Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction ❯ Kouja no Senshi Lemons ❯ In the Vault ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kouja no Senshi Lemons 8: In the Vault

He couldn't believe it. He was paid Drakken's Yen and heading to that all night bank and what happens? HE himself along with Fat Cat, a human cat lover, and his wife were locked in a vault! How could this have happened?

Earlier, Max Sr. was placing some of Drakken's money into his Christmas card, hoping he'd get more than enough for himself and his family. However, the vault was shut, which caused Kikyo to trip and spill the milk she brought onto herself.

Desperately, the others tried banging the vault door for help. It was no use, however. They were stuck in the vault with his milk covered wife.

Kikyo was starting to stink up the place and a few minutes ago, she asked her husband about licking the milk off of her. Normally, he'd comply, but with Sakaki and Fat Cat in the vault? He couldn't, not with them watching.

He then had the nerve to state that he wanted to lick his own wife's milk. Fat Cat could be a pain, especially when he like to annoy him.

Both had fought for a moment before Sakaki pointed out Fat Cat's cell phone with a low battery. However, he stupidly wasted it on calling about the returning of a very expensive 70,000 Yen sweater.

How could that idiot? He had the only chance to call for help, but he was too stupid to just do that. And even his wife being hit by Sakaki trying to slap either himself or Fat Cat was of no help.

He had recently turned away from them, stating he wanted to be left alone. He was furious and angry about all of what was happening after all.

As Max sat and turned away, crossing his arms, he began to think...first of all, why would the vault door close when the bankers knew that there were still people inside? And secondly, was it really tomorrow that they would get out?

At that moment, his thoughts stopped, hearing Kikyo's sniffing and crying. The male turned, looking at his wife, struggling a bit with her wet shirt. He knew she was telling the truth: if it continued on like that, Kikyo would get a very bad rash.

He remembered the very last time she had a rash like that: they were on a honeymoon, wet milk and juice was splashed onto her on accident when she tripped on the carpet of the hotel they stayed in. Foolishly, they ignored it, waiting 'til the next day to wash it off. The very next day, her body swollen up and she looked almost bloated, looking very rashy. He saw her suffering the week of the rash she had. He didn't want this happening again and they both knew it.

Finally, he sighed, walking up to her. He remembered the offer she made: letting Max Sr. himself lick his wife's milk off. They didn't have any showers where they were stuck on, so he'd had to improvise with his tongue.

"Kikyo?" he began speaking, "I'll do it."

She was weeping a bit more before she asked, "What are you talking about?"

He sighed a bit, continuing as he pointed, "I can't leave you like this, honey. But only if those two do NOT look at us doing this."

Kikyo began stuttering with surprise, "Max, you mean you'll-uh, well-"

The only human in the vault looked meekly, speaking, "I promise Fat Cat and I won't look. Besides, really is embarrassing in a way."

As he was picked up, Fat Cat frowned, "Great, locked in and a chance to see a nude woman, and I'm told not to look."

"Uh, they're married, Fat Cat. You should be use to it."

The couple watched the two walk toward the far end of the vault before the Siamese cats themselves looked at one another. Kikyo suffered once, and he surely didn't want her to suffer again.

Finally, the male spoke, "How shall we do this?"

Kikyo only shrugged, "Guess it's dealer's choice, really. I suppose the easiest way is to um...let me lie on the floor so that the wetness doesn't spread too much."

"Let's get that shirt open first."

He began unbuttoning it slowly as the female looked bashfully. She knew she had to tell him.

"Uh, by the way, honey?" she finally spoke, "Uh, there's a reason why no one should look."


She quietly leaned to his ear, quietly whispering,"I don't have a bra on."

He looked a bit stunned before noticing, half-way down, he saw no bra in the middle, tits halfway peeked. She had no bra, all right.

He blushed uneasily, speaking, "Uh, are you um...sure we should do this?"

"Come on, honey, if being in prison for 30 years hasn't made you lose your touch, I'm sure you can do this."

"I'm a bit concerned since there's a jerk wanting at the milk on you."

"Oh don't worry."

"It's your milk, though."

"But it's your um...activity, you know. Your thing."

Finally, he watched the shirt fully open, tits and breasts fully exposed in his eyes and completely wet with parts of herself. He looked at the tits starting to rise. The wetness probably did this...perhaps there was something he could do while he was in here.

Max Sr., after a few seconds of silence, finally spoke,"You're probably gonna feel my tongue all over the top, honey."

He started licking on her, making Kikyo yelp a bit, feeling his tongue starting to lick her. She gasped and moan, feeling the tongue starting to lick on her fur. Her neck could feel his wet saliva tongue licking her.

The female moaned softly a bit, enjoying the bits of what he was doing. She watched Max, licking slowly, slowly heading downward. The she-cat gasped a bit, twitching her tail a little.

Max couldn't help, but smile on what he was doing. He was not only making sure his wife was milk free, but was starting to enjoy what he was doing.

The male started unbuttoning the jacket as he continued, letting his own jacket slide down on the floor, with Kikyo noticing.

"Max? What are you-?" she began before being hushed by the male starting to take his shirt off.

"What? Can't I remove my shirt so you'd be more comfy on my licking your bare milky top?" he chuckled, tossing his shirt aside.

Max Sr. began pulling her shirt off as well, tossing it to the chair near them, chuckling a bit. Kikyo meekly blushed at what he was doing. It wasn't just the milk he wanted...she had realized he wanted to comfort her in a sexual pleasurable way.

"You look hot with those breasts exposed," he purred to her, petting her head.

"Oh Max..." she giggled.

Both kissed softly as they heard Sakaki, whom had her and Fat Cat's eyes closed, speaking, "Fat Cat?"

"Yes?" the gray short tabby male asked.

"I just remembered something...tomorrow's Sunday."

His eyes, not looking at the couple, opened as he shouted in annoyance, "CRAAAAAAP!"

He groaned, slapping his forehead as he closed his eyes again, looking more annoyed.

"Seems like we're stuck for a while, honey." the topless female spoke.

"Eh, probably so, honey." Max said to her.

The female began tickling his small chin beard, motioning him to continue, with the delighted male complied.

"Turn over." he purred, with her switching positions with him.

Max Sr. held his wife as the two continued kissing, more longer than earlier this time, both anxious for one another. Their tails began wrapping around one another's legs, with their tongue starting to wrap with one another, moaning more and more.

Then, Kikyo gasped, feeling his chubby fingers starting to dig inside her pants, moaning and panting.

"No undies either, Kiki?" He grinned to her.

"Max, don't stop." she panted in a slutty way.

"Damn you can be filthy sometimes. You really know how to turn me on."

He began chuckling a bit with Kikyo grinning and panting. It had been true there were ways he had been turned on by her, just like that one Halloween where she showed everyone, even their own daughter, that she too could be as bad as him.

The female touched his cloth cheek, wanting to see him exposed, despite two others who could wake up and see what they were doing at any time.

"Max?" she asked.


"You've been wearing that for so long and...well...I wanted to long have you been wearing it?"

"Since the day I got my scars, honey. And I don't may not like what you see."

"I can take it, Max."

His ears began twitching, noticing her hands slowly nearing the headdress covering parts of his head, watching her remove it. Finally, when she pulled it off, there, she noticed scars on his cheeks, with him sighing.

"Now do you see why I cover my wounds?" he explained to her while looking down.

The female touched the marks softly, looking seriously at them, then looked back at his face. She felt a little sorry for what he had gone through in prison.

Twisting the small chin beard of his, she grinned, "Don't worry about it...we'll heal together."

The male smiled at her with satisfaction, knowing that his wife would be there with him.

Finally, Kikyo neared her breasts, smirking, "You have a little business to take care of, you know."

"Oh right," he slyly smirked.

He kissed and started licking her breasts, continuing to rub her as she gasped and moaned loudly. She grinned at the touch of his mouth and tongue, licking and nibbling on her tits. She didn't want it to stop. She wanted it to continue.

"Your milk may be gone on the outside, but I can bet you'll be getting some on the inside." he muttered, looking at her.

The short haired female watched, seeing him starting to unbutton and unzip her own pants, looking excited about what was coming next.

She noticed his pants unzipped before grinning, "Let me help you with that, honey."

He smirked to her, seeing her pop his button open with his cock, rising upward, pop out. She grinned, knowing where this was going.

Pants pulled off, both cats smiled with the male parting her trembling legs, licking and sucking on her cunt, making her tail twitch.

The purring cat gasped and moaned, holding his head to where her pussy was. Tail twitching, she watched as Max placed his tongue inside her, making her moan louder and louder.

Groaning and grunting, she felt his tongue going inside her, sucking her while the female groaned.

"Oh Max, yes..." she muttered, starting to tremble a bit.

The female moaned more and more loudly, tail twitching and holding Max Sr. She bucked up and down, feeling his tongue like she was humping her.

"Oh god, I...I'm gonna cum..." she spoke.

Those were the words he wanted to hear.

He clenched onto her bare ass, carefully gripping them without leaving claw marks, with his tongue continuously licking and sucking onto her. Oh how he wished this would go on forever.

The short haired female gasped, cumming out of her cunt, panting before the male's mustache was covered with cum, leaving some of the cum on the ground unknowingly.

Kikyo grinned to him, watching Max wipe and lick the cum off before he spoke, "Guess it's your turn now."

Tails twitching, Kikyo leaned to her husband's penis, starting to suck and lick on the hardened member. Max gasped and groaned, watching her sucking on his hard member.

The female, kissing the cock at one point, was also rubbing his ballsac along with the member. His tongue began hanging out, panting a bit dog-like, moaning very loudly.

"Oh god, Kikyo." he muttered softly, "No one is as good as you."

He watched Kikyo, blushing as she continued to lick, suck, and rub more and more. Her tail twitched more before wrapping around his bare leg and foot, holding herself where she could remain.

Max Sr. groaned more and more, starting to turn red with lust and love, grinning to his beloved Kikyo. Oh how he missed all those times with her.

The female began bopping her head up and down, slowly and steady a bit. Max couldn't help but love what she was doing.

"Yes, Kikyo, yes..." he began speaking a bit loudly.

To him, no one was as good as Kikyo. He had her back after all this time. She had missed him as he did to her and neither never wanted to part again.

The male held her head down, with the female, keeping watch of her husband, continuing to suck more and more, anxious for what was inside himself. She didn't want any of it to stop just yet. She just...

Finally, cum began shooting into her mouth before she removed herself, with Max's cum spraying all over her and onto the ground near where her own cum was. Both were wet, but neither cared at the time.

Swallowing and licking his cum, she grinned, "How do you get so delicious, Max?"

"And how do you get to be so sexy?" he spoke with a smile.

Finally, Kikyo lied down, spreading her legs as she spoke, "Just screw me over. I don't care how many times you do it."

The chuckling male nodded, then neared his wife before slamming his hard cock inside her, making the female gasp and moan loudly.

"God, you're making me turn on." she smiled, gasping and purring.

Max Sr. couldn't help but smile on her position, starting to hump her. He growled in pleasure, humping more while Kikyo moaned loudly, starting to mew a little.

"Yes, Max...more...more..." she shouted with her breasts beginning to bounce around.

He held her down, groaning as he continued thrusting, tail twitching, his hair starting to become a bit messy, and his face turning redder at each thrust.

"You're so tight there..." he muttered to his mate.

"Oh god! I don't want this to end!" she shouted with delight.

The male and female groaned and moaned loudly, hopefully not loud enough to wake up the other two trapped with them.

Thrusting more and more, he made his wife buck a bit more, wrapping his tail around hers, grunting as he did so.

"Oh yes, Max...god!" she spoke with delight.

He could hear her starting to scream loudly. How he missed those screams of pleasure of hers...

The two turned with Kikyo on top of him and him sitting while he continued to hump her. Their hair a mess, their fur ruffled, and their faces very red.

Grunting and moaning, bucking up and down, Kikyo could feel him going deeper and deeper inside herself. She knew this was coming and she knew what would happen.

The female growled in pleasure with the male grunting loudly. Both could not stop this pleasure. They knew it was to be...

Finally, the two screamed, with Kikyo feeling something from her love's cock heading inside her, feeling as if more than one had gone into her before the cock and pussy removed one another, with their cum spraying onto the floor.

Both smiled, panting with exhaust and lust, looking at one another for a moment. Despite them trapped in the vault, to them, it was one of the best sexes they ever had.

The male kissed his wife on the lips once more, grinning, "Now don't you feel much better?"

"Yeah, I do." she grinned, both licking the remains of the cum from themselves.

Finally cleaned, both grabbed their pants, placing them on with the male speaking, "Um, Kikyo?"

"Yes?" she asked, zipping her pants up.

"You'll need my shirt. I'm fine without a shirt for a while." He explained, zipping his own pants up.

"I kind of figured that." she grinned.

The male, after getting their shoes back on, gave his wife his undershirt, which, though big, covered his wife's breasts before taking his headdress.

"Thanks, Max." she smiled happily.

Both smiled and hugged before Kikyo took the headdress and placed it back on its original position. Sometimes, he's better with the headdress on at certain days.

Finally, looking at the what appeared to be cleaned ground, both finally lied down, with Kikyo lying on her husband's bare chest, purring before finally, the two slept with Sakaki and Fat Cat, whom both had dozed off earlier, near them, hoping all of them would escape the vault.

After a moment, Kikyo awoke, taking a pregnancy strip out of her pocket, stuffing it inside her pants to her cunt, wincing a bit. She was hoping that...

When she took it out, she looked at the strip turning purple, gasping. She sighed before lying back down with Max, stuffing the object back in her pocket as she realized what had happened: Kikyo had become pregnant.


It had been some time later, some time afterwards that all four were asleep. They were tired, especially on what happened after their first brief nap.

At that time, they awoke to drink some liquor along with some pineapple juice Kikyo was somewhat allergic to, prompting all four to be or act drunk. Then, after Kikyo's ear piercing, Fat Cat and Max Sr., after a talk about purpose in life, began fighting once more.

Of course, things took a turn for the worst before the only bullet in the gun Max Sr. stored went off, with Fat Cat truthfully telling about his reason for really hiring the people that they had captured that day, especially hearing about "stripper level" and his daughter being a prize.

Later, after their drunk and dizziness left them, the three realized that Fat Cat had food all along, prompting a bit more anger before they sat down and ate candy together. Fortunately for aliens and Toons, they can stand chocolate unlike normal cats.

Then came the important fact on why Max Sr. had a gun in the first place: if he ever lost Kikyo again, be it divorce or loss of life, he would have no choice but to commit suicide.

After a bit more discussion and Kikyo telling her husband about their love for one another, things went a bit better for the four. And at last, after reading the copy of David Copperfield first edition while in the vault, the four had fallen asleep.

Now the four were asleep while a figure appeared around the vault, as if by magic. It looked like it was now or never.

He looked at the very hidden camera inside the room, grinning a mischievous one. The figure chuckled, snapping before some black ink appeared on the camera. Looks like now was the time to get what he came for.

The figure, using a baster, floated near where the cum from earlier had been. Had both Max Sr. and Kikyo looked more carefully, pieces of their cum sprayed together still lied at the edge of the floor where the vault door was.

The mixed cum in question was picked up as the figure quietly spoke, "Don't worry...I'm sure you'll see your final child soon. He-he-he-he."

In an instant, he vanished once more just as the "ink" on the camera, really a cloud smoke, vanished from the camera lens. It seemed like this figure wanted something, but of what?

Finally, after a moment, the vault door finally opened with only Sakaki and Max Sr. awakening. They had a long rough day and night and it looked like they finally got free somehow.

Then, both Sakaki and Max looked at the sleeping Fat Cat and Kikyo, both snoozing away in their dreamland happily. The male Siamese fat cat hushed Sakaki, whom nodded, understanding that they'd awake when they would leave.

Max Sr. picked up his wife, then snatched Kikyo's shirt hanging nearby while Sakaki herself picked up both the bag and the purring Fat Cat. They had a long night after all.

Finally, the two silently began walking out of the vault together, finally free at last, with the business cat and woman who would eventually have Max Sr.'s new breaths of life.
