Crossover Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts A Wolf's Heart ❯ Chapter 10: Worlds Meet and Powers Are Brought To Surface I ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kingdom Hearts: A Wolf's Heart

Chapter 10: Worlds Meet and Powers Are Brought To Surface I

Ren slowly began to wake up shaking her head her whole body ached in places she didn’t think she had. Setting up the covers feel from her body to lie pooled at her waist blink she looked around until her sites fellow on the blond beside Naruto she was apparently checking up on them. “umm…lady” Ren’s voice felt raw, and her throat felt sore. The girl gasped and turned to face Ren, she smiled and asked “how do you feel Nero”. Ren paused thinking was that her name, well that’s what the lady called her so that must be her name. “I…cough…I am fine” the blond walked closer and said “that’s good to hear I am Tsunade I am glad you are fine, you know if it wasn’t for you I would have left the village but it seems you and Naruto need guardians which for you will be me and for Naruto it will be a friend of mine then when he turns 16 you and him will switch he will come to me you will go to my friend.”

Nero smiled “so he wont be alone good to hear” Nero fell back on the bed sighing softly closing her eye but opened them back up when she felt a hand on her check Tsunade stood over her smiling her hand glowing softly in a green color “what are you doing” Nero asked. Tsunade smiled and said “checking up on you duh “ she ran her hand over the smooth skin of her face then down her neck and over her chest before pulling her hand back. Nero smiled as the warmth on her skin lingered reaching out to grasp her hand when the door opened to a man walking in.

Nero looked at the old man got ready to fight incase something was to happen. But she was stopped by a soft hand on her shoulder and a kind voice “awww I see you have met Tsunade young one I am glad you are awake,” the man sat down in a chair “ hmmmm Nero may I ask you a question”.

Nero nodded her head and almost purred when the soft hand on her should, which belonged to Tsunade rubbed her ear softly, “what is it grandpa…or should I call you something else I know not you name”

The old man smiled “aww sorry about that I am the Hokage of this village my name is Sarutobi and as for my question it is would you like to live with Tsunade even after you become her teammates partner in training” asked Sarutobi

Nero looked at the man then the woman before smiling and saying “only if Naruto can as well”

Sarutobi smiled “of course he can” getting up he pulled out a black outfit and a mask and a black head band with a silver leaf symbol on it. “As of now you are ANBU the youngest ever and when I say ever I mean you’re like what a still a prê teen heck most would look at you and laugh but I know better then that so these are you clothes”.

He hands her black boxers that had enough room in them for her member, then some black pants that hand pooches all over them and a seal so they where water proof then black socks and black boots with black metal on them. He then handed her some black wraps, and a back muscle shirt then a black over shirt and black fish net then a big black hooddie with a red spiral wing fashion on it. On the hood it self was a few words….it just said Broken….

The he handed her some black gloves with plates in them and finally the mask which was white and had a wolf carved on it in silver the highest ranking color above red (I don’t know if that is true) .

“Her ya go I will get you weapons latter on when I can see what matches up with you”

Nero nodded her head and went to get dressed pulling the clothes on to her skinny body. Once she was clothes properly she walked out with the mask on her belt and not her face, not wanting to put it on just yet. “So now what Old man” she asked.

Tsunade looked at the girl like she was crazy, she still kept calling the Hokage old man even when she knew his name, girl had to be crazy to do that. Nero looked over to Tsunade and smiled softly at her as she ran a hand through her mused hair.

The Hokage smiled “for now just go with Tsunade and let her show you around the village so that you may get used to the village and its people.” With that the Hokage took his leave of the room. Nero looked up and Tsunade with a smile and said “I am hungry can we go get some food”.

Tsunade smiled for some reason it seemed as if the world just got a light brighter.