as she kissed at Ren’s shoulder but looked at Amara, who just smirked and walked over stealing a kiss from Michelle and before Ren could run she pulled her into a deep kiss her hands moving down to grasp her member giving it a playful squeeze.

Ren moaned and lifted up trying to reach the taller girls hands a little bit more, Amara pulled back and sat down pulling the girl into her embrace “I love you to me and Michelle have been waiting for you a long time we both love you so much and well stick beside you through thick and thin my little wild animal” Ren smiled and just hugged Amara tightly glad that she knew that Michelle and Amara both loved her. “Amara she has made love with me already I had the privilege of taking her virginity as you can see”.

Amara smiled and kissed Ren’s as she cuddled the younger girl close to her Michelle moved over to play with Ren’s hair rubbing her back in soothing circles. “I can see that my love” she smirked looking around seeing the paintings in the room Stopping on the one that was not of them having sex nor was it the one were Ren had posed early in the day this one was a different pose.


They had been lying down for a while both kissing each other lazily as their blood boiled and was left to seAmyer in their aftermath of lovemaking. “Can I draw you one more time my young lover” Ren smiled and said “yes my angel of the water and wisdom you may”, Michelle smiled and got up moving Ren into a different position making her look so weak and needy and very fragile looking almost as if one kiss would make her break.

Lighting a few blood red candles, she moved Ren’s thin hips with her hands making them lay in a pillow which raised them of the bed a little showing her cute but and her small sack and big member. Her legs were set in the same position as before one laid on a pillow while the other stayed bent and up right, her tail was draped out over her up right legs and over some of the bed, her abs where so toned that the light of the candle made very sexy shadows across her smooth stomach and upper chest.

Her eye’s were still blinded by the silk white scarf, her hair was mussed from the sexual love making not so long ago her arms where put in different positions this time one was sat small area above her package where the small patch of silvery fuzz was growing, and her other hand was thrown above her head making her muscles tightened so much that it showed off more around her ribs and upper arms and some on her lower arms. Michelle was even liking the way her lips seem bruised from the kissing she was sure her own lips looked the same and her neck now had a mark that she belonged to the younger girl smiling she ran a finger of the two puncture marks, before she went to away to start sketch and painting before they soon would end in anther love session.

End Flashback.

Amara smiled as she looked at the painting, “you look so weak in that picture so fragile my little animal it just makes me want to jump in and hold you tight to me and cuddle you all night and I would hold you to the end of time my young lover.” Ren blushed and licked at Amara’s neck Michelle tilted her neck showing the mark smirking she said “Oh but Amara she is not you lover yet, you see you and her have yet to make love”.

She moved Amara’s hand down once more to Ren’s member feeling how stiff it had gotten “but from the looks off things she wants to become your lover right now and” she moved her hand over to Amara’s center she felt the wetness “from the looks of things you want her to be inside you as well” Amara blushed and looked down at the younger girl then at the clock “sorry my loves but we well have to cut this short we have class so and we need to get her some more rest so after school today well shall meet for supper in the dinning hall and talk about when and where we well have are love making as well as when it is taking place what do you say”.

Ren nodded and smiled “I guess I better get back to my room see you guys later” she got dressed and fixed her clothes, once she was fully dressed and looking normal she ran over to them and kissed them before leaving “she is a hungry little animal isn’t she such stAmyna and the power behind those hips ungh! Made me moan all night” said Michelle as she teased Amara “quit it Michelle that’s not fair you can’t tease me with the truth that just make me want to chase her down and let her take me right now”.

(With Ren)

Ren ran quietly down the hall way looking at her watch it read 4 in the morning silently she sneaked into her room and got into her bed. Letting sleep over take her, as she sleep she dreamed of a tall sea beauty and a tall wind tomboy with a loving heart and smile that made her weak at the knees.

Slowly Ren felt the soft shaking of her shoulders and woke up smiling when she saw it was Rei she pulled the girl down into her arms and held her tight “ good morning pryo” Rei smiled and rub Ren on her back as she said “its 6 in the morning I figured you would want to get up with the rest of us so that we could eat with our friends” Ren smiled and said “sure I would love to eat breakfast with you guys” She then let Rei get up so she could get up and get ready.

Getting into the shower she bathed her body down getting all then germs and dirt and sweat from her and washing it down the drain in axe body wash mixed with some of her own soaps and body washes and shampoos and conditioners. Brushing her hair and teeth and using some strawberry flavored mouth wash she left the bathroom walking out in a pair of boxers briefs forgetting about Amy and Lita being in the same room Rei as well all though she already knew about Ren’s package, hey they took bathes together as kids still do sometimes even now, anyway Lita and Amy didn’t know but they did know.

Ren was just about to reach for her white uniform when she felt eye’s on her body looking around she wanted to smack herself “umm guess I have some explaining to do huh” Lita and Amy both had blushes on their face though Amy’s was brighter considering she had felt it at the library and had dreamed about it. “Okay let me dress first” the girls nodded and sat on the bed each of them enjoying the sight all of them even got a little wet.

Ren dressed and then sat down on her bed sighing “well I was born with it really I don’t have a problem with it really it just means if I want kids I can have them with my girl friends, yes I was gay sorry Rei I know I should have told you probably would have made thing easier but you knew about may well package and I thought that if you know I was gay you might fear sleeping beside me” Ren’s voice was so sad Rei smiled real big and ran over to her kissing her deep and hugging her tight “I could never hate you I love you”.

Ren smiled and kissed Rei back holding her tight before sighing and letting her go Grabbing her by the hand she led her over to Amy and sat her down then she went and got Lita and sat her down all of them on the same bed “also I kind of have crushes on all of you, what can I say you all are just so smart, sexy, sweet and nice I hope you and Lita don’t hate me because I have said this after you found out I have a package or that I am also in love with both you two and Rei” she looked at Rei “I hope you still love me even after I told you this”

Rei and the other girls just looked at each other and smiled before each of them leaned over and kissed a blushing tomboy sayain. Ren could jump for joy but she had one more thing to tell “also I have two more lovers Amara and Michelle and I made love with Michelle last night please don’t leave me or do anything to hurt them or each other I mean….” She was cut off by three deep kisses to the mouth “Yes you all well be my wives someday I know it I promise I well make you all proud of me and I well make you all happy and. …growl…” Lita laughed “we love you to you big goof ball but as my baby wolf you must be hungry lets get my champion blitz player some food” she said a cuddly like kissing and pinching her cheeks. “Yes breakfast is the most important meal of the day” said Amy as she leaned in to kiss Ren as well then she kissed Lita” plus with you being a sayain its more important” said Rei as they all headed out for the dinning hall.

As the came in they meet up with Xena and Gabriel setting down she told them the great news and Xena seemed a little mad thinking her adoptive step sister was hurting all these women when they all leaned in said “that was cute Ren thank you for calling us all goddess” before each of them kissed “we love you Ren-kun” their voice sound like the most beautiful of heaven choir she blushed and said “I love all you as well” getting up she bowed to each of them Xena smiled at the charming sight as did her lover “huh isn’t she the cutest little minnie you” Gabriel said as she watched Ren take each girls tray watching as other girls at some of the other tables giving her some meat hungry eye’s.

As she was walking back she was held up by some girls Ren was starting to feel very uncomfortable when the girls started to get very close when she felt a tingling in the back of her mind telling her to turn and take comfort from the warm body behind her and she did just that. Turn her body she burred her face in a fAmyliar chest that smelt of wind and roses ‘Amara’ Ren thought smiling breathing in deeply. “You girls leave my little animal alone she is taken” she then kissed Ren on the forehead as Michelle walked up and held onto to her arm “But Amara-san you are dating Michelle I guess Ren-san is a bad person if the little bitch…smack…” Michelle’s hand was heard smacking the girl’s cheek “don’t you don’t you ever call my Ren-Kun that or anything else again I swear to all that is holy you well be sorry” she then moved back over to the cowering Ren in Amara’s arms and began to kiss her cheeks and lips along with Amara.

They moved with the girl back over to her friends “Hello again some of us have already met and I know some of you have also met Amara but just for the sake of things I will introduce us one more time” Amara smiled and said “Amara Windrider” she then moved to set down after shaking every ones hands pulling Ren down in her lap cradling the girl. Michelle smiled and curtsied, “Michelle Oceanstar “shaking all the girls’ hands she sat down beside her lover. “We are both eleven years old and are in A5 grade level it is very nice to met are Ren-kuns loved ones besides us” said Amara as she looked at each girl flirting with them.

“I... am not a dog in heat right” came Ren’s weak voice as she turned to look at her lovers, all them wanted to go back over those group of girls and beat them real hard but instead of that they did something better they all left and went to the garden to comfort their Ren-kun and compare schedules.

(There schedules for school for first semester)

Ren Advance reading, Advance Art, Advance Gym, Advance Science

Amy Advance Science, Advance reading, Advance Gym, Advance Chemistry

Rei Advance Science, Advance reading, Advance Gym, Advance Art

Lita Advance cooking, Advance reading, Advance Gym, Advance Science

Amara Advance reading, Advance Science, Advance Gym, Advance Art

Michelle Advance reading, Advance Art, Advance Gym, Advance Science

After comparing their schedules and calming their Ren down the girls all went to their home room classes Amara never once letting go of Ren’s hand until they had to go to different classes in which case she held Michelle’s or some one else hand she had classes with. When it was lunch time during third period every body met up right before class to head to first lunch, by then Ren was more back to her previous happy go lucky self still yet, Amara couldn’t keep her hands to herself not that Ren minded, far from it really.

After lunch they all had gym when a problem arose the changing part of gym, Ren looked down at her pants the back up at her friends, she didn’t know what to do but it was already decide by Mistress Myzuki, She came in and said that every girl was to use the chaining room to the left and the shower to left while Ren and her friends got the one to the right when the coaches questioned why Myzuki walked over and whispered something causing the coaches to blush and agree with the plan. So now they all had a whole locker room to them selves while everyone else went to the other one across the gym.

Walking in the all found their lockers and just like the blitz uniform Rei and Ren had to walk into a machine so it could get their measurements and etc. Ren’s uniform was made up of some black sweats and a red jersey with the number X on it like her blitz uniform. Rei was a pair of red baggy shorts and a black top with her name and the sigh of mars on the back. All the other girls got dressed and walked out on to the gym floor, walking out some of the other girls that where already out on the gym floor let their eye’s follow Ren and Amara some even looked at Lita but not as much as Ren and Amara.

Amara saw their looks and wanted to steam but instead she thought up something deadly and she leaned into whisper to Lita, who smiled and whispered to Amy, who blushed and Whispered to Rei, who smirked and whispered to Michelle. Then Amara sees that she has their full attention, she saw some young girls flirting with Ren and watched as other girls began to flirt too. Walking over she came up behind Ren and said “hello girls, bye girls” she then pulled Ren back to the group where all the girls put their arms around Ren in some way Amy and Lita sat on the floor and held her legs.

Rei and Michelle held onto her arms and Amara held her from behind by the waist her lips kissing on Ren’s neck. Ren blushed as she felt them all touching and holding her Amara’s lips felt like hot lava making her blood boil where ever the lips would touch, she didn’t even care that the rest of the gym watched them with glares or anything.

Ren felt her body begin to hotten then their was a cough and soon all the touches and kiss stopped which made her kind of sad turning around she blushed seeing the coaches smiling at her making her feel embarrassed. After a talk from the coaches the girls were then split up between coaches lucky for the girls they all were together in the same class, then after all that they began basketball, which thankfully went by easily for the coaches thank god.

After gym the girls head to fourth period and then after that class they all meet up for supper in the dinning hall. Setting at a big table, all of them getting along fine and, even seeming to like each, other just fine even though they all loved Ren. Amara smirked and ran her hand down slim yet fragile hips gently pulling the small from back into her body as she kissed the nape of her neck.

Ren smiled an purred like a big kitten as she was loved on by the taller tomboy, that smelled of wind, groaning when the hands on her hips began to toy with her belt lops on her pants. Amara smirked into the kiss her hands slowly slipping past the elastic band of her boxer briefs and she made sure that no one could see where her hands where. She then slowly began to cress Ren as she made small talk with all the other girls, Ren whimpered this wasn’t fair she thought every body was in her and Amara was doing this to her small and fragile minded body.

Michelle smiled as she watched the two making sure that no teachers saw what they were doing. She watched them all out dinner, Ren whimpered and almost wanted to scream but she barely held it in when Amara pulled away. “Okay then my young lover we had plans to make about when we were going to mate so when do you want to my love” Ren blushed and turned in her arms “ummm now” Amara nodded and waited a few more moments before they left heading to a place to make love.

Amara and Michelle’s room, pushing the younger girl into the room she shut the door, and locked it pulling off their clothes she pulled the cover’s over them. ”Amara” came the shy voice “I umm really don’t know what to do Michelle had me blind folded and tied down at some point so I am scared I might hurt you” Ren looked sadden for a moment then she looked away with a hurt look in her eye’s “I have made you all horn…horny and now I can’t fix that” Amara didn’t know wither to cry or laugh, but looking into those sad eye’s should knew she could not do either afraid that she might upset her more. “Its okay Ren I will lead you and show you what to do is that okay with you”.

Ren blushed and smiled “really I can steal make love to you, then yes I would love that”. Amara smiled and gently lifted the lighter girl up to set in her lap letting the silky sheet pool around their waists. “Okay then well first off these are breast, breast have nipples that are very sensitive to the touch if done right like this” she then moved Ren’s hand to gently her breast easing her into massaging them then she said “it feels even better when they are sucked on” Ren smiled and leaned forward a little nervous she would hurt the other girl but when her lips touch Amara’s nipple it was like second nature to just gently suck like a baby in this tiny pebble that tasted like fresh apples and strawberries.

Amara gasped and lifted her hand to hold Ren’s to her tightly when she heard a whimper of pain Amara almost wanted to smack herself letting go she pulled Ren’s head back seeing the hurt in her eye’s “oh Ren I am sorry I hurt you I didn’t mmpphhh” Ren pulled back from the kiss shaking her head “you didn’t hurt me it’s just…hiss…. painful it won’t stop throbbing and every time you breath deep it brushes against you smooth skin and I can help but feel mmmpphhh” Amara smiled glad she hadn’t hurt her let Animal tackling her into a kiss she gently eased her way down to Ren’s hip “I want to show something else that can feel good but for you this time.” With that said Amara slipped under the covers moving down to Ren’s hips. Ren gasped and fell back her hips raising off the bed her fingers clenching into the covers, she felt the sucking and licking down there and could help but whimper with pleasure as she was pleased she was about to bust she reached down to try and warn Amara who just reached up and held her hand down.

That’s when Ren realized that Amara wanted her to let out her seed, as Michelle had called it, into her mouth knowing that Amara wanted that made her go over the edge her seed filling Amara’s mouth some of it was even coming out of the sides of her mouth, She sat up and licked her lips, Amara smiled made sure she got all the cum of her face, Once she was sure it was gone she smiled and leaned in for a kiss. Ren was surprised by this but let the kiss go on any way pulling back Amara smiled and laughed at the blush in Ren’s face “You still want to learn more” Ren gave her a look before saying “yes”.

Amara smiled and said “okay then” she then gently lowered Ren once more pushing her back toward the pillows, making sure she was comfortable she crawled on top of Ren and straddled her hips. “Are you ready” asked Amara one more time, Ren smiled and leaned up for a kiss before saying “I am” and so the night went on with Ren learning many new things about the fine art of love making.

(New Day)

Ren slowly opened her eye’s and blinked a few times before looking around her eye’s came to rest on the sandy blond hair of Amara who was sleeping beside her looking around more she saw that Michelle had came in but had sleep in her own bed. Smiling Ren got up and walked over to Michelle’s bed sliding in she was surprised to get pulled into waiting arms “huh what” she looked up to see that Michelle was awake and smiling down at her. “Good morning to you to my little one” she said as she kissed Ren and pulled her close, “got any room for one more” looking up they saw Amara and smiled sliding over they made room with Ren in the middle the two women began to cuddle her, Ren laughed as some of there touches tickled her.

As they day rolled on they had showered together, and dressed together, then they headed out to eat breakfast with their whole group. Walking in they smiled and Ren ran over to Rei and sat down beside her grabbing her hand and holding it tight smiling as she did so leaning in she paused for a moment before she smiled and went in for a deep kiss which every body looked at seeing Rei blush they laughed knowing the girl had probly never been kissed. Ren pulled back and licked her lips, Rei blushed and touched her lips before leaning back over quickly and got another kiss from the passionate blond. Lita who was on Ren's left pulled her back into a hug and kissed her as well sliding her tongue out to meet with hers in a duel of the tongues, pulling back Ren smiled and moves around the table to give each girl their own kiss.

(Teacher’s Table)

Myzuki watched Ren from the teacher’s table, as did the other teachers, a woman with dark brown hair and green eye’s that wore skirt and a pink shirt said “How in the hell did she get all of them its just not humanly possible for one person to keep all of them young ladies happy.” Myzuki smiled and said “She is no human, she is a god” and she got up and walked off back to her office to do more reports and file away more papers.

(Back with Ren and the girls)

They were all talking with each other, while Ren ate, which really surprised everybody except Rei who knew just how much Ren could eat, laughing she saw Ren eye’s her last roll and gave it to her saying “here you black hole eat it” Ren whimpered at the name but began to eat it anyway.

After Ren finished she grabbed a napkin and wiped her mouth clean before getting up and saying she had to be somewhere, giving them all a kiss goodbye she ran to the bathroom and threw up her food, making herself gag she had a problem she knew, but it hurt her when Rei made jokes about her being fat which in turn made her go puke so that she wouldn’t get fat.

Flushing the toilet she walked out and turned on the faucet letting the water warm up, she then grabbed a paper towel and began to wash her face and hands. After doing that she threw it away and grabbed a dry one and wiped her face dry, repeating process by throwing it away she then turned off the water and walked out. Walking down the hall she head to her training with Mistress Myzuki, walking up to the door she knocked and heard a voice say to come in.

Walking in she looked up at her Trainer to be and bowed showing respect to her; Myzuki raised an eyebrow smilling at the show of respect. “Good to see you’re on time now follow me out to the field to began some of the basics”, Ren smiled and did just that, once they reached the field Myzuki turned and then said “okay now hold for a minute I need to look some things over”, with that said she looked over Ren touching her arms, and legs checking her heart rate, and some other things then she moved forward and let their heads touch she stood still for a moment before jumping back as if she had been hit by a bolt of lighting.

She then looked at Ren with wide eyes as if she had seen a god or something even stronger than that, shaking her head to clear it she smiled and said, “okay lets begin” and with that Myzuki began to show Ren how to use Magic and how to make herself one with the universe, which seemed weird to Ren because she had never thought she would become anything more than a fighter. But Myzuki knew better, she had saw the future and this girl, no this child would rule the whole universe with a finger, like it was nothing at all so she wanted to make sure that Ren was ready for such a role.

After all kinds of magic, Ren was able to summon a keyblade it was pure silver and was mad of some kind of crystal looking stuff that had a sharp look to it. The handle was a nave blue color and had very sharp edges that way if someone tried to take it out of Ren’s hands all they would get would be one painful cut on their hands. Myzuki was amazed, but she knew it was nothing compared to what she knew was sure to come with the training in coming years with this little runt.

(Dinner Time)

Ren sat telling the girls about her day with Myzuki and how she had got a keyblade and etc. Rei was smiling and running a hand up and down her back soothingly as she told her story, after telling it she moved to eat and just like before she scarffed it down and Rei made a small joke not seeing the look of pain the flashed across hurt eye’s, but every one else did, After a moment or two Ren got saying she need to use the restroom and she ran out with a nod Lita ran after her.

Ren heaved and threw up once more her stomach contents spill from her mouth “REN” She jerked around to see Lita’s stunned face “Lita I can explain please don’t hate me because I am fat”. Lita wanted to cry, “oh sweetie come here” Ren ran to her arms, Lita rubbed her back soothingly picking her up it was then she finally realized just how light Ren was. She carried her all the way back up to there room and sat down on her bed rocking Ren in her arms, Ren calmed down some as she was held in Lita’s warm arms, “You are not fat silly hell your so skinny I bet I could hold you with one hand and still picking up some other things.” Ren smiled and cuddled up against Lita purring softly in her ear.

Lita laughed a little, she fell back on the bed pulling Ren with her “You know Rei doesn’t mean it when she calls you fat she is just playing around with you but I am sure if you talk with her she well stop” said Lita as she kissed Ren on her neck then her cheek. “She is right” came a soft voice turning the saw Amy at the door leaning against it her skirt and shirt making her blend in with the wall in the shadows. Ren sat up and made room for Amy smiled and walked over undoing her tie she crawled into the bed with them making Ren be in the middle, they both wrapped their arms around her and both began to kiss her gently touching her hips with their hands the both rubbed in a downward motion.

Ren whimpered and raised her body up to their touches, Amy looked at Lita and smiled nodding her head yes. They both then began to stand up slowly they took off their clothes, they then slowly began to undo Ren’s clothes sliding them off her slim body over fragile hips and down trim legs. Ren’s breath was heavier and fast her mind was set on jumbled and heart set on speed, Lita crawled up to sit behind her and sit her up as Amy moved to kiss down smooth abs, down to a cute belly button, then she let her fingers trace through the short silky patch of hair above Ren’s member. She blushed she had never seen one up this close she gently touched it watching it twitch and quiver, she smirked seeing it harden it made her feel good to know she hand this effect on a person.

Lita watched her lover interact with her new lover she smiled at the look on Amy's face it was very; sexy in a way it was defiantly something new. Amy liked the way it looked it was very different; she leaned in and began to lick it up and down gently. Ren watched amazed at the gentleness of the touch and the feelings it was different from when Amara or Michelle touched her yet it was just as good in its own way. Lita pressed her chest against Ren’s back as her hands moved down her sides to her hips give them a warm squeeze she moved them around to grasp her member while Amy licked and touched it as well.

Ren was gasping for breath her body was being teased with pleasure, and she was liking it moving her hands back she grasped Lita’s thighs and lifted her hips up to Amy and Lita’s touches, and this is what Rei walked in on her eye’s widen but she calmed down and just smirked walking over to the bed she took of her tie tying it around Ren’s neck she yanked her into a deep kiss “mmmmmmmm” she pulled back as did Lita and Amy looking at their lover they all smiled and agreed Lita would go first then Amy then Rei.

As the night went on the four beds that where once all put in different place all came to meet in the middle and became one.

(Authors Notes)

That’s all for now.