Cyborg 009 Fan Fiction ❯ 000 beggining of neo black ghost! ❯ Italy!!!!! ( Chapter 6 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
By: sakura000 
"We're here!"said 000.
Everyone looked out and saw the airport runway.
"Now when we land I'll cause a distraction and I want you all to run to the Angelo Hotel, got it?" said 000.
"Why do we need a distraction?" asked 005
"I think 9 people in the same costume will be a little obvious!"
As the airplane's dor opened 000 stepped out along with Dr.Gilmore, and met up with a man with a clipbord.
"Flight number?" asked the man.
"11-9-15 N O-ohmygod!" 000 aid suddenly pointing upward"What's that huge white thing in the sky?!?!?!"
The man turned around and 000 mouthed to the cyborgs in the plane to: get the heck outta there!.
And they did.
After they met up at the hotel room and 000 and the others talked.
"It'll be 1 day from today when Neo Black Ghost meets up," said 000" and according to this plan it will be in a marsh outside of Venice."
"Why are you gonna try and stop them?" asked 002 out of the blue.
"What?"000 said "How can you ask such a question 002? I'm doing this because its the right thing to do!"
"I,"said 002"think that there is another more personal reason."
000 fist's clenched.
"They took away the last of my family as a randsom for-" 000 stoped in mid-sentence and stood up from the chair that she was sitting in.
"I think I'll take a walk now."said 000
"Wait, 000" said Dr.Gilmore "002, 004 please look after 000, it late and I don't want to have anyone hurt."
"I don't need a baby sitter!" said 000 as she put on her coat"I am perfectly capable of of defending myself!"
"We'll look after her for you "said 004 ignoring 000.
Then 000 burst through the hotel door.
"I don't know why we have to do this!" said 002 walking beside 004.
"Don't be o grumpy, I don't know why you hate her so much!" said 004 "Look there she is!"
000 was walking in a crowd over a bridge when suddenly 004 grabbed her ear.
"Ahh, hey OW!" dhe said "004!
"You know," said 004 "you really shouldn't run off like that!"
000 ignored his question and said "So, you brang the confused one?"as she feffered to 002.
"Hey!" said 002
"I don't need babysitters so you can go now!" she said as she started to walk away.
"I don't think so!" said 004" after bursting out like that I'm convencied you do."
He gave her a sappy smile that made her look at him akwardly, but then she said
"Let's play a game and if you win I be a good girl and not run off alright?"
"I guess if that's what it takes." sighed 004"What game is it?"
"I made it up"said 000"It's called 2 Queens!"
"How do you win?" asked 002
"Just keep an eye on the cards" she said as she pulled out a deck of gold trimmed cards.
She shuffled the deck and did a few tricks with it till she threw a Queen of harts in the air.
"Watch it now!" she said as the cards silluete shinned in the sun.
002 and 004 watched as it fell to the ground.
"That was pointless!" said 002.
He looked up.
"Hey she's gone!" he said
"Looks like she fooled us!" said 004 picking up the card.
He showed the card to 002.
It had a picture of 000 on it in a queen outfit and on the back it said:
'Sorry play again!'
"AHHHHHRRRRGGGGG!"002 yelled into the air.
"Oh, well." said 004 "002, let's split up and look for her."
Sakura:Weee this is fun. Oh and I don't own Cyborg 009 or I would make more episodes!
Anime/Manga: Cyborg 009 Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Action | Type: One Shot | Uploaded On: 06.06.2004 | Updated On: 06.12.2004 | Pages: 6 | Words: 3.9K | Visits: 237 | Status: Completed

"We're here!"said 000.
Everyone looked out and saw the airport runway.
"Now when we land I'll cause a distraction and I want you all to run to the Angelo Hotel, got it?" said 000.
"Why do we need a distraction?" asked 005
"I think 9 people in the same costume will be a little obvious!"
As the airplane's dor opened 000 stepped out along with Dr.Gilmore, and met up with a man with a clipbord.
"Flight number?" asked the man.
"11-9-15 N O-ohmygod!" 000 aid suddenly pointing upward"What's that huge white thing in the sky?!?!?!"
The man turned around and 000 mouthed to the cyborgs in the plane to: get the heck outta there!.
And they did.
After they met up at the hotel room and 000 and the others talked.
"It'll be 1 day from today when Neo Black Ghost meets up," said 000" and according to this plan it will be in a marsh outside of Venice."
"Why are you gonna try and stop them?" asked 002 out of the blue.
"What?"000 said "How can you ask such a question 002? I'm doing this because its the right thing to do!"
"I,"said 002"think that there is another more personal reason."
000 fist's clenched.
"They took away the last of my family as a randsom for-" 000 stoped in mid-sentence and stood up from the chair that she was sitting in.
"I think I'll take a walk now."said 000
"Wait, 000" said Dr.Gilmore "002, 004 please look after 000, it late and I don't want to have anyone hurt."
"I don't need a baby sitter!" said 000 as she put on her coat"I am perfectly capable of of defending myself!"
"We'll look after her for you "said 004 ignoring 000.
Then 000 burst through the hotel door.
"I don't know why we have to do this!" said 002 walking beside 004.
"Don't be o grumpy, I don't know why you hate her so much!" said 004 "Look there she is!"
000 was walking in a crowd over a bridge when suddenly 004 grabbed her ear.
"Ahh, hey OW!" dhe said "004!
"You know," said 004 "you really shouldn't run off like that!"
000 ignored his question and said "So, you brang the confused one?"as she feffered to 002.
"Hey!" said 002
"I don't need babysitters so you can go now!" she said as she started to walk away.
"I don't think so!" said 004" after bursting out like that I'm convencied you do."
He gave her a sappy smile that made her look at him akwardly, but then she said
"Let's play a game and if you win I be a good girl and not run off alright?"
"I guess if that's what it takes." sighed 004"What game is it?"
"I made it up"said 000"It's called 2 Queens!"
"How do you win?" asked 002
"Just keep an eye on the cards" she said as she pulled out a deck of gold trimmed cards.
She shuffled the deck and did a few tricks with it till she threw a Queen of harts in the air.
"Watch it now!" she said as the cards silluete shinned in the sun.
002 and 004 watched as it fell to the ground.
"That was pointless!" said 002.
He looked up.
"Hey she's gone!" he said
"Looks like she fooled us!" said 004 picking up the card.
He showed the card to 002.
It had a picture of 000 on it in a queen outfit and on the back it said:
'Sorry play again!'
"AHHHHHRRRRGGGGG!"002 yelled into the air.
"Oh, well." said 004 "002, let's split up and look for her."
Sakura:Weee this is fun. Oh and I don't own Cyborg 009 or I would make more episodes!
Anime/Manga: Cyborg 009 Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Action | Type: One Shot | Uploaded On: 06.06.2004 | Updated On: 06.12.2004 | Pages: 6 | Words: 3.9K | Visits: 237 | Status: Completed
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