D. N. Angel Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Angels and Demons ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Angels and Demons
-Thank you for all your reviews. It's been hard for me lately with school and exams so please bare with me. One of which was a narrative I had to write, so I spent most time on that story rather then the others. I am truly sorry… BUT! Here is the newest update:
-BTW, my last chapters (chap.3-4) that I had saved on my computer has gone missing or has been deleted. I am very mad. Oh well, Guess I'll start from scratch.
<PAiRiNgS WeLCoMed! >
-I'm thinking of Dark/Daisuke/Kagome
Chapter 3: Suspicions and Crazy Mothers
Clutching Wiz tightly Kagome and Daisuke began to walk towards the Daisuke's home. Daisuke and Dark were desperately and eagerly trying to figure out what could have gone wrong? Wasn't it the facts that since the twins were the maidens, and he was supposed to love one of them? Why was Kagome now the one that they reacted to?
`This is so confusing…' Daisuke admitted.
Kagome didn't seem to far behind him in the thinking category. She had also been pondering at the fact as to why Daisuke was so… different. It wasn't the fact that he was more grown up, but he was different in the fact that she suddenly was getting odd signals and auras from him. Shaking her head she looked to her right to see Daisuke in the same stupor she was.
Wiz suddenly jumped from her arms.
“Wiz?” she asked suddenly. Wiz sniffed around and dashed forward.
Daisuke reacted slowly, but suddenly became aware of his surroundings he ran after them, dodging an old couple to his right.
“What's up with Wiz?” he asked Kagome.
Kagome shrugged, “I don't know!”
Kagome skidded to a halt. Her body suddenly pulsed. Dark suddenly became serious and narrowed his eyes in the back of Daisuke's mind.
`Something evils here… Whatever it is…' Dark listened around.
`How can you know when something is evil? Can you sense auras?' Daisuke asked mildly surprised.
`It comes with the job of thievery. Now be quiet.'
Daisuke suddenly became aware that Kagome was no longer looking for Wiz, seeing as he fled for safety somewhere, but she was acting strangely enough just like Dark.
He heard her breathe a small sigh of release, and noticed that Dark rested a little more comfortably.
“Lets get going…” he said quietly. “I'm sure Wiz is just anxious to get home.”
Kagome smiled a brilliant smile.
Resuming their walk they finally made it to the Niwa residence. Silently praying that his mother hadn't planned any new excitements for the evening, he opened the door to notice everyone was oddly enough… like a normal family.
“MOM! I'M HOME! AND GUESS WHO I MET AT THE PARK?” Daisuke shouted. Kagome blushed, “Daisuke…”
Smiling, he flung off his shoes and grabbed her hand, and hurriedly walked to the kitchen.
“MOM! HEY- oh hey mom, what's wrong?” he asked, noticing how his mother stared directly at Kagome. Her eyes didn't flicker.
“Mrs. Niwa… Umm, are you alright?” Kagome asked, slightly concerned that her friend's mother was starring directly at her and not blinking nonetheless.
“Daisuke… Please excuse me. I have a slight headache, I didn't mean to stare.” Daisuke's mother popped on a bubbly attitude. “Now who is this dear? Is she your girlfriend?” she asked innocently.
Daisuke and Kagome turned a crimson red. Dark on the other hand slightly smirked. Oh how lovely this woman would be if she was HIS girlfriend. She was gorgeous! It was just he had this new feeling… something of desire.
His mother just giggled and slowly adverted her gaze, “I'm making some ramen, I'm afraid your grandfather bit into the left overs I had planned to serve.”
Daisuke nodded.
“Would you like to join dear?”
“Oh but, Mrs. Niwa I couldn't intrude, it would be rude of me.” Kagome said firmly.
His mother looked at her, “Oh dear, it's all right. By the way, Daisuke never told me your name. Might I ask your name?”
Kagome slapped herself on the forehead.
“How rude of me, my name is Kagome Higarashi.”
“OH! Is this the girl you-“ Daisuke sweat dropped and clamped a hand on her mothers mouth.
“I'll tell you later.” He whispered.
Pulling back he watched Kagome giggle, and instantly thought one word: precious. Daisuke ran a hand through his crimson red hair, things weren't going too bad. His mother hadn't planted a million questions and his grandfather wasn't making wisecracks, in fact where was his grandfather?
“Umm, Mom, Where's Grandfather?”
“Oh.” His mother looked at him funny. “He's setting up work for you, you know, the normal stuff.”
“Maybe I should go…” Kagome said quietly. “I mean I don't want to ruin your work.”
Daisuke looked strained.
“What time do I start mom?”
“Oh about eight.” She said absent-mindedly.
“Great!” Daisuke said happily.
`More time to spend…' he trailed off.
`Alone… with Kagome.' Dark smirked from ear to ear.
“Daisuke would you, umm, show me around? I haven't been here for so long you know. Maybe we could catch up for old times? Unless of course you have to prepare for work!” Kagome blushed a bit.
`Why am I blushing? Its not like I still like the cutie.' Her blush went a bit deeper. `GAH! I did not just call him a cutie! Even if he is…'
“Oh sure!” he said smiling.
Opening the door, they suddenly got hit with a cold blast of wind. Kagome shivered. Feeling something trail across her shoulders she noted a coat laying around her… Daisuke's coat. Noticing that he was just a bit taller then her she starred into his sleek eyes. His dark pools pulling her deeper.
“Thank you…” she whispered. Daisuke smiled. Kagome thought she might faint, he was so damn hot, and worse of all he was still the same little sweet heart as always.
“No problem.”
Sliding his other coat on, he slowly led her out of the driveway. Kagome shivered once again. Shyly he wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
Kagome looked up at him oddly.
“Its because your cold.” Daisuke said, Dark slowly telling him what to say. Kagome didn't argue, but snuggled into his chest.
“Its amazing how the fall brings ice cold winds so fast.” She said quietly, wrapping an arm around his waist.
I'm not falling for him am I? She took a deep breath, instantly inhaling his scent. He smelled so damn delicious, something so appetizing your mouth would drop at the sight or smell.
Daisuke was panicking like crazy, why, was unknown. Just being in her presence made him feel happy yet oddly enough protective.
`Maybe you like her…'
`She's pretty hot'
`You say that about any girl.' Daisuke rolled his eyes.
`But this time I'm telling the full blow truth my dear friend'
`Uh… but -uh ah- yeah well-`
Kagome stopped and Daisuke stopped with her.
“Umm, Are you okay?” she asked, her blue orbs shining in mixed emotions.
Daisuke shook his head, “Yeah just umm- thinking.”
Kagome gazed at through a shop window and noticed the antique clock read 6:55pm. Pulling some hair behind her ear she gently pulled his arm off her.
“Daisuke, I have to go. My mom and I are going for an old visit to my friends- my friends resting place.” She swallowed the lump in her throat. Her subconscious yelled at her to stay with him, she knew she was having feelings for him, yet she was brushing them away like someone would do to the cobwebs.
Daisuke looked sad, he smiled an innocent smile and leaned in to give her a hug. Squeezing tightly he replied, ”Alright, umm see you around?”
“Of course, Ja Ne!” she called over her shoulder. “Don't work to hard!”
Daisuke let out a huge sigh of relief. There was the girl that made him feel complete yet oddly enough set him topspin into another dimension. Trudging back to his house he wondered what her relations were with her friends.
`Maybe she loved one of them… maybe I'm just a friend'
`I doubt that.' Dark lounged recklessly.
`What do you mean by that?'
`Why would she have put her arm around you? There's also something different about this girl-`
`Dark, I know, she's different-`
`That's not what I meant, she can sense auras, or either has very good timing at becoming suspicious when there's evil around.'
`Huh?' Daisuke scratched his head; opening the door his mother latched an arm to him.
Daisuke looked absolutely confused.
“What do you mean? I was only gone for 10mins!”
“DO YOU REALIZE WHO THAT GIRL WAS?” Daisuke backed into the door. His mom was wayyy out of character, what was wrong? What did he do? What's wrong with him hanging around Kagome? He had hung around her before….
`She just knows who that girl was? She is a bit slow…' Dark snickered.
His Mother let out a deep sigh and grabbed his arm, dragging him to her bedroom she commanded him to sit on the bed. Daisuke obeyed.
“Where is it now? Hmm, no that's a shoe- a pencil- a book- a book? Oh no wrong book- hmmm, where is it? OH HERE IT IS!” Daisuke watched his mother fling many obstacles out of her junk drawer in the bottom dresser.
“Mom Watch where your- Oww.” Daisuke rubbed his nose. His mother had just chucked a book at his face. Picking the book up his mother apologized and flipped through the pages.
“This is what I'm talking about…”
Daisuke/Dark looked at the book; there staring back at them was a picture of Kagome in Miko garbs.
I REALLY NEED THOSE PAIRINGS!!! I had a request for Dark/Kagome, but… how that will work would be a bit confusing, such as loosing Daisuke-Kun. @_@ Otherwise I have Daisuke/Kagome, which means we loose DARK!
If this is a bit choppy, let me know and I'll be glad to fix it!- I was listening to some crazy music!
Suggest a good band and maybe I'll post you up for suggesting so kick ass music eh?
-RocknRoll7806 - Media Miner.org
-CrimsonEyes7806 - Fanfiction.net
(Just in case ya want to visit my other stories… since… well FF.net is confusing… it take awhile for me.)