Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction / One Piece Fan Fiction ❯ Omni Piece ❯ Chapter Seven ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Eiichiro Oda and Man of Action. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are theirs. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the One Piece or Ben 10 Series. I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.

Omni Piece

An One Piece/Ben 10 crossover

Part Seven

"So you want to talk to Usopp again?" asked the man in the mansion outside of the village.He was in a fancy black suit with golden emblems on the side of the jacket's breasts in a shape which resembled piles of poop. His hair was a dark blackish-green, pulled back into a ponytail. On his face were circular wire glasses, as a towel hung from his right arm. His collar ended in a curl with his black tie around his neck and his socks were stripped black and white.

The young owner of the manor asked him, "What's wrong with that? I want to talk to him.

"No! How many times have I told you, he's the biggest liar in the village! If you talk to him, you might catch his bad influence...!" continued the butler who name was Clahador.

"Petty!" commented the owner of the village who was named Kaya as she lay in her bed in illness.

"Yes, call me whatever you want, but I am not changing my mind," he said as he turned away to make up some tea for the lady of the manner. He continued his comments, "Usopp's weird stories are just too exciting to a weak young mistress like you..."

"But I'm feeling okay! " answered the young woman as she tried to counter the lecture of the house butler.

"Listen to me please... when your parents passed away, the specifically instructed me that I must protect Mistress Kaya. That's why I hired the guards, they're there to ensure your safety from dangers and bad elements." continued the butler as he moved his glasses into position, as Kaya looked out the window at the men in black suits on her mansion's grounds.

"All of this is for your own good, mistress." said the Clahador as he played with his glasses until they moved into position.

"Yes, I know..." said the girl as he voice turned down and soft and she looked away to the sheets on her.

"I'm glad you understand. I'll put your medicine here, please take it." he said as he finished up with what he was doing. He left with the slamming of the dorr as she said "Okay".

Minutes passed before there was a voice calling out, "Knock knock."

Kaya looked out to see a familar face and voice, "Usopp-san."

"You have that depressed look again." said the voice of Usopp as he sat under a tree in the landscaped yard outside her window.

As she looked out her bedroom window on the ground level at him she said, "I'm sorry. I wanted to treat you like a proper guest, but Clahador won't allow it. It's not like you are a bad person."

"Never mind, I feel comfortable here. The somberness of the room will suffocate me. Because I am a brave warrior of the sea! " answered the young man as he sat on the green grass before the window.

"So which adventure are you going to tell me today?" asked Kaya as she smiled and got excited.

"Let's see, today I will tell you... about the time when I was five and fought with a southern giant goldfish!!" began Usopp with his tall tale which caused the girl to question it with one word.

"Goldfish? "

"The most amazing thing was it's poop, it was very big and very very long. I thought it was land and even docked there..." continued the boy as the girl laughed at his strangely amusing story.

Bakc at the restaurant...

"Wow, he's a great guy!" shouted out Luffy as he learnt of what it was that Usopp was doing.

Nami leaned on her fist as she said, "So to restore her spirits, he's been going for a year to amuse her with his made up tales?"

"Yup." said Piman as he continued to stand in his line.

"I like his 'Nosiness'." answered Ninjin, speaking of the quality of his captain which he liked best.

"I like the Captain's 'Cowardice'." answered Piman as he continued with this line of thought.

"I like his 'lies'." said Tamanegi, as the final boy gave his answer.

"What kind of strong points are those?" asked the swordman as he looked at the negative aspects being spoken as positive ones.

"So the lady is feeling better already?" askled the boy in the straw hat, getting more interested in the matter for some reason.

"Yeah, and it's all thanks to the captain! " Ninjin answered the unusual boy.

"All right!! Then we shall go to the mansion and ask for a ship!" shouted Luffy in a booming voice as he posed with one hand on his hip and one pointing a fist in the air.

"No!! Didn't you just say you'd give it up? " screamed out Nami as she nearly popped a vein at the sudden mental shift of this pirate captain and strangest man she met.

At the mansion...

Luffy and the three boys who made up the Usopp pirate's stood before the gate, as Nami and Zoro stood more behind them. Luffy began to speak, "Good afternoon, please lend us a ship."

Luffy waited a minute before he started to jump up on the metal gate with, "Let's just go in..."

"Then what's the use of that greeting?" asked Piman as he started to sweat with his fellow pirates.

Nami sighed as she asked with his hand on her face, "We can't stop him, can we?"

"Since we can't stop him, we'll have to follow him." said Zoro as he looked more serious then he had been in a while.

Inside the house, Clahador was starting to speak, "What? Trespassers? Where are the gaurds?"

Another servant who resembled a ram sheep answered him, "Well... They just went out for lunch!!"

Oustide Kaya's window, the girl was asking while laughing, "Hahahaha... so what happened to the goldfish?"

"Well, then I sliced it up into little pieces and sent them to the country of the dwarves. And up to this day they haven't been able to finish eating it. Then, because of my great powers, they all called me..." answered Usopp as he had his eyes closed as he made up his tales.


"Yes, Captai..." Started Usopp as he turned around and looked up at the source of the voice calling out to him. He responded to them with, "Huh!! Why are you all here?"

"We brought this guy here..." Piman explained before being interrupted by Kaya.

"Who's that?"

"Oh! So you're the lady of the house?" asked Luffy without a care in the while or any sense of fear.

Usopp moved quickly as he moved next to luffy and placed an arm around him, "These guys heard of my reputation, and travelled far to see me here. They are the new members of the Usopp pirate group!!"

"Yeah!!" shouted the boys as Luffy tried to correct everyone with, "No! That's not...!!"

The reason of their visit became clear as Lufy asked Kaya for a request, "Yeah, we need a big ship."

"What are you doing here?! " everyone turned to see the butler on the grounds before he continued, "You can't just barge into a mansion like this."

Usopp looked annoyed and frustrated at this turn of events as Kaya spoke his name. Luffy just asked who he was.

"Listen Clahador, these people are..."

"You don't have to explain! I will ask you about it later," he told her as he began to speak to the collective on the yard, "Please get out! Or is there something you need to say?"

"I want a ship..." asked Luffy as he smiled hopefully.

"No way." answered the butler as Luffy 's head fell with his depression and Zoro patted his back. Yet something else caught the eye of the butler.

"You? You're Usopp. I've heard some rumours about you. the villagers talk about you all of the time."

"Oh, Oh thank you. You may call me Captain Usopp. Everyone calls me that..."

"The Gaurds said you were lurking outside the gates. What do you want here?" asked the butler as he pushed his glasses up again.

"Errr... err... I heard that there's a huge mole inside the mansion!! So I wanted to see it for myself."

"Hahaha... I can see that you can certainly lie well! " said Clahador as the boy in question asked what before the man continued, "I have heard about your father too. You're the son of a filthy pirate. I'm not surprised that you turned out this way, but you had better seay away from my mistress."

"Did he say Usopp's dad was a pirate?" asked Luffy as he seemed to be remembering something.

"Did you say filthy? " asked Usopp as he became angry at the older man.

"You and the young mistress belong to totally different worlds. Is it money that you're looking for? Name your price?""

This shocked everyone, but a look of fear crossed the face of the young woman in question as she paled. Then it all turned into deep fury for the butler with the young heiress as she shouted out in a loud voice, "That's enough Clahador!!! Apologize to Usopp-san at once!!!"

The butler turned his head back to the young woman in the window and began to speak, "There is no need for me to apologize to this uncivilized person! I'm just telling the truth! I feel sorry for you... you hate your father, don't you? Because he's a 'dumb treasure hunter' who deserted his family and village!"

The butler had turned his back to Usopp and pushed his glasses up on his face once again. But his mistress just shouted his name at him in a rage again. Yet Usopp spoke in a cold voice, a tone different from his more happy-go-luck voice he was usually, " I won't let you say another bad thing about my father!"

"Why are you so angry? You're not very smart, are you? You should have just told your usual lies and said that your real father is a travelling merchant... or that you and him are not blood-related..." continued Clahador as he pushed up his glasses yet again. This caused Usopp to scream out his rage at the words spoken.

"Shut up!" called out the young, long nose boy as he sent a powerful punch to the cheek of the butler as the man was knocked down.

Kaya was shock, but Luffy was grim face at the sight before him as were his crew mates. The young boys shouted out for their captain as the servant sat up and began to continue to mock the younger man, "Uh... grh!! See... you're violent as well. Like father, like son!!"

"Shut up! I'm proud that my dad was a pirate!!! I'm proud that he was a brave warrior of the sea! You're right that I like to lie, but I'm proud of having a pirate's blood in me!! I don't have to pretend that I'm not! I am the son of a pirate. " shouted the liar in a rage as his words were obviously spoken with truthful passion.

Luffy stopped for a moment as he spoke out a short like piece, "Oh yeah! That guy! Now I remember...!"

The young boys spoke the words, 'Captain' , again.

The butler just grinned as he pushed up his glasses again and began to stand up, "That pirate... a brave warrior of the sea? Don't make me laugh! However, the product of that barbarian is still you. Never a though of anyone else? Whenever you're upset, you just use your strength to hit others. After all, the reason that you want to be close with Misstress Kaya is her money."

A bitter and harsh voice called out to the man from the long nose boy, "What did you say? I..."

"Enough with the explanations! Aftar all, you're a piartes son. That's all I need to say!" shouted Clahador with an increase of rage. Usopp moved with him a minute to hold the man by his neck and pull back his fist for a punch.

"Don't you dare insult my father." said the pirate's son.

"Stop it! Usopp-san, don't hurt him!" came the female voice as the fist froze in motion.

All eyes turne dto Kaya again as she spoke, "Clahador is not a bad person at all. He's being too hard on you because he worries about me."

As the fist was held back, the butler slapped the hand from his collar before finishing, "Get out of here! This is not a place for a barbarian like you! Remember this! Don't you ever dare come near this house again!"

In his rage the butler never saw dispair of his lady as she covered her eye.

"Yeah, I know. You don't need to tell me to get out. I won't came back to this house again!" cried out Usopp as he left the grounds which prompted another captain from his followers. Quietly, Kaya called out his name.

The Usopp pirates spoke up to the butler, "You idiot! Our captain is not that kind of person." "You are stupid!" "Very Very stupid"

"Idiot!" shouted out Luffy before Zoro tried to tell him it was none of their business. The kids continued to try to pick out a fight with Luffy as Nami held the boys back and Zoro was trying to clam Luffy down... as well as keep the straw hat's hand from his wrists. Then the butler just told all of them to get out of the manor home.


Kaya sat in her bed coughing as she heard a knock on the door, everyone had left her home. Clahador rolled in a tray as he called out, "Mistress Kaya, your food."

"No. I... I don't want it... because it's not delicious."

"Don't say that, the chefs will be sad. they are trying very hard to come up with food which will make you healthy." said the butler, with a bandage or two on his face. Kaya just remained silent.

Then she spoke words which shocked the butler, "Why did you say that? I understand that it's my fault, that I didn't tell you about Usopp-san. However, you shouldn't have said something like that to him."

"Can I sit here?" he asked as he pointed to the bed, to which she agreed.

"It's been three years since I arrived at this house. I've never forgotten that day. I use to work on a ship, but they fired me because I didn't complete my work. I walked and walked until I arrived at this village. At that time, I didn't have a job, I didn't have money, and I almost died of hunger. Your father helped me out of my poverty. To me, your father is the one who saved my life.And you are the daughter of the man who saved my life. I know that it's not good to get involved with your personal life too much. However, Usopp ios not a good person. If something happened to you, I couldn't face your father in heaven!" he said as he finished out his story with tears of sadness.

"I know that I was too hard on him. Are you angry at me?" asked the bulter as he seemed to calm down.

"It's not like that. I am very grateful for you're caring, but you misunderstand Usopp. He's not a bad person at all." she told him as she started to smile again.

"It doesn't matter if he's good or bad." said the butler as he stood up and pushed his glasses up again.

"Clahador, you're a really narrowminded person."

"Yes, I am."

In the village...

Zoro and two of the Usopp pirates were sitting against a fence, one which Nami was sitting on. Nami was asking Zoro a question, "Where's Luffy?"

"Maybe he went to look for Usopp." replied the triple sword fighter.

"If you're looking for the captain, you have to go to that place? " said Ninjin the carrot headed boy, which prompted his pepper like friend.

"Yes, at the coast. Whenever he becomes stressfull, he always goes there."

The two of them asked them, "Do you want to go?"

"No," was Zoro's reply.

"By the way, where's your other friend?" asked Nami as the reply came back asking about Tamanegi.

"He's always disappearing." said Piman as he tried to answer the question.

"And he comes back over reacting about something." finished Ninjin for his friend.

"Ahhhhh! Danger!" cried out the voice of Tamanegi as he ran up to the four people by the fence. He continued, "We are in trouble now. There is a person who walks backwards. There's a weird guy who is walking backwards towards here."

"Liar!" called out his two friends which were countered with the words about it being true, before Tamanegi pointed the man out. Who was walking all the way, backwards. The man twirled in a circle and revealed himself as a man in a white shirt, black coat and pants, white gloves with matching belt and socks and black shoes. On his chin was a striped like beard of red and black, greyish like hair hung from his face which was masked with red tinted heart-shaped glasses. This hands were on his belly and his black hat as he tapped on one foot.

He turned to them and asked, "Hey! Who told you that I am weird? I'm not a weirdo."

"But you looked really strange." said Nami as she looked at the man in question.

"Don't be stupid. I'm just a regular hypnotist."

"Hypnotsist? That's cool!" "Why don't you show us your trick?" "Yeah!" called out the tiny pirates.

"What?" asked the unusual man.

"Don't be stupid. Why do I have to listen to someone that I don't know? You shouldn't show your trick the first time you meet someone. Listen! Look at this ring!" he said pulling out a round circle of steel with what looked like a fine edge on it.

"Why didn't he just say that in the first place?" asked Zoro as he started to sweat.

Swinging the circle back and forth before the boys, the man spoke, "When I say 'One, Two, Jango! ', you will be sleepy. Understand? One... Two... Jango..."

With that four people hit the ground, three boys and one strange man. Which caused Zoro to call out to the people before them, "Why the hell are you sleeping too?!? "

Under a young tree by the sea shore...

Usopp was sitting under a tree as he was trying to think, when a straw hat boy dropped down in front of him upsidedown. The young man said, "Hey! You're here."

"Ahhhh. It's you? Next time don't scare me like that again." shouted Usopp in a loud, and scared voice.

"Yasopp is your father, right?" said Luffy as he landed on his hands and stood on them.

"Eh? How did you know?" said the shock long nose boy as the straw hat sat in front of him on the ground.

"I met him when I was younger."

"WHAT? YOU MET MY FATHER?" said the 'Captain' as the shock of the matter hit him hard like a club to the skull.

"Yes. You look a lot like Yasopp. That's why I felt that I had met you before. You're story helped me to remember."

"Where is he now?" asked Usopp, suddenly filled with joy over the news of his father.

"I don't know, not exacty. He has to be with Shanks for sure. Yasopp is my favourite crewman."

"Re... Really?"

He's with Shanks the Red-haired, right?" said Usopp as a second of quiet passed before speaking in a yelling tone, "Did you say Shanks?"

Luffy was surprised as he looked at the other young man and asked, "You know Shanks?"