Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction / One Piece Fan Fiction ❯ Omni Piece ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Eiichiro Oda and Man of Action. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are theirs. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the One Piece or Ben 10 Series. I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.

Omni Piece

An One Piece/Ben 10 crossover

Part Four

Luffy did what no one expected, he lifted the huge Buggy Ball Cannon and threw it at the Buggy Pirates. The weight of the cannon caused the floors of the ship to burst from the strain as it sank into the ship. It continued to fall into the ship as Luffy changed again into Mr. Ray and tried to lift the two friends of his into the air. It was not easy with the weight, but Luffy was trying his best. So he left them behind as there was soon a water sprout coming from the point where Luffy had thrown the cannon.

Luffy could feel the draining of energy from Zoro as they flew, with the green haired man becoming more and more like dead weight. Luffy was still trying to figure out if any version of himself might have something to help with the wounded swordsman. Beams of green light shot out of Mr. Ray's tail to give extra speed to the alien pirate, making them move quicker to the mainland. Luffy ran out of juice in front of a pet store as he transformed into his human form. As Nami tried to see what she could do for Zoro, Straw Hat Boy laid down panting out his breath... as a nearby dog took that moment to pee on the red shirted boy's tongue.

"Bleech! Why you do that you stupid dog!" said Luffy as he jumped up with renewed energy to try and strange the little grey dog.

"Leave Shu Shu alone! He's no harm to you, you bully!" yelled an older man as the Omnitrix Boy dropped the dog gently.

It was mere moments before they were in the home of the older man, who happened to be a the mayor of the town they were in. Turns out the mayor's name was Boodles and most of the town's people had left the town when Buggy arrived.

"So why come back at all with Buggy on the loose?" asked the orange haired female with them, as she looked at the sleeping Zoro. The swordsman's wounds had been bandaged up so they could heal better.

"It's because of the dog you met, Shu Shu. He belonged to a good, old friend of mine named Hocker. I bought little Shu Shu for him when the dog was a puppy during a bad time for the village and Hocker's pet store in particular. I never seen a dog take to an owner more or a better treated dog in the world, Shu Shu was the love of Hocker's life. Then sadly the old man passed on, leaving the store and Shu Shu. The village took it to themselves to feed and take care of the little dog, but the little dog has taken to living in and guarding the pet store his master owned. I know Shu Shu knows Hocker is passed on, but the store has so many good memories with this place he has to protect it." spoke the Mayor as Luffy listened on with Nami.

The obviousness of the pet store crossed Luffy head before the sound hit. A yelling voice of someone who was in grea pain of some kind. The black haired boy, the orange haired girl and the old mayor ran out to the streets and noticed a strange man on a huge green lion with a purple mane with plenty of sharp teeth. On him was a white haired man with teddy bear like ears. His shirt was made of white fur which only covered his upper chest and was sleeveless. He wore a yellow sash on his waist and blue pants. Shu Shu stood up to the giant lion, but was batted away by the mighty king of beasts. Lufy could take it no more and decided on just the right friend to use.

"Omni Omni Mr. Mutt!" said the straw hatted boy as he transformed. His body twisted and moved from a biped to a quadruped, something which looked like a blending of ape and canine. His front paws were shaped closer to a human hand and claws burst from each toe or finger. Eyes disappeared as gill emerged, mouth opened up to rows of sharpened teeth. Orange quill like fur covered his body as a small tail appeared as well. The Omnitrix was on a shoulder mount which was on his left shoulder. The eyeless beast growled and howled as it seemed to be 'looking' for something.

The new Mr. Mutt went charging at the lion beast which was trying to head to the pet store, but was blocked by one loyal dog. The lion was so focus on the dog it missed the orange beast jumping down on it's head with claws digging in hard. The bright coloured alien then backhanded the rider with it's hands. The beast howled as it jumped up and down on the lion till it was pushed into the ground. The rider looked up at Luffy and gave a nasty smirk as if he was in control over everything.

"I am Mohji the Animal Trainer and Master of all Beasts. Now my wild monster, you will bend to my great powers over animals and submit." The animal trainer held out his hand for the monster to halt in his tracks. The beast made some kind of choking noises which all around them took as a sign of submission. Then out game the extra-terrestial loogie all over Mohji's face. The beast moved quickly to the 'animal trainer' and slapped him so hard he flew into the horizon. The lion looked at the man in the horizon and the monster dog like beast before him before deciding to follow it's master.

The beast looked back at the shop as it and the humans noticed it a flame from the battle knocking over flammables and sparks. Luffy instantly changed into a blue lizard and blew a stream of icy cold wind at the site and freezing the burnt remains. Most of the building was gone, but some of the wood was spared. Frozen solid, but spared. Lufy just sadly returned to his human form as small tears left his eyes at what he had witnessed, the lost of a treasure.

Back on the Buggy Ship...

Buggy had been working his crew into a frenzy, which only left Mohji to hunt down the monster and his crew. All able hands were fixing the floors of the ship to prevent further sinking or they were pumping out the water in the ship. Speed was the word of the moment as all involved tried to avoid falling into the water, especially since their Captain would hunt them down and kill them if he survived the swim. Not likely given their boss' devil fruit, but it was still not worth the risk. In a minor amount of time, the ship was not pretty but functional.

The next task was getting a Buggy Bomb Cannon ready to blow up the town into the tiniest pieces ever to flush out their prey. It was during this mission for revenge that Mohji came flying in as they could see Richie the Lion swimming after him. Buggy looked at the crashed landed man on his deck and said, "I take it you didn't get a win, did you?"

"No, captain. The monster boy turned into another beast monster and threw me away. It's due to him having a human mind, I bet. Who knows how many monsters he can become?"

"Thanks for the information, Mohji. Now you can get Richie to help with the cannon, which we need now more then ever. We have to soften up the beast boy before we cut him to pieces. So get the cannons up there and firing, Now, Now NOW!" bellowed Buggy as he started to take everything personally.

It took around fifteen minutes with the whole crew working, but a cannon was ready to fire a Buggy Bomb. The giant firearm was loaded and lit, within a few minutes a giant ball was launched into the air before falling to earth some where on the island village.

In the village...

The mayor's house exploded into wooden splinters of all sizes, which would have worried all there about the health of the swordsman in the home. Save the green haired man was standing in the middle of the rubble as he was now awake. He asked without any emotion save confusion, "Did I missed anything?"

"He's destroyed my home. He's destroyed Shu Shu's home. He's destroying this village. As Mayor I can not allow this villain to escape justice. I am going to bring him in and arrest him for his crimes. For SHU SHU!" shouted the mayor as he tried to charge the shoreline.

"Buggy will kill you! You're not strong enough to fight against Buggy and his devil fruit. You also got to tend with his crew of psychopaths and sociopaths, trained killers who life to make people suffer like all pirates. You can't take them on all alone." cried Nami as she seemed to be very concerned with the elected official.

"She's right. Better to leave this to Luffy and me. Now that I know about his little tricks, I'm not going to be fooled again when he slices apart." said Zoro as he looked at his new captain.

"I actually have a few friends which might make it a little more tough for Buggy to fight me. But you're not going to make it if you take him one himself." said Luffy as he seemed to be more serious then his usual manner, a little more quit then normal as well.

"I'm going to make him pay, with or without you. For Shu Shu!" said the Mayor as he rushed for the ship off the shore of the island.

"He's going to need our help Luffy, or else Buggy is going to squash him like a bug. So let's get going." said Zoro as he moved to look at the beach.

"So Nami, you want to join my crew or would you just be willing to help us help the mayor? Cause he needs all the help he can get against Buggy." said Luffy with little of the light heartiness he had displayed before.

"I'll help you for now, since we have the same cause. Just don't expect me to be joining your crew anytime soon." said Nami as she seemed to gain some steel in her manner. They moved to the location of the beach and started to walk towards it.

Back with Buggy...

"Alright, it's time for another little present from Buggy! Shoot a new Buggy Bomb when I say fire. Ready, set..." started the blue haired clown as he prepared the bomb another part of the village. The pirates had set up shop from the ship to the docks on the island itself to help bombard the village easier. It was then an old man in pieces of armour jumped up in front of the clown captain.

"In the name of Orange Town, I command you to stop and turn yourself in to the authorities. Namely myself as Mayor." said the man as he stood his ground before the building the cannons.

"Guess they might need a new mayor then." said Buggy as his hand fired from his arm and started to choke the old man. It was then the red shirted Straw hat man came out and joined the mayor, pulling Buggy's hands off the neck of the old man.

"Thank you, now I can take on this ruffian..." the words of the mayor were interrupted when Lufy slammed down his fist into the old man's head enough to knock him out.

"Okay Big Nose, it's me you're going to be fighting." said Luffy as he stood between before the clown.

"Big nose, you dare to call me that! I'll answer that with a Buggy Bomb. Men, fire at the loser!" Buggy stood there, as the cannon was turned around and shot within a few seconds with a much shorter fuse. Before it hit Luffy there was a sudden flash of green light and the boy was no longer there, which shocked the clown captain enough he split himself in half.

Then the building started to freeze from some unseen source, making it less strong against any attack. Another green flash and a being of fire as well as magma was shooting fireballs at the frozen building. The building started to shake and tremble as the mixing of cold and heat were about to bring the building down. Buggy acted on his instinct and grabbed two of his crewmen to act as human cushions for him. Another of his crew used the giant lion Richie as a pillow from damage, getting Mohji angry at the crew member. A kick from the crew member was sending the animal trainer flying.

Buggy looked at the crew mate and said, "Cabaji, kill that idiot with the weird devil fruit powers. Now! "

The crew member named Cabaji was on a unicycle. He was in a sleeveless purple coat with a light blue sash over white pants and his chest bare. A white and blue checker scarf was around his neck covered his lower face, as it also showed off his strange hair. His left side was long with greenish-black hair, but his right side was shaved in stipes of hair and no hair. He was armed with a long sword pointed straight at Mr. Flame.

The sword and the unicycle rider was deflected by another sword as Zoro protected his captain from harm. Zoro then spoke, "I'm your opponent here. Swordman versus swordsman, first mate against what I expect is Buggy's first mate. Till only one man is standing... me."

"I guess that's how it's going to be, except for who's going to be standing last." said Cabaji as he threw a kick to Zoro's still wounded side, causing the green haired man to fall. The man who fell was soon the man who rose as he stood up, not wanting to loose and continuing with the fighting.

"Time for some of my carnival tricks, starting with my Arsonist's Flame!" shouted Cabaji as he fired flame from his mouth, only to have it sucked in a sharp angle as Mr. Flame sucked up all of the fire.

"Mr. Flame is master of fire of all types, so you shouldn't expect to be able to use it around me." said the fiery captain of the crew of two.

"Then it's time for me to use my steam, Murder at the Steambath!" Cabaji this time spun his sword with the point in the dirt, stirring up all of the dust on it into a cloudy screen where his opponent couldn't see. From within the cloud Cabaji made use of the cover to make sword strikes to slash at Zoro, only for most of the slashes to be blocked and even a few counters to be used on the acrobat. Zoro remained standing within the cloud of dust as it began to clear.

The enemy first mate took this time to call out A Hike in the Mountains before switching to Dance of a Hundred Kamikaze Tops! This was followed by a hundred spinning medium size tops at Zoro which caused the former bounty hunter cut the toys to deflect them. Which left the new first mate open for the enemy swordsman to run down at him with sword point from the top of the building that Cabaji had managed to climb with his one wheeled transportation. Zoro stood ready to move out of the way, when Buggy fired his other hands to hold Zoro still for the attack.

What the clown had forgotten was the fact there was a burning man in the neighbourhood, as Mr. Flame managed to shoot a flare of flame at the hands as they headed for the swordsman. The clown screamed in pain as his singed hands returned to his body as the foe captain tried to stick both of his hands into his big mouth. Zoro made a show of jumping out of the way of the attack by the acrobat as well as giving a vocal jab with, "I guess that you're not as acrobatic as you thought. Maybe I should start my own show, I could rake up the beli not including Luffy's sideshow act."

"Not a sideshow, I'm a bunch of aliens." came the fire man's reply.

Cabaji turned around and lined up an attack for against Zoro while the three blade man took time to start a charge against Cabaji, which was duplicated by the acrobatic man. Zoro pulled out his own attack as he got into range, "Demon Slash!"

The twin hand swords had been crossed over each other and over the centre mouth blade while Zoro had been charging, when he swung all of the blades. There were two descending diagonal slashes from the hand blades across his chest, while his mouth blade made a horizontal strike from left to right. Three slashes descended on Cabaji and took him down to the ground, which was quickly followed by Zoro after he saw he had the win. Leaving Luffy with the pirate clown in their own battle.

"I'll take over, Zoro," said Luffy as he moved his non-burning straw hat on his head forward.

"First off, why isn't that hat burning? Second off, that stupid hat has to go. It reminds me of the man who I hate the most in the world. The man I'm going to kill once I get my treasure. The biggest idiot in the world, next to you." said the enemy captain as they sized up the battle.

"Wait a minute, you mean Shanks? How do you know Shanks, cause I don think he would hang around a monstrous big nose like you." with these words, Luffy shifted into Mr. Hand and prepared to fight against the clown.

Buggy stomped his foot to cause blades to appear from the souls of the shoes. Then he cried out "Chop Chop Buzzsaw", as his lower hald spun as well as the blades in his shoes making a sharpened top to attack. Luffy instantly became Mr. Diamond and hardened his rocky skin. Metal knives grind against regenerating stone, soon becoming dull as the knives chipped and pitted against the crystal surface.

Once the top had stopped, Mr. Diamond rose and shot out some crystal shaped knives from his fingers. These were avoided by the clown by use of his devil fruit to split into pieces to avoid the crystals. Even performing what buggy called his Chop Chop Quick Escape, which was just popping off his head to avoid it being hit by an attack.

"Chop Chop Cannon!" yelled buggy as he used his patented attack where his hands shot out at his foes, trying to knock Mr. Diamond down some how. The hand was closed with knives between the knuckles for added damage, but they only managed to cause harm to the straw hat on Luffy's head. A light nick was on the brim of the hat, but this caused Luffy to growl in angry.

"Don't touch my treasure! " called out the crystal humanoid.

"Treasure? That ratty old thing? It's more garbage, not worth a single beli. More use to dump the crappy thing and get something more useful, like expired milk. At least you can make cheese from that." Buggy was smiling as he taunted Luffy as the taunts revealed what looked like a weakness in the alien boy. Which was why Buggy shot out his hand and stabbed through the hat with his knuckle knives which was knocked off the head of the crystal man, which caused the huge extra-terrestial to jump after the hat. The hat zoomed out of reach for each time the crystal man went after it. Frustration covering the face of the green stony being as the hand returned to the clown captain.

"Maybe I should see if I can burn this hat when it's not on your empty head? Or maybe I should slice it into pieces like I'm going to do to Shanks the next time I see him and his moronic grin? I hate that fool more then anything in the world and if it was up to me he would be more curse then I am, to drown on land if I had anything to do with it." said Buggy as he burst into laughter with the final words spoken.

Luffy fumed and growled as he seemed to be deep in thought with the lost of his precious hat and it's arrival in the hands of Luffy's enemy. Luffy stood his ground as he looked to get that hat back before it got damaged any worse then it was.