Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Me on Crack!!! ❯ Part 1! ( Chapter 1 )
A.N.: This idea is odd, weird, and one that I got when I was way too bored one day, reading fan fiction, high on caffeine and letting my mind wander. It's kinda short, because this was all I could think of at the time. There might be a lot of these out there, and I wouldn't be surprised…but, enough with my babbling, here's a list. Some of these are kinda inside-jokie, but most can be enjoyed by all…and even the inside ones…you'll see…you'll get it…
Here's an idea: You could even use it as a drinking game: If your having a marathon for any show, this will pretty much apply. But…don't use the beer is you're under age…I suggest soda. Pop. With lots of caffeine…such as…Mt. Dew…Code Red Mt. Dew…Livewire Mt. Dew….
Disclaimer (do I really need one?): I own no anime shows. I own no manga. I own nothing. At all.
1. If the hero likes a girl, she will be kidnapped at one point or another to get back at the hero or get on his backside. (as is with many other movies, TV shows etc, I mean, even in Van Helsing…c'mon peeps…)
2. Things that are obvious to the viewer will NOT be made obvious to the beloved characters until it's too late for them to do anything about it. (for example, Kenshin should be really smart, right? So why do traps always surprise him so? Same with Kurama, I mean DUH!)
3. If I think an anime guy is hot, my mom always thinks he's a girl. Never fails. `Nuff said. Hell, mom thinks 90 percent of ALL anime guys are girls: Like, Everyone but Miroku in Inuyasha, Kurama, Yoko, Soujirou (I don't blame her there!)
4. Girls in anime shows like to stand on the sidelines and yell: "Inuyasha!" "Kenshin!" "Yusuke!" "Ed!" "Kira!" or any other male characters name….
5. The 3ed Rurouni Kenshin OVA is always saddest after 3 in the morning. Seriously, high on caffeine, absolutely no sleep and character death is so NOT a good combo.
6. All characters in anime shows are masters of understatements, take Kurama for example. Hiei's sword breaks in three friggin pieces, and Kurama says, "I think it broke." Kurama, dude, you're hot…but DUH!
7. Things are funnier when you're sleep deprived: Having an Inuyasha/Yu Yu Hakusho marathon---laughed for an hour strait. No kidding. Same with the cast commentary on "Chrono Crusade." Mullets rock!
8. Every character has a breaking point: Perfect Example: Hitokiri Battousai. Other examples include: Yusuke…Youko is Kurama's breaking point now…Inuyasha's demon form…Lina has a funny breaking point…, Kira snaps, Heero snaps, all Gundam pilots snap… Etc, Etc, ETC.
9. Don't forget the pets: Every main gang of heroes has one or two adorable little comrades: for example Kilala (Kirara), Poo (Yusuke's spirit beast), Jeep from Saiyuki, those damn annoying Harrows that plague the Gundam Universe.…those cats from Sailor Moon…oh what the hell am I talking about…I don't watch Sailor Moon.
10. Every village has its idiot: Characters who make you say `DUH!' over and over and over and over and over and….Ex: Gourry…duh. And Lloyd in Tales of Symphonia. I quote: "Prod easy? You were prodded easily as a child?" (The word was really prodigy!)
11. If Deraigon (aka: you know who you are…) keeps repeating on how cool a character (male) is magically 99.9999999% percent of the time she thinks they're HOT. Example: I'm not even going to try and list all of them….that would be death to my fingers.
12. In anime…and some video games…guys have to dress up as girls to enter some kind of secret girl's only place…ex: The poor, poor Slayers male characters. And FFVII's Cloud. ::sigh::
13. Whenever you think that Yu Yu Hakusho can't get any weirder, it WILL. It ALWAYS WILL. If you've seen the show, you know what I mean. Ex: Guys who's demonic powers are sweating…swords that grow out of a demon's middle finger…Kurama with a cross-shaped scar on his left cheek…Yusuke's spirit beast, Poo…Koenma himself…Botan herself…(I mean, that girl needs Prozac.)
14. There's always one character to spur your hatred…somebody that you want to die in a ditch with a butter knife stuck through their head. For me, it's like: Soujirou, Kikyo, Megumi, Kagura, Flay (Gundam Seed), ….) (I sincerely apologize to any fans of those people…..)
15. We love them to pieces, but sometimes Japanese people can be so weird….Like, sometimes you swear that the author of that anime/manga was on crack or something. Take Rumiko Takahashi-san's Inuyasha episode called "The Toad who would be Prince." I mean, c'mon!
16. There will ALWAYS be fangirls. End of story.
17. And, last but not least: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS TOO MUCH ANIME!!!!!!!!
A.N.: THERE'S MORE WHERE THAT CAME FROM!! MUCH MORE!! That's it for now, I guess…there will be more…eventually, after I fall down the stairs a couple more times. I have a few lists of humorous quotes donated to by a friend that I'll find a way to get on here. I'm just full of random stupidity, aren't I?
And, might I say, holy shit I updated alotta things today!
~GCN anime dragon :P