Cyborg 009 Fan Fiction ❯ Cyborg 00Key ❯ To Flee or Fight ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]




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"Almost...Got it!"

After hours of crossing wires, breaking open tool boxes and jamming the metal blockade in front of her, the robotic door had finally relented it's captive with a whining "swish". The young girl peered out of the doorway, looking down both halls for anyone, namely the nuts that called both her and themselves cyborgs. The coast was clear, not a sound vibrated off the walls and met her ears and no shadows played across in a glittering shiver across the halls. Taking only a moment's glance at the now destroyed med-lab, she crossed the halls, scampering as close to the walls as possible. A shadow crossed her eyes as she ducked into a doorway, holding her breath and praying that she not be spotted. Two men, both in red and gold uniforms were trudging down the corridor, the third tailing them as he rolled his eyes at their conversation.

"I'm telling you, Great Britain, I can create any food you wish, especially English food! You name it, I'll cook it 007! "

"And I'm telling you, 006, that only my mother can make that! And who knows where she is now! Besides, Chang-chang-ko, it's not important anyway..."

Jennifer rolled her eyes and berated herself.

'If these are the people who kidnapped me...I'm must be a complete idiot to have been captured...Man! I need self defense lessons or something!"

The third of the companions stopped in front of the dark doorway and glanced at her. Sucking in her breathe in panic, she watched him with wide eyes as he watched her. The two seemed to stare at each other for what seemed liked hours before the other two cybernetic beings in conversation stopped and looked at the third curiously.

"What is wrong, 005? Do you see something? Hear something?"

"Yeah, Geronimo, what's up?"

The tall man looked at the two then back at the girl, her scared eyes betraying her plead of not to say what he had seen. A small encouraging smile crossed his face as he decided that this girl had spunk. He turned to the other cyborgs and shrugged.

"It's just the wind..."

"Just the wind?! How can it be just the wind?! We're on a freaking submarine, 005!"

"You and your weird answers, 005."

The group turned and walked away, whatever was on their mind previously was causally forgotten. A small sigh of relief escaped her before she made a galloping break of the other end of the hall. So far, so good. She could feel the sweat trickling down her face as she tried to make it across the submarine to, hopefully, a stock unit. Mentally kicking herself, she grumbled about reading the map FIRST next time she was in a room with one and was about to make a dash for that room.

"Yeah, that would have been helpful. Too bad you didn't though."

Jennifer froze in her tracks, knowing she had been caught. Closing her eyes in frustration, she cursed to herself and slowly turned to face her captor. A smirk played across the redhead boy's lips, a look that says "gotcha" written clearly in his expression. He leaned against the wall, his cocky attitude beginning to annoy her even as she looked at him. The boy before her, however, had an eyebrow arched.

"Didn't know such a little girl knew such colorful words."

"How did you find me?"

"I watched you. Not only did you NOT read the map, but you also failed to shut-off the camera that watches the med-lab. I watched you wreck the place and leave. And since I'm on guard duty, I've come to take you back to your room, now that 003 and 009 are cleaning it up..."

Another round of curses fled her mouth as she turned and did the only thing she could think Darting down the hall, she could hear the rocket boots of 002 as he followed her closely and soon land behind as she reached a dead end. Another sneer crossed his face as he watched her bang on the walls and doors, desperate to find a way out. Taking a few steps closer, he blocked her only way out and she whipped around to face him, fear in her eyes, as she looked at him. He gave an involuntary wince due to the look, but kept up his demeanor. He had to capture her after all. Setting into a defensive position, Jet Link prepared to attack or defend if necessary, but he was confident that he could take her. A sudden shout jolted him back to reality as she attacked, running towards the cyborg in her way, prepared to take down at least him. He dodged missing the first hit and turning, nailing her in the back "lightly" as she literally bounced off the floor to the bottom edge of the wall. Shaking her head, she turned to look at him, glaring with the same fire as their first encounter. He stood there, chuckling, thinking of an easy victory that he had yet to win. She turned and charged him again as he got ready to deal another blow, but missed as she threw her shoulder into his thin waist line, knocking both of them into the wall. A flurry of fists was sent to one another, neither winning nor losing, 002 using his cybernetics to battle the girl's furious adrenalin rush filled punches.

The battle last for no more than fifteen minutes at the most, but both were ragged and resembled that of natural disaster victims, with no equal victor, as they were pulled apart by the lumber some figure of 005. He glared at the two, frowning deeply as he stared at the combatants. Other cyborgs stood around, stunned at the equal match of the participants and equally stunned that neither would even look at each other then. 006 could only mutter as he shook his head.

"Must be an American thing..."

Placing 002 down lightly in 009's arms, 005 proceeded to throw Jennifer over his shoulder, the girl scrambling to get away until a low growl forced her to still. The growl, emitted by 005, was only enough for her to hear, but it was obviously effective enough to quiet the struggle girl as he moved her to a, where he could feed her. It had been over 12 hours since her capture and it would be another 4 before they would arrive at the location designated by Dr. Violet. After dropping off the girl, they would proceed to an appointment with another doctor...searching his memory a name appeared in the giant's head...Falls. Yes, that was his name.

Approaching the newly designated pretreatment room, the girl started to whimper. 005 smiled slightly at her from over his shoulder, his demeanor softening slightly.

"You have nothing to fear little one. We will not harm you."

"Says you!"

"Yes, I do say."

"Then tell it to the guy I left back there."

"From what I have seen, you attacked first."

"You nuts attacked first! You kidnapped ME, remember?"

"Calm down. You'll only hurt yourself. Now let's get you something to eat and tend to your wounds."

The girl glared, opening her mouth to protest or at least argue with him when a large rumbling in her stomach announced to the world her sudden hunger. The child could only blush as the Native of America smiled and laughter could be heard before him. In the room were a simple bed and a tray of food amongst bland walls and of course two cyborgs waiting "patiently" for her as she was dropped rather unceremoniously on the bed.

"About time you two got here! My Praline Pompeii is nearly thawed and the Chicken Marina Kinshasa is down to a warm!"

"Oh 006! It'll be just fine." Giggled 003, leaning against the bed. 006 crossed his arms, pouting as he leaned against the silvery table cart loaded with interesting goodies from world-class recipes. 003 turned to look at the girl, frowning slightly as she turned to 005.

"005, why is she covered in those marks? She looks as if she had a run in with a lawn-mower and lost!"

"Close. 002."

"What?! Why did he do this to her?! She's just a little girl!"

Jennifer gave an undignified "Hey!" as she crossed her arms, refusing to let 003 tend to her battle scars as 006 brought forth his elegant dishes to her. A thick, heavy hand placed itself on her shoulders, causing her to wince and cry out in pain as blood began to seep through the tattered and torn dress she wore. 003 sent forth a gasp as she automatically went for the wounds, despite the child's persistent struggles.

"There, there. It's ok. We're just going to put bandages on here and we're going to apply some ice here...And we'll need to get you some new clothes...Oh! How rude of me! My name is Françoise. This is Chang-chang- ko and Geronimo."

The young woman before Jennifer gestured towards her companions as she tended to the girl's wounds. The girl glared at the three, especially at the blond girl before her. How dare she call her a child?! The practice nurse tending to her wounds had to be no older than herself. A gentle squeeze on her shoulder caused her to wince and look up at the towering man, the only one it seemed, and who had enough power to control her. The brunette girl was full of fire, but even she knew her limits and giant 6"6' were out of her range. She gulped silently and the woman before her frowned. Their eyes met shortly until a large piece of cake as well as a rice-chicken combo was set before her. To her right slightly, was an orange liquid, resembling orange juice. The three before her urged her on to her meal, her wounds dressed as she cautiously tried the meal, and her hunger taking over as she cautiously watched the three. A swished sound arouse as the door slid open, revealing a fourth cyborg as she herself growled. He shrugged, his auburn brown hair revealing only one eye as he watched her, smiled reassuringly and placed the clothes on the bed neatly. Not two minutes later was he, as well as the other males, ushered out by the feminine 003, who promptly turned and smiled at the girl.

"Do you need help getting dressed?"

"No I don't!"

"Suit yourself. Get dressed then."


Now here's to the reviews I received: All two of them! *Pouts*

Note: Many people have asked me two questions...*doesn't say any names*...(1) Who is she going to be paired with? A: That's up to everyone who reviews. Depending on votes is how I shall pair her off. This can include a cyborg who is already created (i.e. Any of the 009s), one of the new bad cyborgs (one of the one's I'm creating) or an original character. (2) What is a Mary-Sue? A: A Mary-Sue is a character that has no flaws, is perfect, unbeatable and is one of those that can save the world without the slightest incident of trouble. I.E. Superman without Kryptonite or a red sun. The perfect person who makes no mistakes and can easily be considered "god-like" or an emotionless drone that has nothing but good things happening in her life.

Queen of Duels: Thank you! Though sorry for the delay...My muse is on strike...*points to my muse who is currently holding a contract, picket sign, and is in workmen clothes* He should be out of it soon though...He's been watching some movies lately, which is why this strike has been going on. Anyway, this chapter was dedicated to you! Thank you so much!

Starlight 16: Well, I'm going to let everyone else decide who she should be coupled with. This in an open invitation to anyone who wants to vote or thinks of a good pairing.