Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts 3 ❯ Ultimate Destruction pt.2 ( Chapter 22 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Midgard was floating in the sky staring down at them. An energy ray shot from all the snakes' mouths. Everyone braced for impact, but Belldandy got in front of everyone, and said “O Light of Protection, I summon you now. Create a protective wall around us. Immortal Wall!!” A green light appeared, and a shield surrounded them, and blocked the energy rays. “We're safe now; he won't be able to come inside the barrier.”
“But why is Midgard attacking us big sis?” asked Skuld.
Just then, they heard a yawning sound. They turned and saw Urd stretching as if waking up from a nap. “Aaahhh that was a nice nap. What's all the commotion about?”
“Urd! Oh thank goodness, you're okay.” said Belldandy.
“Belldandy? What are you doing here, and what happened here anyway?” asked Urd.
“You don't remember?” asked Sora.
“Huh!? What's the Keyblade Master doing here!?” shouted Urd; her eyes bulging.
“Stop trying to change the subject!” yelled Skuld.
“What's you're problem?” asked Urd.
“My `problem' is that the reason that the city is destroyed, the sky is black, and that Sora's here, is because it's all you're fault, Urd!” shouted Skuld.
Everyone heard Midgard laughing. “So is you're little reunion over yet?”
“What's with the giant snake?” asked Urd.
“I am not Midgard. I am the Lord of Terror, as well as the Ultimate Destruction Program! And if you're through, let's get down to business… Behold!” A passage way with a blood-red star design in the middle in the sky, with Midgard's snakes wrapped around it.
“The Gate of the Netherworld!” said Belldandy.
“Don't worry big sis, I'm sure the Almighty One sealed it!” said Skuld.
“That's true. But one I've breached that cursed seal, what do you suppose will happen then?” asked the UDP.
“The demons will be able to come through!” said Belldandy.
“Precisely! We demons and the Heartless will be able to infiltrate this world without a catalyst! It will truly become a world of darkness! Can you imagine how easy it will be for us to increase our dominance here on earth? Hah hah hah hah hah!!”
“Belldandy put down the barrier.” ordered Urd.
“Urd? What are you doing?” asked Belldandy startled, but she lowered it anyway.
“Hey you snake! I don't know who you are, or what going on.”
[The Encounter music starts playing]
“But if you're planning to hurt my precious sisters, you're crazy! I'm going to take you down!”
[Game play]
Sora used “Scan”. The UDP's HP was 4680, ATK was 130, and DEF was 110. Three heads lowered while two stayed above. Sora used air combos, and then Finishing Combo. The snake heads lifted, and shot energy rays at the ground. The explosion sent everyone flying. Sora regained balance, and then two snake heads lowered. Sora used ground combos, Guard Break, and then Explosion. The heads lifted, and the UDP used “Demi”. A ball of darkness appeared, and then exploded, hitting everybody. Sora used “Curaga” to heal everyone while three heads lowered. Sora went berserk using random combination attacks. The heads rose and the UDP used “Demi”. Then energy rays shot from the snakes' mouths. The explosion sent everyone flying. Two heads lowered and Sora used air combos, then Finishing Combo. He then used ground combos, Guard Break, and then Explosion. The heads lifted, and shot energy rays. Then the snakes spun in very fast circles, creating a giant tornado. The attack was able to K.O. everyone, except Sora. Sora used “Curaga” to heal everyone. Sora used an Ether to regain his Magic. “Donald! Goofy!”
Sora, Donald and Goofy attacked the UDP with a 10 hit combo.
Then, they hit him with Magical Fireworks.
Then, they blasted him with little yellow orbs.
Then, to finish, they held their weapons high and released a blinding light.
Once the attack made contact, a ball of light covered all the heads.
[The Encounter stops playing]
[Game play over]
The UDP's snake bodies fell from the sky, and the seal disappeared. “I-Impossible…How could I have lost to you?”
Belldandy teleported in front of the UDP, and the flute in her hands.
“Damn you, you're not going to play that flute, are you?” asked the UDP.
“Forgive me, Midgard. But you're fate was always deletion.” said Belldandy. She put the flute to her mouth, and started playing a tune.
“Damn it! I won't let you get away with this!” He started to attack, but was interrupted when the flute was sucking him in like a vacuum. “Crap! It can't end like this! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!” Then he vanished. After that, everyone was safe. Belldandy used some type of spell to make the city go back to normal.
“Thank you, Sora. We owe you for helping us.” said Belldandy.
“Don't worry about it. We're just glad we could help.” said Sora.
“Any time you feel like seeing me, just call me.” said Jack.
“Sure thing, big boy.” said Urd. Then Sasuke spoke, “Weren't we looking for the Dragon Ball?” “What!? You're looking for the Dragon Balls?” shouted Urd.
“Yeah, have you seen one around here?” asked Sora. “Yeah! I have one right here!” Urd pulled out an orange orb with six red stars inside. “Alright! We found our fourth Dragon Ball!” yelled Trunks with excitement.
“Humph, things are going nicely for us.” said Adell.
“I know I said this before, but everywhere I go with you lot, there's trouble. But I have to agree with you on that one mate.” said Jack.
“Well, we better hit the road. We still have a long way to go.” said Sora.
“Wait! Take this.” Belldandy gave Sora a Summon Charm with a white feather on it. “Anytime you need help, let us know.”
“I'll be sure to. Okay you take care now.” Sora said turning to the others. “Well, let's get going.” Belldandy, Skuld, Urd and Keiichi waved good-bye.