Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Sometimes you just... ❯ Opposite Yet The Same ( Chapter 46 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: I've written one similar to this and wanted to do another for quite some time. I bet my life saving that no one will get the last analogy.
Opposite Yet The Same
Hope is to light
As dark is to night
Death is to life
As ease is to strife
Love is to hate
As here is to wait
Good is to bad
As have is to had
Heal is to mend
As break is to bend
Yes is to no
As hide is to show
On is to off
As smile is to scoff
End is to creation
As decay is to regeneration
Together is to apart
As stone is to heart
Black is to blue
As me is to you
Anyone who can interpret the last analogy gets my undying respect. Seriously.