D. N. Angel Fan Fiction / Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Unchained Darkness ❯ Unchained Darkness - 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

~Unchained Darkness~
By: Aerys Krystie
Alright, as I promised, this chapter will have flash backs of the last three weeks. How Sephiroth got Krad's trust and everything like that! Enjoy!
::.Two Weeks Earlier.::
`Master?' Krad tensed as his vision was blacked out, by a blind fold. He gasped as a tongue struck his ear.
Krad had been on his way back from the kitchen when this happened. He hoped it was his master, and not someone else in the house. `Be careful. Don't want you to fall and hurt yourself,' a deep voice whispered.
Krad nodded and stiffly turned around. He began walking back down the hall again. The voice was vaguely familiar. He could feel strong hands on his shoulders; leading. He opened his mouth when he felt cloth prying at his lips. It was then that Krad realized who the voice belonged to.
`Nnn!' Krad felt his hands being tied, and raised above his head.
`Shh, relax. It wont hurt that much.' The man slowly unbuttoned the white silk shirt, and let his hands wander over smooth flesh. `You will be able to return to your master.'
Krad could hear the man, whom he hated more than himself, moving around the room. His scream of pain was blocked by the gag, as a whip came down on his torso. The blindfold became damp with his tears.
`Do you think he's enjoying it?' Krad raised his head at the sound of a female voice.
Another three lashes. `I think he is. Why should this master use him for anything less than the whipping boy that he is.' Four more lashes, one getting the side of his throat.
`Sephiroth can be unpredictable. But once we have this returned, everything will be fine.'
Seven lashes later, Krad felt his arms being lowered. He stumbled forward, but felt himself being stopped by someone ripping his head back by his hair.
`Time to go back.' Krad felt himself being dragged by his hair.
Krad felt light-headed from the pain and blood loss. He felt himself being thrown down onto something soft and comfortable. He felt his hands being untied, and the people leaving the room. He removed his blindfold, and saw that he was back in Sephiroth's room. He closed this eyes.
A minute later, he felt something shaking his shoulder. `What happened?' Sephiroth saw the fear shoot through gold eyes. `Come on, lets the them cleaned and bandaged.'
Sephiroth picked Krad up gently and took him into the bathroom. He filled the bath will warm water, and stripped Krad of his pants and shirt. He noticed the liquid running down pale cheeks. He lent forward and pressed his lips firmly to Krad's forehead.
`I'll get the bastards that did this to you.' Sephiroth made the promise more to himself, than to the blond.
`Thank you, master.' Krad bowed his head, only to have it lifted, and soft lips on his own.
Sephiroth pulled back, and picked Krad up. `This will sting, a lot.' He lowered the blond into the warm water, and watched as he flinched, as the water wash over the lashes, tinting the water. He picked up a cloth. `Who did this to you?'
Krad frowned in pain. `I cant remember. I know there was a man and a woman. But, their voices run together into one. Sorry, master. I did not mean to be this much of a burden.'
`Shh, its okay, Topaz.' Sephiroth kissed the blond's cheek and lathered the soap into the cloth, running it over the lashes.
Krad looked at Sephiroth. `Krad.'
Sephiroth looked up. `What was that?' He gently ran the sud-covered cloth over the lash on his slave's neck.
`My name is “Krad”,' he repeated, hissing in pain.
Sephiroth nodded and continued to clean the wounds. When done, Sephiroth pulled the plug out, and gently lifted Krad out of the emptying bath. `Thank you.'
Sephiroth smiled, gentle and warm. `For telling me your name. I was beginning to wonder if I should give up on it.'
`I'm sorry I took so long, mast -' Krad looked at the finger silencing him.
Sephiroth opened his mouth, but was stopped as Yuffie bounded into the room, and announced that dinner was ready.
::.One Week Earlier.::
Krad looked at Sephiroth and smiled slightly, as he pulled off the white shirt. He gasped as warm arms wrapped around his waist, and held him close. Gentle kisses placed on his shoulder, neck, jaw, and cheek. Krad closed his eyes and leaned back into the touch, enjoying the warmth.
`Are you cold, Krad?' Sephiroth's arms tightened, almost to the point of crushing, but relaxed slightly. `Is that better, or do you want something more?'
Krad blushed and lowered his eyes. He knew his master was joking. He always did joke about sex. Most of the time was to see how dark Krad could blush, and against his white skin, it didn't take long. But he never forced Krad into anything either. A few kisses here and there. The only time Sephiroth took the kisses further was before they go to sleep. And the fact that it was as intermediate as Sephiroth could get with the blond. Not that he was complaining. They still showered together. Krad was even beginning to speak more. Not only to Sephiroth, but to others in the house. Sephiroth had walked in on Aeris and Krad having a conversation about flowers.
`No, that's good.' Krad shivered slightly, and lent back more. `How, um, how was work, master?' Krad didn't realize until then that he was oblivious as to what Sephiroth worked as.
Sephiroth moved Krad's low ponytail out of the way, and gently nipped the nape of the blond's neck. `It was easy today. I really enjoyed it. Come on. Its time for bed.' Sephiroth slowly undid the buttons of Krad's white jeans, and slid them down insipid, slender legs.
Krad watched as Sephiroth walked over to an oak dresser and opened the bottom drawer. His eyes softened as he watched the silver haired man pulled out boxers and a singlet. He lowered them as Sephiroth stood and walked over to him, dressing him. Krad bit his lip to hold in a moan, as Sephiroth's nimble fingers danced across his scarred flesh.
Sephiroth noticed Krad bite his lip and stood straight, after setting the boxers on narrow hips. `Nervous?' Sephiroth smirked, and removed his own clothing, pulling on a pair of emerald, cotton pants and getting onto the bed. `Come on, time to sleep.'
Sephiroth watched as Krad nodded and moved to the other side of the bed, crawling under the covers, almost eagerly. He smiled bashfully at Sephiroth, as the jade eyed man turned the lamp off and lent closer to Krad, placing a simple kiss on his forehead. He was sure he heard the blond sigh in disappointment, as he gathered the smaller man into his arms. Sephiroth smiled as he felt Krad get comfortable, the tips of his fingers resting under the elastic of Sephiroth's pants, as the tip of the thumb of his other hand, rested lazily between his lips.
Sephiroth smiled at Krad's childlike innocence before closing his eyes and letting sleep claim his senses. It was a long day, and he had to get up early the next morning for another mission.
What seemed like twenty minutes later, Sephiroth felt Krad jerk away and sit upright, shaking and hugging himself. Sephiroth opened his eyes and saw that the blond was terrified. Silver eyebrows drew in together slightly in perplexity, but he wrapped his arms around the shaking man.
`Krad? What happened?' Sephiroth made sure he hadn't gotten hard during his slumber and rubbed himself against the blond. It dawned on him when he saw that his cock was still limp. Sephiroth sat with his back against the head of the bed, and pulled Krad onto his lap. He held the blond close to his chest, rocking him tenderly, whispering soothing words.
Nearing dawn was when Krad finally fell asleep, after crying on Sephiroth's chest. Sephiroth had never seen anyone as shit-scared as this in his life. Not even his victims showed this much fear. He wasn't known as the “Smiling Assassin” for nothing. His eyes glanced at the analog clock on the bedside chest. 6:07 am. Sephiroth sighed and continued to rock Krad. He had to be out of bed in twenty-three minutes. But, by the looks of things, he wouldn't be able to make the appointment.
Sephiroth rested his head atop the blond's, and looked out the window. He continued to watch the rest of the sunrise, before there was a soft knock at his door. He watched as Aeris walked in. `Oh, sorry, I didn't know he was still asleep.'
Sephiroth shook his head. `He had a nightmare. He fell asleep a half hour ago. What's happening down stairs?'
Aeris smiled and bit back a laugh. `Vincent is getting slightly angry that you haven't shown up. Yuffie is getting more jealous. Cloud is getting upset, because he's hungry, cold and bored. Tifa is just waiting patiently. Should I tell the others you wont be joining us today?'
Sephiroth closed his eyes slightly and thanked god. `Thank you, Aeris.' He opened his eyes when he heard his door “click” shut. He looked down at Krad and smiled to himself. My tortured angel. Sephiroth kissed the top of Krad's head, and looked out the window again.
Alright, and that's chapter three done! I would like to tell Kibbler thank you for that review! It was helpful, even if it did hurt my pride!
::. Beat of the rising sun, beat of the rising sun
You gotta feel the dance, its always in your heart.::