Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction ❯ Kouja no Senshi Lemons ❯ Moving On aka Br'er Fox Finds Love ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kouja no Senshi Lemons 10: Moving On aka Br'er Fox Finds Love

His final kiss to her, the last kiss he had to give her before departing was the last one he ever gave to the woman he ever genuily loved.

Br'er Fox had just been freed from the most darkest and traumatizing events he ever had gone through: hiding the actual truth from Swiper, being captured and chained on Toon Proof chains by the rival Agatu, and hearing Swiper's agonizing cry after learning who his true grandfather was.

All while he had thought to himself why Br'er Fox should have been the actual grandfather of Swiper and Tails.

Sure it was only in his mind, but he actually did love her. The vixen whom had eventually become Swiper's grandmother.

He had earlier, back during the big stars and Rosedust fiasco, looked at the solem woman, feeling pity for herself for ever being raped by Agatu. Earlier before Swiper had learned the newly discovered family members, as he recalled, he had lifted the vixen to the safety of the outside world.

Sadly, he had said to her, "I'm sorry...I wish things were different." before kissing her forehead and joining his own relatives, pretending to mock the touching scene when in reality he was actually heart broken.

Sure, he did flirt and had sex with her once when she was nearing his physical age, but still she was mortal and liable to die, leaving him as heartbroken as he was currently.

The actual truth was...he was a Toon fox and her an aging Non-Toon vixen. It wouldn't have worked out anyway. He could recall what their time was like together.


He had remembered himself going once more after Br'er Rabbit and was caught in the bear trap intended to trap the rabbit. Instead, he himself was caught.

Then, she walked in the picture, the vixen who would eventually be Swiper's grandmother. She help tend to his injuries and both got to know one another, though Br'er Fox kept out the details about his mortal enemy. Though things were complicated since she was middle class and he was being slightly raised high class, despite himself wanting to be lower class and living in a house on the woods.

Still, their relationship was perfect and on the hour before the barn dance...she asked him what it was liked to be touched and he showed her. He had yet to say "I love you" to her as to she. For that hour, it was perfect for them. He didn't even mind being with her. In fact, that was why he was fond of being in love with her.

One night, just before the dance...they mated. And never in his years did it feel good at the time. The time with her, the night together, it was almost perfect, except...

He had then started to ask if they should meet privately for a personal question...the question he had intended to ask her: marriage. After all, he had to get off of being connected with his abusive uncle, Pinkie the Fox. And boy did he need it. And if she were to say "yes", he'd dedicate his time to finding a way to let her be immortal with him or him become mortal himself to be with her.

Alas, despite tricking his uncle and hoping it would buy time to find her, she never arrived to the secret spot outside the Drunken Barn Dance: Inside the basement door. He couldn't figure out what went wrong. It was suppose to go smoothly as well.

When he peeked out, however, he had his worst premonitions realized: She was being raped by another fox...the one with blind eyes calling himself Agatu.

In fury, the fox dashed to him, grabbing the blind one's arm in anger, sternly yanking him away from the victim. How could he do this to her? How could she?

Both foxes fought furiously while the blind one informed that he was too late to have his line carried on before being shoved in the river where he was swept in the current holding the log. The Southern fox, battered from the fight, became concerned about what happened.

He finally looked at the unconscious naked vixen girl in glasses, whom had cried herself to unconsciousness alongside the cum remains on the ground.

Why did he ask her to meet her? he thought as he looked at her sadly, knowing that she was fully impregnated...with a child not theirs. Agatu was right, he was too late.

In sorrow, Br'er Fox looked at the ring he was given, placing it near her as he muttered, "I...I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." before leaving in the night, tears streaming in his eyes and not noticing a fox couple, the ones being Tod and Vixy, arriving to the scene.

It didn't matter anymore. He had lost his beloved to him...the fiend, Agatu.


The fox had returned to his old US Southern home at the country side, Chickapin Hill, a month after the Lotso incident and the week after he saw her die a natural peaceful sleep, prompting to live out the rest of his days alone, chasing that Br'er Rabbit once more with his bad friend, Br'er Bear. At least he had some form of comfort when he saw his beloved die with a smile.

Br'er Fox had lied on the couch impatiently, waiting for the trap to be set while his dumbass sidekick, Br'er Bear, went out to fetch him. Despite the failures, and despite the mistakes, Br'er Bear was his only friend after all.

Br'er Fox took out some notes, looking carefully at them. Earlier, the notes were tampered according to Mr. Small and Mr. Nosy toward the other foxes, himself, his uncle, and cousin though only to keep Swiper and Tails safe. However, in truth, he had tampered with the real results first. For he knew the truth.

Not only was Agatu's DNA within their blood, but he himself had his own DNA in her as well which conceived both Robin Hood and Tails' mother Rosemary. If any of them knew the actual truth, it'd not only be heartbreaking, but also life threatening and he didn't want that.

That was the reason he had to get the first print copies and erase the actual truth. He would rather not complicate things with Swiper, Tails, their grandmother, and especially not Uncle Pinkie whom couldn't afford to raise him anymore since Chanticleer ruining his uncle's career.

He was fortunate, he guessed. It was also him that ruined his engagement plans for the woman he loved. The same woman who...

Three weeks after what happened at Tokyo, while still struggling with survival, he had learned the news: Swiper's grandmother's organs had naturally stopped working. And he knew she'd die soon.

He also remembered that she was surrounded by her loved ones...the son she thought she lost, the in-law whom married the outlaw himself, the nephew with twin tails, the mystery kid also with twin tails, the mongeese alongside them, the plant girl near the twin tailed nephew, and even Swiper himself, the same fox he was swore to protect when he learned he was related to her for that woman, whom was especially heartbroken at watching her dying on her death bed.

They knew it was a matter of time. It was as if it was her time to go. But he had so much to say to her and he wanted to say it quickly.

However, the final thing that happened between him and her was her hugging him tightly, saying "Move on. I...I just wish you would have been a good grandfather than that horrible one." and kissed him on the lips.

Could she had known the entire time? Was it true that she may have...?

He had never got his answer as he watched her limp back, lying still on the bed, peacefully sleeping the slumber she would never wake up, and smiling warmly, knowing she was surrounded by loved ones. Ones she knew that were loved as much as she.

The funeral the next day was especially heartbreaking for the fox family. He could only watch the younger ones mourning with the mongoose girl Swiper hung with hugging him mournfully. However, he himself couldn't do anything about it. He knew he had lost his entire chance of making it right, the chance to be forgiven for not being there, and looking at the family he would never have.

Now all he had to look forward to was...

"I got 'im!" a familiar dumb bear shouted, "I done caught that durn rabbit!"

Br'er Fox yelped, falling off the couch he lied on and interrupting his thoughts, shouting, "Wha? Huh? What's that?"

It was a simple plan. Set a trap for Br'er Rabbit and catch him. Usually this was always a failure, but that time, it seemed, was a success.

Br'er Bear had just come barging in the home of the wily Br'er Fox, holding the sack closed with something muffling inside. Inside was a voice trying to shout.

Hiding his papers quickly, the fox, whom had waited impatiently, looked stunned at what he heard. Could his sole enemy, Br'er Rabbit, actually be truly caught for once?

"Gimme that sack!" he demanded, snatching it.

Eager, hungry, and not caring anymore, Br'er Fox desperately began ripping open the bag, filled with hunger in his eyes and stomach.

Finally, after all these years of trapping and failing, he would sink his teeth on to the skin of his mortal enemy, for once, enjoying his meal instead of having to resort to crummy substitutes.

"At last!" he grinned, reaching inside, "I's gonna have me revenge fo' all 'dem times he suckered me! Br'er Rabbit, yew is-"

However, when a feminine grunt was heard when he touched something inside, his dreams had been shot down. Whoever it was, whoever he touched, was definitely not Br'er Rabbit.

He looked carefully inside, shivering a bit in fear. Inside was a female vixen...a she-fox in fact he had not seen nor could tell who's face it was and what he had grabbed was her left breast.

"Dammit, Br'er Bear, whatcha snatched this youngun lady fer?" he shouted to him, quickly retracting his arm from inside.

"Uh, she looked like Br'er Rabbit in the shadows." the bear said, scratching his head in confusion.

"Ya idgit! How could ya mistake a vixen for Br'er Rabbit!?"

"But she looked rabbit-like in the shadows, don't she?"

That only resulted in the male fox becoming angrier with him, preparing to give him a good hit on the head, even though he knew it'd be useless against the brute strength of Br'er Bear.

Groaning was heard, interrupting what was about to be another pointless argument.

"Leave us." Br'er Fox spoke seriously, "I's take care of this."

"Ooooh, I knows what you're thinkin-"

"Ya heard what I said?! I said git!"

The bear chuckled a bit, figuring what he was up to before leaving the den. Despite his problems with Br'er Fox, he knew when to leave him be.

Br'er Fox, as soon as he watched Br'er Bear leave, finally realized something. He had forgotten about...

The she-fox screamed before slapping him, shouting, "PERVERT!!"

Slapped to the floor, Br'er Fox landed on the ground with the female fox freeing herself from the bag.

"What kind of sicko are you anyway?" the female spoke, with her back turn.

"Oh come on nows, I wasn't the one who's grabbed ya." he tried to explain.

"Likely story."

Hopping out of the sack, she continued, "What is your problem?! Do you think grabbing innocent people is a game to you?"

"Now listen! If ya don't like it! I's gonna have to ask ya to leave!" he snapped at her.

She glared at the male, frowning in annoyance. It was just typical of a Southern fox like him: only thinking with their dicks.

"Well it's not like I want to spend any time or anything anyways." she glanced, trying to figure her way out of the dank cave.

The female looked at the area. She had never seen anything so filthy. What was unknown to her was that Br'er Fox and Br'er Bear had just got back to their homes the day before and did not have time to think about fixing up the place.

"Sooo...where am I and why is this place so filthy?" she asked, trying to figure where the exit was.

"Chickapin Hill. It's my home away from home and um...I's gonna be honest, it's been a loooong time since I's moved on back here." he explained to her a bit.

"That explains why I haven't see him 'til now." she muttered to herself, still trying to find the way out.

Perhaps, he thought, it was time to move on. After all, she reminded him of someone he use to love long ago when they were younger. And he had an idea.

Noticing the door out of his home, he slid behind the door Br'er Bear left as he spoke, "Still, I's apologize 'bout Br'er Bear. He can't tell from Br'er Rabbit coming from the few miles he lives at."

"Do you have a hunger obsession problem?" she asked.

"Uh, no. I's do not. Br'er Rabbit's a trickster, he's slick, and he makes a fool outta me all the time!" he groaned in frustration, remembering all the times he was humiliated by that rabbit.

"I can probably see why." she smirked, "You're easily very much of an obvious jerk."

He winced, knowing she was right about one thing. He can be a jerk sometimes.

However, this fox wasn't going to make the same mistakes he had made in the past. He had to do this, even if it meant doing what Agatu did to his former love...

"I's know how to get on outta 'dis here place, but unless ya have me to guide ya, y'all gonna get lost here." he explained, partially lying to her. "First howevers...I need ya to do something fo' me."

"What's that?"

He held her arms firmly, stating, "Look me in 'de eyes, follows me, an' do as I says..."

"Why would I..." she began before looking at him.

The foxes both looked at one another for a long moment. The vixen couldn't explain what she wanted to say or why she wanted to look at him so badly. Sure she hadn't officially met him 'til that point, but despite continuing to pass him by and stopping just to see him humiliate himself as always, she...

What came next was quite unexpected for her. Br'er Fox planted a huge smacking kiss on her lips, prompting her to start struggling. She could feel the male starting to seep his tongue inside her mouth, muffling and trying to bite it down.

The male was cautious and he wanted to see if this had worked. He was hoping the look and kiss would do the trick.

The female grunted, trying to get away from him. Why was he doing this she thought as she struggled more, stuck in her thoughts. This could not be a more humiliating day for her. Earlier, her ex boyfriend left her, her raise and promotion from where she worked were shot down, she was wrongfully fired, and just as she thought it couldn't get worse, she was now stuck with Br'er Fox.

The worst thought was one even she didn't think about. If she wanted to leave, why is the kiss she's receiving so good to her, even though she felt like she would be raped at any time now?

Br'er Fox, after a few more moments, finally felt her tongue starting to seep in, making her lose her train of thought. He couldn't be more delighted.

Plus since Br'er Bear wasn't around, the he fox could continue with his way without him botching what he had planned.

Slowly and carefully, he started to carry her to where his bedroom was, continuing their kiss. When arriving, she was placed down on the bed with the kiss breaking softly, drool dripping from their lip lock.

The vixen looked a bit dazed as he asked, "So...ya got a name?"

"It's Tina." she simply answered, turning away and trying to hide the blushes. "I...I just need to leave."

"Why's 'dat? 'Cuz ya not interested?"

"No, no, I'm just...I'm frustrated about my day and well...I don't want to end up like with the relationship between me and my ex-boyfriend."

He paused, asking, "What was his name?"

"Foxy Loxy."

The male frowned, remembering the couple of times he had encountered that fox back at the Asian city and the first time, the one he was vowed never to remember or recall again, was of course the worst so much, he would rather see to it that he was banned if he had the power. Still...

"Yeahs, I understand. Heartbreak ain't pretty, ya know." he nodded, starting to sweat a little, "Y'all don't mind if I..."

The vixen looked at him tugging his shirt, slightly nodding a bit. She watched him place his hat near his desk before starting to slowly, as if seductively, remove his vest, then his shirt. The weird thing was, she wasn't even minding it at all.

Tina couldn't believe she was watching what he was doing and actually starting to enjoy it. Perhaps it was instinct, perhaps it was more, but the more she looked at him, the more she was interested. Plus he was attractive topless.

The Southern male, clothed only by his pants, smirked a bit to her, saying, "That's a bit done better now, huh?"

"Uh..." was all she stuttered, looking at the male while starting to turn red.

To be honest, she had saw him many times, noticing him try and fail to catch a rabbit he once had hunger but currently had revenge. She was usually amused at all the times he failed, but in truth, she did not fully meet him until today. This was the first time she actually came face to face with Br'er Fox.

She began to start breathing a bit hard, not sure if she was nervous or turned on by what she saw. Tina was then forced to lie on her back by the male, whom continued to stare at her.

"Damn, ya look sweaty now..." he spoke softly, noticing the redness on her cheeks, caressing her hair. "Lemme help ya 'wit that..."

"Br'er Fox was it..." she began, "I dunno if I want to start so soon..."

"If ya say ya don't wanna, why does yur hormones insist?" he honestly asked her.

"I...I..." she tried saying, but couldn't find the right words to tell him.

The male leaned closer, their chests heaving heavily with the vixen slightly moaning from his touch and tongue that licked her ear.

Kissing her ear, he ran his fingers through her hair, grinning at the slight curls that retracted at the bottom.

Slowly, as he kissed, he had a good look at her. A red/orange vixen, straight brunette hair with curls at the bottom, violet eyes, a b-cup size pair, and a cute little fox nose. However, the object he frowned upon was...

Reaching slowly, keeping her relaxed, the male placed his hand inside the tight button up vest, touching her bare breasts from inside, making her moan and gasp.

She gasped softly, moaning from his touch, feeling his fingers rubbing her apples. She groaned a bit slightly, watching him dig inside her, gasping and panting while her tail twitched.

Br'er Fox looked and removed his hand, nearing the remaining button on her vest. It was the only thing keeping her bare boobs from being free and it looked like he need to rid of them.

"This here your vest?" he asked.

" was from my ex and-" she began before he interrupted.

"I got something mo' comfy, but first...I's say it's time y'all be rid of that."


She couldn't say anymore as the button popped off from the vest which broke it, leaving the vest to hang downward, revealing her perky breasts, tits poking out and all.

Vest falling to the ground, he smirked, looking at the topless female, cladded with nothing but the light blue jeans on her. She never looked so sexy to him, especially in those pants.

Tina continued blushing as she was close to Br'er Fox's face, heaving heavily a bit, tits pinched and rubbed before beginning to moan.

God, she thought, why does it feel right to be screwed with him?

Why she wanted him...why she wanted to be with him despite only having just met...after that first kiss, it didn't matter anymore.

Br'er Fox kissed and licked her tits, holding the topless female doing so. Tina gasped and grinned, holding his head to her left breast as he suckled more and more. The female was yipping more and more, enjoying the long fox tongue of his, licking all around her tit.

She felt his hand starting rubbing the clit on her pants, moaning as she watched him do so. Tina grinned, moaning as the topless fox kept moaning.

She could tell the bulge in his green pants rising up more, pushing through the rough fabric of his as she rubbed it, making him moan and groan like the fox he was. He sounded cute when he made those yipping noises.

Tina began fumbling with the pants as he stared undoing hers, speaking, "Here, let's help one another with 'dem pantses we's got on."

Buttons and zippers undone, the two foxes let the pants fall to the ground with panties following after, leaving both naked.

His cock rose near her, making her awe with a grin.

"I've seen you plenty of times before..." she blushed, "but never like this."

She began rubbing the hard member, making him moan and groan softly a bit.

Br'er Fox yipped with anticipation, moaning loudly as she rubbed a bit harder and faster.

Tina kissed and began sucking the cock slowly, looking up at the male panting. The male's tongue hung out with him holding her head to his cock, gasping and moaning.

"Damn, yew is good." he moaned loudly, smiling on what Tina was doing.

He was amazed her small muzzle could suck one big cock. But he did not care, he could only moan and groan more in pleasure.

"'Dat tongue o' yurs..." he muttered, "fuck yes! God!"

The male held her head, watching the she fox suckling his dick and rubbing his ballsac, harder and faster. Seemed like Tina knew what she was doing.

Why am I doing this she thought as she bopped her head, sucking his cock more and more. It couldn't be explained, but she did not want to leave his side.

The male, yipping loudly from the rubbing and sucking, shot his cum out, letting the vixen drink and taste the white goo that was spraying on her.

"Well, I had some practice um...until recently." she said to him.

"Listen, y'all deserve me, I know." he spoke softly, petting her ears. "Ol' what's his name ain't gonna hurt ya no more, well not while I'm around."

"He's Foxy Loxy."

That name again...the same fox who not only was one of the phony candidates to Swiper's grandfather, but also the fox who was the true nephew of Pinky Fox. Perhaps it would have been best if he had stayed away from Pinky after all these years, what with all the neglect, abuse, and little to no payment he gets.

He finally shook it off as he looked at her, asking, "Let's open up 'dem legs, shall we? Y'all's gonna feel it purty well."

She nodded, opening her legs up slowly, lying on the bed with the male leaning down, looking at her wet cunt. He grinned, loving how wet she just got.

Br'er Fox began raking his sharp fox teeth carefully around her area, making her gasp a bit slightly, watching the male raking around before he began licking and sucking on her pussy.

The vixen groaned loudly, feeling the tongue starting to go inside her. Both fox tails twitched while she moaned, gasping louder with his tongue deeper inside her.

"God...I...I...what's wrong with me?" she grinned, panting a bit.

Tina looked at Br'er Fox whom spreaded her legs, sucking and licking inside her, more harder and faster. He was anxious for her and he did not want this time with her to be ruined. After all, he was a fox filled with energy. Of course with Tina, that may be an exception.

She started to grin, smiling and panting, letting her tongue stick out as she moaned more and more, holding and rubbing her own breasts. She bucked her hips, feeling the tongue going in and out.

"Br'er Fox, oooh god!" she shouted, moaning loudly.

Tina's fox tail twitched, bucking with Br'er Fox continuing to suck and lick her insides. Neither wanted to have the night end. They'd...

Finally, she began to spray some cum, prompting the male to drink it. He grinned, licking the wet cunt as she giggled. Tina, perhaps, wasn't all that bad after all.

From the taste of that cum, he could tell that she was in that may get her pregnant if done right. After all, being around children in a theme park and Japan for years, especially Swiper and Tails, did get him to think about getting kids of his own, but he wondered...

"Y'all in heat, Miss'um." he purred a bit, "Anything I's can do? I's mean, well, ya have a chance fo', well...but if ya don't wanna go through 'wit it, I's-"

"Oh just shut up and take me." she chuckled, widening her legs more.

The he fox smirked, looking at the anxious vixen waiting for his dick. Holding her close, he thrusted his hard dick in the wet pussy, grunting as he started to hump her.

She grinned, gasping and moaning, feeling his foxhood start being pushed inside her. She could feel it pushing inside her, moaning and groaning.

"God, Br'er Fox, it feels so big!" she shouted with delight.

He grunted, shoving and pushing his cock in and out, growling like the fox he was. Yipping, he thrusted harder and harder into her womb, acting like the animal he was.

"So fuckin' tight!" he muttered, continuing his primal lust for her.

"Unhh...Br'er Fox..." she shouted, starting to feel it penetrate her.

A bit of blood trickling was seen as she screamed, a bit painfully. The male, watching the blood trinkle out of her, looked at her, looking as if he was worried.

"Tina, y'all all right?" he asked quietly.

"I...I'll be fine..." she muttered, "I needed this."

"So ya is a virgin aftah all. Foxy Loxy look like he lost his luck."

"Yeah...serves him right, though."

Kissing, the two groaned, moaning louder from the thrustings. Blushing and turning more red than the fur he was born with, both foxes bucked with one another, her thrusting her hips and him thrusting the cock into her now no longer virgin womb.

It seems she was right, it was time to move on with a new love...perhaps a new family as well.

"CREAM ME, BR'ER FOX!! FUCK ME!!" she shouted in delight from each bucking.

Howling in a primal way, he shot his seed and cum, with her cumming, his meat tightly on her. The she-fox was no longer a virgin in his eyes now. He had now found his new mate.

Lying with her, he hugged and kissed the girl that would eventually be his wife, smiling in delight.

"Damn, y'all good, despite a virgin once." he said to her.

"Yeah..." she chuckled a bit, "I kinda learned from magazines actually."

He chuckled, smirking to Tina a bit. Finally with one more kiss, both lied together on his bed, naked with tails wrapped together.

Both knew they had found their mates, ones they could call their own. But not long, they would soon have one or two more in the family together...
