Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Baby sitting for Sesshomaru: Seph the hero? ❯ Baby sitting for Sesshomaru: Seph the hero? ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The stories that I will be typing up be long to me but there were inspired by
a person named Lark, though I don't this person personally but I've read
some of her stories and found them like able.
disclaimer: I don't own or get paid for the characters in this story just using them for my fun. I own the character that I've named Misha and I will be
drawing this character up so that you may see her.
When I was little I loved Power Rangers, so it was only fitting that I made
fun of them. I'm not really a fan of Tina of DOA at all, oh yeah and I made
fun of Star Wars as well but not in the way you're prolly thinking.
Baby sitting for Sesshomaru:
Seph the hero?
(Misha is sitting in the TV room playing Tale of Symphonia.)
Heero: * enters * Hey, your playing this game.
Misha: Yeah, Why are you here? And if you say Relena
I think even I will kick you out.
Heero: * picks up a joystick and starts playing * No,
Not this time.
Misha: well then, why are you here?
Heero: What I can't stop by, with out there being an issue.
Misha: No, but if you just came to hang then, whatever.
Sephiroth: * enters * What! If this is a Relena Pro�
Heero: Chill dude, it's nothing to do with her.
Sephiroth: Oh, well in that case get out.
Kagali: * from the other room * WILL YOU GUYS JUST QUIT
Vincent: *enters * Tenshi try to behave, and Misha there's
Someone here.
Misha: do you know who it is.
Vincent: Does it matter?
Sephiroth: It matters to me damn it!
Heero: Misha, I think we're gonna loss.
Misha: * turns to the screen * What!
Sesshomaru: * Just enters anyway * Misha?
Misha: * looks at him * Whoa! What brings you here to
The human world.
Sesshomaru: I need you to do something for me.
Misha: Sure what is it?
Sephiroth: Why don't you go else where for help.
Sesshomaru: You needn't worry yourself, you insolent half demon.
Sephiroth: What did you just�
Misha * cut h them off * um, he's not a demon at all, And
Seph if I get one more word out of you, you're dead.
Sesshomaru: Misha I need you to look after Rin. I have to go fight
The Panther demon tribe.
Misha: sure thing.
Sesshomaru: * leaves the room *
Sephiroth: You are only doing this cuz' of your love for him.
Heero: Mad, are we.
Athrun: * enters * Hey Misha, was that Sesshomaru I just passed.
Rin: * came running in. * Gee, I wonder why Lord Sesshomaru didn't leave me
with Master Joken this time. *
Sephiroth: * studied the girl. * So this is what he left you with.
Misha: be nice, she's just a kid.
Sephiroth: I burned an entire villaga, killed almost everybody I've run into,
and drove my nearly 7 foot sword through Aeris, and you want me to be nice
to some child that you're babysitting.
Misha: I have the force on my side, Sephiroth. I would try me if I were you.
Sephiroth: fine... Cloud!
Cloud: * came in. * What?
Sephiroth: * punched Cloud in the face taking away 3,000 HP. *
Cloud: * is holding his nose. * What the! Why'd you do that?!
Sephiroth: cuz' Misha said that I wasn't allowed to kill the girl.
Cloud: I hate you.
Sephiroth: no you don't. You love me and you know it.
Cloud: * face turned green and he ran out the room. *
Heero: that was the gayest thing I've heard ever.
Rin: what dose gay mean?
Sephiroth: well little girl, it's when...
Misha: * used the force to shut Seph's mouth. * She is to *young* for
Rin: * walked up to Seph. * Mister, what is your name?
Sephiroth: go away little girl.
Rin: why? Do you not like me?
Sephiroth: no, I..
Misha: * threw a rock at Seph's head. * He likes you, but he wants to go
to the store real quick.
Sephiroth: I have to go to the store?
Rin: can I go?
Sephiroth: WHAT! No you...
Misha: sure you can go, can't she.
Rin: * jumping up and down. * Yea!
Sephiroth: * face dropped. * NNNOOOOO!
Athrun: stop being such a baby.
Sephiroth: * threw a plasma ball at him. *
Mesha: * put a shield infront of Athrun, stopping Seph attack. * That's
enough. Now just go to the store.
(Seph and Rin left. Link, Marth, Tina, and Yukimura walked in with a look
on their faces that say something's up.)
Heero: Misha, don't worry about the game I put you on auto.
Misha: that's fine.
Marth: * went to the couch. *
Tina: * followed him. * so, where's you boyfriend at Marth.
Marth: Roy is not my boyfriend, and he's hanging out with Kratos at the
Yukimura: Misha!
Misha: nanda?
Yukimura: have you been watching the news at all?
Misha: do it look like I watch the news.
Yukimura: anyway, it's way chaotic out right now.
Heero: wait, Misha you sent Rin out there.
Misha: with Seph.
Heero: oh yeah, that's right.
Misha: he knows what will happen if she gets hurt.
Heero: Misha, what makes you think he'll even be "frightened" of you?
Misha: it's not me he should worry about.
Heero: oh, and I thought that Sesshomaru asked...
Misha: hey, gundam kid you're doing to much thinking.
Link: Mish, that harsh.
Misha: don't call me that, that is not my name.
Link: well in any case, I'm here for some relaxsation.
Yukimura: where's Zelda?
Link: didn't you get the post card?
Vincent: * walks in with a card in his hand. * Misha, I found this letter in the
basement with one of Seph's knives through it.
Misha: * looked at it. * I'm guessing that's it.
Link: we split up three months ago, she's dating Marth's buddy Roy.
Tina: * looked at Marth. * That's why he's not here and you look so
bombed out. You two broke up.
Marth: geez, woman we're not boyfriends, we're bestfriends.
Tina: why are you lying?
Marth: Misha, do you have any Phoenix Downs?
Tina: what's that?
Misha: yeah, why?
Marth: * chopped Tina's head off with the sword he loves more then life
it's self. * That's why.
Misha: oh, just tell me when and I'll bring her back.
Marth: how about when I leave.
Heero: that sounds fair enough.
(Hows about we check up on poor, poor Seph. You see he has been stuck
with Rin.)
Sephiroth: * is walking with Rin in a random place. *
Rin: lets go to the park.
Sephiroth: no.
Rin: aw, come on.
Sephiroth: no.
Rin: why?
Sephiroth: because I said so that's why. Hopefully that dog demon will
be back soon to get you away from me.
Rin: * is not paying attention. * Wow! Look at that. * She ran towards the
park anyway. *
Sephiroth: * knows that if something was to happen he would be deep fried,
so he ran after her. * Child come back!
Rin: but I wanna play.
Sephiroth: I don't care if you wanted to eat, I said no.
(There was a loud crash, some thunder, lots of wind and an occasinal streak
of black out of the corner of Seph's eye.)
Sephiroth: * looked around. * Why is it so freakin' nosie?!
Aeris: * was walking by in a black dress. *
Sephiroth: * saw that. * Oh, that's just Aeris......IN A BLACK DRESS!!!
Aeris: * took off after Rin. *
Sephiroth: you mean I have to save that girl. MAN! * He dashed over to Rin
and grabbed her before Aeris could. *
Aeris: * begain throwing nails. * Jerk, you will pay!
Sephiroth: pay for what?! * He ran passed every nail. *
Sephiroth: oh yeah, I did killed you huh?
Aeris: * threw five bombs. *
Sephiroth: what the! * He jumped in the air to aviod it. * I have a child,
don't you care about people.
Aeris: * jumped up and warpped next to him. * That's your problem.
Aeris: * kicked him in the face. *
Sephiroth: * flew into a pole back first, Rin flew from his hands. * That
hurt, that really did hurt.
????: * caught Rin. * I got her.
Aeris: * was looking at Seph. * Was that suppose to tickle?.
Sephiroth: * got up rubbing his back. * Can't believe I'm saying this. What
are you going to do with her.
Aeris: catch us and maybe we'll tell you, or kill you.
Sephiroth: what! Gimme a break!
Aeris: what your back hitting that pole wasn't a break enough for you.
Sephiroth: whatever.
Aeris: Kunoichi, lets go.
(They ran off, quickly too I mgiht add.)
Athrun: * ran up behind Seph. * Come lets go after them.
(They ran off after them. Meanwhile back at the Animasion.)
Yukimura: where do you guys keep your drinks?
Cloud: * entered and just looked at Yuki in reguards to that dumb question. *
Misha: in the kitchen.... Do you guys think that we shouldn't have sent
Rin with Seph.
Cloud: Nani!? Whats all this we stuff, you were the one who sent her off with the devil himself.
Misha: * slapped him. * That's besides the point. Sephiroth, I know first hand he won't hurt her, but the people trying to kill him will.
Marth: what makes you think they can get passed him?
Misha: Cloud did it.
Cloud: are you tranna say that if I did it, so can they.
Misha: yeah, why?
Yukimura: Misha, I need you to come here real quick. * He walked towards the back door. *
Misha: * followed him. *
Vincent: * peered at them. *
Cloud: * sees Vincent. * What, are you....
Vincent: can it Cloud. * He walked out. *
Marth: what's with him.
Cloud: I don't know.
Link: hey, Cloud I think we should go find Seph and Rin.
Cloud: bad feeling?
Link: Hai! * They left. *
(In the Mean time we can check up on Athrun and Seph, they're about to
enter a building that has nothing but windows.)
Athrun: Sephroth, why would they be in there?
Sephiroth: I haven't the clue... And why do you people keep saying my name
Athrun: (?????) * They finally walked in. * Well, it seems like everything but the floor is made of glass.
Sephiroth: lets take the stair-case.
Athrun: why? They have an...
Sephiroth: you're way to naive to be helping me.
Athrun: I sure hope Rin is safe, don't you.
Sephiroth: HA! Look who you're talkin' to, I care for no one.
Athrun: then why are you here?
Sephiroth: * hangs his head. * Mesha'll kill me.
Athrun: aren't you stronger then her, like by a lot.
Sephiroth: yeah, but she has Cloud on her side, man I cann't stand that kiss up.
(They finally made it to the top.)
Athrun: * sighed. * We finally made it.
Sephiroth: * walks passed him. * Stop being a baby.
Kunoichi: * came running out of hidding. * Ooow, this just isn't your day. * She jumped up flipping and kicking Athrun in the face, landing on him. *
Sephiroth: * grabbed Kunoichi's head and slammed her into his fist. *
Aeris: * jumped into a front axel kicking Seph in the face. *
Sephiroth: * stepped back. * Gee, why didn't you fight like this last time?
Athrun: * kicked Kunoichi in the mouth, pulling from Seph's hand and throwing her through a window in to the next room. * Where's the girl?!
Aeris: I don't know.
Athrun: that's a load of bull, and you know it!
Kunoichi: * jumped up and ran at them. *
Link: * dashed right into Kunoichi sending through the other window. *
Cloud: * walked in. * You know Link that was a eighty foot fall.
Link: yeah, and this ain't Smash Bros. either that means that I can do
what ever I want.
Sephiroth: * growled at them. * I didn't ask you for your help puppet.
Cloud: good, we're not giving it to you.
Aeris: oh, looky if ain't the hero of time and Cloud.
Cloud: AND CLOUD... What'd you mean by that.. That's the only title I get?!
Aeris: * pulled her staff and started fighting with Cloud. *
(Seph and Athrun rushed off to find Rin. Now that we've found out that
Aeris wants Cloud's head we can go back to the Animasion, Yuki and Mesha
are now outside.)
Misha: * had her back turned away from yuki. *
Yukimura: * eyes shined with victory as he advanced. *
Mesha: so Yuki, tell me about the Unborn.
Yukimura: / How did she!?/ * He thought as he charged. *
(There was a gun shot, as Misha turned around and kick him in the nose.)
Yukimura: * fell to the ground with a bloody nose and a shot to the arm. *
Vincent: hmph...
Misha: * got all pouty. * AAWWW! I wanted to do it.
Vincent: yeah well, I.... What's this about an Unborn?
????: * walked up. * The Unborn is a very powerful force... Only a
Zoanthrope such as myself can defeat it.
Vincent: and just who the hell are you?
????: I am Bakuryu, the shadow in light.
Misha: whatever, in other words you're a Ninja like Hayate and Hayabusa.
Vincent: * turned to Yuki. * Now, I think you should start explaning why
you did what you did.
Yukimura: Aeris said she wanted pay back on Seph....
Vincent: where's Rin, assuming they did take her.
Yukimura: Aeris and my apprentice have her. They sent me back to kill
Misha: * turned around putting her foot right on his gun shot wound. * Talk.
Yukimura: if they'd managed to kill Seph, you would most likly kill them.
Yukimura: you mean I didn't have to try and kill you.
Misha: * pulled out a light-saber. * Would you like to stuff a fate far
worse then anaken and luke.
Yukimura: no.
Vincent: Misha, stop this. Rin will be fine.
Misha: * looked to the sky. * My friend, O-beone I request your assisantance.
O-beone: * appeared. * How can I help you.
Vincent: oh great, she has pulled the Star Wars univers into it.
O-beone: I see...
Bakuryu: but she didn't say anything.
Vincent: the Jedi can read minds.
Bakuryu: this is getting to be to much.
Misha: who wants coffe`?
(They all went in for some coffe`. Now let see how the others are doing.)
Athrun: * was the first one to walk through the rooftop door. *
Sephiroth: * walks passed and sees the girl. * Lets get her and leave... Why is
she all tied up though?
Roy: * dropped down in front of her. * It's a me Ma-ri-o!
Athrun: shut up Roy. That was lame you know.
Roy: if you want lame you should talk to Marth. * He put his hands up. * Come
forth my Ninjas.
(Ten Ninjas appeared.)
Athrun: * pulled out his morpher. * Blue Ranger power.
Sephiroth: Black Ranger power.
(They filpped over the camra and started fight the Ninjas.)
Athrun: * jumped back and begain to speak into his cammunacater. * Cloudon,
Cloudon we need help!
Sephiroth: I told you we don't need thier help. * He pulled out his new shiny
sword. *
(How about we go down to where Cloud and Link are.)
Cloud: * slammed Aeris through some glass. * Link we must go, the Rangers
need our help. * He pulled out his Morpher. * White Ranger power.
Link: Green Ranger power.
(They filpped over the camra and are now on the roof with Seph and Athrun.)
Sephiroth: Cloud, why do you get to be the white one?
Cloud: cuz' I'm good and you're evil. * He looked around and seen only five
Ninjas. *
Link: * snapped one the Ninjas neck and chopped off another one head. *
Cloud: * threw his sword like a boomarang killing two more. *
(The last Ninja tried to run away.)
Roy: * put his hand and crushed him. * That fool.. Though he would get away.
Sephiroth: Roy, you better give me back the girl.
Athrun: yeah, or we'll send Misha to kill you.
Roy: that's what you think, I sent Yukimura to kill her.
Cloud: you killed Misha, the host of our Masion.
Roy: * laughed. * I couldn't let her come after me for killing you guys.
Link: relax, I'm sure O-beone is there.
Roy: no, not the one and only O-beone, I have to do it now. * He pulled a
light-saber and tried to cast stopra. * I'll just kill them now.
Sephiroth: I wouldn't think so far ahead.
Roy: why are you still moving?
Rin: * opened her eyes. *
Sephiroth: your weak spells can't touch me.
Rin: WOW! You're strong just like Lord Sesshomaru.
Sephiroth: now, if you don't mind I'm sick of seeing your face and your dull
personality. * He pulled out his sword of doom. *
Roy: * flew through the air at Seph. *
Sephiroth: * shot light beams from his sword cut Roy in half killing him. *
(The others were able to move again. They got Rin and went back to the Masion.)
Sesshomaru: * walked through the door. * Rin, you may come now.
Rin: * jumped up and down. * It's Lord Sesshomaru. * She ran to him. *
Sesshomaru: I have to go now, sorry I couldn't stay longer. * They left. *
(Everyone was bushed and went to bed. Man I sure hope they don't have to
babysit ever again. THE END.)
a person named Lark, though I don't this person personally but I've read
some of her stories and found them like able.
disclaimer: I don't own or get paid for the characters in this story just using them for my fun. I own the character that I've named Misha and I will be
drawing this character up so that you may see her.
When I was little I loved Power Rangers, so it was only fitting that I made
fun of them. I'm not really a fan of Tina of DOA at all, oh yeah and I made
fun of Star Wars as well but not in the way you're prolly thinking.
Baby sitting for Sesshomaru:
Seph the hero?
(Misha is sitting in the TV room playing Tale of Symphonia.)
Heero: * enters * Hey, your playing this game.
Misha: Yeah, Why are you here? And if you say Relena
I think even I will kick you out.
Heero: * picks up a joystick and starts playing * No,
Not this time.
Misha: well then, why are you here?
Heero: What I can't stop by, with out there being an issue.
Misha: No, but if you just came to hang then, whatever.
Sephiroth: * enters * What! If this is a Relena Pro�
Heero: Chill dude, it's nothing to do with her.
Sephiroth: Oh, well in that case get out.
Kagali: * from the other room * WILL YOU GUYS JUST QUIT
Vincent: *enters * Tenshi try to behave, and Misha there's
Someone here.
Misha: do you know who it is.
Vincent: Does it matter?
Sephiroth: It matters to me damn it!
Heero: Misha, I think we're gonna loss.
Misha: * turns to the screen * What!
Sesshomaru: * Just enters anyway * Misha?
Misha: * looks at him * Whoa! What brings you here to
The human world.
Sesshomaru: I need you to do something for me.
Misha: Sure what is it?
Sephiroth: Why don't you go else where for help.
Sesshomaru: You needn't worry yourself, you insolent half demon.
Sephiroth: What did you just�
Misha * cut h them off * um, he's not a demon at all, And
Seph if I get one more word out of you, you're dead.
Sesshomaru: Misha I need you to look after Rin. I have to go fight
The Panther demon tribe.
Misha: sure thing.
Sesshomaru: * leaves the room *
Sephiroth: You are only doing this cuz' of your love for him.
Heero: Mad, are we.
Athrun: * enters * Hey Misha, was that Sesshomaru I just passed.
Rin: * came running in. * Gee, I wonder why Lord Sesshomaru didn't leave me
with Master Joken this time. *
Sephiroth: * studied the girl. * So this is what he left you with.
Misha: be nice, she's just a kid.
Sephiroth: I burned an entire villaga, killed almost everybody I've run into,
and drove my nearly 7 foot sword through Aeris, and you want me to be nice
to some child that you're babysitting.
Misha: I have the force on my side, Sephiroth. I would try me if I were you.
Sephiroth: fine... Cloud!
Cloud: * came in. * What?
Sephiroth: * punched Cloud in the face taking away 3,000 HP. *
Cloud: * is holding his nose. * What the! Why'd you do that?!
Sephiroth: cuz' Misha said that I wasn't allowed to kill the girl.
Cloud: I hate you.
Sephiroth: no you don't. You love me and you know it.
Cloud: * face turned green and he ran out the room. *
Heero: that was the gayest thing I've heard ever.
Rin: what dose gay mean?
Sephiroth: well little girl, it's when...
Misha: * used the force to shut Seph's mouth. * She is to *young* for
Rin: * walked up to Seph. * Mister, what is your name?
Sephiroth: go away little girl.
Rin: why? Do you not like me?
Sephiroth: no, I..
Misha: * threw a rock at Seph's head. * He likes you, but he wants to go
to the store real quick.
Sephiroth: I have to go to the store?
Rin: can I go?
Sephiroth: WHAT! No you...
Misha: sure you can go, can't she.
Rin: * jumping up and down. * Yea!
Sephiroth: * face dropped. * NNNOOOOO!
Athrun: stop being such a baby.
Sephiroth: * threw a plasma ball at him. *
Mesha: * put a shield infront of Athrun, stopping Seph attack. * That's
enough. Now just go to the store.
(Seph and Rin left. Link, Marth, Tina, and Yukimura walked in with a look
on their faces that say something's up.)
Heero: Misha, don't worry about the game I put you on auto.
Misha: that's fine.
Marth: * went to the couch. *
Tina: * followed him. * so, where's you boyfriend at Marth.
Marth: Roy is not my boyfriend, and he's hanging out with Kratos at the
Yukimura: Misha!
Misha: nanda?
Yukimura: have you been watching the news at all?
Misha: do it look like I watch the news.
Yukimura: anyway, it's way chaotic out right now.
Heero: wait, Misha you sent Rin out there.
Misha: with Seph.
Heero: oh yeah, that's right.
Misha: he knows what will happen if she gets hurt.
Heero: Misha, what makes you think he'll even be "frightened" of you?
Misha: it's not me he should worry about.
Heero: oh, and I thought that Sesshomaru asked...
Misha: hey, gundam kid you're doing to much thinking.
Link: Mish, that harsh.
Misha: don't call me that, that is not my name.
Link: well in any case, I'm here for some relaxsation.
Yukimura: where's Zelda?
Link: didn't you get the post card?
Vincent: * walks in with a card in his hand. * Misha, I found this letter in the
basement with one of Seph's knives through it.
Misha: * looked at it. * I'm guessing that's it.
Link: we split up three months ago, she's dating Marth's buddy Roy.
Tina: * looked at Marth. * That's why he's not here and you look so
bombed out. You two broke up.
Marth: geez, woman we're not boyfriends, we're bestfriends.
Tina: why are you lying?
Marth: Misha, do you have any Phoenix Downs?
Tina: what's that?
Misha: yeah, why?
Marth: * chopped Tina's head off with the sword he loves more then life
it's self. * That's why.
Misha: oh, just tell me when and I'll bring her back.
Marth: how about when I leave.
Heero: that sounds fair enough.
(Hows about we check up on poor, poor Seph. You see he has been stuck
with Rin.)
Sephiroth: * is walking with Rin in a random place. *
Rin: lets go to the park.
Sephiroth: no.
Rin: aw, come on.
Sephiroth: no.
Rin: why?
Sephiroth: because I said so that's why. Hopefully that dog demon will
be back soon to get you away from me.
Rin: * is not paying attention. * Wow! Look at that. * She ran towards the
park anyway. *
Sephiroth: * knows that if something was to happen he would be deep fried,
so he ran after her. * Child come back!
Rin: but I wanna play.
Sephiroth: I don't care if you wanted to eat, I said no.
(There was a loud crash, some thunder, lots of wind and an occasinal streak
of black out of the corner of Seph's eye.)
Sephiroth: * looked around. * Why is it so freakin' nosie?!
Aeris: * was walking by in a black dress. *
Sephiroth: * saw that. * Oh, that's just Aeris......IN A BLACK DRESS!!!
Aeris: * took off after Rin. *
Sephiroth: you mean I have to save that girl. MAN! * He dashed over to Rin
and grabbed her before Aeris could. *
Aeris: * begain throwing nails. * Jerk, you will pay!
Sephiroth: pay for what?! * He ran passed every nail. *
Sephiroth: oh yeah, I did killed you huh?
Aeris: * threw five bombs. *
Sephiroth: what the! * He jumped in the air to aviod it. * I have a child,
don't you care about people.
Aeris: * jumped up and warpped next to him. * That's your problem.
Aeris: * kicked him in the face. *
Sephiroth: * flew into a pole back first, Rin flew from his hands. * That
hurt, that really did hurt.
????: * caught Rin. * I got her.
Aeris: * was looking at Seph. * Was that suppose to tickle?.
Sephiroth: * got up rubbing his back. * Can't believe I'm saying this. What
are you going to do with her.
Aeris: catch us and maybe we'll tell you, or kill you.
Sephiroth: what! Gimme a break!
Aeris: what your back hitting that pole wasn't a break enough for you.
Sephiroth: whatever.
Aeris: Kunoichi, lets go.
(They ran off, quickly too I mgiht add.)
Athrun: * ran up behind Seph. * Come lets go after them.
(They ran off after them. Meanwhile back at the Animasion.)
Yukimura: where do you guys keep your drinks?
Cloud: * entered and just looked at Yuki in reguards to that dumb question. *
Misha: in the kitchen.... Do you guys think that we shouldn't have sent
Rin with Seph.
Cloud: Nani!? Whats all this we stuff, you were the one who sent her off with the devil himself.
Misha: * slapped him. * That's besides the point. Sephiroth, I know first hand he won't hurt her, but the people trying to kill him will.
Marth: what makes you think they can get passed him?
Misha: Cloud did it.
Cloud: are you tranna say that if I did it, so can they.
Misha: yeah, why?
Yukimura: Misha, I need you to come here real quick. * He walked towards the back door. *
Misha: * followed him. *
Vincent: * peered at them. *
Cloud: * sees Vincent. * What, are you....
Vincent: can it Cloud. * He walked out. *
Marth: what's with him.
Cloud: I don't know.
Link: hey, Cloud I think we should go find Seph and Rin.
Cloud: bad feeling?
Link: Hai! * They left. *
(In the Mean time we can check up on Athrun and Seph, they're about to
enter a building that has nothing but windows.)
Athrun: Sephroth, why would they be in there?
Sephiroth: I haven't the clue... And why do you people keep saying my name
Athrun: (?????) * They finally walked in. * Well, it seems like everything but the floor is made of glass.
Sephiroth: lets take the stair-case.
Athrun: why? They have an...
Sephiroth: you're way to naive to be helping me.
Athrun: I sure hope Rin is safe, don't you.
Sephiroth: HA! Look who you're talkin' to, I care for no one.
Athrun: then why are you here?
Sephiroth: * hangs his head. * Mesha'll kill me.
Athrun: aren't you stronger then her, like by a lot.
Sephiroth: yeah, but she has Cloud on her side, man I cann't stand that kiss up.
(They finally made it to the top.)
Athrun: * sighed. * We finally made it.
Sephiroth: * walks passed him. * Stop being a baby.
Kunoichi: * came running out of hidding. * Ooow, this just isn't your day. * She jumped up flipping and kicking Athrun in the face, landing on him. *
Sephiroth: * grabbed Kunoichi's head and slammed her into his fist. *
Aeris: * jumped into a front axel kicking Seph in the face. *
Sephiroth: * stepped back. * Gee, why didn't you fight like this last time?
Athrun: * kicked Kunoichi in the mouth, pulling from Seph's hand and throwing her through a window in to the next room. * Where's the girl?!
Aeris: I don't know.
Athrun: that's a load of bull, and you know it!
Kunoichi: * jumped up and ran at them. *
Link: * dashed right into Kunoichi sending through the other window. *
Cloud: * walked in. * You know Link that was a eighty foot fall.
Link: yeah, and this ain't Smash Bros. either that means that I can do
what ever I want.
Sephiroth: * growled at them. * I didn't ask you for your help puppet.
Cloud: good, we're not giving it to you.
Aeris: oh, looky if ain't the hero of time and Cloud.
Cloud: AND CLOUD... What'd you mean by that.. That's the only title I get?!
Aeris: * pulled her staff and started fighting with Cloud. *
(Seph and Athrun rushed off to find Rin. Now that we've found out that
Aeris wants Cloud's head we can go back to the Animasion, Yuki and Mesha
are now outside.)
Misha: * had her back turned away from yuki. *
Yukimura: * eyes shined with victory as he advanced. *
Mesha: so Yuki, tell me about the Unborn.
Yukimura: / How did she!?/ * He thought as he charged. *
(There was a gun shot, as Misha turned around and kick him in the nose.)
Yukimura: * fell to the ground with a bloody nose and a shot to the arm. *
Vincent: hmph...
Misha: * got all pouty. * AAWWW! I wanted to do it.
Vincent: yeah well, I.... What's this about an Unborn?
????: * walked up. * The Unborn is a very powerful force... Only a
Zoanthrope such as myself can defeat it.
Vincent: and just who the hell are you?
????: I am Bakuryu, the shadow in light.
Misha: whatever, in other words you're a Ninja like Hayate and Hayabusa.
Vincent: * turned to Yuki. * Now, I think you should start explaning why
you did what you did.
Yukimura: Aeris said she wanted pay back on Seph....
Vincent: where's Rin, assuming they did take her.
Yukimura: Aeris and my apprentice have her. They sent me back to kill
Misha: * turned around putting her foot right on his gun shot wound. * Talk.
Yukimura: if they'd managed to kill Seph, you would most likly kill them.
Yukimura: you mean I didn't have to try and kill you.
Misha: * pulled out a light-saber. * Would you like to stuff a fate far
worse then anaken and luke.
Yukimura: no.
Vincent: Misha, stop this. Rin will be fine.
Misha: * looked to the sky. * My friend, O-beone I request your assisantance.
O-beone: * appeared. * How can I help you.
Vincent: oh great, she has pulled the Star Wars univers into it.
O-beone: I see...
Bakuryu: but she didn't say anything.
Vincent: the Jedi can read minds.
Bakuryu: this is getting to be to much.
Misha: who wants coffe`?
(They all went in for some coffe`. Now let see how the others are doing.)
Athrun: * was the first one to walk through the rooftop door. *
Sephiroth: * walks passed and sees the girl. * Lets get her and leave... Why is
she all tied up though?
Roy: * dropped down in front of her. * It's a me Ma-ri-o!
Athrun: shut up Roy. That was lame you know.
Roy: if you want lame you should talk to Marth. * He put his hands up. * Come
forth my Ninjas.
(Ten Ninjas appeared.)
Athrun: * pulled out his morpher. * Blue Ranger power.
Sephiroth: Black Ranger power.
(They filpped over the camra and started fight the Ninjas.)
Athrun: * jumped back and begain to speak into his cammunacater. * Cloudon,
Cloudon we need help!
Sephiroth: I told you we don't need thier help. * He pulled out his new shiny
sword. *
(How about we go down to where Cloud and Link are.)
Cloud: * slammed Aeris through some glass. * Link we must go, the Rangers
need our help. * He pulled out his Morpher. * White Ranger power.
Link: Green Ranger power.
(They filpped over the camra and are now on the roof with Seph and Athrun.)
Sephiroth: Cloud, why do you get to be the white one?
Cloud: cuz' I'm good and you're evil. * He looked around and seen only five
Ninjas. *
Link: * snapped one the Ninjas neck and chopped off another one head. *
Cloud: * threw his sword like a boomarang killing two more. *
(The last Ninja tried to run away.)
Roy: * put his hand and crushed him. * That fool.. Though he would get away.
Sephiroth: Roy, you better give me back the girl.
Athrun: yeah, or we'll send Misha to kill you.
Roy: that's what you think, I sent Yukimura to kill her.
Cloud: you killed Misha, the host of our Masion.
Roy: * laughed. * I couldn't let her come after me for killing you guys.
Link: relax, I'm sure O-beone is there.
Roy: no, not the one and only O-beone, I have to do it now. * He pulled a
light-saber and tried to cast stopra. * I'll just kill them now.
Sephiroth: I wouldn't think so far ahead.
Roy: why are you still moving?
Rin: * opened her eyes. *
Sephiroth: your weak spells can't touch me.
Rin: WOW! You're strong just like Lord Sesshomaru.
Sephiroth: now, if you don't mind I'm sick of seeing your face and your dull
personality. * He pulled out his sword of doom. *
Roy: * flew through the air at Seph. *
Sephiroth: * shot light beams from his sword cut Roy in half killing him. *
(The others were able to move again. They got Rin and went back to the Masion.)
Sesshomaru: * walked through the door. * Rin, you may come now.
Rin: * jumped up and down. * It's Lord Sesshomaru. * She ran to him. *
Sesshomaru: I have to go now, sorry I couldn't stay longer. * They left. *
(Everyone was bushed and went to bed. Man I sure hope they don't have to
babysit ever again. THE END.)