Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Music is great, don't you think? ❯ Music is great, don't you think? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Music is great, don't you think?

(Cloud, Aerith, and Tifa are sitting in the huge house at the table and are looking rather bored.)

Cloud: * Looks at Aerith who's playing in Tifa's hair out of boredom * Where is everyone?

Aerith: Well, I know that Misha called and said she would be late, but I have no idea where the others are.

Tifa: I'm getting bored * starts looking around *

Aerith: What are you doing?

Tifa: Looking for something to do while we wait.

Aerith: Hey do you guys remember that one Disney movie Aladdin?

Tifa: Yeah, but what made you bring that up?

Aerith: Nothing I was just making conversation is all.

Cloud: * Leans back in the chair and starts humming " One jump Ahead" from Aladdin. *

Tifa: * Looks at him and rolls her eyes * Cloud try another song.

Aerith: * Starts singing " A whole new world" * A whole new World, a new fantastic point of view, no one to tell us no are where To go…

Tifa: * Takes from there * Are say we're only dreaming.

Vincent: * Enters, just staring *

Cloud: * Looks over * Hey Vincent.

Vincent: I think you people should really find something to do.

Aerith: * Stops singing and looks at Vincent * What you don't like

Vincent: I didn't say that, it's just the fact that you all are Adults sitting here singing Disney songs.

Cloud: * Starts singing * Do, do, do, do, Mary jean.

Tifa: * Joins in * I in love with Mary jean.

Cloud: She is my main thang; she makes me feel all right.

Tifa: She makes my heart sang.

Sephiroth: * Enters singing under his breath, not noticing anyone. * How do I deal with you, How do I deal with me, when I don't even know myself are what it is you won't from me.

Everyone: * Just looks *

Vincent: Why are you singing that song?

Sephiroth: * Sits on the sofa * It happens to be my favorite song and I think it describes me a lot.

Cloud: * Snorts * Well you need a different theory.

Misha: * Finally enters and sits a cross from Seph, no one but Vincent sees her. *

Sephiroth: * Looks over at Cloud * Why are you talking to me? know your place, you lifeless puppet.

Cloud: * Glares at him *

Cagali: * Enters singing * Look at this stuff, isn't it neat. Wouldn't you think my collection's complete.

Misha: * Joins * Would you think I'm the girl, the girl who has everything.
Look at this trove, treasures untold how many wonders can one cavern hold.

Sephiroth: Can you people sing something not Disney?

Irvine: * Enters singing * Now I'm the king of this swingers roar the jungle VIP, I push the top and had to stop, and that's what's bothering me.

Aerith: * joins * Now I wanna be a man, man cub and stroll right into town
And be just like the other men I'm tired of mopping around.

Sephiroth: * Gets mad * What is this? Disney day.

Misha: No, it's not. These songs are just easier to sing then most.

Rufus: * Enters with a karaoke box. * I thought since everyone was singing, that this machine would come in handy. * Sits it down *

Reno: * Enters singing * Bubba shot the Jew box last night, said it played a sad song he didn't like…

Sephiroth: * Cut him off * Well, then that means I can shoot you, don't it.

Reno: * Looks at him * But the song wasn't sad.

Sephiroth: Yeah, I know but it was dumb as hell.

Tifa: Seph, you don't have a gun.

Sephiroth: Maybe it was Tifa I should have killed and not Aerith.

Misha: Don't get mad cuz' she's telling the truth.

Rude: * Enters, singing * I know I've got a face in me points out all my mistakes to me you've got a face on the inside too and your paranoia's probably worse I don't know what set me off first but I know what I can't stand everybody acts like the fact of the matter is I can't add up to what you can but everybody has...

Everyone: * looks at him *

Sephiroth: Now that's a song.

Misha: Rude, I didn't know you like to sing.

Rude: That song has been stuck in my head since two days ago.

(Before anybody could do anything else the karaoke machine kicks in and all you hear is Rufus.)

Rufus: * with the mic * I am number one don't matta if you like I'll tell you sit down and write.

Cagali: You are anything but number one, so get off.

Aerith: * takes the mic from Rufus *

Sephiroth: * looks at her * No, Disney woman!

Irvine: She can sing what ever the hell she wants.

Sephiroth: * sees Vincent and Misha looking at him, and says nothing. *

Aerith: * starts singing * My loneliness is killing me, and I, I must confess I still believe, still believe. When I'm not with you I lose mine, give me a sign. Hit me baby one more time.

Reno: Either you sing another song or get the hell down, that song belows.

Aerith * stops singing, and glares at him * I happen to like that song very much. * throws the mic at Reno, then walks off *

Sephiroth: * laughs * It's about time somebody shut her up.

(The music of Reno's choices starts playing.)

Cagali: Why the hell, are you singing this song.

Reno: * looks at her * Let me tell you why. * starts singing * I've been feelin' fly baby, tryna' hold back this feelin' for so long, and if you feel like I feel baby then come on, oh come on.

Tifa: Cloud and I love this song.

Cloud: No, you love this song, I just go along with you.

Tifa: * smacks him in the head *

Sephiroth: I see no future for those two. * Turns, and looks at Cagali. * Your turn girl.

Cagali: My name is Ca-Ga-li, got it. * takes the mic *

Misha: Sephi-sama, will you leave her alone.

Sephiroth: I'll leave her alone when she leaves.

Misha: Well, your ass is out of luck, because she's going to be here for a while.

Sephiroth: * gasps *

Cagali: * Starts singing * Hey boy don't you know I got somethin' goin' on, I got an invitation don't you keep me waiting all night long. I know you know, so baby don't.

Vincent: Cagali I think another song is in order for you.

Cagali: * stops singing, and goes up to Vincent. * Why don't you just bite me okay, just freakin' bite me.

Everyone: * loud Gasps, then they look at the two. *

Vincent: * studies her for a moment * I'm sorry I don't bite on spoiled teenager. * goes and sits on the sofa where seph is. *

Cagali: * not understanding what he meant, gives he a look. *

Reno: Damn! She almost became the meal. * laughs loudly *

Cloud: * gets the mic, and starts singing * Mister telephone man there's
Something wrong with my line, when I dail my baby's number I get a click every time.

Sephiroth: * Falls to the floor laughing *

Cloud: What the hell is so funny Sephiroth! * looks over at him. *

Sephiroth: * stops laughing and sits back up * Nothing, nothing it's just that the doll thinks he can sing.

Misha: SEPHIROTH! Vincent, slap him.

Vincent: * slaps Seph * Sorry, tenshi but she's right.

Sephiroth: * holding the side of his face * Says who.

Misha: Seph, you're just a big baby.

Aerith: Misha why don't you sing something.

Misha: I don't sing * forgets people are there * I hate singing that's for the weak. * Looks around, then clears her throat. * I guess it wouldn't hurt to try.

Aerith: Soooo does that mean you're going to sing.

Misha: * shrugs * Whatever, just give me a song.

Rufus: How about something from a game. * thinks for a second, gets an idea. * Oh, I know Simple and Clean.

Misha: In English or Japanese?

Sephiroth: You can speak Japanese. Why didn't I know this?

Misha: No, I just sing it, and I didn't tell you cuz' it wouldn't have made any difference.

Irvine: She got you there.

Sephiroth: Shut up you. Misha just sing it in English, I've
Heard the Japanese one a million times.

Misha: * Takes the mic, and starts singing * When you walk away you don't hear me say, pleas oh, baby don't go Simple and Clean is the way that your making me feel tonight, it's hard to let it go.

Everyone: * looks at her somewhat amazed * That was nice!

Misha: * stops * Well it's been such a long time since I did any singing.

Cloud: Who's next?

Rude: Seph is, but I doubt he'll have something nerving that we can listen to.

Sephiroth: Shut up you mindless truk.

Cagali: Let me pick the song.

Reno: No, Cagali you're too dumb to do anything.

Vincent: * Walks up to Seph and whispers in his ear, then takes a seat. *

Sephiroth: * gets the mic and starts singing * Your contagious touch me baby, give me what you've got. Sexy laday drive me crazay drive me wild.

Cagali: Damn, you're good!

Misha: Irvine, your next.

Irvine: I'll pass; I really don't like to sing.

Sephiroth: * stops and looks at him * That's a relief, you prolly sound like sh…

Misha: * Cuts him off * If you even think about finishing that, I'll kick you
in the face.

Rufus: I've heard and had enough singing for one day.

(Everyone agrees, and that is our feature for the day.)