D. N. Angel Fan Fiction ❯ Corruption ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Well, seems I'm expanding my fanfics to other anime. My first DN Angel fic! Bwahahaha...err...yeah. This is a KradxDark fic... AU

This is just another mindless scribble of what goes on in my head.

Dedicated to- Shuichichans, for getting me involved in DN Angel.

Disclaimer; I DON'T OWN DN ANGEL! But I wish I did!

Summary: Krad and Dark as small children till they mature, and what caused the hate.


"YOU ARE MINE!!!" I scream, shaking. "DID YOU HEAR ME!? YOU ARE MINE!" I am screaming into darkness, my heart is being consumed by jealousy and evilness. My eyes, once hurt, now replaced with the look of a killer. I feel so empty... so blank inside. Look what you done to be, my beautiful angel. You betrayed our promise.. you betrayed me. I will never forgive you.


I am sick and twisted with hate, jealousy, anger, a passion to kill that girl who took you away from me. There she is, so prim and proper, always smiling, always cheerful. This will all soon come to an end. I will kill her. I will kill that girl, that beast that you claim to love and cherish.

You used to hold me, like that... so close... that seems like a long time ago, now. Have you forgotten me? What does she have that I don't? Sure, she has breasts, but we have been together since we were young. She tore us apart. I will tear her apart. I will show her true pain. You may hate me, but better you hate me than love her. You said you loved me every night. I was your only one. Now you claim to love a girl, you've known for 4 months more. She....will....must....die. I take out a feather, then decide against it. I'll wait... just you see.

I land in front of both of you. You stare at me with that gaze of yours, that is mine. Your lips open in a state of shock. They belong to be. Your fists clench. They are mine. Your feet stand apart, they belong to be as well. You belong to me.

I calmly walk towards you, growling lowly. My gaze never wavering off her. With a simple motion, I feel something in my hand. I look back at you. You are staring at me, anger evident on your face, along with confusion. You throw a feather at me, but the damage is done. I have her heart in my hand. I literally had ripped it out. Almost like mine was, but less painful. I throw it at you, hurt and anger all over my face. "This is just the beginning."

You turn to me, eyes cold as well. ''KRAD!!!" you scream in my direction, but I am gone. This was then end of the beginning.

Short. should I continue? This is a preview. Then I tell about them growing up and work my way to this scene. ^_^ Okidokie, like I said, I know it's short, but it's only a preview/prologue.