Cyborg 009 Fan Fiction ❯ 000 beggining of neo black ghost! ❯ Chapter 8
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
By: sakura000 
Sakura: Yhah Yhah, I don't own Cyborg 009 what else is new!
"Why do I have to look after that-"said 002 stopping to find the right word to describe 000
"Nope cant even be called a 'silly girl!"
He kept walking not even enjoying the beauty around him.
Then he saw 000 eating ata caf'e.
He walked up to her.
"Why the heck did you pull off a crazy stunt like that!" said 002"Never mind!"
He pulled on her sweter's sleeve.
"Let's go! Or I'll!"
"Excuse me but," said 000" But I don't give into blackmail! My genetic code dose not allow it!"
And she threw him on the ground onto a small, round rock and gave him a blackeye.
She then walked off.
"Owwww" 002 groaned as he walked into the hotel room.
"Dr.Gilmore" he said his hand over his eye"Sorry I couldn't find-"
000 was in the room sitting near 004 at a table.
"You couldn't find what 002?" she asked inocently
"She came home a little while ago, with 004" said 007
"But- You- the caf'e- my eye!" sttampered 002
"Oh, the caf'e!" said 000 " It's a wonderful place it has a lot of good pasteries!I thought we could all go there for dinner!"
"That sounds like a fine idea 000" said Dr.Gilmore.
They sat around a large table, 000 and 002 had to sit together so they could get along better.
"Hi there, Sakura" said a snooby voice
000 turned around and saw a girl with a parasol.
"Wll if it isn't Sakura the great!" said the girl.
She was 000's age.
"Sora.You seem to be on vacation." said 000 reffering to the girl then going back to her coffee.
"Hmmm" she said noticing the 00 cyborgs "You have a strange collection of friends, Oh and what's this?"
She walked over to 002.
"Slicked back hair, leather jacket!" she smiled slyly" Looks a lot like a rounin to me."
Jet had no idea what she ment.
But Sakura did.
"But he isn't." Sakura insisted.
'Oh?" said the girl"Did he not take the test at all?"
Sakura didn't even say anything.
"Ahhh so that's it!" said Sora leaning in towerd 002.
"Baka!" she hissed into his ear.
But Sakura herd it .
She slammed her hands on the table.
"I don't appriciate you insulting the inteligence of my friends!" said Sakura though gritted teeth.
"Ohhhh looks like I hit a sore spot!" said Sora.
Sakura then threw her chocolate icecream down her shirt and they all walked off.
Anime/Manga: Cyborg 009 Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Action | Type: One Shot | Uploaded On: 06.13.2004 | Updated On: 06.14.2004 | Pages: 1 | Words: 53 | Visits: 243 | Status: Work In Progress

Sakura: Yhah Yhah, I don't own Cyborg 009 what else is new!
"Why do I have to look after that-"said 002 stopping to find the right word to describe 000
"Nope cant even be called a 'silly girl!"
He kept walking not even enjoying the beauty around him.
Then he saw 000 eating ata caf'e.
He walked up to her.
"Why the heck did you pull off a crazy stunt like that!" said 002"Never mind!"
He pulled on her sweter's sleeve.
"Let's go! Or I'll!"
"Excuse me but," said 000" But I don't give into blackmail! My genetic code dose not allow it!"
And she threw him on the ground onto a small, round rock and gave him a blackeye.
She then walked off.
"Owwww" 002 groaned as he walked into the hotel room.
"Dr.Gilmore" he said his hand over his eye"Sorry I couldn't find-"
000 was in the room sitting near 004 at a table.
"You couldn't find what 002?" she asked inocently
"She came home a little while ago, with 004" said 007
"But- You- the caf'e- my eye!" sttampered 002
"Oh, the caf'e!" said 000 " It's a wonderful place it has a lot of good pasteries!I thought we could all go there for dinner!"
"That sounds like a fine idea 000" said Dr.Gilmore.
They sat around a large table, 000 and 002 had to sit together so they could get along better.
"Hi there, Sakura" said a snooby voice
000 turned around and saw a girl with a parasol.
"Wll if it isn't Sakura the great!" said the girl.
She was 000's age.
"Sora.You seem to be on vacation." said 000 reffering to the girl then going back to her coffee.
"Hmmm" she said noticing the 00 cyborgs "You have a strange collection of friends, Oh and what's this?"
She walked over to 002.
"Slicked back hair, leather jacket!" she smiled slyly" Looks a lot like a rounin to me."
Jet had no idea what she ment.
But Sakura did.
"But he isn't." Sakura insisted.
'Oh?" said the girl"Did he not take the test at all?"
Sakura didn't even say anything.
"Ahhh so that's it!" said Sora leaning in towerd 002.
"Baka!" she hissed into his ear.
But Sakura herd it .
She slammed her hands on the table.
"I don't appriciate you insulting the inteligence of my friends!" said Sakura though gritted teeth.
"Ohhhh looks like I hit a sore spot!" said Sora.
Sakura then threw her chocolate icecream down her shirt and they all walked off.
Anime/Manga: Cyborg 009 Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Action | Type: One Shot | Uploaded On: 06.13.2004 | Updated On: 06.14.2004 | Pages: 1 | Words: 53 | Visits: 243 | Status: Work In Progress
Cyborg 009 - The Battle Begins / Good vs. Evil (2003)
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Rated: NR Studio: Columbia Tristar Hom DVD Release Date: February 3, 2004 DVD Features:
Price: $44.06
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Rated: NR Studio: Columbia Tristar Hom DVD Release Date: February 3, 2004 DVD Features: