Cyborg 009 Fan Fiction ❯ Cyborg 009:The Other Zero-Zeros ❯ The unknown Zero-zeros ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Sleep Deprived here, with my first fanfic. Before I get to the fic, I would like to introduce my partner in crime, the new and improved Mer! Mer has been remodeled from a half poisonious tree frog, half human, to a Cyborg poisonious tree frog, half human. It has three different levels! Ok, well, by my name, you can tell that I am sleep deprived, and everyone else is asleep, even Mer. So, I might begin to get dizzy, and tired, and my chpaters will become corny or boring . . .You try writing a fanfic at 1:00 AM in the morning . . .Any wayz, let's get this chapter started, shall we? BTW, this is going to start out a little weird, but if you sit through this, it might make enough sense to you.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything of Cyrborg 009, yet, I still need to get that damned cd . . .O well, I do own, 00312 to 00118, the ship, and anything else that you have not seen in Cyborg 009, tell me if I do end up with something from one of the new episodes.(Gawd I can't believe I missed the new season!!!)
" "=Talking
' '=Thoughts
:: ::= Ivan's way of talking
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
009 fell landed on his bed, with a sigh, it had been a busy day for the zero-zero cybrogs. 'It feels so good to be in bed', 009 thought as he turned over, pulling the covers up, looking at the bottom of the top bunk, where 002 slept. 002 was already dead asleep as soon as he got in bed, he had been working the most, carrying boxes from one point to another, bringing people the tools they needed to fix The Dolphin. 009 turned out the light, wiggled his way deep into his bed, turned over, and feel asleep, saying, "Goodnight to 002, goodnight 001 . . ."
::Goodnight 009, 008, 007, 006, 005, 004, 003, 002 and Dr. Gilmore:: Came the reply of the Russian infant.
002 turned over, saying in his sleep, "Nights nine . . .one . . ." Everone in The Dolphin, had gone to bed, and were asleep, not knowing, or even thinking wat was happening across the waters, in Australia . . .
. . .Sirens were going off at a secret underground base in Sydney, Australia. Men were running around in troops, armed as if they were in the midst of war. Four black figures were jumping from place to place, trying to get to a point in the base, where they held prisoners. One of the black figures ran out infront of a group of men, held out his arms, and brung them together, creating a sonic boom. The men faltered for a bit, then collapsed. The black figure pulled out a walkie-talkie, and whispered into it, "I've got this group covered, hurry and get to 00312, 00413 and 00514 . . ."
A female voice replied, " I understand, 00118 is having a little trouble, want to help him?" The black figure hesitated, a quick flash of memory danced in his mind;*Rain-lightening-a car-skeleton's head-needles-sonic blasts and booms-a small little box-black*
He came back to his senses, shaking his head, "Yeah . .Tell him I'm on my way . . ." The black figure ran off as two other figures ran to a small building . . .
. . . *Screams-blood-bullets-guns-G.A.F.-a girl laying on an operating table-Edward, NO!* A young woman, in her late 20's sitting in a chair, tied up, her head down, began to relive those moments of her past, in her memories, crying.
*A woman crying over a dead body-father?-Don't go-Don't leave me!-explosions-lava-ash-earthquakes* These bits of memories flashed in a young boy's mind, who was laying face down on the floor.
*Cars going by-the freeway-why am I upside down?-Why is my vision red?-Why is their a branch going though the car? Going through my stomach?* A man, no older than 29 thought as bits of the pictures of memories ran vidly through his mind.
*The war-were is Edward?-why am I under this car?-I can't tell my blood from the car's oil-why won't somebody help me?-Edward? Don't die!-Move out of the way!-The Americans-EDWARD!!!*
*Mother-Father!-Help!-I'm stuck in this tree-the ashes, they are painful-the lave is moving the tree-Mommy!-Don't go!-The ground is swallowing my tree-But the lava will burn me to death!-Papa!*
*Candy?-Candy, why are you so silent?-Candice, you're not dead-Candice, talk to me-Candy, why is there a large branch going through your chest?-Candy, that isn't your blood!*
Two of the black figures ran in the room, one of them picked up at the little boy and the man, while the other started to untie the woman. A walkie-talkie crackled, and a voice could be heard, "Get out of there 00217 and 00716, this place is about to blow!"
"We are on our way!" One of the black figures hissed as he jumped onto a vehicle outisde the room, laying the girl on the seat next to him, and the other figure jumping in the back, with the two males. The black figure started the car, and drove it at top speed to the exit, just as the car's bumper was out of the base, the whole thing blew up, giving the car an extra push out of there . . .
. . .003 woke up suddenly, as she heard 002 give a loud snort in his sleep.She was to awake to go to sleep, so she decided to watch some TV. She got out of bed, left the room she shared with 001, walked into the control room. She turned on the TV and sat down, flipping through channels, till she reached a news channel, where they had a reporter in Australia, covering news about a strange attack on a base underground, that no one knew existed. 003 stared at the TV, not blinking, only one thing crossed her mind, 'Black Ghost was in Australia, with new cyborgs!' . . .
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mer: Hi! Sleep isn't here right now . . .We lost her after 003 woke up . . .Well, I hape that you liked this short chapter, We promise the rest will be longer, just be paitient please, it's way to early in the morning, she needs her sleep. Goodnight readers!
Next Chapter: The Zero-zero cyborgs head to Australia, to look for Black Ghost, but instead, they find themselves in a strange situation with the new cyborgs they had just encountered . . .
Disclaimer: I do not own anything of Cyrborg 009, yet, I still need to get that damned cd . . .O well, I do own, 00312 to 00118, the ship, and anything else that you have not seen in Cyborg 009, tell me if I do end up with something from one of the new episodes.(Gawd I can't believe I missed the new season!!!)
" "=Talking
' '=Thoughts
:: ::= Ivan's way of talking
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
009 fell landed on his bed, with a sigh, it had been a busy day for the zero-zero cybrogs. 'It feels so good to be in bed', 009 thought as he turned over, pulling the covers up, looking at the bottom of the top bunk, where 002 slept. 002 was already dead asleep as soon as he got in bed, he had been working the most, carrying boxes from one point to another, bringing people the tools they needed to fix The Dolphin. 009 turned out the light, wiggled his way deep into his bed, turned over, and feel asleep, saying, "Goodnight to 002, goodnight 001 . . ."
::Goodnight 009, 008, 007, 006, 005, 004, 003, 002 and Dr. Gilmore:: Came the reply of the Russian infant.
002 turned over, saying in his sleep, "Nights nine . . .one . . ." Everone in The Dolphin, had gone to bed, and were asleep, not knowing, or even thinking wat was happening across the waters, in Australia . . .
. . .Sirens were going off at a secret underground base in Sydney, Australia. Men were running around in troops, armed as if they were in the midst of war. Four black figures were jumping from place to place, trying to get to a point in the base, where they held prisoners. One of the black figures ran out infront of a group of men, held out his arms, and brung them together, creating a sonic boom. The men faltered for a bit, then collapsed. The black figure pulled out a walkie-talkie, and whispered into it, "I've got this group covered, hurry and get to 00312, 00413 and 00514 . . ."
A female voice replied, " I understand, 00118 is having a little trouble, want to help him?" The black figure hesitated, a quick flash of memory danced in his mind;*Rain-lightening-a car-skeleton's head-needles-sonic blasts and booms-a small little box-black*
He came back to his senses, shaking his head, "Yeah . .Tell him I'm on my way . . ." The black figure ran off as two other figures ran to a small building . . .
. . . *Screams-blood-bullets-guns-G.A.F.-a girl laying on an operating table-Edward, NO!* A young woman, in her late 20's sitting in a chair, tied up, her head down, began to relive those moments of her past, in her memories, crying.
*A woman crying over a dead body-father?-Don't go-Don't leave me!-explosions-lava-ash-earthquakes* These bits of memories flashed in a young boy's mind, who was laying face down on the floor.
*Cars going by-the freeway-why am I upside down?-Why is my vision red?-Why is their a branch going though the car? Going through my stomach?* A man, no older than 29 thought as bits of the pictures of memories ran vidly through his mind.
*The war-were is Edward?-why am I under this car?-I can't tell my blood from the car's oil-why won't somebody help me?-Edward? Don't die!-Move out of the way!-The Americans-EDWARD!!!*
*Mother-Father!-Help!-I'm stuck in this tree-the ashes, they are painful-the lave is moving the tree-Mommy!-Don't go!-The ground is swallowing my tree-But the lava will burn me to death!-Papa!*
*Candy?-Candy, why are you so silent?-Candice, you're not dead-Candice, talk to me-Candy, why is there a large branch going through your chest?-Candy, that isn't your blood!*
Two of the black figures ran in the room, one of them picked up at the little boy and the man, while the other started to untie the woman. A walkie-talkie crackled, and a voice could be heard, "Get out of there 00217 and 00716, this place is about to blow!"
"We are on our way!" One of the black figures hissed as he jumped onto a vehicle outisde the room, laying the girl on the seat next to him, and the other figure jumping in the back, with the two males. The black figure started the car, and drove it at top speed to the exit, just as the car's bumper was out of the base, the whole thing blew up, giving the car an extra push out of there . . .
. . .003 woke up suddenly, as she heard 002 give a loud snort in his sleep.She was to awake to go to sleep, so she decided to watch some TV. She got out of bed, left the room she shared with 001, walked into the control room. She turned on the TV and sat down, flipping through channels, till she reached a news channel, where they had a reporter in Australia, covering news about a strange attack on a base underground, that no one knew existed. 003 stared at the TV, not blinking, only one thing crossed her mind, 'Black Ghost was in Australia, with new cyborgs!' . . .
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Mer: Hi! Sleep isn't here right now . . .We lost her after 003 woke up . . .Well, I hape that you liked this short chapter, We promise the rest will be longer, just be paitient please, it's way to early in the morning, she needs her sleep. Goodnight readers!
Next Chapter: The Zero-zero cyborgs head to Australia, to look for Black Ghost, but instead, they find themselves in a strange situation with the new cyborgs they had just encountered . . .