Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Chaotic Outbreak Hidden in Shadows ❯ Dark Chapter 2 A World Ruled by Darkness ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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Chapter 2 A World Ruled by Darkness
Siarnaq arrived on the other side of the portal; this new world was inhabited by normal people. The world looked strangely clam; he was surrounded by buildings that were not that advanced. At first glance this world was entirely normal; nothing was possibly out of the ordinary. Surely this world would be quiet enough for him to search through the notebook. Many mysteries still surrounded the Exia, and Siarnaq needed real answers; to many mysteries now surrounded him.
This world was perfect place; humans walked through the streets, but paid him no mind. He sat down on a nearby bench; the day was foggy, and just slightly chilled. It did not bother him though; there were bigger things to worry about. Jenova had left him with a thousand questions; what Váli had said caused doubt about Jenova's clone's statements.
What ever Jenova was going to do was big, and he had many unanswered questions about what had really happened. The information on his own race was surprising little; what he knew was all based on his own experiences. Hopefully this notebook would give him the answers he desired.
Lies were told by everyone; there was never a single straight story. It was so weird considering everything that had happened to this point. It had crossed his mind that perhaps almost no one, but someone knew for sure. The problem was that Váli had mentioned that no one had ever truly met Jenova.
If that was the case; then there was no way to ever truly get the answers Siarnaq needed. The questions that needed to be answered were hopefully in this book. If they could finally understand everything about them selves; then maybe they could gain an edge. Everything that could be unleashed after them was by now; either to capture or to kill, but Siarnaq was not the same.
Now he had people he felt obligated to aid; this was something that he had to. Even if he would never fully admit to it; they were the closest thing Siarnaq would ever have to a family. Meeting them had finally drawn Siarnaq from his solitude, but now the real test would begin.
The fog made the air slightly chilled; the streets were quiet, and it looked like a very peaceful world. The cold air was nothing to Siarnaq; this world had a strange dark presence. It was nothing he paid any mind to at first, but then the dark feeling continued to grow. The feeling was familiar to him; it continued to distract him to the point that he forgot about his reading. Then without any more thought; he new what he was sensing, and he could not allow it to be used in such a way.
With no consideration what so ever for anything around him; Siarnaq leapt into the air with all his force. He landed on the roof of a building with ease; he stood a top the three story building. He looked off into the distance; he zeroed in on the source, and with a single powerful trust he flew up into the air. This was something that he had to stop immediately; no matter the cost.
The source of the dark presence was a single page in the hand of a young man. Siarnaq landed quietly so not to disturb them. He looked down on the young man with disgust; “he has a Death Note. I would know that dark power anywhere, and he has a Shinigami at his side.” Siarnaq watched the dark tie attach it self to the girl; he listened in on their conversation waiting to determine the true nature behind this.
“His name is Light, and he has tricked her into giving her name to him. She is not evil though; this cannot be aloud to continue down its present course. I have to interfere; even if I should not. This woman; should not have to die… this is wrong, and I will not let it continue.” Siarnaq was even having trouble holding back his anger; it was clear he was doing it for his own selfish reasons. Misora's face turned to shock in an instant; she began to walk away, and at that point Siarnaq readied his spear.
Song Darkness
“Goodbye Misora Naomi…” Light said as he watched the woman he had tricked walk slowly to her death. The Death Note was ready to claim her life till Siarnaq landed in the path between the two; he brought his spear upwards and sliced through rope that was connecting the page to Misora. The rope was cut along with the pavement; the writing on the page disappeared, and Light was in awe at the strange occurrence.
Her legs quivered from the shock; she collapsed to the ground; unconscious, but safe from where she once stood. Slowly she tried to recover from the heart attack, but passed out from the overwhelming sensations of nearly dying. Siarnaq let his spear disappear, and slid in and grabbed hold of her; stopping her from hitting the ground. He put a gloved hand to her forehead, and he breathed a sigh of relief.
“Who the hell do you think you are…? I want an explanation for why you were going to kill her. Better yet… why doesn't that Shinigami explain why you posses one? Never should selfish human be aloud to posses this power; no one is worthy to posses such power.” Siarnaq's face turned and his expression showed that he was not joking. Light was still in shock from what had just happened; “how did you do that? No one can save anyone from a Death Note's power; so I want to know what you are!”
“You are a fool to think your power is absolute; the Death Note has the ability to kill any person whose name is written. This link between the two is made of pure darkness; this power is nothing but destiny being altered by the darkness. My power extends from darkness; I know all about these things. What chance does your power have against me?”
“Oh I get it…” said the tall creepy looking creature beside Light. “Light; this guy has the same aura as a Shinigami, but he is definitely not one. Somehow he can disconnect a person from the Death Note. This is actually pretty amazing; even I did not know we could do something like that…”
Light was quickly getting frustrated; there should be no reason he was able to stop the Death Note's power. “What exactly are you…? Are you a Shinigami of justice or something…?” Light asked; Siarnaq was not interested in a fight, and this was more like wasting time. “Justice… Justice is blind, and I have stood around for a long time, and just watched innocent people die. This time I'm not going to stand by…”
Light's Shinigami laughed at the notion; “hey Light. This guy is good; really he is pretty good at joking; nothing is more powerful then death. He may have found a way to sever the link, but we can just try and kill her again and again…” The Shinigami continued till Siarnaq shouted at him; “Why exactly are you partaking in this; I know the rules behind the Death Note, but even you have no clue behind its other secrets…”
Both Light and his Shinigami's ears perked right up to this, and Siarnaq calmly began to explain. “There is no real harm in telling you this… you see I was just passing through, but the Death Note's dark power drew me right to you. You see that power that it uses to kill is not beyond my own element. The Darkness that gives your Weapon power, but I am eclipsed in Darkness.”
“My power comes from the darkness, and I can see the bond between a Death note and its victim. I learned a long time ago that I could indeed severe the link; the simple fact that my power is darkness. I have saved Naomi from her death sentence, and you stand there trying to figure how to deal with me… but the simple fact is that you cannot.”
The invitation was immediately accepted; Light wrote down Misora's name again. This time he chose her to get up and walk to her death in ten seconds. Light looked up; his Shinigami laughed till the ten seconds passed. The time passed and nothing happened; Siarnaq was now the one smiling. Both of them questioned why noting had happened; they looked down to see the page blank yet again.
“What the hell is going on; how could you render the Death Note ineffective?” Light shouted; even his Shinigami had no clue why this had happened. “I was bread in the same darkness that that tool was made from. I'm a very curse myself; my powers are un holy, and therefore I can stop something that is the same as I am.
A wave of Siarnaq's hand caused Light to cringe in pain; his very stomach was burning. He undid his coat and lifted his shirt to see a black mark across his stomach. “What the hell did you do to me?” Light asked furiously; “I made sure that after this you will pay for abusing this tool. That mark will take your soul into the dark abyss for all eternity.”
“The Death Note eventually claims the life of anyone who uses it, and even I can see the time till your death. Only you can see that mark though; no one else… because it is your curse. When you die; you will not go anywhere that most could go… you will end up in a far worse place. A place where you will redeem yourself… but unfortunately for you; in the worst way possible…”
Siarnaq turned; lifting Misora with him. He began to walk away leaving Light cursing at him. Siarnaq stooped and turned his head back to Light; “save your self the embarrassment Light. We all must pay for what we have done in our lives… I will no doubt pay myself for the sins I have committed today… but that is fine.”
“If you… Light Yagami could meet some of the people that I have. No; you could never understand, but this woman disserves a life. I will eventually pay for my sins, but I can bare them knowing that I helped those that disserved it. You Light have to bare your sins now in a place far worse; I wish I could make you see the errors of your ways, but that I just cannot do.”
Black feathers exploded out of Siarnaq's back; out came two pitch-black feathered wings. With a single downwards thrust; Siarnaq shot up into a portal of darkness. Leaving Light and his Shinigami; “There is no way he is right. I will make the perfect world, and will rule it.”