Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ One Night Only ❯ Sparing and more (revised) ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
One night only DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha or Hellsing also this isnt a high jacked story, I posted it here also cuz no one reviewd on Fanfiction...Ok now that that’s over here it is! It’s been in the making since December! But it’s done now and ready for you! We hope you like it. This fan fiction was written by TWO authors; myself, and my friend. Ok so review and tell us what you think, this was our first try at Yaoi. Of course this is rated M and/or X for sex, you've been warned! This fan fiction takes place about a month before Inuyasha meets Kikyo. And is before the Tessaiga and Kagome. NOW THE ACTUAL STORY! ONE NIGHT ONLY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Inuyasha had been leaping through the southern lands for three days and, weary from his travel he decided that he needed rest. He found as spot as good as any, a small opening from the thick woods. Allowing himself to sleep lightly Inuyasha settled down behind a tree. “A few hours of rest wont hurt…” He mumbled to himself and lazily plopped down. “Milord Alucard.” A withered servant arose from the shadows and bowed. “There is an unknown intruder just out side the castle walls.” Realizing the entertainment at hand the Vampire Lord smiled wickedly, there hadn't been any excitement in months. “Send our twelve best demon’s to handle this, trespasser.” Alucard set back in his thrown and prepared for the show. Inuyasha had been sleeping for only about an hour when he could obviously hear feet rustle around him in the dark. Springing up in to the brisk night air he landed gracefully on top of the tree he had been using as a pillow, spotting twelve speedy demons. Vampire demons. "Fuck." Inuyasha cursed under his breath, vampire demons were notorious for being deadly. Dashing on to the cold earth he met the first demon and drove his unforgiving claws through it's throat. Two more demons rushed at him, Inuyasha leaped up seven feet and grazed the demons backs, shredding their spines into dust. Rushing at three other demons Inuyasha decapitated them, black blood oozed from their necks just before they disappeared in to dust. Seeing six demons fall like flies with in five minutes made Inuyasha smiled cockily. "Either I've gotten stronger or your just a couple of weak bastards!" His ballsy battle cry bellowed through the night air welcoming any attack. Alucard summoned his servant. "Hitoro." A ghoulish slave appeared from the darkness and bowed. "What do you know of this demon?" Alucard opened his fist and reveled a fiery pool that aired the war taking place out side the castle walls. The old ghoul gazed at the demon. "His name is Inuyasha. He is merely a half demon. He is the son of the dog demon lord. He is a deadly fighter, though is notorious for making foolish and novice battle decisions." With that Hitoro disappeared back in to the shadows. "Interesting." Alucard mused to himself. 'Those are some of my best demons...and yet that young Hanyou is slicing through them like mince meat.’ He had become very interested in this half demon and decided to get front row seats. Standing up he announced to the thrown room, “I will deal with this pest, seeing no one else can.” Then was gone. Inuyasha had now littered the forest floor with the bodies of seven vampire demons, and was still dealing with four more when they all hastily disappeared into the shadows. Suddenly the night air became much colder and a tall dark figure loomed in front of Inuyasha. "Another vampire demon? No problem...I can do this all night." he smiled wryly, though the smiled faded when the night air boomed with the stranger's deep voice. "Inuyasha is it not?" the figure shifted his head upward and glared down at the silver haired young man. “You sure you can handle me?" Alucard then advanced with out warning, wanting to put this half blood in his place. Inuyasha dashed backwards as quick as he could, though it was in vain. He was roughly pushed down onto the floor by Alucard’s hand tarring through his rob. The shallow cut stretched from his collar bone, down to his lower torso. Alucard’s eye’s widened in disbelief, ‘He dodged my attack.’ The lord had been aiming for the trespassers neck. Holding Inuyasha down by the arms he glared intently at him with deep red eyes. With his hands under the demons wrists, As he felt the rhythmic thump-thump of Inuyasha’s veins pumping blood, temptation quickly raced through Alucard's body. “How is it that you, a simple half demon, could defeat so many skilled full blooded demon vampires?” Alucard deeply breathed in at the crook of Inuyasha’s neck, trying to find an answer. Extending his sharp tongue Alucard lapped up the tripling blood dripping from Inuyasha’s neck and down his collar bone. The hanyou rolled his eye’s back, feeling Alucard over him and his tongue dancing across his body was an addictive pleasure that he could not ignore, even if he wanted to. The pit of Inuyasha's stomach began to churn with a unusual warm and wet sensation, it took all of the half demon strength to suppress a cracked erotic moan that rattled his chest, begging to be let loose. However Alucard stopped himself in time. Snapping out of the vampires over powering trance Inuyasha quickly sprang up. Brandishing his claws while in the sky he came down, and grazed the vampires pale cheek. “Damn it to hell!” Inuyasha muttered under him breath as he came down and stood with slightly bloody claws. “I was aiming for the bastards head.” Freezing at feeling of Inuyasha's claws lightly slicing the side of his cheek, a small dripped oozed down Alucard’s white face. Alucard chuckled loudly, it was a maddening laugh that made Inuyasha cringe. He continued to laugh as he scanned the half blood up and down. “Inuyasha, come with me.” Then the Vampire lord slowly walked up to the hanyou how brought his claws up in defense. “What the hell! No darn way!” Inuyasha jumped back. “I make it a custom to not go to a dinner party with people who try to kill me. I'll live longer that way." “Oh on the contrary, you'll live much longer if you come with me." Alucard smiled wildly at the thought of sparing with such a strong young demon. Inuyasha was still having none of it, and backed away a few more paces. The vampire decided that he'd rather not spend the time convincing the half blood to acompany him. Alucard dashed forward in a blink of an eye, Inuyasha had no time to react. He was on the hanyou in a flash, holding his smaller form close to his own. Inuyasha's eyes were big with amazment as he looked up at the other man and his breath quickened. Alucard extended his pale hand and placed two fingers on Inuyasha’s forehead. Bringing down his two finger’s across the hanyous bare skin with his own hand made Alucard grin wider. He found himself wondering what other things would feel good against the hanyous lips. Inuyasha’s spine shook as Alucard’s two fingers brushed lightly against his own lips. Then, it was all over. Inuyasha was standing in then center of a large lounge with Alucard beside him. Peering around nothing could be seen other than the dark figures of gothic vampires looming around the cold walls. Alucard summoned Hitoro silently, the old ghoul slunk into the light. “Take Inuyasha to the guest quarters.” The old vampire bowed and led the silver haired demon down a narrow hall way. The hall had plain stone floors and eerie paintings pinned to the wall, the carpet was a deep ruby red tipped with black tassel, there was almost no lighting. “Here.” The ghoul pointed one long bony finger at a massive wooden door. “Dinner will be served, I will get you.” With that the aged vampire loomed back into the shadows. Inuyasha sighed after the door was shut and wondered how this had happened. He then opened the gigantic door, it swung open and with it did years of stale air. Inuyasha coughed and sneezed, his sensitive nose twitched from irritation. After all the dust settled he poked around some. The room was a large square, it was too made from thick stone blocks though this room hand many robs decorate the walls. Directly in front of the door was the bed in the middle of the room. The bed was furnished with a dark silky black sheet. To the left of the bed was a single door. Inuyasha opened the door to reveal a bath room. The hanyou turned back around and was surprised when a dim glowing light sparked out of no where. In the far left hand corner was a fire place and leather chair. Inuyasha walked back to the bed and noticed a third door, it was a walk in closet. Finally satisfied that no one was lurking in the room, Inuyasha sat down on the bed. The he could feel the crinkle of paper under him. It was a note; Inuyasha Take a bath and redress into the close in the chair. Master wants you to be ready for dinner at 12. He looked back over at the chair, a new set of cloths were there, but they hadn't before, and neither had the note. Inuyasha got up cautiously, and could feel some one’s eye’s on him. Alucard sat in his thrown room with a crazy smile stretched across his thin lips, he was going to have a little fun with his guest. He snuck into Inuyasha’s room Alucard watched as the hanyou tugged the old fire rat robe off his dirty body and it landed with a thud on the floor. His sweaty muscles shinned in the flickering light of the fire. Inuyasha stepped out of his pants and pushed them aside to the floor. Slowly walking into the bath room, his ass flexed with each step, Alucard’s mind blissfully wondered. Inuyasha waded into the warm bath water had been prepared for him. Submerging under the cloudy water Inuyasha washed away all the dirt and dried blood that stained his body. Pulling back his hair, his ear’s twitched, still not satisfied that he was alone. Little water pellets beaded on his studded abs, and his arms shown with the water’s alluring film. Inuyasha laid his head back and closed his eyes and he began to think of the unique, and rather attractive Alucard. He didn't even try to resist the ideas and fantasies that had been stirring in his thoughts. The hanyous head began to roll on his damp shoulder and he had to clamp down hard on his bottom lip to suppress a moan. He could feel a steady rise growing under the water. With the palm of his hands he began to rub down under the cloudy water. Inuyasha met his hard shaft and began to stroke it wildly, the whole time his mind was think of the mysterious Alucard. Again he had to clamp his lips together for another pleasuring moan formed deep in the hanyous throat. His hand worked faster and faster and the water was splashing over the edge from all the movement. Inuyasha;s back twisted and his eyes rolled, his lips were bleeding now. His grip tightened bring Inuyasha into an amazing climax, and he couldn't help but howl out a relieving moan. It echoed through out the hallow bath room and the whole room shook with his ecstasy. Alucard pulled out of his guest room, now with an ear to ear perverted grin plastered on to his face. He new what had been on the hanyous mind, and he was flattered, and found his groin was screaming for attention. After his bath Inuyasha wrapped a towel around his lower waist, so low that the firm cut into his pelvises could be seen. Snatching the out fit that had been given to him Inuyasha slipped it on. The shirt was a tight fitting blue and white robe, and the pants were also tight, and they prolonged the stinging pleasure from his hand job. The pants were white and had the same blue, but embedded in the stitching. Just as Inuyasha finished dressing, a impatient knock wrapped at the door. He walked out in to the hall way just to see Hitoro scurry off, so he followed. Hitoro lead Inuyasha into a large dinning room. It was a dimly lit room with red crimson silk and black emblems. And all he could do was gazed up at the cold stone cathedral ceiling in awe. “Are you going to gap a hole all night or eat. This is no way to show your gratitude. I give you a bath… and new elegant cloths, and all you manage is a hole?” 'And I'll be giving you so much more,' he thought happily. Inuyasha was struggling a hello when the vampire stood up from his seat and whipped a gloved hand in the air. “Bow down in respect half breed.” Inuyasha could feel his body being forced down, he was bowing down to Alucard. The inu growled, his pride was in shreds. “I kneel to no one.” He forced his back strait and stiffly walked over to the table and sat down with a grunt. Alucard was displaying a devilish grin of satisfaction. ‘He is strong.’ The vampire Lord mused. “And what the hell are you smiling at bat boy?” Inuyasha snarled as a servant poured him a glass of rich red whine. “Possibly a worthy sparing partner?” Alucard extended his hand’s out wards. “Eat.” He commanded. Inuyasha’s eyes grew to saucers when seeing the steaming bounty under his nose. But then darted his stare back up, he was being stared at. “Eat.” He repeated. Alucard had prepared a large feast that he thought his guest would enjoy. Needing no further encouragement, Inuyasha stabbed his claws into a fat chicken leg and began gorge. Taking a swig of the rich red whine he noticed Alucard’s eye’s scanning him in some unusual places this time. “What?” Inuyasha hissed after he had swallowed. “… I just find you to be an interesting guest.” Inuyasha still looked skeptical. “So what were you doing in my woods half demon?” He swallowed down the last bite of chicken and looked up at Alucard. He was still smiling madly at him. “I was just trying to make distance between this village and me.” The vampire was intrigued “For what reason?” “Running for my life what else?” Inuyasha spit out angrily. He didn't like opening up, especially not with total stranger. “So why did you have to run… trouble maker maybe?” Alucard leaned in closer as his curious grin widened. “None of your goddamn business.” Inuyasha grumbled under his breath. “Ah, so you are a trouble maker.” Alucard probed deeper. The hanyou growled deep in his throat from frustration, ‘This guy wont shut up.’ Inuyasha though to himself. “Just another group of dumb ass mortals that chased me away… but that'll all change when I find this village.” Inuyasha muttered the last part under his breath. “What was that now?” Alucard leaned back further in his chair and folded his hands over his lap. He sighed and gave up. “I heard of this village, it can change me, the Shikon jewel… it can make me a true demon.” Inuyasha’s voice changed from cocky bastard to determined. “I see, you want to become stronger… then maybe I should just wait until you have a chance to fight me?” “Don't flatter yourself… I could take you here and now, with or with out the jewel. “We'll see.” Alucard said then took a light sip from his glass. Inuyasha chewed up some bread and darted his stare to Alucard’s muscular arm, it was flexing like a nervous twitch. The vampire blinked for the first time in minutes and broke the still silence. “Finish eating, your still hungry.” Inuyasha had just finished a plate of tender pork and was washing it down. “Aren't you gonna eat?” Chuckling slightly he pointed to a chalice, it was bubbling with a foamy thick red liquid. “That’s all?” Inuyasha asked in disbelief. Once again he chuckled in amusement, “I'm saving room for dessert.” Alucard’s mouth shown with many razor sharp fangs that glistened in the dim candle light. Inuyasha surprised his host when he didn't gasp or gulp hard, instead he smiled devilishly and almost knowingly while displaying his own large K-9s. “Are you done eating?” Inuyasha could feel the vampires long leg brush against his own which made his hair stand on end. In a wide open nook Alucard shed his shirt revealing a toned rippled pale six pack. “What are you waiting for, or are you scared?” Alucard waved his hand in the air welcoming hanyous attack. Inuyasha smirked inwardly, suddenly with out warning he sprang up in to the air. Giving the impression he was dashing towards Alucard, but the hanyou side swiped and ran up the wall, but Alucard was too quick. He made a backwards flip and met Inuyasha on the wall. Only hanging by a clawed hand sunk into the ceiling, Inuyasha glared deciphering his next move. Though Alucard was standing on the wall, as if gravity gave him immunity. Smiling wryly he dove forward, crashing into Alucard’s chest and the silver blur managed to pushed him down on the floor. With Inuyasha on top, the vampire lord was pinned down on the floor by his wrist. At first Alucard was slightly surprised, he hadn't expected such a attack from a ‘foolish novice.’ “Maybe you are worthy…” He then flipped Inuyasha over, now he was on top. “Damn strait I'm worthy!” Inuyasha growled but could not escape Alucard’s grip. As he struggled Inuyasha could feel against his own hips a large hard shaft grinding steadily against his own ringing member in a erotic motion that was leaving the young hanyou numb. Alucard could feel the rage fed blood pumping through Inuyasha’s veins, but the rage was quickly dyeing away and pleasure began swimming inside the young hanyou. Feeling his own eye’s rolling into the back of his head with temptation Alucard had to fight his instincts to keep himself from draining the half demon dry. Inuyasha felt Alucard’s strong body relax, and took this time to wriggle free. Now the half demon was holding the vampire lord against the stone wall, and for a second it would seem he had won. But then Alucard laughed deep in his throat and he had on his face a mad grin. Making a swift dash to the side he slammed Inuyasha down on his stomach and Alucard was sitting on his back. “Get off me.” Inuyasha grunted seemingly helpless. “And if I don't… because I have to say I find your ass quite a comfortable seat.” Alucard laughed cruelly at his victim. And if truth be told the vampire lord was purposely fueling the fire that kept Inuyasha's ass wiggling under him. To angry and embarrassed to notice the ass comment, he seethed louder this time, “Get the hell off me!” He thrashed against the lords unforgiving strength, he couldn’t move and this limited restriction boiled the hanyous blood to a smoldering temper. The half demons mad power grew when noticing the vampire lord smiling smugly in victory down at him as he flopped around on to floor like a hooked fish. His eyes flashed blood red as his claws quickly grew to three inch talons, his fangs enlarged inside his snarling mouth and his hanyou strength enhanced to a much greater and equally challenging strength to his host, the power of that of a full blooded demon. Alucard’s eyes widened, amazed at what he was witness to his guest incredible morph. Not of fear, not of worry, of great anticipation. He hadn't heard of anything like it before, a half demon twisting and manipulating his own limitations, this night would be interesting after all. Shifting in a display of unearthly raw strength the slivered haired demon spun his host around and flipped his on his back. Inuyasha growled furiously as he pounced on top the vampire, snarling in the dim light his huge bear like fangs shimmered, and it was obvious that he wanted nothing less than to humiliate the vampire the way he been. However Alucard still held a smile of pure exhilaration and anticipation. Still feeling insulted the uncontrollable slivered haired demon brought a clawed hand up and with lighting speed he slashed a deep gorge into the stone floor directly next to the vampires smiling head. Alucard looked at the stone crater next to his head and realized that this demon hadn't miss, he had sent a threatening blow. To egg him on. This vicious animal didn’t want to kill him, only to fight. The battle to Inuyasha, was the same to Alucard, it was merely sport, a game to be played. Inuyasha, even in his form of pure violence, still could feel his pride acting with deep embarrassment, and Alucard’s mocking smirk only added salt to his wounds. He needed the grin to be wiped away. He hissed harshly, his demon blood taking control again, Inuyasha dove down only a tiny centimeter away from his smile and aggressively growled, threatening the vampire. The younger demon hastily jumped off of his sparing partner and stood across the nook ready to pounce, he awaited Alucard’s next move. If it was a true battle the inu wanted, then that is what he would receive. Advancing quickly the vampire dove through the air and came down on the demon, but he didn't tumbled under his weight like he had expected. Inuyasha stood being pushed back about five feet from where he had been standing, he growled with a less threatening tone this time but still a challenge none the less. The younger demon pushed the vampire back and again stood ready to pounce, jumping up into the air Inuyasha dashed over the lords head and rammed into his back. The younger demon now sat on the vampires back. Much like he had before, how had this happened? It was now the guests turn to smirk a winning smile, large fangs glowed inside his mouth, lathered in hungry saliva. He flipped his host over onto his back and now he rested with his legs in between the vampires hips on his knees, his arms propped himself up, though they weren't pinning Alucard’s hands down. In a flash the demon lord had been whipped onto the ground and humiliated by a half breed. Inuyasha’s was enjoying his time being victorious, but still he wanted more. He wanted to make it clear to his host that he had won, dashing down quick the young demon wrapped his jaws around Alucard’s exposed neck. He bit down with out hesitation, and his eyes rolled steadily into the back of his skull as the rich blood flooded into his mouth. The taste was tranquil and acted like a drug, swelling the enraged demon into a peaceful high. He could feel his eyes become heavy and the urge to destroy disappeared away into the back of his mind. Inuyasha’s body transformed back into his hanyou form. His claws shrunk slightly, his awesome fangs returned to their original size and his body relaxed in to a exhausted heap, on top of the vampire. Still in a bit of a daze Inuyasha came to, realizing his position on top of Alucard. "What the fuck?" He mumbled and staggered up off his host and struggled to his feet. Alucard quickly stood up and watched the once again half demon stand ready for his next attack. The half blood apparently didn’t know what had happened. Alucard stood and just stared at this persistent creature. "Why the hell was I on top of you... I cant remember any thing." “You are an interesting guest!.” He said examining the gash left over from the vicious mauling. Inuyasha stood rubbing his head and managed to spit out, “What?” "That was very impressive." He added giving the other odd looks up and down. "Hu?" Inuyasha still didn't know what had happened. “Your change, I've never seen such a thing.” “What!” Inuyasha hissed, now wide awake and having no knowledge of his transformation. “Goddamn it!” He swore to himself, “What did I do?” He asked looking up expecting the worse. “You almost beat me, but apparently my blood acted as an anti drug to your rage..” He glanced at his fist, he hadn't noticed but the demon Inuyasha had slashed his hand some time during the feud, and now dark red blood oozed from the flesh wound. Lapping up the trickles of demonic blood he returned his stare to his guest. “You might want to consider returning to you quarters, after midnight it is dangerous to roam about the castle.” He warned. “Feh.” The half demon huffed, he didn't feel like talking right now. Alucard then disappeared into thin air and was gone. Inuyasha was again spun into rage, Hitoro shuffled his was to the half demon. He obediently followed the old vampire down the mysterious hall way and to his room. Inuyasha paced the spacious room for hours like a caged lion. And the whole time he had Alucard on his mind. Only in his fire rat pants, his chest was glossing in the dying light of the fire, and sweat trickled down his nose. Finally the fuming young hanyou couldn't stand the humiliation any longer and swung open his bed room door and stood in the empty hallway. A cold eerie wind whisked by and the draft had a hint of the vampire lords sent in it, Inuyasha followed his nose into a black and aged hall way. Then the hallway twisted into a dark corridor, Alucard’s sent was thick at this end. The door at the end of the long hall was a huge wooden door and through a little crack Inuyasha could see a low light from a fire burning in the room. The vampire lord was facing a warm smoldering fire pit, deep in his thoughts. The half demon grinned wildly as he snuck silently into the room. To Alucard’s right was his large crimson red silk bed, and to Inuyasha this was the perfect trap. Like a hungry dog, the anxious hanyou stalked his pray skillfully until he managed to creep his way behind his host. Smiling both in anticipation and shock because he had expected that this age old combat warrior would of sensed his presents. Alucard sat in front of the fire watching it slowly dyeing away. His mind was spinning with the images of his guest. The vampire Lord smiled insanely when he thought of taking the hanyou by force, and so much was he engulfed in his own thoughts that he didn't hear the intruder stalking him from behind. Suddenly Alucard was being tackled and forced on to his own bed with Inuyasha’s arms holding him down. The spry hanyou was laying on top of his host, propping himself up with his legs, that were also pinning the surprised vampire down to the bed. Their hips were sealed together tightly, forced down by the half demons weight. Breathing heavily on top of the lord Inuyasha smiled, declaring his victory, but didnt know what to do now. And Alucard, not scowling in angry defeat, but was instead grinning with satisfaction. “What are you waiting for?” Alucard raised his head and whispered into his captors ear, “claim your prize.” At first the Inu-hanyou lay there in shock, did this vampire and he really want the same thing? Eying his host slyly he could see a certain need in his blood red eyes that wasn't there before. Crushing his lips hard onto the vampire the half demon enjoyed the bitter sweet taste of his own tongue caressing his lips. Moaning with approval Alucard willingly opened his mouth and the two fought for dominance. The harsh kiss sent a surge of lustful power through both their bodies, making the two males especially aggressive. Alucard could feel a wound inside of the half demons mouth being ripped open and his blood swam fluently in-between their sealed lips. Squeezing down harder on his captive’s wrists the silver haired half demon growled possessively, and his light grunt was met with a deeper louder moanish growl that made their tongues vibrate with in the joined mouth. Alucard continued his fight for dominance and roughly turn the younger demon over on his back. Inuyasha arched at the touch of his hips being crudely pressed against the vampire lords. Smiling sinisterly he pulled away from his guest lips. Looking up at the older demon hovering over him, the hanyou didn't know what to expect, and slowly began to sit up as his host did. Sitting on his knees Alucard’s jet black hair slightly covered his face. He stood up and left the other demon on the bed. He whimpered lightly wanting the vampire to come back to bed. Soon regretted the whine seeing Alucard's eyes shift looking back at him and said, "patience pet... I'll be back." As the vampire walked over to a dresser of sorts the hanyou considered the name 'pet', though he didn't like being less than any one, he didn't mind this vampires name for him, in fact he liked it. Looking back up at Alucard he noticed some thing in his hands, he had four straps of long silk, and what looked like oil. The excited vampire once again sat down on top of his guest hips, strattling him tightly. His head rested higher than Inuyasha's, and the half demon looked up catching a playful gleam in his eyes. Inuyasha smirked, waiting like and eager child for his next move. The vampire moved quickly and crushed Inuyasha's lips, dipping his hungry tongue deep down into his guest open mouth. While the hanyou was busy clashing tongues, Alucard wrestled with the two ruby red silk straps and swiftly tied them around the others wrists, tightly chained to the bead. Inuyasha hadn't noticed his new handicap, until his host pulled away and looked down at him "You should be essayer to play with now..." He said in a husky flow. Inuyasha tugged at the silk bondage, though he didn't scowl. After making sure the chains were stable he returned his captors gaze. "These wont hold me for long, so you better frak me now." "Would you really want to leave?" In one quick move the vampire brutally pounced on top of the half demon and harshly pushed him down on to the bed. Inuyasha didn't have any say over what was being done to his body, he didn't struggle to fight free either. He wanted to be played with, and tough too. The hanyou relaxed and enjoyed the sensual torture. Alucard’s strong lips began to travel downward. Slowly the vampire taunted his warm flesh with his slick tongue as it danced across his chest and to the shallow slash that cut into him arm and to his down to his lower torso. Wriggling his tongue into the half demons wound the vampire allowed his blood to send him into a blissful high. Feeling Alucard inside his body, the sliver haired demon roared erotically and his body again arched tightly with incredible ecstasy. Little bumps dimpled his sweaty skin, is whole body was aching for more. Though the room had long since grew chilly cold for the fire had died away, the two demons kept warm through the lustful friction they shared together .Using his lips to massage against the half blooded demons skin the lord could feel the powerful effect of Inuyasha’s blood being sucked down his own throat. He indulged again whipping his tongue deeper into his arm. Now the vampire could feel his tongue between two fleshy muscles thumping with life, and his eyes rolled into the back of his skull. Inuyasha turned his head to meet Alucard’s cheek and trailed kisses up to his ear. The younger demon began to violently suck on his lobe, tugging on the soft cartilage and licking heavily sending a shiver down his hosts spine. The hanyou purred softly into his ear, and the vampire could feel his warm breath caressing his own face. The older demon, having his full, separated his demanding lips from the half demons chest, leaving behind a ring of irritated skin. Smiling up at the vampire Inuyasha kissed up and down his neck, and between each rough kiss he whispered, “how, was, your, dessert?” He looked back down at his guest, they had shared the same twisted desires from the very beginning. “Dessert was perfect, the tainted bitter taste of a demon mixed with the sweet innocence of a mortal. The best of both worlds.” He then abruptly shook his head and caught the hanyous lips with his own in a crude short sloppy kiss that caught the attention of both their erections. The vampire stripped his pants off while indulging in the kiss. Again sitting up on top of the silver haired demon, he caressing their hips together making the bed shake unsteadily. Inuyasha lay pinned to the bed enjoying his dark desires, and wanting more. Alucard smiled and leaned his body closer, bring his lips to the hanyous chest, slowly kissing his way down. His tongue danced harshly on his skin and stopped at the rim of his pants. The vampire extended a clawed finger and lightly stroked the crotch of his guest pants, the pressure was too light to relieve any tension, but just enough to cause more. "Alucard please." He whimpered hopelessly. "Please what? Please stop...?" He taunted his victim playfully, he needed to hear this pride full creature to beg for it. "No!" He yelped. "no, don't stop...please Alucard I want, please don't stop." He whined again begging for the vampires touch. "As you wish." He smiled, satisfied with his plea. Alucard continued to ripped the red cloth until he was cut free. Even in the night air the vampires amused smiled could be seen, his many inhuman teeth shown with enjoyment as he saw the hanyous long hard erect cock. "Half blood, that is interesting." He breathed and lightly wrapped his fingers around the shaft. Inuyasha's body once again quaked for more. Alucard heard his plea and gently blew on the head of his dick, and then squeezed hard, moving up and down on the swollen member. "Alucard!" Inuyasha moaned out in pleasure and his back arched as far as his bondage would allow. The vampire smile sinisterly and again contracted his hands around his cock then licked the head. He swirled his warm tongue all over the tip, teasing his flesh. Alucard brought his lips up to his dick and grazed one of razor sharp fangs against the fragile skin. A small scratch began to ooze blood, the vampire was both hungry for blood and Inuyasha's sweet seed. The hanyous body yearned for more, the pain from the cut sent him spinning into bliss and he wanted more, he wanted Alucard to bleed him and frak him at the same time. The vampire couldn't take it any more, he needed to taste this hanyou blood fused cum in his mouth. He continued to swallow his cock down his throat, as it slide down the sides were also grazed by the vampires awesome jaws, opening up more cuts. Blood filled Alucard’s mouth as he worked up and down, dragging the shaft through his deep throat. Inuyasha's dick was ringing, so much tension had built up over the night and it needed to be released. Another moan escaped his mouth and he clamped down hard on his teeth. Adding to the pressure Inuyasha bent his waist up, forcing his cock down farther. The vampire would of smiled, if there was any room left on his lips. Alucard growled deeply in his chest, and it bellowed up to his throat, causing it and Inuyasha's dick to vibrate in his mouth. "Ughnle." The half demon bellowed loudly and showered the room in his pleasure. Alucard repeated his growl, this time deeper and stronger, then began to pull up and down on Inuyasha's throbbing cock while growling. That was it for Inuyasha, his engorged dick had taken all the beatings it could manage, his climax was rising and his whole body could feel it. Alucard new it to, he could feel the hanyou's quivering body burning, wanting to release the flood that was screaming inside Alucard’s throat. "Alucard!" Inuyasha's back arched as his cock dumped a load of smoldering cum into his hosts mouth. "Yes! Uhgn, alucard!" The flow continued and to the half demons surprise the vampire stayed locked onto his weeping member. Lapping up every last drop. Alucard savored the taste of Inuyasha's cum mixed blood...and happily sucked it all down. "Damn half demon." He whispered after pulling away from his twitching dick. "Quiet a lot of cum." He smiled and lick his lips, then dove onto his guest and forced his tongue in. Inuyasha was too exhausted from his orgasm to even speak, but gladly returned the kiss. “Alucard, that was great.” He managed through heavy pants. "I'm glad you liked it.” Alucard smiled and kissed at his guests ear then turned him around on his stomach, slightly twisting the silk restraints. Again he sat rested on top of Inuyasha’s toned ass but this time he was ready to ride him. “But now it's my turn." He chuckled deeply. "Ready?” He asked and before the hanyou could answer began to separate his legs, exposing a tight canal. He got the oil and lathered it onto his hard member, and he had to refrain from working the oil too much, he wanted to save all his stamina for the hanyou. Inuyasha laughed slightly and braced himself for the penetration. “What are you waiting for?” With out another word from either of them Alucard rammed his erect member hard into the half demons body, forcing a horrible scream from the younger demon. He could feel his cock traveling through the tight canal inside Inuyasha’s body, it was warm and tight. The fleshy rings squeezed over his throbbing dick, and he wanted more. He began to rock in and out of Inuyasha, every time he yelled in pain, but the cry always ended in a needy moan. The half demon liked the feeling Alucards hard long shaft sliding in and out, faster and harder, into his ass, “Inuyasha.” Alucard moaned through clenched teeth and threw his head back. He began to work faster and the thrusts became harder and more frequent. Alucard snaked his hand down to Inuyasha's cock, it was hard again and needed attention. The vampire twirled his thumb over Inuyasha's head and started to pump the organ. The younger demon thrusted into his hands as Alucard pounded his ass. Their bodies now moved in sync, and the rhythmic beating moved both of the males back and forth. “Argh!” Alucard could feel his cock ring out, he was about to cum inside his guest. Inuyasha could feel it too, and it made his frak the vampires hand faster. The older demon growled loudly and pushed in one last time as the cum flowed out of his body and into the half demon. Inuyasha exploded at once into the others hand, his whole frame was shaking. After the relieving flood stopped pouring from Alucard he demounted the younger demon and rolled over next to him. Now the two exhausted demons lay panting beside each other in a mess of sweat and cum; both still feeling the orgasm quake through them. Inuyasha rolled over and was now on his back again, resting next to Alucard. "Do you treat all your guests with such great hospitality?" The younger demon asked as he kissed along the vampires jaw line. Alucard released a tired moan and leaned over to face the hanyou. "Only the really hot ones." He laughed and caught his lips in a lustful kiss. "So are you gonna untie me?" He asked looking up at the silk bondage after they parted the kiss. "I suppose, you've been a good boy." He smiled and pulled the silk away with his teeth, not breaking eye contact with his guest. "Your a tease Alucard." He chuckled and sat up after his writs bondage was cut loose. He leaned over the foot of the bed, looking for his ripped pants. Alucard licked his lips and smiled back at his invitation. Like an animal the vampire pounced at the hanyou, and landed gently on his back, sweaty skin rubbing against sweaty skin. "Now who's the tease?" The older demon smirked from his place on the bed and looked down at the half demon who was still on all fours. "That wasnt teasing," he turned over now in the vampires lap and slapped his tongue around in his mouth, probing deep into Alucards throat. They separated the wet kiss and Inuyasha couldn't help but fall onto the older demons chest. "Well," He started, "I certainly thank you for an entertaining night." "To say in the least." He mused hoarsely. "Yes, but you know we never did quiet finish our battle." He hinted, and sat up. "We did, and you lost remember half breed?" "No refresh my memory." Inuyasha slammed into Alucards side and pushed him up against the wall. He laughed and pushed him away three feet, then jumped away from the wall. "I'll show you!" "Fine then rematch!" Inuyasha dove at him again, this time pinning his wrist up against the wall, and sealing their hips together so he had little room. The half demon smiled and found the bite mark he had left a few hours early. Inuyasha kissed it softly, "I win." Alucard chuckled slightly and raised his head so his guest could have better access to the wound. "This time." He reluctantly pulled away from his host. "You can come back any time." His mouth flaunted his many sharp teeth again. "You were a very amusing guest." "And you can find me any time." Inuyasha stepped up to the large stone window in the corner of the room, they shared one last lustful kiss before the hanyou leaped away into the sun rise. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There it is! Pleez review and let us know what you think!
If you like it lemme kno, i was thinking about making a FluffyxAlu fic next?
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