Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction / One Piece Fan Fiction ❯ Omni Piece ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Eiichiro Oda and Man of Action. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are theirs. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the One Piece or Ben 10 Series. I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.

Omni Piece

An One Piece/Ben 10 crossover

Part Six

Two ships sail the sea next to each other with the only noise being the sound of the surf. One had the skull and bones of a Jolly Roger with a bright red clown nose on a background of black for it's sail. The smaller ship had a white sail with nothing on it, but it did have a dark haired man with a straw hat sitting on the tip of the bow. He was also dressed in a red sleeveless shirt and blue shorts with his feet protected with sandals.

On the larger boat was the form an orange haired woman looking over at the straw hat man before she spoke to him, "We need to plan things out more."

"What do you mean?" asked the straw hat as he turned to look at her on the other boat.

"Are we really going to the 'Grand Line' like this?" came the question as an answer to his comment.

"Well, I had more supplies when I was on the Line before or when I was in space. Better ships too. Plus a lot more meat which made things easier. Kinda hard to find food everyone can eat in space, what with people being made of things other then meat. Like rocks and star matter." said straw hat, as his smile spread to each ear.

The woman blinked at the mention of space and the 'Grand Line'. She asked him, "When were you on the 'Grand Line'? "

"It was Haikankou duties, you what that's like. It was part of what I owed them for their help." continued the straw hat man.

"You were a plumber on the most dangerous stretch of land in the world, and now you want to be Pirate King? Please tell me how this makes sense?"

"Hey, we also don't have any sake to drink either. Nothing like a lack of booze to make a trip boring." commented the green haired man who was laying the length of the smaller boat.

"Let's not worry about the problem with the food supplies or the lack of alcohol. The place we're going, the "Grand Line" is the most dangerous place in the world, like I said before the sake interruption. Every pirate in the world wishes to get the treasure there, and so we're going to need a good ship to get their first," continued the only female in the trio before she moved on, "We're also short on crew members and there's not any good equipment for sailing on these boats. Without these things and people, just getting to the "Grand Line" won't be safe."

"Okay, so what do we do then?" asked the straw hat, as he looked on with a confused look.

The oranged haired woman sat on the ground and looked at a map she had in hand, "We have to prepare first, and plan for the journeys ahead. There's a village due north. We should go there first, so when we get their we can look for a better ship as soon as possible."

"And get some good meat, like Piscciss seafood or beef from Khoros. At least I think it was from a cow like animal. It had horns and udders, two sets of udders with it's six legs..." commented the straw hat as he looked to the horizons. The woman just looked at the straw hat more confused then before.


A young man stood at the edge of the shore looking out onto the sea as he said, "Hu Hu! It's such a beuatiful day... There's nothing like starting such a happy and refreshing day by looking at the sea."

He wore a hat of tan with a cross-hatch pattern on it as well as a pair of goggles. His black hair was stuffed under the hat, except for the clutch of the waves of hair. He wore a pair of brown overalls with a blue sash on his hips, with no shirt underneath the pants. His shoes were olive green with a small square heel, which began just over the ankles and showed off skin to place where the overalls ended on his shins. On his left wrist was a sock like band of blue and white stripes. His mouth was very wide and his most notable features of his super long and pointy nose.

Birds chirped in the distance near the village. Which was the only nose until it was broken by the screaming of the boy by the ocean, "This is bad! We're in danger!! The Pirates are attacking! The pirates are coming! The pirates are coming! Everybody run!!"

The boy had started running to the village and the began to run through the village. Villagers instead of reacting like they were under attack from criminals behaved in a different manner. Some used the yelling as an alarm for them to go to work, some laughed at the news being told. This was explained as the boy answered with, "Just joking! Waha-ha-ha-ha! "

However this did not go down with some of the villagers as brooms were brought out and pots thrown at the boy. This was the prologue to the overall boy being cased through out the village till he shooked them off his tail, laughing at his trick. In his mind he had done a good deed by giving the boring village some excitement, which he celebrated by laying down in the tree. He was interrupted by the sound of someone shouting, "Ah, there he is!"

He was surprised until he saw who it was before speaking, "Oh! It's you guys."

"Good Morning, Captain Usopp!" shouted the first boy, Piiman. He had running shoes, blue shorts and the same light blue sash as the brown overall boy. His green shirt had a skull and crossbones on them, plus green hair in the shape of a bell pepper with long sideburns.

"Usopp's pirate crew, ready for action!" came the second boy, known as Ninjin. He had brown boots, orange shorts, brown sash and a black pull over. His face was freckled, on his head was a orange hat with a skull and bones. His hair was shaped like a carrot, even with it's light purple colour.

The boy in overalls who had been named Usopp began with a question, "Piiman, Ninjin? Why are only you guys here? Where's Tamanegi?"

"He's probably still sleeping, right?" asked Ninjin as he looked at Piiman.

"Uh! I think so!" replied the other boy as he nodded his head in agreement.

"How can he sleep so much?" asked the 'captain' before a shout stopped him.

The shout continued into a cry of "This is bad! " before more yelling continued.

"It's Tamanegi!!" said Ninjin, as the three of them turn to the road to the sea.

"What is he yelling about?" answered Piiman.

The boy shouted about things being bad as he ran into sight. Black buckle shoes, brown shorts, yellow sash, and a light yellow shirt with a blue padded vest was what he wore. He had glasses with square lenses and light brown hair in the shape of an onion. He continued with, "The pirates are coming!! "

"It's true! I just saw it! The ship had a skull flag and has come down to the southern part of the shore!" cried the boy as he panted for breath.

The previous trio of males answered back with, "You're lying!"

"It's true! And the symbol on the flag is of Buggy's pirate fleet!"

"What did you say?" asked Usopp as he began to freak out at the news.

"It's true! We're all dead!" said Tamanegi, as he seemed determined even with the news to be seen as telling the truth.

"Sorry, time for snacks!" said Usopp as he tried to make a run for the village.

"Don't run away!" shouted the younger boys as they started to sweat at the actions of their captain.

Returning and panting Usopp continued, "Actually, I have this disease that will kill me if I don't eat snacks..."

"You're lying!" came the reply from the younger generation.

"Captain, aren't you always saying you want to be a real pirate?" asked Ninjin as he sweated some more.

"How can a pirate be afraid of other pirates?" asked Ninjin, who was also sweating more.

"That's right! And there are only three of them!" answered Tamanegi as he added more information they didn't know.

"Wait, three...? Isn't it a big ship?" asked the boy in the brown overalls.

"It's just two small boats!" answered the onion like boy.

Okay Usopp Pirates, let's move! Let's fight for the village and peace! Let's go! Follow me!" said the leader as he tried to inspire his followers and lead them to the beach.

"Yes! Yes, Captain!" came the reply from the youngsters as they followed him to the landing site.

One the beach...

Straw hat was standing on his small boat as he looked at the woman from the other boat on the beach as he said, "Wow! There's really an island here."

"So what did you expect? We followed the map, so it won't be wrong." answered Nami as she looked back while holding the map.

"Is there a village here?" asked straw hat as he looked at the woman.

"Uh huh! Looks like there's a small village." said Nami as she looked at her map for another look.

Up on a ridge over the beach were the Usopp Pirates, watching the trio below.

"Hey! Tamanegi, are those the pirates you were talking about?" asked their captain.

"That's right. Look, there's a pirate symbol." said the onion boy, while keeping an eye on the ships.

"They don't look scary." commented the pepper like boy, while the carrot like boy said "Yeah!"

A shocked and series looked crossed Usopp's face as he continued to watch.

The green haired man stood up and stretched as he continued, "Been a long time since I last stood on firm ground..."

"That's because you were sleeping all of the time we were on the ocean." said straw hat as he held his hat on his head.

"By the way, I just noticed a moment ago... what are those guys doing there?" asked green hair as he pointed straight at the Usopp pirates. Usopp was shocked and suprised, causing him to look at his men. Men who were running for their lives in the opposite direction.

"Hey! You... Don't run away!!" shouted Usopp as the young boys shouted, "Waaaaa...! We've been found out!!"

The trio were still looking at him as he turned around to take a moment to gather himself. He then took on a more confident look and demeaner as he told them, "I am the great pirate fleet leader, Usopp, who is in charge of the security of this village. I am also known as 'Captain', 'Captain Usopp'! "

He moved to stand right in front of them as he continued with his speech, "It's best if you don't try to attack this village, because my eighty million men are not going to forgive you! "

"You're lying, right?" asked the orange haired girl, which cause the 'Captain' to act as if he had been hit. Hands to his head as his jaw dropped showing off his teeth.

"Waa! I've been caught!" said Usopp as he tried to recover.

"See, you even said it yourself." continued the orange haired girl, as she started to sweat.

"Arghh! Did I just say that? Bad planning! Bad planning indeed!" shouted Usopp as his head tilled up as his legs twisted also in a different direction.

Straw hat started to laugh as he said, "Shishishishi! You're so funny."

"Don't underestimate me. I am a man with high self-esteem, and everyone calls me the 'Honourable Usopp'." answered the 'captain' as he started to get mad at the way he was being treated by these pirate trio.

Later at a bar and restaurant...

"What? Looking for companions? You're looking for companions and a big ship?" asked Usopp as he took the trio for lunch, trying to figure them out.

"Yup! " said Straw hat as he tore into a leg of meat. Green hair was drinking down a bottle of sake, while orange hair was drinking her own glass.

"Oh, Sounds like a big adventure!" said Usopp as he was getting more and more excited. Dreams of piracy danced in his head.

"There's only one place where you can find the stuff you want in this village... Although it's not a very big ship, but it's not that small either." continued Usopp to the small group of pirates.

"Where?" asked the only female at the table.

"There's a mansion not far from this village that belongs to a wealthy family. This ship belongs to the mansion's owner. We say that she's the owner of the mansion, she is a pitiful young girl. A weak and sickly girl that always lies on the bed..."

"Eh? Then how come she's the owner of the mansion?" asked Orange hair in result of Usopp's continuing story.

"Ma'am! Another plate of Meat!" cried out straw hat with a bone sticking out of his mouth.

"I want some more sake..." cried out green hair as the two of them seemed to not paying attention to Usopp's story.

The reaction was simple as Usopp screeched out, "Are you listening to me !!? "

Usopped continued his story for the woman's sake, "I think it happened around a year ago... that girl's parents died of sickness, leaving her a large inheritance, a mansion, and over ten servants. Even if you're really rich, it doesn't exempt you from sorrow.

The woman looked like she was making plans in her head when she banged her hand to the table before saying, "Forget it, Let's forget about searching for a ship in this village. We'll go and search somewhere else..."

"Okay, but we're not in a hurry anyways. I still want some more meat! Let's buy some more meat for our supply." said straw hat as he grinned with his eyes closed.

"Oh yeah, you said earlier that you're looking for companions?" asked Usopp as he looked at the pirates before him.

"Is there somebody who wants to be our companion?" asked straw hat as he was stopped from his meat rampage.

"Let me be the captain and I'll join you!" said Usopp as he put on his world famous hero pose.

"Nevermind! " came the collective reply of the trio.

"What kind of attitude is that?" asked the shocked young man.

In a mansion near the village...

A girl lay in a bed as she called out, "Uhm... Clahador.."

She was a blond and long haired girl with brown eyes in a simple one colour dress of white. As she lay next to a window she was answered by a man with a towel on his arm, one of her servants.

"I... I want to see Usopp-san..."

Outside the restaurant where Usopp and the trio are eating...

Piiman, Ninjin, and Tamanegi are lurking outside the building, hiding from sight of the windows. Piiman asked the question to Tamanegi, "Did the pirates really go into this shop?"

"Yup, I saw them. Captain brought the pirates here! We must save him!! " said the boy as he sweated with his nerves.

"But real pirates are savages, he might have been eaten...!!!" asked the carrot headed boy.

"Idiot! It's only demon hags which eat people. Ninjin, you must be willing to die! This is going to be the most dangerous battle since we started the 'Usopp Pirate Group' !" said Piiman as he gathered the other boys. They rushed into the building and annouced they were there!

"What?" asked the orange haired girl, as she turned to look at them and started to sweat.

Straw hat just sipped his tea and said, "I don't know. Who are they...?"

"Hey... the Captain isn't here... It can't be that... He's been eaten up!" shouted on boy to be followed by the other finishing it up, as their battle aura flamed into life.

"Hey Pirates! What did you do to our captain Usopp! Give us back our captain." continued the boys as straw hat ignored them, orange hair looked confused and green haired just stared.

After finishing his tea, Straw Hat said, "Yum, Yum! What a delicious meal of meat. Not as good as Piscciss seafood, but there's a lot more variety with that."

"Mee-eee-eeat! He...he...ate the captain?!" cried out the surprised children as oranged hair held back some laughter.

"Your captain..." started the green haired man with the swords.

"Wh-what?! What did you do...!?" asked the children as eyes turned to green hair.

"We just... ate him." Green hair said it in a soft, yet creepy voice. A ghastly smile on his lips as he told them what happened.

"Gyaaaaaaahhhhhhh! Demon Hag!!! AAAAAAAAA!!!!" screamed the kids as their eyes started to cry and their haws dropped.

A rageful look crossed the orange haired girls face as he eyes darkened and her teeth were bared, "Why are you looking at me?!! "

The kids fainted as the woman turned her rage on the swordman, "Why did you tell them those weird things?!? "

This all occured as the older man laughed his gut open, and straw hat was watching the kinds on the floor. Time passed as they kids woke up and all was explained.

"It's that time again?" asked one of the kids, as they stood in a row at the table.

"Yup, after he said that, he left the shop." continued the green haired man, as the trio had their eyes on the kids for an explanation of theirs.

"Oh, so it was time to go to the mansion then." said the pepper boy as they stood like their were facing inspection by a superior officer.

"Mansion? The place where the sick girl lives?" asked the woman as she took more notice of the younger trio.

"Yup." answered Ninjin as simply as possible.

"Why does he go there for?" asked the straw hat boy, as he turned to look at the weird thing on his wrist.

"To tell lies!' said Ninjin again, which cause another question to appear.

"Isn't that a bad thing to do?" asked the straw hat, as sweat ran down the back of his head.

"That's not bad. Actually, it's great! Na! " said Piiman as he smiled with his friends at the news.

"Yes, It's very good!!" finished Tamanegi as he pumped his fist back and forth to his body.

"Eeeehhh?" asked Luffy, as he tried to understand.

Author's note:

I have been trying to write this chapter based on the manga of One piece instead of the anime, so this might be a little rough. It might be a little raw, but it should improve in time.

Most of the reason I wrote this was to make sure people knew about the ideas I had floating in my head... plus I was spending too much time on the One Piece Wikia. The main ideas are for implanting Ben 10 characters into the world of One Piece. Plumbers, villains, Forever Knights. Also is the idea of a Akumatrix, the matrix for devil fruits (Akuma no Mi). Kasek mentioned it in the comments, but it is an idea which would be logical in a One Piece world. Another is a new type of devil fruit.

I posted this on my forum in, on my adult yahoo group and on the Maximum Addventure in the episode comments for "Buggy, Pieces out!" for Crossover 10 storyline.

Another thought in my head is the idea of Zoro maybe getting alien sword/s from Luffy, given the periods when they are destroyed by events in the series.

You can comment in the section I mentioned, or where you can. Lets see what happens.
