Cyborg 009 Fan Fiction ❯ Cyborg 00Key ❯ Captured! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2

"speaking" 'thinking' actions

"Alright, everybody knows what to do?"

"Of course we do, 009! We go in, and either convince her we're the good guys or we grab her, remove the tracking device, and run like heck back to the Dolphin!"

"Right, 006. Now remember, she may have been brained washed. Don't hurt her though, and remember that she doesn't remember a thing about being a cyborg! Use the transmitter scramblers on her, not the lasers! Alright, everybody ready? Good. All we need now is for 007 to return..."

A series of short grim nods followed, only sensed by motion in the darkness. All remained quiet, each determined to fulfill the mission before them, no matter how much hatred and appall they felt. After all, they were sent to kidnap a kidnapped cybernetic girl with no memory of her transformation or her loyalty. It was still considered kidnapping. 006 fidgeted nervously on the spot, a guilty look on his face as if he had been caught sneaking some of his homemade gourmet cookies. The glare at his back created by 008's thoughtful, yet determined attitude wasn't helping his nerves as she fiddled with his red and gold uniform. 008 was having his own quandaries about the mission as last minute memories of his African past life surfaced. 005 was perched, ready his face unreadable to 009 as he himself watched the group. His eyes caught the hidden movement of 004 as gold flickered in the moonlight, his face shrouded in shadows. To his left, 002 leaned against the rock, impatience starting to cross his features as the moonlight slipped further along the sky. Jet Link was anxious to get back to base with Dr. Gilmore and 001. They all were. All wanted this mission to be over with already.

"He's here." Was 003's quiet reply as a small house pup came closer to the cybernetic group.

"It's about time!"

"Cool it, 006. He's here now and we need to hear what he found." The scold in the eyes of 009 telling all he was just as up tight as they themselves. He turned towards the pup, a "pop" resounding in the now silent night to announced the reformation of body parts as they merged back into the being known as 007.

"What did you find out 007? Is she in there? Will it be hard to get in?"

"Yes, she's in there and no it won't be. That's the strange part. It was super EASY to get in. I pawed at the door, she smiled and opened it up then she fed and pet me. What's even weirder is that she wasn't wearing a uniform, she wasn't working with weapons or large secrets and she didn't seem to be programmed to destroy...well...anything! She was in a housedress, she was cooking and cleaning and didn't shoot me for being a stray mutt! I'll tell you guys, something just isn't right about this picture!"

"Hmmm...That IS strange..."

"Perhaps she was programmed to play as a daughter or maid to lure Dr. Violet out? Dr. Violet didn't seem to want to her hurt so until they had the Doctor...Maybe they are holding off on the process?" Everyone gaped at 005, the cyborg that had been known for silence. Never had they heard so much out of him at one time.

"That has to be it. I can't think of any other reason."

All nodded in agreement, their conscious' growing inside each one at the feeling of guilt increased. Unfortunately, they had all agreed to rescue the girl, despite rain, cyborgs, battle, snow or evil winged beings telling them the difference between right and wrong.

"Alright. Let's go."

With half-hearted nods, each cybernetic being made their own way to the abode of Dr. Nalek in a way that was unique to them. The house had a warm glow to it, cloth curtains of greens and reds barely covering the windows, protecting the night from the yellowish tint leaving between the cracks of shelter. The garden of various shades was not something you who expect to find in a house that belongs to a kidnapper. Upon arrival of their post, the cyborgs paired off, two by two at each possible exit of the house. 009 took a deep breath, sweat gathering at his brow as he glared at the doorknob, daring it to attack. With a final heave of air into his chest, 009 threw open the front door and darted inside as three other groups of cyborgs enters all staring at a young girl in the middle of the kitchen, dish towel in hand.

A confused, yet horrified look crossed her face in her large gray eyes as she took them in and they studied her. She was dressed in a green sundress, matching slippers on her small feet. Her hair, though loose and held back with a headband, was a mixture of blond, red and browns in loose waves that fell about mid back. She wasn't exceptionally beautiful, but anyone had to admit that she at least pretty enough with the girl-next-door image. The only thing that stood for her transformation was her chocker, a black laced, simple choker with a teardrop shaped medallion with an embedded computer chip.

The silent studying lasted no more than a minute however as the plate fell to the ground, shattered amongst the marble and spread along the towel, but the owner of the plate had already gone. Running in almost a panic, she headed towards a closet at the opposite end of the room, her dress flared behind her in her speed. With a click of his back teeth, 009 raced forward at accelerated speed, catching the girl half way in a forceful, but gentle hold. He could see the fear in her eyes and he winced inwardly. With her back against the wall and trembling slightly, she gazed up at him as if he were a monster ready to devour her. Feeling both pity and guilt along with the wince the girl displayed, 009 loosened his grip, which turned into a huge mistake.

"We don't want to hurt you. We've come to rescue you."

"From what?!"

"From Dr. Nalek."

"Why would I want to be rescued from my FATHER?!?!"

"Calm down! He's not you're real father! You're a cyborg created by Dr. Violet! Dr. Nalek reprogrammed you to think that you were his daughter! He's using you to get to Dr. Violet! Dr. Nalek is working for an evil organization called the Black Ghost!"


A fire could be seen in the petite girl's eyes as she pushed him away and attempted to make the closet once again. Behind him, the other cyborg began to fire their scramblers, careful to miss him. A close shot near the girl caused her to trip, sending her sprawling across the kitchen floor and hard into the wall before her. She scrambled to get up, her leg dragging behind her limply as she reached the closet and pulled a long black object out. The bombardment of the scramblers ceased as she pointed the long weapon, now known as a double barrel shotgun towards the cyborgs, keeping her hand on the trigger and her eyes on them. The crew of red and gold clad figures before her glanced at each other, lowering their weapons as 003 moved forward, her soft features and kind voice coming out, despite the girl on the floor with a gun trained on her. 003 raised her hands in surrender, trying to appeal to the child.

"Hey now...lets not get that violent. We're just here to help..."

"I don't need your 'help'."

"Yes, you do..."

"NO! I just want to know what you did to my leg and for you to get out!"

"It's just a transmitter scrambler used on CYBORGS to shut down parts of their systems so they don't hurt people..."

"But I'm not a cyborg!"

"Yes, you are. It wouldn't have worked on you if you weren't a cyborg."

"You're lying! I'm not a cyborg..."

The riffle in the child hand tilted towards the floor, as she thought of the words said by the blond haired woman before her. She glanced at the cyborgs, keeping the riffle trained on them just in case. The child searched their faces one by one then back again as a group, missing 003's glances at her, 009 and at the others as each cyborg sent their own facial message. Jennifer crept closer towards the group, keeping the shotgun trained with its nose to 003 as 009 crept silently behind her. The child looked at the group with a predator's eyes before saying one word.


"Alright. We'll leave. Just promise you won't shoot any of us."

"I should call the cops on you for breaking and entering, assault with a potentially dangerous weapon, and attempted kidnapping...So don't push you're luck."

"I'm afraid it won't be attempted kidnapping..."

"What do you mean?" She glared at the woman suspiciously. A sharp pain hit her back, the feeling of pins being poked into her all over her fragile body, even on and behind her eyes. Jennifer closed her gray colored eyes as the pain took over, feeling as if a demon was ripping through her body and soul. Her small body went lax, crumpling to the floor on her side, her shotgun cradled next to her like a teddy bear.

'Daddy, where are you? Why aren't you home yet? Why aren't you here to save me?' were the thoughts flowing through her mind. She could feel herself being lifted, the riffle taken away from her as she rested in someone's arms. 'No! Now I'm defenseless...'

005 could be seen cradling the small girl in his arms, a frown on his face as the wind blew in an odd way as they left the house. Something was not right. He could feel it in his bones, just as he could feel that this girl was much more than a normal cyborg. This girl was special. He knew it. 009 nodded at him and began walking towards their new home away from homes. Their mission had been completed, unfortunately, but it was on the minds of all. Had they done the right thing?

Better? Worse? Suggestions? Ok. I wish to thank the people who replied REAL quick.

Queen of Duels: My muse has been spared thanks to you. *My muse brings you a present and mouths "Thank you." * He loves you now.

Blaze7: Thank you. I feel much better now. I may actually complete this story.

Black Wolf Meleny: Thank you so much! I appreciate the support. You are one of the few that care about me! *glares at Jeannie*

Bickabee: *raises an eyebrow* Is that better? Thanks. Tell me if I'm creating a Mary-Sue, ok? I'll fix it then.

Pinky: Thank you. I'm trying but at the moment, I have school as well. I'll try to update every week for you, ok?