Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Anime Hearts ❯ Chapter 7: Ravelution! ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Sorry about the long wait, everyone. GOMEN NASAI!

This chapter will be based off the anime Rave Master, but I'll probably make some stuff up, since I don't remember very much about it.

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Chapter 8: Ravelution!

In an undisclosed place, King was talking to Myotismon.

“And what of the Keyhole?” the vampire asked the warrior.

“The Heartless are searching for it even as we speak.” King replied. “As for the Princess…”

Just then, a yellow-skinned creature holding a pair of maracas scurried up to them. “Excuse me boss,” he said, “But I've searched everywhere for the girl, and I can't find her!”

“Idiot!” King shouted, smacking him across the head. “Can't you do anything right!”

The creature whimpered and muttered, “S-sorry Master…”

King turned to Myotismon and growled, “That girl's more trouble than she's worth!”

”You said you could handle things.” Myotismon said in amusement.
“Symphonia (1) is full of places for her to hide, but we'll find her, one way or another.”
”I hope so. Without the seven Princesses, our plan will fail.”
”Don't worry.” He turned to several heartless and announced, “Find the Princess and bring her to me!” And with that, the Heartless scurried off to do their master's bidding,
“Remember, if you immerse yourself in the darkness too long, the Heartless will devour you.” Myotismon said.
But King waved him away, saying, “I don't need your concern.”
Little did they realize that a teenage girl was crouching behind a box, listening to everything they were saying. Silently, she ran off.

World Name: Symphonia

Meanwhile, Kaneda and company had landed on the surface of the planet. They also found a button that would teleport them to a safe spot. After a few mishaps, they managed to get down safely into a city alley where they found a pink blob called Motimon.
As the group was traveling through the busy streets, Al suddenly stopped and looked up at a rusty fire escape.
”Huh? What is it?” asked Kaneda.
”There's someone up there,” he replied, pointing. Instantly, a teenage girl stepped nervously out of an alley. She had chin-length dirty blond hair and big chocolate-colored eyes.
”I can see you're good people.” She said gently.
”Uh, who are you?” asked Yoh.
“My name's Ellie,” the girl replied. “And I need your help. Some guys are chasing me, and…”
”Too late.”
They spun around and saw a young man walk out of the shadows. He had spiky blond hair that defied the laws of gravity, and wore a black cape. Sheathed on his back was a huge sword.
“Greetings,” he said, “I am known as King, and I want that girl.”
”King?” Ed scoffed. “What kind of stupid name is that?”
The man glared at him. “Silence whelp! Give me the girl, and you won't be harmed.”
”Over our dead bodies!” shouted Kaneda, baring his weapon.
King merely scoffed. “So you're the Keyblade Master? No problem, my minions will take care of you easily.” He snapped his fingers, and several people dressed in armor appeared. “Now destroy them and take the girl!”
He stepped back into the shadows, and the warriors, called `Shadow Guard Soldiers' attacked with swords and lances, but the heroes blocked them.
“Ellie! Get out of here! We'll hold them off!” Ed shouted.
“B-but what about you?”
”Just go!”
The girl turned and ran off down the street, leaving the others to fight their opponents. They ducked and dodged, trading blows.
”Boy, these guys don't quit!” exclaimed Kaneda.
“Then we'll just have to push `em back!” Ed shouted, pulling out a small stone. Al quickly realized what it was.
”Nii-san, is that…?”
“Yep. Now keep them off me so I can do a summoning!”
Ed shut his eyes and concentrated hard on the stone as wisps of white smoke ran off its smooth surface.
”Goddess of the Forest! I summon you! Come forth, Moro!”
There was a flash of light, and in the middle of the street stood the enormous wolf. She smirked to reveal her fangs before letting loose with a huge howl, so powerful that not only did it send the Shadow Guard Soldiers flying back several feet; it set off every car alarm and broke every window in a five-block radius. The giant beast smirked again before she vanished.
“Now that was cool!”
”Ed, when I get my hearing back, remind me to kill you.”
Once they could hear again, the group set off down the street.

As they walked down the street, (and finding a white blob called SnowBotamon), they heard what sounded like someone banging on a wall and a muffled voice shouting, “Get me out of here!”
”Huh? Did you hear…?”
”Help! Help!”
”It's coming from over there!”
They ran into an alley where they found a huge wooden crate. There seemed to be noises coming from inside.
”Don't worry, we'll get you out!” Ed shouted. He and Yoh dug their weapons into the side of the crate and pulled it open. Out came a light blue squashy-looking thing with yellow tentacles underneath its body to move it around, long thin hands, black eyes, a big nose, and big lips.
“Oh thank you thank you! I thought I was going to be in there forever!”
”Uh, what or who are you?” Ed managed to stammer.
“Oh, how rude of me! My name is Griffin Kato, but you can just call me Griff for short.” And with that, he turned and `walked' down the street.
“Hey! Where are you going?”
“I have to find my friends! They're in danger!” The creature scurried off down the street, Kaneda and the others following closely. Then they slid to a stop, and stared. Griff was petting a lilac-colored cross between a dinosaur and a rabbit attached to a wooden cart. Griff looked up at them.
“Oh, you want to come along? Well, come on then.”
He jumped on the creature's back, and Kaneda, Ed, Al and Yoh climbed into the cart.
“Hang on! HIYAH!”
The creature's head started vibrating, slowly at first, then faster and faster, until it was a blur. Then it took off at an incredible speed, sending the group flying into the back of the cart.
“COULD YOU SLOW DOWN?” Ed screamed at Griff.
“No time! We gotta hurry!”

After a wild ride that nearly ended in disaster when they almost hit a giant rock, they ended up in a desert. There, they found two people fighting off Heartless. (2)
“Damn! There's to many of them!” shouted the first, a teenage boy with white/silver hair and violet eyes wearing a white T-shirt under a black over shirt and white jeans, as he used his sword to slash away the evil creatures.
“We'll just have to keep fighting!” shouted back the other one, a young man with spiky black hair and metal studs over his left eye, stabbing a Heartless with his spear.
At that moment, the others arrived by cart. “Hey! I think those guys are in trouble!” Ed shouted, pointing.
“Well, let's help!” Kaneda exclaimed, jumping out of the cart.
Al sighed and sweatdropped. “He's so reckless…”
Kaneda ran in, slashing away at the Heartless. The others followed suit, and soon, the evil creatures were destroyed. The silver-haired boy sighed and wiped his brow.
“Hey thanks…”
But just then, even more Heartless appeared!
“Great, just great!” Ed groaned.
“Okay, I've had enough of these guys!” The teen shouted. “Plue!” From behind the boy came a white tailless dog-like creature with a head that looked like something you'd find on a snowman.
“Okay Plue! RAVELUTION!”
The dog-creature's body began to shake, as it glowed with a blue light… then out shot a burst of blue light that eradicated the Heartless where they stood, leaving the others awestruck.
“Wow…” Yoh muttered.
The silver-haired boy turned to them and grinned, saying, “Well, how was that?”

Sometime later after introducing themselves, the group was headed back to the city on the cart, while Kaneda and the others explained their story to the two young men, named Haru and Musica.
“So, that's it huh?” Musica asked, hand on his chin.
“Yep. That's it.” Kaneda said. He looked at Plue, who was being petted by Al and Yoh. “Just what is Plue anyway?” he asked.
Haru shrugged. “I'm not sure. I think he may be some kind of dog, but he has great power. So we really don't know.”
“Okay, so we need to find the Keyhole.” Ed commented, trying not to throw up.
”I may have heard something about it.”
Everyone looked at Griff.
“Of course, they're just rumors, but there is a story that said the heart of the world is located in a place of darkness. And if I'm correct, this place is the Tower of Din.”
Haru and Musica both paled considerably.
“Great. Just great.”
“What's the big deal?” Yoh asked.
“The Tower of Din is where the evil King lives.” Haru said. “You've heard of him, haven't you?”
“Yeah, we've met.” Kaneda answered.
“Well, if it's there,” Musica added, “Then we have to be careful. But first, let's find Ellie.”
Suddenly, the cart slid to a halt, sending everyone flying over.
“Ow… that's starting to get annoying.” Ed moaned loudly.
Haru got up and shouted at Griff, “Why did you stop?”
“Um…I think I found her.”
Everybody else looked up, and saw King clutching the arm of a teenage girl, who whimpered as he tightened his grip.
“Well, well, well. Are you looking for this girl?”
“ELLIE!” Haru jumped out of the cart and shouted. “Let her go!”
“Not just yet. I still need to use her, and that mutt of yours!” King declared.
A yellow reptilian creature grabbed Plue from the back of the cart, and ran beside King.
“PLUE!” Al exclaimed, jumping out. The others followed suit.
King smirked. “Oh yeah?”
He raised one hand, and junk from all around them in alleyways and stuff began rising up and coming together to form a huge spider, with eyes made from things like light bulbs, cracked mirrors, even an old portable TV.
“Farewell fools!” Laughing madly, King, the yellow creature (named Racas), disappeared along with Ellie and Plue, leaving the heroes to face the monstrosity known only as the Junk Spider.
“Oh boy…”
The creature snarled, revealing fangs made from rusted metal shards, and shot sparking wires from its body at them. Everyone jumped out of the way, as it started spitting garbage, forcing the group to take shelter behind a car.
“I never thought I'd be killed by a walking trash heap!” Kaneda shouted over the sound of the junk hitting the car.
“Looks like we have no choice but to fight!” Musica announced, and quickly grabbed his silver necklace, which extended into a long spear. He jumped over the car, and slammed his weapon into the Junk Spider's television eye. It screamed and fell back.
The rest of the group followed his lead. Yoh was first, but the sparking wires grabbed him and flung him across the street.
“He'll be fine,” Haru said, looking at Ed, “But let's finish this guy first!” He raised his sword in the air and shouted, “DEKA FORCE SWORD! EMPOWER!”
His weapon became a bright orange color, with black markings, and it appeared longer then it already was. Haru pointed his sword at the monstrosity and announced, “Let's go!”
“Yeah!” Ed used his spear like a vaulting pole and jumped on top of the Junk Spider, and slammed it into the creature's back. It started to buck violently, forcing him to hold on tight.
“Yee haw! Ride `em cowboy!”
Without warning, it threw him off, and he hit the top of the car before sliding off.
“Nii-san!” Al shouted.
Kaneda grit his teeth. “It's time to end this!” He announced. “HIYAH!”
He slashed at the monster's legs, made of rusty pipes and old cans. The Keyblade sliced through them easily, and the Junk Spider went down screeching.
The other boy yelled “EXPLOSION!”, and brought his sword down on the beast, effectively cutting it in half before it exploded. When the smoke cleared, garbage littered the streets.
“I'd hate to be the one that cleans all this up.” Kaneda said.
“Come on! We have to go after Ellie and King!” Haru shouted.

After a long trip back through the desert, fighting off Heartless monsters, the group finally reached the Tower of Din, a tall pillar of stone that reached into the very heavens themselves.
“Well,” Haru announced, as he got out of the cart, “This is it. So everyone just stick…”
Suddenly, a huge creature with a glass dome for a head jumped down in front of them. “Who dares trespass into the Tower of Din?” It (he, probably) boomed.
“The Keyblade master! That's who!” Kaneda shouted. “So get out of the way, glasshead!”
The creature smiled. “Ah, the wielder of the Keyblade. My master warned me about you. I'm afraid I, LTingle, have no choice to destroy all of you!” And with that, he pulled out a large sword from out of nowhere. (3)
“Bring it on!” Haru exclaimed as he and the others got their weapons ready.
The creature slashed at them, forcing them to jump out of the way. They tried to strike at his body, but the blows didn't seem to do anything. With a smirk, LTingle swiped his blade, sending a gust of air that knocked them backwards, against the cart. The group quickly struggled to their feet.
“Dammit! This guy's too strong!” Ed cursed.
“He must have a weak point.” Al pointed out.
Haru glanced up at the glass dome covering the creature's head. “That's it!” he exclaimed. “That must be his weak point.”
“Okay,” Musica said. “Me and Ed can take it, right?”
The other boy smirked. “Yeah!”
Quickly, they ran off to prepare for the attack.
“You cannot hide from me.” LTingle boomed. He raised his sword and slashed at then, the blade coming in contact with Haru's side. The boy collapsed on his knees, clutching his side. The creature stood over him, smirking.
“You see? I am invincible!”
“Oh yeah take this! Now guys!”
“Ed and Musica jumped from out of the cart, and swing their spears at LTingle's glass dome head, shattering it.
“How dare you! You will pay for that!”
LTingle swiped at the air again, but Kaneda countered with his newest spell. “Light Wall!”
A thin screen of energy appeared, blocking the attack. Kaneda smirked. “Okay! Now take this! Hiyah!” He jumped up and struck LTingle's head with all his might. The creature toppled over, and lay still. His job done, Kaneda turned to look at the others.
“You guys okay?” He asked.
“Yeah, just fine,” Haru groaned, slowly getting up.
“Wait. Let me help.” Ed told him. Putting his hand on his arm, he whispered, “Cure Touch.” A burst of pink light surrounded and Haru's wound, healing it instantly.
“Wow! Thanks!”
“Ahem. If we're done chatting, let's get a move on.” Musica interrupted.
“If it's all fine with you, I'd rather stay here.” Griff called from under the cart.
“Fair enough.”

The trek up the tower was rather difficult, seeing as the majority of it was a long, winding staircase. The constant Heartless attacks didn't help either. They did manage to find a purple ball named Yaamon, who refused to leave. (They managed to get him to the cart anyway.)
“Okay, when is this staircase going to end?” Kaneda groaned, after about an hour of walking.
Right on cue, they reached the top floor.
“Finally!” Ed exclaimed, falling to the ground.
“We don't have time to rest!” Haru shouted. “We have to find Ellie and Plue!”
“What's with you? Is Ellie your girlfriend or something?” Ed smirked.
Haru turned bright red. “What?…er…”

Meanwhile, King stood over Ellie's motionless body. Next to him was Racas, still holding Plue, and Myotismon, smirking evilly. And chained against a far wall, was a man with dull silver hair in a ponytail, violet eyes, and a nasty looking scar running across his face.
“It looks like you found the Princess after all,” he said. “I was beginning to think you would never be able to.”
“It was easy.” King smirked. “Those fools never had a chance. And Haru Glory could never win against my power, right Gale?”
“NO! My son could never loose to the likes of you!”
The man's anguished cries only served to broaden King's smirk “Oh really? Well, since you're here, I'll let you watch as your world is destroyed.”
“King, don't do this, I beg of you!”
“Too late! Reveal the Keyhole!”
Plue quivered fiercely as a blue beam shot from his body and struck the wall, revealing a keyhole.
“You know,” said Myotismon, “The Keyblade Master may not be as weak as you think. He is very persistent. Maybe would should tell Tetsuo about it? That may help our plans…”
Just then, Kaneda's group ran through the door, panting heavily. The wielder of the Keyblade glanced around, and his gaze fell on the vampire-like Digimon.
“I-Is that Myotismon?”
The Digimon sneered. “It seems we have company. I'll just leave this to you.” And with a sweep of his cape, he was gone.
King turned to face the group. “Well, well, look what we have here. Not only is the Rave Master here, but the Wielder of the Keyblade as well. And look who else we have here.” He gestured to the man chained up to the wall. “I'm sure you and Haru don't need any introductions.”
The aforementioned boy looked up, and gasped. “No… I-it can't be…”
”What is it?” Yoh asked.
“That-that man…is my father!”
King chuckled. “Indeed. I feel it's only proper to see him before you die. Racas!”
The creature ran to his side. “Yes Master?”
“Take the mutt and the girl over there while I eliminate these pests.”
“As you wish.”
As the creature carried out its master's wishes, the evil warrior turned back to the group.
“Let Ellie go!” Haru shouted.
“Not a chance. She is one of the Princesses after all, one of seven who can unlock the door.”
“Unlock… the door?” Ed asked confused.
“Heh. But you'll never know what lies behind it!”
And with that, he ran at them, waving his sword. The heroes jumped and dodged, trying to strike a few blows. After a while, they all fell back, breathing heavily. (And though they didn't realize it, the spell Blizzard Wave was now Artic Freeze.)
“Enough of this,” the wicked man snarled, pulling out a small purple stone. Haru's father's eyes widened.
“No! Not the Shadow Stone!”
“Shadow Stone?” Al questioned.
“It's a long story, but those things have a great and terrible power!” Musica answered.
“Yes, but this is no ordinary Shadow Stone!” the evil King said with a smirk, “This is one that I have created to the ultimate power! Of course, I'll need some power to activate it!” (4) He waved his hand, and wisps of blue light went from Plue's body and into the stone.
“Now, DIE!” King roared, and with that, equipped the item. There was a flash of dark light, and when it cleared, a monster stood in his place.
It was about six to eight feet tall, with darkly tanned skin, a muscular chest with the Shadow Stone embedded in it, and black fur on its lower torso and legs. It had spiky blond hair, long claws, and red slits for eyes.
Letting out a blood-chilling roar, it unleashed a red energy beam from its mouth, destroying everything in it its path.
“Look out!”
The group ducked as the beam of molten light swept over their heads, and ended up cutting the chains that held Haru's father to the wall. He dropped to the ground, and, rubbing his sore wrists, ran over to where the other heroes were.
“How are we gonna beat this guy?” Kaneda shouted.
“I have an idea.”
Everyone glanced over in surprise at Haru's father, Gale Glory, who was handling his own sword.
“Okay, what is it?”
“Well, King gets his power from the Shadow Stone, right?”
“And the Shadow Stone gets power from Plue, right?”
“Well, if we stop the flow of power from Plue to King, then he'll loose power.”
“Wait, wait, does that mean hurting Plue?”
Gale held up his hands in order to stop his son's complaint. “No, all I mean is keeping Plue away from King, and thereby cutting the power flow.” He pointed out to where Racas was scrambling in an attempt to escape his master's energy blasts.
Kaneda nodded. “Alright. Some of us will be decoys, while the rest of us get Plue. Okay, let's go!”
The group split up, with Al, Yoh, and Musicaa keeping King's attention, and Kaneda, Haru, Ed, and Gale attacking Racas.
Finally, the creature fell to their blades, and dropped Plue. The little creature was shivering, but otherwise unharmed.
Without his power, King roared in pain, rearing back.
Gale looked at the monster sadly. “I'm sorry, old friend,” he said, “But I have to put you out of your misery.” Taking a deep breath, he slashed the jewel in the beast's chest. It shattered, and the creature fell to the ground, its life spent. Gale closed his eyes, breathing heavily.
“Dad…” Haru whispered.
“Hey, what's this?”
Everyone looked over to where Yoh had pulled out a few pieces of paper. At the top of the first page in neat handwriting were the words: DARTZ'S REPORT 1.
“Huh. That must be the reports on the Heartless we were told about.” Ed commented. Suddenly, there was a flash of light as the spell Fireball Barrage was upgraded to Inferno Blast. “What the…?”
“Oh no! Ellie!”
The group ran to the room she was in, but by then, it was too late.
“Damnit! She's not here!”
At that moment, the Keyblade started glowing. “Hey! I think we're near the Keyhole!” Kaneda shouted.
And sure enough, there it was. But after Kaneda locked it, everything began to shake.
“W-what's happening!”
“Everything's falling apart!” Musicaa shouted. “We have to get out of here!”
“But Ellie-!”
“No time! Let's go!”

It was a wild scramble down the stairs as they attempted to escape. Finally though, they made it out. The entire group panted as they watched the Tower of Din collapse into rubble.
“Well,” Gale said after a long moment of silence. “That ends that. At least we all got out.” (5)
“What do you mean!” Haru shouted. “Ellie's still missing! I have to find her!”
“Um… but that would be considered meddling if we take you with us!” Al said.
“You do know those are stupid rules.” Kaneda said, frowning.
Haru just stared at them. Then he said, “Well, if I can't go… take Plue!”
“He can help fight the bad guys. Just call on his power, and he'll do what he can.”
Kaneda nodded. “Okay then.”
“I too, want to give you something.” Gale said. He pulled out a small object, and handed it to Kaneda. It was a keychain, with a small blue stone at the end. Printed on the surface were two small black wing shapes.
“This is the Combat Rave,” he told them, and it may help you on your quest.”
“Alright!” Kaneda shouted. He equipped it, and they Keyblade took on another form. This time, the handle was silver with wing-like protrusions on the side. The blade itself was white, and had black markings.
“Please be careful.” Gale told them.
“You don't have to worry about us!” Ed grinned, “We can handle ourselves.”

Somewhere far away…
“Hmph. King could have had defeated them, if a certain person had stuck around to help.” Cell said coldly.
“Hey, I did my part, that's all!” Tetsuo snapped.
Myotismon merely smirked, saying, “It was inevitable. He was destroyed by his own hatred, which burnt out of control. One should watch their anger.”
Cell frowned. “Well, you don't need to worry about me.” He said. Turning to Tetsuo, he added, “By the way, we have something for you.”
“Since you helped us, we did you a favor.” Myotsimon explained. He waved his hand, and a motionless figure appeared.
“Go to her. Your transport is waiting.”
Then there was the sound of pounding footsteps, signaling Moo's arrival.
“Just remember boy,” he snarled, “No funny business.”
Tetsuo glanced back at Myotismon. “Wait. What's the catch?”
The Digimon merely shrugged. “There is no catch; I just want you to be happy.” He reached towards Tetsuo, but the boy pushed his hand away.
“I don't need your sympathy!” He shouted.
Myotismon frowned. “Very well. Just remember our deal.”
To be continued…

Okay, I'm in a quandary. For my Chain of Memories parody, I was thinking of doing something original, and putting Tetsuo's adventure after Kaneda's in the same chapter. (If I confused anyone, I'm sorry.)
Um… but do you readers like this? Please tell me!
1 - This is what the continent is called; I'm just giving the name to the place. Or maybe I've been thinking about Tales of Symphonia too much… (Great game, but at times, it gets very complicated.)
2- Okay, okay, so it isn't exactly like this in the original game! Big deal!
3- I don't know how he fights, so I'm making it up.
4- Do you like this idea?
5- Yeah, it always kinda bugged me how they killed Haru's dad off.