Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Sometimes you just... ❯ A Savior's Failure ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: My first free verse that doesn't follow any guidelines at all.
A Savior's Failure
Be what you must and don't concern me;
I don't need anyone to live
You want me to be like you,
But I couldn't want the opposite more
Stop pulling me towards the light;
I like the darkness just fine.
It invites me in and fills me,
Whereas the light pushes me away.
I want to be where I'm wanted.
I want to be in a place I'm loved.
The darkness gives me those feelings;
The light just takes them away.
Does my salvation scare you?
Am I just another freak?
Why must you take away what I need?
Why tell me what you think is best
When you know that I'll ignore it?
Don't tell me everything's ok
Because you must see that it's not
How can what you call reality just be fine to you?
How can you stand killing, lying, cheating, and stealing?
How can you stand to live with Ra's lowliest creatures?
Or better, how can you stand me?
You tell me you're my savior,
But I don't see how.
I have no need to be rescued
So please, just go.
Nothing left to say but I'd appreciate it even if you told me I suck.